1969-03-27 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTESA regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Pearland was called to order by Mayor Keller with the following present: Mayor Cpuncilman Councilman Councilman Councilman Councilman City Administrator City Attorney City Secretary INVOCATION: D. R. Keller E. A. Wasek B. J. Courtright Aubrey G. Ellis Dale Watson Gene E. Sanders (Entered 7137 P.M,) Buf or.'d D'. Vildr.op Bobby.Williams Dorothy L. Cook The invocation was given by Rev. Hawkins, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Pearland. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: It was moved by Councilman Watson, seconded by Councilman Wasek that the minutes of the regular meeting held on March 13, 1969s be approved with corrections. Motion passed 4 to 0. Councilman Sanders not present at this time. It was moved by Councilman Watson, seconded by Councilman Wasek that the minutes of a special meeting held on March 20, 1969, be approved. Motion passed 4 to 0. Councilman Sanders not present at this time, APPROVAL OF EXPENSES: It was moved by Councilman Wasek, seconded by Councilman Courtright that the following checks be approved for payment: Interest & Sinking Fund # 46 thru # 47 General Fund Payroll # 2411 thru #2432 (2423 void) Water & Sewer Payroll # 2433 thru #2438 General Fund Expense #476 thru #501 Water & Sewer Expense #4031 thru #4036 Motion passed 5 to 0. MAYOR t S ACTIVITY REPORT: 1. A meeting will be held on April 16, 1969, at the Tarpon Inn, Angleton, Texas, 7:30 P. M. to form the bi-laws of the newly organized city representatives association of Brazoria County. 2. A letter from W. E. Carmichael, District Engineer, Texas Highway Department, also, copy of speed zone study and proposed ordinance - SH 35 received by Mayor Keller. These referred to City Administrator for handling. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1.8 2 -Special Committee Report - Drainage Tile - Councilman Ellis and (;ouncl manWasek: Councilman Ellis reported that the committee decided to meet with the Drainage District and City Engineer before making a recommenda- tion to the City Council. Special Committee Report - Dog Ordinances - Councilman Courtright andoZounellma—"n a' nders: —" Councilman Courtright reported that a report would be given under Item No. 3 of old business. CITIZENS: Cecil Griffin - President - Clear Creek Civic Club - Mr. Griffin requested to meet before the Council regarding sewer plans in the Twin Creek Wood/Clear Creek Estates. A discussion was held regarding plans for force main down Old Alvin Road right of way to serve this area with sewage facilities. OLD BUSINESS: Corrigan Subdivision - Section II: Mr. Frank Barringer appeared before the Council with a request that the building permits be released in Corrigan Subdivision, Section II. No action was taken by the City Council. Revised Electrical Ordinances It was moved by Councilman Courtright, seconded by Councilman Sanders'— that a.nders'—that the last paragraph under Part III, Section 1, (b) on Page 11 and Page 12 be deleted from the proposed revised electrial ordinance. Motion failed 3 to 2. Councilman Ellis, Councilman Wasek and Councilman Watson opposed. It was moved by Councilman Watson, seconded by Councilman Wasek that the Revised Electrical Ordinance No. 110D be approved and adopted on the third and final reading, with the following addition: Part 1, Section 3 (3) Master Electricians License: (d) Persons desiring totake examination shall notify the City at least 24 hours prior to the posted time of tests by depositing $5.00 with the City Secretary. This $5.00 fee shall be applied to the license fee if issued, but in no case will it be refunded. Caption of Electrical Ordinance No. 110D reads as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 110, 110A, 110B, 1100 BY SUBSTITUTING IN 'ITS ENTIRETY AND SO AS TO PROVIDE FOR THE CREATION OF A BOARD OF ELECTRICIANS; PRESCRIBING DUTIES AND QUALIFICATIONS OF BOARD MEMBERS; PROVIDING FOR LICENSING ALL PERSONS DOING OR CAUSING TO BE DONE ELECTRICAL WORK; PRESCRIBING LICENSING FEE; AUTHORIZING REVOCATION OF LICENSES; REQUIRING PERMITS TO a''ERFORM ELECTRICAL WORK AND PRESCRIBING FEES; PROVIDING EXCEPTIONS; REGULATING QUALITY, TYPE AND KIND OF ELECTRICAL Y. PER IAL AND MANNER OF INS TALI -4 -TION THEREOF; 183 REFERRING TO THE LATEMEGULARLY PUBLISHED NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODV, AND ADOPTING SAME; REQUIRING PERMITS FOR INSTALLATION OF ELECTRICAL WIRING, ETC., AND PRESCRIBING FEES THEREFOR; PROVIDING FOR APPOINTMENT OF ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR AND INSPECTION OF ALL ELECTRICAL WORK; PROHIBITING ELECTRICAL SUPPLY COMPANIES FROM FURNISHING ELECTRIC CURRENT UNLESS AUTHORIZED BY CITY INSPECTOR; PRESCRIBING IN- SPECTION FEE, PROVIDING PENALTY; CONTAINING SEPARABILITY CLAUSE. _ Said ordinance to be published Motion passed 4 to 1. D,pg;, Ordinances : in caption only. Councilman Ell.ks opposed. It was moved by Councilman Sanders, seconded by Councilman Court- riaht that Ordinance No. 1?3 be passed and adopted on the third aricT final reading, subject to approval of the City Attorney. Said Ordinance No. 173 reads in caption as follows: AN ORDINANCE SETTING FORTH LICENSING PROVISIONS FOR ALL DOGS; PROHIBITING DOGS FROM BEING AT LARGE ON PUBLIC OR PRIVATE PROPERTY; " DEFINING TERMS; PROVIDING FOR VACCINATION OF DOGS;- PROVIDING FOR CONFINMENT BY LICENSED VETERINARIAN; PROVIDING FOR NOTICE OF IMPOUNDED DOGS AND RELEASE OF DOGS IM- POUNDED UPON PAYMENT OF FEES; PROVIDING FOR DISPOSAL OF DOGS NOT REDEEMED; PROVIDING FOR RECORDS; PROVIDING FOR VICIOUS DOGS; PROVIDING FOR UN -- CONSTITUTIONALITY -OF CERTAIN SECTIONS HEREOF; RE- PEALING ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH AND MAKING CERTAIN SECTIONS HEREOF APPLICABLE TO OTHER DOMESTIC ANIMALS. Said ordinance No. 1?3, when approved by the City Attorney to be published in caption only, Motion passed 5 to 0. It was moved by Councilman Courtright, seconded by Councilman Sanders that Ordinance No. 174 - AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING A TAX, LICENSING AND VACCINATION AS A PROTECTION AGAINST RABIES; PROVIDING OWNER RESPONSIBILITY AND PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY, be abandon since the provisions of this Ordinance are included in Ordinance No. 173. Motion passed 5 to 0. NEW BUSINESS: Discussion of Proposal - David L. Smith, Inc. A discussion was held regarding David L. Smith, Inc. letter of March 15, 129, regarding Regal Oaks water system, Westminister-Nattingham area, rookland Acres Water System. It :ias moved by Councilman SandeVs, seconded by Councilman.T,4atson that believing it is'in the best)- interests­af the City to procure the last remaining private water systems within the corporate limits without litigation while also resolving other troublesome issues between the City and some of Mr. David L. Smith's operations, that March proposals as evidenced by his letter of Mach 15, 1969, be accepted with the following understandings and alterations: (1) That he pay to the City $3.00 per ft. for 960 feet - side of Stratford Street to cul--de-sac in Sherwood II) f Westminister Drive. a sum of $2860- (representing the distance from the northerly the southerly side `.of the last or the black -top paving of t 8 4 (2) That he agree to.lease to the City for the sum of .$1.00 yearly the water'tank, pump and appurtenances in the�Brookland Acres Water System. (3) That he agree to plug all wells to State of Texas requirements at such time as he salvages the pumps. (4) That he grant a ten foot easement for a water line across his property (formerly Sinclair Refining property) to connect City services from Sherwood II to the Notting- ham service at the well now servicing Nottingham (this being the same well currently owned by James C. Young, et al). This portion of this agreement subject to approval by lien holder of record. (5) That he recognize the existing road easement for Westminister Drive across the former Sinclair properties or if necessary to assure continuous right of way for this Drive from Old Alvin Road to East Broadway, that he grant one of sixty foot width. This portion of this agreement subject to approval by lien holder of record. (6) That legal instruments satisfactory to the City Attorney to consummate this whole agreement will be sub- mitted at the earliest possible date. Mayor Keller called for recess dt 9:14 P. M. to enable the Council to confer with City Attorney. Meeting reconvened at 9:30 P. M. Mayor Keller called a special.meeting of the City Council on Wednesday, April 2, 1969, at 8:00 P. M. to discuss this proposal. Mr. Smith agreed to waive time limit on proposal until this special meeting. A motion was made by Councilman Watson, seconded by Councilman Sanders that the motion on the floor be postponed until the special meeting-, April 2, 1969. Motion passed 4 to 1. Councilman Ellis -opposed. City:.Engineer: It was moved by Councilman Sanders, seconded by Councilman Watson that the City of Pearland hereby announce the severance of its relation with the firm of Walsh Engineering effective April 1, 1969, with the following exceptions: (1) All projects previously authorized and contracted for and which are presently under construction. These being the Shadycrest area sewer project, the Walnut Street sewer project and the Twin Creek Wood -Clear Creek Estates water pr6je6t. (2) The Clear Creek Estates -Twin Creek Woods sewer project (this bein the final project planned at the time of the original 1994 and subsequent 1968 bond issues.) (3) Any engineering projects presently being pursued by the Engineer or which have been previously authorized by written notification to the Engineer. By passage of this motion, the City Administrator is hereby instruc- ted to accept, for Council consideration, applications for the position of City Engineer. Motion passed 3 to 2. Councilman Ellis and Councilman Wasek opposed. Meeting adjourned by motion 9:3.5 P. M. Minutes approved as read and/or corrected this the �t) day of A.D. 1969. Attest. CT By City Secretary