2024-11-18 Planning and Zoning Regular Meeting MinutesMINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING HELD IN -PERSON BY THE PLANNNG AND ZONING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2024, AT 6:30 PM IN PEARLAND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION BOARDROOM, CITY HALL, 3519 LIBERTY DR., SUITE 350 CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Henry Fuertes opened the meeting for the P&Z Regular Meeting at 6:30 P.M. In attendance were: P&Z Chairperson Henry Fuertes P&Z Vice Chairperson Derrell Isenberg P&Z Commissioner Thomas Echols P&Z Commissioner Trey Haskins P&Z Commissioner Jennifer Henrichs P&Z Commissioner John McDonald Also, present were Deputy City Attorney Lawrence Provins, City Engineer Rajendra Shrestha, Planning Manager Katya Copeland, Senior Planner Florence Buaku, Planner II Patrick Bauer, Planner II Katie Peterson, and Executive Assistant Jennifer Danley. CONSENT AGENDA All items listed under the "Consent Agenda" are considered to be routine and require little or no deliberation by the Planning & Zoning Commission. These items will be enacted / approved by one motion unless a commissioner requests separate action on an item, in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered by separate action (ix. Matters removed from Consent Agenda). Approval of the Consent Agenda enacts the items of legislation. Consideration and Possible Action - Approval of Minutes - Approve the P&Z Regular Meeting minutes from November 4,2024. Consideration and Possible Action - PLAT 24-87: Preliminary Plat of Alexander Section 2 A request by Patrick Lane, LJA Engineering, the applicant; on behalf of Danziger Investments Ltd, owner; for approval of the Preliminary Plat of Alexander, Section 2, creating 164 lots, 9 reserves, and 6 blocks on 51.206 acres, located south of Bailey Road and west of Main Street described to wit: Legal Description: A subdivision of 51.206 acres of land out of the H. Stevens Survey, A-594 And F.B. Drake Survey, A-507 City of Pearland, Brazoria County, Texas. General Location: South of Bailey Road and West of Main Street, Pearland, Texas. Chairperson Fuertes asked for the motion to approve the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Echols made the motion to approve the consent agenda, and Commissioner Haskins seconded the motion. Motion passed 6-0. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA None. NEW BUSINESS Chairperson Fuertes read into the record the item on Consideration and Possible Action — PLAT 24-63: Final Plat of Modern Green Ivy District Townhomes. Consideration and Possible Action - PLAT 24-63: Final Plat of Modern Green Ivy District Townhomes A request by Geoff Freman, LJA Engineering, the applicant; on behalf of WB Ivy District, LLC owner; for approval of the Final Plat of Modern Green Ivy District Townhomes creating 46 townhome lots and 24 reserves, on 5.288 acres to wit: Legal Description: A Subdivision of 5.288 acres of land situated in the James Hamilton Survey, Abstract 881, City of Pearland, Harris County, Texas; also, being a replat of all of Tract "4", Block 4 of Modern Green Ivy District, as recorded in film code No. 6902400, H.C.M.R. and Document No. 2019061536, B.C.O.R. General Location: Southeast corner of Modern Green Drive and Promenade Shops Drive, Pearland, Texas. Senior Planner Buaku presented the staff report with exhibits. Ms. Buaku explained that the request is for approval of the Final Plat of Modern Green Ivy District Townhomes, which proposes the creation of 46 townhome lots and 24 reserves. Ms. Buaku reviewed the zoning of the surrounding properties, the property's location on the aerial map, and details of the final plat. Ms. Buaku stated that the final plat meets all criteria outlined in the Unified Development Code (UDC), and that staff recommends approval. The applicant, Geoff Freeman at 3531 Watzek Way, Pearland, Texas 77581, was in attendance in -person in the Pearland Economic Development Corporation (PEDC) Boardroom to answer any questions for the P&Z Board. Chairperson Fuertes called for public input. There were no persons wishing to speak for or against the proposed request. Chairperson Fuertes inquired about the utility easements. Senior Planner Buaku responded that CenterPoint had dedicated an easement. There was no further discussion from Staff, P&Z Commission or public input. Chairperson Fuertes read into the record the item on Consideration and Possible Action — PLAT 24-63: Final Plat of Modern Green Ivy District Townhomes. Vice Chairperson Isenberg made the motion to approve the final plat, and Commissioner McDonald seconded the motion. Motion passed 6-0. Commissioner Fuertes recused himself at 6:35 pm from the meeting. Vice Chairperson Isenberg read into the record the item on Consideration and Possible Action — Zone Change Application: ZONE 24-14. Consideration and Possible Action - Zone Change Application: ZONE 24-14 Public Hearing: A request by Andrew Lang, BGE, Inc., applicant, on behalf of RMJ Miller Real Estate Holdings, LTD. and Estate of Elizabeth McNeil Ferguson, owners, for approval of a zone change from Residential Estate (R-E) District to Planned Development (PD) District, incorporating approximately 220.67 acres of land into the Massey Oaks Planned Development, to wit: Legal Description: Being a 220.7-acre tract of land situated in the H.T. & B.R.R. Company Survey, Section 32, Abstract No. 525 and the H.T. & B.R.R. Company Survey, Section 31, Abstract No. 293 of Brazoria County, Texas and being a portion of a called 247.91-acre tract of land described in an instrument to RMJ Miller Real Estate Holdings, Ltd. recorded under Brazoria County Clerk's File No. (B.C.C.F. No.) 2002020349, and being all of the 60 acres described as Lots 1 B, 1 C, 4A, 5A, 6, 7A, and 7B of Section 31, H.T. & B.R.R. Company Survey, Abstract 293 in an instrument to RMJ Miller Real Estate Holdings, Ltd. recorded under B.C.C.F. No. 2002020350. General Location: South of Old Massey Ranch Road, East of the Future Harkey Road and West of McLean Road, Pearland, Texas. Planner II Bauer presented the staff report, including exhibits. Mr. Bauer explained that the request seeks approval for a zone change from the Residential Estate (R-E) District to the Massey Oaks Planned Development (PD) to facilitate a single-family subdivision featuring three parks, an internal trail system, and amenitized detention ponds. Mr. Bauer noted that no public comments were received either in favor or against the request, and the proposed Single -Family Residential-4 (R-4) Zoning District. Mr. Bauer reviewed the property's history, highlighted the deviations from the R-4 District requirements, and provided details on the landscaping, amenities and fencing plans. Mr. Bauer stated that the zone change meets all seven criteria of the UDC, and staff recommends approval. Applicant, Chris Patterson of BJE at 10777 Westheimer Road Suite 400, Houston, Texas 77042, was in attendance in -person in the PEDC Boardroom to present to the P&Z Board. Mr. Patterson explained that this would be a continuation of the project and would align with the Massey Oaks PD. Applicant Andrew Lang with BGE, Inc. at 10777 Westheimer Road, Suite 400, Houston, Texas 77042, was in attendance in -person in the PEDC Board Room to present to the P&Z Board. Mr. Lang discussed the details of the subdivision plan. Vice Chairperson Isenberg called for public input. There were no persons wishing to speak for or against the proposed request. Commissioner McDonald discussed his concerns about the abandonment of the collector road. City Engineer Shrestha explained that this segment was not included with Engineering's study, and they are currently updating and plan on a final alignment in either January or February. Commissioner Haskins raised questions about the easement space behind homes and the recent ownership agreement. Deputy City Attorney Provins clarified that the contingencies in the fourth amendment agreement have not been met, and this specific track is not included. Commissioner Haskins then asked staff weather the proposed zone change aligns with the existing or proposed agreements. Mr. Provins stated that, since the property is not part of the agreement, he could not confirm; however, staff indicated that the zone change complies with thoroughfare plan and that infrastructure is necessary to support utilities for the development. Commissioner Henrichs voiced concerns about the need for a secondary access to the subdivision and requested a time frame for its completion. Developer Mr. Lang outlined the development phases and potential locations for a secondary access. Commissioner Haskins asked the developer for the time frame to complete the home building. Applicant, Mr. Lang noted that they currently do not have a delivery date, but he estimated phase one would be completed within 18 to 24 months. The Commissioners, applicant, and staff discussed the various collector streets to address the need for secondary access, the potential traffic impact on the area, and the role of stub streets in enhancing connectivity within the city. There was no further discussion from Staff, P&Z Commission or Public input. Vice Chairperson Isenberg read into the record the item on Consideration and Possible Action — Zone Change Application: ZONE 24-14. Commissioner McDonald made the motion to approve the zone change, and Commissioner Henrichs seconded the motion. Motion passed 5-0. Commissioner Fuertes joined the meeting at 7:29 pm. Chairperson Fuertes read into the record the item on Consideration and Possible Action — Zone Change Application: ZONE 24-20. Consideration and Possible Action - Zone Change Application: ZONE 24-20 Public Hearing: A request by Faraz Hemani, applicant, on behalf of Mission Park Pearland LP, represented by Terry Ward, owner, for approval of a zone change for 6.6445 acres of land from General Business (GB) District to General Commercial (GC) District, to wit: Legal Description: Lot 1, Block 1, Mission Park, a subdivision of 6.6445 acres of land in the City of Pearland, Texas, according to the map or plat recorded in County Clerk's File No. 2020060324 in the Plat Records of Brazoria County, Texas. General Location: 2849 Cullen Parkway, Pearland, Texas Planner II Peterson presented the staff report, including exhibits. Ms. Peterson explained that the request involves a zone change from the General Business (GB) to the General Commercial (GC) District to enable additional land uses for investment and development purposes. Ms. Peterson outlined the applicant's proposed property improvements, noted that three written public comments were submitted in favor of the request, provided a brief history of the property, and reviewed the proposed site plan. Ms. Peterson stated that the request meets two criteria of the UDC, and staff recommends approval. Applicant, Faraz Hemani, at 5680 Highway 6, Suite 334, Missouri City, Texas 77459, was present in -person in the PEDC Boardroom to answer any question for the P&Z Board. Chairperson Fuertes called for public input. Resident, Moni Harwell at 2854 Old Chocolate Bayou Road, Pearland, Texas 77584, stated she had no issues with the zone change. Resident, Gary Harwell at 2854 Old Chocolate Bayou Road, Pearland, Texas 7784, state he had not objections to the zone change because of the required fencing and setbacks. Commissioner McDonald stated he is not opposed to the request but noted that the zone change should also be reflected in the Comprehensive Plan. The Commissioners and staff discussed the similarities between the permitted uses in the GC and GB Zoning Districts. Commissioner Henrichs asked absff if there is a noticeable dhfanynna in the look, fee|, pro product between a BB and GC district. Planner || Peterson explained that GC districts require buffohDU setback for residential @[88S' and more intense USeS in 8 GC District would necessitate 8 Conditional Use Permit (CUP). Chairperson FUertoa inquired about the minimum size requirement for a Plan Development. Ma. Peterson stated it is five acres for residential properties and three acres for non-residential properties. Chairperson Fuedes also asked about the buffering and awtbeoka in a GC District. Ms. Peterson Clarified that the requirements include 8 masonry fence and a 254Vo1 landscaping area before the building. There was O0further discussion from Staff, F&ZCommission orPublic input. Chairperson Fuertes read into the record the item on Consideration and Possible Action — Zone Change Application: ZONE 24-2O.Commissioner Haskins made the motion toapprove the zone change and Commissioner Echols seconded the motion. Motion passed 6-0 DISCUSSION ITEMS 1. City Council Update Report: Planning Manager Copeland stated that there were no ihanOs for CoUnd|`a consideration from the meeting on November 11, 2024. 2. Commissioner Activity Report: Chairperson Fuertes discussed the UDC rewrite including adding osection for Urban Town Homes and Build toRent /BTR\.Vice Chairperson Isenberg and Chairperson Fuertes commented about the City Council and P&ZJoint Workshop. l Next P&Z Regular Meeting: [)eoennber2, 2024 City Council and P&Z Joint Workshop: December 18. 2024 ADJOURNMENT Chairperson Fuertes adjourned the P&Z Regular meeting at 7:57 P.M. These minutes were respectfully submitted by: \_` � � JenniharDan|ey. ExeoutiVbAssiatont Minutes approved aosubmitted and/or corrected onthis 2ndday ofDecember 2024. Henry Fuertes, Planning & Zoning Chairperson