1969-09-11 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTESs256 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND TEXAS, HELD IN THE CITY HALL ANNEX ON SEPTEMBER 11, 1969, AT 7.70 P. M. A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Pearland was called to order by Mayor Keller with the following present: Mayor Councilman Councilman Councilman Cpuncilman Councilman-' City Administrator City Secretary INVOCATION: D. R. Keller Melvin L. Black Cecil W. Griffin Carlton McComb Aubrey G. Ellis E. A. Was ek William E. Wolff Dorothy L. Cook The invocation was given by Mayor Keller. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the regular meeting held on August 28, 1969, and a special meeting held on September 4, 1969, approved as submitted. APPROVAL OF EXPENSES: It was moved by Councilman Ellis, seconded by Councilman Wasek that the following checks be approved for payment: General Fund Payroll No. 2736 through No. 2766 (2747 void) Water & Sewer Payroll No. 2767 through No. 2772 General Fund Expense No. 894 through No. 946 (930 void) Water & Sewer Expense No. 4195 through No. 4207 Sewer Construction Fund No. 127 through No. 128 Interest & Sinking Fund No. 52 through No. 53 Sanitation Fund No. 113 Motion passed 5 to 0. MAYOR'S ACTIVITY REPORT: 1. Mayor Keller read a letter dated September 9, 1969, from the -Sleepy Hollow Civic Club complimenting the Police Department on their services totcitizens in. Sleepy Hollow. 2. Chief of Police Matthew's resignation was read by the Mayor. This resignation to be effective September 17, 1969. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 257 Special Committee - Trailer Park Ordinance: Councilman Black reported that a meeting with Mr. Kruse of the Pearland 'Mobile Home Park was set for the following week. ;..; School Crossing Sign: Councilman Ellis reported that he had been contacted by citizens regarding the possibility of placing a "School Crossing" sign in the area of West Circle Drive on Highway 518. City Administrator to contact the State Highway Department regarding this request. CITIZENS: Mrs. Regina Cobb - Mrs. Cobb requested an audience with the Council to discuss the return of a water tappfee and meter deposit. Mrs. Cobb was advised to contact City Administrator Wolff at the City office in an effort to straighten this matter out. OLD BUSINESS: it J Tt was moved by Councilman McComb, seconded by Councilman Griffin that motion; made on September 14, 19M6�, re arding 5p fyet �f ri��it of war on Patricia Lane be reconsidere o ion Passed 4 to ounc man Blah opposed. r-- MC GLATHERY EASEMENT - PATRICIA LANE: It was moved by Councilman Griffin, seconded by Councilman McComb that the City extend the necessary sewer line to Mr. Stryk's property and no further until such time as we receive a document deeding an additionallio of right-of-way.on. Patricia Lane. Also, that the City accept M. N. I McGlathery's instrument deeding the City 40 feet for the entire distance of Patricia Lane and 50 feet for 338.1 -feet. Motion failed 3 to 2. Councilman Ellis, Councilman Black and Councilman Wasek opposed. It was moved by Councilman Griffin, seconded by Councilman Ellis that all efforts be made to expedite the acquisition of the necessary 50 feet of right-of-way on Patricia Lane so that City sewer service may be extended to this area. Motion passed 3 to 2. Councilman McComb and Councilman Black opposed. WILLIAM C. WALSH - CONTRACT: City Administrator stated that he had not been able to get together with Mr. Walsh to discuss the contract, howevwr, he would do this in the next few days. Mayor Keller requested that this matter be placed on the agenda of the next regular Council meeting. ADDITION TO CITY HALL AND POLICE BUILDING: Postponed Motion: "It was moved by Councilman Black,._seconded by Council- man Wasek that the proposition of the bids be postponed until. the next 258 regular Council meeting. Councilman Griffin read a report from the special committee assigned by the Mayor to come up with some form of proposal on the City Hall and Police Building. This report recommended the abandoningof the recommende additions to the City Hall and Police Building and/building a larger building on the Old Alvin Road site for the amount remaining in the bond fund. It was moved by Councilman Griffin, seconded by Councilman Wasek that we abandon this project as being undesirable based on the cost, and what we will be gaining,and that we look into several types of construction. This construction to be built on the site of Old Alvin Road and Orange Street and that we work with representatives of various companies in determining what is feasible with funds we have available. Motion passed 3 to 2. Councilman Ellis and Councilman McComb opposed. Mayor Keller appointed a special ;committee of Councilman Wasek as Chairman and Councilman Black as a member and ask that this committee submit a report on the progress of the city hall building monthly, or weekly if possible, until such time as a final report can be made to the Council concering specific plans for the building. BILLING OF WATER USED BY CONTRACTORS: Aadiscussion was held regarding charges to contractors for water used during construction and up to the time the house is sold. The Council made no changes in the present policy of charging $3.00 per month minimum to builders, or the actual amount of water used if in excess of the minimum, unless the meter was turned off. Meeting adjourned 8:40 P. M. Minutes approved as read and/or corrected this the day of A. D. 1969. OF PEARLAND wow ...►_..<i.�_ �. ATTEST: City Secretary