1969-10-23 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES274 .................................................. MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING.OF.THE.CITY.COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND TEXAS, HELD IN THE CITY HALL ANNEX ON OCTOBER 23, 1969, AT 7:35 P. M. A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Pearland was called to order by Mayor Keller with the following present: Mayor Councilman Councilman Councilman ounciman ounce man City Administrator City Attorney City Secretary INVOCATION: D. R. Keller Cecil W. Griffin Melvin L. Black E. A. Wasek AubrreynGMcEfftis (Entered 7:47 P. M.) William E. Wolff Bobby Williams Dorothy L. Cook The invocation was given by MP. Frailey. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of regular meeting October 9, 1969, and special meeting October 15, 1969, be approved as received. APPROVAL OF EXPENSES: It was moved by Councilman McComb, seconded by Councilman Griffin that the following checks be approved for payment. Also, that the $10,000.00 Water Revolving Fund be transferred to the General Fund thereby closing this account. General Fund Payroll No. 2839 thraugh No. 2868 Water & Sewer Payroll No. 2869 through No. 2874 General Fund Expenses No. 1035 through No. 1071 (1069 void) Water & Sewer Expenses No. 4241 Water Revolving Fund No. 1 Motion passed 4 to 0. Councilman Ellis not present at this time. MAYOR'S ACTIVITY REPORT: 1. Mayor Keller announced that the Texas Municipal League's Annual Conference will be held in. San Antonio, November 9th through 11th. 2. Mayor Keller read an invitation from the Brazosport League of Women Voters_, et al to a United Nation's Day Program to be held at October 26, 1969, in the United NationAs Association offices in Houston, Texas. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Building Committee: The City Hall Building Committee requested a workshop meeting to be ' held on November 5, 1969, at 7:00 to discuss building plans. Mr. Black commended Mr. Benny Frank on his interest in working with the Committee. Trailer Park Committee: It was moved by Councilman Black, seconded by Councilman McComb that Emendment be prepared to the Trailer Park Ordinance No. 179, subject to the approval of the City Attorney,as follows: 1. That the license fee be paid in advance on a quarterly basis. 2. That the trailer park owner's license fee be based on 95/ of the platted trailer lots. Motion passed 3 to 2. Councilman Ellis and Councilman Griffin opposed. City Attorney requested to prepare amendment to this ordinance. CITIZENS: Mrs. Sam Filligim - Mrs. Filligim had signed to be on the agenda, however, was not present. r— Mrs. Frances Jamison Requested answers to questions previously asked. Also, where the money was coming from to install sewer in McGinnis Subdivision. Mrs. Jamison was advised that the money for the sewer lines would be paid out of the General Fund. Mrs. Myrtlee Meade - Mrs. Meade requested permission to move a trailer from one lot location to another. Mayor Keller suggested that Mrs. Meade contact R�tgrney Williams and work out this problem. OLD BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS: None CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S ITEMS: Mhe bids on the North End Sewer System will be opened at 12:00 noon on October 30, 1969. A special meeting will be held at 7:30 P. M. October 30, 1969, for discussion and possible awarding of bids for the North End Sewer System. 276 Patricia Lane Water: Mr. McGlathery has offered the lines serving this area to the City in order that City water service might be supplied. City Administrator recommended that the City accept the executed agreement conveying these lines to the City by Mr. McGlathery. It was moved by Councilman Griffin, seconded by Councilman McComb that the City Administrator's recommendations be accepted as is, and that the City make known itis intent to reroute these lines some- time in the future as they need to be replaced and the lines outside the easements will be placed in easements. Also, that Mayor Keller be authorized to enter into the agreement with Mr. McGlathery. Motion passed 5 to 0. ADJOURN: Meeting adjourned at 8:20 P. M. Minutes approved as read and/or corrected this the _13 day of D��� , A. D. 1969. CITY A B Mayor ATTEST: City Secretar