2004-08-02 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING FOR THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS, HELD ON AUGUST 2, 2004, AT 6:30 P.M., IN THE SECOND FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM OF CITY HALL, 3519 LIBERTY DRIVE, PEARLAND, TEXAS The meeting was called to order at 6:33 p.m. with the following present: Chairman Ruby Sandars Commissioner David Ransom Commissioner Linda Cowles Commissioner Neil West Secretary Betty Foreman Absent: Vice Chairperson Todd locco and Sheryl Greiner Also in attendance: Assistant City Attorney Nghiem Doan; Senior Planner Theresa Grahmann; and Plats and Plans Administrator Richard Keller. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner David Ransom made a motion to approve the minutes of July 19, 2004 with two corrections. Commissioner Neil West seconded. Voting "Aye" Commissioners Sandars, Ransom, Cowles, and West. Motion passed 4-0 NEW BUSINESS A. CONSIDERATION & POSSIBLE ACTION — Amended Final Plat of Bellavita at Green Tee Section 4 being a Subdivision of 32.6281 acres of land out of the W. D.C. Hall Survey, A-23 City of Pearland, Harris County. Plats and Plans Administrator Richard Keller stated that originally there was a couple if items missing the owner's name were missing in two locations and the lien holders name was missing. Chairperson Ruby Sandars asked if the corrections were made. Plats and Plans Administrator Richard Keller stated these items were corrected. Commissioner David Ransom made a motion to approve with Commissioner Linda Cowles seconding. Voting "Aye" Commissioners Sandars, Ransom, Cowles and West. 410.6, Page 1 of 7 — P&Z Minutes PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Voting "No" None. Motion to approve passed 4-0 B. CONSIDERATION & POSSIBLE ACTION — Final Plat Bandali Daycare, a Survey of 1.9024 acres or 82,268 square feet of land out of a 16.399 acres tract of land being the residue of 597.6155 acres tract of land recorded in Volume 431, Page 1 of the deed records also in the J. Crawley Survey Abstract 174, Brazoria County, Texas Abstract 233 and the D.H.M. Hunter Survey, Abstract 76, City of Pearland, Brazoria Count, Texas Plans and Plats Administrator Richard Keller stated that this was in the ETJ; the only comment was to correct the Commissioners' titles. Commissioner David Ransom made a motion to approve with staffs comments, Commissioner Neil West seconded. Voting "Aye" Commissioners Sandars, Cowles, Ransom and West. Voting "No" None. Motion to approve passed 4-0 gown C. CONSIDERATION & POSSIBLE ACTION — Final Plat of Elizondo Subdivision, 1 Block, 1 Lot, 0.891 Acres in the H.T. & B.R.R. Company Survey Section 13, Abstract 240, City of Pearland, Brazoria County, Texas Commissioner Ruby Sandars made a motion to accept, Commissioner Linda Cowles seconded. Voting "Aye" Commissioners Cowles, Sandars, Ransom, and West. Voting "No" None Motion to approve passed 4-0 D. CONSIDERATION & POSSIBLE ACTION — Preliminary Plat including Replat of 18.0971 acres being a replat of Commercial Reserves A and B in W. C. Properties Commercial Center 11.737 acres, Recorded in Vol 21 , Pg. 291-292 P.R.B.C.T. and a Preliminary Plat of 6.3601 Acre Tract conveyed to Peterson Group, Inc. Recorded in C.F. No. 03-059491 B.C.D.R. Out of the Allison Richey Gulf Coast Home Company, Section 84, Vol. 2, Pg. 107 B.C.P.R. located in the H.T. & B.R.R. Company Survey, A-304 City of Pearland, Brazoria County Page 2 of 7 — P&Z Minutes PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION - Plats and Plans Administrator Richard Keller stated that this property needed a tree survey and he would like to reserve the right to request a mutual access requirement between the tracts. Mr. Keller also stated that this might need a Public Hearing due to the replatting. Commissioner David Ransom made a motion to approve with staff's comments, Commissioner Neil West seconded. Voting "Aye" Commissioners Sandars, Cowles, Ransom and West. Voting "No" None. Motion to approve passed 4-0 E. CONSIDERATION & POSSIBLE ACTION — Preliminary Plat of Savannah Bend, Section 1 being 27.5 acres of land containing 73 lots (55' X 115' TYP) and Six Reserves (7.5 AC) in Two Blocks out of the A.C.H. & B. Survey, A-403 and J.S. Talmage Survey, A-562 Brazoria County, Texas. Plats and Plans Administrator Richard Keller stated that he had three minor items that could be corrected during the final platting process. Commissioner David Ransom made a motion to approve with staff's comments, Commissioner Neil West seconded. Voting "Aye" Commissioners Sandars, Cowles, Ransom and West. Voting "No" None. Motion to approve passed 4-0 F. CONSIDERATION & POSSIBLE ACTION — Preliminary Plat of Portions of Savannah Parkway and Savannah Bend Drive Street Dedication being 5.34 acres of land out of the H.C.H. & B Survey, A-403 Brazoria County, Texas Plats and Plans Administrator Richard Keller stated that there were two minor items that could be corrected before the final plat process. Commissioner David Ransom made a motion to approve with Staff's comments, Commissioner Neil West seconded. Commissioner David Ransom asked about the sidewalk requirements. Mr. Keller stated that both the plats could reflect the sidewalks as required. Page 3 of 7 —P&Z Minutes PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Commissioner David Ransom stated that he saw the answer in note #20 on the plats. Voting "Aye" Commissioner Sandars, Cowles, Ransom and West. Voting "No" None. Motion to approve passed 4-0 G. CONSIDERATION & POSSIBLE ACTION — Preliminary Plat of Shadow Creek Ranch Sf-45C, 19.731 Acres of being out of the H. Levering Survey, Abstract 279 and the I.C. Stafford Survey, Abstract 668, City of Pearland, Fort Bend County, Texas Plat and Plans Administrator Richard Keller stated that he had only a couple of items. Comment 1 referred to the 25' W.S.E., he went on to state the developer had made an agreement for water and sewer with City Engineer Doug Kneupper. The only other comment was changing the Commissioners titles prior to the final plat. Commissioner David Ransom made a motion to accept with Staff's comments, Commissioner Neil West seconded. Voting "Aye" Commissioners Sandars, Cowles, Ransom and West. Voting "No" None. Motion to approve passed 4-0 H. CONSIDERATION & POSSIBLE ACTION — Preliminary Plat of Shadow Creek Ranch SF-46A, 21.344 acres being out of the George Mac Donald Survey, Abstract 557, and the H.T. & B.R.R. Company Survey, Section 83, Abstract 761 , City of Pearland, Fort Bend County, Texas Plats and Plans Administrator Richard Keller stated that he had only two comments. The Commissioners titles needs to be corrected and provide the base flood elevation. Commissioner David Ransom made a motion to approve with Staff's comments, Commissioner Neil West seconded. Voting "Aye" Commissioner Sandars, Cowles, Ransom and West. Voting "No" None. - Motion to approve passed 4-0 Page 4 of 7 — P&Z Minutes PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION I. CONSIDERATION & POSSIBLE ACTION — Preliminary Rat of Shadow Creek Ranch SF-47, 30.488 acres being out the S.G. Haynie Survey, Abstract 212 and Abstract 620, City of Pearland, Brazoria County and Fort Bend County, Texas Plats and Plans Administrator Richard Keller stated the outstanding items were to change the Commissioners titles. Commissioner David Ransom made a motion to approve with Staff's comments, Commissioner Neil West seconded. Voting "Aye" Commissioner Sandars, Cowles, Ransom and West Voting "No" None Motion to approve passed 4-0 J. CONSIDERATION & POSSIBLE ACTION — Preliminary Plat of Shadow Creek Ranch SF-47, 30.488 acres being out of the S.G. Haynes Survey, Abstract 212 and Abstract 620, City of Pearland, Brasilia Place Plaza A Subdivision of 1.8969 Acres of Land out of the J. Crawley Survey, 174 Brasilia County, Texas Plats and Plans Administrator Richard Keller stated that this was in the ETJ, and they needed to identify the owners, and they need to contribute to a traffic signal at McHard and Country Road 93. Commissioner Ruby Sandars made a motion to accept, Commissioner Neil West seconded. Voting "Aye" Commissioners locco, Greiner, Sandars, Cowles, Ransom, and West. Voting "No" None Motion to approve passed 4-0 P. CONSIDERATION & POSSIBLE ACTION — Preliminary Plat of Shadow Creek Ranch SF-48 20.972 acres being out of the George Mac Donald Survey, A-557, the S.G. Haynes Survey, A-620, the H.T. & B.R.R. Company Survey, Section 83, A-761, City of Pearland, Fort Bend County, Texas, and the S.G. Haynes Survey, A-212, City of Pearland, Brasilia County, Texas Plats and Plans Administrator Richard Keller stated the only outstanding item was to correct the Commissioner's titles. Commissioner David Ransom made a motion to approve with Staff's comments, Commissioner Neil West seconded. Page 5 of 7 — P&Z Minutes PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Voting "Aye" Commissioner Sandars, Cowles, Ransom and West. Voting "No" None. Motion to approve passed 4-0 L. CONSIDERATION & POSSIBLE ACTION — Preliminary Plat of Shadow Creek Ranch Business Center Drive Extension, 6.289 acres being out of the William Morris Survey, Abstract 344, City of Pearland, Brazoria County, Texas Plats and Plans Administrator Richard Keller stated that the only outstanding item was to correct the Commissioners titles. Commissioner David Ransom made a motion to accept with Staff's comments, Commissioner Neil West seconded. Voting "Aye" Commissioners Sandars, Cowles, Ransom, and West. Voting "No" None Motion to approve passed 4-0 41. M. DISCUSSION ITEM— Regarding an Amendment to the approved Planned Unit Development (PUD), located on the North Side of Orange Street, on the East Side of Old Alvin Road, and on the East and West sides of Pearland Parkway, consisting of approximately 123 acres of land. Senior Planner Theresa Grahmann stated this was in response to interest by the City to have a possible fire station in this PUD. The City initiated 6 bullet points to amend the original PUD. Some of the points were increasing the lot sizes, remove the specific mix restrictions, and in return the developer would donate 2 acres for the fire station. Commissioner David Ransom asked why giving up sensible urban planning to gain 2 acres for a fire station. Commissioner Neil West stated the main selling point of this PUD was the developer stated he offered larger lot sizes. Commissioner David Ransom asked who was going to pay for the fire station and the upkeep. Commissioner Neil West stated that exchanging smaller lot sizes for a fire station was not good and if it came to a vote today, he would vote against it. Page 6 of 7 — P&Z Minutes PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Chairperson Ruby Sandars asked the Commissioners if in summary that they did not want to see smaller lot sizes and they feel the fire station could be done another way, all said yes. N. CONSIDERATION & POSSIBLE ACTION — Final Draft Wastewater CIP Master Plan Projects Director Joe Wertz along with Eddie Kirst of Kirst Kosmoski, Inc. gave a presentation of the final draft of the Wastewater CIP. Mr. Wertz explained the changes and projects schedule for the next 20 years. Mr. Wertz also explained that projects were trying to match with transportation projects so that the work could happen simultaneously O. CONSIDERATION & POSSIBLE ACTION — Final Draft of Transportation CIP Master Plan Projects Director Joe Wertz gave a presentation of the final draft of the Transportation CIP. Mr. Wertz pointed out how the major thoroughfares would be extended over the next 20 years. Mr. Wertz also explained that both CIP's were continuous working models and would be updated and adjusted accordingly. NEXT MEETING DATES: September 20, 2004 - JPH & Regular P & Z ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:51 p.m. These minutes respectfully submitted by: Betty Foreman, Planning & Zoning Secretary Minutes approved as submitted and/or corrected on this day of , 2004. Page 7 of 7 — P&Z Minutes