1982-01-25 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTESMINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS, HELD ON JANUARY 25, 1982, AT 7:30 P. M. IN THE CITY HALL, 2335 N. TEXAS AVENUE,_PEARLAND, TEXAS. The meeting was called to order with the following present: Mayor Councilman/Mayor Pro Tem Councilman Councilman Councilman Councilman City Manager City Attorney City Secretary INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Tom Reid Al Lentz Charles R. Mack Harry Farley Carlton McComb Terry Gray Ronald J. Wicker Bobby J. Williams Dorothy L. Cook The invocation was given by Mayor Reid. The Pledge. -of Allegiance was led by Councilman McComb. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: It was moved by Councilman Lentz, seconded by Councilman Gray that the minutes of the regular meeting held on January 11, 1982 be approved as submitted. Motion passed 5 to 0. MAYOR'S ACTIVITY REPORT: Mayor Reid reported that he would be going to Washington, D. C. on January 27, 1982 for three days. Mayor Reid will serve as a representative of the Houston — Galveston Area Council to attend a briefing. Councilman Lentz, Mayor Pro Tem, will not only be serving as Mayor during that period but will represent the City at the Public Hearing held by the Corps of Engineer in League City on January 26, 1982. This hearing is regarding flooding on Clear Creek. CHANGE IN ORDER OF BUSINESS: NEW BUSINESS: REVIEW OF SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZATION TO BID 1250 G. P. M. PUMPER TRUCK FOR PEAR - LAND VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT: Fire Chief Steed appeared before the City Council and advised that the Equipment Com- mittee were present to answer any questions the City Council might have regarding the specifications. City Manager Wicker stated that he felt that this request was justified and that the delivery of this truck would be from 18 months to 24 months from time of order. It was moved by Councilman Gray, seconded by Councilman McComb that we accept the specifications as submitted by the Pearland Volunteer Fire Department and authorize the bid for a 1250 G. P. M. Fire Truck to be opened on March 5, 1982, with possible award of bid on March 22, 1982. Motion passed 5 to 0. CHANGE IN ORDER OF BUSINESS: COUNCIL ACTIVITY REPORTS: None 41 DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS: None CITIZENS: Mr. Billy Baldwin - Mr. Baldwin advised that he had received a certified letter from the City regarding the need to fence his pool in compliance with the City's Ordinance. He stated that his home has flooded five times since moving in October, 1978. Prior to moving in, he checked with the City about obtaining a building permit and also re- garding the fencing laws. He stated that he originally built a two foot wall around the swimming pool to keep runoff water from the golf course out of his pool. He stated also that his pool is located very close to his house. Mr. Baldwin felt that a four foot fence or barrier would cause additional flooding as well as detract from the appearance of his house and pool. Mr. Baldwin was advised that the procedure was to contact the Building Inspector and go over this problem with him. The Ordinance pro- vides that in some cases the Building Inspector may issue a letter of exception. Mr. Roy L. Phillips - Mr. Phillips, representing ABCO, Inc., appeared before the City Council regarding the purchase of insurance protection from anon -local insurance organization, and to discuss the services afforded by his agency for the past several years as the agent for the City. NEW BUSINESS: (Continued) INSURANCE PROPOSAL BY TEXAS MUNICIPAL LEAGUE: It was moved by Councilman McComb, seconded by Councilman Lentz that action on this r` item be tabled until.February 22, 1982. Motion passed 4 to l.' Councilman Gray opposed. Staff to request proposals from local agents on the same basis as proposed by the Texas Municipal League. CITIZENS: (Continued) Mr. Ron Shank and Mr. Bob Jordan - Mr. Shank appeared before the City Council with a request that the alley in Block 21 of Old Townsite be abandoned. He stated that they would like to build a body shop and tie some of the buildings together which would require use of the alley. Mr. Bob Jordan, operator of Ford's Restaurant, requested that the alley in Block 28 of Old Townsite be abandoned. Mayor Reid appointed a Committee consisting of Councilman Gray, as Chairman, Councilman Lentz, member; City Engineer and Escue Harris to investigatethis matter and bring the Council back a report. It was pointed out to Mr. Shank and Mr. Jordan that the City is presently using the sewer lines in both alleys. DOCKETED PUBLIC HEARINGS: None UNFINISHED BUSINESS: ORDINANCE NO. 246-77, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE LAND USE AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE APPLICATION NO. 102, HAUSMAN HOMES, INC.: Ordinance No. 246-77 read in caption by Mayor Reid. (Second Reading) It was moved by Councilman Lentz, seconded by Councilman Farley that Ordinance No. 246-77 be passed and approved on second and final reading. Said Ordinance No. 246-77 reads in caption as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 246-77 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 246, KNOWN AS THE LAND USE AND URBAN DE- VELOPMENT ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS; PROVIDING FOR AMENDMENT OF THE LAND USE DISTRICT MAP; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND CONTAINING OTHER PRO- VISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT. Voting "Aye Councilman Farley, Councilman Mack, Councilman McComb, Councilman Lentz, and Councilman Gray. Voting "No": None Motion passed 5 to 0. AUTHORIZATION FOR THE CITY ATTORNEY TO PREPARE ORDINANCE ANNEXING PROPERTY LOCATED WEST OF CITY LIMITS AS DEFINED IN RESOLUTION NO. R81-38: It was moved by Councilman McComb, seconded by Councilman Lentz that the City Attorney be authorized to prepare an Ordinance for first, reading annexing the territory to the City of Pearland as defined in Resolution No. R81-38. Motion passed 5 to 0. NEW BUSINESS (Continued): RESOLUTION NO. R82-2, A RESOLUTION ENDORSING A 10 -YEAR FLOOD CHANNEL PLAN WITH 100 YEAR CONTROL AS AN ACCEPTABLE ALTERNATIVE FOR ENLARGEMENT AND RECTIFICATION OF CLEAR CREEK: Resolution No. R82-2 read in full by Councilman Lentz. It was moved by Councilman Lentz, seconded by Councilman Mack that Resolution No. R82-2 be passed and approved on first and only reading. Said Resolution No. R82-2 reads in caption as follows: RESOLUTION NO. R82-2 A RESOLUTION BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS, ENDORSING A 10 -YEAR FLOOI) CHANNEL PLAN WITH 100 - YEAR CONTROL AS AN ACCEPTABLE ALTERNATIVE FOR THE ENLARGE- MENT AND RECTIFICATION OF CLEAR CREEK. Voting "Aye": Councilman Gray, Councilman McComb, Councilman Lentz, Councilman Mack, and Councilman Farley. Voting "No": None Motion passed 5 to 0. Mayor Pro Tem Lentz will present this Resolution at the Hearing held by the Corps of Engineers on January 26, 1982, in League City, Texas. RESOLUTION NO. R82-3, A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE MUTUAL AID LAW ENFORCEMENT AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF HOUSTON. Resolution No. R82-3 read in full by Mayor Reid. It was moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by Councilman Farley that Resolution No. R82-3 be passed and approved on first and only reading. Said Resolution No. R82-3 reads in caption as follows: RESOLUTION NO. R82-3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF PEARLAND AND THE CITY OF HOUSTON, TEXAS. Voting "Aye": Councilman Farley, Councilman Mack, Councilman Lentz, Councilman McComb, and Councilman Gray. Voting "No": None Motion passed 5 to 0. PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM FRIENDSWOOD THROUGH INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT: It was moved by Councilman Gray, seconded by Councilman McComb that the City Manager be r'' authorized to negotiate with the City of Friendwood, for two Heil Mark IV Refuse Trucks (1977.and 1979 Fords) and any containers they might have that he is interested in, with upper limits of $32,000 for the two vehicles and the budget be _amended accordingly. Motion passed 5 to 0. ENGINEERING ESTIMATE - BEN FELTS UTILITY CONTRACTING COMPANY - WATER LINES ON WOODY ROAD TO SHANK: It was moved by Councilman Lentz, seconded by Councilman Gray that Engineering Estimate No. 3 in the amount of $16,866.28 to Ben Felts Utility Contracting Company for water lines on Woody Road be approved for payment from the appropriate fund. Motion passed 5 to 0. OTHER BUSINESS: Meeting recessed to Executive Session at 9:00 P. M. under Texas Open Meeting's Law, Section II, Subsection (e) Legal, and Section 2, Subsection (g) Personnel. Return to open session 10:30 P. M. - No action. ADJOURN: Meeting adjourned 10:30 P. M. Minutes approved as submitted and/or corrected this the _day of �s , A. D., 1982. i� Mayor ATTEST: c� �ityy Secretary