2006-08-08 DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF PEARLAND MEETING AGENDAFYI AGENDA DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF PEARLAND Special Meeting of Board of Directors Tuesday, August 8, 2006 4:00 P.M. Council Chambers of Pearland City Hall 3519 Liberty Drive Pearland, Texas 77581 I. CALL TO ORDER. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — Special Meeting of March 29, 2006. III. PUBLIC COMMENTS. IV. NEW BUSINESS: A. CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Quarterly Financial Report, Linda Canik with ETI Accounting Services; B. CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Approve Payment of Consultant Invoices and Authorize the Execution of Checks or Wire Transfer Instructions, Linda Canik with ETI Accounting Services; C. CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Report on Bookkeeping Services, Claire Manthei with the City of Pearland; D. CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Discuss Schedule regarding Series 2006 Bond Sale, Reimbursement and Cash Payments to Shadow Creek Ranch Development Company, Ltd. and receive report from RBC Dain Rauscher regarding Series 2006 Bond Issue, Frank Ildebrando, RBC Dain Rauscher; V. ADJOURNMENT. This site is accessible to disabled individuals. For special assistance, please call Young Lorfing at 281-652-1655 prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made.