2024-11-07 Zoning Board of Adjustments Meeting MinutesMINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS HELD ON NOVEMBER 7, 2024, AT 6:00 PM IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, 3519 LIBERTY DR. CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Mark Lewis opened the meeting for the Zoning Board of Adjustments Meeting at 6:00 PM. ZBA Chairperson, Mark Lewis ZBA Vice Chairperson, Jerry Acosta ZBA Secretary, Gary Shrum ZBA Member, Donald Glenn ZBA Alternative Member, Bincy Jacob Also, present were Deputy City Attorney Lawrence Provins, Community Development Deputy Director Martin Griggs, Planning Manager Katya Copeland, Planner II Katie Peterson, and Executive Assistant Jennifer Danley. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approve the ZBA Meeting Minutes from October 3, 2024. Chairperson Lewis read into the record the items on Approval of Minutes. Member Glenn made the motion to approve, and Member Shrum seconded the motion. Motion passed 5-0. NEW BUSINESS Chairperson Lewis read into the record the item on Consideration and Possible Action — VARZ 24-20: Special Exception to Plat a Property with Existing Nonconformities. Consideration and Possible Action - VARZ 24-20: Special Exception to Plat a Property with Existing Nonconformities Public Hearing: A request by Phillip Truong, applicant, on behalf of Harmony Public Schools, represented by Nihat Bayhan, owner, for approval of a special exception, as permitted by the Unified Development Code, Ordinance No. 2000-T, to allow for a property with existing nonconformities to be platted (Section (a)(4)), to wit: Legal Description: A subdivision of 34.9329 acres of land situated in the H.T. & B.R.R. Co. Survey, Section 9, Abstract No. 234, Brazoria County, Texas. General Location: 2525 Reid Boulevard, Pearland, TX. Planner II Peterson presented the staff report with exhibits. Ms. Peterson stated the request is a special exception to allow platting of a property with an existing nonconformity. Ms. Peterson reviewed the lot's existing nonconformity, noted that staff has not received public comments in favor or against the request, and provided the history of the property. Ms. Peterson stated that the request meets criterion four of the Unified Development Code (UDC), and staff recommends approval of the special exception. Harmony Public School representative, Michael Mazzola at 22316 Grand Corner Dr. Katy, TX 77494, was in attendance in -person in Council Chambers to answer questions for the ZBA Board. Chairperson Lewis called for public input. There were no persons wishing to speak for or against the proposed request. Member Shrum asked staff if, once the plat is approved, any future modifications would classify the structure as conforming or as an existing property with a nonconformity. Planner II Peterson replied that it would be a legal existing nonconformity, and the status would persist unless a change is made. Ms. Peterson explained that if the applicant wanted to extend the front of the structure, they would need a variance to permit further encroachment; however, the structure can remain. Ms. Peterson pointed out that the special exception allows the applicant to create the plat for the property. No further discussion from Staff, ZBA Board or Public input. Chairperson Lewis read into the record the item on Consideration and Possible Action — VARZ 24-20: Special Exception to Plat a Property with Existing Nonconformities. Member Glenn made the motion to approve VARZ 24-20 as presented, and Member Jacob seconded the motion. Motion passed 5-0. Chairperson Lewis read into the record the item on the Consideration and possible Action — VARZ 24-21: Special Exception for Development to Occur on a Property with Existing Nonconformities. Consideration and Possible Action - VARZ 24-21: Special Exception for Development to Occur on a Property with Existing Nonconformities Public Hearing: A request by John Fox, applicant, on behalf of St. Catherine of Alexandria Coptic Orthodox Church, owner, for approval of a special exception, as permitted by the Unified Development Code, Ordinance No. 2000-T, to allow for development to occur on a site with existing nonconformities (Section, to wit: Legal Description: The west one-half (W 1/2) of Lot 47, of the Allison Richey Gulf Coast Home Company Subdivision, Section 19, H.T. & B.R.R. CO. Survey 243, Brazoria County, Texas, according to the plat as recorded in Volume 2, Page 23, of the Plat Records of Brazoria County, Texas. General Location: 2539 Zapalac Road, Pearland, TX. Planner II Peterson presented the staff report with exhibits. Ms. Peterson stated the request is for a special exception to allow for the construction of a new sanctuary building on a property with an existing structure that is nonconforming. Ms. Peterson reviewed the property's zoning and setback requirements, noted that staff has not received public comments in favor or against the request, and discussed the property's history and site plan. Ms. Peterson stated that the special exception meets criteria four of the UDC, and staff recommends approval. The applicant was not in attendance. Chairperson Lewis called for public input. There were no persons wishing to speak for or against the proposed request. No further discussion from Staff, ZBA Board or Public input. Chairperson Lewis read into the record the item on the Consideration and possible Action — VARZ 24-21: Special Exception for Development to Occur on a Property with Existing Nonconformities. Vice Chairperson Acosta made the motion toapprove VA|7Z 24-21 as presented, and Member Glenn seconded the motion. Motion passed 5-0. Chairperson Lewis read into the record the item on the Consideration and Possible Action — VARZ 24-23:Special Exception and Variance for the Development ofeNew Building otthe Alice Street Water Plant Facility has been tabled until December 5,2O24. ConsidermtonandPoesibkeAuction-VARZ 24-23: Special Exception and Variance for the Development of New Building atthe Alice Street Water Plant Facility Public Hearing: A request by Sergio Becerril, applicant, on behalf of the City of Pearland, owner, for approval of special exception and 8 variunoe, as permitted by the Unified Development Code, Ordinance No. 2000-T' to allow: 1. Special exception for development to occur on a site with existing nonconformities (Section, 2. Variance to remove the landscape buffer requirement for o nonresidential use that has o side or roar contiguous to any residential use or residential zoning district (Section (a)), to wit: (Request to Table until December 5, 2024) Legal Description: Tract 1, Block 1, Minor Plat of Clearwire TX HOU0554A, a subdivision of 3.99 acres of land in the City ofPoadand. Texas' according to the map or plat recorded in County Clerk's File No. 2010033004 in the Plat records of Bnezorio {|ouniv. Texas. General Location: 1S50ProfaxDrive, Peadund,TX. ADJOURNMENT Chairperson Lewis adjourned the Zoning Board of Adjustment Meeting at 6:17 PM. These minutes respectfully submitted by: Jennifer Danley, Executive Assistant Mark Lewis, Chairperson