02000 - 03299 ALCOHOL PETITION JULY 2021 Da71(-1 ,0 • AW15-3 • Prescribed by Secretary of State ,,F A n.,u,,,, . Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code R L.Q ' 4/2009 �• l Q.... . ... /1tQ%•,, f E31 ` • o • �` PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ": . " (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) "'"• c To the City of Pearland ,Texas (Al City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de elecci6n propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit:[por medio de to presente,respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de elecci6n de opci6n local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de C6digo de Elecci6n de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas frrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalized la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number-optional (Fecha Firmado) (Firma) c (Nombre en!elm de molde) (DirecciOn de Residenela,Ciudad t ta Estaddo,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de Nacimientto)�/ Numero de Registro de Votacionoptavio) -tiro �7�" c re4,/i tl 1 Sbig`( 13! a:t [ Serial Number(Ntimero de serie): 02000 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisi6n) May 20,2021 O�QEARLgn,0 - AW15-3 Prescribed by Secretary of State _V V.`, y E tnc Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 /A / 'SIB ,,,,, PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE "`" (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [par medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter MeasureITerel To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas frrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio) r _ / c'2 z �tij (µc - iar� , S AY,4 19 t 0 cr-,,s1'4.1 C� r(At_ 6_ 3rc, i �� Se�ial umber(Numero de serte . 02012 Date of suance (La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 „QeAR�N,,, Ell:-/ 4, *1411'1' AW15-3 Litt. Prescribed by Secretary of State r ` �� :0 Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code . 4t2009 �i ''�. .... PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ",.................. (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de elecci6n propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de elecci6n de opci6n local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de C6digo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinaci6n del siguiente asunto,a saber:] tenter Measure Herel To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado)/} 1 _ Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votaci6n-optavio, o�\ � ��4'2vnP� (c — (C 5NMe 13 T-e&AC.- # S• -T T f r4tit�• Serial Number(Numero de sane): 02013 Date of Issuance(La fech de Emisidn) May 20,2021 . ;o , ,� t.. • AW15-3 �U: :D Prescribed by Secretary of State = Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 "°. PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ''" " "‘ (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,'Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccidn de opcidn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de C6digo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinaci6n del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages includinu mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,propdsito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Cddigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio Firmado) l (2l . #itti / 4/ 5 use / / �/ 2021 AW153 ;-; ��= s" Prescribed by Secretary of State =V: 1 Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code, Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber.] (Enter Measure Herel To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio Cti/ h Cc6, C( 0 C(G Arc-i'&(1 c{- r Of'�� S ( U Serial Number itmer a serie): 02015 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 AW 15 3 IU 4, _ rr Prescribed by Secretary of State `�._" Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election(\ode s ti i 42009 ...... :s' ' PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE """ "•��•�,, (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) . (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de elecci6n propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de elecci6n de opcion local de acuerdo con los tdrminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacon del siguiente asunto,a saber:J (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio) Firmado) ( /3 1 . G,-- 60 Moore- —2 3os Ne o�r�-L►, b4Zofo s:: cam', AW15-3 �V: `Ak _ Prescribed by Secretary of State ` °�_ Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 412009 -`, ...... PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccidn de opcidn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Cddigo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinaci6n del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The 1eea1 sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,propdsito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Cddigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio, Firmado) ----- .10.___. ,,,,,,..k,-.1-., .,,,,,.,:a .:7 0 EQ1t .,1.,*._.pf6,,..2-7_ Q-c-( 1•3Q_Za1131- , ••QEAR�N.,, AW15-3 it .`�I- Prescribed by Secretary of State ` :cn E .Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 . PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZ4R) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de elecci6n propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de elecci6n de opcien local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Cddigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] f Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intencibn de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Re:strode Votaci6n-o,tavio ! 1IA cZ r0icn-1 �'✓ 8 9/r 0 cca2./ &iv ! ,,z_ c. Priimp ►ierL. .' Serial Number��i' o de serie): 02018 6 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisi6n) May 20,2021 • "`QEARI4N' AW15-3 Prescribed by Secretary of State =U `'� :(= Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code ` : 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE "''i,,,.n'N'''�'''`�` (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:. (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,propdsito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arribapresentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) i (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,COdigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) grnerodeRelsfrodeVofaciónoPlavio b A. twelip krnm\i, ZopettO ill OF ' 1 , 4, „r0/4) it tat - . Serial Number umero de serie): 02019 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 • AW15 3 ' _____# ,,,, A Prescribed by Secretary of State =V .�fi "� ' _ Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 412009 : PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ,,.,..s. (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) • (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccon propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccon de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccian de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyasfrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavit 191 t LJa ,J / 77,7y /ft-zeta- R ` AW15-3 �, 100 .'ill 1 NI- sZ3 I si---,...4 ,: Prescribed by Secretary of State = Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code4.\ tn= 4/2009 • • PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de elecciOn propuesta) . hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and.provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de elecci6n de opcidn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de C6digo de Elecci6n de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacidn del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intenciOn de los solicitantes cuyas fnmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) • Numero de Registro de Votaci6n-optavii (0191W ofr(iF 747111.4 IS-S75 Ca/leo 44(11,-, 6,-greff.c. Serial Number(Nzimero de serie): 02021 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisidn) May 20,2021 AW153 +, Prescribed by Secretary of State •�_ Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 ` PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE " '' (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de 10 presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccidn de opcidn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here), To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages includinc mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas limas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio Firmado) 4- L 1&—I Ar_\4>e(xf " v1 S 5411 1/7 cjor// ((r14'21b. / /3 D?) FOc* bf'l_ 3(k-eir 1" AW15-3 ^! `4I�►. Prescribed by Secretary of State E. /, i�: Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code = 4/2009 %<� PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de elecci6n propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de elecci6n de opcidn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de C6digo de Elecci6n de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinaci6n del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyas firms aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio 1-9 PA h /AP 4 Alf' k.L.oac.km°'fetRa.upki ---E% --7-- 53Y-4 eqx--v1)09' ( Serial Number(Ntimero de serie): 02023 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 _ A . c AW15-3 f�f , r Prescribed by Secretary of State 8 • ' " 1 Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code �\ 42009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE '''' (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccibn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccidn de opcian local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de C6digo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto, a saber:] anter Measure Herel To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beveraces includin mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas f:rmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento)/ Numero de Registro de Votaci6n-optavio, te Pc LJ1 kie — 711 /e,o e 7 — ::; : AW15-3 �. `'� .� i "'a. Prescribed by Secretary of State "V' ~r Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE '''' (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA•LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyasfrrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Fi4Tt21 do) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Yotacidn-aptavio, ki/L-Idge 14!C(kal�s-ii1 u& Flo & y`, Fed o - ..._ 4r� K ram, i ie l cI Serial Number(Numero de serie): 0202 Date of Issuance (La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 `,off QEARCq/.1/0' : '• � AW153 --c r Prescribed by Secretary of State = 1 C/.? Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 'Sig ..... PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccion de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eeeccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area La determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Herek To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votaci6n-optavio 21 ,\ a_tu -1--156 1 _0111 \ . ,, 1 �� C�and 12d �.tn 13anorl U Date of Issuance (La fecha de Envision) May 20,2021 Serial umber(Numero de serie): 02027 . AW15-3 f3 `" 1 K . Prescribed by Secretary of State Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code m' i N 4/2009 . _ PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) • (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de elecci6n propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de elecci6n de opciOn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de C6digo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinaci6n del siguiente asunto, a saber:J . center Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio WSADOP 1M2- Al yr, toexs ;D 'Blasi 1 6 444,E -.4r 1 .xP c( Serial Number(Numero de serie): 02028 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisidn) May 20,2021 :_:;;:iikft,,q AW15-3 • ` SCE: ��' - Prescribed by Secretary of State r �.- ;tn- Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code �'11 : 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE . (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit:.[por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de elecciOn de opcidn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Cddigo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacon del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here' To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,propdsito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyasf firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohOlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Cddigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio, 6'b it' k quty 14 (s 1 - ,ix,rit,v_____ , ,,,r -7,,, 6,,,4,e,,__ „ /? Serial Number(Nzimera de serie): 02029 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisidn) May 20,2021 . .s"'Qom,..",,,a•,,., AW153 Prescribed by Secretary of State \ Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 % % "' PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE "" (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccion de opci6n local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eeeccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) a (Fecha de optional Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio) Firmado) .--. ��a���/ alb 1 1 I Or'- '-fie'Air.i AP hhlhz l?� n D fq&o IES .-fx7 6.-Na«. AW15-3 : -._ '~/ `A '. IS Prescribed by Secretary of State 'U' / -)cn Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code /` _ • 4/2009 - \\ ..... PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE "" • (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [par medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccion de opcon local de acuerdo con los tdrminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacidn del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyas firms aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arribapresentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) / Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio, O b 2t S lA.s�_ $a- v•ot,: GLU-, 3ko5 0me,►vt,C(( L cc /'frev,—extA Serial Number(Numero de serie): 02031 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Envision) May 20,2021 _�• cn AW 15-3 Prescribed by Secretary of State �s., •.......• Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code • I" """, 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION O�AI IZE RA AR (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL Ci of Pearland ` Texas) Texas) To the City___�of undersigned Texas A of de registro) ,Texas (N (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridadosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland (Territorio de election propuesta) (Territory for Proposed Election) provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area issue, wit: (pr io de ptlee respetosamente soente mentioned area sea o me for the purpose of request that a local e legallyl qualified otersn election be lof said area the determination of the following s and el proposito de for theamaof deubmittind to the oa q rovisiones de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y paraP P Naga una Ramada eleecton de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y p someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del sigu1e It asunto, as hol c evera e includin mixed evera es .r t:r 1�1��SLre Here1 To Legalize: The le z t of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon tols see elilegalized ntathe sale ble f a coholic alcohOlicbsveerages referred nto in tthe issue a set o)out above. It ss a e hope,purpose and mten as frmas aqui aparecen,qu 8 (Es la esperanza,proposito a intention de los solicitantes cuY f Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- Texas,Zip) •County Residence Address(City, (Condado) de optional Printed Name Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Fecha ento) Numero de Re:istro de VotaciOn-o.tavio Date Signed Signature (]Vombre en Tetra de molds) (Fecha PIEIMIIIIII........EPv/h i Li A ' '4 Vf ' • s' EMIMIIgffllIll", srliM, Illinialmv, A I • °-VftUl ' i ' ' \VO MEW' t- Serial Number Numero de serif): 02032 c"? t.r RNO''' AW15-3 nV;•� —� ys Prescribed by Secretary of State ` •cn_ Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 % ..... r? PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ""`". • (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de elecci6n propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de elecci6n de opci6n local de acuerdo con los tdrminos y provisions de C6digo de Elecci6n de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacon del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here), To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas f rmas aqui aparecen,que estd legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio, Firmado) G I 5 IZ1 Otu fremftelEr'w-o-e, 2431. vitt". �-� '� .'ice: AW 15-3 Prescribed by Secretary of State ;t Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,•. PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEG_ (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) Ci of Pearland Texas) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( (Insert Filingr ed qualifiedy) Autoridad de registro) Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland Texas) We,the undersigned voters of Pearland ( (Territory for Proposed Election)) Territorio de elecci6n propuesta) Title 17 in the above mentionedarea or ElectionCode,de Title r the above te r a respofectfully request that a the legally ion election votersbe called in area detce erminatioh the n of the s and following issue, tewit: poam medio mencionada pre ente re p to y pare el suplicamospropositode hereby e for the purpose d eleccitind to oalqualified of said de haga una llamada de elecci6n de opci6n local de a ha a area la determination del provisiones de asunto,l a sabe�J cci6n de Texas, Titulo 17 en g someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha Measure Herel To Legalize: The le al sale of all alc holic evera e includin mixed bevera es rear que este legalized la yenta thed ale of alcoholics akohOiics beveragesre referred l to in the issue a to.) I hoe purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signaturusa spear hereon to see legalized sale of to in the issue set out above. (Est is a e hope,p rP as limas aq p la esperan_>o,propdsito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuy fDate of Birth Voter Registration Number- Texas Zip) County Printed Name Residence Address(City, � (Fecha de optional Date Signed Signature de oNurneroption de Re_istro de Votacidn-o•tavio Firma (Hombre en Tetra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Firma) Firmado) MINI 3 la kbbQ-6 O 0 YO Ze�(C LI .(90- IBRIMIll in, 1), a eria Number (Mime t de serie GO 034 _ AW15-3 i�_ `' Prescribed by Secretary of State _�: _ Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code ''', 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) Texas) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) f ntioned area hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance said area the deteth the rminationns and provisions of the following �sueet was portmedio de to p Title resente,nrespeto the bamenove e suplicamos se for the purpose ofd submitting to the legally qualified voters o of haga una llamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de C6digo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencianada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beveraees includine mixed beveraees to in the It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures ui aparecen,hereon eon teoe legalizad la ved the sale of nta de bee dasalcholic cas beverages en el referred ednto arr ba issue e set o out t above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyas f 9 P Coun Date of Birth Voter Registration Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) ty Ftha de optional Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Hombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Cbdigo) (Condado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio) Firmado) Z 4/4....A.. . • ` Iffillir . 77_4":‘,1-,,-& a , 177 -44f 26)17:1 ,tce_/_,fno.`, t ,r,,e4MWAI Serial Number(Nitmero de serie): 02035 AW15 3 :U • ': Prescribed by Secretary of State �: Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code • 4/2009 �'. PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) I Date Signed Signature Printed Name ResidenceCounty Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha Address(City,Texas,Zip) l (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha d e optional Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio Firmado) /l _/cJ ;TM 1111 &l u_ 31 f( 61e1/ Drive/�� Bdz�l A - / 1. 4 AW15-3 `i` 4• Prescribed by Secretary of State z ,�r� ;Cn? Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 412009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacidn del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here), To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que estd legalized la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio) --Q-�� 1?6,...1-; a&-z_— 5 l s b ,1 4. ./, . C'0-' , ''Irk c-fetutte- geh.,(1.1-3 sla_ 01(- 4,1,,Ja-ii-, 7f-ii,, .56 '- d4r-ecf-‘..-z_eiri& ati • i ,1 , _ _ vioRd.(k 1-zu3.2. (,ia‘d \--1--ibs's( .51-0.-zt. . 0- � zi041e I d C ial Number(Nitmero'de serie): 0�041 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Envision) May 20,2021 f,i 1, AW15-3 Prescribed by Secretary of State Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code %4 , 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( Ci+��f Pearland Texas) (Autoridad de registro) Texas • (Insert Filing Authority) ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland ) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland (Territorio de election propuesta) (Territory for Proposed Election) Title 17 in the above mentioned area he or Election Co de , ee17 respet above te suple as rea forrehe respectfully request that a local legallyion qualified votersion be lofsaid area the dete in accordance rmination of ande following issue, to wit: Code, the purpose ofd eleccitind to the de acuere do una Ilamada de elecci6n de option local acuerdo con los terminosn del provisiones de asunto,ta saber] de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de hag someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacto gu (Fn er Measure Herel To Legalize: The le al sale f all alc holic bevera es includin mixe ever e It is a e hope,purpose and intent of the solicitantes petitioners cuyas signaturesms p recen gueon steo see legalizad la yen a de beb das alcoholicas refe the sale of alcoholic ndo en el asu referred nto arriba presentado)t above. (Es la esperanza,proposito a intention de los solicitant uy .}� County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) de optional Date Signed Signature (Fecha d e option de Re:istro de Notation-o.tavio (Fecha (Firma) (Hombre en tetra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) Firmado) , 1 43g MAG` j3A - ►.r !obi . , -2z- 4 , Al ANA �� one �--�`�� MIMIis Marti g laA9Af mmerffir- . �►1.�i,11,. ►�,�,�NAm ':i ger 23[ MO fAivko_A D' frk- 1 '" de serie): 0 042 , 7 re"- C.1.-Y fSerial Num.er '�umero cn e t5 3 ; trescribed by Secretary of State � Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas election Codeosss PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION OPCION LOCAL OARA x . (PETICION PARA ELECCION To the City Texas)of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( Ci of Pearland (Insert Filing ed qualified (Autoridad de registro) Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland Texas) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland(Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) win issue,the Texas wit: (per ion de Code, itlee 17 respetosamente abovesoente e area a Title in the mentionedarea o me respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance determinatioh the n of the s and provisions of Election onada previamente y para el proposito de hereby alla q to the legally loal qualified o cvon lorss o e said area e for the purpose of submitting haga una Ilamada de election de opeidn local de acua a area la determina�on del siguiente as n o,l a sabe de�J ccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area g someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha Measure Herel To Legalize: The le al ale fall alc h lit evera e includin mixed evera e to It is the hope,purpo se and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear�heueoneols see ellegalized tothe sbale of alcoholic alcoicbs beveragese referred to in the issue ssse set o)t above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas ftrmas aqua apareee , Date of Birth Voter Registration Texas Zip) County Printed Name Residence Address(City, optional Date Signed Signature (Condado) . (Fecha imie de oNumeroption de Re:istro de Yotacibn-o.tavio Firma (Hombre en Tetra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) Number- (Fecha (Firma) "21 —M, �� iFirmado) � If1.illn."131111M111-Mal— - p ,Y/ 1 Af _`•�' ��-� 1'LG l2c� 1 ems.- 1 IP r "�` r' 043 Serial umber(Numero de serie): 02 �, AW15-3 Prescribed by Secretary of State Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code \,, PETITION FOR TO (PETICION A ELEC ON DE OPCION LOCAL PARA R)ON Texas A 1 ( Texas) the Citv of Pearland, Cits�^f Pearland Autoridad de registro) Texas) (Insert Filing uay) ( ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland We,the underrsigneedd qualified voters of Pearland(Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) Title 17 in the above mentionedarea f os se said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por meedioedeil o preada enteprev respetosamente to y pare el uplicamto de hereby respectfully request that a local option election be calloed in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,de for the purpose odecinsubmitting to the legallyo qualified voters de haga una Ramada de eleccion de option localedicha area la determination del siguiente asun�o,la sabe�]cci6n de Texas, Titulo 17 en area someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados To Le alize: The le al ale of 11 alcoh lit eves e includin mixed bevera e (Enter Measure Her& g ui a arecen,que este legalized la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear pear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas f q Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- Texas Zip) County Printed Name Residence Address(City, (Fecha optional Date Signed Signature Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) de ption de Re:istro de Notation-ootavio (Fecha (Firma) (Hombre en lets de molde) Firmado) gPr�hCi 61-G7�cr�. 7 'z0-5�O / P 5/o � a k, ZL, Di- �lid Alir� o �/ r J� f / .., .� �r• oAIPIM " Fli►1 �, e /8Y97/AC' 2021 Serial Number (Numer. de serie): 0204 ,.oF?�K`ANo"- • AW15-3 1 I ` � '•.n Prescribed by Secretary of State Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code fi% = 4/2009 ", oss PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE �`'" " .,s (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) . (Territorio de eleccon propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de C6digo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacon del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio) au Ate 3 Y Pic 2�i1�5 l'�,�6 �,;,J�� ����T��- /�,�rT „.”pfirt.C,g0,,,,, ''� - s. __ .o iry-or State jU. ' ' _�f ---section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code t 1. 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland, Texas A 1( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de opcon local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente&unto, a saber:J (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatgfes/appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas firmaskqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- > (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de mak) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) , Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio) C/3/2l q Q ` la, ��4 J(ll Alli/(E Wl 4,W,d l.(I 4/(1-k 2 gik Serial Number(Numero de serie): 02048 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 AW15-3 J... ' - \Cc\:: Prescribed by Secretary of State EC)i _. Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland _-,'Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de elecci6n propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code, Title 17 in the above mentioned area or the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de elecci6n de opcidn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de C6digo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,propdsito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) A'pl. c. 4. Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio) ..1.. -_....�1j4 jt-4t �%- . -rid J `CSC 7 sg srA-, ''ial Numb;,M'amero de serie): 02049 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 . QFARL4/,�•,,,,, _'Uc V�� j�7�a cretary of State = ` �_ ,:c126,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A ( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) utoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified vot of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de .Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto, a saber:] CEnter Measure Here) To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beverages includinc mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.)Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional +Firmado) ' Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio) 6--ef-V Tays.& gzee rez-,:e- Ice-i7 2_gal t3t:e7ixiictoAte-- fie 2..c°74- / - Serial Number(Ntimero de serie): 02050 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisibn) May 20,2021 .. Q�R .tip'', AW15-3 .`� `" • Prescribed by Secretary of State 'U: d col Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code t p` ; 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ,g,,,,...,,,,00,,,,, (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A I ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) ' We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de elecci6n propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de opci6n local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de C6digo de Elecci6n de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:J (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) 1' (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudnd Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional �Firmado) til / r/ rr Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio) •' I..`� ;ti�• � W1 uP 1� r\t o 4ct/4/1 2. Serial Number(Nzzmero de serie): 02051 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisitn) May 20,2021 i NNIJF.. l',-S., ill AW15-3 - ` 'we Prescribed by Secretary of State Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code /` • 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) 17 in the above area hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the TexasElectiondC de Code, Title17res et above mentioned suple area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: presente, p e haga una llamada de eleccion de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:) (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set It is the hope,purpose and intent of de los soliciitantese petitioners vcuyas_limas aqui aparrecen,quehose signatures appe on to see este legalizad la yednta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado)out above. (Es la esperarz:a,proposito e intention Date of Birth Voter Registration Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County oo d d a de Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) ( ) (Fecha d e optionalumero de Registro de Notation-optavio) Firmado) yy��` t n^ tl (�/-k _ Vi . .� a - filk AW15-3 r• �\ 'cn_ Prescribed by Secretary of State Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 t�� PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election ec ion Code,Title 17 in the e above e mentioned ned ar sea for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: presente, P haga una llamada de eleccidn de opcidn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Cddigo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de • someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here\ To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intencian de los solicitantes cuyas frrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohblicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Printed Name Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- Date Signed Signature Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date echo de optional Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en!era de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha d e oNumeroption de Re�istro de Votaci6n optavio) Firmado) _ -------t 5V I ` 01(3 itemIAA L...0 " 3 L7 L'riL kr be_ a L b�-5- • I t q_0(.44-effilf 3c�1 � � ))0 ov Ct • R & k o-PF p`R Cq4,,,, f 4:::i --# . .1. . Prescribed by Secretary of State `U' ':y: Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code "s _ ` , 4/2009 • PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ' •,• (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland • ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccibn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de opci6n local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinaci6n del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of theRetiVners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. _ (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencidn de Ths-splicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature - Prmted Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- i, / / / Oei, " / 0146 H Serial Number(Numero de serie): 02056 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 moo: " ;.�!, .,of State s U' -• ' : w 501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE "..............''`.k��,` . (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [par medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccidn de opcidn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Cddigo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacian del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,propdsito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas ftrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residences Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Cddigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio) 11111., 1 r j ' { iv. �l -, . •,•, 'WV) e `o�lt� [t.NWopi K73 bt/l�t;Z i� � Serial Number(Numero de serie): 02057 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 sciAR O xW 15-3 -:..a —: A� :<<n? Prescribed by Secretary of State _c : `\\\ vi: Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 \\ ; PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE .,.to (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) . c*4 10( To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) ‘k0i1A - (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) / We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presence, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de opcon local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:) (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration. "- ber-, (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Cddigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional NtarFirmado) 70I'1�Ud Nacimiento) Numero de Registro d VotaciOn-optavio) —i-Av i Al,' (;47., 2-.0 ..v. A.,,c.-1,-,�(1 �(t'f7i �`-- Serial umber(Numero de serie): 0205 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisidn) May 20,2021 ."OF• R�.'O AW 15-3 - ` `' Prescribed by Secretary of State -V' 4.4411111k—f)v�i=c Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code L ? 1111 4/2009 - PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccon propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de opcon local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de.Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:" (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The lenal sale of all alcoholic beveraees includine mixed beveraees i It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. ' (Es la esperanza,proposito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyas firrnas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) i. Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Re:'stro de Votacidn-o,tavio `-I-di // -lizotikk dfac a OLjaire c 2S 3i S -arlei 64,14 � -� 6r6.��ta Serial Num.er(Nzumero de serie): 02059 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 /.1sz,„;:!....Y... . `a'��._ AW153 'V• ' Prescribed by Secretary of State +,� i Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 0` - �" PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medic de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas frrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha Signed Signature (Condado) (Fecha de optional (Firma) (Hombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,,Es/tado,Codigo)�� i,-Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio) Fyrm�ado) 1 e— {rJ Oil1 W 11, NArlia LIVl 6‘Ced1:Q • ?. •. =. AW15-3 =,, 4 R� Prescribed by Secretary of State • _ : Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code r 412009 a PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:] ( nter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas f rmas aqui aparecen,que esti legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio) , 0:1 /� )`-',,(Ano C.c�kd Z9 t0 --f\ar�.��e�r�c�. 'iX-. -orQf e, � Serial ber(Nzimero de serie): 02061 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisidn) May 20,2021 o�QEARLq:!:0 ', AW15-3 - �I_ Prescribed by Secretary of State =U Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland Texas) • (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code, Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,-to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente.asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas f:rmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arribapresentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional ,Fir .do) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio) -• % ` V(� gCeeT i©zr0 A r 8,• d bt. �'a- - ( Serial Number(Numero de serie): 02062 9 QY l4, \Q\ Date of Issuance (La fecha de Emisidn) May 20,2021 . AW 15-3 L.0• ., ..... �0 Prescribed by Secretary of State U:• 4� t�%s Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Codeli AjOr ` • 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de elecci6n propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por media de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de elecci6n de opci6n local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de C6digo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacon del siguiente asysto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here), To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages • It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) - County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) .rpndado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimientp) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio) 6'- ' .40 ( ,,i0 1("ccii=2-- b • 0.72cr ..----- • • ,�L '- t Serial N ber um ode serge 02063 Date of Issuance La echo de Envision 20 20 ( f ) May , i e/ v / gsf". C,q,v'" scretary of State � : 'r= I '.t.i 16,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code o f if = Y ,•' — PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE '...•+1......«..."',` (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccidn de opcidn local de acuerdo con los tdrminos y provisions de C6digo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacidn del siguiente asunto,a saber:] IEnter Measure Herel To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. • (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohblicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional ._. 'irmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio) C fq fooittigo wNib .2_40 ‘,As/fr'lfs'' c(,av -?-206' 611/X i A 1 1 4 Serial Num b er(Ntim-ro de serie): 02064 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 AW153 Ems' � ' 7. Prescribed by Secretary of State =V° �rJ '�� :5,,' Section 501.026,501.027,501,028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 • PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ,,..... "' (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) ' We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) • (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de elecci6n propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de elecci6n de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Cddigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y-para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto, a saber:] • ,fEnter Measure Here\ To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. •(Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arribapresentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name - Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) .(Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votaci6n-optavio) (4(8 2,I �: `s 51 C'��n,go q i)2E.s (-- UU?Ir' ti n�.1'150�{ 5---Z 2021 Se ial Number(Numero d serie): 02065 (L f ) 41,..... , ..I Prescribed by Secretary of State r 1 Section 501.026,501.027,501.028, _ �_Texas Election Code ` 420.09. - a S? ter, PTION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE „,,.won N" •(PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas)- „ (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages . It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. • (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalized la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condadp) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio) cv —Z( 6f 3 XQ 'G► ` ) c) 74tpqt,4i2e--)c, °'L " • 1.1.--.i —# .%s",4,1 IIII AW15-3 z V Prescribed by Sectetary of State ` '�_ Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code :.:.- . \ ...... ,,, ...... 4t2009 ... s PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) € (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de elecci6n propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de elecci6n de opci6n local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de C6digo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes•legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinaci6n del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of thepetitiOners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. _ (Es la esperanza,proposito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyas frrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccien de Residencia,Ciudad Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio) Fir o) � ,y\ ( LC�4 -Zf�' ' /�o‘f166196 w 7 e.il< 0 iC �jq 01:1I16) z v:i It t'f,A4. -1-441e., 71-Gr./1 ",-- /43_ii av", Cree,e me " ------_,,,,,.....____ T. / 'a . �� AW15-3 .ems Prescribed by Secretary of State _� -I~ cn, Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code it 4/2009 ' 4 's.,� ,,'�. PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland Texas) • (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas• (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccibn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccibn de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codtgo de Elecci6n de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here), To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas ftrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional FirNacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio) Fi m ado) ( gdfil V vti,R ;4 ( kk Dom. Blvd_ tra_m(›,- AW15-3 '$._ : -- \‘'1�c_ E. 11/4 Prescribed by Secretary of State V'. 1;; 1.Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code (r)3 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccidn de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisioner de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacidn del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here), To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,propdsito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas fzrmas aqui aparecen,gue este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Fia) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio) Loh ,4 jk kAA9)-'1 ( aeirri-Ral . ' &f2z\s-n 127)p_ff , . Serial Number it ero de serie): 02079 Dhte of Issuance (La fecha de Emision) May'210,2021 I of P�R4NO''',,, AW 15-3 i id i i,:et Prescribed by Secretary of State s ` :0 Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code ` i 42009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICION.PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) " —�/ (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) n We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) \1 I (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) t, i ,.:a�� hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area 11�T for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccidn de option local de acuerdo con los tdrminos y provisions de Cddigo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages . -It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que estO legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arribapresentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) 0 (Nombre e etra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Cddigo) (Condado) (Fecha optional Firmado) ; i 12 Naci nto) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio) VI, Ai-k Ail 191 / ,4 II ,, 1 Otc,i4-4 kvii i P. , ii kilPf_ „ ._ J41 Adjulikiii c77/5)9 5C'-i ' " . , its7142 (7,:( e- z 443 lei 2( a°5-74// a/t-/& 4=74- ---00 i h _) 6 I( (-4- 51,714.eiler / ( 13-14","{".-. , & )-? G/67)(/ ),(-01,/&/0 iSrat7-w., '. I.■ f -7 g,U k _ 2 sl -nic. toter . . 17 1 a/lig/4x 4 i Hbiejr - ) , _ ---A eh,40A;b1 j4i.j, pi.. _ //I r ' .ei ft; ri• Number(Ntimero de serie): 02082 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisitin) May 20,2021 AW15-3 4' •�Cn :A'' Prescribed by Secretary of State z V' 1 e. '.y, �` s Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code s 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE " \ \\ (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) J! f�l-, To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) / ' We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subsoritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intencibn de los solicitantes cuyasftrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arribapresentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio) d iOl1 ate'" i na MAA 2020 30Sinaa( De. 1)t 0"1 u c i i. .. Serial Number(Nitmero de serie): 02083 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Er ' ion) May 20,2021 s AW15-3 16: '411111-21TS Prescribed by Secretary of State • E. ` s os Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code a 4/2009 ...... PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE • "" °``' (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) . We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas), (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccion de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) ` (Condado) (Fecha de optional Finnado) I� ., Av �` , Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio) �' , 4CL.k a , PIXO banibigit X e a ID t 7171A i' (21-1a111}• Serial umero de sera) li:_7•`• WN' : ii AW15-3 tV' C�n Prescribed by Secretary of State Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) (Date echa Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- Firma (Firma) (Hombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (FechNacima de iento) optional de Registro de Votacion-optavio) Firmado) 1 (� ���� VO 1 Oast)/drill z ' i►- • in `���i'.i��►.'avat '; 21o\ •Circe v.17_c7,) lig _4,10 .A 'q..,. 1:ck-t\(-e._. _ -51,0-2.---6A.eyw.30k5.- ...\?_,71,01/4, bir-A.-230yi-, . AW 15-3 , # • I. Prescribed by Secretary of State aZ3i No,\ :cn_ Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 42009 ,, PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE "" ""''''~ (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZE?) 22 To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de elecci6n propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de elecci6n de opcian local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de C6digo de Elecci6n de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinaci6n del siguiente asunto,a saber:J (Enter Measure Here\ To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que estd legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- . (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio) ill 2I 2l , V�X� S., 1 li a"L il1VRA PASS Dv, �- lu'tctx�l jY�%pVt a- Serial Number(Ntimero de serie): 02089 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 • • • 11..1.-:: # % S AW15-3 zV' •�' i oz Prescribed by Secretary of State Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code " 1 1. Art : ! 42009 irrs PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) . We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccion de option local de acuerdo con los tdrminos y provisions de C6digo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] Inter Measure Here) To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature CountyDate of Birth Voter Registration Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Est,•o,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) • Nacimiento) Numero de Re:'stro de Votacidn-o•tavio 1i i 1 CA-eAt-L cA-0 416c 4i,1e, e3 • 1-) w • Serial Number(Ntimero de serie): 02090 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 se 1 st �°�:: AW15-3 :UE `t' :tY Prescribed by Secretary of State1.1 Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code ` :tn= 4/2009 - : \, `c .... ,,,` PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE "..."..........`'P.. (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here), To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito a intention de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqul aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) . County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en Tetra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio) o-9-1( r--''—'f Ios eZ V7Vi 7fnA C. iSra2Dvic-- Serial Number(Numero de serie): 02093 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 /O.QEAKwNo , AW15-3 1 i of Prescribed by Secretary of State Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 ' .. PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE -„ (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZE?) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de election de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacidn del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha Firma firma) (Hombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) Nac:zmiento)(Fecha de optional ero de Re:istro de Votacion-o.tavio Firmado) � IIIMN0 t,41M.[' to iir i ►_ i_ 1,..AW ':.,,.. 3...)./- . , , i 4.40,6/ ,0-, - ."-/?zej if.), , ref ,a_zr �.1.. . 1'l. 2021 f°/ o .'••:A Prescribed by Secretary of State =V .�_ Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 �� PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland, Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacidn del siguiente asunto,a saber:J (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Cddigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio) PQ e_/rZC12.t TA. - 3.. ? 0- A.. `li ad Irtroi,s1\qr-Re.f-topclYi Serial Number(Numero de serie): 02106 Date of Issuance (La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 AW 15-3 ..fr' Prescribed by Secretary of State =V' — Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE •°'',,,,......,o..0" (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber.] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Potacion-o tavio) Firmado) � g P . , � f �a( t tr� ja_ - , • ',.. tary of State r U: ` ih r 501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code -- ". 42009 - , PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) ' To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland Texas) • (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de elecci6n propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de elecci6n de opci6n local de acuerdo con los terminos)1 provisioner de C6digo de Eleccian de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacian del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here' To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intenciOn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavic (al L112PM/ r,'tZ i ` 17 5gt 13 3m` - /�c 1 \t l� m /� 1 til ! '1 ) a 1 ILtrcJ' , ,p�e�l' t.�1V lTX V� Serial)ftz umber de serie): 02108 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisi6n) May 20,2021 - 'tea;' 4 ,, - -Prescribed by Secretary of State V i Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election CodeIt 4/2009 O ; '' ``/ PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) . (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the teens and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of.said area the determination.of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:) (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages • It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. LLL/// (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacton-optavio) CCI 10.3-3\t • (, 3..2/ 1 )//c) /7/.5 Li/,v� : ,7 4 c , ,; Veri Num r zimero a serie): 012109 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 AW15-3 Prescribed bySecretaryof State 17 s V i 1�' = Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code t ij/ 4/2009 ,, PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE „" (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:) (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The lanai sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,propdsito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arribapresentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) IIIM Nacimiento) Numero de Re:'stro de Votacidn-o,tavio (— -a) IP 1 PP MECHERMIPIPMIPAIMPIP lifrroC11/04- LW. • 11-41 !oc8, 6v176PetY. fi AW15-3 V, /�:D Prescribed by Secretary of State _ Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code g �; �' 4/2009 s \, _ PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ".. (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A I ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area: for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de • someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intenciOn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Notation-optavio, g(t-- r• eckv e 142A &awe ailiburrativi 11.J (SrdekcLial,1-. • Serial Number(Nzsmero de serie): 02113 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 ,�QEAR[,g,'''' AW15-3 `� Prescribed by Secretary of State E.0 i Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ,,,,,,,,,,,,,o„" (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code, Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the deteimination of the following issue, to wit: Ipor medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccion de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber.J (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,propdsito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C'digo) ' �& (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) �, _/ Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Notation-optavio) 1 f_ (, 64.-2, 0(A:4 i Alt i ikt) ; ,A,de, ii ai.D'Ii6- ,► ,� _IuIZ► . l, i I ' ' JP' . — ( i Cis rc�- 9,r1:7444 � � ,6Qg1'L ( Q ic(4 ric_o►,j1ac0 q 61Z (,lt)Of') (k ) ant Pict) ,+ -TsW yAKI- Serial Number(Numero de serie): 02114 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 AW15-3 Prescribed by Secretary of State = . ` �� 2 = Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 - ...... �.,.. PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE "'... (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) SP To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de opci6n local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Cddigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here). To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas limas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Cddigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votaci6n-optavio) 6 H M V649 kali fOriertain -14-ftl 11?-0 6erkivaq 511-- *--r)L' c'(-7ntfA°e I S Serial Number(Numero de serie): 02115 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisidn) May 20,2021 1.N..o F`. AW15-3 �-i -- Prescribed by Secretary of State =U ;> Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code, Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medic;de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisioner de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas limas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio) 4/ / 2i 12.. DAT LE ;I W. 011ad41 Pr, 13,0,Z6InR - Serial Number(Numero de serie): 02122 ate of Issuance (La fecha de Emisidn) May 20,2021 AW15-3 .� ` Prescribed bySecretaryof State U` `'� �\ :cn_ Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 42009 : ,PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) • (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccidn de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Cddigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacidn del siguiente asunto, a saber:] • (Enter Measure Herel To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beverages includinc mixed beverages - --- It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas frrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado)_ Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad Estado,Cddigo) - (Condado) (Fecha de optional 1Firmado) j Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio, 0 if 0-4----1 okr of 1,4 ::ir ,i, L SAKI, DjO j� (W4' vJcpL,s (M --;,1 AW 15-3 ` I # ...os Prescribed by Secretary of State '-0 ` ;�" Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code _ 4/2009 • , 's ,, PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE uNIN,.IP.``4 (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election,be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente,respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de C6digo de Eleccion de Texas; Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto, a saber:J CEnter Measure Herel To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) (� < ^ qc � Serial Number(Numero de serie): 02125 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Envision) May 20,2021 •``,o:QEARC,., , AW15-3 Prescribed by "Secret of State• zU i � Section 501.026,501. 27,501.028,Texas Election Code 412009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE "''��, (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) • To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1(_.City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) 4utoridad de registro) _ We,the undersigned qualified vots of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de elecciOn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos • haga una Ilamada de elecci6n de opci6n local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de C6digo de Elecci6n de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el propasito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacidn del siguiente asunto,a saber:] • f Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,propdsito e intenciOn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en tetra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavic uc06121 „,,., k. grrjt 1,t. ta-' 7101 7 i9Q ((055 20601 Is Z.Z. _ av ri(Sk t b 21 1 lonsTry zb Elp465 SPNIny5 9t-azoilA • • • Serial Number(Numero de serie): 02.126 Date of Issuance(La fecha de EmisiOn) May 20,2021 "''pEARLq"' AW15-3 ,A-:.L �' '.�' Prescribed by Secretary of State w V' ��r•�� i cn T. ® \1 Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code o �%... ' • 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland - ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit:[por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqul aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Cddigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavi .t)CO 41144 tin i)pc,ip- ).,(0 d r. .0f I F 3ovz J-d h (2tat ��in vt res Ci-•• (" r � /qi avoinilf - /,,,,,_ ,,( . (�/'I(I I 1iAvt.9 c�� S t k ' ) \ / 7/2/ al° M0r• L O is eoviki.� Pv�hr V ,?. `k Ce/7/2 ( ,;` 7 I C4��#5 2 It a 1rr, y Sit.I7f (J zai•a- 1/ix! iyned, .., , e__ / N /7 Al 0 Li• 61 4tito 411,11 \( ,,,„._ G--?r7 1 %ALA mac' U/ C 4eek-PY , ( (D I1��t "\\. if \, 7/ ' .\ ( Serial Number(Nitmero de serie): 02127 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 .�'OF Q" AW 15-3 —4 .ttV Prescribed by Secretary of State U. • �' `�_ Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 .... PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE " • (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) 7 • To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland Texas) . (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) • (Condado) (Fecha de optional Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio, 0� Firmado) ..`7-? �.i - n LN*3ft13I'I221) Sy GO Dvi , � l .. l /i-741 87y tibd rry�4PJ-c �;�5 2Z1(S1�- e creeic P , gia ZGa • -,. I ,, ( tote apt. Qfyrieyk, 6 -7 V ►fir n alb 6 u(a jig 1 sii mf- 1$ 1 n ie- 134--co V 6 . ;),( w r:leg &Ly i l q1 r/ &,,,,e, ash 6--t ' b 0 I7/ 04----Ist ecil km 1 • • Serial Number(Numero de serie): 02128 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisi6n) May 20,2021 ist;s.C..,1.*:.;:,4j3.C11.,;1/::::94:.'",., AW15-3 '� �� Prescribed by Secretary of State i. s U'•' `� lAr' i V Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 1. ` ° 42009 o PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZARJ 0 To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccion de opci6n local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eeeccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Herel To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votaci6n-optavio, Pio-- -zl a. . ow l (ay) iio c, f)(azor,v, to/Chi A-Ait _Carriv-ttk ck-f,;,,t , 7e,e7z, %eft' cr-t-, x 1 , , .,t.c . 66<k(V _ 5h4.01 is `-c P/ Serial Number(Numero de serie): 02129 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 ks:i # ....,>,4,-% ,_, ____,.. „..; AW 15 3 'V• �+' ' E Prescribed by Secretary of StateF. ` Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code �, 4/2009 r' PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccon propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de elecci6n de opci6n local de acuerdo condos terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecharde o) N troptional o de Regtsiro de Votaci6n-optavic Firmado) - t" l 1 A-, ) (1 -r-,,,, � il?, _)3k)7 ))).1)116.-J )-,i414 >) 1 6. 10( , 0 )A i Tayo\ ( e,e31.. o ci L/Kc u, Fora zc 7 ct • Serial Number(Nitmero de serie): 02131 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 AW15-3 r. ��' •�_ Prescribed by Secretary of State Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 ••• ..., PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por media de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas jirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) County Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional ) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavic Firmado) :,."; - _ , ��-i ' O1' . 'laf k,r1e(11— Est: glre / i?::"_ # ..`• ‘1‘\ AW c5-3 4` tJ>= Prescribed by Secretary of State Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 ............ ' ,J_.. PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:) fEnter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyasfermas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arribapresentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en tetra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha d e o) optional tionero de Re�istro de Votacion-optavio Firmado) 4 / 11 xi , ))4& Spy )-`04) Cab 1)P st ii s afawA /?/ AW15-3 tom; U Prescribed by Secretary of State - crs Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ''"',,,l i I...i.tiWs'`‘4 (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eeeccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages includinc mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de Optional Nacimiento)1 Nurnero de Registro de Notation-optavi • Firmado) \ `o QEA t,q�;0,,-,,, AW 15-3 ,~�' ��'- Prescribed by Secretary of St ate i V' ,..s Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code �' 4/2009 - `\ PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZARR To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto, a saber:] CEnter Measure Here' To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages , It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) ,,p �-► Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavii • L I .j ZI J�g,,,,.1.- C`a t S �..o1� 3101 s' Eb4t�a w,1-"7L ► i+-a rim Serial Number(Numero de serie): 02137 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 AW 15-3 :� t11\•S Prescribed by Secretary of State 1 Z.—)i Ni8/1/0.-,. 1 S:i.: Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code = 4/2009 �PO, " PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code, Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccion de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber.•] (Enter Measure Herel To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages includinc mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavii 61 2( c �e-�--.7 14-k,er 11 0 F� s- c i,I G l r+.o, i4 6620,2021 Serial Numb- �. �-� o de serie): 02138 ( l ) May O` �.�QEA• K�ryO� AW15-3 j ' _ Prescribed by Secretary of State -U Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,.Texas Election Code 4/2009 t., PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ,," (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es 1a esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas_limas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firm. (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavU 0R d( rrdr«/ K; t n+E. Ile,4140 kior i TIS% rovoc 10. °'`QFARLA AW15-3 cv? �'�',,,p2 Prescribed by Secretary of State g �,, i Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code • PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland Texas) . (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de C6digo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Cddigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional . Firmado) Nacimiento) e ----* Serial Number(Nzsmero de serie): 02141 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisidn) May 20,2021 .`'c�Q�R�N" AW15-3 ?U: �. e Prescribed by Secretary of State ? Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code s 412009 ', .,,,., PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland • ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccidn de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Cddigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arribapresentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavu (5-6'.Q') Mrtsl i A- al 5929 U tL tau ) D .. P&eLAND f.aZoielA 'p�C PE ",44,0, , 111 • ' AW15-3 . —:`" .tom Prescribed by Secretary of State =V i �` I Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code ` •�r. 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que est6 legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento)_ � Numero de Registro de Votaci6n-optavio, 1916Zii `'✓ S �l DI TAV t3a5 whewS Fir DrVa,c t l � tr6 v A � 7 Serial Number(Ntimero de serie): 02144 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisidn) May 20,2021 AW15-3 D/) /�/ ttil`" :t i t of State e- i(n_ Prescribed by Secretary r. Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code s :` , 4/2009 14(91 ("/ \: , ` �,.,a�...,.�n.......'• PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE • (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autgridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the,above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de C6digo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto, a saber:J (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The lanai sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en tetra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudac'Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Nacimiento) Numer stro de Votacion-optavic 6/ -Firma/2 7 �`doJ /�jl j r dU.i [, i-i" too•} 2021 0j U,c1. AW153 Prescribed by Secretary of State Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 412009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPTION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) Texas) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) Title 17 in the above mentioned area s and rovisions rehe respectfully request that a local legally q election be ualified voters ofsaid area the determinatioin accordance with the n of the following issue,e, to wit: [porf the Texas tion medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se for the purpose of submittingto the leoc y qo haga una Ilamada de eleccidn de opci6n local de acuerdeQ la los �dny del sitgsiones uientedae sunto,ta abede de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha a (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages the sale of alcoholic referred to in the issue set It is a e hope,purpose and intent n de los soliciitantesvhose signatures cuy s_limas aqu aparrecen,quon esteo see legalizad is v dnta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado)t above. (Es la esperanza,propdsito e intencro Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) Count Fatha de optional (Fecha (Firma) (Hombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) Nacimiento) (� Numero de Registro de cidn-optavio Firmado) ( I Q' �7.,� �LP i‘01:0...-"1-#46,,,pchz.—.5-"\I 4a at v Tit, PT-Q a ,` (16 w I � \ ,•-1-,U il-,r, �t .t- a Pun C t to i- in Z.' L 4,,, ,or,;brw- _ (..v " &I (1 _j -,----, .--eif-- - In t-3- .. tAd , 2021 AW15 3 �` Prescribed by Secretary of State i a l jar- I 5;1 Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEG_ (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LECALIZARJ To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( Cir✓of Pearland Texas) (Autoridad de registro) Texas (Insert Filing uay) ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland ) We,the undersigneded qualified voters of Pearland(Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) Title 17 in the above mentionedarea ofs se said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio mencionada pre enteprev re p to y mente par el propositolicamode hereby respectfully request that a local option election be calledr in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,de for the purpose ofd elecci submitting to the legallyo qualified convotrovisiones de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area haga una Ilamada de election de option local de acuerdo los terminos y p someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del si iealte asunto, , a saber]l h li evera e includin mixe bevera es (Fnte,�r Meas»re Here1 To Legalize: The leas a ui a arecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear pear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cz9' .� q Date of Birth Voter Registration Texas Zip) County Printed Name Residence Address(City, de optional Date Signed Signature Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optiero de Re:•stro de Notation-o.tavio Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Hombre en Tetra de molde) Firmado) irrAPHAMT (� g Qi�lJ I. i._i: Ain i 'al i af', ' LA- i Serial Number(Nitmero de serie): 02157 AW15-3 - ti, ��' • ,tn Prescribed by Secretary of State =V :y- Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code �_ 4/2009 �` PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ,'' „'„" (PETITION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccibn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code, Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally.qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccidn de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Cddigo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber.] (Enter Measure Herel To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,4ip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estad6TCddigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) l ( /�,5 Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio 7 •� p i bt/ r ).C/ l �, V �la Set c_a C-o 1 SkedA (a-etc(; js( 6/6Zof4 IYG-f Vre,,✓ereli r� p�Q�7,:',�N� AW153 Ud-:i.,-- -# s.�= Prescribed by Secretary of State �� _ Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Co e 4/2009 -,. PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ,,., (PETICIO(T PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland , I xas (Nosotros, los subs tos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) I T (Territory for Proposed Election) ( e itorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with th4 terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de election de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacidn del siguiente asunto; a saber:] 1 Inter Measure Here' To Legalize: The lecal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) (Date echaSigned Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Firma) (Hombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Cddigo) (Condado) (Nae imaiento) de tional Firmado) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio Firma � � Ou 2I L.ti— U C r"1 ID-b 2 3—") CC I r196,— 1- . 3 f ( / 2021 'AW15-3 : .01f,4': Prescribed by Secretary of State =U q 1. Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code �_ 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ' (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperan_za,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas frrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arribapresentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavi b17 I)'( 01-i ----- —Dall &co'7' _ (2 1 °6 #L0/(-\ flp( k,) cA- VAtefi6N ( /� l 6 I5.h}(`a (Z roI A G,L,,,, S.�^,— Cs' 1�<az' —1 2021 ,,,<PEp• .I,gN0',,, ,` AW15-3 =C5 1 Prescribed by Secretary of State ` Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code = 4/2009 t., PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE "�, (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see.legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) 'ha.0 Q/I Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavi Go-5 111't%!' i, i':llMdam i E t L ej Zb 23 moss Lane ul,ear la. ,1 ( , ,........,q,n',,' AN QV!RL�QNO,''•, J AW 15-3 'ZS Prescribed by Secretary of State =V Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code t 1., \ l _ 4/2009 . PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de elecci6n propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de elecci6n de opci6n local de acuerdo con los tarminos y provisions de C6digo de Eleccian de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinaci6n del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aquf aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votaci6n-optavil — SIZ/ e t 1 r Q k‘2-0 & 3 gIL a err 5PRio6C biz Fie/42417%A • Serial Number mero de serie): 02163 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisi6n) May 20.2021 AW153 fr U: — I, `:, � Prescribed by Secretary of State = :tn= Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code \\ If 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ., (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) •1 To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) • (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code, Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccidn de opcidn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccian de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:J (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages Q,/ It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavi �� ( -7y----A ,-,✓/k4/h f ��c ' �,�,u , � (; C PA �� � �o " '? '.-1 - .o , ..,te AW15-3 ?U Prescribed by Secretary of State : ` :tni Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) • (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code, Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccion de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,propdsito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyaslimas aqui aparecen,gue este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County,, Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-o tavio Firmado) g p ) pc4-724A 0Icty Peiint) ' l a 6(g /21 f(d t - .kLzdfl a / ../q/9-) - . I,. /._ Serial Number(Numero de serie): 02165 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Envision) May 20,2021 AW15-3 � Prescribed by Secretary of State ,fir I o= Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code _ . 4/2009 \, s' PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de elecci6n propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de elecci6n de opcidn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de C6digo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacidn del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votaci6n-optavioo 06 114'11\ \kli,&I .Nb �41' 'm c \AIL \ejat,(6;14 �iYoiLO'-,•\ 2021 . AW15-3 iU; �,.�? Prescribed by Secretary of State z �� :to Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code "s 4l2009 .. ' ' ••�{, ...'. ..,.•• ,. PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL.PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de • Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccidn de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Cddigo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacon del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que esti legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) • (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Cddigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio 6-S-t , , ‘ 150vt1Erntrr. '4V4Ac" N60 tic coot'', Dr itre CSrc,zvvi'. Date of Iance echa de Emision 0 Serial Number umero de serie): 02171 (La.f ) May 2 .2021 `,O�P� .�9dr0 ; AW15-3 ' jrk ttPrescribed by Secretary of State =U` ►- I Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code • ' L \ `co? 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) . To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland - , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) _ We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccian propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presents, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de election de opcidn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Cadigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacian del siguiente asunto,a saber:] fEnter Measure Herel To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beveranes including mixed beveranes • It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intenciOn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arribapresentado) Date Signed Signature • Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molds) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) (01112.1 Cr, / ino•Diritweectfyl;:., II,/ i ,�I� � Serial Number(Numero de serie): 02172 Date of Issuanc6(La fecha de Emisidn) May 20,2021 4. AW15-3 ,,�''I 0 �I► Prescribed by Secretary of State kSection 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code ` � _4/2009 PETITION•FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE \ "\ (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALTZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se' haga una Ilamada de elecci6n de opcian local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de C6digo de ElecciOn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinaci6n del siguiente asunto,a saber:) (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) • Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- • (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio i'( A 21 , .� t .\v�'kC 15• +0L_ZN0\ k0351 7Y' I` 7V 4 Il\ .1(-(4?OTta Date of Issuance echa de Emisidn 2021 Serial Number(Ntimero de serie): 02173 (La•f ) May 20, sss*•'AEpRLq AW 15-3 �,, U �' .�zc? Prescribed by Secretary of State Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code c ` y_? 4/2009 "4 i� ..... ;. PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALTZF. ''`'',, "'••• (PEIICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) • To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyasfrrmas aqui aparecen,que estd legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio L ('S(7A n r '1"n RAO << Vi VA/ C 1AA "1 4-t-61 i, ti - Serial Number(Nzimero de serie): 02174 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 Prescribed by Secretary of State _V ;F.i Section 501.026;501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code = 4/2009 �� PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code, Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de elecci6n de opcidn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacidn del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyasliirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Dtreccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-o Firmado) gi tavic P do 5 ',i da,i,�"t ;4.1,e r i 0 K Aar6 6vaitc-. L7 0S Si.c►i Vet.f`.1elt• p 7 7 5 f-- I ,4-3,ir'{a, ri Number timeilit<A de serie): 02175 Date o ssuance(La echa de Emision) May 0,2021 i — # �,- . Prescribed by Secretary of State li.= 'S_ Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code `i 'r 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccidn de opci6n local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de C6digo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto, a saber:] . lEnter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas f rmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Regsstro de Votacidn-optavio ' rL L0 M LL at• J � .fit-- 111 Serial Number(Numero de serie): 02176 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisidn) May 20,2021 EAR(q'''. Q Prescribed by Secretary of State Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code r ` '�' s 4/2009 'ss PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE "'.��,, (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR1 To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) , hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccion de opcidn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de C6digo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacidn del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Herel To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beverages includin mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (DirecciOn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Ff do) Nacimiento Numero de Registro de Votaci6n-optavio, 1)747 j4I> 'ez— 3 /,e i,rd ky b4i �/ Serial Numb: (Mi' ero de serie): 02178 Date of Issuance(Lafecha de Emision) May 20,2021 .;-- AW 15-3 A. .`#' � 'U ` ' Prescribed by Secretary of State ' N Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de elecci6n propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de elecci6n de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Cddigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] - (Enter Measure Herel To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que estd legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccian de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional • Firmado) J / Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio 1Z Vey .VK (/5I ! , /-0(29,1 Serial Number(Numbeo de serie): 02179 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emi ion) May 20,2021 ,•off Q�R� cv-•' Je Prescribed by Secretary of State = �` '�? Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 ".,, PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de elecci6n de opcidn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de C6digo de Elecci6n de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- - (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en Tetra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavic Firmado) ` ��1��,�� �: �'Z� 1 N1<CA•C•C\ SAdiS Lk10\ a �cv l���r -ri'cr Qrc2.)rL, ( _ ,2 1-WdPongs irOoa W\( &{ va.�ls ( :i 1 SS.' \,ro�Zo,r \� 5- C r 4611 U erejj) 775'81 e vta. [ ,,---( Serial Number(Ntimero de serie): 02180 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 AW15-3 • �/, i • �, Prescribed by Secretary of State - - ` �: - Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code % ..."•. "4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE "•. (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland . ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de.Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measurefierel To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beveraces includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyasirmas aqui aparecen,que ester legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio) 9.A-lit2- th1.4•4 1.(efl-( (-4.ufigke2/71 fev)/2€4‘.4 ) () )/ Serial Num r(N' ero de serie): 02181 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 h" o ..:1 AW15-3 '�` Prescribed by Secretary of State • =-V• �� i(n? Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code "s 0` 3 4t2009 - , 0��, PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ..''",,.�.,.,,,,,,,"0� (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccon propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de opcidn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de C6digo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacidn del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (inter Measure Here) To Legalize: The lecal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,propdsito e intencibn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- -(Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio 6 '-7101 -14?-Cuje V.Q1Ij arvoao zlis‘ c.kr„ ..-59.-,,,cis u 0 a ; ' C4onAKI *vii faSta Shacu1,i (Oven e. rti s _ ,./I / .j6,c�/s/6, o'f_ �32 G 54/�P '( �( � Lok, ,- � 3(4 r H ,, 4, ;73/0 .. --/, r,-yerv, . .2,4 f_2,_ kleil,L; (1--1- Z, s'r"Cv A ,14 iM Z.3 21 SA (dew l'u fir Lh )1roz,,--6, 2021 • - 4 _' ;� Aw153 - ; Prescribed by Secretary of State i_ Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code p\ 11 i. 4/2009 ' PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro)We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [per medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccidn de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Herel To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio Firmado) .1 11 15 ✓'w41s YCkYi(j S i Oil Ij Ail rL '1 bid c0 V41,1 101 9 GI'V' 'ct Qq,.R'''''yp ;. # •.:--vt. AW15-3 -� . Prescribed by Secretary of State i o Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code ` I - 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ''I,`` (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de elecci6n propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de elecci6n de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de C6digo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinaci6n del siguiente asunto, a saber:J (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The leaal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas limas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Re:istro de Votacion-o.tavil 1 0 1 0 rArtA. ' SCOC-tj ,.lf Iffici'Y) . AO , I A' aAta. , Serial Number(Nzimero de serie): 02185 Date of Issuance (La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 o.<Qt..�viiy• �: AW15-3 "-V' ` � Prescribed by Secretary of State ` _ Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ,,""..,.,,," (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro)We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:) j Inter Measure Here) To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas f rmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) Nacimiento)(Fechade optional Firmado) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio) 1 . '19 —. 1m Ssc +,'f1 i We r UN 12-iciroj 13cj (xi+ ri e, _ c BAR('.,,,,, ,,off P .,N° , _�; 'act` AW153 Prescribed by Secretary of State "U Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ,,'' (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code, Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se Z haga una llamada de eleccion de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccidn de Texas, Tituio 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arribapresentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio) 6, 6- 21 _ . _ ,14aL 13 4 v CiAiA- -4,„„,....„ vxWs3t- X ) 2021 'OF PR��O°'- .lIt AW 15-3 ''_' ''`�' Prescribed by Secretary of State :U i>; Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETITION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presence, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Cddigo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:) (Enter Measure Herel To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas_limas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Cddigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio) I — ,`%Allit> A:•, \ I; , - 14\064Zz_ ' ' Q- rckillS \- Serial Number(Numero de se ie): 02190 Date of Issuance(La fecha de mision) May Z0,2021 __ Qst � ,, AW15-3 S i• • ±.; �" ...... 73. Prescribed by Secretary of State - =V �� i Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code i ` '�_ 4/2009 % ? PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de elecci6n propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said.area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de elecci6n de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:J (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalized la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en Tetra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de VotaciOn-optavio 471q,01.)1, t— pt iw.a, gyuCk, C1511 S x__-e pe P 2 c 721 // 6q g74701.. r�rie : 02191 Date Serial Number(Numero des ) a of Issuance(La fecha de Emtsion) May 20,2021 .QFARL4 .N Prescribed by Secretary of State g ` :Vt= Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 412009 . ,,a PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) - '` (Autoridad de.registro) We,the undersigned.qualified.voters of Pearland. ,Texas (Nosotros,log'subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) "(Territory for Proposed.Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area • for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eeeccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here), To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature "Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Fi o) 1 Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio 0 21 pi .J� ae J )/ wu 2 lat -60Zovs hpti3L 151 W1 2021 AW15-3 , Prescribed by Secretary of State =U? ��/� Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code - `•`�= 412009 L PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE '''r,rrr,,,,,,,,,,,,",,,,, • (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) _ (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de elecci6n propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de elecci6n de opcon local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de C6digo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intenciOn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Yotacion-optavio, • Z 6--f, Ws // 4 Z 7 de C Ke-L 5- re Oct 01 Serial Number(Numero de serie): 02193 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 • '<,.: E-A.'.: �AW15-3 ' Prescribed by Secretary of State 0 c Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ,,, "'" (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland, Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The lenal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas limas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio, 6 i --. i .,/ (n-A. A.50.1 S 6.1,e ,kil 69,1u-f\ 1 0() -6nAA- 104 Okicul PENJ4tA - 1 1 6 rti.Z. Serial umber(Numero de serie): 02194 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisidn) May 20,2021 .. Ibed by Secretary of State f(75 i Nitta-\V-' m 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code ` �' PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE "''`' (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por media de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccidn de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Cddigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:J (Enter Measure Here\ To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas f rmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name • Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Cddigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio) bpieo tii,,?, 0 aopp-o, 6•14,;(t ••62,44. 5D4e, , Op Serial Number(Nu era de serie): 02196 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) MaL20,2021 ,sos ,,NRgnrrrrrry••• PEAR�N 4:\,iNelegaip*,-,,,, - AW15-3 • ��. �'I Prescribed by Secretary of State U e `"i'' • '? Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code �' 'of 4/2009 ` '► `,' PE 1'1'1'ION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE "''�.� (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) • To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de elecci6n propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga•una llamada de elecci6n de option local de acuerdo con los tdrminos y provisions de C6digo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacidn del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here), To Legalize: • The leeal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (DirecciOn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) / Numero de Registro de Yotaci6n-optavic (%l 7 2\ 71 J'^ n,� i. ' rL c;* '37 5 I LG�{&C.v�e [A B a et u l Dateof Issuance(L Serial Number(Nzimero de serte): 02 97 ( a fecha de Emtston) May 20,2021 los P�RtANO", AW15-3 ~ " I Prescribed by Secretary of State 9 U �� Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code z /: �: 4/2009 `, ..... 'S PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE .,rrr',''''`•,'• (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) • (Territory for Proposed Election) (Terriforio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for th7urpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se hags una llamada de eleccion de opcidn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Elecci6n de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacidn del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Herel To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito a intencion de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) - County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavic Oil I h Lei ¶ate \ct 34,t700 / V Serial umber(Numero de ser : 0219 Date of Issuance(La fecha de mision) May 20,2021 'AW15-3 U 5 ��, ?rhz Prescribed by Secretary of State 0_ Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code �` 4/2009 •, PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccidn de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyasfrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arribapresentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio, CJ - fig ��� ?7 Lr .�.r i1` •�Z ., QF.P RCAiy 10/ AW 15-3 '�c ';tn' t-f ,,,// : _ Prescribed by Secretary of State - :rn= Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 .. PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccibn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de elecciOn de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de ElecciOn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intenciOn de los solicitantes cuyas frrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad Estado,COdigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavic (911‘ 1 - Vn. -(.e ,n'{Z*,� 36?-6 dot il- / �j x� r - . QEpRL,q ;••, AW15-3 , Prescribed by Secretary of State ° ` �z Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code t 4/2009 1 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de elecci6n propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local-option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de elecci6n de opcidn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de C6digo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacidn del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter.Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) ' Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio 111)111 tr/t /riTkeilf\- 45}-1A/14-4e6frc-t 1-1#5 vi Serial Number(Niimero de serie): 02206 ate of Issuance(La fecha de Emisibn) May 20,2021 l • AW15-3 =V° ` �.1 _ Prescribed by Secretary of State Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code `\ ; 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por media de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccidn de opci6n local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Cddigo de Elecci6n de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacian del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages / It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intenciOn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha Signed Signature Condado echo de optional Firma (Firma) (Hombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votaci6n-optavio) do) I 4 1 LI 41 -' 1 flyfiiitirt714 P iv 14 13107 gkenriPPQ isv hrdLlou;s --( Serial Number(Nitmero de serie): 02207 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 ',,,,k III,I,III. AW15-3 'ice` `o c Prescribed by Secretary of State =V i 'e tg, Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code = 4/2009 - PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ..IIIIII,,„.,..I..." (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR1 To the City of Pearland,Texas A I ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los tdrminos y provisions de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (inter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages • It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas ftrmas aquiaparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature - Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votaci6n-optavil OYT.•„cu . V/t(.� )L. �1�C1 1.3U0 6P l'E-7 LIIKE 10--zoc,- Serial Number(Ntimero de serie): 02210 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 t AW15-3li Prescribed by Secretary of State 41 ' Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code C, 4/2009 ,,, ............ PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE „" (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro)We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccibn de opcidn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Cddigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacidn del siguiente asunto, a saber:] CEnter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages includinc mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyasirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado)/ 7/_v_iiii; f(-W kre.5,-k�fJ Lei 1Gx( NNace 2021 Serial Number mero de ): 02211 ( f . //1 o�PEARtgd,O N Prescribed by Secretary of State i ( c U' �= Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ' (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccidn de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) `l'lc6-1 Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio, (¢111121 5-/C,,/t/tc, ,. EV�c a/v�2o SSi0 2 mc,�ec xt rc1 c , 1 -zo C Serial Number(Numero de serie): 02212 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Envision) May 20,2021 spc P.R.....'O AW 15-3 `firr- Prescribed by Secretary of State •(n Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code \ = 4/2009 ss PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A I ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: (por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here), To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de OptignaL Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro-- otaci. optavio, � / Mil 5�. n<( f 2l 5-'ti)114er c►^e2.1_ im rnositi ' _ Serial Num er(Maher°de serie): 213 Date ssuance (La fecha de Envision) May 20,2021 A: AW15-3 � _�• ,�' Prescribed by Secretary of State MeO v(, =V Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE "•,,,„,,,,..,,"'`/ (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccion de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber.] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas agui aparecen,gue este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Yotacion-optavio) )06iiiir46tir In, ((P k. S k)- dl Lir e.-r-ez_ per- °`~ / Serial Number(Numero de serie): 02214 Date of Issuance (La fecha de Emision) May 2',2021 - ( r u. .._--. ,,,,,..,..,....' ...:,,, ..„ .. . .. AW15-3 \- .A � ' Prescribed by Secretary of State =r.V' `� � . Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 �` ' PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTIONELECTION TO LEGALIZE ,.,"t (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code, Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de opcion local de acuerdo con los termii os y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio bf t6i2j V 0"ii:d% 9--eP: L s( 14-M NI, 't() MC OtQi t\N(V) ''''QEAR -"' AW153 '� ,�- " Prescribed by Secretary of State • S. • ` :cn: Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 ,'., ▪ .......... r` • PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE „................ (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) 1 rcc.,\ To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) J 2-_. (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ' ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eeccidn propuesta) • hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccian de opcidn local de acuerdo con los tdrminos y provisions de C6digo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinaci6n del siguiente asunto,a saber:] • f nter Measure Herel To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que estd legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Regis,- Votacion-optavio, �1 f q j21 Ip , . . ?Cu-4A P .l—C-,e-- ZS o ( S 1�e- 17,E lea Y-,re'5 /� .y �,,�g ssuance La echa dU h�u�ion) May 20,2021 Serial Number(Ntimero de serie): � 216 �...—�V. ( .f °•'•EARS AW15 3 c\RaoAe-Dn ��, ..../'•11 Prescribed by Secretary of State r U: 'cn: Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code �' ? 412009 - \, -i„ �'••..... .... ` +' PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE - " (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccion de opcon local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. • (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) • Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numexo de Registro de Votacion-optavio) (Q(22 J° (424 Z— e2�t. td . ..„/ r, pe../ .,?]Sr{ e,..-,.... i I /. 7 i,- ., iv' ?/ -Jr 1 Cam. e- A-iz & iffeltaillir'.. --:.-------4111111111° It wIt - (.44, 0,0 , 4 •, f A I r , 1 0 7,30 3a1p4Art Serial Number(Numero -e serie): 02217 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisidn) May 20.2021 4 AW153 1 ` �= Prescribed by Secretary of State = \ '�_ Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 .... PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) • We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ramada de eleccion de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Cddigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:" (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intenciOn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) ,(Hombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Cddigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) • / Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votaci6n-optavio) 6-g-;( / II A L 0 ga-5pp/I6ekiII?iUY /* AW 15-3176-1 sdl......%:,, Prescribed by Secretary of State III z ' Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code z \ MA I i 42009 ,, PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ""''"`, (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZ4R) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) • We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccidn de opcidn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Cddigo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacidn del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio) t(— - I cat¢S��I P� -mac `77 ) (0(0 ( 61\f\ -- %tiS ' '- ) 5 31 etr4zar- . 2021 ,�"cj RLgn,O,;. AW15-3 tiO .ts Prescribed by Secretary of State g U : - Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 , PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ',, "' (PETICION PARA ELECTION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code, Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de opcidn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacidn del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages includinn mixed beverages • It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas flrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) `� _� Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio, i,/V/hd 0 '� 5cCLX vezo \'vts'.17 Lccs� • <. ��o l5 . I.N.‘j: 4 '':. '''S --.'.•.4.' AW15-3 zV iw Prescrib Secretary of tate �....................... ..Al ° Section 501.026,501.027,501.0 eas 4/2009 •% ••..• •• ,\ • PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE •••••'1jIf11111t1\l11\\i\\\\\F (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) ' (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccon propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccon de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio Firmado) VI/,Zr , ,ZviikAill �. oaAal ,3ia-rV , , tit- / 2021 Serial Number(Numero de serie): 02222 � f 7 . AW 15-3 _ 1 e,-i ...1 ........I. - tr'- Prescribed by Secretary of State I ' oil Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccon propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de opcon local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de C6digo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinaci6n del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intenciOn de los solicitantes cuyas firrnas aqua aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohOlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- . (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudnd,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) p -�/ p a Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio) W O dI Pe-Gk,I-Lc.,n a { 1� 7 7 S O�' Vrazor;0. 2021 . / �Rlq ,.' Q. tip' , AW15-3 j�`' \' '•�t1nc1 Prescribed by Secretary of State =V 9 :y"c Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code ` '�' 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE "'',,, (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de COdigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized.the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyasirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio e 1�-�� cif lit.) TR,24,-J,,, , i 7` 7 7 /�' -7-ate ,/ .� ,% h_ / =/ Serial Number(Namero de serie): 02228 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 AW15-3 •� � Prescribed by Secretary of State :V ' •c➢n= Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccidn de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eeeccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages includinc mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas f:rmas aqui aparecen,que este legalized la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arribapresentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firm., (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmed Nfimient0 Numero de Registro de Votacton-optavio) A I/BO U6 t 11 thee el- 5/97ee'i? L'i rIP ""pt;tr ear t / �. ' � � Cr..L.. iiir ( f Is Int/ 6(. . if,. Nti-tet_&aocs-a;tkdbkkt_t2_S:/ -3-)v, ? fo,/. . b � ii,r-auu, Serial Number itmero de serie): 02 29 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 ids/ A AW15-3 ,,� �' 'tCn= Prescribed by Secretary of State i V i � (iT_ Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ""'•,,.•.,,,,,,,.,''P (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) 2,..s... To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Herel To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohOlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) • Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Cddigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Re_gistro de Votacidn-optavio, b.-VI la-d----- p.,,,,if-A) 3-15neA (i) i) z- mnuy 1,-)-4-v c-ce 5 -.Y - / 4.,0.2,00, (L -20 cow tte l o i innari����` ' • Serial Number(Numero de serie): 02230 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 IIIIIsA. AW15-3 A •ONS Prescribed by Secretary of State ` "'�e f m_ Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 ` ` .z ;•• PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ••••tI•,fl tt W,tit\\\\\\�''♦: (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion tie los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Re:'stro de Votacion-o•tavio • Ar, i „ A-- .1h:•4Z,. ._ .., t 0 4 - - ..............0 .- m -_, .0 0, .1,4 $`Z r i / 1 t / - / /" 77 'kS;, • ty" • -G-I r i ; L 4 l 76 .atr, , ,, . Ts '-,:utGA - ( - $ Serial Num.er timero de serie): 02231 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisidn) May 20,2021 '1 AW 153 111 Prescribed by Secretary of State `- I wit Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code �` 42009 \\\iii PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE "'111.6'''''0 (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de elecci6n propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de elecci6n de opcon local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Cddigo de Elecci6n de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacidn del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,propdsito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohOlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio, e/ -Jl !1 ww, tAA - 1)' - '1) 1 �) W t - 77 /�z` )))) Number Serial ero de serie): 02232 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emi 'n) May 20,2021 AW 15 3 E'3 \d .�. Prescribed by Secretary of State z +�''' ;�' Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code ` : 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccion de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:J (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalized la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- • (Fecha (Firma) ombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional _.„____ ,wi,,.. Fi do ilkita2nxiv, Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio d (4g? )/ tiof 0 Q,1 c rri e t 9039, 111 L,r QM-1 775 - Serial Number(Nzimero de serie): 02233 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisidn) May 20,2021 o.Q�R ..,�,, AW15-3 ,•x—/ • i Prescribed by Secretary of State s� i \\\\\ Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code P11` ? 4/2009 \\ PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de elecci6n propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: (por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ramada de election de opcidn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de C6digo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:.] , (Enter Measure Herel To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,propdsito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio, 0724 6 6a (,..)-Q.. .335 S10r.ca c Co, 'L r -k., 2021 R. .. p ,°4�RtgN''., • AW15-3 %.LDC\2 ,Skc� =' `�Prescribed b Secre of StateEV f �4' ;I Y Y _ �'- 3 cn2 Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 ;, ...... PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intenciOn de los solicitantes cuyas firms aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccian de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio, 1(1.112,\ -r `-0,.cra. Nck A \\ 3(-0,,d,A, s-)-,P«(k4,,,A TIK oc ( ( , Serial Num er ero de sante): 02236 Date.of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 ,',•"? ARUjNQ.',I AW15-3 ['CV Si ibis'-,-‘�'" Prescribed by Secretary of State :W; Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code \, 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE "'''.,.....,''''''''' (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area imencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito a intencion de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohOlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Ai p Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio, t� \ Q9' LikWcet'• YOCLe g-c i,�w(A < . eo.c J� l�+ i. (. )0 L\\tic, % _ '—il Iii, Serial Numbe'� umero de serie): 02237 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 4.3:4 ic):5,........—.°:s.?)1/4.....:4-Awl A...4 vA;C":.:1)'''''''1 i 7 1 Prescribed by Secretary of State Av = �• 'N= Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 42009 '�--, ..... • PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAI) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) • We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de opcon local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacon del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Herd To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio Firmado).1jk `6 14A O ,(2L.5.hAS . 1(26D �r c��►c., S4- ,r�.,d � xetZD01 2021 i Tit Ai L AW153 - Prescribed by Secretary of State Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGS (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Autoridad de registro) Texas) (Insert Filing uay) ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland We,the underrsigneedd qualified voters of Pearland(Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) Title 17 in the above mentionedarea saide suplicamos se area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por e io deil o preada ente reprevia p to sy past el proposito de herebyrespectfully request that a local option election be called inaccordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code, for the purpose ofd eleccitmd to the legallyoca qualified con losprovisiones de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area Naga una Ilamada de eleccion de option local de acuerdo con terminos y someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del sieg iente e al sale u ftall alcoholic bevera e includin mixed bevera es .r_ter MeasurQ erel To Legalize: Th sale to d alcoho It s thespe pe,anza,p pu rpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures aa apear r eon teol see legalized eg la vednta the aee of alcoholic coholiics beveragese en el referred nto in the issue e set o)t above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aq p Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- Texas Zip) County Printed Name Residence Address(City, de optional Date Signed (Firma)Sature Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado (Fecha d e oNumeroption de Re:istro de Votacidn-o.tavio (Fecha (Hombre en lets de molde) Firmado) l/� ' n X �l t ��\ ` rial i ,I, TM , f (t l u�.J �� 1,\1 l� .t1 al i ; i V) i x �1)0 fl‘Aft t Ce9C 13111 iut8 1fi ✓ I rrif Date of Issuance(La fecha de Envision) Ma 20 2021 Serial Num•er (Nitmero de serie): 02264 ., it/l /fii ---s? -.N ./Ailf"-,,, AW15-3 z O- .' ttn 'Prescribed by Secretary of State U i i 3r'_ Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code ��r �' 4/2009 • PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ,.Y'"4. (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the_City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:] • (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas limas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Cddigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado Nacimiento)ft� �d iv _ ` 'al^ ,/ Serial Number ero de serie): 02265 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 /I\i(f/AC- zs i '',:.Xl. AW15-3 6 `l1�- Prescribed by Secretary of State ````���I' i cn_ Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos yprovisiones de Cddigo de Eleccian de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:" (Enter Measure Herek To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Cddigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Fi ado) _ Naci iento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio, 6, 1.1 p•10411/ , . , ,,' DileA04/ /6 sZ--"1//v6—ele61-5-r tfiluilo- 2021 AW .f;....1 ____4), ......v.... Prescribed by Secretary of State •� = Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code . ,? : 4/2009 `\\ PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE -- (PETICIOAT PARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) • To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) • (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccon propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyasftrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en Tetra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional fFt ado) Nacimiento) N mero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio) / ' 7 pw,. T m� . o27 o ckiith, k/i1`3 ' / Serial Number umero de serie): 02267 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 AW15-3 h f.._\ ttn3 Prescribed by Secretary of State . z C>. .I� Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code '�: 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccidn de opcidn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Cddigo de ElecciOn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:] 1Fnter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intention de los solicitantes cuyasfrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Cddigo) (Condado) (Fecha de ...optional Firmado) Nacimiento) NumerO de Registro de Votacidn-optavio, 6 4 3) id` Ll 1)VC (A)111tab. o2r10S S� . se l> ?mot a Serial Number(Numero de serie): 02285 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) Ma 20,2021 // AW 15-3 :� :___ . Prescribed by Secretary of State ,fir 1 W- Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE "'' (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1(City of Pearland _, Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) . We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) • hereby respectfully request\.that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccion de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eeeccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:J (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas,firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signatures Printed Name. Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio, S I ` ?1ylC�Q1 S z�oz �li,?a[Is cls- �eQ��a,,rJ Tx!. x ' 13t'e?o e S rial Number(Numero de serie): 02286 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 U: �� ��,AW15-3 c . t'' It'" 3 i 4 Prescribed by Secretary of State = ; �► Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code �; 4/2009 pis PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) 0 To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland. ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) .(Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de opci6n local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Cddigo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacidn del siguiente asunto,a saber:] tEnter Measure Herel To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Cddigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votaci6n-optavio) e.t s11 K.o No /Nap i� Serial Number(Nzimero de serie): 02289 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisidn) ' May 20,2021 AW15-3 rV "�'/ fir,_?Prescribed by Secretary of State _ Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code •- ` '�?412009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE '''''41III.,,.MO,"'`y`• (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) • To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] jEnter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) . Nacimiento) ' J A ..../71 A Serial Number(Numero de serie): 02287 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May/0.2021 AW15 3 p-.: 1 .0 J'' Prescribed by Secretary of State -C�:•��,�` z Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code c PO, ' 4/2009 d PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ..,I, ''''',, (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) • To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccon propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local'option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccon de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyas,firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio) �j4.0a1 dtaiWA1—. t,tslet l ael I 1a \(5 fouv, A N, tfliwbi rtk.2o1,;N Serial Number(Nzimero de serie): 02288 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisidn) May 20,2021 • AW15-3 ! ` 4' ;' Prescribed by Secretary of State - ` ,tn= Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code - 4/2009 . PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE '''4,,,,„.....o (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) .To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) ' hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit:.[por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccidn de opci6n local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de C6digo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. . (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) • Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votaci6n-optavio 4-.2r Prehl -T* P r'ke✓ A 3 0 4 r e...e v. ,1- ,° Q.oi 1 -if,roviek,..rcuAg Serial Number(Ntimero de serie): 0230� Date of Issuance(La fecha de EmisiOn) May 20,2021 sF QFARL4N�,, l • AW153 O: .e- N._. ., Prescribed by Secretary of State [esi I. ' i Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code • p1/41/4�' �- 4/2009 • PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE '',,,lie.it,,,,,,,,,,,, (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de opcidn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Cddigo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacidn del siguiente asunto,a saber:I (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The lenal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name . Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Cddigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio) -`1 Ja 17,5g1 ma / ` 3 ct U l j4tev'fr irgtv''%c Serial Number(Numero de serie): 02304 J Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisidn) May 20,2021 • \\ rlll„IIIIIII AW 15-3 :3:''''#" '��c 7,. 41 Prescribed by Secretary of State -U i oz. _ �` Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 412009 - ? I PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE .`I'III.�\IIII\\ \��, (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de opcon local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:) (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intenciOn de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- . (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Re:istro de Votaci6n-o I tavio' fiVIMILSIM i / i . - 10„: / j 1WN - Serial Number(Numero de serie): 02305 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 ,off Q • Np'4,..._,... 0 AW 15-3 Prescribed by Secretary of State • c V' ` 0_ Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code .. 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE „t"'''''' (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de elecci6n propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de elecciOn de opciOn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Elecci6n de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Herel To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages . It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la-esperanza,prop6sito e intenci6n de los solicitantes civets firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arrtba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha- (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio 3U1a- �jroo l - CO lc5 IX;,e atAtilOkit,nr WI l�tiQ.M S ?viz- (cznc() Z"l5 S( ,,,-L:c. Seri umber(N'mero de serie): 02306 Date of Issle fecha de EmisiOn) May 20,2021 : ire.= 1q'' •`' �\ AW15-3 _�, `�' Prescribed by Secretary of State =C '•.5.1 Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code �� 4/2009 if 1 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland, Texas A I ( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code, Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: fpor medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto, a saber." (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The lecal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beveraeS It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio t2111121 4ktk Re 04-e t4r 39 m '• C�,i rdLQ Dr Acco.k4 - ' , .__, Serial Number(Numero de serie): 02307 , Date of Issuance (La fecha de Emisidn) May 20,2021 v ;oF P�R�NO IA AW15-3 \tr: • Prescribed by Secretary of State =U i 5. Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE '' (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de election de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:J (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas frrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) i _ Nacimiento) Numero•-=.'e:istro de Votacion-o.tavi rit Q Q at •' : ,_,- Serial Number(Nitmero de serie): 023 08 Date of ssuance (La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 AW15-3 ..om t Prescribed by Secretary of State =U F. ; `' Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code ` ' s 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code, Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:] CEnter Measure Here' To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyasf:rmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) Dreccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) 1 op 4 .Serial N W timer()de serie): 03321 to of Issuance (La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 4'pRLgN AWLS 3 V( siiM .� Prescribed by Secretary of State z ;tn- Section 501.026,501-.027,501.028,Texas Election Code `s 4/2009 '- ``o PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ....................... (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccidn de opcidn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de C6digo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:) (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Cddigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optav, 47141V k, . iakk It°IZrr VIidd4N %L IS Pave Serial Number(Nzimero de se ie): 03323 Date of Iss ance (La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 • O Off; fa � A IIN Prescribed by Secretary of State 0.00" 'o_ i Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 42009 ',. '' PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Herel To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon-to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavic Firmado) n � ( 0 , 4 • (4.61,,,z, 4 ..� �" ' ,F►: , we, Qti►+n-gN AW15 3 o .�I,�^ D•- Prescribed by Secretary of State e r • �� Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code = // 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ,,,,"'gnu,..+.a+++`°''' (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measureiiere) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature CountyDate of Birth Voter Registration Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (ec hai de optional Numero de Registro de Yotacidn-optavi Firmado)1-1 uo . - tiS a �' 1na,�,te MI6 la1te� ( ( �1-celk i 3,,,, ,,,d /. OL- e. — % AW15-3 'V �► N- Prescribed by Secretary of State z Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 '1............... PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) • (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:]. (Enter Measure Here' To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,propdsito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aquf aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohalicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en Tetra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Cartago) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optav y Firmado) rWirt a 111121 Leslie, v►AO? 2Cjt 1 w a le r l r Cfr '9 r lgrd tom,, Serial Number(Nzimero de serie): 02326 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisidn) May 20,2021 AW 15-3 r : 1 0: Prescribed by Secretary of State Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 t, PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code, Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccion de opcion local de'acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arribapresentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional ffado Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavi, Firm ) `71U� l ���` T tg or `mkt,9f:V-. I z-- Sfl,W\�t t -- P X,r• L40\ ,-" Q�PKw40". AW15-3 :U: . Prescribed by Secretary of State oi Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 '- ..... PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ,,""'„.,,,, (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacidn del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional J� y j� (� Na`cimientoo)) Numero dede Registro` de Votacion-optavi, a ado)(` j,I "l 4. 4 f - 66614 V�-7( . 2021 AW 15 3 a/� i cn= Prescribed by Secretary of State Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 ''' •••" ',•,III11111���1\tt1\tt\it\`t\ PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha Signed Signature Condado Fecha de optional (Firma) (Hombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavi� Firmado) 9 �. —�q +b /�f I //,i/L! J OA 1 f1,kvOry 'C) Alfry( I'c.Ak-►/ b r. r3 crank Serial Number(Namero de serie): 02341 Date of Issuance (La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 AW15-3 ! 4 \. Call Prescribed by Secretary of State -V I ' v)_ s ` _ Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 '. ..... PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:] [Enter Measure Herel, To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas f rmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) • (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccibn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Re.'stro de Votacion-o•tavi MEE= 19 1.11411114 61t#40414 ; • 01 N7,1^') , 00-4A er MI t1'' , L_ .� 2 0 7cjC,,C,C 10" - '' ISiG 2,A. ( Serial Number(Nzimero de serie): 02344 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20.2021 I. AW15-3 U i �' Prescribed by Secretary of State cni Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 -., PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE '" to.0./ (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland Texas (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code, Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de some ter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here' To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beverages includinc mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional 1 Ijrjcb . Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optcm Firmado) Airs ,NtAw.vrtzlp, 26 6 ) Kt‘et t)'Y Ke<Arl )-V . 7° p,„,,,,, Serial Number(Mime . •l• serie): 02378 (L f . QVIR� AW15-3 14. qq'.si, Prescribed by Secretary of State _ • :CO: Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code • t ���,,,iii 4l2009 �5, `rr PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ','` "''..k,.` (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Cddigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto, a saber:] . (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beveraaes including mixed beveraaes It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohOlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) 'Numero de Registro de VotaciOn-optavk ?c IP 5 I o 0D ( sL 0 AiAm.e ► O 2I) 'a: 'A t:. AW15-3 d �c...1 Prescribed by Secretary of State V r- �=Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code \ PA i S 4/2009 "*, % o?: PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de elecci6n propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de elecci6n de opci6n local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de C6digo de ElecciOn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinaci6n del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Herel To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intenciOn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (:irma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de.Registro de Yotacion-optavi eivm,e_ TS-0 vvec , -S l,e vIrAck_ .C6 vik5 Nr Vel_ 81/ •AW15-3 V *�. Prescribed by Secretary of State F. '�- ';_ Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code : .t. /10% l 42009 ''� PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) • (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ramada de election de opci6n local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Cddigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,propdsito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas fermas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) • (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Cddigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavi ia.2l Ss2,---- ,e - sue. _&,if _)0 E Dv, '‘Ir9L2,0t(7, „,,,,,I "'Q�RLg4;'. AW 15-3 ,/ .k.4101°—a i Prescribed by Secretary of State =V: ; Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code1.,.., %.... 04 / i. 42009 `_01.�•••••.......••.• PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE �,,,,,,1,,,,,,•,.,,, (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de elecci6n propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de elecci6n de opci6n local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Cbdigo de Eleccibn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinaci6n del siguiente asunto,a saber” (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intenciOn de los solicitantes cuyas fzrmas aqui aparecen,que estd legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccibn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacibn-optavio) , Gs).?_,?!„,./4 (9-v)ii .)t,*(.07",,.. 4.LA,{e _avrt2-Aa‘ ( Serial Number(Ntimero de serie): 02382 Date of'Isuance (La fcha de Emisi= .-ss QARt,gNO, AW 15-3 �� Prescribed bySecretaryof State V `� :5 /IF\ :Cn: Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code • 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ' ""',,,,,,',''""' (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: (por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:] jEnter Measure Herel To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas firm as aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Cddigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Fir o) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optav, • \ �q,2(7, �',i _ )sir.%_''4 .atl.. I. �L� ,. P IA :.' " AW15-3 r±. ?� Prescribed by Secretary of State 1 V;_ Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 ,,,, PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE • ,, , ""'' (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber.] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas limas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arribapresentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavi 2.I .21 L a. ° fit^ clA I-1 Ct 1-16 4P4 v o' P N� - AW15-3 -•j._ : _ ;tr; Prescribed by Secretary of State U' • c Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code, Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eeeccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas firrnas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optav; '''''11''Z\ l'jiGka-14-(it-VT DS\..V).CL- kVA,.,eA 32-ti o ,1>-_fs-, 1,7A1 6,04.5dett, 40A.4,2 ,(2c- ILI" AW15-3 O .,Crti Prescribed by Secretary of State 'V. ':>= Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code s% tp4 : 4t2009 s PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ,,,,s„„,,,,,,,,,, (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland_, Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de elecci6n propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccidn de opciOn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Cddigo de Elecci6n de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here), To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,propdsito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavii 6.2 1.2 I 1 i , tilio,' ig • -s , .,t # M.A- WI AA' . 2--2- --- HOzA)* He0-d01.35 DV '6r1.- ' 1 . i IS Serial Numbe40,1,, ero de serie . 023 86`' Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisidn) May 20,2021 ,�,6 Q�ARC,g..A'0,,, AW 15-3 :3 " Prescribed by Secretary of State z V' � ' Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code �, _r 4/2009 �,.% PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE "''O,, (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland_, Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) . hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente,respetosamente suplicamos se - haga una llamada de eleccian de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de C6digo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de . someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:] 1Enter Measure Here.) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyas frrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) - — Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavi /,/* ') if7. I net. 3!)5 r►,r ke� a. •:-k.,<4�' . zor,k Serial Numb umero de serie): 02395 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisidn) May 20,2021 O.•QEARI.gNO AW 15-3 ��' _ '� ..tn Prescribed by Secretary of State =U{ •` �� Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 'N? 4/2009 • PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE °,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"',,`, (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) . We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) • (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to.the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de C6digo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:) Enter Measure Herel To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyaslrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County - Date of Birth Voter Regis Lion Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) _ Nacimiento) Numero de egistro de Votaci6n-optavio Lg3ow 5 2.02t /2é SPNV-IT 1 E✓P f .54 l l Niv1EQSO ) G'C- ?EA'12-1-h i P,jY. h"�'-c/k �" v ;1 Serial Number(Numer. •serie): 02396 Date of Issue(La fecha de Emisi6n) May 20,2021 AW15-3 ,�F --- \Vn; Prescribed by Secretary of State EV Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 is ..... PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE '' (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) --- (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) , We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:J f Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavil LO 12�iL� CAW fa H HAW a0-•r cr p .7" � ��c8� Bran Serial Number(N ro de serie): 02397 V I Date of Issuance(La fecha,de Emisidn) May 20,2021 AW15-3 i ��/�►- �,z Prescribed by Secretary of State -,r/'.. ;� Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code s 4/2009 , PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE .,,,,,,,o"'s° (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Cddigo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:] jEnter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Cddigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Fi o) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavii 16,c-04c 14,joy)irvt; y-.1[1212.11.0aSE C9a6 14 L ir‘( P81-r-CA 66ebit Pr ) Serial Number(Numero de serie): 02398 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20.2021 QFARLA/�i`', 4 , AW15-3 =Ui \i/ ','� � Prescribed by Secretary of State z '�' Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 42009 , -�., ............ PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de opcidn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eeeccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here1, To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavi sr a a it �y<)cmk \S-53 ) \ \� WA 2021 AW 15-3 Prescribed by Secretary of State :V 1 Can-` Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code • - 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ''" (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de elecci6n de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:J CEnter Measure Herel To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages includinc mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Serial Nu er(Numero d serie): 02406 Date of Issuance(La fecho de Emision) May 20,2021 AW 15-3 ? ,•.sue• Prescribed by Secretary of State =U. `►�'� i cn: Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code - % :.. A42009 ,,,, PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ,,,,,,fit•••i•«t,, (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de elecci6n propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccidn de opcidn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Cbdigo de Eleccian de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacon del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Herel To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) A Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha - (Fi I,) a (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Cbdigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) ANacimiento) Numero• -:strode Votacidn-o'tam ,� ' / /a-7 uPoAi iZ -fq..tm1M,a, N�/L Y✓. �F�'N - , ' j,A-l.t r:kS ?Of 8RA'Z,C4 A 1 Il 1Mll1MWAr .../..-"\ Serial Number(Nutnero de serie): 02407 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisibn) May 20,2021 � O� AW15-3 'U: l �+ �7y= Prescribed by Secretary of State z —� ,tor. Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code "s , 4/2009 ,,,,, PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELEC l ION TO LEGALIZE /an.•,llllll0S (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccitn de opcibn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Cddigo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinaciOn del siguiente asunto,a saber:] f Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,propdsito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la Yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) S Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votaci6n-optav 6/Z3 -� 7/z,1Vrs l,(1ds 3 D CSC i)g. 61il,09,V &/13 141°12-11 5ce- 3602cl bosc 1) 7 Serial Number(Numero de serie): 02420 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisidn) May 20,2021 AW15-3 '•� Prescribed by Secretary of State =U�° 9; Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code efo` .N? 412009 • ° PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ''.- ........00"'�� (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas /Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) • (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de elecciOn de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:J (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,propdsito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firma o) Naci lento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavic 70/197'1 > - Z YQ Asar , . Serial Number(Nzimero de serie): 02431 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 . ''Q13G4/1; AW15-3 ` ` Prescribed by Secretary of State g :02 Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code \\\i\\ 42009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure_Here'i To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que estd legalized la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccian de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavi (/,a - /I . ,Pd act/_� /5/%,� r= y- -/,Y )ofeozif 2021 R '•, AWI5-3 ��Prescribed by Secretary of State =V: `4..........9\`ii.''-'1I Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code \ �' 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccidn de opcidn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Cddigo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacidn del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beveraees includine mixed beveraees It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,que estd legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) , Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavi 1 \ 2I1Li iL /iJ3\ A tie.' wo\W \0A44 (P Vt. P s �° fiAzdrfa (( Senal Number(Numero de serie): 02436 Date of Issuance La fcha de Emisidn) May 20,2021 ,`,Os� A L RgN�,,,, AW15 3 :a: �„,�7.`= Prescribed by Secretary of State cmiu.�/� :01 Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code t • 4/2009 \\ PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE '''"«,,..........o (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAI) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de elecci6n de option local de acuerdo con los tdrminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:J f Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: • The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la Yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) / / Nacimienttooj) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavic ( j/7 Z.,e,i,f,, LC6 . /3 G/ (-4t/f-Ait,, 06. i4 1t /// Serial Number(Numero de serie): 02437 Date of Issuance(Lafecha de Emision) May 20.2021 AW15-3 `V i :.4 :� Prescribed by Secretary of State = 111e- i cn • Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code = 4/2009 \\\iii • PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ���'....,......«.."''....,`` (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area , for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de C6digo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here\ To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,propdsito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votaci6n-optav 6 f(LI IV b Cow V(e Tr ei, no0 roi vto1 vi X 0 ve �i ()cowtol-A, Serial Number(Numero de serie): 02444 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisidn) May 20,2021 a''QEAR',gti AW 15 3 PI ` ib, .tn 14 Prescribed by Secretary of State s V:• A I�? Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 • 'z� PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZ.4R) • To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) . (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area _ -3 for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de , , someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacidn del siguiente asunto, a saber:] a (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages ` It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencien de los solicitantes cuyas frrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en Tetra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votaci6n-optavic 0 , ..., .. ....k.„ ,, • , - • -'611-rtAzavi,- A- ,A45711,, mituc--,s c .,t44-1,0__. , Li_ -12-wwr.A._ \ Y-s 1-_ till, MCo4los 3uo1 '416 ` ^�Ak r Serial Number(Numero de serie): 02446 Date of Issuance (La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 Adit/t pttea -s"\)-0•F?......... AW15-3 -,_ __ SI Prescribed by Secretary of State 1 o; Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE '' "' (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:] fEnter Measure Herel To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. \ir (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas fiirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido-en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavi, /--2 ›Z:e---CI U Eti y« r V' /v '1--IL -1( y A1 —Cr `,.3.c1* , cl'Il P\Avl LA 4% QEp,R�NO, AW 15-3 S!/_.4 Si ,.'0' Prescribed by Secretary of State Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 42009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccon propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccon de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinaci6n del siguiente asunto,a saber:J (Enter Measure Here To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,propdsito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) • Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en Tetra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavi, 7/( Dr 4,00- rc-zeing- . • Serial Number(Nzimero de serie):. 02448 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20.2021 o'QEpR�tiO�' AW15-3 U .��_ Prescribed by Secretary of State i(i)::Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 ', PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE "'''�,1,,,.,..,,,''''''''� (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code, Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de opcidn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimientoo)/ Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio, c /at.�a„� Jd/W�'4+{`vww"'w �CoL.. `Tjc '1 1/(,�Ri r�hL�2 . YiG Serial Number(Niimero de serie): 03496 Date of Issuance (La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code ` " vzoo a cr foi ; : : ; . . ,... 4.4, ...is 'S� PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ,,, - (PE'TICIOHPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland, Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccidn de opcidn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacidn del siguiente asunto, a saber] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyasliirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio, , ,c, t149 rI m .h r 0 5.i , 819 R/ /--r re /y �!,c Serial Number(Nitmero de serie): 02501 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Envision) May 20,2021 • AW15-3 era.:_' • � s Prescribed by Secretary of State �U: `�IA- 5i Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE *"'•`•••� (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) • To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de C6digo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:J (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages includinn mixed beverages . It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,propdsito e intencian de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) • Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio) W' i G f i),-A-i_wf v • °LS oS-i of t3t4f 7 i.j`,5-/ �..,,,.�� _ Serlal Number(Nzimero de serie): 02502 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisidn) May 20.2021 . ,,o1 QFAR I q,,;O,,,, v....,. AW15-3 U " _ Prescribed by Secretary of State ' Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 'o_ 4/2009 r. `, ...., PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE. • . ,, (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of . Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de election de opciOn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Cddigo de Eleccian de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Herel To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas frrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-opta 1IP&?k 0,2E1 c 12E V // )�77 Pfrf N 6 LI /o Is Cs-ei.of�o.. $' Trial umber(Numero de serie): 02503 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 ' '. A-- AW15-3 �_ Prescribed by Secretary of State Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 • PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) • To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccion de opci6n local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Herel To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas limas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Birth Voter Registration Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) Count' a of optional Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optionNumero de Re istro de Notation-o tavi Firmado) 12(tligi\ $ : 1 it(149//o 17{4.-4,11 61/.4 16/ I tIOD 5)(10-QC1-Pv-v)i --(7-r7v-IF-2(itiyiq cli 197- 6- 2,,ii ,10 . Cor os �o i ? RAt° L r Ct rilat/ �Ir 2Otfi (6.1.is\dills.— 1;I AW Prescribed by Secretary of State : t :i Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 �y •... ,s % PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de elecci6n propuesta) Title 17 in the above mentioned area hereby respectfully request that a local allioqelection voters led in accordance with the terms and provisions ofofsaid area the determination of the following issue,to wie as Electiont: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se for the purposema of submitting to the legally qualified hags una llamada de elecci6n de opci6n local de acuerdo con provisiones de asunto,ta saber de Elcci6n de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la deerminacidn del ente ] L l ter Measure Aerel To Legalise: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beveraees includine mixed beveraees d the sale of alcoholic referred to in the issue set It is thea hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners soli antes ucuyasfrmas aqu aparrecen,que est legali hereon to see zad Ia enta de bebidas alcoh6licasereferido en el asunto arriba presentado)t above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito a intenci6n de los Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) CountyDate of Birth Voter Registration Number- Printed Name cho de optional Date Signed Signature irecci6n de Residencia,Ciudad Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (F p (Fecha (Firma) (Hombre en Tetra de molde) (D Fi � Naciminto) Numero de Registro de Votaci6n-optavi 10 /D"a‘d 7 )4 '7: . 2 & 11 14 Aide a6rAlt/ 1- / � 47,1E, 44 /y� G i 14$ ) Ca A e / l � �� Bxrya �/ ("<//11/ Serial Number(Numero de serie): 02505 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisibn) May 20,2021 • oFP�R�N° "E. scribed :•em?�\' ' '= . by Secretary of State 0 a `� ti Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code �I� '4 •42009 \ r ' PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the-City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) - (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) _ We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se • haga una llamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de itsometer a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] -. • (Enter Measure Herel To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Civdnd Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Serial Number(Numero de's tie): 02506 Date of Issuance(La fec a de Emision) May 20,2021 o�QEAKCgN0�' AW15-3 F. 1 to' Prescribed by Secretary of State to_ Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 . PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE '"Os°1,` (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyasfrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arribapresentado.) Date Signed Signature CountyDate of Birth Voter Registration Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha d e optional Numero de Registro de Votacion-opta' Firmado) 12/11 Jah-e i cm nn4+r-e'+n c ea-00 ws'v..es.s dtr, May 20,2021 Q.........(2., e U. i oAW15-3 ?�; Prescribed by Secretary of State Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 s�, """ PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland . , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinaci6n del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- Firma (Firma) (Hombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Cddigo) (Condado) (FechNaciimaento)de optional de Registro de Votacidn-optavi Firmado)*11.1 �\ (`_ ` \_ e2, 0 nl (LINV ti+P p / /// 2021 Number u'Mero e serie : 02508 Serial (N ) ';CS #I 4 AW15-3 �{�Qf� ' o -�"� ; i Prescribed by Secretary of State \` �, Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 412009 •• PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPTION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro)- We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) erritorio de eleccion propuesta) � Title 17 in the above mentioned area hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code, for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:] Inter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages ized the sale of alcoholic referred to in the issue set It is hope,purpose and intent of the los soli antes�firmas aquut apatures arecen,9 eon esteo see legalizeadala yenta de bebidas alcohdlicasereferido en el asunto arriba presentado)t above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intencr6n Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha Firma (Firma) (Hombre en letra de molde) (Direccton de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) Nac m°n cth o) optional meero de Registro de Votaci6n-optavi Firmado) lA �l r� f�y�[ a �Csr,t(�',�6 /� Q 2021 AW15-3 �l `F.V. — . "'.� Prescribed by Secretary of State r : �'' i cn= Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code : 4/2009 - PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ''''' " (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ramada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Cddigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] jEnter Measure Here) To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,que esti legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arrtba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Cddigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) i ,r� Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votaci6n-optavi � e 4 �- `- Z'S(3 c� P�tiS c� Cen� 'OP�e-�y Ire(1��\`Z �( 4 ,N.,,,,,,_„. Serial Number(Nzimero de seri : 02510 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 AW15-3 C n, Prescribed by Secretary of State �) �� "U k Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code % 4/2009 ''. PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE """",."t" (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro)We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccidn de opcidn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Cddigo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacidn del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyas_limas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fechaombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firma (Firma) (N Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Notation-optavi irmado) ,,--N- -7/1,644e per` Inle4\40, Z2.- 1 s CeAL,,,a-. Nw-L7 Prikzv t c' 2021 AW15-3 ^ / \ Prescribed by Secretary of State `F. IU `� :cn_ Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code �` •4/2009 . . \i ... , ........• „.,.. PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE , (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election.Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de election de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Cddigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:J anter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fe a (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Cddigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Fir ado) � Nacimiento) Numero de Re:•stro de Votacion-o.tav, ligillillik i� �, 2021 AW15-3 ` Prescribed by Secretary of State =_U. �, 3 tn= Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code Pr4 I $7? 4/2009 PE TITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE .S "'''��,�} (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de elecci6n de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el.proposito de somiter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito a intention de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Ftrniado) _____=_- Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votaci6n-optavi -**1 77 1)614' �1 2021 AW15-3 `�. Z�'1n= Prescribed by Secretary of State Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) Texas) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de elecci6n propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submittingto the legallyoca qualified acuerdo coners losof said area the terminoss y provisdetermination of the iones de Codigo de Elecocion degTexaseTitulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de haga una Ilamada de elecci6n de option local de acuerdo a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacidn del siguiente asunto,a saber:] • (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages the sale of alcoholic to in the issue set It is e hope, ,purpose and intent tencion de lohe s soitioners whose l citantes cuyas limas aqu aparretures cen,queon to see esti legalizad la vednta de bebidas alcohol:cas referido en el asudnto arr ba presentado)t above. (Es la esperan=a,proposito e Coun Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) t Fatha de optional (Fecha (Firma) (Hombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Cddigo) ) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio Firmado)7tfc Jn(� (//��/��o �,�(�n/rfr--- -- ft int ritil - _ .J "��i� W l �3 v1 ivida-443$15-14 4l cxbliapi 0, 1L-13a' 2021 • a". QEA• RLgNp AW15-3 • �'� �I i�x� Prescribed by Secretary of State V �'� i A Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code i ` '�? 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de elecciOn de opcidn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de COdigo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacon del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here), To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito a intencion de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (DirecciOn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de VotaciOn-optav, (ef' t 01(611D11661)9051C 55 owGr.% 7I 4k1t1i01 . Serial Number(Numero de serie): 02515 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisidn) May 20,2021 Off.QEAKLQNO,cn/ AW15-3 _U c ' Prescribed by Secretary of State Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code = 4/2009 ..... PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE "".,,,,,,,,' (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de C6digo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:J . (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavi Firmado) 7 I? Ali.1 - � A 1'afche( fad 11G o 41, -1v -1z1 2021 AW15-3 ��r_'I Prescribed by Secretary of State = \ o: Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code .` _ 4/2009 ...... PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE "''"'`,'/ (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) • To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters.of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccion de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:] CEnter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyas frmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature .Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votaci6n-optavu Firmado) �O- (t1# 1� t�, `� `�k-%,- , 2)-Ei) ��- ,,,,,two, _ . • ,tuber(Nzimero de serie): 02517 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 _s P -PK�..0 to ---- o AW 15-3 Prescribed by Secretary of State P\ Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 - s% PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE "' (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPTION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presence, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ramada de eleccion de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto, a saber:] jEnter Measure Here' To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages • It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyaslimas agui aparecen,gue este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arribapresentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en Tetra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optaviu Firmado) -7/41 i cing * oas iyboakr aroti3 2021 AW15-3 O\I, ' , Prescribed by Secretary of State U. CD E Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 k, ....% P\ s PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccion de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la venta de bebidas alcohOlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optav, (01(2, fah44.e4YOLitinPRI MI( 93a5 5 hda0 aW'Itjq- . _______4200Serial Number umero de serie : 02519 3 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 Se 1 (N ) • ',,,,,N V 11 V n,,,,,,,, f. AW15-3 ��' �% '.tom Prescribed by Secretary of State - z , `�, i i \\ ;0s Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/L009 .... se PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE "''' (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) • (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland. , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccon propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de opcidn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en drea mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:] . (Enter Measure Herel To Legalize: The 1eea1 sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccibn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Cddigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votaci6n-optavit I CC(25 4 �y ' L1 W(i ghoblej 1a3a5 5 1)14 21 W 2021 AW15-3 -U I cn? Prescribed by Secretary of State Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area llowing isSu , to wit: por medio de lo presente, respetosamente for the purpose of submittind to theon local de acuerdol conelosof said area the terminos y provisdetermination of the iones de Cod go de Elecocion deT exaseTittulo 17 enarea mencionada previamente y para el l deicamos se proposito de haga una llamada eleccion de op someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:J (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas_limas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba present-ado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Fir (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (NacimaFechento) optionalde de Registro de Notation-optavic Firmado) /� 5 I t/121 "' li, t/0) Z. t''-i''-'3461,/ grA za6-4, 3-76/f1..-- 4(A-4940 2021 Serial Numb: (Numero de serie): 02532 14/_ • AW15-3 '� .<n" Prescribed by Secretary of State °C� `�: /`^< Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code ` '�_ 412009 / PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"'"., (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) . We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccon propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose.of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por media de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de elecci6n de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de C6digo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:J f Enter Measure Rerel To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intencibn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aquiaparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional F• Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votaci6n-optavic 0-1 1 A4 A� (�5 v� wy s� 33a ir r,a May 20,2021 J 4QENrc''' .0 , AW15-3 :U: •'� Prescribed by Secretary of State Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ''' (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccion de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eeeccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber.•] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. e' (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas limas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma). (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optav, Firmado) 32,SC FPC_S° ' P--AZZIV-C \ 41141 C??.0-12/ CoarkiM tolce S571 af\A-uxok-Dc% ,. Serial Number(Numero de serie): 02534 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 Prescribed by Secretary of State Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4,,A11111.11, ' ? 4/2009 s PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE „"'' (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms arid provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccitn de opcitin local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Cadigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacon del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Cddigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmadoo) Nacimiento) w Numero de Registro de Votacidn-opta 5 -2 I-2 I l4c4(idl NDsti' K�G,\;O1 Noc w L.r5I O RbC*. 51,aais �y 0r�(Zo C l A Serial Number ( o de serie): 02535 Date oflissuance(La fec a de Emisidn) May 20,2021 C AW15-3 k-a;r A '��= Prescribed by Secretary of State =U: .�� l Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code ' ? 4/2009 `, PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland_ _ ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) . hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de opcidn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de COdigo de ElecciOn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:) jEnter Measure Here) To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages , It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. • (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavic 5-31,71 kale ILL.4' 3 / t ,� . ��.,4.-41 ix �r�z✓ . Serial umber(Numero de serie): 02536 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisidn) May 20,2021 • off QEARLq�'O` Ii AW15-3 'l�9 Prescribed by Secretary of State c Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code ` �= 4/2009 : PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE •,•` • (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfIly request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccidn de opcidn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacidn del siguiente asunto,a saber:J f Enter Measure Here\ To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beverages includinn mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohOlicas referido en el asunto arribapresentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en tetra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Serial Number(Numero de serie): 02537 Date of Issuance (La fecha de Emisidn) May 20,2021 :7,1 _ cn= AW15-3 (6 ` •�/' a rs (.• Prescribed by Secretary of State - Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code \� 42009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE "'•••••••••• • (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland Texas) r (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se • haga una Ilamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de C6digo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalinente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here), To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages includinc mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,propdsito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas ftrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad Estado,Cddigo) (Condado) (Fecha de N tm0 0 al Firmado) Nacimiento) Registro de Votacidn-optavie ( (I _0((l ) tIU nCiQ 14,23 (311,00-,tv U7 0614I thCZ8 r Y Serial Number(Ntimero de serie): 02538 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 s A „INIIIIIIIII, AW 15 3 • t , �cA Prescribed by Secretary of State EC)1.i`.. : > Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ' �,`'''''',,,I,,..,..,11111'''' ` (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de elecci6n propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccian de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinac6n del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure!Jere) To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyas frrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma); (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Cddigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votaci6n-optavic 61312-1E?1549•ta/tA,E'er •1 Ps ar rn o gazer c, Serial Number(Ntimero de serie): 02539 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 ,ram: • J`: �: .. AW15-3 i No..411110,-.Vi Prescribed by Secretary of State 3' o�z Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code t \\\iii 4/2009 ' PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALTZAR) • To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccian propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de opci6n local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de C6digo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacon del siguiente asunto,a saber:] Winter Measure Here\ To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legaltzad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de VotaciOn-optay. Oa1<9rN.��� •dt'l't VA I2L2(-o2— C_o_j, 5 A tcT �- v§�&)-- �i' i / - 74N)L)2..1 • i , _ &r1 Q 46-�ss Al 35 Cio v Lute -77,5/ Beef># _ " A, Cq Mk AW15 3r� ' om: Prescribed by Secretary of State =U: `' t Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code "s 42009 `� PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccidn de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Cddigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados'de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:] • (Enter Measure Herel To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intenci6n de loa solicitantes cuyas,firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) , Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votaci6n-optavii dal ;, 142 L���s�—�f sb iI1J� .Se rwAL l'� , ' Serial Number(Ntimero de serie): 02541 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 . ,, pEp,R(,gNO',. AW15-3 `�/ A. , � Prescribed by Secretary of State r \ '�' Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4l2009 �+ ...... ''a PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) 3 . To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) . (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters o Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) • (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de elecci6n propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de elecci6n de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyasfrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohblicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento)- Numero de Registro de Votaci6n-optavi, a a 21 CO reMV PWit\g xrri Crtvk TA, ��x C b� �t l I • Serial Number(Numero de serie): 02542 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 AW15-3 _ �� Prescribed by Secretary of State V: — 1 OE Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETITION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland, Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code, Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: fpor medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccidn de opcidn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de C6digo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacidn del siguiente asunto, a saber.] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,propdsito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas lamas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavi( -- 1 lfi\W 11/WA,L, MtA r I.oO Vi (pt.' I I D I Shad o w btndk st fl°au( hi-0 6ra- DYek . • t `,off Q� .�4No,,,.,, E.N AW15-3 ,t` •I Sdal I ly--5tn" Prescribed by Secretary of State = Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code �' 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) • To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de opcidn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Cddigo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacibn del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Herel To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beverages includin mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyas ftrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Cddigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado). Serial Number(Numero de serie): 02544 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 „1,11111*Of 11,,,'1j AW15-3 1 Prescribed by Secretary of State `V: _"b"'.t�"c Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code ° ` �, �5 4/2009S-- \ 04 I ; 7 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ''' ,,,'''.,,,,''''''''''' (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ” ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de elecci6n propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de elecci6n de opcidn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de C6digo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinaci6n del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Herel To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aquiaparecen,que este legalized la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (DirecciOn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) • Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votaci6n-optavic S/3i !?,ytl , 70 Ce4o 7T($ 8Gjo0" V-&A. c{- PCv' --1 T-4 Oritkork4 Serial Number(Ntlmero de serie): 02545 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 R ,,,, Aw15-3 ,, ` �= `v. \' �= Prescribed by Secretary of State z ` i N e Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code "s 4/2009 / %, ' PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) - To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por media de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccidn de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Cddigo de Eeeccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The lenal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above.. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas ftrmas aquiaparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votaci6n-optavi 6/A iLc - kr e5 k Itv' jii f Z IA► Gil(,y --' 11cn v-Avfl;1 1 f � Serial Number(Nzimero de serie): 02546 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisi6n) May 20,2021 d AW15-3 4 `�.. Prescribed by Secretary of State i U I ,`\�� :inz Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code ▪ P` 4/2009 • �` �s'c, ...........•'' PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE '"'.........,.•' (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de C6digo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinaci6n del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Herel To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha' (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn tie Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) �,t Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votaci6n-optavic to ___,.....AVZr I,s ' \ 1rev !, rs OG w- (4 1.5301 Pe/ ,(t r>L rti w 11111,,,'' AW15 3 cco�Q L4�rO,j1. „ `�- SAW,- 1 Prescribed by Secretary of State f —- ;In c Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code - ` :tnc 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ''''III,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,'` (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) . . To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here\ To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas f:rmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fe ado (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional FirNacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio) 67 4z= j-c / T PI - `7\01 I<‘ �\. g s Serial Number(Ntimero de serie): 02548 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 AW15-3 .T 41.° Prescribed by Secretary of State =U �'� ' '- Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 , ..... ,' PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE "" (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area. for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga unaaamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:J (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas_limas aqui aparecen,que este legalized la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en tetra de molde) (DirecciOn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavi ..,-, eN\loun ?-4"ao c2Av-f---D -77,545 (3)0Azor " 6-9- 9) 14.0 ; ' • Serial Number(Ntimero de serie): 02549 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 °OFQ R•�•. AW15-3 �, Prescribed by Secretary of State .i0 `• , 4 i�)0 . Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE \ \\\\ \\ (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) a, (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccidn de opcidn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Cddigo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacidn del siguiente asunto,a saber:] jEnter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages 1 It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. • (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencidnde los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) a (Nombre en letra de molde) (DirecciOn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Cedigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Naci lento Numero de Re•'tro de VotaciOn-optavic ' -,,4) = (qa. fA V a rk / ()1 CCU10 ,,Rs.-frr\ (, `) 1 ,o7 ), ., Serial Number itmero de serie): 02550 k� Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisidn) May) 20,2021 AW 15-3 `,.- Prescribed by Secretary of State i v' `" Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code ` �s 4l2009 ma`s ...... PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) • hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:J (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,propbsito e intention de los solicitantes cuyasfrrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- , (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavi 041 JGat i t Kim 4a.n[U1 4S% 1 atria ;012.1 1 a� Serial Number(Numero des ie): 02551 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 EA (,q ' • F,, A\ AW 15-3 A Prescribed by Secretary of State Via- cn__ Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code • Ott _ 4/2009 , PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) -'Weuke undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) . (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccibn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area - for-the- of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de e e ' a epeiort lur al de acuerdo con os tarminos y provisiones de C6digo de Eleccian de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinaci6n del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures-appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado), (Fecha de optional Firmado) �,� �✓��� Serial Number(Ntimero de serie): 0 52 Date Inc,„'het a de Emisibn) May 20,2021 __.,y oy sbretary of State \ ; Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code ' 42009 - PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) . (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland . Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccon propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por media de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccibn de opcidn local de acuerdo con los termtnos y provisiones de Cddigo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacon del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,propdsito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyasfrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohOlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votaci6n-optavic OP—DONAA el— Sy S20 vvy+e-01A— 0._c 0 z ls,, a22-t-D k_._ Pg.A--&--4,11,-- -- Seral Number timero de serie): 02553 /Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisibn) May 20,2021 AW15-3 k•:' Prescribed by Secretary of State °U i `�' 91 Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code • F. �\ :tn, 42009 ' ...... PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE "',,,,,/,r,,.,r,..,.. / rPETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) • We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) , (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccidn de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Cddigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here\ To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beverages includina mixed beverages • It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza prop6sito e intention de los solicitantes cuyaslirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Cddigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Reg istro de VotaciOn-optavio) 3�-1. kill t cal 59 31 h n�e- • & ri Serial Number , ero de serie): 0 554 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 AW15-3 ' Prescribed by Secretary of State =V' � ���>? Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code \ 4/2009 • • PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of• Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following isssie,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:] f Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas f:rmas agui aparecen,gue este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registiation Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) - Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votaci6n-optavii li tk, le 1�co oC'1- k0 d /enZtr-t. - ---,Serial Number(Numero de serie): 025 5 Date of Issuance (La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 } . 11111,1,,,,,, AW15-3 11±t`�' �' Prescribed by Secretary of State -C�: �� Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code z �` ;�c 4/2009 i ,, PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ,,,,,,.,.11,,,,,,, (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccibn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccidn de opcian local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Cddigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacidn del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages -./ It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad Ia yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad Estado,Cddigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) _ Serial Number (Numero de serie): 02556 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisidn) May 20,2021 • sorC QR�/i'O"' 1. AW15-3 A":`I #Prescribed by Secretary of State =C): /i►- ; . Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code \ �_ 4/2009 ',. PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE '''"rrrl.r.,r...,.....`'.. (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de elecci6n propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de elecci6n de opciOn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de ElecciOn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:J (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Fi o) a Serial Number(Nrimero de serie): 02558 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisidn) May 20,2021 / AW 15-3 • =�f O ,�a Prescribed by Secretary of State ..•U i 'Nob_Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code i �_ 4/2009 ' PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de elecciOn de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:J IXnter Measure Herel To Legalize: The lenal sale of all alcoholic beverages includinc mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intenciOn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) _Numero de Registro de Votacion-optav t/3/(V x, ±ISI- `7)�;—� U / z(y k 1 1'5k (-, ,--- ram. -; Serial Number(Numero de ser559 / Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 'r R I,z AW15-3 �'_C.),is, .1 Prescribed by Secretary of State r �\ ;(n= Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 • - =' mot •'' c PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) • To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election). (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de opciOn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (DirecciOn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento). Numero de Registro de VotaciOn-optavii 53141 VW) ValZa i[ 101 tlleab hv d 77.vv atZQna. �' - ISerial Number(Ntimero de serie): 02560 Date of Issuance (La fecha de Emisidn) May 20,2021 AW15-3ii.s ..;:?q1/4.111::.147''',. Prescribed by Secretary of State =U: d1W~ Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code _ 1 ` °9 42009 • ' .... PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ''' (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) • (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de elecci6n propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de elecci6n de opciOn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de COdigo de ElecciOn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinaci6n del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here\ To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages , It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. ( , (Es la esperanza,propdsito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqul aparecen,que este legalized la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature . Printed Name Residence Address(City,,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registrati,¢n Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudaa Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) • Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio, a-4 "I1tpipiv tc 4) s 1.l�s1)(o S. A. Clladde zJ 1)6Pl c -l71 7 Serial Number(Nzime o e s `02561 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisidn) May 20,2021 t _. AW15-3 `" ��'I •` V Prescribed by Secretary of State Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code ` 'cni 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE "° (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area.la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Herel To Legalize: The leaal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intention de los solicitantes cuyasliirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) ]�9,,til ,-tyr7z5sy, Nacimi1ento) - Serial Number(Niimero de serie): 02562 Date of Issuance (La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 AW153 f' ` �' ' n Prescribed by Secretary of State =U. 'Nlosb. 0- Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code I / 4/2009 C\ PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area . for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de opci6n local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Cddigo de ElecciOn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinaci6n del siguiente asunto,a saber:] anter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas frrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firnuuto) / Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de VotaciOn-optav r� .&V [ )L2 0 , C l 3(�76k\\ Serial Number(Nzimero de serie): 02564 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) a 20 2021 -�F Q�R�,rO AW15-3 :.N.: t -..„ Prescribed by Secretary of State °C:>S• `" ,i Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code \ 04 .4/2009 _ , ... -,„ ... .... .,. PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) . We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de_ Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Cadigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] ,g,nter Measure Here) To Legalize: The lecal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aquiaparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudac%Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) ,,Q AW15-3 ; ,�; icn Prescribed by Secretary of State cU 1 N? Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code i 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ..... (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) . (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de opcidn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccian de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacidn del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Herel To Legalize: The lecal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intencibn de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) -N-6, S 1 q� � Serial Number(Ntimero de serie): 02566 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 ' r ALB,Texas Election Code \` ; PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE -_ (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) . (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) erritorio de eleccon propuesta) l� hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,-Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los tdrminos y provisiones de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de 1 someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas frrmas aqul aparecen,que estd legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- Date Signed Signature (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firma (Firma) (Hombre en letra de molde) (Direcctdn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) Nacimiento) N ero de Registro de Votaci6n-optavio, Firmado) -' .. � --"z l sf�QJ• l -kv.J k ,,,p( if gzA,?(,1 d-k." l.,'-e 2 7s�'4-( -✓.7-z,� ,- — ( •1 ' urctary of State - m_ 4/2009 ,,cenon 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code s PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE "'" (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arribapresentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad, -stado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavi, Firmado) :a? - . 'e,A.r.z.-• kio z. -69,072:9,0 Niffiric ,,,,,r4--iq m/6-c6f, • (1714-q 2021 Ifi'.),,,/ o **.'A% AW 15-3 =V '' Prescribed by Secretary of State ` �' Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE """"""' (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccidn de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- Date Signed Signature Printed Name ( tY> (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavic Firmado) t 11 i ., ,%-D -SDY,n Lit l.O'( ( 1 L ck Lac(r-,,..t-Tx7137' tS . { QR'N , AW15-3 — ••,tn Prescribed by Secretary of State =U 0' iq Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code = : 42009 - PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) /' To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) - (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccian propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por media de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccon de opcian local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Cddigo de Eleccian de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacidn del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arribapresentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) • County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firm o) II Nac• Tent) Numero de Registro de Votaci6n-optavio S-31 A rrancQ &ll� g615 s1'. �'l ld�d 8ta -' l SY( y Serial Number(Nzimero de serie): 02584 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisidn) May 20,2021 _moo:- �� .� AWI5-3 r� ' Prescribed by Secretary of State :U t -� N= Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 42009 ? PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) . (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de elecciOn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de elecci6n de opcidn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de C6digo de ElecciOn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacidn del siguiente asunto,a saber:J (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyas frrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavic .?l�� { 1 w ��`� �i�l 'f al•� Brazooia, /// Serial Number(Numero de serie): 02585 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisi6n) May 20.2021 of QfK�!VQ�;: _..,craiy of State °U i `" ��3 "s 0 — --secuun-,uI.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 ' . s' PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) ' To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los tr rminos y provisions de Cddigo de Elecci6n de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here' To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyasf rmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arribapresentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio) 3l til // - -- @ 0VWa qc,b Dava Jyv14/1 PelAillakid ricizsgf1k _ Serial Number(Ntimero de serie): 02586 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisi6n) May 20,2021 sxas Election Codek 1.... 04 : : PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE '"',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) 1, , City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) . We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland • ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de opcidn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:] f Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas frrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad Estado,Cddigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) r£ ► Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio, *1311Z1 OP2" ruA1 1,4bives 3LI$ 6Atkjr73`�-ft-L-i OA 9kA21454' Serial Number t_ ero de serie): 02587 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 o'QEa1•;*L111,.011 Secretary of State =U � 0,'�4„Ai 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code .,..s....,, .............. 'ink5 {2009 :.,.. `, .. PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE "... (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR1 To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) ' We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de elecciOn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de elecci6n de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de COdigo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinaci6n del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio) 1 v Y�►t ; -nKd l 5 1 Uzi -ei, \ ,w{�r,,v. (4v-c�m/wt. ii4 W�\fQkt V\<- ,ktaA���c 1,fiarws \,() -\ ,. 'her Witmer()de serie): 02588 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 --- � F ,.• Off, 3�, AW15-3 `V `"•ice'' e Prescribed by Secretary of State = ` �` Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code if 4/2009 ir - .... .} PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) • We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [par medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- . (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Cddigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votaci6n-optavio) � a --PEA t � 7 s 2A S(t•S C � ��.)43,. Serial Number(Ntimero de serie): 02589 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) r� " r.r�,ND, ,s.,.' .... # 1 ....State .50: No,. i ,001.027,501.028,Texas Election Code ` �? PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] f Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,propdsito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votaci6n-optavio) 51 3t' fxy,ctk l0 { X(\G-i- L-}cq 11�-3� Pe�1�S� r,3r� i-cL- ►� *„ , G G Serial Number(Numero de serie): 02540 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 \ •' QEARt qNO,,,•, AW15-3 ._: � 1\ Prescribed b Secret of State .V �.''i` ,,5.i Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code //\ 42009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request.that a local option election be called'.:,accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccion de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:J (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages • It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas frrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) - Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votaci6n-optavio) '3l til Eafi k11 h 11 taguidoi Par& byL na 1 bra is Serial Number(Numero de serie): 02591 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 cQ.QEARCq,y'' AW15 3 � / `� Prescribed by Secretary of State U Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 'Cn= 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ,,,..',,,,,,,0"'‘' (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPTION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland, Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code, Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:J (Enter Measure Here), To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Repistro de Votacion-optavio) ,lam.11 , Mara MOts ta.3 59C e, Serial Number(Nitmero de serie): 02603 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisidn) May 20,2021 ,0,1l111.I110114"/rlrr Prescribed by Secretary of State 's ? Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code - A �- 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ,'''",,,;IILIL.L" (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A I( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de elecci6n propuesta) . hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de elecci6n de opciOn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Cddigo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacidn del siguiente asunto,a saber:) (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas ftrmas aqul-aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacibn-optavio) 7 i , 4 .,s'►ana °leaf 04 i84 5 4nr Zi-P1-V Serial Number(Numero de serie): 02604 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisi6n) May 20,2021 ,o QEARCq.O'% AW153 `4 _ \ \'II i . Prescribed by Secretary of State U: ` ':�D Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code (A' 4/2009 �` PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICION PARA ELECTION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccion de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacidn del siguiente asunto, a saber:l (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The lecal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,gue este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Cddigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio I `,.1 ,, l % i 4 d5,,/ ;A/ �,► � L I . ,., _ ri� ��&ads /// Serial Number Wilmer()de serie): 02605 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 il::,-,/,__ o ...., -,-s AW15 3 �� �_ Prescribed by Secretary of State Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) • (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) Texas) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta)he Title 17 in the above mentioned area toec Election C de to i presente, respet oe nte suplicamos asea forrehe respectfully request that a local ally option voters election be lofsad area the determination in accordance with the of the pfollowing issue, wit:Texas Code, the purpose ofd submitting to the legally qualified de ha a una Ilamada de eleccion de option local de acuerdo con los tem na eon del provisiones de asunoto,la sabeEl�ccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de haga a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la deter (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages the sale of alcoholic to in the issue set It is a hope,purpose and intent of the solicit ntes bose as f rmasaqui apatures recen,queon esteo see legalieadala vednta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asudnto arribapresentado)t above. (Es la esperanza,propdsito e intention de los so m9' Date of Birth Voter Registration ty Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) Coon (Fechaa de optional Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Hombre en Tetra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio, W/1 Firmado) 15e A ,rUz ovr Wc4Ar- ‘cuy-W "Ts) .11554 1 a of U Il 01/ i VrerI cii ' f� ^1 -2oZ( vraZdrIcG, Serial Number(Numero de serie): 02606 AW15-3 -C�: � ,� Co- IIII Prescribed by Secretary of State Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 ........... PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) • To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] lEnter Measure Here) To Legalize: e legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en Tetra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio, Firmado) f a (cS., t4.4,...,61 )4-C caltil ,.se, 1 ASP 6303 Serial Numbe mero de�02607 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Envision) May 20,2021 „,Q „. EARtgNO,,.'''''''' , _' AW15-3 S�j E s;= Prescribed by Secretary of State .11 cn; Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 :t PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ,, ^"''” (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de ... Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] f Enter Measure Herel To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que est, legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en Tetra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio, - ). £2" /U %",� 96 07 0ca e C r A) rev 14 kv,1 b &©tta Serial Numbe (Nitmero de seri : 0260: ate of Issuance (La fecha de Emision) , May 20,2021 �0..•• RLqYo AW15-3 C�3 °`�� :may: Prescribed by Secretary of State �� o_ ` Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code ‘ \ PA ' 4/2009 . -S PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de opcidn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacidn del siguiente asunto, a saber:) CEnter Measure Herel To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,gue este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) ,p Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio &41— .c,r i— -- � ,44.1. eoe}-rA � `'2, ( (0 — ,S erial Number(Numero de serie): 02609 Date of Issuance (La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 ..,",,,,.,,,,t7„., 111 U:'`�' :t�z AW15-3 Prescribed by Secretary of State �� i(o. Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) . (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,.to wit: [pot medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de . someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:J (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intenciOn de los solicitantes cuyas firms aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date-Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registtation N_umber- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudar4 Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional ., Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio,/ 61E/ ' i 6 t—-- Jilif/0011Z.J g g i.2 64014&6 lie-Che e c)c fied-A ..,,,y1-,-• Serial Numbe mero de serie): 02611 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisidn) May 20,2021 AW15-3 / -'U, •`0 I i Prescribed by Secretary of State = �'� ;tn= Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 - '% c: : PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto, a saber:] f Enter Measure Here), To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. f (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas firms aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio . 1 S—I ae r6 1 -ithilA ( Serial Number(Ntimero de serie): 02612 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisidn) May 20,2021 „...,,"?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, „0...... .....:,,,,,, .,,, AW15-3 ''`11 Prescribed by Secretary of State `U`• c Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code g 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ''''''',,,,...,,,,.' (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. . (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas limas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio z,— a ) 1 ' , i . lia q Pt 2f//-5� , 55 e�m . Yr,`S -�--- - _t �i 1,/ ; t WM-i' 1 1,C 7 V At 4,2,),t/ � 5 P . . � Serial Number iNit ero de serie): 02613 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 AW15-3 '��" Prescribed by Secretary of State V? l b Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code _ 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) ` We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccion de opcidn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a_los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Cddigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio LiSki, --LotiiivimLakimak, itovu AL e'- 3ct+s-1 9rbt-, or13(noir!4 Serial Number(Num de serie): 02615 Date of Issuance (La fecha de Envision) May 20,2021 AW15-3 '~ : " ti(ns Prescribed by Secretary of State _V p' Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code s 4/2009 ' , • PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccidn de opcon local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intencibn de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arribapresentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) • (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad Estado,Cddigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votaci6n-optavic �, ,°/-i / J - ,� 1 'Lela, 't4 +1✓ Serial Number(Numero de serie): 02616 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 a, •.�= AW15-3 , a,' Prescribed by Secretary of State ...._ :5.- Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code "14 4/2009 - s '`;, PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacon del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,propdsito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arribapresentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votaci6n-optavio, \ 1 •• •ram — 10,t,t4tsy _ 6—z 1 C-b --- _ C 7, cove,--7 `3 7°Z. et/ -ki.r) £1, / 1. 1 y Date of Issuance La echa de Emision) May20 2021 Sepal Number(Numero de serie): 02617 ( .f .,. QEAR�N' AW15-3 k d ;wr`" Prescribed by Secretary of State -0 �`'I''� i tn.a Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 \� • PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccidn de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Cddigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacidn del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The 1eea1 sale of all alcoholic beverages includin mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencien de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,que ester legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohelicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional {� N? Serial Numb 'i (Nero de serie): 02618 Date of Issuance (La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 AW15-3 • _� `" .� , t Prescribed by Secretary of State :�? Ait' - .�/' Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code % PA _ 4/2009 ' PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ,''',,,,,,....... (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland Texas) . (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de opci6n local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de C6digo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intenciem de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number-. (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en Tetra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio, e, &, acl 1 f. COICt—VerMi 1902-Orik- ( Number N umero de erie : 02419 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May20,2021 Serial ) 7411 AW15-3 SCJ c �= Prescribed by Secretary of State = 'cr)' Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE "''‘11,,,,,\\''\\\ (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code, Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eeeccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:) (Enter Measure Here), To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages . It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas jiirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavic tP1(1 1'A / L(0,01t9 Sczi . 2(1 bC4- 350( reb,c, Dv.p 4 4�a,s ysk r'-bvl� Serial Number(N ero de serie): 0262 / Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emtston) May 20,2021 Q !Ri,4ry�•, AW15-3 '�' III►_,.. 1 Prescribed by Secretary of State =' 4 '�: Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4 4/2009 ::1 4., PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here' To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavic . t/I A6 .1e$62.144hfi CZ ClattbitalaOa- I.ate( iroueDe. I'1 SPA (A r« ' Px r P . r4'c.1 4 s1 ' J � ,���"�h Z?•o3 F1'3t� F��D Pa.� � ?�. &cv � pr_5 / No ' 01,N I)u� 175' C& I a7 �r-la�1c7"i I &t�zcrx, • Va-5 .,.I j -�� s fQc/I', u t Salazar 11�3�-f ( � ��d L4 e �dsuat �(' " ye") 6 co •/QT414if L ,. -chs/ +she-Cs & 3 eca e 19* roc '.2— ----Mr. . 44 .,."-- 6..._.., Z.)- 1C1 Q.k.>A.- 1,4, 'L bk...1)SN_ %ittEP. ‘i\ r-zie.s. 4 Sig— 1ILA. -.1 lr _ • • ._K • P . ' — .t'.2,,...Q ii #2sV Alf, 44, Ver-0.4 C-e OGli AffAkt4414 iwi.164e. Itic0 tf, ,,, 17—e9 1 ��'��1,, p 1 Ae .2-H 1� C - A•_• °to j "0 2 YS - `7 �1►, , .dicli.,.,,,; \ S�� . -{-I 2 ( can _ Seri umber zimero de serie): 02636 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisi6n) May 20,2021 • QF AR(.q"iyo, #vo " Cr".:AW 15-3 Prescribed by Secretary of State _ ' ' : Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code i 4/2009 /\ PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ` (PETITION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: (por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arribapresentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavii /WZ) G - -> . isell,94, S 'e(c�1" o_31l c,"( 4 6v. �� ( k1 Qzi ti ( . - Date of Issuance echa de Emision 20,2021 Serial Number(Numbro de serie): 02637 (La f ) May of , p% . AW15-3 • k — --" ��tr- ` Ir •3>: Prescribed by Secretary of State " v 02 Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 42009 - PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ',,,'''.h qO.......+++`',`,,,a (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONL()CAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) • (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de • someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here), To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred&4n the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencien de los solicitantes cuyas ftrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arribapresentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado)' (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavic _. ._2, i, , , 9 OrNzpak- ', (.1J,9 ( i/ 1 -, e ,gt, t- c Ic o-i S J 3c i 2021 ©F QEARL,4�;� ,cll.' �� AW 15-3 Prescribed by Secretary of State =U I S jt ;mac Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code g 4/2009 • PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ,, II N'i , , ` (PETICIONPARA ELECTION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) T'o the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages includinc mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.)- r Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado)- (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio) tiAa0/k - i AY1A?t, CAAVL 1,1)(9"6t egit/VV.41 64) ?)61,04/40 efeA )Ct 4 _. `T// Z/// sGt.� 1 Lb ilk 21/o Ciesi ,il'ac C_i PeLv' -1 17x 13� Za.-,4 ` Serial Number(Nitro ro de serie): 02639 _Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 „ .. AW15-3 .. : `'`?tnA Prescribed by Secretary of State Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 • ‘ %. Pq . _ PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland ,.Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,gue este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Hombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (FeN ci na nto) optional de meero de Registro de Votacion-optavio, Firmado) .:Qi kI21 #.' I r� ,�5 � i�, 13 ill g IJ-1, l�Zz 7' .._ 4i€i ('z v / ) z ,/� /6206' G -Sfi ,)& filitia7"ire �.1 Maw 13a-d v7 � vz_ , -, i � '► 2021 Serial Number(Nitm-ro de serie): 02640 N,O QEPttt,Q�O AW15-3 ,U: �d, �cn__ Prescribed by Secretary of State - Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 ,`• ...... PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE .,"''‘I........N (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) (' ''2 To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber.•] (Enter Measure Herel To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Nacimiento) Numero de Regsstro de Votacion-optavio, Firmado) i/Z1 /Zu/11z. 74-41b) --()Yok Zu1 q S\f/ ove, P1.4re 7,e .. '-rtigattYIrk Serial Number(Nitmero de serie): 02641 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Envision) May 20,2021 Aw15 3 Prescribed by Secretary of State Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 PETITIONTOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEG_ALIZ - (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZARI Texas To the Cit�of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( Ci of Pearland (Autoridad de registro) ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (os orio de election propuesta) We,the undersigned qualified voters of P(Tearrnaory for Proposed Election) hereby e e oh respectfully request that a locale option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisidns of the Texas ex wt Election dCio Code, e , pitlee 17 in the above mentioned need arosito ea de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el prop for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, haga una l a de election de option local someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del egutente al sale oftall altos lit evera es includin mixed bevera es le 11.�,-n;�acnr0 Herel To Legalize: Th trn que este legalizadseegla yenta de ale of s alcohoifcbsveerage l to in th issueis alcoholicreferred set outabove. (Es la esperanza,propbsito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqut sparCounty Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County a de Printed Name (FechaNacim de optionalNumero de Re:istro de Yotacidn-o.tavio Date Signed Signature (Tlombre en Tetra de molde) (Direccibn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Fecha (Firma) �/ �� 4i i,�yQ Firmado) ' t A P`�J 3 pY� DOwAOd �-,J 402/d4- 774 0 Me 7(( diallir �O AlOPIANI � kl 1 `c� i'If �o 6 11101, irkla Ai J16kr0 %ha ,a6 . xcn i\\ winciiimil Li) z,...,,,, griv.., / 1/41170J 111141111111F.- 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Envision) May 20 2021_ Serial Number(Numero de serif): 02642 '' 'QEAR1,gNO,,. AW15-3 _� �� Prescribed by Secretary of State ':C., -- �? Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ".,.01111,'0" (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eeeccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signa re Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Ft / (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) / Naci lento Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio, /, J tS� &A'viz_ 512 Frobkde* El._ i fb t A 11 , lic6/44 _,_-_, sz-r vr— a-.4, ,05,r7 0,0 (did 17- 841,e-- IV 1 444 ' •"' 2.393/ic71/07 ... _, , . , ,?------ Serial umber(Numero de serie): 02643 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) ay 0,2021 OF pRw�at AW15-3 � Prescribed by Secretary of State U, ' ? :> Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of .Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) rt hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por media de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previalifeirti y para el proposito de some ter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages includinc mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aquiaparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arribapresentado) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) optional (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,COdigo) I (Condado) ((Femie de Firmado) ,,,,p ) _ Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavic 4 kt- 51P-ar(aftcliP( , 2021 AW15-3 ' .Os Prescribed by Secretary of State • z U `l i A cn 1 Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 .? PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ''''",,,,,,,,,,,,,,`,,,,, (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request.that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccion de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:] f Enter Measure Here\ To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beveraees including mixed beveraees It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,propbsito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numer istro de Potacidn-optavio, ‘91,\10 t �� SP)'2 N i (A us • ; z Serial Number(Nzimero F- erie): 02645 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 I • AW15-3 ',`• `� Prescribed by Secretary of State -U Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccion de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Re sir°de Notation-optavic L Ik01 JtanL_ 320-1Paokra,b(W;Ir3Ectiodo AW15-3 • i e` \' re% Prescribed by Secretary of State _ i toE. Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE "'� (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) • To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) • (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) • We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Herel To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en Tetra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavic • '1.76W1)14 Ito Lw d vrr\04-\ k \,. St061. cot \kg_kcihs k .Q V=kr 0..t4f% A Srialmber(Numero de serie): 02647 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 AW153 V' (nq Prescribed by Secretary of State Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 ' PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE "" ""``, (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here' To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyasfrrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- Firma (Firma) (Hombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Co(d�igo)�y (Condado) (FNacimiento)de optional eero de Re.istro de Votacion-o"tavic Firmado) . Tea `arLA t 1 A �t I xi tcti Mr (0 Lb '_ ! Av ai • 1 ��. � • 212d Coal . 7tia Awe... o o� ' /c3O 4 k, Cok- C7 Iii �'7S`, 4 ZO V✓s- ° - AW15-3 ,� .trts Prescribed by Secretary of State - • Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code =• i• PP\ (_ 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE " (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) 1 , To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here), To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,propos:to e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) . County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavic ( 1‘C,/2/ 'VW 11(490,y)I .k.46"-k 1419,ery 5 I' V 22 3 k c-oalk, 104.4/17 ,' 1 �y%� / 6 1 Serial Numbe (Ntimero de serie): 02650 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Envision) May 20,2021 1600> QEAR..? AW15-3 P-- : __ WI: Prescribed by Secretary of State V Cn- Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 1: i 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPTION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) - (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: fpor medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccion de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages includinc mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Re••tro de Votacion-optavti n ` ioz P( rleletd (st'l C f ecdrbod O/f��( r%i,_( k 5 v tS -r�1-7cit i 6024 r �'\/ Serial Number(Num s,. de serie): 02651 Dat..f Issuance a fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 ,Q R�.," -off •�o" _. `AW15-3 Prescribed by Secretary of State Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 ' PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beverages includina mixed beverages • It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aquiaparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional F irmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavic 6-/0-01 'i ....,._ Rq C� 6734 G' , 7678 NOW (o-/" i Serial Number(Numero de ser . 02652 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 ,0.QEA• t,q�,O'' 'tCne AW15-3 _CJc '�' Prescribed by Secretary of State �' Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ttooS (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages includina mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Cddigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio) reorwva t9-11 74 1 r Y0)KeisevburcId30 Err Tee IN i X'isbl f1ri5 2021 Iv-col ffre,,,e,,- "Q�ARLgNO. AW15-3 =U i :0 Prescribed by Secretary of State = Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the teiuis and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,propdsito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavic 6r6 la 3121 r y- l� n ;JVg5/ -1 4 % ,,t 0 A_ - '11COlie- Weow 130 b-G io 1or o of, e)r- l2_p,,� ` Serial Date of Issuance La echa de Emision May20,2021 Serial Number(Nitmero de serie): 02654 ( f ) r�O�• QF AF2�'6 I '''' AW 15-3 Prescribed by Secretary of State "3' �' Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE '' (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber.] . (Enter Measure Here), To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavi( • / Gds. iik � aye cA - r�a t a Serial Number(Nzimero de serie): 02655 Date of Issuance (La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 ,`,,,1 III/ cF P •AR�N4 AW15-3 Ji .`0n" Prescribed by Secretary of State ;. =U n Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code / 4/2009 \ ` PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE /���''I'111 ,,,sov f (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de opcon local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Cddigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Cddigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacim•nto) Numero de Registro de VotaciOn-optavio, 006/ - - 2,3ate' ,* 4 O 734e—urns_ ( c 0 /641;-'\/-k -, A-,I(4( '41 -u? IlibZ cik.65 ei rU A - Serial Number(Ntimero de serie): 02656 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 AW15-3 -- �` Prescribed by Secretary of State r V :0 Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ''' (PETITION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) . (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code, Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por media de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccion de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber.J (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyasf rmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arribapresentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) r/� �D Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavic D -0 /174( d' / (�n�G OP V W l T L CKel' p ir 17 r`-t 6 6 ' e , 6 5 d 1 c l.� QreeZ e c , 1 c zor,a 313- i -d 6�d- . � / 1 f, , /r 0 < n c� � erial Number(Numero de serie): 02657 Date of Issuance(La fech. de E, ' ion) May 20,2021 - . \ 1 AW15-3 ')" ` - `� Prescribed by Secretary of State :0: ri. 5 Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE '' (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The lecal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas frrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arribapresentado.) Date Signed Signature 'rinted Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio a >/C76_I 1,1) gb ?qna 12a,e,,,.. 91 ► , 106 W/O 74.I Serial Number(Nitmero de serie): 02658 Date of Issuance (La fecha de Emisi6n) May 20,2021 .z QEAR�ryO�', AW15-3 ~ ,J `�� Prescribed by Secretary of State t U i ` N' /� Q r /� Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 42CJ\ "_ ,` _ 4/2009 `` PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE „ ""', (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de elecci6n propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de elecci6n de opci6n local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de C6digo de Elecci6n de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinaci6n del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here), To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio) It(IY. C Ci\i'Qr-e-W -- k,ZO 0 )5EtMC1�V`'� S f qY ��� Q;ok \ \ \ Serial Number(Nitmero de serie): 02659 Date of Issuance (La fecha de Emisidn) May 20,2021 AW15-3 - 'a . 'til�ee•: Prescribed by Secretary of State • °U `�' q? Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code •• • _ �Z 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZ4R) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( Ci of arland Texas) • . (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad a registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of P a land ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medic,de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccibn de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacilados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize( The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages ' It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures pear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. • (Es la esperanza,proposito e tencidn de los soilcitantes cuyas fn mas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba prrsentado) Date Signed Signature .,. •Printed N he Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma). (Nombre en letra de Ide) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado),,, ' ' e Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio) .... ,,lAsk,WIA /0, 110 G&Atim 4e, 41•i, /11,,, e‹,>2 at ict9ellt— /J. -1(4lit / '... • .in Liu Do b;I c\. C� .1\ — Serial Number(shim rho de aerie): 02660 ' Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 Qt"RiAii, -,OF O'''--, AW15-3 -a. �% 'U Prescribed by Secretary of State ° N. ,' .,›i �' Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Codeffivik-% I 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ,,,,4,.,,,,,,ow" (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacidn del siguiente asunto,a saber:J (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votaci6n-optavic te 2-4( j,,,,„,- 5 (A)cistAdr- g c7 eletkcItttk, 6-77 bmv:;ct. Cie &ti - r i kil" t400k11 _2 Apl.t ' VAX tql`-‘{/k votrioill Viasiao, (4(2 AI Linea.(-( (313 13 i-d(( C ( 4-- -s-r' bi c 6.' is ftki . e2 / K 76QY � �. &fj/ ...� SUsaiiiLr 1\ ) ) j2 ) _ ' (a ^ I ! Z sklyst 0 . j At,1_11 . • .5e.c. )-, Q_. ....., , KA 764' /1 t0lLI C)4 t okeii.4.2 7 1 iii-tkje, 5eiil',IY Serial Number(Numero de serie): 02661 C___k_- ___CdrAL., Date of Issuance(La fecha de Envision) May 20,2021 ;, 'QEARtq j�O,,,, t.A AW15-3 Prescribed by Secretary of State I. ypi rSection 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 � Ski •...... PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE '" "" (PETICION PARA ELECTION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code, Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de C6digo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto, a saber:J (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas frrmas aqul aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Esiado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavi a i i / &o -� _lam 52 4/ Z May 20,2021 04 e R�NO`'; AW15-3 Prescribed by Secretary of State 3? 1 Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code �' 4/2009 'SIB • •.., PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland . Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:] jEnter Measure Here) To Legalize: The lecal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arribapresentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmad Nacimie to) /�,�7�( (_ / �,/y�� ( Numero d- :egistro de Votacion-optav� /64'2- 1 4 td.-1 5-g Chici Serial Number(Nitmero de serie): 02663 j Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 AW 15-3 -- Prescribed by Secretary of State U: i 5 a' Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas limas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Re• .de Votacidn-optavio DtOF 51\ c p ©p7 d e_rC }p! e 6� Z ' �e �� o Z otr n Jx 7` ► V fa l O r ate of Issuadi e echa de Emision c20,2021 Serial Nu r(1Vu o de serie : 02664 c'�� ) May o QEARCAiy? AW15-3 ' ` V= Prescribed by Secretary of State ..V. `� �_ Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code i i,. If% 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETITION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure_Herel To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyasfrrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth . Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) 1 Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio VAOS �b VA a \.41\ VuiAtaT- 1_,� 'e ��"k:.a-k. 2-� %k Uzit: _ Serial Num er(Nitmero de serie): 02665 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 AW 15-3 Prescribed by Secretary of State a' �' Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE '"" "'' (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de election de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optav 0._-1.--1 -. r I. 1 • . -/ZT-401\Q2 ° Z-Or Cei ---V.ri 9-eAlICkrvi:Nt 5?)nskzore, MIPIII I " f Serial Number (Numero de serie): 02666 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 QF_P RLN0 AW15-3 `~ `� Prescribed by Secretary of State E V: 1 Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code ? 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE `",•,,,-,,,,,Its''`' (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the teuus and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area _ for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto, a saber:] jEnter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas limas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Nu - .- =egi ode Votacion-optavio, 4/ - Y 1 T al12ate,- 4/1 Wf1rE WJ,Wid i_N ie1hND 3eRzoi€i19 2021 AW15-3 '.. ` „ to Prescribed by Secretary of State =U. ` ` Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code _ 4/2009 ..\. 01 kl I i PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ,," (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto, a saber:J inter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages includinc mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyasftrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Fir a) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) A n Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavii ff / VD l Mar.MCA �e �,` D/'A Syr, © Serial Number(Nam-ro de serie): 02672 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 0 QEARCAiy� AW15-3 1i(--(7 J Prescribed by Secretary of State "0 :�" Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 /` PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE •"'",I1o.uuft'''''' (PETICION PARA ELECTION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de opcibn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Cddigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyasfrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) - Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optav, b-ir21 stal, , k--cik- o--viog zcf6--wcateitidg-_ -r ae-da �— (N Serial Number serie): 02675 gate of Issuance(La fecha de Emiston) May 20,2021 umero de AW 15-3 Prescribed by Secretary of State "v' to Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE "s (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de_lo presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aquiaparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de 'egistro de Votacion-optavi t5 if Aetkr 36?0/3e7-- -0re,//=-Le 3K,42or%4 / / Date of Issuance a echa de Emision 2021 ,•'QtipRC,q AW15-3 U:.`dtinse till Prescribed by Secretary of State • Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 Si., %-... PA .r. i . ..., PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE '.. (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccidn de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Cddigo de ElecciOn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinaciOn del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here' To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,propdsito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- . (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Cddigo) . (Condado) (Fecha de optional ". Firm ado) Nacimiento) Numero de : •'s .de Votacidn-optavio) /i1w 4t//7/ ` zeff- GtZo Mov, , 3-i ai .5,1E44,u, l rn5 Serial Number(Nzimero de ser e): 02677 Date of Issh'ance(La fecha de Emisidn) May 20,2021 t `o:QEARLgtiD + cam; _ A AW 15-3 `r ,CI\-= Prescribed by Secretary of State �� • cn.7 Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code O` : 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE '''', "' (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccidn de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,propdsito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en Tetra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero d gistro de Votacidn-optavJ //?/i iylis� �iAr 2a 1s � l�j 4 p /Jiy 6, , . Serial Number(Numbro de serie): 02678 Date of Issuance (La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 o<ii-p RC,..j�Oo,,, AW15-3 ` �c ! Prescribed by Secretary of State ` �� i�_ Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 , PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de some ter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize; The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages �� It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. )J /� (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) J l V Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter ' :_istration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codig,p aiti7(Condado) (Fecha de optic'%1 Firmado) I//�/ ���`"' Nacimiento) Nu o de - ode Votacion-optav (1111/ja-l'TP, / LT,k1UL fri , , ; 61/4117/ ' 1310 V ��YY�Ce epazesa ( Serial Number(Ntimero de serie): 02679 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisibn) May 20,2021 §`PEA �N AW15-3 .`�. _J. : 4L ' %-t: Prescribed by Secretary of State -' Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 0\ PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE '''' (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland, Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code, Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: (por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccion de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:] f Enter Measure Herel To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beverages includinc mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arribapresentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero. 'egis'o de Votacion-optavio, W/�/< - L '7i071 ,C.01 A) i& ei. 1 ( v5' r (g-I(0-21 10III A oef c Serial1. " Numbe 7 u 'moo '- serie): 0 •81 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 2021 OFP K�N� ? AW15-3 =U: -c_ Prescribed by Secretary of State - 'cn= Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE "' (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code.,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:J (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages includinc mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,gue este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (FechNacimad e optional Numero d' ' stro de Votacion-optav Firmado) _ / �� j_//�P� 2 i 6 a s_X,' hJ 3e. e. DLt rt[ry O O✓'t4 r�anc��//�.J�c t¢�`'t? . 2021 AW15-3 .� Prescribed by Secretary of State -U: i D _ to Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code -Trey 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ,, (PETITION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland, Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) • We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccion de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eeeccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) ( 1 i Q ,5,L 7:� o� LC-1 Nacimiento) Numero de Re:istro de yotacion-optm 00 Loki ZI Lam\ z 1 estt X- ( /I -CO C: S t al Number(Nit 'ro de serie): 02683 Date of Issuance (La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 AW 15-3 Prescribed by Secretary of State -U: i�__ Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presence, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Herel To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas frrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavi, e Ire `: = - . —4- Os,�-7) I 2,1 Z 7 / 7-6-- rr f t?- 6 Serial Number umero de serie): 02684 Date of Issuance(La fecha de.Vmision) May 20,2021 o p�AR`� '0 ,- AW15-3 .`V Prescribed by Secretary of State .3 >1 Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccion de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,propdsito e intenciOn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) _ Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavic h/ MG.aM; DSMat/ 231 q'( Cam v7 511►gi •Pew,vlu -R P✓R2avib Serial Number(Nitmero de rie): 02694 Date of Issuance (La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 `,,o QEARIq'yo%, AW 15-3 \`c Prescribed by Secretary of State :U cn? Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ,, (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPTION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code, Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arribapresentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavh Ciealit II Uafr kfit Ta i., 231 Lf Ca yki f)hrd{ W7.er=1a )-- S ria Number ero de serie): 02695 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 AW15-3 =V E • Li ,� - Prescribed by Secretary of State ` :cn= Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code '�3 4/2009 I y, PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) 4 To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) . (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Cddigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previam'ente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) • Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional - Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavi tla 10 ri/j 7 /).• k_ be-1H/VJA,+Xi A Lk)tgiA '-'3-1 1 Rita 4'-'N C444, 0 r r FP fr/ ' Ai c� z of 1-34L...4C1aO( Rp-tdva�. &( 6,' )2- w. o 7v r2-CM OVIII atzyeAc. 01-7 -0\2evi' )( Serial Number(Numero de serie): 02696 Date of Issuance (La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 AW153 Prescribed by Secretary of State 'U (nc Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ""- "' (PETITION PARA ELECCION DE OPCIO��.N LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) 1 To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de elecci6n propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccion de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de C6digo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Herel To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavic i.r//#/ i Pc n ce S da -( /f0Z 4( e_ aet lcs P77$co eo c Serial Number(Nitmero de serie): 02732 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Envision) May 20,2021 AW15-3 rU "',tic_ Prescribed by Secretary of State Y -s ` _ 1wi Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 • PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE '' .," „ (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR1 To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccidn de opciOn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Cddigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas limas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmad o) /� / 44fr4nJ/,'. , Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votaci6n-optavio, — 0 fl r 4 el--- /(//f/9V) i f2eC)y;4,I14Ck ,;, 30 5 ;197-mvy /6/M at 67/ e 21 4/x-die, ?It./4-00,110 L'1 bit .1707 P6t,r 121 erg -ov- - < /( 9i1J47a - ub--70v ,q-> 7 ewe /13 ' rr—a Serial Number(Ntimero de serie): 02733 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisidn) May 20,2021 o 'QEARI,gtiO% . AW15-3 Prescribed by Secretary of State V i cn Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 Ski ....• PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ......,......„, (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: (por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas_limas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Ar104 71fNacimiennto) Numero de Registro de otacion-opt'7-//0 ( / ^ o� ,5. 1901 Aale-IO/tc Way T tOzo(iGI - Serial Number(Milner°des ie): 02734 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 Prescribed by Secretary of State U i WE Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE "",e1,,'•'•'''"'"' (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: (por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccidn de opci6n local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firm ado) Nacimiento) Numero de Re-•stro de Votacion-optavi f // c 7IE."it., Ptc,,') Wa I 1 c— Cz, /rk 2.w1/4 / •``QEAR to`'''• cp. Np"• =� •..)% AW 15-3 � tr: Prescribed by Secretary of State - 1 0,401.09-` :0 c Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 • PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE "'''''.m• (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) • hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Herel To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beveraees including mixed beveraees It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,propOsito e intenciOn de los solicitantes cuyas frrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohblicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name. Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en Tetra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) tt� 4.., Nacimiento) Numero de Regsstro de VotaciOn-optavic (p--r tr 1,\c ne G Lf `ibirti spansa x c\-- P .-t tzavru Serial ) Number(Numero de serie): 0273 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 oQEARtgtiO� AW 15-3 - Prescribed by Secretary of State -U: ' i Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 Pj` PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto, a saber:J (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Cddigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numer••e Registro de Votacidn-optavi 6I1t/pi,}( Gri. (ii-41 90 )- Al h-r IA) ►atv $tom°` . --) . Serial Number(Numeeo de serie): 02738 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 U, "/; o<'Q EAR tgNO:�. AW15-3 — Prescribed by Secretary of State '�' Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 - PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de opci6n local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beveraces including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavi 61) t ito.t.,14,_C.,v_e„.1,--Firmado) Q3c,7_ ---K.,,)c-cs✓l {{pt.\cx.—) C7— 4-t(b'i.` c Serial Number(Nitmero de serie): 02739 Date of Issuance (La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 s' QEARLq''''''' Prescribed by Secretary of State - Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETITION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) m'osotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de election de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de some ter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro d Votacion-optavi (( Z} � .e.•-. -x� 37-T-1 �"-i -1. -- , Z-°`rta ' -( ..�� 3 Serial umber 'mero 'e serie): 02740 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisi6n) `` ,Q�AR�NO•• AW15-3 ~ tom'' Prescribed by Secretary of State -C�i i(n; Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ''' ..,,,'„ " (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firm o) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavi 1t5, 1 /14 a/mf - 32 711 A 775-Ee{ 04,4zi - Serial Number itmero de serie): 02741 1 Date of Issuance (La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 i'so 'QEAR Lq;y' ,. AW15-3 Prescribed by Secretary of State IT V' ,— (t1= Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccion de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:] LEnter Measure Here) To Legalize: -The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyas firrnas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la-yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavi I OAP � 3/z( I )1 t ,i4 0.1 � 1 ear 0, 5u 0( e.,,n��nl1n D c\ t i f�(Lc,,.c_ Q r&-Ennc, Serial Number(Numbro serie): 02742 Date of Issuance (La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 v o "• c\ AW15-3 .� ,�, Prescribed by Secretary of State Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code :. .. \ ' 4/2009 ' ..., PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO.LEGALIZE „ (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de elecci6n propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de elecci6n de opcibn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de C6digo de Elecci6n de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinaciOn del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyas,firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,COdigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Regis o de Votacidn-optavi c o Gibe, Arno qqox sao . 1,,,, [Orris C -Serial Number(Nrimero de serie): 02743 Date of Issuan (La fecha de Emisivn) AW15-3 `� 'U, `" L; i Prescribed by Secretary of State z \ ;tn= Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code • 4/2009 ma`s .... PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ,,, " (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccian de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:J (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,propdsito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyasirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro otaci6n-optcn -�1 ` c5 /u1/t ( k . asrlva4 11 Dii uou� t�/L4tat-c_-'� -,,.. Serial Number(Numero de serie): 02744 Dat�f`Sf Issuance(La fecha de Emision) • ,.off ...: ',, AW15-3 `' .ttn bySecret of State =U° `.4, '5_Prescribed �Y - ` ;cn- Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 42009 �, '' PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALTZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Cddigo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacidn del siguiente asunto,a saber:] jEnter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firm m /ado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-opt 6rly/2/ i 1 --- --- 1 , g.ru . 76 Z5- 14 j Eck Ai ?earic,�,f/7;r z7�1' �r�.ror.'� Serial Num MT Q''mere l o diiserte): 02745 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisidn) May 20,2021 `o 'QEAR�'t'O AW 15-3 • ,� jaw- `, Prescribed by Secretary of State =V i 'rD Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 : 04 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code, Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto, a saber:] fEnter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas frrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numer. - 'e stro de Votacion-optac OWW/y vT 01 P ,it). i �A Serial Number(Nitmero de serie): 02746 Date of Issuance (La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 AW15-3 =c� ��� Prescribed by Secretary of State �= Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 s, os • PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ,, (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland . ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Cddigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:] j nter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Cddigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) _ Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optav • (, • --di � . ram}, )- (M4)-,,;,�3 r "Q k ahc,1 7?S / t5r6 ye-, '''/` .7 r) I ifi -- Ob JOlk'"" 4a/0 1/drill, i IA_ (1--", ly4-Z‘i. `- . _1,-;) i,1pil iU rvt;i�t i i 1-� I l-i S tAm rn; ' P I, iraZv►�i u d�-( � lCCA II Ar,,,,,,_,,,,opt\ss l : 02747 %VI iDate of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 Se 1 Number(Nur�ero e serie) AW15-3 P`1�A `�S Prescribed by Secretary of State t U i °y: Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code ` :N° 42009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) • (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: (por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccidn de opci6n local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de C6digo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacidn del siguiente asunto,a saber:] f Enter Measure Herel To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages • It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyas,firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de VotaciOn-optav tO 101 _ 6044-1664-eArK, 44,--114 I IS- ()Aka% 'Or-t-TI5 -1-01/41cins , /a' - . r ja/ , l ) 17 V Z I-c 11775151 -fr - e 14 21 �z1< vt- 2311 Meys v C ) • Rate( '\S rJ ct�wm l Ci I ti. 7-\ Yri)-( 0Asl4.vpc,4- 2)/7 �►iessrti1 bi: t6 +21f\' 61 F 11 ti44/Alerv-4tk—',- )l; ?b 04 elkit 2,31 (I fl ESSI P4- , .,cf' l Al /Z( /z l l ASiLi 317 (�� 14P7* . G /4fl � 3 c ��c�� �� $ , .•, ;50 iisk -ems 41414 .e. ' r 1 v'e" 9(� S 61/4t �AV)1) Po -rc�� Si-f ►•L �1 1' R- Pq-z.���) l 1� all(/t e^'` ` t�..--IQ- !1 C41 it, �; t z- C:.-4,L r<r V\ailis Serial Number(Numero de serie): 02749 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 `c, V QR�NO,'"•. ti- AW15-3 �` .F t s44.4 1 i Prescribed by Secretary of State _ ` ;{n= Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code • 4/2009 ® •`. "••....... .. PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ,,•`" (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that-a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de C6digo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] . (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The lenal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages • It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyasfrrmas aqui aparecen,que ester legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de-rotation-optavi ,,—, —2I jbhts T' .�C e_-?e, 5c)w t3•As ,m. o S s Z tJr Serial Number(Nzimero de serie): 02762 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 • • ',,o�QEp,R ENO,,. AWi 5-3 ')._ •`" .tom; Prescribed by Secretary of State • U I c Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code - ` co: 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALTZ4R) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) • We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccon de opcion local de acuerdo con los tdrminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del sig.uiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aquiaparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arribapresentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudnd,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Regsstro de Votacidn-optavio) di/?( c2zI"` 'f .,Jebie 61. ,5 o3 rit oh 13it y s (_ Serial Number(Ntimero de serie): 02763 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 • AW153 0�•• • ..•�•• co= Prescribed by Secretary of State PSIIAPPle) 7y i Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code I 4t2009 i PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE • (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de elecci6n propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccidn de opcidn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de C6digo de Elecci6n de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacidn del siguiente asunto,a saber:) • LEnter Measure Herel - To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Hombre en letra de molde Firmado) ) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio 6/I/2_1 • CO ''at k-- iljh—erfj+10-1Zill ta)eis il= pc,c/„, fickrrt5 ' '- Serial Number(Nzimero de serie): 02764 Date of Issuance(La fcha de Emision) May 20,2021 • ,``o�QEARtq...o s AW15-3 'C3,.`4`Cn? Prescribed by Secretary of State g �►- :tn? Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code I 1. owl 4/2009 .... . PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccidn de opcidn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de C6digo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacidn del siguiente asunto,a saber:] CEnter Measure Herel To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intenciOn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohOlicas referido en el asunto arribapresentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad;Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firma Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de VotaciOn-optavio) 1I CoGhttekbekme.li(45i trbel 'l li (AItlaeP,rr) a-r Serial Numbe (N' j de serie): 02765 Date of Issuance(La f cha de Emisidn) May 20,2021 AW15-3 & `4 \�'' Prescribed by Secretary of State __V' Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code / 4/2009 4 i I ' PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARR LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de elecci6n propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de elecci6n de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Cddigo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Herel To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,que esti legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name• Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad;Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firtnado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de VotaciOn-optavio) ....7 1 W r____D c; rzle5 fir)- 64.05 s'ri orde 6br Serial Number(Numero de serie): 02766 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisidn) May 20,2021 OTC •.O'''' AWI5-3 t �, Prescribed by Secretary of State -'V° '_ Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Codecn / 42009 o •PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ''' "'f (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) • To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de elecci6n propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccidn de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de C6digo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinac6n del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Herel To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Fi ado Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio) ,� fi I _ I :rib, 1 , //mil —ei flct mC{,il T -`.. 3C1,_, S r.•. ..a . ,l V n di4404185 ` Serial Number(Nzimero de serie): 02767'- Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 AW15-3 A. • �; // - Prescribed by Secretary of State - ` o tn= Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los tdrminos y provisions de Cddigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:J (Enter Measure Here). To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intenciOn de los solicitantes cuyas frrmas aquf aparecen,gue este legalized la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of'Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Fir ado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio) 7 3 r G r;,e1 eenciv;cil. Sao - Pre-,5400 Drive Serial Number(Numero de serie): 0 768 Date of Issuance(Lafecha de Emision) May 20,2021 AW15-3 '� ...Al.•tn Prescribed by Secretary of State ?.. ?U: `! Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code ` `�+ 4/2009 • PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ................ (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZZAR) • To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) • We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de elecci6n propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de elecci6n de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de C6digo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17-en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacicn del siguiente asunto,a saber:] jEnter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intenciOn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Fi o) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votaci6n-optavio, 7I )4r1416 4 L.4*T5 111 4.1,44415 bblq li' r ' beh d ar - May 20,2021 I I AW15-3 /41: `" �� Prescribed by Secretary of State =U: . a Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 %- I `s .... PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ,'''''" „„,,,,,,, (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de C6digo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] . (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas ftrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firm o) �,/ Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votaci6n-optavio) ? "l M ,c,a Z` 2 5-i'►ud creek Ar '+ Serial Number(Ntimero de seri . 02770 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisidn) May 20,2021 of QV`. . o R N ma's AW15-3 `U` �'� �� Prescribed by Secretary of State r Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code / 4/2009 ..... PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICION PARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de C6digo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:J (Enter Measure Herel To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas frrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en Tetra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votaci6n-optavio) r- Bk-tk. t5N122111 4o0 3-L sulo a Ve dr- - Serial Number(Ntimero de r' : 02771 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 AW15-3 ?U: �" � � Prescribed by Secretary of State - \ .•� Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for ProposedElection) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de opcidn local de acuerdo con los tdrminos y provisions de Cddigo de Eleccian de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here\ To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,.purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intenciOn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legali ad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name • Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (DirecciOn de Residencia,Civda 1,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavi•) -7 ; aeffr....-- C CI clAe TVlY e 9IS NbfAkA vW\GC-t-9rcd Dr Serial N •er(Ntimero de serie): 02772 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 e'so AW15-3 �P�R�N.,-, Prescribed by Secretary of State =U b �` 1501 Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code : '�+ 42009 ', .... PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ''' (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los tarminos y provisions de Cddigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Herel To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas frrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed . Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Cddigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Fi do) �q� Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de VotaciOn-optavio) rC0/ ;lrc�H 3nn2 ce►iJ n V ltr,A8e AY' *uv F % 3L 4pi- G t* 06 0 3511 Serial Number(Ntimero de serie): 02773 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 AW15-3iz..-' �,, `" :tom? • Prescribed by Secretary of State 'U'• `� 1 i Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code .�f 4/2009 , PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE '/ (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) • (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccidn de opcidn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisionesde Cddigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacidn del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Herel To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencian de los solicitantes cuyas frrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) -ro de Registro de Votaci6n-optavio) OP /� . - at ' .. _ • . _ .. s. re - ' . Z� ificr�uel�� 8�i 614e4 �� � � , cr� -�c . 4 ,,_,,,,,,,.„._ Serial Number umero de serie): 02774 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisit n) May 20,2021 ARI `oQti .,,ya = AW15-3 1. '.,fi= Prescribed by Secretary of State =U: — 15 Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code - i(N 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ' (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 (City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccidn de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here' To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out'above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Cddigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firma o) . Nacimiento) umero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio) J O 429,,i,t1/44 __ -._, Pr►6/ kActek' x Zt}rlcw -1-10q$54 Serial Number(Nionero de serie): 02775 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 AW15 3 s'oc=QEARLq .0 ram: Prescribed by Secretary of State s U Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code = i cni. 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de option local de acuet'do con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas frrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la-yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signatu Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de Fir do optional Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio, 4. iaaeMoSe, rn s", 1;04k, Y rtve feldflit cr.j4ita_toy_ ( • Serial Number ro de serie): 02776 Date of ss ante (La fecha de Envision) May 20,2021 `` c Q �NO I/ Prescribed by Secretary of State ; `\� =j i Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code �? 4t2009 04 i ...... PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1(City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [par media de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Cddigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] jEnter Measure Herel To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above: (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas frrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalized la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6di o g) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmaddoo)) �^ nn, (Co "� Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio) 7/ 1 I-` tC ck I'`c ��l 35 (C E�� ��r�12dr. Pear la . 77581_ I,,,IN1..1.11111,,,, e•c Q R�N0''•.,, AW 15-3 • ��- • Ate' :zi-� �" `�' Prescribedby Secretary of State .U; ,�- Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code = �; 42009 ,.......... ....... , 7 s‘ PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE "''.1j.,1............... �` (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) • To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) - We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (NOsotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit:[por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccidn de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Cddigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:J (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyas f rmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Na 'miento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavic it k7//4, , ‘,.., , 4 Z3v5t;,.._ a I-I- Z,( �YlovA Cc.S.oa,,aKo &rig Serrccvlo t a3to OokK1i&eDr. fextr(ctxo, rri4, '' Serial Number(Nzimero de serie): 02778 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisitn) May 20,2021 „pgarrrrp,, '''QEARLq °••• AW15-3silap...s,Prescribed by Secretary of State =U i ..0)? Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code - / 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE •''rr..,,rrr,''''''', (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Herel To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beveraaes includine mixed beveraaes It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohOlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad Estado,Cddigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio) tPr°E.--- --- L c�w etrci Te, era -31-_ Gaol k/ c4-0 a<S Circle Sr,4t p gr f1/4,0 .-ri5 Serial Number(Numero de sefe): 02779 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 V t\\I\IIIIIIIIII//r AW15-3 ��� `A •�. ; Ill Prescribed by Secretary of State °U E Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code - 01 4/2009 -SI ,rrr, ." PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE I. (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit:[por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:J (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages includin2 mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas frrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) - Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en tetra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional F-irmado) Nacimiento) ' Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio) 7/3 Mgn.s �o malts- 351$ Sa hid f,en'. 1--•l\aa Ge le_ f Carlatila 1 Serial Number(Numero de serie): 02780 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 AWLS-3 ;�O QEARCq,,O Prescribed by Secretary of State _U'i Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code �_ 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ,,,, (PETICION PARA ELECTION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code, Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por media de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccian de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Herel To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de Firm o _ optional ) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio) 1 c � ��06 �.o„N - �eJ cour+ 14h 46104 b 530 - R CI - Serial Number(Numero de serie): 02783 Date of Issuance (La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 \\\N\1111111111/1//II�,,I ,. • AW15-3 F3 • 4P4 .•A; f Prescribed by Secretary of State 16 ` `�S Section 501.026,501.027,5041.028,Texas Election Code �, _ 4/2009 ,.„. ,••• 0 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE \\\ (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de opcibnlocal de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de C6digo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinaci6n del siguiente asunto,a saber:] fEnter Measure Here' To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages . It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperansa,proposito e intenciOn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad Estado,C6digo) (Condado)) (Fecha de optional ll Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio 1 _ iG 7 n G ✓hhf# 773r 4 � Serial Number(Numero de serie): 02784 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 AW15-3 0 QEACg1,O� Prescribed by Secretary of State =Cj `" ��` Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code �.1 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE '. (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccian propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:] ,Enter Measure Herel To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intencian de los solicitantes cuyas firms aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciuda4 Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firma o).7Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio) iiittt9t$4 PrifiEM10 Uereldo . , LI A Serial Number(N mero de serie): 02785 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Einision) May 20,2021 „,.Np,aro,p,,, . ,QEpRLq '''', AW15-3 li,_• `�� t�I Prescribed by Secretary of State =U e �� Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code ` '�_ 4/2009 • ..... PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:J (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas f:rmas aqui aparecen,que ester legalized la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firma ) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio) 'r ” ' S ' e V MV ? Serial Number timero de serie): 02786 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisi6n) May 20.2021 .:`9 3 A410l.s AW15-3 .+—. 4 P'S Prescribed by Secretary of State z U �" 15,1 Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code - \ �? 4/2009 _ `. .,,. PE ITl ION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de elecci6n propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit:[por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de elecci6n de opci6n local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de C6digo de Eleccian de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinaci6n del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la ventade bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arribapresentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (DirecciOn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) . (Fecha de optional Fi ) nf • Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votaci6n-optavio) "7 3lued micigt_tek peria4 SetoS do9t,m)cci dr Serial Number ero de serie): 02787 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 AW 15-3 .•� Prescribed by Secretary of State ,V• `' l : �� Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code �r 4t2009 f 0 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE " (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) - • To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Cddigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:) (Enter Measure Mere To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arribapresentado.) - Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Cddigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional • Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio) '' ? 'Ancc, c1 , 2 I Phe + le Serial Number(Ntimero d rie): 02788 . U Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 -s'Q�,RCgN0 . AW15-3 \TIN Prescribed by Secretary of State = Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 0` : 4f2009 PE 1lTION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) . We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccon de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Cddigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages refereed to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,propdsito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyas ftrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Fi o)) Nacimiento) Numero de Re1;istro de Votacidn-optavio) *' q, (. . A t t A k .al 4.540— ISKri4e)V6 WACIVian ,,24t., _\„,st,,,,,,d_ t„ Serial Numbe umero de serie): 027 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisidn) May 20,2021 • 4,-,„ „0",.......... ....., „, ''QEARtq ...0., • AW15-3 Prescribed by Secretary of State .C)i �' .°�: Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code i 42009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ............+.\+tt' (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) _ We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccidn de opcidn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Cddigo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacidn del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas frrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arribapresentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) .(Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firnado) �J C% Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votaci6n-optavio) 1 3 � C�,t r� l l �ri Gq�s �.w tit As- Serial Number(Nrimero de serie): 02790 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 ,,,,,,,I,N I„II,,,,,,,,I AW15 3 :U • 4 , 01 Prescribed by Secretary of State ` _ Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ''I''II',IIII,I,''''' (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de elecci6n propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de elecci6n de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The lenal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aquf aparecen,que estd legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudac4 Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de VotaciOn-optavio) dun O`� c�»,Q �s (0 • el . V/11 �� • / ' _ Serial Num•er(Nimeeo .:•serie): 02791 4 (� Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisidn) May 20,2021 . sQEAt-4iya'' AW15-3 : / . '. Prescribed by Secretary of State fa ;__ Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code = 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ' 'II."''''','' (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto, a saber:) (Enter Measure Herel To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firm o) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio) 7 g/):47)42PL MIXT ,. C eY)0 6 ii <60r,1?-, 3-6smdtvCiiHis 4ciAa 61c1F,rel &r ( `� Serial Num ter(Nitmero de se e): 02792 Da of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 .: Rtio�QA (.gO,,, a AW15-3 Prescribed by Secretary of State :U: 1 ' Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code = �' 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code, Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de election de opci6n local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here), To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose•signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas frrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de VotaciOn-optavio) '.'w h A -II r 141-14 f 7/6 lifeejt lu �a� ��- • Serial umber(Numero de ser' . 02793 ( Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 .,11„1111111I1111III,"/ ,,,o�QEpRLg...0 I AW15-3 `A,`'�" •�(ni Prescribed by Secretary of State i U Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code ` I�� 4/2009 -''•,, PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE """"11111.1..1111111' (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) • (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area • for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de elecci6n de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Cddigo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacibn del siguiente asunto,a saber:J (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The lanai sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arribapresentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio) K r blind 1:\Ntle.r uK 2o33 Coliw Cvalcctvki Serial Number(Nimero de serie): 02796 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 e .A: AW15-3 \CI"1 Prescribed by Secretary of State :0 i �: Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccion de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The lecal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages . It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arribapresentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firm do) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio) 11 C,ert-e-Z4-- z , q &al1Cbri pa i-nr a- . Date of Issuance echa de Emision May Number(Numero de serie): 02797 (La f ) M y 20,2021 Q „,,,,,,„spry"” 41,AW15-3 t �,s Prescribed by Secretary of State t V .�`1 '� - Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 1�_ 4/2009 \ : `. PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ,""" "''���, (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccion de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) • Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Yotacion-optavio) (p 1 = 7/ it NP d ► a 3�1M, i I Ill _ Serial Number(Nzimero de serie): 02798 Da f Issuance(La fecha de Emision) ' May 20,2021 AW 15-3 '��`:'`A . Prescribed by Secretary of State 'U ' Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code \ �__ 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE '/ • (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de elecci6n de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:] • J nter Measure Herel To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. •(Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intenciOn de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqul aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referida en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) _ Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio) ill 11 - nece *mod 42 go id/kW . Serial Number(Num e serie): 02799 Date of Issuance(La fcha de Emision) May 20,2021 ,,off QEARLq'O,. AW15-3 ,~1` ;'�o Prescribed by Secretary of State =0 Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code ` ? 42009 `` PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ,, . (PETICIONPARA tLECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccion de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de C6digo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinaci6n del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) . Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudat4 Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio) -Z-7Sa 1 vA„ Mf ort-e 0113 5Pc / Si ?„,0✓► C tc ac k ( . S rial t rn r(Numero de serie): 02800 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 t ,o Q�AR�40,,,,, AW15-3 U, `�,'.��? Prescribed by Secretary of State ` ; f 0- Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 412009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE "e s (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) • To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de__ Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de C6digo de Eleccian de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:J (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyar firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio) 14t fri( jouoit de:Olt6 , .nS/� ZIDLo &rim- CArv(,e- P 1 V hGt • V Ilet)AVA))40 -DI'D. Ser 1 Number (Numero de serie): 0280 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20.2021 ,,,,,, „„,,,,,, o„ F.,EARL..,„..: ;: .., AW15-3 '•tCn? Prescribed by Secretary of State °U `•;3 li `4- Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 1 k tn= 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Herel To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas f rmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio) �/' �1 9 q T d t7I'�/ 'r 6 , 0 I j 1 - ,A-. , Cf)S- <(11,1JD, e ial(Number(Nitmero de serie): 02802 Date of Issuance (La fec de Emision) May 20,2021 1 AW15-3 ascribed by Secretary of State j; `0.4. ....:Ailli Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code = i 412009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ''`''++++,,...,,,.,.����',,,, (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of.Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de elecci6n propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de elecci6n de opci6n local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de C6digo de Elecci6n de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacian del siguiente asunto,a saber:] -- (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The leral sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,propOsito e intencian de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aquiaparecen,que este legalzzad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- _ (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en Tetra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) �^ �/ Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de VotaciOn-optavio) -S-, P ar ,_ al-- 3,f/v Lam.G TU 144 hi 6Pau, i ti ? - Serial Numbe zimero de serie): 0 803 Dat e) of Issuance(La fecha de Emtston) May 20,2021 — 1. AW 15-3 , `, : Prescribed by Secretary of State i o `" tn? Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 412009 C, PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de elecci6n propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de elecci6n de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de C6digo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para.el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:J (Enter Measure Herel To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,propOsito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Cddigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) k Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio) Oalo_,0 'IV iI Q5i\ jih\ , . 16-M (2-yots&ucxtf2--1) %vim c- ` erial Number(Nitmero de serie): 02804 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisi6n) May 20,2021 c'eo Q R�!1'p'''•, AW15-3 O.z� 'tom' Prescribed by Secretary of State i U: `.�' i Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code ` •Cl_ 4/2009 , ,i. .... I PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ''''"4,,,... (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) - We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de__ Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de elecci6n propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de elecci6n de opcibn local de acuerdo con los trrminos y provisions de Cbdigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. , (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyas frmas aquiaparecen,que este legalized la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (FeEhta (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Cbdigo) (Condadaj (Fecha de optional Firmcfdo) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacibn-optavio) iii iQ ,h Sliepk fry.GioZ Ut✓L ,fa�4 none /74&?d , ( Serial Number(Nzimero de se i : 02806 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20.2021 �1NII 1111„ s`' E-11,Rl,q al AW15-3 ��' :�: •:�� Prescribed by Secretary of State a a Au1� 1 i Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code ` 0)? 42009 6 .... PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de -Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de C6digo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:J (Enter Measurel-lerel To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intention de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aquiaparecen,que estd legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohOlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciuda4 Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) V Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votaci6n-optavio) 11;t I� tC4<r e DD 06)(14114071A(.4 E 1� 6/" /Zf ,o+, . psi I o 7Bui act fr c Ln P iO f zap k. u g. I SOla ". 6'/( r er. G (L' 4.4424 1/1 14 PC. — ,e"2.9a-01- (e6 1 ! i 4114 gaz,Vitigwit (i e iK 1{-70( L ark` iex -bra. 1,22A (lc , , -rT), - v.);1k,i7.e.. i .-151#44-:Iiisb,) 'Li-5bl- e2,e0440Ay 1,;-- /-,1,4 47 i344.z.ear' 1‘1, ..' Se 'al Number u 'ro de serie): 02807 Date of Issuance a echa de Emisi6n (N ) (L f ) May 20,2021 AW15-3 ,;0 P svAR.(gNQ,,,, 11 :'�.: :� Prescribed by Secretary of State _�; \�+ Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code U: i 4/2009 - 6 to PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de P Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presence, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccion de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Herel To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas frrmas agui aparecen,gue este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Da te Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County ( (Direction de Residencia, (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) Date deBirth Voter Registration Number - optional Firmado) Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio) (0- -a-r m da . (-so Oro Col,Netnyi g3--- (,:-ewkis- Serial Number(Ntimero de serie): 02814 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 , QEAR..,q(1;0 %: Prescribed by Secretary of State :U: ! Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code :rni 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE '''''' (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccidn de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto, a saber] (Enter Measure Herel To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas frrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Si nature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Fi a) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de Firmado) optional 7\ Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio) " • ` 75 I LpfA/ 1�; tlr ULtie) t 56/4 e. .. ♦'c LY' Th010 G r36 �t;sf/P� L-v, z nc :a ,� , __ ) 21 'S Serial Number(Nz'mero de serie): 02822 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 \ _ o�P�R�ryO X .� : / .tip; AVJc5 3 =cj i `\' ;5.a Prescribed by Secretary of State ` :(4_ Section 501.024.501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code ' \ : ... :4/2009 PETITION FOR LacAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ".�,` (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscr'tos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territor o de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions o the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccidn de opci6n local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de C6digo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacian del siguiente asunto,a saber:) (Enter Measure Herel To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) f (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad Estado, igo) (Condado) - (Fecha de optional Firmado) : / / .• Nacimiento) Nuinero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio 6 t� {� ;') �� s�+e l"�. �l/il/ 5 � r � Serial Number i 'mero de serie): 02823 ate of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 N. o'O . AW15-3 r �I Prescribed by Secretary of State - r.U 1 `�' t i Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code f` �? 42009--- r PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE "''�� (PETJCIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the folLowing issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de opciOn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de C6digo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto, a saber:] • f Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyasfrrmas aquiaparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohOlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molds) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) a‘nieZQNacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio) Z a, t�- - I G-- `,L Z 41 � � ..�c�ka�..� eq ..S'L�.. T- Serial N 1: e ��er. . erie): 02824 Date of Issuance(La de Emision1 May 20,2021 • AW15-3 ,� '`" •II Prescribed by Secretary of State • =U: '•, Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code ` 5 4l2009 i ,, ,,,PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ..... (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit:[por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se. haga una Ramada de eleccion de opcibn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:] anter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas f rmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) ) Numero de Registro de Yotactdn-optavio) if'� 0 JJ5 1-. ) K� � �h�k' clat.P6 601 rA ii/ a= - . Serial Number(N ero de serie): 02825 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 ,o:QEARCgNO,°, 7\s. AW15-3 -'A__ ? ';c`. Prescribed by Secretary of State =U c 1 Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code :tn= 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE Y ''' '',,,,,,.,.I.,,., (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eeeccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The leral sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Fir n ado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio) • 5" I \ 4t: t E3PDill Alf rk Latnerg7'169eoulAc.--4 13 PrtitAct- Serial Number(IV4mero de ie : 02826 Date of Issuance (La fecha de Envision) May 20,2021 Q RL9.,,0;'',' ,cribed by Secretary of State `U 's 7' ,section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code \ '�? • 4/2009 4 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARR LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ramada de eleccion de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyas frrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional• Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio) GAP/ 111(Gt 3� 4%5s/7 Pr )3/4,or14 • Serial Number(Nzimero de serie): 02830 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisidn) May 20,2021 rcretary of State = \ Fi _426,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code s • PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) • We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit:[por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los tr rminos y provisions de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:]• (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,propdsito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad'la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) . (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional __ Eirmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votaci6n-optavio) G i J N' J-�7f.;1,t G �.�17 t) r °( L j - I_LQ1tJ M\ k-- ' 2-3 l b6,-,‘,_ ,(r pc 4 R JJ (a litku 27: ( Pr( 8P - )61s- d5flai2s, 019` i /-,Atl °,_S-.ce. o 13/440,1, ___ :? Serial Number(Numero de serie): 02831 Date of Issuance (La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 retary of State -U i L:. . i 6,501.027,501,028,Texas Election Code p (0 \ : i PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) - To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de . Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area ,' for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit:[por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccian de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinaci6n del siguiente asunto,a saber:]' - (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intencian de los solid et s cuyas frrmas aqul aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcolglicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) 1 C.' Date Signed Signature Printed"Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha . (Firma) (Nombre en letra de mo e) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Cortdzrrle) (Fecha de optional Firmado) - • Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio) /q1,2.1 4. 044 -11,-EiDam i%.emus t t .r r�q Serial Number(Numero de serie): 02832 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisidn) May 20,2021 ..I IIII •ziA,�FP O'• AW 15-3 ' Prescribed by Secretary of State .V° �'®.'- i1 Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code ` CO:_ 4t2009 ...... PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE "''.,.'.'•I,00, (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) • (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Cddigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages includinc mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,que estd legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad;Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) r Nacimiento) Numero de Registro'de Votacidn-optavio) 3129/m d-Q/ (�V •O ✓ 30 3 ‘e i e,5 .sz - ZaYca_, ( 5(.2 6/1)' 11)1 1,.i,j_, yr i ict "" I rial Number(Niimero de serie): 02833 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20.2021 AW 15-3 • '� Prescribed by Secretary of State 'V 1 `" i" Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code \ 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) • To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages J It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) - Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional _@Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio) 5 I 474‘,1,,.._ 5-6,:,./..4, 6-2:10Y 5 o SZ ,c,.-^-....4,-cf-1,,,d--- Dc-,I a- 7 i ArT.A60... Serial Number(Niimero de serie): 02 34 0\ Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 ,O� A • ttttt II, Q .\ AW15-3 es '`4 Prescribed by Secretary of State - - -).-,.6.,,,, Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code \ ; 42009 \ PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) • We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de elecci6n propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit:[por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de elecci6n de opci6n local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de C6digo de Elecci6n de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinaci6n del siguiente asunto,a saber:]/ •r. ( 1 i �. .i .. jEnter Measure Herel To Legalize: The leeal sale of all al bl-olic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Risidencia,Ciudad Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha'de optional Firm•do) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votaci6n-optavio)/ f_ - G l s� �� /l!AwArgor , :• -Asirue.. i glow Iv Al - or: .;. �' ✓ Sad ../1 Ar grIj /, i . 1 - '- Q • 'ear N► 1T75�u �tiZ � � 3 p J � f�u✓cr— erial Number(Nzimero de serie): 02835 a`~``T r..'" Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisidn) May 20,2021 off•, AW15-3 �j, Prescribed by Secretary of State =U; `o . - �_ Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 e,, PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE "''' _ (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de opoidn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de C6digo de Elecci6n de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinaci6n del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyasfinnas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Cddigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio) 5/31f i1 ii/r1 ,0✓ /tw- Ffn 3/06 reetto Pr Th- 77594 I ;n ' Serial Number(Ntimero de serie): 02836 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) J✓May 20,2021 ,oP R ° '' AW15-3 =,± _. \t1!, Prescribed by Secretary of State =U i 1 rD Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code `0' 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ',,,,.,..,'','''''''� (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code, Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de election de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber.] LEnter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohOlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (DirecciOn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Fi ado) Nacimiento) Numero de Re:'strode Votacion-o.tavio flOTW4* , 1 Arr4Zorri'- IFOLIMIll 1• - . �I,L ODA U... (l �0'� c.A- . •'fi Serial Number(Numero d-serie): 02837 ' Date of Issuance (La fecha de Emisi n) May 20,2021 AW 15-3 rtr ''•tCns Prescribed by Secretary of State ?U `" s; Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code - \ �_ 4/2009 s i PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE "',v,,,••,,, "",,,,,• (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccidn de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacidn del siguiente asunto,a saber:J center Measure Herel To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arribapresentado.) Date Signed Signature . Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio, I`i ,� .'fad"If , /7, i�/� /r LPL �r�r �.�-� � Serial N bei(Numero tte serie): 0283 8 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 1,rrrr rr # " AW153 ,., ''�'� Prescribed by Secretary of State Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 04 r N= ,4i 42009 . PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los tdrminos y provisions de Cddigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The lecal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyasfrrmas aqul aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arribapresentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- l (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de VotaciOn-optavio) --,11 ' t, 'i . Rthatj 1‘,103-t i''''''-In U. 31:ten cAN)A () rial N r(Nti ero de serie): 02839 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisidn) May 20,2021 N. AW15-3 i±'• `4), tom. Prescribed by Secretary of State =U: �= Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code ` : 4/2009 • PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPA.RA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Cddigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacidn del siguiente asunto,a saber:] anter Measure Here To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyas frrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arribapresentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad Estado,Cddigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional `ji Naeimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio) 1C� B�a`,'S Y sue,, (d1 � Serial Number(Nitmero de serie): 0284 Date of Issuance(La f cha de EmisiOn) May 20,2021 • ° FJ Lq,Q y • AW153 v `".� _ Prescribed by Secretary of State = CI)_ Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 42009 - -.' %. PA ...1 i .....• PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE "��,.,.......°''4``` (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) • To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritps votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to.wit:[por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccidn de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Cddigo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacidn del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Herel To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages includinc mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. • (Es la esperanza,propdsito e intenciOn de los solicitantes cuyas ftrmas aqui aparecen,que estd legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) • Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Cddigo) (Condado) (Feclta de optional Firmado) /�11 c� CBu Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio) I Z(j c-' (I j 4 yt 1"`. J l°b 4t 1)r./ 4 75t 1 !3 r zo rt. � May 20,2021 :,'p�)QEARtgNO '; AW 15-3 •-tr Prescribed by Secretary of State :U 1 �'- Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de elecci6n propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de elecci6n de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:) (Enter Measure Herel To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional firmado) — . Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio) C 11 [ 'Lei• ,1\ c c� `y L�o.Do _cosi6k `' (-( o\ %U1(_,L., 4„r ,,,r z 1 - '''' °4-Z---77-e/ra- 1-- flYd-u-is-/./;, „r2,04,______(,,.. . Serial Dumber(Nzimero de serie): 02842 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) ay 20,2021 - off.r.::.::.-.--�/VO AW15-3 - ��' Prescribed by Secretary of State :U `" a= Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code P; ' 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) . • To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de election de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:) (Enter Measure Herel To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,propdsito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyasliirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Cr a(1,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio) --1h121 h,,, fl,,, L`a 3 1a - ir (dI ch- ? Serial Number(Numero de serie): 02843 . Date of Issuan a (La fecha de Envision) May 20,2021 „,",Ill.rr rr 1111///////,i `,,off pEAR tgNO . • Secretary of State • 'U. ' ,�” lam-_ 026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code i �, • PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE '''44,, (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) • To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) • (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit:[por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,.a saber:) P ,(Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages • • It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperam_a,proposito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas frrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde)_ (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) J �.��4e;'�'zs'�+� Nacimiento) Serial Number(Numero de serie): 02844 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisidn) May 20,2021 AW15-3 ��—' " ,5 ._ Prescribed by Secretary of State • • =U; / �? Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code / ? 4/2009 `, = r` PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE "'''n''..'..n'''''` (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de elecci6n propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,•to wit: [por medio dglo presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de elecci6n de opci6n local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de C6digo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacon del siguiente asunto,a saber:J (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aquiaparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arribapresentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio) /19JZ1 - At a` - . .1,4 2' t►coot.4-+Cie. . P A Serial Number(Ntimero de serie): 02845 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 AW5-3 V 1 '" :�54 Prescribed by Secretary of State �..►� :�_ Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 42009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccion de opcon local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccton de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyas frrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arribapresentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccian de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) " (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votaci6n-optavio) n�5 (L , - S. ^^P) .L,.;_ S Isc - �� i s3 - ',i,,.f ` Serial Niumber(Numero de serie): 02846 . Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 ,o PEARLq.;O�' 1. , : _ fi f Secretary of State 'V: 1"'' 4.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code �� PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland_, Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccion de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber.] (Enter Measure Herel To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the.ptioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas firmas ague aparecen,gue este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio) 71 n K- 30•�l - 9�/�1 -.� I. ] -�v,rr�' ZL 26t�ke `i. �P-� a�4,la,vf�(- erfro 1-� / Serial Number Numero de serie): 02847 plate of Issuance La echa de EfhTs'Tdn May20,2021 ( ) ( f ) _ •Oo,QFAR'''' 0''''''' /' /15-3 ,�•` '.� escribed by Secretary of State '0 ' section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code •�- 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election.be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intenciOn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio) L5'3I� (- 4 -e - �c /(t7a ( 91711,6.41.<4)/c antc /)— erial k ber P""".:'.erie): 02848 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emtston) May 20,2021 Q�QEAR' qNO % AW 15-3 Liz:1 -- # \0•1; Prescribed by Secretary of State t U! �.. 'c Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code - ? ,/ 4/2009 , PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE '''''',,,,...•,........ (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio.de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccidn de opcidn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Cddigo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacidn del siguiente asunto,a saber:] Inter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio) CT,31,, (� G',J-, t J�t.es -fa,:.L. gc.,1 ho- 0e w- wi. j...._-_. . Strial umber zimero de serie : 84 Date of Issuance(La fechas de Emisit n) May 20,2021 • ,off P ..�4N,• . ex ,ed by Secretary of State r U 1`" i WE 4501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 409 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE • ' (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARR LEGALIZAR) • To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) . We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccion de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:] Center Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (DirecciOn de Residencia,Ciudad Estado,Cddigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de VotaciOn-optavio) `' i f,z( frk'/ , /22)) &a4%lkyi 7/i5 z,,,,, . S t /-Stiff C „t . .. /ham; f -� c ciI y'/?ri umber(Nitmero de serie): 02850 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 •,o QEAR Lq ;O-'' AW15-3 `t' `1‘ Prescribed by Secretary of State 'U i cni Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE •0 (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por media de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccidn de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beveraces It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,propdsito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,gue este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional llFiirmado) ' ,, •, / Nacimiento) Numero de R stro de Votacion-optavio) • OL/O1 : 'r(�'��" '�PA V -Chat' �r ( -k,�fd \P-6 13t`CLo-i,a / _VI "2\ j?.. /10 ( kINATeyliN.441.15\ t5/1) Atat cl.V../i(t Serial Number(Numero serie): 02851 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 /! ,,,,Nr,rrrrrrrrr,r,' ,,.�pEARI.g4;'''', AW15-3 ,0 if �,,_ Prescribed by Secretary of State \ ;�_ Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 ,` PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) . We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de elecci6n propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local:option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de elecci6n de opci6n local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de C6digo de Eleccian de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinaci6n del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Herel To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas frrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firm do) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Yotaci6n-optavio) 06-060„ / I/0 (Pei _ A itr-t'b-4112°--5--e' 1\7.0)-9'1/14--t,12(4111COCie-Y11 i64744 CC_ serial Number(Nzimero de serie): 02852 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisidn) May 20,2021 • AW15-3 Iii- 41110i--...:7;% Prescribed by Secretary of State _ / :0 Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 1, PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) • To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) • (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccon de opcidn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Cddigo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:] . f Enter Measure Herel To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,propdsito e intencien de los solicitantes cuyasftrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalzad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arribapresentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numerode Registro de Votaci6n-optavio) 31 12r_ F 4 ivittft Y41e Z3D2 Dill/Pati (A- 72i q a/i ,ei,(- . --jai Number(Ni ero de serie): 02855 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Envision) May 20,2021 `,,,11111111IIIIII„• ". QARLA�;O•••• AW15-3 "'�_ Prescribed by Secretary of State ; i Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code - ` '�_ 4/2009 • •PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ••••I'',11,11.111111''' (PETICION PARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) • To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccon propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eieccion de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacon del siguiente asunto,a saber:J gJ nter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intenciOn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Finn) (Nombre en letra tie molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio) :5123 21 Cd r 21 -b.4a��x7 '� 5 2-q 21 _.1•.,.:�:� - �Yla,r15 rcl a (J0 02. 3 oa wa f Lz1 7 / / , 12.cf 4 Wofro i 0-/--eiv\----3ce9f2 CiLw Serial Number(Ntimero de serie): 02856 Date of Issuance(La fecha de EmisiOn) ay 20,2021 • AW15-3 �' tea..`�, ,��, Prescribed by Secretary of State =U• r -I OE ' Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code = / 4/2009 a,. PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ' (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) • (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de elecci6n propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga•una llamada de elecci6n de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Cddigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es La esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas•Irmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) • Date Signed. Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha _ (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de VotaciOn-optavio) V29/2( Pa eel , Pt a 1 1 1,44(do 2glL? g'ecioai .h 77.E 9(ct 15Vg10 ;ct Serial Number(Nzimero de serie): 857 Date of Issuance(La fcha de Emisi6n) May 20,2021 ,o�QEARLq...0• ,,, AW 15-3 ." , Prescribed by Secretary of State =v:' � _ Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code ` z 14 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccon propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de opcon local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de C6digo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacidn del siguiente asunto,a saber:J jEnter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyasftrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arribapresentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name ' Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio, /7./ ( , k A'- , kri-64- ► ML,4r(4 a ) V ra WV, P�: j�� �� ', Serial Number(Nzimero de serie): 02858 4-ct)t)Y Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisidn) May 20,2021 AW15-3 -U: 1 54 �? Prescribed by Secretary of State Ni... - :0):: Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code \ 4/2009 ... PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE - (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) - hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccion de opcidn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Cbdigo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacidn del siguiente asunto,a saber:J (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas frrmas aquiaparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Cddigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavic 7�5� zoiPA2 e : 02859 q Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) ( Se 1a1 umber(Numer(fl 3 era) May 20,2021 de s AW15-3 = O '�' L• ' . Prescribed by Secretary of State • V E Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code • - �; 'cn? 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE • (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) • To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccian propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit:[por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalntente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aquiaparecen,que estd legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavi ,( Ibal►kV' ploy! 4 r�tC�mWei 17 31 STb1t/�� &0 60.10r 4- Serial Number(Ntimero de serie): 02860 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisidn) May 20,2021 ,,,,1111 II III„,,,/,, of P�R�47'0„••. AW15-3 A' • i Prescribed by Secretary of State =V' � • O 1_'- Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code = ` tn= 42009 ,,' ...... PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ,,,'I'.,IIII USG 111P'1' , (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) . To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de opcidn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Cddigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacibn del siguiente asunto, a saber:] • • (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,COdigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavit of os Z► di. qvr o S^w V ortrT S unncL LAP PEALS BRAzot;4 / Serial Number(Numero de serie): 02861 Date of Issuance(La fecha de ision) May 20,2021 e C QEARtgNO,,,,,, AW15-3 `0' �/► Prescribed by Secretary of State �` :cn= Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 42009 .... PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) • (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccidn de opcidn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages includinc mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose.and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County pate of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad~Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) pp Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio, • ,?1` / _ e f3,J� A�sc 59V9iCf�hiF J Oi.2.044 $ ' 1 tP1 V2-1 -4ta-4\r'er6"VI 1-11401VST8i- jrytjx: „LT-i- 1 alr Serial Num••r(Numero de serie): 02862 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 AW15-3 -'` 0 �" ...'t Prescribed by Secretary of State _ Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code ` • 42009 - PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registroo) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccon propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter MeasureHerel To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencibn de los solicitantes cuyas ftrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arribapresentado.) Date Signed . Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- • (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Cddigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional 1 Firmadoalz ..... Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio 4.17`k/ e*2%) i c 7 q0s mft-ril-Awiff- I /34.1104-^#1--- . Serial Number(Nz2mero de serie): 02863 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisi6n) May 20,2021 �,Pr rhrrr ,,e Q�R(g4,Or AW15-3 t� Prescribed by Secretary of State =:U' �'. °yr Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 42009 \1 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE %,,,-r.rrr,.rrr.r," (PETICION PARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland Texas) . (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de opcon local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:J (Enter Measure Here' To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. • (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fe ha de optional Firmado) y Naci(miiento)) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio, /II a t I Y )1 SCzbtcOV a c s-i b ie &$''! 0 .e% ,t 0vskt Serial Numbe 'mero de serie): 02864 ate of Issuance (La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 . • ,.o�Q�ARC''-.0,, • AW153 U� �4 i Prescribed by Secretary of State _ .�' ; e Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code \ : 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) . (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga uria Ilamada de election de.opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Cddigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. • (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas frrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) . Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votaci6n-optavio e Nt9-1 QO'h(i Ci cn w UY\ 2-$ 12 t)c.two C..w tv 1n ittposi jt s S rial Number(Numero de serie): 02865 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 „ppar"rgrry ,'•QV+RL4�;""..-. AW15 3 4. �= 4 �5>_ Prescribed by Secretary of State - \ :o: Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code \ _ 4/2009 •:i' ............. / ?: PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE '''''r,,rrrrrrrrrrr (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) • • To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) ” We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland_, Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccon propuesta) • hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de elecci6n de opci6n local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de C6digo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacon del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages • It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aquiaparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (DirecciOn de Residencia,Ciudad Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votaci6n-optavic 06-c Z. ,_U is �/o 3�-1.5 eeog ,, p . 0.5 \ 1 �, i• r' •��" a. % 1 "‹.I 4,. 4-- erial um•,(Nzimero de serie): 02866 Date of Issuance(La fec a de Emisidn) May 20,2021 / •'QEAR(q,,,,,,, AW15-3 O� NOS' 3 i • /' .I Prescribed by Secretary of State - i �,! Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code ' '�c 4/2009 s `, �`, ▪ ..... PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) 7 • To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccidn de opcidn local de acuerdo con los tdrminos y provisions de Cddigo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacian del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose,signatures appear hereon to.see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito a intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas,firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter'Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencla,Ciuda4 Estado,C6digo) . (Condado) (Fecha de optional . Firmado) ,.. i (( Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavic mecca IC r•4 (j1I q T �.�� v,��� ��►t�v�, -►-►sue �� �q ma VAIN - S rial umb1(Numero d•a.erie): 0 :• Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 t ,„„.,,p,,gppq EARI,q ' oF Q .NO.1'.I:... • S -- AW15-3 =Ui`2, i5.1 Prescribed by Secretary of State _ ��' ;�_ Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code • 42009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinaci6n del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here), To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) �V Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio) / ---{� / / Peer1ese1 ! ' / /G3�zl ria/iL". XQC AJ�G/ (OGG7 (/intr�� f�P42 Df, 71�5(1 gfczc'i' /( Serial Number umero de serie): 02870 Date of Issuance (La fcha de Emision) May 20,2021 ,.,,...II II III,,, AW15-3 • •:.A% 1. Prescribed by Secretary of State :_� ,!/ O_ Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code \ _= 42009 • PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE • (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) . To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de_ Pearland , Texas). (Territory for ProposedElection) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccion de opcidn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:] Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages • It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) • Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad Estado,C6digo) • (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Yotacion-optavio) 0- 6 ;-3AtuCtill9-- Njia tOrI k-f- t ,a4or4ere oza►& $- Rs/44 c c/#7/ (..,. ... ( dVivI Cce› .,katil GOt`W I...Ake._ &rout. ,‘-w -,ectzor zi • Serial Number(Numero de serie): 02871 'I 145$1 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisidn) May 20,2021 'AW15-3 Prescribed by Secretary of State =U` `: _' t�y;; Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code tn, 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE "''''',, (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de elecciOn de opcidn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Cddigo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:J (Enter Measure Here\ To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohblicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Cddigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio) 4) i - c. , e k i r.\f44.-t -z%so Ci(,2PI , Ptc-<<C->NEL`, & & - ,5 z-' , x l v 3 Ailt-fA_Oak CA. dr « Serial Number(Nzimero de serie): 12872 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 FARE7 AW15-3 _( `'•-PAI :%V _ Prescribed by Secretary of State Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code ` ' n1 412009 / 1 ,,,, PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) • To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit:[por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccion de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacidn del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Herel To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas frrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalized la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) • Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votaci6n-optavio) 4144).tod /1/0 7 r2e4.4,415/51/ gel )u-AaJaft1) /( Serial Number(Ntimero de serie): 02873 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 t\t1\II III 1/11, • ttt EARL:q AW15-3 �,I Prescribed by Secretary of State .lies° `" � ? Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code ` �_ 4/2009 °t PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE •I,I.I.II..11 \\ (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) . • (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) - We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccion de opci6n local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacon del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Herd To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas firms aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentalo) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firma ) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavic S. 24 S�7T 7 4-G 5 `�6 0.2_0.. "A4 a Se la_Numbe / 'mero de serie): 02874 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 p pnrrry,h o 'QEARtq•.,.' `'. . AW15-3 ;�5.; •an • Prescribed by Secretary of State c s j. `:" : Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code • = ` �; 4/2009 . • PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE • ,0r,,.....,r„."''. (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR)) 7 • To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) • (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) . - We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland • - ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de elecci6n propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de elecci6n de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinaci6n del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize:/ The 1eeal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperam_a,proposito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohOlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentade) • Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) 0 Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Yotacidn-optavioJ )^0"4 4 414,LiiiVioviAi4- 'IL-4 6,''.-7-74C'IV'*----/-RA -- 7 47-o. i ;. (SW 1 3/o --(> - ?-a/ :A. ' �' lam'` '_ A.__ 1ii�vw I -_-_. _. =---= . - - __ _ -_ _ ._a- _ ._�_�_ 0 1\ '--Z,(4 p.m& 7,*brottif\() , e 7)-(0e CykkAA0,-(.0,ci_ , Se .al umber(1sAlero de serie): 02875 Date of Issuance(La fecha de ision) May 20,2021 • ,1111 I11111IIIIIII/I AW15-3 i. :•`" .'tn"= Prescribed by Secretary of State z V i cn n Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code \ ' 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE "'.1III....t1*." ,`, (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland • ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) • (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] CEnter Measure Here' To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas frrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio) �l(�/2/ rl„ Ok/ ��d? L6wl',u Ln ��� ' "Tx 1-4w et j3►�-z, , ri (Numero de serie): 02876 Date o Issuance(La fecha de Emisi6n) May 20,2021 aH,H,rrngr„ aa,Q� t. • °• pF C R�ND AW I5-3 '� • �" .�- �' �- Prescribed by Secretary of State �j �•- e�p Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code .... fill:` =• Co:_ 4/2009I. PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE "'aa•`,` (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de elecci6n propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [pot.medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de elecci6n de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de,Cddigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Herel • To Legalize: The leral sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages • It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. • (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intenciOn de los solicitantes cuyasfrrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en'el.asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmad Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Yotacidn-optavio, C� ?� P—/ y� et. 2r4� A rcid0 Po,A ,0.5 Seriumb r(Numero de serie): 02878 Date of Issuance(La fecha de EmisiOn) Ma 20,2021 z A...i ...... # s 5,1 Prescribed by Secretary of State -O: `.. Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code t 4t2009 , PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE "`,,(PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) • We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit:[por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:J (Enter Measure Ilerel To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha .. (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio) C2/6 al . - �i-VIK)L1 .oft 4( (/J, At f , 01_ � ��-_ ��.� �1/ Serial Number(Numero de serie): 02879 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 "„_, AW15-3 t'�:: ttr: Prescribed by Secretary of State Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code = ` 9 Of 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE '°�, (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) . We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccon propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the tenns and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title.17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the 5letermination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccon de opcon local de acuerdo con los terminos y provistones de Codigo de Elecci6n de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:] • (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages 4- It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyasftrmas aqui aparecen,que estd legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde Firmado) ) (DirecciOn de Residencia,CiudadEstado,Cddigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio) Z51 G 0400 12. ►�;kie V l i (0/a/L1 �� ' belrr 0f `,[!jig r %r%A 7' rc1 t 1-X. 75e\ BatOria Serial Number(Niimero de serie): 02880 Date of Issuance(La fecha de EmisiOn) May 20,2021 AW15-3 ,� 'tn= Prescribed by Secretary of State _U d `�'i. i Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code i co 412009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccian propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de elecci6n de opci6n local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de C6digo de Elecci6n de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinaci6n del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and,intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalized la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) n,✓�nM Nacimiento) Numero de Re:'tro de VotaciOn-o'tavio e, v+` o. 6, a! F.-� /.�l i t ►!t 3 iD u _x;� ►I C P r �`� ` , , � Serial Number(Nitm de serie): 02887 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisi6n) May 20.2021 AW 15-3 . �' Prescribed bySecret of State i U `" 1 Secretary - �� 9tn_ Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code \\ 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ,,"'",..........." (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR)- To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) • (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccidn de opcidn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Cddigo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacidn del siguiente asunto,a saber:J f Enter Measure Herel To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beveraees includine mixed beveraees It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legaliad la yenta de bebidas alcohOlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en tetra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad Estado,Cddigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio) it # =?9-0,, i • flczld� / /o 7VGZ 14/5 olwy, atelB:��- I 7-11- 1 /' — Lzicl,/ 3 9S�. a cJ--fit/ Z 2021 \\1 11 II AW 15-3 _V `4, • Prescribed by Secretary of State = ` 0, Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 • PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE '''",,,,,111111111. \° (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de opcidn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Cddigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] ( nter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) • Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Coridado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Regsstro de Votacidn-optavio)II IC --f-.2 c 6 5 ems, 4 02/4-4)64°N . N911" itfia€5 Serial Number(Ntimero de serie): 02889 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20.2021 AW15-3 * is.N-s ,-** o ''':.e', Prescribed by Secretary of State i ;N Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code i 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccion de opcidn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Cddigo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de • someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacidn del siguiente asunto,a saber:] jEnter Measure Herel To Legalize: The lecal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccibn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio) e29--�! �R6�.0 moo fC6crelesyve4L-rfael- I Serial Number(Numero de rie): 02890 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 Qom, .tA AW15-3 �U; �" ��'_ Prescribed by Secretary of State • Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 0\ . .% .... PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de elecci6n propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de elecci6n de opcion local de aeuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de C6digo de Elecci6n de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinaci6n del siguiente asunto,a saber:] • LEnter Measure Here' To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalized la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firm``adoo) i 1 qq pp -- // RPe > gitaoit Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votaci6n-optavio) V / i .�I , s�c e7 Dl �J (rM' �/ei l 773�/f eria Number(Nzimero de se se): 02891 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisi6n) May 20,2021 ,".QEp;RN.,,,,,, AW15-3 �,' Prescribed by Secretary of State =V `02' '(A_ Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4t2009 : PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ,,,, „O„ (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de elecci6n propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de elecci6n de opci6n local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Cddigo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacian del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Herel To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio) Vri. C1/114et,,..." t i`f ,e t el(/cc e/ ® th:il "( _ /foi vc-I )/ ,✓ Serial Nurnbe (Ntimero de serie): 02893 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 AW15-3 jt.�".\S-1 Prescribed by Secretary of State z_ �'� �? Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code �, _ 4/2009 • • PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE "'..............."' (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas . (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) . (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de elecci6n propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit:[por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de elecci6n de opci6n local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de C6digo de Elecci6n de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] f Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas frrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio) 1,12151 5�.c A, C1..45- 11 G I(,),AAD(4. Dr *A 2ork Serial Number(Ntimero de serie): 022S94 Date of Issuance(La fecha d Emision) May 20,2021 s'• QEARt,gti0 AW15-3 ' • U Prescribed by Secretary of State .F. I E cn_ Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 -, .. ..../ S it, „, ••. ss, PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE "`' ' (PETITION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) • (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de elecciomde option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto, a saber:] • '-(Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Iaifte-- - Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio) Cifcivil I� it/v14#ia Jsoo . ej,Cat. •-dr-kkrAU(ti. Qbrrsr* it Number(Nitmero de serie): 02895 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 __—� ,,�Q RL,gN�� v a�0.• 0 ;: AW 15-3z.;.__ 1 _. 4441 Prescribed by Secretary of State 50` �'' ;of Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 ' ? PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE • (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de elecci6n propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified Voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada•de elecci6n de opcian local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de C6digo de Eleccibn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinaci6n del siguiente asunto,a saber:] • (Enter Measure Here1 To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyasfrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de VotaciOn-optavio) 1<ecvn iibo dw 2.1 g(att,riQ b1D1(3 - 1P&A" 5N"..�� s °`� 1'l sS t Serial Number(Nrimero de serie): 02896 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisi6n) May 20,2021 :J,s AW15-3 : ':tom: Prescribed by Secretary of State 'U 1 Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code � 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los szibscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code, Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccion de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de.Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinaciOn del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here' To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio) 6'('c; 'a. 1' 6 Jesus (Cori-CS 49`113 14 Slob 13)-2,,i erlal umb (Nitmero de serie): 02897 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Envision) May 20,2021 AW 15-3 `# •s41%. Prescribed by Secretary of State = ` :�_ Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 - t PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE \.\\I\\\\ (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de elecci6n propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de elecci6n de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de C6digo de Eleccian de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages • It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyas ftrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en Tetra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional (Firmado) /^- ,,,A,( Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votaci6n-optavio) • rv'� Nook() Chi i6l.t, C ( � y dK pp4o laY/` l raOa Serial Number(Numero de serie): 02898 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Envision) May 20.2021 SO-f • .-'oC R .Np AW15-3A S t' .�D•. Prescribed by Secretary of State ` �` :�i Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 %\ PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE " (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE ORCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) • We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccibn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccidn de opcibn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de C6digo de Eleccibn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Herel To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas frrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmad o) 1,, p, Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio) G-!! a rYe3� 1 \ ,96 O 1 &I i c k. ft + vi`k *tee;s ;" N\ ariti° 3;14W t alizata t f fiery,\ umber umero de serie): 02899 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisi6n) g May 20,2021 AW15-3 -._ 4, 71 Prescribed by Secretary of State 5 U ` —► • ` Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code ` �_ 4/2009 a .... PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] center Measure Herel To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas frrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) ��7 's oe Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio) f,- -2.1 ki.+,+dalisitua- 1Grr►, 5a,1014/erY 11-7O4t / nalia �c/ nS t3Y9lv`da, (SAICA- .---/ Serial Number timero de!serie): 02900 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 N AW I5-3 .. .;. '..tl?Ct Prescribed by Secretary of State =0 i 1 -t• Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code �� E i 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code, Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Cddigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Fir ado) z ) 1 / Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio) D ) / 11 ,1o� 3/3d $MM.rv'i"`'WIA/'.0 '�`15 yt2/541,p, ?/ rial umber(Numero de serie): 2 01yyLDate of Issuance(La fcha de Envision) May2021 . O�QFARL4tio•,,,,, AW15-3 - ?��` :,� Prescribed by Secretary of State &U `" ?�` 1 flik Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code `- �� a�3 4/2009 �'. PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE +�,,..,.,�,��,,''',`,` (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority). (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccion de option local de acuerdo con los tdrminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,que estd legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County _ Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en Tetra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio) 6I,V1 1f Co(as $h' 1g2J P1iM Ph 7%1 Zorf Serial Number(Numero de serie): 02902 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 AW15-3 �� • Prescribed by Secretary of State � --1,4il ��' z. Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Tekas Election Code `- ` �_ 4/2009 _ `, ..... PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION.ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ,'!'/,114.1.....11....„'',,` (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de election de option local de acuerdo con.los tarminos y provisions de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas frrmas aqui aparecen,que estd legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Cddigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio) 6'1S`24'1 Nada Tort.t S 2502 Oa1L 12D RavtaKd i•x bre.:w•tw piii-r: punk toz ?Pt! VD w,,i fel Seri&Num• umero de serie): 02903 Date f Issuance(La fecha de Emision) . May 20,2021 ,...ARL,q O',; AW15-3 .A'' Prescribed by Secretary of State =U 0_ Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE `' (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio) ilk • Serial Number(Numero de serie): 02904 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 „,,It,111111,,,,',,, • ,,o QEARLgNO,,,,,I cam; ,�,: AW15-3 ~ ” `�-: Prescribed by Secretary of State t V s `� ' _ Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 1 '�z 4/2009 `, PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccidn de opcidn local de acuerdo con los tdrminos y provisions de Cddigo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacidn del siguiente asunto,a saber:] . (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio) P;ta4(AM, Li Li! IA fr ,'" — Salty 5uS-�ou-1 .. lane Orta.rd Sprt v t)r "ri S) bra 'ia Serial Number(Numero de serie): 02905 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisidn) May 20,2021 `,,`,,,,,,,I Ir. ,,,, eV",Q�ARLgnp-, AW15-3 4--i -• # :� • Prescribed by Secretary of State =U; /► i i Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code - ` '�_ 42009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE '''411jlf,,.r,,,,..,. (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of _ Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas} (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presence, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccion de opci6n local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de C6digo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinaci6n del siguiente asunto,a saber:] f Enter Measure Herel To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages• It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto amba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name • Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) . Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votaci6n-optavio) 1 fitIti 41 tfrAt f$4145 P:etp Serial Number 0/Jim-t de serie): 02906 V Date of Issu e(La fecha de Envision) May 20.2021 „,o QEAR[,q�O,,' AW 15-3 , 'A.,;:. Prescribed by Secretary of State U �� Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code i N; 42009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ,,, (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland Texas) • (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosoiros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de elecci6n propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de elecci6n de opci6n local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de C6digo de Elecci6n de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacidn del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here), . To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. -(Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name . Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento A e ) Numero de Registro de Votaci6n-optavio) _S g / MM Le , ;” ,• 6 zos,� , L72'td f Cop L1oS ' (%� )L( � l:e Li 71c' i 3►i44 /-�Sriaumber(Ntimero de s 1, ): 02907 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisidn) May 20,2021 Q�P�R,N,,,, • AW15-3 Prescribed by Secretary of State =U `1 : D: Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 1�: 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE "',, (PETITION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code, Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccidn de opcidn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here' To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyas fzrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio) (0-fP IL\ - M �DOP 1h Eo -k a,,,J res-E (--i r4tbrve_. (/ . Serial Number pfinnero de serie): 029018 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 • Sod Q� �H•p�. AW15-3 .X : tl' Prescribed by Secretary of State U`F'`' i Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code .s _ // • �m 4/2009 ,// PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE . (FETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1(City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) • We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccidn de opcidn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Cddigo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacidn del siguiente asunto,a saber:] LEnter Measure Herel To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic bevel..ees including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. ' (Es la esperanza,propdsito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aquiaparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Cddigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio) c(712 c CIO'k, 3°31 G%�r y�� Serial Number(Ntimero de serie): 02909 Date Crlssuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 „p,gnnppry, EARtq AW15-3 U.`1 ;.may' Prescribed by Secretary of State = ...-- 1 W_ Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) , To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to.wit: [por media.de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,propdsito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aquf aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio) c 124 11 41411#6\TIA'(g •'-'' 4-(-14t 44 A''.-"Ftiteife -67/0 6 V ilitjtal,kejtkV.L2Ult blittrIX77%1 gitt-ZU46, Serial Number(Nitmero de serie): 02910 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 ,„1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .'s QEpR AW15-3 t �- Prescribed by Secretary of State '-U ``' i. Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code - �,+/ '�_ 4/2009 \\ ,`,PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE , "`,..,...,,,,,osS (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccion de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de ElecciOn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperansa,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio) ( ,amr( ?Fio- L/ tS.7/fi r- Aa..S noV _,a yvD4 1^, / �h r} ) T/ V be-nit / - Serial Number(Ntimero de serie): 02911 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 1111 AW 15-3 Prescribed by Secretary of State '-O, `' . = Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code '�• 3 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTIdN ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland - , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) • We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland • ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Herel To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) n Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio) a 21 i K 4V►CA 1 Yy1.5 114011 RY-ee 5 AP �8� nai`Zov Serial Number(Nzimero de serie): 02912 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 • AW15-3 �' ti Prescribed by Secretary of State _ 'U I 1`'/ � Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code ` : 4/2009 ' .... PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE \\ (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccion de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyasftrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Regsstro de Votacion-optavio, cl 21 - 1i Gll Plcrn%►�q 3coo7 i�vtac '�lectels% a 1J+Cc�riCi -,, • • Serial Number(Nzimero de serie): 02913 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 . • ,off Q4k....... R, 4,,,,,'., AW15-3 i` 4111 • , `.t�!s Prescribed bySecret of State - r U: 1�' i�' �Y �` :ln5 Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 - PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE °.,.,uu,N' (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de , Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de opci6n local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de C6digo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Herel To Legalize: The Ieeal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyds firmas aqui aparecen,que este legali ad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de VotaciOn-optavio) '? -Zl O!Mi-r. Ci E O Lk 2 Mo fk de4 Lh 7 pfgl-v ;e ..Serial Number(Nzi ero de serie): 02914 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 `.e QEA 1q•.9-.1., s AW15-3 0 i•`A •cam'. Prescribed by Secretary of State _ ariai.�I i Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 - PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,propdsito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas frrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature - Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacien-optavio) jaP--\ S 0W 1 A 11y 14 1WAVIVe ) 4'rasdV- \\\\ (a/'/ / _ Lyncide_r Rairre L /9`03�y� (Peek C'f . ha2er�c frfit?u?e,. .2 0 s- rA__iirt,146kr-(-264:95-67 ?do-ze#144, /- /// ( A+5--i e l5 2 y 1.f r► ,e 77 -/ $�c#4. Serial (Ntimero de serie): 02915 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 ......"?c,k. ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ill ...:.0 ...•.' ''.•....... ........ „..,...... AW 15-3 __ Prescribed by Secretary of State 'U` Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ''' (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code, Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:J (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicaszeferido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-o tavio Firmado) n �L gi P ) Q-Cazi%norl,f)nner-p64 34 6 4:})a-1_b- is/�'w� Serial Number(Numero de serie): 02916 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 R ,., AW15 3 _3 `• pc Prescribed by Secretary of State Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code % 04 :�_ " 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE I (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) . (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,.to wit: [por medio de to presence, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccion de opcon local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:] f Enter Measure Herel To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arribapresentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) , / Nacimienk)) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio, fi4i , _ ,�� eF� r - u�r►�� �. . ,,,�� —rig, _ lsallPF ry ,..w:!r, ter—.II - —__ — ' _ ,1 l2'! ..- � i CAkite- S heit'c,. ( i t^1 (' Cdr, ctf. t.. cit ve,_ a f.P).'7466, AW15-3 _� 't tna Prescribed by Secretary of State f U `'1i co,i Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code ` : 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE „„,„,,,,' (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPTION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Cddigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio) 4'/ Sf r-k i L Trt T7 cB --5YIQZO4 / Serial umber(Numero de serie): 02922 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 ,tr 11r•r,IIIII, �F Q�AR�Np'' >i AW15-3 --' 0� Prescribed by Secretary of State . -'-U: `�' Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code - �' 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE '' (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code, Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages • It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas frrmas aqui aparecen,gue este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio) P , 1\ utag 5 =3l I ij A crsvg b Q. ,(.A- Serial Number(Numero de serie): 02923 Date of Issuance (La fecha de Envision) May 20,2021 • ' .QEARL,q //1 \ AW15 3 ., Prescribed by Secretary of State U' Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ''''',,,,,,,..,,. (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code, Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Herel To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio) (9)3fz6r �� t 1 s'fS jid po,o,c- --dl i f-- Serial Number(Ntimero de serie): 02924 uitate of Issu ce (La echa de Emision) May 20,2021 1 P�A,R �o� a AW15-3 '�' `,�= Prescribed by Secretary of State '0? 1 Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 7 I Cr)' 4/2009 'SIB ..... PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ,," (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccion de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto, a saber.] (Enter Measure Herel To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanra,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyasfrrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) I _ C o (� Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio) 6-3 at LQ c!l'�C LeeSP�Jc-ikrt ley �JSOCo .Ct CA. 1-1S8( 6fe?20r; Serial Number(Numero de serie): 02925 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 EA .� .`ex =Ud I' �i a Prescribed by Secretary of State i �� Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code - ? 4/2009 `, ... ,,` . PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ...... (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) • (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de C6digo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intenciOn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la Yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County ' Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,.Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio) 61 ;1 SI 0P, - lair;s \Zwe, 3Z11 g6Volfietd t,r► 11SN tYkUvik Serial Number(Ni mero de serie): 02926 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisidn) May 20,2021 ' III ''QEAI,gNO . AW 15-3 ', '.r1`• Prescribed by Secretary of State 'V i Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code, Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here), To Legalize:_ The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyasftrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio, 'i 171,le-1---441"'WQ ' 4 2 4.:&61 igo - 1"(10-.1tir oqe6-)4V 4,--y, '(; 7cit/tf-)U i > G %- X26? 4 4/A ,`,1,14", >>q/ 7 ',E.. . ,, r. 1� 1 < r a6PP1cL a,t.1,wfl A 8c2'1 b hicrs-mnvi.�.7C2 0. 77��Sr wa,,-Ld<F /. / 0/2/cJ azt' Derr',, {owe (( ,J/o( 0/.. .7793)1 `c - Serial Number(Nitm-'o de serie): 02928 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 tOF Pam..�NQ.,,, AW15-3 =x' • " ,t�. Prescribed by Secretary of State FF.V: _ -�� 3 O Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code _ 4l2009 z • PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE • (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes'capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de opcon local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Cddigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:J lEnter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intenciOn de los solicitantes cuyas f:rmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (DirecciOn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Cddigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de VotaciOn-optavio) G.z_ - -( r,, ,,, ,.., :ra. -7 ,\ jc, L c i A Sr' 71 S-b( 6 ./wa- Serial Number(Ntimero de serie): 02929 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 ,/QEARL44,O�: 1111 Prescribed by Secretary of State U' ?�_ Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICION PARA ELECTION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de -Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccion de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio) /'/zi 14¢^)C.+-- 14Jr10'Ji- tC.)6 A (0.41.Je'S ',, �1� tg z.m�+tr►e� l�51' S'e-.'t-e0c4.^" Serial Number umero de serie): 02930 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 OF QEp R,,,, ,,,-, AW15-3 Prescribed by Secretary of State c V' i Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code z 4/2009 ? PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE • (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code, Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccion de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Herel To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencion de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccibn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio) 0—3. A ) � OJ 1Yo'r U U'k LJ y5/9 l c,) p un S4 775g/ �'t'a 4 - 1 .z.-; L.9.A.,,i -4‘,,5,,i ,z( ),3 6\t„,,,, ( r1J-Q o Ar f, • tA'''77) 7,,.OIL Serial NumbeY(Numero de serie): C2931 •ate of Issuance(La fecha de Erasion) •May 20,2021 et-, QEAR(gNO il AW15-3 1-1,r`A :Cn Prescribed by Secretary of State °V' ' : Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 0'4 ;�? 42009 • •„ .."..............: / . PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE " (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZ.4R) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) ` (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccidn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: jpor medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ramada de eleccidn de opcidn local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de C6digo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacon del siguiente asunto, a saber] (Enter Measure Here To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,propOsito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arribapresentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio, il5/i► fZaJ J'W.C'/;nk cale5 2$/5 b Ix 1 zo s !r. 77 i Bea a / Serial Number(Numero de serie): 02932 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 •a•OF QEAR�ryO IP AW15-3 `� ‘, Prescribed bySecret of State E U' 1►�' Secretary �` ;(n= Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE \\ (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) • To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de elecci6n de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] • f Enter Measureilere) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. . (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) • County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) /t r s {� Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votaci6n-optavio) 4( 4 �'t11'V. K�.o,c� td 5 c fri Ct sGe�� r--. 't'1'S$'� 1`ar�+:ram�+ erial Number(Ntimer serie): 02933 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) ay 20,2021 A S 411 AW 15-3 ,tea s Prescribed by Secretary of State • s V i `" : i I' �. Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 1 4/2009 ...... ` PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE „""�t,. (PETICION PARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) • (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland_, Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccian de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Herel To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado)� r" Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio 41Li "-oil CL)c:;-. .__ cgik Jh t. 5e tirF`,s```` ,"� ^` Seria Number()Vitmero de serie): 2 34 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisidn) May 20,2021 °(C? R�NO''-.,, Prescribed by Secretary of State U Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code - ` ? 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE \ (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccion de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here To Legalize: The lenal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages . It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,propdsito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aquiaparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arribapresentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) - Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio) 614/21 ` - "tom ZX''''600k '.nS "410 M6 , , g.,:ck,Lt -rtc83 t-'.ter,h Serial Number(Nitmero de serie): 02935 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 AW 15-3 1.61`1.71 Prescribed by Secretary of State Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 \ �_? PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de_ Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccon propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presence, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccon de opcon local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyasfrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalized la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Fi, l o) ` Nacimientoo) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavioC1 1 ].. (i�-isrinsCT iicj() 3iA— / /( Serial Number umero d serie): 02936 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) _ May 20,2021 QEAR�ND � IIIIAW15-3 '~ `arc' Prescribed by Secretary of State U ��� Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code P` 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ''"- (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code, Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter MeasureJIerel To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la-yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature - 7 Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio _� Z� � �~ 1 � a) 40 -tt kJ L•z .c C > : Z gs1 ., � .�rttt� • 1.'0AI(,t( , i . ..- ,- Serial Number(Nitmero de berie): 02937 Date of Issuance (La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 . "p„M9p,,,,rr los QFA.I A�,O ,,," AW15-3 •�` �� �� r cam : :.� Prescribed by Secretary of State =U ` Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code ` '�� 4/2009 • ..... PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de.opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:J (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The lees]sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperansa,propOsito e intencien de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) • Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccien de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavic ne f 10/42.1 i - / • ,' .f IL..." (40 VI Ila).1Clea,c)\/ i-izi ID o ir.-IT,Yrs, trazitior Serial Number(Numero de serie): 02938 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 t,RIA AW 15-3 U - A rr Prescribed by Secretary of State : . Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code _ ` '�? 4/2009 ', PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ` (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARR LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) • We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Regsstro de Votacion-optavio 0(717 I 'Oroi 4 -7 '��. £7a.kj t31v) 55(11 AL (((( Serial Number(Numbro de serie): 02939 Date of Issuanc'e(La fecha de Envision) May 20,2021 • • QFARL4 AWL5-3 Prescribed by Secretary of State Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code ` '�? 4/2009 / .. PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE '".0oho..,.. .."''.,,` (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) • To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de election de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure HereI To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,propdsito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Cbdigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votaci6n-optavio 6_ 11 rtkili#6 I 16k- 37 66-Rtv-trytOrPek.,7-6„Pi "a( �� ?�f`�I��,'���3�I�b X/ve/41, 0)-'741, e4' p — ed. ) 121Q)Sst4 k,whRE I 14tlA` ,s / • • Serial Number(Ntimero de serie): 02940 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 ., QFARtA�yo., AW15-3 U: \ .� Prescribed by Secretary of State r griki.�'" .i cnz Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 - PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE , "",,,,, (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) . We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Cddigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalized la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) • Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en tetra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio, (a-5-21 oi. „ Pie 6arnc" 73Q2 Gharlef 4i, ' ii sit f,razor/i ! ? Serial Number(Numero de serie): 02941 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20.2021 R AW15-3 Prescribed by Secretary of State USje-.�' ,WWI Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code _ / 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE \ \\ (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) i To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccidn de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyas frrmas aqui aparecen,que estd legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio) 6-7- 2r $ hit Jos A- RA is j1503 wa(narrru,'2 ll 'fir? 1 Ze %'( Serial Number(Numero de serie): 02942 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisirn) May 20,2021 AW15-3 • , Prescribed by Secretary of State • zc.)i `" _' '- Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code ` �, 4/2009 ,`, PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE '.............." (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccon propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccon de opcon local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Cddigo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Herel To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intenciOn de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha • (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Cddigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) l Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de VotaciOn-optavio A 1,11 414/1 O' G � 7/ z 71 , " 1 _ Serial Number(Numero de serie): 02943 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 �' R IL' .: # Prescribed by Secretary of State =U° .°p; Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code / 4l2009 , PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE " (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se . haga una llamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto, a saber:] f Enter Measure Herel To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages • It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanaa,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de VotaciOn-optavio 1203 Shaidowkienot. of 6P/1/Z4 Ait v►j e e(cs Pe-eke-land ,'Tx 79,58! Srr�zor-4.. ' / Serial umber(Ntimero de serie): 02944 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emirs'' ) . May 20,2021 ,0 QEARi447'.,,,, AW15-3 �, Prescribed by Secretary of State =U: V: Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code ` _ 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE „ (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area • for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Herel To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (DirecciOn de Residencia,Ciudad Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) A7317 < ra"('‘ )/ jaLA sir ,} %q(�� �+� �[�/��A[J p�///��/(///}�,��/�/zy� Nacimiento) NumerodeRegistrode Notation-optavic /P-7-At ' ..,..4.A. M k r y T.us f*II l l/7 4.4 7 y Cre J z.N, ? w.(xs,64;,.T.or'e Serial Number(Numero de serie): 02945 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisibn) May 20,2021 AW15-3 • .V; �"—� .� _ Prescribed by Secretary of State ` i y: Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ,'. ",,,I'.,....NN. (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Cddigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] £Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperan:a,prop6sito e intention de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arribapresentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad Estado,Cddigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) / / Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votaci6n-optavio, bi-r 2-/ kiia/ g P-rx its - 3 .- • Seria Number timero de serie): 02946 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 QARLgNO . AW15-3 Prescribed by Secretary of State 'V' ; _-' Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCION DE OPTION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZARj To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the teams and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccion de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto, a saber:] . (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The lanai sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyasfarmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento)� Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio t4 I - pre eed, , 2_� n � ( 877 , h� � _� ] Serial Number(Nitmero de serie): 02950 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emtstdn) May 20,2021 `0 `e��R�ti0.k AW15-3 =�.` 01‘.' Prescribed by Secretary of State V �_ Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE - (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto, a saber:] f Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arribapresentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) �( r r r 5 Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Notation-optavio, 7.:"Sizr D6/oq/2(_ .liq N0Y NIL/ -Fw0befCree- . br, / ?75T1 �t-�c'et Serial Number(Numero de serie): 02951 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Envision) May 20,2021 1$4 AW15-3 x� .. �r Prescribed by Secretary of State V 1 \' l N Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code g 4/2009 C, '' PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) • We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por media de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y Para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages • It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas ftrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votaci6n-optavio, • 1301431 Phb2r Ali iNbirikin 1,3o0,,k5 5\-- 1- I *Bwortet Serial Number • ', ero de serie): 02952 Date of Issuance(Lafecha de EmisiOn) May 20,2021 o.Q�AR,NO,,'' • AW15-3 Prescribed by Secretary of State V'• Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICION PARA ELECCION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland_ , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called hi accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto, a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas limas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio) 4 2l11-4 i`"/,d e‹, iy1\4(b.,_.,_ a l�C�YL�Iw i L 'T���y \=�YGI ,1h eria Number(Numer, de serie): 02956 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 AW15 3 'U; "tip' Prescribed by Secretary of State Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code -' 4/2009 \ PA i i a • ..... PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ''' (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland ., Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccion de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Eleccion de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacion del siguiente asunto,a saber:] • f Enter Measure Here' To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccion de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Naci iento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio [1)" 9 -z'A ®r.--Z...,, ,jr4 'F L 41Z Z.3i3 (?cICLE�� i)Q. �►+c(n'1/4) 1' t� -coat* Serial Number(Nzumero de serie): 02957 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 AW15-3 =� #' �t Prescribed by Secretary of State =(j „,►;D; Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code `- �_ 4/2009 04 = • PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ,��`'',,in",,,,,,,,,, (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de eleccion propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccidn de opci6n local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Cddigo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinaciOn del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Herel To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencian de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacion-optavio) divizJei, L, Japp luxhik, /az 04--ye-weie-a s. 3-/e,..-, (// Seri 1 Number(Numero erie): 02958 Date of Issuance(Lafecha de Envision) May 20.2021 EAR Lq AW15-3 :A_? tt�= Prescribed by Secretary of State =V — 1 Cni Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code - 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICION PARA ELECTION DE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros, los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue, to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto, a saber.] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencien de los solicitantes cuyas frrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavia ell) Li 1iati‘:0 l''tzte.K4e2 \ 23 II Q J1 c,1zK '158(i tl)c,2or,`c, Serial Number(Namero de serie): 02959 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisi6n) May 20,2021 • ..............///"/ AW15-3 `, %� t�tt= Prescribed by Secretary of State .V i 04 �.- 5 Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code • `- �_ 4/2009 /" PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) 0 To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) . We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de elecciOn propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de eleccidn de option local de acuerdo con los tarminos y provisions de Cddigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyas frrmas aqui aparecen,que esti legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado)) (Fecha de optional � � Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votaci6n-optavi1 /9/0-/ moC; 711-04)1 ._,3 641 ic-c4R-€ 6rded c-ra . L l9 k r (/ IAu,A,4it bar k 3D01 S&( C. x AR 71s 11 1 2:D1z-A- (-+ Serial Number(Ntimero de serie): 02960 Date of Issuance(La fecha de EmisiOn) May 20,2021 .OF Q� L,gN6 6.,.... AW15-3 - `,� ` Prescribed bySecret of State V' `�' �V i Secretary ;c/)i Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4t2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Herel To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) �Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio) 'TO( N&Vd(pd/ - 1/ Keell 0d P « 77a Serial umber(Nzzmero de serie): 0297 i Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 AW15-3 i' �' .OS Prescribed by Secretary of State • =• V° �t.' Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 % \, ' PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE "',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,'",k,,,, (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARR LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1 ( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [par medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de eleccidn de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Cddigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The 1e2a1 sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) • Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Cddigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional acmn Numero de Registro de Votacion-o tavio Firmado) • Niieto) Ki P ) 6-5-xoz Z�t�g4tesm r .e 54_ ,;,id 775�• -Oxiozev4f4 P‘Y0lSe ial u her ero de Tie): 02971 / Date of Is uance(La fecha de Emision) ay 20,2021 „,,,,,,11..111111,I/ Oc P�R�NOIII°is's '•• AW15-3 Prescribed bySecretaryof State -U i.�” ' = ` .ci Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 4/2009 ' .... PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE "I,11,11.1.1f1..' (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) • (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los tdrminos y provisions de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:) (Enter Measure Here To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aqui aparecen,que estd legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoholicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direction de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Codigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavic r-775 I o( 1 , !i `K,�+ 0vnrlsor 001 CA?r,. Pi"-ce L.�rePi t4✓tt 4-ifiet2t 5 Serial Number(Nzimero de serie): 02972 Date of Issuance(La fecha de EmisiOn) May 20,2021 • 'PEAR1q4'7". AW15-3 - U 5 `" �_ Prescribed by Secretary of State Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code \ g 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE "' (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de elecci6n propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de elecci6n de opci6n local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de C6digo de Elecci6n de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinaci6n del siguiente asunto,a saber:. (Enter Measure Hera To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas frrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arribapresentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Reegistro de Votacidn-optavio) 3V 2.°1 Tt.SSlcCI ardnec �*i - 4s► cri.g r�n� , BrazoA i , s Seria Number(Numero de serie): 02974 i Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emisi6n) May 20,2021 • P,aap«.,...rrr,,,r',rr, Oc P R�N0 J; AW15-3 g Prescribed by Secretary of State =V°t. `'� �_ Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code %I. '.. to 1 ..: 42009 .... PE 1111ON FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE "'' , (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland Texas) • (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Cddigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure HereA To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intencien de los solicitantes cuyasfrrmas aqui aparecen,que este legalized la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votaci6n-optavio, S .0 '0 k00•00\40 3cp \\\ ��w CA— 'ckz&AG.. Serial Number(Ntimero de serie): 02975 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 O O" AW15-3 r~ " '`tn': Prescribed by Secretary of State "=-U' �" -- t�i). Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code 1. 4/2009 r %,' ...... •, PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE ',''',H II."MI....... (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCIONLOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] (Enter Measure Here) To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intention de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcohdlicas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County - Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,Cddigo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) " 5► o (-Av Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavio) 3A—3\ /� Ec. � ,,k1 .c.S kf l."LGj 'L�{t it, I Cf-e e ff- `'J a`{ 6`�Or-CG • Serial Number(Nzimero de serie): 02976 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 • ,•••� QEP'R/,gNO Prescribed by Secretary of State "U' ` �� :cn'- Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code :-... /24 : 4/2009 PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de elecci6n propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una Ilamada de elecci6n de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de C6digo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determination del siguiente asunto,a saber:] f Enter Measure Herel To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,proposito e intencidn de los solicitantes cuyas firmas aguiaparecen,gue estd legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth VoterRegistration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votaci6n-optavio, ii 3 . z , Lek j/493 TarePhiba at az rn. # 1 N b r(Nrimero de serie): 02997 Date of Issuance(La fecha de Emision) May 20,2021 AW15-3 A�c- Prescribed by Secretary of State Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code \ �? 4/2009 ' PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZE •'•"',IliI,I,''''''''„'`,,,,, (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de election propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de election de option local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de Codigo de Election de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacidn del siguiente asunto,a saber:J (Enter Measure HereA To Legalize: The leeal sale of all alcoholic beverages includine mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) l.'s\ (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direccidn de Residencia,Ciudad Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn optavia IA 5 /1zzrret, Date of Issuance a echa de Emision May20 2021 Serial Number(Numero de serie): 02998 (L .f ) , ps AW15-3 ,, . Prescribed bySecretary of State r,V'• `" ('? �` :tn.1 Section 501.026,501.027,501.028,Texas Election Code L 412009 ...... `,` PETITION FOR LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO LEGALIZ ""..., (PETICIONPARA ELECCIONDE OPCION LOCAL PARA LEGALIZAR) To the City of Pearland,Texas A 1( City of Pearland , Texas) (Insert Filing Authority) (Autoridad de registro) We,the undersigned qualified voters of Pearland ,Texas (Nosotros,los subscritos votantes capacitados de_ Pearland , Texas) (Territory for Proposed Election) (Territorio de elecci6n propuesta) hereby respectfully request that a local option election be called in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Election Code,Title 17 in the above mentioned area for the purpose of submitting to the legally qualified voters of said area the determination of the following issue,to wit: [por medio de to presente, respetosamente suplicamos se haga una llamada de elecci6n de opcion local de acuerdo con los terminos y provisions de C6digo de Eleccidn de Texas, Titulo 17 en area mencionada previamente y para el proposito de someter a los votantes legalmente capacitados de dicha area la determinacian del siguiente asunto,a saber:] f Enter Measure Here To Legalize: The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages It is the hope,purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above. (Es la esperanza,prop6sito e intenci6n de los solicitantes cuyasfirmas aqui aparecen,que este legalizad la yenta de bebidas alcoh6licas referido en el asunto arriba presentado.) Date Signed Signature Printed Name Residence Address(City,Texas,Zip) County Date of Birth Voter Registration Number- (Fecha (Firma) (Nombre en letra de molde) (Direcci6n de Residencia,Ciudad,Estado,C6digo) (Condado) (Fecha de optional Firmado) Nacimiento) Numero de Registro de Votacidn-optavi 1 i lb be-14 el CAO U 3 4i +(49( oL - 7750 60cZcitt 4-1(1,01 ik Serial Number.(Numero de serie): 02999 Date of Issuance(La fecha de EmisiOn) May 20,2021