1999-11-04 ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEETING AGENDA AGENDA - REGULAR MEETING OF THE ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND,TEXAS,TO BE HELD ON THURSDAY,NOVEMBER 4,1999,AT 6:00 PM IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS OF CITY HALL,3519 LIBERTY DRIVE,PEARLAND,TEXAS r I. CALL TO ORDER II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES III. NEW BUSINESS A. CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION-V99-35, Request of Chad Clayton,owner,for a variance from Section 19.4.3.(a) Access and Maneuvering, for a 13' encroachment into the required 25' between driveway and turning radius, at 2401 Champion Drive, Lot 1, Block 5, Green Tee Terrace Section 7 B. CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION-V99-36, Request of Robert & Kelly Andrews, owners, for a variance from Section 5.4.2.(b),for an encroachment into the required 20'rear yard,at 2703 Janet Court, Lot 3, Block 4,Briarglen Subdivision C. CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION-V99-37, Request of Michael & Cynthia Vasek, owners, for a variance from Section 6.4.2.(b), for a 2' encroachment into the required 20' rear yard, at 1812 Oakbrook Circle, Lot 6,Block 2, Oakbrook Subdivision Phase II D. CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION-V99-38, Request of Robert Buchanan of First Impression Signs, agent for Haywood Jefferies,for two variances 1)from Table VII Commercial to allow 64 sq ft over the allowed 120 sq ft of signage;and 2)from Section 22.4.(1) Height Restrictions, to allow a freestanding sign 5' over the allowed 15' sign height, at 2551 O'Day Road(Pro-Play Zone) E. CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION-V99-39, Request of Dawn Nee of Collins Signs,Inc.,agent for The Home Depot, for two variances 1)from Table VII General Business to allow 540 sq ft over the allowed 200 square foot of signage; and 2) from Section 22.4.(1) Height Restrictions, to allow a freestanding sign 15' over the allowed 15' sign height, at Broadway and Dixie Farm Road(proposed The Home Depot) F. CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION-V99-40, Request of Excellence Development Partnership for a variance from Section 21.2 Use Regulations, for a 25' encroachment into the required 25' front building line, one Lots 1 &4, Block 1, Brittany Estates G. DISCUSSION ITEM IV. ADJOURNMENT POSTED: 1st DAY OF November , A.D., 1999, 5:00 P.M. REMOVED: DAY OF , A.D., 1999