R2017-188 2017-09-25RESOLUTION NO. 2017-188 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Pearland, Texas, approving and adopting the Five -Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) 2018-2022. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS: Section 1. That the City Council hereby adopts the Five -Year Capital Improvements Program (CIP) 2018-2022 attached hereto as Exhibit "A". PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 25th day of September, A.D., 2017. FWAVA a 12 6019 �tw� '__ V'el� - 4 a_NGFfIOVTq�•W A. APPROVED AS TO FORM: P��_ —I G�' DARRIN M. COKER CITY ATTORNEY �1 TO MAYOR 2 0 1 8 - 2 0 2 2 CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM INTRODUCTION The City of Pearland's Capital Improvement Program (CIP) has been developed in order to further our commitment to the citizens of Pearland by working to meet today's needs, as well as those of the future ensuring a sustainable infrastructure. From work on underground water and sewer lines to more visible projects such as street paving and extensions, the five-year CIP addresses the needs of the City through responsible City Government with a comprehensive and fiscally responsible approach. What is a Capital Improvement? A capital improvement is a major, non -routine expenditure for new construction, improvements to existing buildings, facilities, land, streets, storm sewers, and expansion of the City's park system to name a few. A capital improvement project has a relatively high monetary value ($100,000+), long -life expectancy, and results in the creation of an asset or extends the life of existing assets. The cost of the capital improvement includes design, legal fees, land, operating equipment, furniture, construction, etc. that is necessary to put the asset into service. A capital improvement project is not the purchase of a piece of equipment such as a fire truck, vehicle, etc. What are the benefits of a Capital Improvement Program? A long- term capital improvement program has many obvious benefits derived from its organized approach to planning projects. The program can focus attention on community and City strategic priorities and needs, allowing projects to be prioritized based on need. The CIP can be an effective tool for achieving goals set forth in the City's Comprehensive Plan, as well as the City's various master plans. Through proper planning, the need for bond referendums, bond issues or other revenue production measures can be foreseen and action can be taken to fund the projects as identified. CIP DEVELOPMENT PROCESS The development of a capital improvement program is a continual process and, consequently, should be viewed as a working document. Therefore, while the document covers a five-year planning perspective, it is revised every year in order to accommodate new projects, reflect changes in ongoing projects, and extend the program an additional year. The first year of the plan is incorporated into the annual budget to appropriate funds. Improvements identified in subsequent years are approved only on a planning basis and do not receive expenditure appropriation. Cost estimates for years two through five are also for planning purposes only, to be used in conjunction with the City's Tong -range financial plan for operations. As City projects related to Drainage, Streets, Parks and Facilities in the previous 2007 bond program are completed, projects in future years are added in order to identify and quantify future needs. These projects have been added to the five-year CIP as New/Proposed GO Bonds. These identified projects will then become a basis for the preparation of a future referendum. Projects included in the five-year CIP are either City managed projects or include just the City's share of projects that will be managed by other agencies. If an outside agency contributes funding directly to the City for a project that the City will manage, then that cost and funding are included in the project budgets. The Five -Year Capital Improvement Program includes all capital projects, which are to be financed in whole or in part from funds subject to control or appropriation by the City. Therefore, the CIP includes bond appropriations (general obligation, certificates of obligation and revenue bonds), General Revenue — Cash, Economic Development Corporation Sales Tax, System Revenues — Cash, Impact Fees, Developer Contributions, and any Federal, State or private foundation grant funds received by the City for capital improvement projects. The City considers input from the citizens, the Planning and Zoning Commission, City staff members, and master plans in the Capital Improvement Program's preparation. A project list is compiled, prioritized by year, and cost estimates assigned. The Finance Department also looks at the overall effect of projects, including the need to issue debt, potential impact on the tax rate, and operations and maintenance impact on the City. The City Council, through workshops, reviews the draft with any recommended changes incorporated into the final document. A final draft of the Five -Year CIP is then prepared for Council consideration and approval. Upon Council adoption, the five-year CIP document is reproduced and distributed for implementation of the program. 2018 - 2022 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM The Five -Year Capital Improvement Program for 2018 to 2022 totals $566,193,226. How is the Capital Improvement Program funded? Funding for CIP projects are derived from various sources, including General Obligation Bonds, Certificates of Obligation, Water & Sewer Revenue Bonds, Impact Fees, General Revenues, System Revenues, P.E.D.C., Developer Contributions, County/MUD Contributions, Federal and State Highway Funds, and Grant Funds. Uses of the funding include Drainage, Streets, Facilities, Parks, Water, and Wastewater projects. The 2018 - 2022 CIP completes the balance of funds from the 2007 bond referendum. As such, capital needs in the amount of $124,202,880 have been identified and are listed in the appendix of this document. This list of projects do not include potential projects from the completion of master plans including but not limited to the parks master plan, the drainage master plan, the facilities assessment study or potential transportation improvement plan opportunities. The City's last bond referendum in 2007 totaled $162 million taking 10 years to complete. In an effort to have a more manageable program that can be reasonably completed in a three to five year time frame and to manage the city debt, the 2018 — 2022 CIP includes a bond election in 2019 for $70,757,000. The graph on the following page provides a breakdown of the funding sources and uses. ii 2018 - 2022 CIP by Funding Source - $566.2 Million Bonds General Previously Revenue- Sold, 0.2%__ Cash, 0.2 /o Other Funding 13.1% Impact Impact Fees Debt, 25.2% Certificates of Obligation, _11.3% General Obligation Bonds, 5.6% _ New/Propose d GO Bonds, 9.2% \ _PEDC, 0.0% Impact Fees ----- Cash. 0.3% System Revenues - Cash, 2.9% W/S Revenue Bonds, 32.1% Water/Sewer 58% 2018 - 2022 C I P by Project Type - $566.2 Million Drainage 2%_.„ Facilities _13% Parks 7% Streets 20% PROJECT HIGHLIGHTS DRAINAGE Drainage projects include the construction of storm sewers, detention ponds, and underground drainage, as well as associated culvert and ditch improvements. These construction projects and improvements will help reduce the risk of repetitive flooding in residential areas and provide storage capacity. Major drainage improvements include Southeast Quadrant of Old Townsite Drainage, a sub -regional drainage and detention plan to serve the 71.4 acre area, and PER for Future Bond Referendum. PARKS Parks projects include the construction of the Shadow Creek Ranch Trail, a 10 foot wide hike and bike trail along the southern bank of Clear Creek beginning on the east side of Kinglsey Drive and extending east approximately 1,300 feet terminating at Kirby Drive. The Green Tee Terrace Trail extends approximately 8,000 LF of 10 foot wide hike and bike trail along the Clear Creek Corridor from Broadway through Province Village to Clear Creek over the creek to Hughes Road in conjunction with Gehan Homes and PER for Future Bond Referendum. FACILITIES Facility projects include the relocation and construction of Fire Station #1, construction for a new office facility at Orange Street Service Center; a new 12,000 square foot administration Building and new parking are to house approximately 50 staff; and the Fiber Backbone project, which will extend and build out the fiber network to reach all city facilities. Also, the iv design of Fire Stations #7 and #8, PER for Future Bond Referendum and PER for a new Animal Shelter. STREETS Street projects include pavement rehabilitation, which replaces sections of existing failed pavement, road extensions, widening and reconstruction of some of the major streets in the City to improve mobility, congestion, and ride -ability. Major street projects include Old Alvin Road Widening from Plum Street to McHard Road, Hughes Ranch Road (CR 403) from Cullen to Smith Ranch Road, Max Road Expansion from Hughes Ranch to Reid Boulevard, Smith Ranch Road Extension (CR 94) from Hughes Ranch Road to Broadway, PER for Future Bond Referendum, and Intersection Improvements. WATER/WASTEWATER Water and Wastewater projects include the replacement and/or the construction of water and sewer lines, water wells, and treatment and water capacity. Major projects for water improvements include the installation of FM 521 Waterline from Broadway to Mooring Pointer, McHard Waterline Phase II from Cullen Parkway to Mykawa Road, design of 10 MGD Surface Water Plant Phase, construction of FM 521 Ground Storage Tank Expansion, Water Meter Change -out, Underground Piping Infrastructure at water facilities, Transite Waterline Replacement, construction of FM 1128 16" Water Line from Bailey to CR 100, CR 100 16" Water Line from Veterans Drive to FM 1128, and Veterans Drive 16" Water Line from Bailey Road to CR 128. Wastewater projects include the construction of McHard Road Trunk Sewer from Garden to Southdown WWTP, expansion of Barry Rose WRF and JHEC WRF, relocation of the Mykawa Lift Stations, the installation of the Green Tee 1 to Riverstone Waste Water Diversion in the Longwood service area, design of the Waste Water Master Plan, installation of the Reflection Bay Lift Station Bar Screen, lift station rehabilitation and sanitary sewer rehabilitation. NEW/PROPOSED GO BOND The new/proposed bond projects include the construction of, Shadow Creek Library, Animal Services Shelter, JHEC Nature Trails Phase II, Independence Park Phase II, Shadow Creek Ranch Park Phase II, Park Equipment Replacement Program, Street Reconstruction Program, Pearland Parkway Super Street, and Pearland Parkway Traffic Circle Improvements. v CITY OF PEARLAND 2018 - 2022 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM TOTAL SUMMARY USE 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 TOTAL DRAINAGE 2,000,000 3,830,500 6,518,000 50,000 50,000 12,348,500 PARKS 6,916,685 1,770,000 4,195,000 11,240,000 14,200,000 38,321,685 FACILITIES 7,102,631 11,385,000 11,744,000 31,129,000 11,312,000 72,672,631 STREETS 19,230,000 59,360,000 28,665,580 6,455,000 2,925,000 116,635,580 WATER 23,790,000 108,207,000 27,087,000 1,750,000 1,750,000 162,584,000 WASTEWATER 25,877,830 2,260,000 55,823,000 69,860,000 9,810,000 163,630,830 TOTAL $ 84,917,146 $ 186,812,500 $ 134,032,580 $ 120,434,000 $ 39,997,000 $ 566,193,226 SOURCE OF FUNDS 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 TOTAL General Revenue - Cash 12,000 725,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 887,000 Certificates of Obligation 8,583,983 13,146,867 21,304,314 16,970,951 3,863,600 63,869,715 General Obligation Bonds 7,312,720 17,207,005 7,071,553 31,591,278 New/Proposed GO Bonds 6,380,000 12,895,000 14,380,000 18,487,000 52,142,000 PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds 31,135,620 55,455,000 43,740,500 47,335,000 4,185,000 181,851,120 System Revenues - Cash 3,035,710 2,325,000 3,375,000 3,850,000 3,800,000 16,385,710 Impact Fees - Cash 500,000 350,000 75,000 550,000 1,475,000 Impact Fees - Debt 14,632,500 53,000,000 38,106,500 33,350,000 3,625,000 142,714,000 Other Funding Sources 18,749,513 38,100,063 7,414,713 3,948,049 5,986,400 74,198,739 Plus Bonds Sold in Prior Years 1,078,664 TOTAL $ 83,962,046 $ 186,688,935 $ 134,032,580 $ 120,434,000 $ 39,997,000 $ 566,193,226 Note: The totals do not tie by year as the City sometimes appropriates funds for GO Bond projects in one year and then sells the bonds in the next year. 1 CITY OF PEARLAND 2018 PROJECTS BY FUNDING SOURCE GENERAL REVENUE CASH Project No. Project Name Amount FACILITIES FA1803 Animal Services Shelter 12,000 Sub -Total $12,000 GENERAL REVENUE CASH TOTAL $12,000 2 CITY OF PEARLAND 2018 PROJECTS BY FUNDING SOURCE CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION Project No. Project Name Amount DRAINAGE DR1701 PER for Future Bond Referendum 500,000 Sub -Total 500,000 PARKS PK1401 Shadow Creek Ranch Trail (Nature Park to Kirby Dr) 380,000 PK1402 Green Tee Terrace Trail 1,285,983 PK1801 PER for Future Bond Referendum 300,000 Sub -Total 1,965,983 FACILITIES FA1404 Orange Street Service Center Phase 1 344,000 FA1501 Fire Station #8 1,169,000 FA1601 Fire Station #1 350,000 FA1801 PER for Future Bond Referendum 300,000 FA1804 Fire Station #7 1,485,000 Sub -Total 3,648,000 STREETS T20002 Old Alvin Road Widening - Plum Street to McHard Road 540,000 TR1205 Max Road Expansion - Hughes Ranch to Reid Blvd 880,000 TR1801 PER for Future Bond Referendum 300,000 TR1803 Intersection Improvements 750,000 Sub -Total 2,470,000 CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION TOTAL 8,583,983 3 CITY OF PEARLAND 2018 PROJECTS BY FUNDING SOURCE GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS Project No. Project Name Amount DRAINAGE DR1302 Southeast Quadrant of Old Townsite Drainage 1,500,000 Sub -Total 1,500,000 STREETS TR0601 Mykawa Road Widening - BW 8 to FM 518 2,240,720 TR1201 Hughes Ranch Road (CR 403) - Cullen to Smith Ranch Road 2,856,000 TR1501 Smith Ranch Rd Extension (CR 94) - Hughes Ranch Rd to Broadway 716,000 Sub -Total 5,812,720 GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS TOTAL 7,312,720 4 CITY OF PEARLAND 2018 PROJECTS BY FUNDING SOURCE MS REVENUE BONDS Project No. _ Project Name Amount FACILITIES FA1404 Orange Street Service Center Phase 1 516,000 Sub -Total 516,000 WATER WA1505 FM 521 Waterline - Broadway to Mooring Pointer 1,215,000 WA1605 Surface Water Plant Phase I (10 MGD) 4,325,000 WA1701 FM 521 Ground Storage Tank Expansion 1,800,000 WA1702 Water Meter Change Out 7,275,000 Sub -Total 14,615,000 WASTEWATER WW1405 Reflection Bay Water Reclamation WW1406 McHard Rd Trunk Sewer - Garden to Southdown WWTP 995,000 WW1502 Barry Rose WRF Expansion 2,990,000 W W 1601 Mykawa Lift Stations 5,551,620 WW1603 JHEC WRF Expansion 3,260,000 WW1604 Green Tee 1 to Riverstone Wastewater Diversion 482,500 WW1801 Lift Station Program 863,000 WW1802 Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation 1,000,000 WW1803 Reflection Bay Lift Station Bar Screen 862,500 Sub -Total 16,004,620 W/S REVENUE BONDS TOTAL 31,135,620 5 CITY OF PEARLAND 2018 PROJECTS BY FUNDING SOURCE SYSTEM REVENUE - CASH Project No. Project Name Amount FACILITIES FA1802 Fiber Backbone 200,000 Sub -Total $200,000 WATER WA1601 McHard Rd. 16" Waterline Phase II - Cullen Parkway to Mykawa Rd. 500,000 WA1702 Water Meter Change -out 200,000 WA1801 Underground Piping Infrastructure at Water Production Facilities 250,000 WA1802 Transite Pipe Water Line Replacement Program 1,000,000 WA1803 FM 1128 16" Water Line - Bailey to CR 100 125,000 WA1804 CR 100 16" Water Line - Veterans Dr to FM 1128 250,000 WA1805 Veterans Dr. 16" Water Line - Bailey Rd. to CR 128 225,000 Sub -Total 2,550,000 WASTEWATER WW1704 Waste Water Master Plan Update 285,710 Sub -Total 285,710 SYSTEM REVENUE - CASH TOTAL 3,035,710 6 CITY OF PEARLAND 2018 PROJECTS BY FUNDING SOURCE IMPACT FEES - CASH Project No. Project Name Amount WATER WA1601 McHard Rd. 16" Waterline Phase II - Cullen Parkway to Mykawa Rd. 500,000 Sub -Total 500,000 IMPACT FEES - CASH TOTAL 500,000 7 CITY OF PEARLAND 2018 PROJECTS BY FUNDING SOURCE IMPACT FEES - DEBT Project No, Project Name Amount WATER WA1601 McHard Rd. 16" Waterline Phase 11 - Cullen Parkway to Mykawa Rd. WA1602 Hughes Ranch Rd West 12" Water Line WA1605 Surface Water Plant Phase I (10 MGD) 4,325,000 WA1701 FM 521 Ground Storage Tank Expansion 1,800,000 Sub -Total 6,125,000 WASTEWATER WW1406 McHard Rd Trunk Sewer - Garden to Southdown WWTP 995,000 WW1502 Barry Rose WRF Expansion 3,390,000 WW1603 JHEC WRF Expansion 3,260,000 WW1803 Reflection Bay Lift Station Bar Screen 862,500 Sub -Total 8,507,500 IMPACT FEES - DEBT TOTAL $14,632,500 8 CITY OF PEARLAND 2018 PROJECTS BY FUNDING SOURCE OTHER FUNDING SOURCES Project No. Project Name Amount PARKS P20001 Independence Park Phase 390,000 PK1401 Shadow Creek Ranch Trail (Nature Park to Kirby Dr) 1,474,755 PK1402 Green Tee Terrace Trail 3,085,947 Sub -Total 4,950,702 FACILITIES FA0904 City Hall Complex Renovations 51,531 FA1702 Facilities Assessment and Maintenance Plan 250,000 Sub -Total 301,531 STREETS TR0601 Mykawa Road Widening - BW8 to FM 518 759,280 TR1201 Hughes Ranch Road (CR 403) - Cullen to Smith Ranch Road 10,624,000 TR1501 Smith Ranch Rd Extension (CR 94) - Hughes Ranch Rd to Broadway 2,064,000 Sub -Total 13,447,280 WASTEWATER WW1604 Green Tee 1 to Riverstone Wastewater Diversion 50,000 Sub -Total 50,000 OTHER FUNDING SOURCES TOTAL 18,749,513 GRAND TOTAL ALL FUNDING SOURCES 83,962,046 9 CITY OF PEARLAND 2018 - 2022 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT DETAIL PAGE LOCATION Project No. Project Name Detail Page DR1103 Cullen/FM 518 Regional Detention Pond 16 DR1302 Southeast Quadrant of Old TownsiteDrainage 17 DR1501 Master Drainage Plan 18 DR1601 Linwood Subdivision Street and Drainage 19 DR1602 Corrigan Ditch Sub -Basin of Mary's Creek Drainage Improvements 20 DR1701 PER for Future Bond Referendum 21 DR2002 D.L. Smith Detention Pond Expansion Phase I 22 P20001 Independence Park Phase I 25 P20004 Delores Fenwick Nature Center 26 P50072 Trail Connectivity Phase 11 27 PK1401 Shadow Creek Ranch Trail 28 PK1402 Green Tee Terrace Trail 29 PK1801 PER for Future Bond Referendum 30 PK1802 Clear Creek Trail 31 PK1901 JHEC Nature Trails Phase 11 32 PK1902 Park Equipment Recapitalization 33 PK1903 Independence Park Phase II 34 PK2001 Shadow Creek Ranch Park Phase 11 35 F20002 Tom Reid Library Expansion 38 FA0904 City Hall Complex Renovations 39 FA1404 Orange Street Service Center 40 FA1501 Fire Station #8 41 FA1601 Fire Station #1 42 FA1702 Facilities Assessment and Maintenance Plan 43 FA1801 PER 44 FA1802 Fiber Backbone 45 FA1803 Animal Servicves Shelter 46 10 CITY OF PEARLAND 2018 - 2022 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT DETAIL PAGE LOCATION Project No. Project Name Detail Page FA1804 Fire Station #7 47 FA2001 Shadow Creek Library 48 FA2002 Orange Street Service Center Phase 2 49 FA2101 Fire Station #4 50 T20002 Old Alvin Rd Widening - Plum Street to McHard Road 53 TR0601 Mykawa Road Widening - Orange to McHard 54 TR1201 Hughes Ranch Road (CR 403) - Cullen to Smith Ranch 55 TR1205 Max Road Expansion - Hughes Ranch to Reid Blvd. 56 TR1405 McHard Road Extension - Mykawa Road to Cullen Parkway 57 TR1501 Smith Ranch Road Expansion (CR 94) - Hughes Ranch to Broadway 58 TR1602 Safe Routes to School 59 TR1701 SH288 Northbound Frontage Road - CR 59 to FM 518 (Broadway) 60 TR1703 East Orange Street Reconstruction - Main St. to Schlieder Dr. 61 TR1801 PER for Future Bond Referendum 62 TR1802 Multi -Modal Master Plan 63 TR1803 Intersection Improvements 64 TR1901 Street Reconstruction 65 TR1902 Pearland Parkway Superstreet Modifications 66 TR1903 Pearland Parkway Traffic Circle Modifications 67 WA1501 Toll Road Utility Relocations 70 WA1505 FM 521 Water Line - Broadway to Mooring Pointe 71 WA1601 McHard Rd. 16" Water Line Phase II - Cullen Parkway to Mykawa Road 72 WA1602 Hughes Ranch Road West 12" Water Line 73 WA1605 Surface Water Plant Phase 1 (10 MGD) 74 WA1701 FM 521 Ground Storage Tank Expansion 75 WA1702 Water Meter Changeout 76 WA1703 Underground Piping Infrastructure at Water Facilities 2017 77 11 CITY OF PEARLAND 2018 - 2022 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT DETAIL PAGE LOCATION Project No. Project Name Detail Page WA1704 Transite Water Line Replacement Program 2017 78 WA1705 Water Master Plan Update 79 WA1801 Underground Piping Infrastructure at Water Facilities 80 WA1802 Transite Water Line Replacement Program 81 WA1803 FM 1128 16" Water Line - Bailey To CR 100 82 WA1804 CR 100 16" Water Line - Veterans Dr to FM 1128 83 WA1805 Veterans Dr. 16" Water Line - Bailey Rd. to CR 128 84 WA1901 Hughes Ranch Road East 12" Water Line Phase II 85 WA1902 Bailey Water Plant Improvements 86 WW0901 Riverstone Ranch Oversizing 89 WW1402 Pearland Heights Lift Station 90 WW1405 Reflection Bay Water Reclamation 91 WW1406 McHard Rd Trunk Sewer (Garden to Southdown WRF) 92 WW1502 Barry Rose WRF Expansion 93 WW1506 Springfield Lift Station Abandonment 94 WW1507 Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation 2015 95 WW1601 Mykawa Lift Stations 96 WW1603 JHEC WRF Expansion 97 WW 1604 Green Tee 1 to Riverstone Wastewater Diversion 98 WW1605 Roy/Max/Garden Roads Basin Sewage System 99 WW1701 Lift Station Program 2017 100 WW1702 Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation 2017 101 WW1703 Independence Park Lift Station Abandonment 102 WW1704 Waste Water Master Plan 103 WW1801 Lift Station Program 104 WW1802 Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation 105 WW1803 Reflection Bay Lift Station Bar Screen 106 12 CITY OF PEARLAND 2018 - 2022 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT DETAIL PAGE LOCATION Project No. Project Name Detail Page WW2001 Veterans Drive Lift Station Service Area 107 WW2101 Southdown Regional Lift Station & Force Main 108 13 CITY OF PEARLAND 2018 - 2022 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DRAINAGE Project No. Project Name Budgeted Thru 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Project Total 2018 - 2022 Allocation DR1103 Cullen/FM 518 Detention Pond 240,500 940,500 3,608,000 Certificates of Obligation 4,789,000 4,548,500 DR1302 Southeast Quadrant of Old Townsite Drainage 4,740,308 1,500,000 5,300,713 5,212,677 General Obligation Bonds 8,280,082 6,240,308 1,500,000 DR1501 Master Drainage Plan 382,000 15,292,340 7,012,258 New/Proposed GO Bonds 382,000 DR1601 Linwood Subdivision Street and Drainage (Old Alvin Street to Orange Street) 1,200,000 PEDC 1,200,000 DR1602 Corrigan Ditch Sub -Basin of Mary's Creek Drainage Improvements 3,350,232 W/S Revenue Bonds 3,350,232 DR1701 PER for Future Bond Referendum System Revenues - Cash 500,000 500,000 500,000 DR2002 D.L. Smith Detention Pond Expansion Phase 1 88,036 2,890,000 2,910,000 5,888,036 5,800,000 Impact Fees - Debt TOTAL 10,001,076 2,000,000 3,830,500 6,518,000 22,349,576 12,348,500 SOURCE OF FUNDS Budgeted Thru 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Project Total 2018 - 2022 Allocation General Revenue - Cash 1,200,000 1,200,000 Certificates of Obligation 88,036 500,000 816,935 3,895,742 5,300,713 5,212,677 General Obligation Bonds 8,280,082 1,500,000 2,890,000 2,622,258 15,292,340 7,012,258 New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds System Revenues - Cash Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt Other Funding Sources 556,523 556,523 Plus Bonds Sold in Prior Years 123,565 TOTAL 10,124,641 2,000,000 3,706,935 6,518,000 22,349,576 12,348,500 Note: The totals do not tie by year as the City sometimes appropriates funds for GO Bond projects in one year and then sells the bonds in the next year. 14 HOUSTON TOLLwAVRE HOUSTON TO VIA i 9 Linwood Suoddoslon Street and Drainage '; Southeast Quadrant of Old Townafte Drainage Cullen I FM 518 Detention Pond MANVEL CITY OF PEARLAND 2018 - 2022 Capital Improvement Projects Drainage ( <J Cullen/FM 518 Detention Pond 0 D.L. Smith Detention Pond Expansion Phase I Linwood Street and Drainage ® Corrigan Ditch Sub -Basin ®Southeast Quadrant of Old Townsite Drainage City Limits ETJ Projects Not Shown • Master Drainage Plan PER for Future Bond Referendum 1:63,360 or 1 in = 1 miles 0.5 1 2 Miles This produrt for %luble re en llgal, nneering, stve0. purposes eer rnprepa«itte snut npreeeet.,, onAhe•rn•uad surveend represents o r the eevmeimnte relative bees.hounds.... MAP PREPARE. N CITY (IF PEARLAND (ITS DEPARTMENT 15 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER Cullen/FM 518 Detention Pond DR1103 3 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The City's Sub Regional Detention Master Plan identified the southwest quadrant of FM 518/ Cullen Parkway as a potential location for a sub- regional detention pond. The pond would be constructed in phases with developer contributing land or excavation. This 1st phase includes minor ROW acquisition, existing ditch improvements and possible underground storm sewer improvements. Ultimate service area is approximately 265 acres. Preliminary Engineering Report was completed in October 2013. s' . `. t 's *!' s I, r 1 PROJECT JUSTIFICATION, This project was identified as a projects in the City's Regional Detention Study conducted in 2010. The proposed detention pond will provide the required detention for future development allowing development along FM 518 without the need for individual detention ponds. Further site analysis will be evaluated during the Master Drainage project phase II analysis. INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Impact on operating budget 1 _kr l�)fes;See Below) Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Revenue Personnel Services $35,000 $66,000 $66,000 Operation & Maintenance Capital Outlay Total Expense $35,000 $66,000 $66,000 FTE Staff Total PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report $238,079 $238,079 $238,079 $238,079 Land/Right of Way $502,421 $2,421 $2,421 $500,000 $502,421 Design/Surveying $343,000 $343,000 $343,000 Construction $3,110,000 $3,110,000 $3,110,000 Equipment & Fumiture Contingency $595,500 $97,500 $498,000 $595,500 TOTAL COSTS 54,789,000 $240,500 $240,500 $0 $940,500 53,608,000 $0 $0 $4,789,000 FUNDING SOURCES TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash Certificates of Obligation $4,424,935 $816.935 $3,608,000 $4,424,935 General Obligation Bonds $364,065 $364,065 $364,065 $364,065 New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds System Revenue - Cash Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt Other Funding Sources' - TOTAL SOURCES $4,789,000 $364,065 $364,065 $0 $816,935 $3,608,000 $0 $0 $4,789,000 1 Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: General Obligation Bonds sold - $250,000 in 2011 and $114,065 in 2013. Project Manager: Susan Johnson Project's Approval Date: 16 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER Southeast Quadrant of Old Townsite Drainage L ' '.02 On. ;Ding PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE The 71.4-acre service area boundary is approximately 150 ft. south of FM 518 on the north side, Old Alvin Rd on the east, Beechcraft St. on the south and S. Houston Ave. on the west and is within the southeast quadrant of the Old Townsite. The scope of the project is the development of a sub-regional drainage and detention plan to serve the 71.4 acre area. The project will utilize the 8 acre feet of volume in the Baker's Landing pond and develop a proposed detention pond location along Old Alvin utilizing a collection and conveyance system along Walnut and Old Alvin streets. south Ea-it Qt.: d j _ dr,,t Old Townsite Drainage Area Map i l --- )-_t a4. . �_ , - PROJECT JUSTIFICATION The development of Sub-Regional detention for this area is a Council set priority due to the desire to see this historic area re-develop. Re- development of the area is hindered by the requirement to provide detention without the loss of land associated with on-site ponds. The sub- regional pond will also provide detention for future street improvements associated with redevelopment of the area and will also provide a detention buy-in strategy for the 71 acre Old Town Site area. detention INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Impact on operating budget LNo lAYes (See Below) Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Revenue Personnel Services Operation & Maintenance $6,100 $6,100 $6,100 $6,100 Capital Outlay Total Expense $6,100 $6,100 $6,100 $6,100 FTE Staff Total PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report $82,500 $82,500 582,500 $82,500 Land/Right of Way $259,800 $259,800 $259,800 $259,800 Design/Surveying $546,833 $546,833 $546,833 $546,833 Construction $4,451,175 $3,531,175 $3,531,175 $920,000 $4,451,175 Equipment and Furniture Contingency $900,000 $320,000 $320,000 $580,000 $900,000 TOTAL COSTS 56.240,308 $4,740,308 $4,740,308 51.500.000 $0 50 SO $0 $6,240,308 FUNDING SOURCES TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash Certificates of Obligation General Obligation Bonds $5,683,785 $4,183,785 $4,183,785 $1,500,000 $5,683,785 New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds System Revenue - Cash Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt Other Funding Sources' - $556,523 $556,523 $556,523 $556,523 TOTAL SOURCES $6,240,308 $4,740,308 $4,740,308 $1,500,000 $0 $0 50 $0 $6,240,308 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: Reallocation of Town Ditch & Ve erans/Walnut ($176,000). Reallocation of $380,523 from Marys Creek Bridge (DR2005) in Fund 503. General Obligation Bonds Sold - $100,000 in 2014, $207,845 in 2016 and $3,875,940 to be sold in 2017. Project Manager: Rajendra Shrestha Project's Approval Date: 17 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER Master Drainage Plan DR1501 Ongoing PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE T he Master Drainage Plan wit incorporate all of the studies and improvements that have been performed to date and develop a base model for the areas under the jurisdiction of the City. Phase 1 includes data collection and evaluation. Phase 2 includes devolpement of a baseline model, identification of existing and potential flood hazards, development of mitigation strategies, update existing design criteria, and develop/prioritize capital improvement projects. The plan is being developed cooperatively with Brazoria Drainage District #4. r� V ,w, m 40 til PROJECT JUSTIFICATION Over the last decade the City has experienced significant growth and development which can create increased flooding risks. The study will provide a means with which to more effectively plan drainage improvements within the City and the Brazoria Drainage District #4. This project cost is split 50/50 between the two agencies. INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Impact on operating budget lam'- Ljies (See Below) T E X A 5 Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Vs et A_ . 1 Total Revenue Personnel Services Operation & Maintenance Capital Outlay Total Expense FTE Staff Total PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report Land/Right of Way Design/Surveying $382,000 $382,000 $382,000 $382,000 Construction Equipment and Furniture Contingency TOTAL COSTS $382,000 $382,000 $382,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $382,000 FUNDING SOURCES TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash Certificates of Obligation General Obligation Bonds $382,000 $382,000 $382,000 $382,000 New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds System Revenue - Cash Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt Other Funding Sources - TOTAL SOURCES $382,000 $382,000 $382,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $382,000 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: General Obligation Bonds sold in 2013. Project Manager: Engineering Project's Approval Date: 18 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER Linwood Subdivision Street and Drainage (Old Alvin Street to Orange Street) DR1601 Ongoing PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE The project includes the removal of existing 20' wide 1330' long asphalt pavement and storm drainage system to a new concrete curb and gutter roadway and storm sewer system to serve the area. The project will also include improvements of the road and drainage system from Linwood to Old Alvin Road along Orange Street. , ` ,C A.cts I 1 "{ r U .: 'b � �+.. PROJECT JUSTIFICATION. The residents participated in various council meetings requesting improvements of drainage and street conditions in the area. Since this is an older part of town and the street and drainage system was not designed to meet most of the current engineering criteria and it is almost time to rehabilitate the street and drainage system, it is worthwhile to bring the existing infrastructure to current standard and solve the associated problems. INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Impact on operating budget LN LJ es (See Below) Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Revenue Personnel Services Operation & Maintenance Capital Outlay Total Expense FTE Staff Total TOTAL FY PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION BUDGET 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report Land/Right of Way Design/Surveying $100,280 $100,280 $100,280 $100,280 Construction $1,099,720 $1,099,720 $1,099,720 $1,099,720 Equipment and Furniture Contingency TOTAL COSTS 51,200,000 $1,200,000 $1,200,000 $0 $0 $0 SO $0 $1,200,000 TOTAL FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES FUNDING SOURCES BUDGET 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2D17 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash $1,200,000 $1,200,000 $1.200,000 $1,200,000 Certificates of Obligation General Obligation Bonds New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds System Revenue - Cash Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt Other Funding Sources - TOTAL SOURCES $1,200,000 $1,200,000 $1,200,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,200,000 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: Cash transferred from General Fund in FY 2016. Project Manager: Susan Johnson Project's Approval Date: 19 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER Corrigan Ditch Sub -Basin of Mary's Creek Drainage Improvements DR1602 Ongoing PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE The project site is located along Wagon Trail Road between FM 518 and Bardet Road. The project includes the reconstruction of Wagon Trail (FM 518 to Bardet Road), Cantu Rd, and Ochoa Rd in order to improve the drainage and roadway infrastructure. This project will require purchase of drainage easement in order to extend the drainage system along Ochoa Rd to outfall into Corrigan Ditch. ! r 1;, 1 ss RLi i f 1. t .� `' #vf """ r`r my f k ' �'k j PROJECT JUSTIFICATION This project has been identified as the Task 1 of the COP and BDD4 master drainage plan. The commercial as well as residential area within the project site along Wagon Trail, Cantu Rd, and Ochoa Rd has seen several repetitive losses due to flooding time and again in the past. Proposed roadway and drainage improvement will shorten the drainage path to Corrigan Ditch and remove the runoff quickly and reduce the Flooding potential. INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Impact on operating budget U"r. Lye's ,See Belov.) Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Revenue Personnel Services Operation & Maintenance $254 $1,525 $1,525 $1,525 $1,525 Capital Outlay, Total Expense 5254 $1,525 $1,525 $1,525 $1,525 FTE Staff Total _ _ PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report Land/Right of Way $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 Design/Surveying $380,000 $380,000 $380,000 $380,000 Construction $2,538,462 $2,538,462 $2,538,462 $2,538,462 Equipment and Furniture Contingency $331,770 $331,770 $331,770 $331,770 TOTAL COSTS $3,350,232 53,350,232 $3,350,232 $0 50 $0 $0 $0 $3,350,232 FUNDING SOURCES TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash Certificates of Obligation General Obligation Bonds $3,350,232 $3,350,232 $3,350,232 $3,350,232 New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds System Revenue - Cash Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt Other Funding Sources' - TOTAL SOURCES $3,350,232 $3,350,232 $3,350,232 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 53,350,232 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: General Obligation Bonds Sold - $580,000 in 2016 and $2,770,232 to be sold in 2017. Project Manager: Jaime Dino Project's Approval Date: 20 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER PER for Future Bond Referendum DR1701 PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE Provide funding for preliminary engineering on future projects yet to be identified from the Drainage Master Plan to be conducted in FY 2016. Preliminary engineering would tighten down scopes and provide for estimated construction dollars that would be needed to take a proposition to the voters. c.) 40 nE 92 O PROJECT JUSTIFICATION These planning efforts will tighten down scopes and provide detailed cost estimates for a bond referendum. INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS _ Impact on operating budget who Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 vl� �` el, ti • 1 Total Revenue Personnel Services Operation & Maintenance Capital Outlay Total Expense FTE Staff Total TOTAL FY PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION BUDGET 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 S500,000 Land/Right of Way Design/Surveying Construction Equipment and Furniture Contingency TOTAL COSTS S500,000 $500,000 $0_ $500,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $500,000 TOTAL FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES FUNDING SOURCES BUDGET 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash Certificates of Obligation $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 General Obligation Bonds New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds System Revenue - Cash Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt Other Funding Sourcesi - TOTAL SOURCES $500,000 $500,000 $0 $500,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $500,000 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: Project Manager: Projects Project's Approval Date: 21 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER D. L. Smith Detention Pond Expansion Phase I DR2002 2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE Phase I of the project would expand the existing DL Smith detention facility by approximately 150 acre-feet. The potential expansion will occur to the west of the existing McHard Road outfall ditch and south of the pipeline easement. \ II.1 R . \ _� ` RIS COfir` r ` " B ,%ZO R IA COL' N'I' A' ~ 'N^ d } r ` 0.1.4.Ji', f Smith Detention ' ,f i� Pond ExpanSiOn Phase I x 1 CI, \ N{ct�pRtt RO �,, Y, * °1 d \ c / > , > r g� PROJECT JUSTIFICATION As the City is updating it's Master Drainage Plan, the need for additional storage capacity along the Clear Creek Watershed to mitigate existing flooding and provide capacity for future development will be evaluated. This expansion could lower the 100 -year water surface elevation of Clear Creek, alleviate existing flood plain issues, accommodate future development along McHard Road between Old Alvin and Pearland Parkway, and will be able to provide additional detention for the expansion of the University of Houston Clear Lake - Pearland Campus and other potential city facilities. INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Impact on operating budget L0) L�i-i (see Below) Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Revenue Personnel Services Operation & Maintenance $30.500 $30,500 S30.500 Capital Outlay Total Expense $30,500 $30,500 $30,500 FTE Staff Total PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report $87,946 $87,946 S87,946 $87,946 Land/Right of Way $90 $90 $90 $90 Design/Surveying $870,000 $870,000 $870,000 Construction $4,700,000 $1,940,000 $2,760,000 $4,700,000 Equipment and Furniture $0 Contingency $230,000 $80,000 $150,000 $230,000 TOTAL COSTS $5,888,036 $88,036 $88,036 $0 $2,890,000 $2,910,000 SO 50 $5,888,036 FUNDING SOURCES TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash Certificates of Obligation $375,778 588.036 $88,036 $287,742 $375,778 General Obligation Bonds $5,512,258 $2,890,000 $2,622,258 $5,512,258 New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds System Revenue - Cash Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt Other Funding Sources' - TOTAL SOURCES $5,888,036 $88,036 $88,036 $0 $2,890,000 $2,910,000 $0 50 $5,888,036 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: Assumes BCDD #4 will maintain. Bonds sold - $88,036 prior to 2014. Project Manager: Susan Johnson Project's Approval Date: 22 CITY OF PEARLAND 2018 - 2022 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PARKS Project No. Project Name Budgeted Thru 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Project Total 2018 - 2022 Allocation P20001 Independence Park Phase 3,976,050 390,000 865,656 4,366,050 390,000 P20004 Delores Fenwick Nature Center 2,333,653 169,672 3,113,600 6,778,670 5,249,255 General Obligation Bonds 2,333,653 P50072 Trail Connectivity Phase II 1,663,148 5,821,064 New/Proposed GO Bonds 1,663,148 1,770,000 PK1401 Shadow Creek Ranch Trail 460,703 1,854,755 20,705,000 PEDC 2,315,458 1,854,755 PK1402 Green Tee Terrace Trail 591,120 4,371,930 VHS Revenue Bonds 4,963,050 4,371,930 PK1801 PER for Future Bond Referendum 300,000 300,000 300,000 PK1802 Clear Creek Trail Impact Fees - Cash 1,600,000 9,100,000 10,700,000 10,700,000 PK1901 JHEC Nature Trails Phase II 250,000 1,115,000 1,365,000 1,365,000 PK1902 Park Equipment Recapitalization 4,950,702 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 PK1903 Independence Park Phase II 1,020,000 1,500,000 5,100,000 7,620,000 7,620,000 PK2001 Shadow Creek Ranch Park Phase II 4,195,000 11,240,000 14,200,000 1,080,000 4,040,000 4,600,000 9,720,000 9,720,000 TOTAL 9,024,674 6,916,685 1,770,000 4,195,000 11,240,000 14,200,000 47,346,359 38,321,685 SOURCE OF FUNDS Budgeted Thru 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Project Total 2018 - 2022 Allocation General Revenue - Cash 865,656 865,656 Certificates of Obligation 1,529,415 1,965,983 169,672 3,113,600 6,778,670 5,249,255 General Obligation Bonds 5,821,064 5,821,064 New/Proposed GO Bonds 1,770,000 4,195,000 9,640,000 5,100,000 20,705,000 20,705,000 PEDC VHS Revenue Bonds System Revenues - Cash Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt Other Fundinq Sources 808,539 4,950,702 1,430,328 5,986,400 13,175,969 12,367,430 Plus Bonds Sold in Prior Years TOTAL 9,024,674 6,916,685 1,770,000 4,195,000 11,240,000 14,200,000 47,346,359 38,321,685 Note: The totals do not tie by year as the City sometimes appropriates funds for GO Bond projects in one year and then sells the bonds in the next year. 23 HOUSTON TOL•LWAYI9ELTWAY Clear Creak Trail Tom Bass Regional Park BROO SIDE/( Green Tee Terrace Trail llif5.'6P' Delores Fenwick Nature Center Independence Park Phase 1 JHEC Nature Trails Phase II Pi•rlrlir nil Ite parrot :lir port MANVEL CITY OF PEARLAND —Clear Creek Trail 2018 - 2022 Capital Improvement Projects Parks Green Tee Terrace Trail milio Shadow Creek Ranch Trail ;: Trail Connectivity Phase II O Delores Fenwick Nature Center 0 Shadow Creek Ranch Park Phase II O Independence Park Phase I City Limits O Independence Park Phase II O JHEC Nature Trails Phase II ETJ Projects Not Shown PER for Future Bond Referendum 'Park Equipment Recapitalization 1 63,360 or 1 In = 1 miles 0s 1 2 Miles Thal product for i have been prepared for or be suitable for lapel. engines ng. or not repreeento onlyrbe approvitnaie relative location wprobe, bn.weriea MAD PREPARED, JUNE 2017 fl•I, l'EANLAND GIS DEPARTMENT 24 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER Independence Park Phase I P20001 Ongoing PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE Phase I Improvements include a reorientation of the entry into the park, relocation and replacement of the existing playground, improvements to electrical in the existing pavilion, upgrade electrical and water around the park for vendor access, lighting, the construction of additional parking, additional 4-6 restrooms, a small stage and sloped earthen berm type amphitheater for special events and landscaping. 1.' T�..�. IAccording - "°" -� rt % .. o. ...m.. !< PROJECT JUSTIFICATION to the park utilization survey conducted with the master plan, this park had the second highest utilization of all City parks. Most of the current amenities at the park are outdated or in bad condition and are in need of replacement. This project was approved by voters in the 2007 Bond Program. The Master Plan lists improvements to this park as a high priority. INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Impact on operating budget LNo fifes (See Below) Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Revenue Personnel Services $49,440 $50,923 $52,451 $54,024 Operation & Maintenance $17,905 $18,800 $19,740 $20,727 Capital Outlay Total Expense $67,345 $69,723 $72,191 $74,751 FTE Staff Total 1.0 PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report $29,437 $29,437 S29,437 $29,437 Land/Right of Way Design/Surveying $330,000 $330,000 $330,000 $330,000 Construction $3,706,613 $3,316,613 $3,316,613 $390,000 $3,706,613 Equipment and Furniture Contingency $300,000 $300,000 $300,000 $300,000 TOTAL COSTS $4,366,050 $3,976,050 $3,976,050 $390,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $4,366,050 FUNDING SOURCES TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash Certificates of Obligation $535,639 $535,639 $535,639 $535,639 General Obligation Bonds $3,354,411 $3,354,411 $3,354,411 $3,354,411 New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds System Revenue - Cash Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt Other Funding Sources' - $476,000 $86,000 $86,000 $390,000 $476,000 TOTAL SOURCES $4,366,050 $3,976,050 $3,976,050 $390,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $4,366,050 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: Park land zone 11 funds of $86,000 (2016). CO's sold - $29,437 sold prior o 2014 and $506,202 to be sold in 2017. General Obligation Bonds sold - $180,000 in 2015, $1,820,447 in 2016, $1,353,964 to be sold in 2017 and $390,000 from CVB in 2018. Project Manager: Matthew Brown Project's Approval Date: 25 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER Delores Fenwick Nature Center P20004 Ongoing PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE The project will include a building to demonstrate/program environmental educational displays, demonstration gardens, interpretive exhibits, offices, restrooms, and a classroom with a 50 seat capacity, 400 sq. ft. of storage and previous parking areas. " It 1 ! PROJECT JUSTIFICATION fit of recycling, green space and trees. This project would give There is a great need in the community to educate the public on the benefit Pearland a unique opportunity to showcase JHEC as a learning opportunity for the entire community. Children/adults would be able to come and take classes and learn about the environment in a hands-on setting. This would provide an opportunity to showcase the entire concept of utilizing one site as multi purposing for parks, recreation, detention, education, recycling, and environmental park. INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Impact on operating budget LNo Gres (See Below) Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Revenue Personnel Services $163,770 $168,683 $173,744 $178,956 Operation & Maintenance $72,630 $96,575 $101,403 $106,474 Capital Outlay $48,342 Total Expense $284,742 $265,258 $275,147 $285,429 FTE Staff Total 3.0 PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report $25,000 $25,000 S25,000 $25,000 Land/Right of Way Design/Surveying $212,096 $212,096 $212,096 $212,096 Construction $1,953,153 $1,953,153 $1,953,153 $1,953,153 Equipment and Furniture $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 Contingency $93,404 $93,404 $93,404 $93,404 TOTAL COSTS $2,333,653 $2,333,653 $2,333,653 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,333,653 FUNDING SOURCES TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash Certificates of Obligation $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 General Obligation Bonds $2,283,653 $2,283,653 $2,283,653 $2,283,653 New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds System Revenue - Cash Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt Other Funding Sources' - $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 TOTAL SOURCES $2,333,653 $2,333,653 $2,333,653 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,333,653 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: CO's sold - $25,000 sold prior to 2014, $158,000 in 2015, $292,000 in 2016 and $1,833,653 to be sold in 2017. Project Manager: Jennifer Lee Project's Approval Date: 26 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER Trail Connectivity Phase II (Centennial Park to Pearland Parkway) P50072 Ongoing PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE This project implements phases of the Hike and Bike Master Plan adopted in 2005. Phase II will connect to the Magonlia sidewalk network to utilize the existing sidewalk network on John Lizer, Veterans and Magnolia to connect Centennial Park to Independence Park. .�..�...�..«..,--- -" -`-- * » » y •INCREMENTAL .k W. PROJECT JUSTIFICATION,- The Parks and Recreation Plan that was adopted by Council in Der o r,r , ' of ") , ;lists the hike and bike trails as a priority for acquisition and development. OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Impact on operating budget LJ.o LJ es (See Below) Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Revenue Personnel Services $49,319 $50,799 $52,323 $53,893 Operation & Maintenance $12,523 $13,150 $13,807 $14,497. Capital Outlay Total Expense $61,843 $63,949 $66,130 $68,390 FTE Staff Total 1.0 TOTAL FY PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION BUDGET 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report $18.825 $18,825 $18,825 S18,825 Land/Right of Way $50,545 $50,545 $50,545 $50,545 Design/Surveying $303,422 $303,422 $303,422 $303,422 Construction $1,268,423 $1,268,423 $1,268,423 $1,268,423 Equipment and Furniture $21,933 $21,933 $21,933 $21,933 Contingency TOTAL COSTS $1,663,148 $1,663,148 $1,663,148 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,663,148 TOTAL FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES FUNDING SOURCES BUDGET 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash $806,175 $806,175 $806,175 $806,175 Certificates of Obligation $543,825 $543,825 $543,825 $543,825 General Obligation Bonds $183,000 $183,000 $183,000 $183,000 New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds System Revenue - Cash Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt Other Funding Sources' - $130,148 $130,148 $130,148 $130,148 TOTAL SOURCES $1,663,148 $1,663,148 $1,663,148 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,663,148 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: TPWD grant $100,000. Bonds sold - $183,000 in 2008 (GO), $525,000 in 2013 (CO) and $18,825 sold prior to 2013 (CO). Project Manager: Cara Davis Project's Approval Date: 3/14/2013 27 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER Shadow Creek Ranch Trail (Nature Park to Kirby Dr) PK1401 PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE Construction of a 10 foot wide hike and bike trail along the southern bank of Clear Creek beginning on the east side of Kingsley Drive and extending east approximately 1,300 feet terminating at Kirby Drive. Project will include shaded seating areas, bike facilities, educational and/or themed signage and may include improvements to the existing trail head parking area. y' 3t 1 • -» PROJECT JUSTIFICATION..( lists the hike and bike funded. The Parks and Recreation Plan that was adopted by Council in December of 2005 development. This project is included in the 2013-2014 TIP and will be 80% federally trails as a priority for acquisition and INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Impact on operating budget L-Nc lines (See Below) 2021 2022 Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 Total Revenue Personnel Services $11,466 $12,039 $12,641 Operation 8 Maintenance $5,460 Capital Outlay $5,460 $11,466 $12,039 $12,641 Total Expense FTE Staff Total PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report Land/Right of Way $115,733 $115,733 $115,733 $115,733 Design/Surveying $244,970 $194,970 $244,970 $244,970 Construction $1,624,755 $1,624,755 $1,624,755 $1,624,755 Equipment and Furniture Contingency $330,000 $100,000 $230,000 $330,000 TOTAL COSTS $2,315,458 $1,935,458 $460,703 $1,854,755 $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,315,458 FUNDING SOURCES TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash $38,994 $38,994 $38,994 $38,994 Certificates of Obligation $704,951 $324,951 $324,951 $380,000 $704,951 General Obligation Bonds New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds System Revenue - Cash Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt Other Funding Sources' - $1,571,513 $1,571,513 $96,758 $1,474,755 $1,571,513 TOTAL SOURCES $2,315,458 $1,935,458 $460,703 $1,854,755 $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,315,458 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: Transportation Improvement Program funds in the amount of $1,548,366; City must provide 20% matching funds. $9,552 from park land fees - zone 1 sign (2016). Bonds sold - $324,951 in 2016. Project Manager: Cara Davis Project's Approval Date: 6/22/2015 28 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER Green Tee Terrace Trail PK1402 PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE Extension of approximately 8,000 LF of 10-foot wide hike and bike trail along the Clear Creek Corridor from Broadway through Province Village to Clear Creek over the creek to Hughes Road in conjunction with Gehan Homes. Project includes benches, bike racks, trail signage, trash receptacles, water fountains, shade structures, and a pedestrian bridge over Clear Creek. # t _ C ¢i' S a i TI�? Frf t n�cw pr..vss,.re -:3 ts.,.wcr .o.,..., y ' "a,,, A • ' yfa. rw, «,ew-�;;,,,�„ PROJECT JUSTIFICATION The Parks and Recreation Plan that was adopted by Council in December 2005 lists the hike and bike trails as a priority for acquisition and development. This project is included in the 2013-2014 TIP and will be 80% federally funded. INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Impact on operating budget LJJ° Lies (See Below) Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Revenue Personnel Services Operation & Maintenance $9,800 $17,640 $18,522 $19,448 Capital Outlay Total Expense $9,800 $17,640 $18,522 $19,448 FTE Staff Total TOTAL FY PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION BUDGET 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report Land/Right of Way $105,183 $105,183 $105,183 $105,183 Design/Surveying $485,937 $435,937 $485,937 $485,937 Construction $3,641,930 $531,930 $3,641,930 $3,641,930 Equipment and Furniture Contingency $730,000 $730,000 $730,000 TOTAL COSTS $4,963,050 $1,073,050 $591,120 $4,371,930 $0 $0 $0 $0 $4,963,050 TOTAL FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES FUNDING SOURCES BUDGET 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash $20,487 $20,487 $20,487 $20,487 Certificates of Obligation $1,385,983 $100,000 $100,000 $1,285,983 $1,385,983 General Obligation Bonds New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds System Revenue - Cash Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt Other Funding Sources - $3,556,580 $952,563 $470,633 $3,085,947 $3,556,580 TOTAL SOURCES $4,963,050 $1,073,050 $591,120 $4,371,930 $0 $0 $0 $0 $4,963,050 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: Includes HGAC TIP funds in the amount of $3,339,150, Park Zone 11 funds of $9,000 and Park Zone 10 funds of $176,500 (WOK 2016 and $66,500 2014). Park Zone 1 funds $31,930 (2017). Bonds sold - $100,000 to be sold in 2017. Project Manager: Jennifer Lee Project's Approval Date: 29 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER PER for Future Bond Referendum PK1301 1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE Provide funding for preliminary engineering on future projects to be identified that would be funded with the City's next bond referendum. Preliminary engineering would tighten down scopes and provide for estimated construction dollars that would be needed to take a proposition to the voters. Projects may include Independence Park Phase II, Shadow Creek Ranch Park Phase II, and JHECC Nature Trails Phase II. 4" x $,ry ' � PROJECT JUSTIFICATION Parks Master Plan, updated in 2015, provided a list of recommendations for future projects and upgrade criteria that will be incorporated into a prioritized list of projects. INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Impact on operating budget [o 11 es (See Below) TEX AS Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 c r •v1 ttliTotal ) Revenue Personnel Services Operation & Maintenance Capital Outlay Total Expense FTE Staff Total PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report 5300,000 S300.000 5300.000 Land/Right of Way Design/Surveying Construction Equipment and Furniture Contingency TOTAL COSTS $300,000 $0 $0 $300,000 50 $0 50 $0 $300,000 FUNDING SOURCES TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash Certificates of Obligation $300,000 $300,000 $300,000 General Obligation Bonds New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds System Revenue - Cash Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt Other Funding Sources' - TOTAL SOURCES $300,000 $0 $0 $300,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $300,000 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: Project Manager: Projects Project's Approval Date: 6/22/2015 30 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER Clear Creek Trail PK1802 6 PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE Construction of approximately 12,400 feet long, 10 foot wide concrete hike and bike trail beginning at the existing trail north of Barry Rose, proceeding to the El Franco Lee Park then crossing back over Clear Creek and beneath the Pearland Parkway bridge then turning south to the University of Houston campus. This trail will include a San Jacinto historical theme with points of interest signage and include two pedestrian bridges. 1 "* ' e... y < t"` r .. . F , PROJECT JUSTIFICATION This project is an extension of the Trail Master Plan and the first major component to be constructed on the north side of Broadway and woulr eventually tie into the future segment planned for the banks of Clear Creek and across the northern boundaries of the City. INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Impact on operating budget LJNo Lhes (See Below) Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Revenue Personnel Services Operation & Maintenance $2.617 Capital Outlay Total Expense $2,617 FTE Staff Total PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED LLbi CANS 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report Land/Right of Way $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 Design/Surveying $850,000 $850,000 $850,000 Construction $8,100,000 $8,100,000 $8,100,000 Equipment and Furniture Contingency $1,600,000 $600,000.00 $1,000,000 $1,600,000 TOTAL COSTS $10,700,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,600,000 $9,100,000 $10,700,000 FUNDING SOURCES TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash Certificates of Obligation $3,283,272 $169,672 $3,113,600 $3,283,272 General Obligation Bonds New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds System Revenue - Cash Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt Other Funding Sources' - $7,416,728 $1,430,328 $5,986,400 $7,416,728 TOTAL SOURCES $10,700,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,600,000 $9,100,000 $10,700,000 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: Includes HGAC TIP funds in the estimated amount of $7,266,400 and Park Zone 9 funds of $150,328 (2021). Proposed TIP letting in 2022 Project Manager: Susan Johnson Project's Approval Date: 31 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER JHEC Nature Trails Phase II PK1901 5 PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE Project includes a boardwalk over the East pond with an observation deck, paddle craft launch areas, picnic tables, benches, trash receptacles, and interpretive signage. t ; PROJECT JUSTIFICATION The overall vision for this particular area was to provide an area that provides access to nature in a suburban setting, provide for recreation opportunities and provide a facility for environmental/nature education and awareness. It will also be a showcase facility displaying the multi- use of both a detention pond and water treatment plant effluent to create a usable park and open space for the community. Because appropriate grant money became available through the County coupled with trails appearing as a number one priority in citizen surveys for many years, the City has proceeded with acting on the vision of creating the trail portion of the project using the money made available. INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Impact on operating budget LNo Ljfes (See Below) Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Revenue Personnel Services Operation & Maintenance $11,415 511,758 S12.110 Capital Outlay Total Expense $11,415 511,758 $12,110' FTE Staff Total PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report Land/Right of Way Design/Surveying $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 Construction $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 Equipment and Furniture $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 Contingency $200,000 $100,000 $100,000 $200,000 TOTAL COSTS $1,365,000 50 _ $0 $0 $250,000 $1,115,000 $0 50 $1,365,000 FUNDING SOURCES TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash Certificates of Obligation General Obligation Bonds New/Proposed GO Bonds $1,365,000 $250,000 $1,115,000 $1,365,000 PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds System Revenue - Cash Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt Other Funding Sources' - TOTAL SOURCES $1,365,000 50 $0 $0 _ $250,000 $1,115,000 50 $0 $1,365,000 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: Applied for Restore Act funds. Possible CIAP grant funding. Project Manager: Project's Approval Date: 32 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER Park Equipment Recapitalization PK1902 2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE A recapitalization program to update an aging Parks Infrastructure and Amenity inventory. Updated features will include playgrounds, shade structures, and safety surfaces. [� J � , PROJECT JUSTIFICATION As our population base grows, proportionally the use and wear on our assets grows along with it. A proactive decision to maintain a safe and desirable park infrastructure is a trademark of a signature community. INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Impact on operating budget LNe LNes:See Belev+; T x. 5 Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 ]' l • ' Total Revenue Personnel Services Operation & Maintenance Capital Outlay Total Expense FTE Staff Total PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineerinq Report Land/Right of Way Design/Surveying Construction Equipment and Furniture $2,500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $2,000,000 Contingency TOTAL COSTS $2,500,000 $0 $0 $0 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $2,000,000 FUNDING SOURCES TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash Certificates of Obligation General Obligation Bonds New/Proposed GO Bonds $2,500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $2,000,000 PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds System Revenue - Cash Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt Other Funding Sources' - TOTAL SOURCES $2,500,000 $0 $0 $0 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $2,000,000 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: Carries over to 2023. Project Manager: Parks Project's Approval Date: 33 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER Independence Park Phase II PK1903 3 PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE Phase II improvements to Independence Park will build off of amenities completed in Phase I. Additional amenities could include dog park enhancements, expansion of playground space, additional sports courts, repurposing of the existing swimming pool area for new water park, and the incorporation/integration of the adjacent detention pond as a usable park amenity. In addition to the added amenities, the needed support infrastructure (roads, walkways, restrooms, water, electrical, etc.) will be completed as well. Support appurtenances for security system. 4' a Y1 � w _ 1 I -- 1 y' .• PROJECT JUSTIFICATION According to the survey done in conjunction with the master plan, this park is highly utilized. Most of the current amenities are outdated and/or are in bad condition and are in need of replacement. Recommendation from the master plan updated in 2015 will include upgrades to this,`. existing park. INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Impact on operating budget LNo Dees (See Below) Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Revenue Personnel Services Operation & Maintenance Capital Outlay Total Expense FTE Staff Total PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report Land/Right of Way Design/Surveying $900,000 $900,000 $900,000 Construction $5,600,000 $1,300,000 $4,300,000 $5,600,000 Equipment and Furniture Contingency $1,120,000 $120,000 $200,000 $800,000 $1,120,000 TOTAL COSTS $7,620,000 $0 $0 $0 $1,020,000 $1,500,000 $5,100,000 $0 $7,620,000 FUNDING SOURCES TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash Certificates of Obligation General Obligation Bonds New/Proposed GO Bonds $7,620,000 $1,020,000 $1,500,000 $5,100,000 $7,620,000 PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds System Revenue - Cash Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt Other Funding Sources' - TOTAL SOURCES $7,620,000_ $0 $0 $0 $1,020,000 $1,500,000 $5,100,000 $0 $7,620,000 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: Project Manager: TBD Project's Approval Date: 34 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER Shadow Creek Ranch Park Phase II PK2001 4 PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE Phase II of the Sports Complex at Shadow Creek Ranch will include the addition of two cricket fields (which can also serve the needs of Rugby groups), a multipurpose 'Miracle Field' area (a sports surface designed to accommodate special needs athletes), additional field lighting, approximately 250 parking spaces, and expanded restrooms and concession offerings. i '- � a v I A . PROJECT JUSTIFICATION As the community continues to grow in an increasingly diverse manner it is important to maintain relevance by programming for members of all demographics. INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Impact on operating budget LjJo [des (See Below) Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Revenue Personnel Services Operation & Maintenance $161,860 Capital Outlay Total Expense $161,860 FTE Staff Total TOTAL FY PROJECTED ALLO ATIONS PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION BUDGET 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report Land/Right of Way Design/Surveying $1,080,000 $1,080,000 $1,080,000 Construction $7,200,000 $3,600,000 $3,600,000 $7,200,000 Equipment and Furniture Contingency $1,440,000 $440,000 $1,000,000 $1,440,000 TOTAL COSTS $9,720,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,080,000 $4,040,000 $4,600,000 $9,720,000 TOTAL FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES FUNDING SOURCES BUDGET 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash Certificates of Obligation General Obligation Bonds New/Proposed GO Bonds $9,720,000 $1,080,000 $4,040,000 $4,600,000 $9,720,000 PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds System Revenue - Cash Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt Other Funding Sources' - TOTAL SOURCES $9,720,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,080,000 $4,040,000 $4,600,000 $9,720,000 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: Project Manager: Cara Davis Project's Approval Date: 6/22/2015 35 CITY OF PEARLAND 2018 - 2022 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FACILITIES Project No. Project Name Budgeted Thru 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Project Total 2018 - 2022 Allocation F20002 Tom Reid Library Expansion 4,445,335 4,445,335 FA0904 City Hall Complex Renovations 7,778,011 51,531 7,829,542 51,531 FA1404 Orange Street Service Center Phase 1 2,543,000 3,285,100 5,828,100 3,285,100 FA1501 Fire Station #8 6,800 1,169,000 8,805,000 9,980,800 9,974,000 FA1601 Fire Station #1 4,769,557 350,000 5,119,557 350,000 FA1702 Facilities Assessment and Maintenance Plan 250,000 250,000 500,000 500,000 FA1801 PER for Future Bond Referendum 300,000 300,000 300,000 FA1802 Fiber Backbone 200,000 150,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 650,000 650,000 FA1803 Animal Services Shelter 12,000 700,000 805,000 3,862,000 5,379,000 5,379,000 FA1804 Fire Station #7 1,485,000 500,000 5,989,000 7,974,000 7,974,000 FA2001 Shadow Creek Library 200,000 1,760,000 7,350,000 9,310,000 9,310,000 FA2002 Orange Street Service Center Phase 2 980,000 3,895,000 22,375,000 27,250,000 27,250,000 FA2101 Fire Station #4 1,560,000 6,089,000 7,649,000 7,649,000 TOTAL 19,542,703 7,102,631 11,385,000 11,744,000 31,129,000 11,312,000 92,215,334 72,672,631 SOURCE OF FUNDS Budgeted Thru 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Project Total 2018-2022 Allocation General Revenue - Cash 250,000 12,000 325,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 737,000 487,000 Certificates of Obligation 13,259,996 3,648,000 9,697,000 9,107,000 15,039,000 50,750,996 37,491,000 General Obligation Bonds 3,410,000 3,410,000 New/Proposed GO Bonds 700,000 200,000 2,565,000 11,212,000 14,677,000 14,677,000 PEDC 536,768 536,768 W/S Revenue Bonds 3,798,915 516,000 588,000 2,337,000 13,425,000 20,664,915 System Revenues - Cash 200,000 75,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 425,000 16,866,000 425,000 Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt Other Funding Sources 712,124 301,531 1,013,655 Plus Bonds Sold in Prior Years TOTAL 21,967,803 4,677,531 11,385,000 11,744,000 31,129,000 11,312,000 92,215,334 301,531 2,425,100 72,672,631 Note: The totals do not tie by year as the City sometimes appropriates funds for GO Bond projects in one year and then sells the bonds in the next year. 36 HOUSTON Toni Baso Re onal Park Fin Station 1 Shadow Creek Library Fin Station 8 Tom Raid Library Expansion Fin Station 7 \irli� ii CITY OF PEARLAND 0 2018 - 2022 0 Capital Improvement Projects O Facilities Fire Station 1 Fire Station 4 Fire Station 7 O Fire Station 8 O Animal Services Shelter OOrange St Service Center Phase l & II 0 0 Shadow Creek Library City Hall Complex Renovations Tom Reid Library Expansion Projects Not Shown Tiber Backbone • PER for Future Bond Referendum *Facilities Assessment and Maintenance Plan 1:63,360 or 1 In = 1 miles 0 0.5 1 z Miles This product . for informational Pwpo..,and rosy nor hays been prepared 1rdesomrw'te`¢nvv`er ont vnionhmnd or represents ,mM.relative location .fproperty boundaries. oPeeeieJUNE CITY PREPARED: DEPARTMENT 37 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER Tom Reid Library Expansion F20002 Ongoing PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE The library expansion will increase the now 20,584 sf building by 8,174 sf for an overall floor plan area of 28,758 sf. This expansion will create new areas in the library such as a bookstore, children's story time room, teen zone, computer labs and additional office/storage space. Renovations and enlargements of existing areas such as the circulation desk and book stacks are also included. Additional scope includes replacement of three existing HVAC units and replacement of the entire roof. ( r ' 1 ;a "" PROJECT JUSTIFICATION The significant population growth of Pearland has created a need for a larger children's area and adult meeting room to conduct activities, more stack area for books, and improved computer access. Increasing maintenance costs for outdated non -energy efficient HVAC equipment support replacement at this time. INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Impact on operating budget Leo U(es (see aeiow)Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Revenue Personnel Services Operation & Maintenance $69,309 $69,309 $69,309 $69,309 $69,309 Capital Outlay Total Expense $69,309 $69,309 $69.309 $69,309 $69,309 FTE Staff Total PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report $35,260 $35,260 535,260 $35,260 Land/Right of Way Design/Surveying $341,765 $341,765 $341,765 $341,765 Construction $3,980,310 $3,980,310 $3,980,310 $3,980,310 Equipment and Furniture $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 Contingency $38,000 $288,000 $38,000 $38,000 TOTAL COSTS 54,445,335 $4,695,335 $4,445,335 $0 $0 $0 50 50 $4,445,335 FUNDING SOURCES TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash $250,000 5250,000 $250,000 Certificates of Obligation $770,335 $1,285,335 $770,335 $770,335 General Obligation Bonds $3,410,000 $3,410,000 $3,410,000 53,410,000 New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds System Revenue - Cash Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt Other Funding Sources - $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 TOTAL SOURCES $4,445,335 $4,695,335 $4,445,335 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $4,445,335 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: $15,000 from Fund 500. Bonds Sold - $35,260 (CO) sold prior to 2014, $302,000 (GO) in 2015, $3,108,000 (GO) in 2016, $735,075 (CO) in 2016, and $250,000 transferred from GF. Project Manager: Cara Davis Project's Approval Date: 6/22/2015 38 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER City Hall Complex Renovations FA0904 Ongoing PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE The existing Community Center was constructed in 1983 and City Hall in 1986. Departmental Space Programming was completed in 2014. This program incorporates the remodel of approximately 23,110 square feet of the former Community Center for Community Development and Finance & UB departments, renovations to the HVAC, Electrical and Plumbing systems and the installation of a sprinkler system for that building. It includes the remodel of 27,800 square feet in City Hall, the replacement of HVAC systems, including modifications to the Council Chambers, Administration, City Secretary, Legal, HR and Receptionist spaces and will include security and safety (exterior lighting) improvements for both buildings. - - y PROJECT JUSTIFICATION Increased demands for secure public contact and a more effective and efficient use of existing space for Community Development. Finance Department growth and specifically related activities require consolidation of the personnel and those activities in a single building. Greater public access is provided by moving the Administration and City Secretary to the first floor of City Hall and efficiencies are created by moving Legal and Communications into proximity with Admin. Current HVAC equipment is long past the useful life expectancy and requires replacement. Remodeling the existing facilities will provide space for staff growth through build -out and can be performed at less than one third the cost of building a new facility.£ -7,==xz-w;- �- INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Impact on operating budget LNo Des (See Below) Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Revenue Personnel Services Operation & Maintenance Capital Outlay Total Expense FTE Staff Total PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report Land/Right of Way Design/Surveying $537,298 $537,298 $537,298 $537,298 Construction $6,610,872 $6,610,872 $6,610,872 $51,531 $6,662,403 Equipment and Furniture $297,941 $297,941 $297,941 $297,941 Contingency $331,900 $331,900 $331,900 $331,900 TOTAL COSTS $7,778,011 $7,778,011 $7,778,011 $51,531 $0 $0 $0 $0 57,829,542 FUNDING SOURCES TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash Certificates of Obligation $5,726,064 $5,726,064 $5,726,064 55,726,064 General Obligation Bonds New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC $536,768 $536,768 $536,768 $536,768 W/S Revenue Bonds $818,055 $818,055 $818,055 $818,055 System Revenue - Cash Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt Other Funding Sources' - $697,124 $697,124 $697,124 $51,531 $748,655 TOTAL SOURCES $7,778,011 $7,778,011 $7,778,011 $51,531 $0 $0 $0 $0 $7,829,542 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: Remaining Fund balance, Funds 50 and 201 ($100,396). PEG channel to fund $538,039 for the in-house studio for municipal programming, sound booth, AN control booth and council chambers A/V. PEDC to fund $536,768 for PEDC suite renovations added to construction in 2016. $10,220 transferred from Traffic Signal Network (FA1002) and $100,000 from OSSC (FA1404). Bold Sold - $400,000 (CO) in 2014, 54,252,518 (CO) in 2016, $1,073,546 (CO) to be sold in 2017 and $818,055 (RB) in 2016. Project Manager: Jennifer Lee Project's Approval Date: 39 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER Orange Street Service Center Phase 1 FA1404 Ongoing PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE Phase 1A consists of the remodel of the former EMS building into the Field Operations Support building with parking improvements and Phase 1B consists of the demolition of the existing administration and two story operations support buildings and the construction of a new 12,000 square foot Administration Building and new parking area to house approximately 50 staff including the Assistant City Manager, Public Works Administration and the Engineering and Projects Department. The Field Operations Support building will provide a training room, small conference room, staff area, men's and women's locker facilities/restrooms/showers for approximately 100 employees. _ I I 11111111 I 11111 1 I t PROJECT JUSTIFICATION The Orange Street facility has not been updated in over twenty years and has exceeded its useful life. Departmental administrative staff levels have changed and grown over this period and staff are being officed out of poorly constructed facilities in the attached areas of the Admin building or in makeshift offices throughout the yard area. The existing office and support facilities were built before wind storm requirements and no longer meet manyof current life safetyand ADA codes. 9 INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Impact on operating budget L(c Ljies (See Below) Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Revenue Personnel Services Operation & Maintenance $6,800 $6,800 S6,800 36,800 56.800 Capital Outlay Total Expense $6,800 $6,800 $6,800 $6,800 S6,800 FTE Staff Total TOTAL FY PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION BUDGET 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report Land/Right of Way Design/Surveying $543,000 $543,000 $543,000 $543,000 Construction $4,475,000 $3,715,000 $1,574,900 $2,900,100 $4,475,000 Equipment and Furniture $510,000 $410,000 $125,000 8385,000 $510,000 Contingency $300,100 $300,100 $300,100 $300,100 TOTAL COSTS $5,828,100 $4,968,100 $2,543,000 $3,285,100 $0 $0 $0 $0 $5,828,100 TOTAL FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES FUNDING SOURCES BUDGET 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash Certificates of Obligation $2,331,240 $1,987,240 $1,987,240 $344,000 $2,331,240 General Obligation Bonds New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds $3,496,860 $2,980,860 $2,980,860 $516.000 $3,496,860 System Revenue - Cash Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt Other Funding Sources' - TOTAL SOURCES $5,828,100 $4,968,100 $4,968,100 $860,000 $0 $0 - $0 $0 $5,828,100 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: Bonds sold - $290,000 (CO) in 2014, $1,697,240 (CO in 2016, and $2,980,860 (GO) in 2016. Project Manager: Susan Johnson Project's Approval Date: 40 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER Fire Station 88 FA1501 1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE Construction of approximately 16,000 - 18,000 sq. ft. fire station designed to house two - 4 person engine crews, one - 4 person ladder crew and one - 2 person ambulance crew. The station will include dorm rooms, restrooms with showers, a kitchen/dining area, a day room, a Captain's office and Lieutenant's office, an EMS decontamination area and an exercise room along with storage areas for bunker gear, medical supplies. office Thefacility will be constructed to 140 mph/3 second gust wind load standards and will include four 80 feet deep drive through equipment bays and adequate parking for full staffing on 24/7 operation. ,, / ' °� , ------------.. a--,—,-_---._—.._.._.._.-------- I , . r fir p � t rmwv rr�; r j �"vi nil ------- .,� Y .., .._.__:------ :------The Tom Ba, Regru ,.+ • �" r — r. , ( - - x + _ .-'- M "j � sx` Fire Station4--- -r ' . _, �/ 1 \ = t w P tJ r-, PROJECT JUSTIFICATION Station 8 is needed as most of this area of Pearland is currently well beyond a best practice travel time of 4 minutes for emergency response vehicles. Also, current Fire Station 5 is nearing maximum incident response capacity. Station 8's primary response area will be Shadow Creek Parkway from SH288 to FM521. It will also cover up to Beltway 8 and the northern half of the Shadow Creek Ranch Development. Fire Station 8 is a larger station intended to house one ambulance, two fire engine pumpers and one aerial ladder platform. It is a combined fire station as there are no readily available properties to site a Fire Station 9 as called for in the Council adopted 2012 Fire Station Master Location Plan. The 2017 Citygate Standards of Cover and Staffing Study echoes the 2012 study and indicates Station 8 as a high priority as evidenced through the use of GIS mapping, actual travel time data and incident demand data. �: f . J o'caee f ' 7 f f I` / 1 f t 1 / t l INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Impact on operating budget Lk/t. Ldes (See Belon; Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Revenue Personnel Services $3,029,389 $3,120,271 $3,213,879 Operation & Maintenance $323,431 $323,431 $323,431 Capital Outlay $2,600,000 $15,400 Total Expense $2,600,000 $3,368,220 $3,443,702 $3,537,310 FTE Staff Total 30.0 PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 4024 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report $48,800 $6,800 $6,800 $42,000 $48,800 Land/Right of Way $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 Design/Surveying $1,107,000 $1,107,000 $1,107,000 Construction $7,380,000 $7,380,000 $7,380,000 Equipment and Fumiture $369,000 $369,000 $369,000 Contingency $1,056,000 $1,056,000 $1,056,000 TOTAL COSTS $9,980,800 $6,800 $6,800 $1,169,000_ $8,805,000 $0 50 $0 $9,980,800 FUNDING SOURCES TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash Certificates of Obligation $9,980,800 $6,800 $6,800 $1,169,000 $8,805,000 $9,980,800 General Obligation Bonds New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds System Revenue - Cash Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt Other Funding Sources' - TOTAL SOURCES $9,980,800 _ $6,800 $6,800 $1,169,000 $8,805,000 $0 $0 $0 $9,980,800 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: Funds for the PER ($6,800) were transferred from Fire Station #2. Project Manager: Cara Davis Projects Approval Date: 41 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER Fire Station #1 FA1601 Ongoing PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE Construction of approximately 10,300 sq. ft. station to house one - 4 person Engine Crew and one - 2 person EMS Ambulance Crew, and 2 trainees. Station will include sleeping rooms, restrooms with showers, and a kitchen dining area, a dayroom, a Lieutenant office, a station command office, and exercise room. Equipment area will consist of 3-60 foot deep drive-thru apparatus bays, a bunker gear storage area, medical supply storage, and an EMS decontamination area. Also the station will support a separation of dirty/clean areas for firefighter health, which will include showers and restroom shower for decontamination. The facility will be located on McHard Road near Pearland Parkway on City owned land. The building will be designed to add 2 - 60 foot deep apparatus bays in the future. PROJECT JUSTIFICATION Replaces the existing station # 1 located at Old Alvin and Orange that is approximately 48 years old and is beyond it's service life. The Master Fire Station Location Plan, November 2011, describes that the proposed location will improve response times. In addition, the new station will better accommodate a 24-hour operation and will add EMS housing. a a � INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Impact on operating budget Lk des (See Below)" Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Revenue Personnel Services Operation & Maintenance Capital Outlay Total Expense FTE Staff Total PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report Land/Right of Way Design/Surveying $449,257 $449,257 $449,257 $449,257 Construction $3,900,000 $3,700,000 $3,700,000 $200,000 $3,900,000 Equipment and Furniture $210,300 $160,300 $160,300 $50,000 $210,300 Contingency $560,000 $460,000 $460,000 $100,000 $560.000 TOTAL COSTS S5,119,557 $4,769,557 $4,769,557 $350,000 $0 $0 SO $0 $5,119,557 FUNDING SOURCES TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash Certificates of Obligation 55,119,557 $4,769,557 $4,769,557 $350,000 $5,119,557 General Obligation Bonds New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds System Revenue - Cash Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt Other Funding Sources' - TOTAL SOURCES $5,119,557 $4,769,557 $4,769,557 $350,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $5,119,557 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: Bonds sold - $449,257 in 2016 and $4,320,300 to be sold in 2017. Project Manager: Robert Upton Project's Approval Date: 42 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER Facilities Assessment and Maintenance Plan FA1702 4 PROJECT DESCRIPTION This assessment plan is to evaluate all city facilities for building system lifespan and condition. Information from this initial evaluation will assist with budget forecasts for each year by having a clear understand of building systems, their age and forecast lifespan, and when they should be budgeted for replacement. This would include HVAC/ Electrical/ Plumbing/ Flooring/ Ceilings/ Lighting upgrades/ Fixtures/ Insulation/ Structural....etc. :d z � PROJECT JUSTIFICATION Without this information, we continue to perform reactive facility management. Often, this means long lead times for critical equipment repair or replacement and rental of temporary systems to maintain operation until necessary equipment can be ordered/ manufactured/ delivered/ installed/ commissioned. Another thing to consider, this one time CIP request wit not be adequate. It will need to be an ongoing process. Subsequent assessments should cost significantly less due to the fact the database has already been built. r ," q � INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Impact on operating budget UJo llfes (see Below) Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Revenue Personnel Services Operation & Maintenance Capital Outlay Total Expense FTE Staff Total _ TOTAL FY PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION BUDGET 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report Land/Right of Way Design/Surveying $500,000 $250,000 $250,000 $500,000 Construction Equipment and Furniture Contingency TOTAL COSTS $500,000 $0 $0 $250,000 $250,000 $0 $0 $0 $500,000 TOTAL FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES FUNDING SOURCES BUDGET 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash $250,000 $250,000 $250.000 Certificates of Obligation General Obligation Bonds New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds System Revenue - Cash Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt Other Funding Sources' - $250,000 $250,000 $250,000 TOTAL SOURCES $500,000 $0 $0 $250,000 $250,000 $0 $0 $0 $500,000 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: Transferred $250,000 from TR1703. Project Manager: Project's Approval Date: 43 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER PER for Future Bond Referendum FA180', o PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE Provide funding for preliminary engineering of future facility projects including Orange Street Service Center Phase II, Shadow Creek Ranch Library, and Animal Services Shelter. 4 4 4 1 AS C 1 8 0 — PROJECT JUSTIFICATION These planning efforts will tighten down scopes and provide detailed cost estimates for a bond referendum. INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Impact on operating budget Jac, }res (See Below) TEX �. Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Revenue Personnel Services Operation & Maintenance Capital Outlay Total Expense FTE Staff Total PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report $300,000 S3(0 )('0 l $300,000 Land/Right of Way Design/Surveying Construction Equipment and Furniture Contingency TOTAL COSTS $300,000 50 50 5300.000 SO 50 SO 50 $300,000 FUNDING SOURCES TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash Certificates of Obligation $300,000 $300,000 $300,000 General Obligation Bonds New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds System Revenue - Cash Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt Other Funding Sources' - TOTAL SOURCES $300,000 $0 $0 $300,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $300,000 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: Project Manager: Projects Project's Approval Date: 44 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER Fiber Backbone FA1802 3 PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE To extend and build out the fiber network to reach all c ty facilities (buildings, lift stations, parks traffic signals, and water facilities). Funds in 2018 will bring fiber from Broadway at Dixie Farm Road to the Longwood treatment plant and interconnect the water towers to buildings that are in close proximity to them. ` ._. f / .. "•., i fin,,. �.'' 1 -'tl ` _ ,„ W Lr"'_ '? • M w � c I PROJECT JUSTIFICATION The City currently relies on Fiber Optic cabling to connect major facilities to their applications, as well as traffic signal and camera operations along major thoroughfares. The IT Department began consolidating the City's data centers down to a single data center in an effort to reduce cost, streamline operations, & centralize technology. This effort could only be accomplished by having the Fiber Optic infrastructure in place to support system operations. As the City continues to build new facilities, remodel old facilities, and install critical infrastructure components, reliable connectivity to the applications & systems are essential. Fiber Optic cabling provides seemingly limitless connectivity between sites & provides superior quality over other mediums. There are a few standalone fiber projects proposed to connect remaining sites as well as traffic signals. INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Impact on operating budget LNo Lj es (See Below) Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Revenue -- ..»css Arts ...cow t401. *NM espv,e I ti r, ,' ---��--- "' Personnel Services Operation & Maintenance Capital Outlay Total Expense FTE Staff Total TOTAL FY PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION BUDGET 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report Land/Right of Way Design/Surveying Construction $650,000 $200,000 $150,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $650,000 Equipment and Furniture Contingency TOTAL COSTS $650,000 $0 $0 S200,000 $150,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $650,000 TOTAL FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES FUNDING SOURCES BUDGET 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash $225,000 $75.000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $225,000 Certificates of Obligation General Obligation Bonds New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds System Revenue - Cash $425,000 $200,000 $75,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $425,000 Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt Other Funding Sources' - TOTAL SOURCES $650,000- $0 $0 $200,000 $150,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $650,000 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: Project Manager: IT Project's Approval Date: 2/16/2016 45 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER Animal Services Shelter PA1803 PROJECT DESCRIPTION _PROJECT IMAGE New 7,000 sq, ft. animal shelter on 4 acres to house 16 staff members, medical suite, dog runs to house 75 canine clients, and cat runs for 120 felines, quarantine area for up to 10 quarantined animals, grazing area needed for 20 livestock, adoption center with 2 rooms for possible interaction observation, and laundry area. is 1n -, 1 f^ r5L ' _ ; t ; .► t PROJECT JUSTIFICATION The average population of the shelter is 63 animals. The maximum holding capacity is 83 animals. There is capacity for up to 8 livestock animals. Building is maintenance intensive. INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Impact on operating budget �`I. �f'es (Sec Below) Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Revenue Personnel Services Operation & Maintenance $14,917 Capital Outlay Total Expense $14,917 FTE Staff Total PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS _ 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report $12,000 112 000 1 $12,000 Land/Right of Way $700,000 $700,000 $700,000 Design/Surveying $483,000 $483,000 $483,000 Construction $3,220,000 $3,220,000 $3,220,000 Equipment and Furniture $320,000 $320,000 $320,000 Contingency $644,000 $322,000 $322,000 $644,000 TOTAL COSTS 55,379.000 50 50 512,000 $700,000 $0 5805,000 $3,862,000 55,379,000 FUNDING SOURCES TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash $12,000 $12,000 $12,000 Certificates of Obligation General Obligation Bonds New/Proposed GO Bonds $5,367,000 $700,000 $805,000 $3,862,000 $5,367,000 PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds System Revenue - Cash Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt Other Funding Sources' - TOTAL SOURCES $5,379,000 $0 $0 $12,000 $700,000 $0 $805,000 $3,862,000 $5,379,000 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: Possible funding from Mason Animal Foundation Grant, Petco Partners, Quorum Project Manager: Project's Approval Date: 46 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER Fire Station #7 FA1804 2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE Construction of approximately 11,000 sq. ft. station to house one - 4 person Engine Crew and one - 2 person EMS Ambulance Crew, and 2 trainees. Station will include sleeping rooms, restrooms with showers, & a kitchen dining area, a dayroom, a Lieutenant office, a station command office, & exercise room. Equipment area will consist of 3-60 foot deep drive-thru apparatus bays, a bunker gear storage area, medical supply storage, & an EMS decontamination area. Also the station will support a separation of dirty/clean areas for firefighter health, which will include showers & restroom shower for decontamination. The facility will be located near the vacinity of SH 35 and Bailey. , .. `a r • •11, OtLER 0R "" '. 1 . i- Y "' wo L I. 1 t • t o. f 7 .. .., ,.., i reueR a r I — PROJECT JUSTIFICATION As indicated and proposed by the 2012 Master Fire Station Location Plan as adopted by City Council resolution. The 2017 Citygate Standards of Cover and Staffing Study also supports this location INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Impact on operating budget LI - Lh'es (Sec Below) Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Revenue Personnel Services 31,388.317 S1.429.967. Operation & Maintenance 3127,838 3127.838 Capital Outlay Total Expense $1,516,156 $1,557,805 FTE Staff Total 12.0 TOTAL FY PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION BUDGET 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report $270,000 $270,000 $270,000 Land/Right of Way $325,000 $325,000 $325,000 Design/Surveying $790,000 $790,000 $790,000 Construction $5,265,000 $500,000 $4,765,000 $5,265,000 Equipment and Furniture $264,000 $264,000 $264,000 Contingency $1,060,000 $100,000 $960,000 31,060.000 TOTAL COSTS 37,974,000 $0 $0 $1,485,000 $500.000 $5,989,000 $0 $0 $7,974.000 TOTAL FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES FUNDING SOURCES BUDGET 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash Certificates of Obligation $7,974,000 $1,485,000 $500,000 $5,989,000 $7,974,000 General Obligation Bonds New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds System Revenue - Cash Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt Other Funding Sources - TOTAL SOURCES $7,974,000 $0 $0 $1,485,000 $500,000 $5,989,000 $0 $0 $7,974,000 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: Project Manager: TBD Project's Approval Date: 2/9/2016 47 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER Shadow Creek Library FA2001 9 PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE Design and Construct a new permanent County Library facility on the west side. To consist of approximately 30,000 square feet, using spat requirements and usage information similar to that developed for the renovations to the Tom Reid Library. Other features include: specialized chill water systems, exterior security lighting, specialized library furnishings. Current planning has the facility located on a 3.2 acre site owned by the City on Shadow Creek Parkway west of Kirby Drive. However, there is potential for collaboration with Brazoria County and Alvin ISD for different locations. Timing for the project coincides with the expiration of the lease on the existing facility within the shopping center at Broadway and Business Center Drive. "` ` s t r r R i A 1� 0 PROJECT JUSTIFICATION In late 2012 the City initiated construction of a temporary (7 to 10 year) County Library Annex in commercial storefront space off of Broadway and Business Center Drive. This consisted of approximately 6,000 square feet. The facility has experienced substantial patronage from residents within the west end of the city. In 2014 the facility was expanded 4,000 square feet to accommodate high demand. The new library would provide a permanent home for this facility and be sized to accommodate growing demands from citizens throughout the county. INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Impact on operating budget L bo L_j,'es (See Below) Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022�^'✓,. Total Revenue Personnel Services c t ..a :� a •x Operation & Maintenance Capital Outlay Total Expense FTE Staff Total PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report $200,000 $200,000 $200,000 Land/Right of Way Design/Surveying $1,390,000 $1,390,000 $1,390,000 Construction $13,700,000 $6,850,000 $6,850,000 Equipment and Furniture $1,590,000 Contingency $1,370,000 $370,000 $500,000 $870,000 TOTAL COSTS $18,250,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $200,000 $1,760,000 $7,350,000 $9,310,000 FUNDING SOURCES TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash Certificates of Obligation General Obligation Bonds New/Proposed GO Bonds $18,250,000 $200,000 $1,760,000 $7,350,000 $9,310,000 PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds System Revenue - Cash Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt Other Funding Sources' - TOTAL SOURCES $18,250,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $200,000 $1,760,000 $7,350,000 $9,310,000 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: Remaining project cost in 2023 Project Manager: Jennifer Lee Project's Approval Date: 48 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER Orange Street Service Center Phase 2 FA2002 ,7 PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE Phase 2 of the project will proceed from e Facility Master Plan. A new Operational building to house Superintendents, operational staff, fleet maintenance, facility maintenance, water and sewer material and equipment. This will replace and consolidate several existing operational buildings, fuel island, and service facility as they are reaching the end of useful service life. Additional parking for staff growth. Parks Maintenance building to be incorporated in the Facility Master Plan. A PROJECT JUSTIFICATION The Orange Street facility has not been updated in over twenty years. Departmental administrative staff levels have changed and grown over this period and staff are being officed out of poorly constructed facilities in the attached areas of the Admin building or in makeshift offices throughout the yard area. Reconstruct of office facilities will allow consolidation of division superintendents, support staff and admin. New construction will be designed to meet current occupancy and wind storm codes. Illitiij ...... i= A t`,� ` INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS act onoperating budget Ljuo es (see Below) R: Ut-- Na114-:Im "i•i Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 IIIIIIIIIIIHNti#NtI NI Il IIIIIIP lililililUIRIIII -1 1 -- Total Revenue '1/4ck'.. Personnel Services Operation & Maintenance $387,912 Capital Expense $387,912 FTE Staff Total TOTAL FY PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION BUDGET 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report $980,000 $980,000 $980,000 Land/Right of Way Design/Surveying $1,950,000 $1,950,000 $1,950,000 Construction $19,450,000 $19,450,000 $19,450,000 Equipment and Furniture $980,000 $980,000 $980,000 Contingency $3,890,000 $1,945,000 $1,945,000 53,890,000 TOTAL COSTS $27,250.000 $0 $0 _ $0 $980,000 $3,895,000 $22,375,000 $0 $27,250,000 TOTAL FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES FUNDING SOURCES BUDGET 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash Certificates of Obligation $10,900,000 $392,000 $1,558,000 $8,950,000 $10,900,000 General Obligation Bonds New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds $16,350,000 $588,000 $2,337,000 $13,425,000 $16,350,000 System Revenue - Cash Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt Other Funding Sources' - TOTAL SOURCES $27,250,000 $0 $0 $0 _ $980,000 $3,895,000 $22,375,000 $0 $27,250,000 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: Project Manager: Susan Johnson Project's Approval Date: 49 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER Fire Station #4 FA2101 8 PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE Relocate (build new one block east of current location) the current Fire Station to house no less than 10 personnel. 6 bays with office space for Shift Commander, 1 Fire Captain -EMS and 1 Lieutenant, report office, IT server room, an EMS decontamination area, EMS supply room, and a SCBA equipment room using similar fire station hot and cold zones as planned for New Fire Station 1. Relocate on existing property. a ax» f r' g t ^ r PROJECT JUSTIFICATION Existing fire station was built in 2002 and was originally designed for an all -volunteer (respond from home) fire department. Therefore, few of the normal 24/7 staffing working spaces found in a fire station are available. Modifications have been made during the years however there are some concerns about the hurricane resistance of the building. There are insufficient bathrooms, and other living spaces. HVAC is being replaced in 2017. There are safety and hygiene issues including: lack of airlocks between the apparatus bays and the livings spaces, a fire sprinkler system that does not meet code, no bunker gear storage and cleaning room, no EMS equipment cleaning room and storage, etc. There are also no workout facilities. INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Impact on operating budget DJo L_j;es (see Below) Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Revenue Personnel Services Operation & Maintenance Capital Outlay Total Expense FTE Staff Total PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report $270,000 $270,000 $270,000 Land/Right of Way Design/Surveying $790,000 $790,000 $790,000 Construction $5,265,000 $5,265,000 $5,265,000 Equipment and Furniture $264,000 $264,000 $264,000 Contingency $1,060,000 $500,000 $560,000 $1,060,000 TOTAL COSTS 87,649,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,560,000 $6,089,000 $0 $7,649,000 FUNDING SOURCES TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash Certificates of Obligation $7,649,000 $1,560,000 $6,089,000 $7,649,000 General Obligation Bonds New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds System Revenue - Cash Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt Other Funding Sources' - TOTAL SOURCES $7,649,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,560,000 $6,089,000 $0 $7,649,000 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: Project Manager: Project's Approval Date: 50 CITY OF PEARLAND 2018 - 2022 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM STREETS Project No. Project Name Budgeted Thru 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Project Total 2018 - 2022 Allocation T20002 Old Alvin Rd Widening - Plum Street to McHard Road 11,201,862 540,000 402,000 400,000 11,741,862 540,000 TR0601 Mykawa Road Widening - BW8 to FM 518 4,152,723 1,762,279 2,360,000 9,055,580 15,916,783 General Obligation Bonds 15,568,303 11,415,580 TR1201 Hughes Ranch Road (CR 403) - Cullen to Smith Ranch 2,021,000 13,980,000 20,620,000 24,579,020 New/Proposed GO Bonds 36,621,000 34,600,000 TR1205 Max Road Expansion - Hughes Ranch to Reid Blvd. 9,921,836 880,000 16,760,000 PEDC 450,000 10,801,836 880,000 TR1405 McHard Road Extension - Mykawa Road to Cullen Parkway 15,656,671 27,940,000 43,596,671 27,940,000 TR1501 Smith Ranch Road Expansion (CR 94) - Hughes Ranch to Broadway 1,916,803 2,780,000 2,770,000 7,466,803 5,550,000 TR1602 Safe Routes to School Impact Fees - Cash 230,000 3,530,000 3,760,000 3,760,000 TR1701 SH288 Northbound Frontage Road - CR 59 to FM 518 (Broadway) 900,000 610,000 10,130,000 11,640,000 10,740,000 TR1703 East Orange Street Reconstruction - Main St. to Schlieder Dr. 5,670,000 38,100,063 7,414,713 2,517,721 81,603,455 5,670,000 Less Bonds to be Sold TR1801 PER for Future Bond Referendum 300,000 (2,500,001) 300,000 300,000 TR1802 Multi -Modal Master Plan 28,665,580 6,455,000 400,000 168,076,476 116,635,580 400,000 400,000 TR1803 Intersection Improvements 750,000 750,000 750,000 750,000 750,000 3,750,000 3,750,000 TR1901 Street Reconstruction 2,175,000 2,175,000 2,175,000 2,175,000 8,700,000 8,700,000 TR1902 Pearland Parkway Superstreet Improvements 685,000 2,475,000 3,160,000 3,160,000 TR1903 Pearland Parkway Traffic Circle Modifications 1,050,000 3,850,000 4,900,000 4,900,000 TOTAL 51,440,895 19,230,000 59,360,000 28,665,580 6,455,000 2,925,000 168,076,475 116,635,580 SOURCE OF FUNDS Budgeted Thru 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Project Total 2018 - 2022 Allocation General Revenue - Cash 2,000 400,000 402,000 400,000 Certificates of Obligation 6,489,912 2,470,000 2,632,932 8,301,572 1,762,279 750,000 22,406,695 15,916,783 General Obligation Bonds 21,875,306 5,812,720 14,317,005 4,449,295 46,454,326 24,579,020 New/Proposed GO Bonds 3,910,000 8,500,000 2,175,000 2,175,000 16,760,000 16,760,000 PEDC 450,000 450,000 W/S Revenue Bonds System Revenues - Cash Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt Other Funding Sources 20,123,677 13,447,280 38,100,063 7,414,713 2,517,721 81,603,455 61,479,778 Less Bonds to be Sold (2,500,001) TOTAL 48,940,895 21,730,000 59,360,000 28,665,580 6,455,000 2,925,000 168,076,476 116,635,580 Note: The totals do not tie by year as the City sometimes appropriates funds for GO Bond projects in one year and then sells the bonds in the next year. 51 Tom Bass Regional Park Safe Routes to School Improvements 'Barbara Cockrell Elem. Pearland Pkwy. Traffic Circle Modifications Smith Ranch Rd. Expansion (CR 94) *Hughes Ranch to Broadway Safe Routes to School Improvements 'Challenger Elem. Max Road Expansion 'Hughes Ranch to Reid Safe Routes to School Improvements *H.C. Carleston Elem. 51-1 288 NB Frontage Rd. 'CR 59 to FM 518 (Broadway) Safe Routes to School Improvements 'Pearland Jr. High South 1'rarhold Ifi ctirrrrI 1-r l�r�rt 1 .rpt4 or g.V2Er CITY OF PEARI.ANTl""' Pearland Pkwy. Superstreet East Orange St Reconstruction Hughes Ranch Road Capital Improvement Projects Max Road Expansion Streets McHard Road Extension 2018 — 2022 MINIM Mykawa Road Widening f/INIMOld Alvin Road Widening err Smith Ranch Road Expansion SH 288 Northbound Frontage Rd OPearland Pkwy Traffic Circle Modifications 0 Intersections Improvements OSafe Routes to Schools City Limits Projects Not Shown 'Street Reconstruction ETJ •Muni -Modal Mester Plan Intersection Improvements • PER for Future Bond Referendum 1:63,360 or 1 in = 1 miles 0 0.5 1 2 Miles This pralutt iv for um.l purposes and n,ny have n PreOvred for or be wn4 tar log,. enrnneedna. or eurveyina PurpOsorepresents dine appoes roximate represent w propertysurvey PREPARE, n CITY OF PF,/.RI.n.Vlt ulS1,PaIRTMi.NT 52 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER Old Alvin Road Widening - Plum Street to McHard Road T20002 Ongoing PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE Reconstruction of approximately 5,700 feet of Old Alvin Rd from Plum St to McHard Rd from a 2 -lane asphalt to a major collector 44 wide BC - BC 4 -lane undivided curb and gutter roadway. Project includes underground drainage with 6' sidewalks along the east side and will tie into the exisiting bridge across town ditch. Project includes fiber from Broaday to McHard to serve Fire Station 1 and service to the Orange Street Service Center. PROJECT JUSTIFICATION This proposed roadway was part of the 2007 Bond Referendum and will provide another north -south route between McHard Road and FM518. Average daily count is expected to increase once McHard is put through to Cullen. INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Impact on operating budget I Nr aes (See Below) Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Revenue Personnel Services Operation & Maintenance $18,720 $18,720 $18,720 $18,720 $18,720 Capital Outlay Total Expense $18,720 $18,720 $18,720 $18,720 $18,720` FTE Staff Total PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report $261,189 $261,189 $261,189 $261,189 Land/Right of Way $551,878 $551,878 $551,878 $551,878 Design/Surveying $1,007,300 $1,007,300 $1,007,300 $1,007,300 Construction $9,245,208 $8,705,208 $8,705,208 0540,000 $9,245,208 Equipment and Furniture Contingency $676,287 $676,287 $676,287 $676,287 TOTAL COSTS $11,741,862 $11,201,862 $11,201,862 $540,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $11,741,862 FUNDING SOURCES TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash Certificates of Obligation $801,189 $261,189 $261,189 $540,000 $801,189 General Obligation Bonds $10,116,148 $10,116,148 $10,116,148 $10,116,148 New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds System Revenue - Cash Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt Other Funding Sources'- $824,525 $824,525 $824,525 $824,525 TOTAL SOURCES $11,741,862 $11,201,862 $11,201,862 $540,000 $0 $0 _ SO $0 $11,741,862 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: Other funding includes $752,000 of Lower Kirby reimbursement used pursuant to the notice of intent to issue CO's for engineering and $72,525 from fund balance. Project Manager: Susan Johnson Project's Approval Date: 53 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER Mykawa Road Widening - BW8 to FM 518 I R0601 Ongoing PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE Construct approximately 3 miles of 4 -lane concrete curb and gutter divided boulevard section roadway, including storm sewers, outfalls and detention, traffic signals and related items. A Drainage Study, Environmental Assessment, and 95% Construction Plans were created for the segment between BW8 and McHard Rd from a previous design effort. Will require full environmental assessment and ROW takings along alignment. Run approximately 11,000' of fiber from FM 518 to Brookside. rT w i j ty,* M3 ern PROJECT JUSTIFICATION This proposed roadway is included in the City's Thoroughfare Plan and was one of the 2007 Bond Program projects to alleviate traffic headed south from the Beltway 8 to FM 518. The roadway moved a lot of commercial/industrial truck traffic and fronts many developed commercial entities as well as potential commercial lots. INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Impact on operating budget [DJo Yes (See Below) Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Revenue Personnel Services Operation & Maintenance $7,848 $94,180 Capital Outlay Total Expense $7,848 $94,180 FTE Staff Total TOTAL FY PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION BUDGET ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report $108,723 $108,723 $108,723 $108,723 Land/Right of Way $1,860,000 $1,860,000 $1,860,000 Design/Surveying $4,044,000 $1,044,000 $4,044,000 $4,044,000 Construction $8,027,580 $8,027,580 $8,027,580 Equipment and Furniture Contingency $1,528,000 $500,000 $1,028,000 $1,528,000 TOTAL COSTS $15,568,303 $1,152,723 $4,152,723 $0 $2,360,000 $9,055,580 $0 $0 $15,568,303 TOTAL FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES FUNDING SOURCES BUDGET ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 Certificates of Obligation $4,715,008 5108,723 5108,723 54,606,285 54,715,008 General Obligation Bonds $8,608,254 $206,800 $1,036,639 $2,240,720 $881,600 $4,449,295 $8,608,254 New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds System Revenue - Cash Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt Other Funding Sources - $2,243,041 $835,200 $5,361 $759,280 $1,478,400 $2,243,041 TOTAL SOURCES $15,568,303 $1,152,723 $1,152,723 $3,000,000 $2,360,000 $9,055,580 $0 $0 $15,568,303 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: Remaining authorization applied to this project. Funds from Traffic Fund $1 141 and Sidewalk Fund $4,220. HGAC TIP estimated unding ($31,641,226). TIP funding for design and land total $2,237,680. TxDOT will be managing this Project Manager: Cara Davis project therefore only the city's share is reflected. Project's Approval Date: 54 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER Hughes Ranch Road (CR 403) - Cullen to Smith Ranch Road TR1201 PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE Reconstruction of CR403 from Cullen to Smith Ranch Road from a two lane asphalt open ditch roadway to a four lane concrete curb and gutter boulevard for a distance of 2 miles. Environmental clearance issued in 2011, currently acquiring right of way. The project includes approximately 13,000 LF of Noise Barrier. Installation of additional water line infrastructure will be constructed in coordination with this project to fill in the gaps of the current system. ° PROJECT JUSTIFICATION The roadway will provide enhanced safety and access to Dawson High School located on Cullen Blvd. and enhance access to SH 288 and the SH288 toll way, in conformance with the City Thoroughfare Plan. INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Impact on operating budget LIvi, 1 es (See Below; Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Revenue Personnel Services Operation & Maintenance $96,590 $96,590 Capital Outlay Total Expense $96,590 $96,590 FTE Staff Total TOTAL FY PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION BUDGET ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report Land/Right of Way $1,300,000 $1,300,000 $1,300,000 $1,300,000 Design/Surveying $486,000 $986,000 $486,000 $486,000 Construction $33,200,000 $13,280,000 $19,920,000 $33,200,000 Equipment and Furniture Contingency $1,635,000 $235,000 $235,000 $700,000 $700,000 $1,635,000 TOTAL COSTS $36,621,000 $2,521,000 $2,021,000 $13,980,000 $20,620,000 $0 $0 $0 $36,621,000 TOTAL FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES FUNDING SOURCES BUDGET ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash Certificates of Obligation $526,850 $526,850 $526,850 General Obligation Bonds $9,456,403 $2,430,453 $2,430,453 82,856,000 $4,169,950 $9,456,403 New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds System Revenue - Cash Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt Other Funding Sources - $26,637,747 $90,547 $90,547 $10,624,000 $15,923,200 $26,637,747 TOTAL SOURCES $36,621,000 $2,521,000 $2,521,000 $13,480,000 $20,620,000 $0 $0 $0 $36,621,000 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: City or County future bond referendum. Other includes $90,547 from Traffic Fund in 2013. HGAC TIP Funds ($26,547,200), 20 9 letting. Project could receive early funding if available from HGAC moving project into late 2017 or Project Manager: Susan Johnson 2018. Project's Approval Date: 55 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER Max Road Expansion - Hughes Ranch to Reid Blvd. TR1205 Ongoing PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE Widen 3,700 LF of Max Road from the future Hughes Ranch alignment and connecting with Reid Boulevard, Just west of the Food Town shopping center. The roadway will be four lanes, divided, with concrete curb and gutter, including storm sewers, outfalls and detention. A traffic signal will be installed at the intersection of Hughes Ranch Road and Max Road, and a new bridge will be constructed over Hickory Slough. A 10 -ft multi -use path will be incorporated on the west side of the roadway from Hughes Ranch to Broadway per the Trail Master Plan. Run approximately 4,500' of fiber from FM 518 to Hughes Ranch Road west of lift station. PROJECT JUSTIFICATION New residential development in the area, as wet as the development of the City's Sports Complex adjacent to the proposed project, increase the demand for reliable access to the area. Improvements to this roadway will reduce maintenance, improve mobility, and increase public safety. INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Impact on operating budget D' o LdYes (See Below) Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 4. Total Revenue Personnel Services Operation & Maintenance $18,593 $40,523 $42,549 $44,677 $46,910 Capital Outlay Total Expense $18,593 $40,523 $42,549 $44,677 $46,910 FTE Staff Total PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report Land/Right of Way $1,100,000 $1,100,000 $1,100,000 $1,100,000 Design/Surveying $949,219 $919,219 $919,219 $30,000 $949,219 Construction $7,983,773 $7,383,773 $7,383,773 $600,000 $7,983,773 Equipment and Furniture Contingency $768,844 $518,844 $518,844 $250,000 $768,844 TOTAL COSTS $10,801,836 $9,921,836 $9,921,836 $880,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $10,801,836 FUNDING SOURCES TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash Certificates of Obligation $880,000 $880,000 $880,000 General Obligation Bonds $4,849,342 $4,849,342 $4,849,342 $4,849,342 New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds System Revenue - Cash Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt Other Funding Sources' - $5,072,494 $5,072,494 $5,072,494 $5,072,494 TOTAL SOURCES $10,801,836 $9,921,836 $9,921,836 $880,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $10,801,836 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: HGAC TIP Funds in the amount of $5,072,494. Bonds sold - $249,600 in 2013, $202,838 in 2014. $673,000 in 2015, $1,414,600 in 20 6, and $2,309,304 to be sold in 2017. Project Manager: Projects Project's Approval Date: 56 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER McHard Road Extension (Mykawa Road to Cullen Parkway) TR1405 Ongoing PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE The extension of approximately 3.5 miles of McHard Road, from Cullen Parkway to Mykawa Road, consisting of a 4 -lane, concrete, curb and gutter, divided roadway with raised medians and underground drainage. Includes storm sewers, outfalls and detention, five traffic signals at secondary thoroughfares and major collectors, sidewalks, street lighting and landscaping. This project will be coordinated with the McHard Road Trunk Sewer extension and McHard Road Water Line Extension. Moving approximately 45,000' of fiber from Barry Rose WRF to Shadow Creek Parkway from the McHard Road project to the McHard Road waterline project. Creek l/ - • "', ' ' 1 — " xP� w*"' ; ' as_ PROJECT JUSTIFICATION This project is in accordance with the City's Thoroughfare Plan to alleviate traffic on FM518 by providing an alternate east/west route between SH288 and SH35. The project was selected by H -GAC to receive 80% federal funding for design and construction through the 2013 TIP. A design engineer has been selected, a contract negotiated and design is underway with a target of meeting a letting in 2019. INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Impact on operating budget r N, L hes (See Below) Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Revenue Personnel Services Operation & Maintenance 5204,527 $204,527 $204,527 Capital Outlay Total Expense 5204,527 $204,527 $204,527 FTE Staff Total TOTAL FY PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION BUDGET ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report Land/Right of Way $4,125,581 $4,125,581 $4,125,581 $4,125,581 Design/Surveying $4,416,590 $4,416,590 $4,416,590 $4,416,590 Construction $33,630,580 $7,030,580 $7,030,580 $26,600,000 $33,630,580 Equipment and Furniture Contingency $1,423,920 $83,920 583,920 $1,340,000 51,423,920 TOTAL COSTS $43,596.671 515,656,671 515,656,671 50_ 527,940,000 50 50 50 543,596,671 TOTAL FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES FUNDING SOURCES BUDGET ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash Certificates of Obligation $136,382 $136,382 $136,382 General Obligation Bonds $10,466,758 52,718,396 $2,718,396 $7,748,362 $10,466,758 New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds System Revenue - Cash Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt Other Funding Sources' - $32,993,531 $12,938,275 $12,938,275 $20,055,256 $32,993,531 TOTAL SOURCES $43,596,671 $15,656,671 $15,656,671 $0 $27,940,000 $0 $0 $0 $43,596,671 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: HGAC TIP Funds in the amount of $32,580,531 and $413K of Lower Kirby reimbursement used pursuant to the notice of intent to issue CO's for engineering. Project Manager: Jennifer Lee Project's Approval Date: 57 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER Smith Ranch Road Extension (CR 94) - Hughes Ranch Road to Broadway TR150' PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE Expansion of Smith Ranch Road from 2 -lanes of asphalt into 4 -lanes, divided, with raised medians, concrete curb and gutter, storm sewer, and landscaping. Project will include planning and construction of provisions for utility services along both sides of the right of way. Limits are from Hughes Ranch Road, south approximately 3,250 LF to 2,040 LF north of Broadway. Run approximately 7,000' of fiber from FM 518 to Westside Event Center. 1 --'—,� PROJECT JUSTIFICATION Construction of the SH 288 Toil Lanes and the T -Ramp Access point at Hughes Ranch Road will increase traffic on this roadway. Demand for improved access to the toll lanes from Cullen Parkway and FM518 requires the expansion of this roadway. Project was selected by HGAC to receive 80% federal funding through the 2013 TIP. INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Impact on operating budget [ 1 D 1,N,' ' - Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Revenue Personnel Services Operation & Maintenance $15,057 $31,620 $33,201 $34,861 Capital Outlay Total Expense $15,057 $31,620 $33,201 $34,861 FTE Staff Total PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report Land/Right of Way $816,803 $816,803 $816,803 $816,803 Desiqn/Surveyinq $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 Construction $4,850,000 $2,580,000 $2,270,000 $4,850,000 Equipment and Furniture Contingency $800,000 $100,000 $100,000 $200,000 $500,000 $800,000 TOTAL COSTS 57,466,803 51,916,803 $1,916,803 52,780,000 $2,770,000 $0 $0 SO $7,466,803 FUNDING SOURCES TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash Certificates of Obligation $609,700 $609,700 $609,700 General Obligation Bonds $2,957,421 $724,328 $724,328 $716,000 $1,517,093 $2,957,421 New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds System Revenue - Cash Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt Other Funding Sources' - $3,899,682 $1,192,475 $1,192,475 $2,064,000 $643,207 $3,899,682 TOTAL SOURCES $7,466,803 $1,916,803 $1,916,803 $2,780,000 $2,770,000 $0 $0 $0 $7,466,803 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: Includes HGAC TIP funds in the amount of $3,899,591. Funding from the T affc Improvement Funds totals $91 in 2015. Project Manager: Susan Johnson Project's Approval Date: 58 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER Safe Routes to School Improvements 1R1602 PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE As identified in the Safe Routes to School Plan, sites may include the installation of sidewalks, drainage improvements, roadway widening, crosswalk enhancements/improvements and other traffic improvements. City staff has prioritized and produced cost estimates that include detailed scopes of work required and a project schedule. Improvements planned for HC Cadeston Elementary, Barbara Cockrell Elementary and Junior High South. Challenger Elementary was identified but will be done with Hughes Ranch Rd project.' , ? P ' • $ Ale +rnr�lll . PROJECT JUSTIFICATION Facilitate safe pedestrian mobility to schools and encourage reduced driving, traffic calming and other safety measures along these routes. Locations have been coordinated with the Safe Routes to School Study and street projects. Grant funding was included in 2015 TIP Call for Projects. INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Impact on operating budget Edun L}es (see Below) Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Revenue Personnel Services Operation & Maintenance Capital Outlay Total Expense FTE Staff Total,— TOTAL FY PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION BUDGET ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report Land/Right of Way $140,000 $140,000 $140,000 Design/Surveying $230,000 $230,000 $230,000 Construction $3,240,000 $3,240,000 $3,240,000 Equipment and Furniture Contingency $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 TOTAL COSTS 83,760.000 $0 $0 $0 _ 80 $230,000 $3,530,000 $0 $3,760,000 TOTAL FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES FUNDING SOURCES BUDGET ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash Certificates of Obligation $1,062,400 850,121 $1,012,279 $1,062,400 General Obligation Bonds New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds System Revenue - Cash Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt Other Funding Sources - $2,697,600 $179,879 $2,517,721 $2,697,600 TOTAL SOURCES $3,760,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $230,000 $3,530,000 $0 $3,760,000 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: Includes HGAC Transportation Enhancement funds in the estimated amount of $2,697,600. Project Manager: Public Works Project's Approval Date: 59 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER SH 288 Northbound Frontage Road - CR 59 to FM 518 (Broadway) TR1701 3 PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE Construct a three lane concrete curb and gutter "urban" cross-section frontage road from County Road 59 to FM 518 (Broadway), northbound only, to include a U-Turn lane under the CR59 Overpass, to include access lane to SH 288 main lanes. Project includes right of way acquisition for detention pond. This project will include extension of City utilities under a separate project to be defined at a later date. y_ .:; c' .. , i r? ;y _ ttaonowAv Fµ Sie +� •" u.Z t e1.�� + x rR +SCJ 4`^.,,. } .: PROJECT JUSTIFICATION Current traffic routes from the Silver Lake and Southfork and areas to the south must travel through these subdivisions along Smith Ranch (CR94) to access Broadway and commercial areas in the southeast quadrant of SH 288 and Broadway. This frontage road would provide a more direct route to access these locations. Additionally, the frontage road would open up prime commercial frontage along SH 288 between CR59 and Broadway to development and will reduce traffic on Broadway. INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Impact on operating budget [)',, � }'� � � '�'i��-+; Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Revenue Personnel Services Operation & Maintenance Capital Outlay Total Expense FTE Staff Total PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION TOTAL BUDGET ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report Land/Right of Way $610,000 $610,000 $610,000 Design/Surveying $900,000 $900,000 $900,000 $900,000 Construction $8,440,000 $8,440,000 $8,440,000 Equipment and Furniture Contingency $1,690,000 $1,690,000 61,690,000 TOTAL COSTS $11.640.000 $900,000 $900,000 $0 6610,000 610,130,000 60 $0 $11.640.000 FUNDING SOURCES TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash Certificates of Obligation $3,955,166 $450,000 $450,000 $610,000 $2,895,166 $3,955,166 General Obligation Bonds New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC $450,000 $450,000 $450,000 $450,000 W/S Revenue Bonds System Revenue - Cash Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt Other Funding Sources' - $7,234,834 $7,234,834 $7,234,834 TOTAL SOURCES $11,640,000 $900,000 $900,000 $0 $610,000 $10,130,000 $0 $0 $11,640,000 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: Includes HGAC TIP funds in the amount of $11,184,800 for a 2025 letting. Design funding to be split between City and PEDC. Project Manager: Jennifer Lee Project's Approval Date: 60 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER East Orange Street Reconstruction - Main St. to Schlieder Dr 1R1703 Ongoing PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE Reconstruct approximately 4,830 feet of East Orange Street from Main Street to Schlieder Drive within existing 60 foot Right of Way. Reconstruct as a concrete curb & gutter cross section to match West Orange with underground drainage & sidewalks. Incorporate corridor drainage improvements including Park Street & Old Alvin outfalls to Town Ditch to ensure positive drainage for the north end of the Old Town area. Repair or replace damaged sanitary manholes within the work zone. Project will include the construction of the mixed use trail along the top bank of Town Ditch condor from Main Street (SH35) to Old Alvin Road, Phase III of the Trail Connectivity plan. A segment of the trail will be installed on City owned property north of Orange Street between Grand & Park Streets in conjunction with drainage work through this area. r ' • a • �, 3 i ..•-•aw+�-• 4-- i r « r•- if' .. Sin, �.:+lai• ani - a� q I . , •a..• y , 88 s , ( tl .. 1 PROJECT JUSTIFICATION` East Orange Street is a minor collector but subject to increased traffic counts due to its location as a major east -west access corridor. On street parking and heavy equipment traffic to and from Public Works Service Center require the hybrid cross section developed for West Orange. Localized drainage problems for the north end of Old Town require increased outfall capacities along the corridor to resolve chronic high water complaints. Addition of the mixed use trail to this project will allow coordination of drainage improvements along the north perimeter of the drainage area and incorporate a high priority quality of life improvement in the area. INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Impact on operating budget(_,jvo L}res (See Below)' Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Revenue Personnel Services Operation & Maintenance $5,757 $5,757 $5,757 $5,757 $5,757" Capital Outlay-... Total Expense $5,757 $5,757 $5,757 $5,757 $5,757'?�"«� FTE Staff Total TOTAL PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION BUDGET ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report Land/Right of Way Design/Surveying $641,268 $641,268 $641,268 $641,268 Construction $5,028,732 $5,328,732 $5,028,732 $5,028,732 Equipment and Fumiture Contingency TOTAL COSTS $5,670,000 65,970,000 $5,670,000 $0 60 60 60 60 65,670,000 TOTAL FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES FUNDING SOURCES BUDGET ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash Certificates of Obligation $5,670,000 $5,970,000 $5,670,000 $5,670,000 General Obligation Bonds New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds System Revenue - Cash Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt Other Funding Sources' - TOTAL SOURCES $5,670,000 $5,970,000 $5,670,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $5,670,000 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: Project Manager: Susan Johnson Project's Approval Date: 61 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER PER for Future Bond Referendum TR180' PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE Provide funding for preliminary engineering on future projects yet to be identified that would be funded with the City's next bond referendum. Preliminary engineering would tighten down scopes and provide for estimated construction dollars that would be needed to take a proposition to the voters.41 b PROJECT JUSTIFICATION These planning efforts will tighten down scopes and provide detailed cost estimates for a bond referendum. INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Impact on operating budget 1!JJ° LJ es (see Below) T E X A S Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 A S %'J • 1 a Total Revenue Personnel Services Operation & Maintenance Capital Outlay Total Expense FTE Staff Total TOTAL FY PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION BUDGET ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report 5300 000 $300,000 $300,000 Land/Right of Way Design/Surveying Construction Equipment and Furniture Contingency TOTAL COSTS $300,000 SO $0 $300,000 $0 $0 SO $0 $300,000 TOTAL FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES FUNDING SOURCES BUDGET ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash Certificates of Obligation $300,000 $300,000 $300,000 General Obligation Bonds New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds System Revenue - Cash Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt Other Funding Sources' - TOTAL SOURCES $300,000 $0 $0 $300,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $300,000 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: Project Manager: Projects Project's Approval Date: 62 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER Multi-Modal Master Plan TR1802 7 PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE A long range mobility plan to address future and existing needs for the City's thoroughfares, trails, mass transit (park & ride, Connect Transit, and future services), bicycle and pedestrian needs. r1^► ii 40 v PROJECT JUSTIFICATION Provides a means to identify all modes of transportation in a comprehensive plan in order to plan for land and right of way acquisition , identify future capital projects, and develop strategies to implement new policies and procedures. INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Impact on operating budget LIde Lies (See Below) T E X A S Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 �+ I . 1 S Total Revenue Personnel Services Operation & Maintenance Capital Outlay Total Expense FTE Staff Total PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION TOTAL BUDGET ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report Land/Right of Way Design/Surveying $400.000 $400,000 $400,000 Construction Equipment and Furniture Contingency TOTAL COSTS 5400,000 $0 $0 $0 $400,000 SO 1 SO SO $400,000 FUNDING SOURCES TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash $400,000 $400,000 0400,000 Certificates of Obligation General Obligation Bonds New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds System Revenue - Cash Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt Other Funding Sources' - TOTAL SOURCES $400,000 $0 $0 $0 $400,000 $0 $0 $0 $400,000 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: Project Manager: Projects Approval Date: 63 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER Intersection Improvements TR1803 5 PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE With the continuous development driven evolution of traffic patterns and counts, intersections encounter increasing traffic flows than they were originally constructed to handle increasing congestion and raising safety concerns. Rapidly changing traffic patterns make this hard to predict, so this is a "reactive" effort aimed at modifying intersection geometry or signalization to address these conditions as and where they occur. The 2015 Traffic Management Plan identifies short term intersection improvements through out the city. The high priority intersections are the- Broadway at Dixie Farm dual left tum lanes in all directions and the Broadway at FM 1128 dual left turn lanes north and south bound which is targeted for 2018 & 2019. In 2020 we are targeting the Broadway at Pearland Parkway Northbound dual left tum lanes and additional right turn lanes north and south bound. - - S fa _ r... ""� �IN� ., ? - - .. , PROJECT JUSTIFICATION Through the 2013 citizen's survey, it was made apparent that the citizens are concerned with traffic and congestion issues. This project will allow us a funded project to address their concerns and the needs of the City to maintain or improve mobility efficiency throughout the City, while improving safety. INCREMENTAL OPERATING. AND_ MAINTENANCE COSTS `,-- Impact on operating budget L.!Jvo Li'es (See Below) Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Revenue Personnel Services Operation & Maintenance Capital Outlay Total Expense FTE Staff Total PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report Land/Right of Way $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 Design/Surveying $460,000 $100,000 $90,000 $90,000 $90,000 $90,000 $460,000 Construction $3,040,000 $560,000 $620,000 $620,000 $620,000 $620,000 $3,040,000 Equipment and Furniture Contingency $200,000 $40,000 $40,000 $40,000 $40,000 $40,000 $200,000 TOTAL COSTS $3,750,000 $0 $0 $750,000 $750,000 $750,000 _ $750,000 $750,000 $3,750,000 FUNDING SOURCES TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash Certificates of Obligation $3,750,000 $750,000 $750,000 $750,000 $750,000 $750,000 $3,750,000 General Obligation Bonds New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds System Revenue - Cash Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt Other Funding Sources - TOTAL SOURCES $3,750,000 $0 $0 $750,000 $750,000 $750,000 $750,000 $750,000 $3,750,000 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: Project Manager: Jennifer Lee Projects Approval Date: 64 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER Street Reconstruction i 8190' 4 PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE This project consists of the rehabilitation, reconditioning and reconstruction of non-TIP funding eligible collector streets throughout the City. The specific streets are based on priorities derived through the Thoroughfare Plan, the Condition Assessment Program, traffic counts and types of traffic loads that roadway sees. The specific activity selected for each roadway may vary with the objective to maintain or improve the current average assessment score city-wide. .0 ptii dift _ �� c r``� v V PROJECT JUSTIFICATION In 2015 the City Council was presented with the results of the Rights of Way Assessment Program Study which showed the current pavement condition index (PCI) rating score to be at 76/100. To maintain the current score of 76 requires an annual investment of $3.75 million (2014 dollars). This recurring portion of the pavement program will focus on the reconstruction of the streets identified in the Assessment as requiring reconstruction. The other portion of the program will focus on the maintenance of streets through the operating budget. T INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Impact on operating budget ale Des (See Brio:. E X T. Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 A 5 1 p Total Revenue Personnel ServicesQ Operation & Maintenance Capital Outlay Total Expense FTE Staff Total PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION TOTAL BUDGET ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report $375,000 $75,000 $75,000 $75,000 $75,000 $300,000 Land/Right of Way Design/Surveying $1,250,000 $250,000 $250,000 $250,000 $250,000 $1,000,000 Construction $8,750,000 $1,750,000 $1,750,000 $1,750,000 $1,750,000 $7,000,000 Equipment and Furniture Contingency $500,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 S400,000 TOTAL COSTS $10,875,000 50 50 $0 _ 52,175,000 32,175,000 $2.175,000 52,175,000 58,700,000 FUNDING SOURCES TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash Certificates of Obligation General Obligation Bonds New/Proposed GO Bonds $10,875,000 $2,175,000 $2,175,000 $2,175,000 $2,175,000 $8,700,000 PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds System Revenue - Cash Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt Other Funding Sources' - TOTAL SOURCES $10,875,000 $0 $0 $0 $2,175,000 $2,175,000 $2,175,000 $2,175,000 $8,700,000 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: Project to carryover to 2023 Project Manager: Public Works Project's Approval Date: 65 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER Pearland Parkway Superstreets Improvements -1 P1902 1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE This project consists of the construction of approximately 6 left turn lanes and 4 U -Turn lanes along with other modifications to Inc 7 ,pine ,it 13 median cuts and side street intersections between the Beltway and Broadway. These modifications are designed to improve traffic flow and safety at the intersections without the installation of traffic signals by installing improvements to reduce the number of left turn entry movements into the corridor by introducing a right turn entry with a down stream left U -Turn. �^ P '� : 411**11PROJECT rte. , ~ ~ �� ! ' 1i1,i1 --�` i + JUSTIFICATION Accident reports dating back to 2013 indicated the need for the reduction of uncontrolled left turn movements along the entire corridor. The corridor was intended to operate without traffic signals impeding the flow of traffic. These modifications provide that reduction of unprotected left turn movements and will reduce the number of entering left tums. ..��, 4 K -Jill I f I-! t._., ,: j"' :::::31. I .t ' s„ _ urY e ' t r .0 INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Impact on operating budget "JD Utes (See Below) Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Revenue Personnel Services Operation & Maintenance Capital Outlay Total Expense FTE Staff Total TOTAL PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION BUDGET ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report $120,000 $120,000 $120,000 Land/Right of Way Design/Surveying $340,000 $340,000 $340,000 Construction $2,250,000 $2,250,000 $2,250,000 Equipment and Furniture Contingency $450,000 $225,000 $225,000 $450,000 TOTAL COSTS S3,160,000 SO SO $0 5685.000 $2,475,000 $0 $0 $3,160,000 TOTAL FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES FUNDING SOURCES BUDGET ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash Certificates of Obligation General Obligation Bonds New/Proposed GO Bonds $3,160,000 $685,000 $2,475,000 $3,160,000 PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds System Revenue - Cash Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt Other Funding Sources' - TOTAL SOURCES $3,160,000 $0 $0 $0 $685,000 $2,475,000 $0 $0 $3,160,000 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: Project Manager: Susan Johnson Project's Approval Date: 66 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER Pearland Parkway Traffic Circle Modifications TR1903 2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE Design and construct improvements to the circular rotary at the intersection of Pearland Parkway and McHard to provide a more conventional geometry with a two lane roundabout with an outside by-pass lane designed for slightly higher speeds for right turn and through movements. e ` ._. ..__----- j f� / PROJECT JUSTIFICATION Reconfiguration of the traffic rotary will improve traffic flows by providing for higher speed by-pass movements that result in a right existing movement and reduce conflicts resulting from the existing two lane configuration. Analysis of accident reports from this area of the Parkway indicate that these changes will reduce injury accidents without adding traffic signals that impede traffic flows adding time to the commute. INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Impact on operating budget ao U'es (See Below) Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Revenue Personnel Services Operation & Maintenance Capital Outlay Total Expense FTE Staff Total PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION TOTAL BUDGET ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report $175,000 $175,000 $175,000 Land/Right of Way Design/Surveying $525,000 $525,000 $525,000 Construction $3,500,000 $3,500,000 $3,500,000 Equipment and Furniture Contingency $700,000 $350,000 $350,000 $700,000 TOTAL COSTS 54,900,000 $0 $0 $0 $1,050,000 $3,850,000 __ SO $0 $4,900,000 FUNDING SOURCES TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash Certificates of Obligation General Obligation Bonds New/Proposed GO Bonds $4,900,000 $1,050,000 $3,850,000 $4,900,000 PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds System Revenue - Cash Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt Other Funding Sources' - TOTAL SOURCES $4,900,000 $0 $0 $0 $1,050,000 $3,850,000 $0 $0 $4,900,000 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: Project Manager: Susan Johnson Projects Approval Date: 67 CITY OF PEARLAND 2018 - 2022 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM WATER Project No. Project Name Budgeted Thru 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Project Total 2018 - 2022 Allocation WA1501 Toll Road Utility Relocations 991,157 991,157 WA1505 FM 521 Water Line - Broadway to Mooring Pointe 2,473,000 1,215,000 General Obligation Bonds 3,688,000 1,215,000 WA1601 McHard Rd. 16" Water Line Phase II - Cullen Parkway to Mykawa Road 5,936,480 1,000,000 New/Proposed GO Bonds 6,936,480 1,000,000 WA1602 Hughes Ranch Road West 12" Water Line - CR 94/Smith Ranch Road to Cullen Parkway 3,051,800 PEDC 3,051,800 WA1605 Surface Water Plant Phase 1 (10 MGD) 12,025,000 8,650,000 106,000,000 22,600,000 14,615,000 53,957,000 149,275,000 137,250,000 WA1701 FM 521 Ground Storage Tank Expansion 305,050 3,600,000 305,945 2,550,000 1,250,000 1,750,000 3,905,050 3,600,000 WA1702 Water Meter Changeout 10,525,000 7,475,000 500,000 18,000,000 7,475,000 WA1703 Underground Piping Infrastructure at Water Production Facilities 2017 250,000 6,125,000 53,000,000 11,300,000 250,000 70,425,000 WA1704 Transite Pipe Water Line Replacement Program 2017 500,000 2,047,022 500,000 Plus Bonds Sold in Prior Years WA1705 Water Master Plan Update 500,000 500,000 $ 36,557,487 WA1801 Underground Piping Infrastructure at Water Production Facilities $ 27,087,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 1,250,000 1,250,000 WA1802 Transite Pipe Water Line Replacement Program 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 6,500,000 6,500,000 WA1803 FM 1128 16" Water Line - Bailey to CR 100 125,000 125,000 125,000 WA1804 CR 100 16" Water Line - Veterans Dr to FM 1128 250,000 250,000 250,000 WA1805 Veterans Dr. 16" Water Line - Bailey Rd. to CR 128 225,000 225,000 225,000 WA1901 Hughes Ranch Road East 12" Water Line Phase II 400,000 900,000 1,300,000 1,300,000 WA1902 Bailey Water Plant Improvements 557,000 1,837,000 2,394,000 2,394,000 TOTAL $ 36,557,487 $ 23,790,000 $ 108,207,000 $ 27,087,000 $ 1,750,000 $ 1,750,000 $ 199,141,487 $ 162,584,000 SOURCE OF FUNDS Budgeted Thru 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Project Total 2018 - 2022 Allocation General Revenue - Cash Certificates of Obligation General Obligation Bonds New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds 23,871,680 14,615,000 53,957,000 14,037,000 106,480,680 82,609,000 System Revenues - Cash 305,945 2,550,000 1,250,000 1,750,000 1,750,000 1,750,000 9,355,945 9,050,000 Impact Fees - Cash 292,500 500,000 792,500 500,000 Impact Fees - Debt 10,040,340 6,125,000 53,000,000 11,300,000 80,465,340 70,425,000 Other Funding Sources 2,047,022 2,047,022 Plus Bonds Sold in Prior Years TOTAL $ 36,557,487 $ 23,790,000 $ 108,207,000 $ 27,087,000 $ 1,750,000 $ 1,750,000 $ 199,141,487 $ 162,584,000 Note: The totals do not tie by year as the City sometimes appropriates funds for GO Bond projects in one year and then sells the bonds in the next year. 68 FM 521 Ground Storage Tank Expansion McHard Rd. 16' Web 'Cullen Pkwy Hughes Ranch Rd. Eu.. 12" Water Line CR 10016" Water Llne 'Veterans Dr to FM 1128 Viwritt Improvements Veterans Dr. 16' Water Line "Battey Rd. to CR 128 CITY OF PEARLAND 0 Bailey Water Plant Improvements 2018 - 2022 0 FM 521 Ground Storage Tank Expansion Capital Improvement Projects O Toll Rd. Utility Relocations Water ®Surface Water Plant Phase I semoVeterens Drive 16" Water Line _CR 100 16" Water Line I'. City Limits FM 1128 16' Water Line > ETJ e1te1� FM 521 Water Line ....Hughes Ranch Road East 12" Water Line Phase II mace Hughes Ranch Road West 12" Water Line eltelt0McHard Road 16" Water Line Phase II Projects Not Shown 'Water Meter Chengeout 'Water Master Plan Update 'Trensite Water Line Replacement Program 'Underground Piping Infrastructure at Water Facilities 1:63,360 or 1 in = 1 miles 0.5 1 2 Miles u product ie for efu.inn0ioaal purposes e..d may not have been It ace nm.ep..«nt en anmaeAune.urrvey and rameems only the snorer.. relative location of property boundaries. n rry ntx caaar.•un nix neva amu pum 69 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER Toll Road Utility Relocations WA1501 Ongoing PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE The project consists of relocating 600 linear feet of 16 inch water main by directional drill beneath the northern embankment for the FM 518 overpass on SH 288. At Smith Ranch approximately 1,500 feet of 12 inch PVC water line will be relocated and placed in steel casing. At this same location approximately 1,000 feet of Force Main will be relocated by open cut and another approximately 150 feet by directional drill and placed in steel casing to allow for the installation of the T -Ramp. ti "} # t r�Mts�t a aF " a )' f, m 3r t 4 ? PROJECT JUSTIFICATION Existing utilities in both locations will conflict with improvements being constructed for the SH 288 Toll Lanes. At FM 518 the SH 288 Overpass! will be lengthened placing support foundations in the current location of the water line. On Smith Ranch, the intersection will be extensively reconstructed to provide for an elevated T -Ramp from Hughes Ranch to the toll lanes. INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Impact on operating budget I.oJ 0 Lties;See belov;; Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Revenue Personnel Servicest Operation & Maintenance S1.000 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 Capital Outlay Total Expense $1,000 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 FTE Staff Total TOTAL FY PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION BUDGET 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report Land/Right of Way Design/Surveying $40,665 $40,665 $40,665 $40,665 Construction $950,492 $950,492 $950,492 $950,492 Equipment and Furniture Contingency TOTAL COSTS $991,157 $991,157 $991,157 $0 $0 $0 SO $0 $991,157 TOTAL FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES FUNDING SOURCES BUDGET 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash Certificates of Obligation General Obligation Bonds New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds $749,460 $789,460 $749,460 $749,460 System Revenue - Cash Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt Other Funding Sources' - $241,697 $201,697 $241,697 $241,697 TOTAL SOURCES $991,157 $991,157 $991,157 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $991,157 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: $38,700 transferred from Hatfield (WW 1103) and $162,997 transferred from West Oaks LS (W W 1304). $40,000 from Fund 565 fund balance. Bonds sold - $749,460 in 2016. Project Manager: Jaime Dino Projects Approval Date: 6/22/2015 70 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER FM 521 Water Line - Broadway to Mooring Pointe WA1505 Ongoing PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE Install approximately 8,000 feet o' 20" water line along Almeda Rd from Broadway to Mooring Pointe. �L - ��� 1 " f a ! PROJECT JUSTIFICATION Looping of transmission lines based on the City's water model. INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS.. Impact on operating budget L_Nw Lf'es (See Below) Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Revenue PersonnelServices Operation on& Maintenance 51 000 $2,500 $2,500 Capital Outlay Total Expense $1,000 $2,500 $2,500 FTE Staff Total .' TOTAL FY PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION BUDGET 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report Land/Right of Way $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 Design/Surveying $508,000 $508,000 $508,000 $508,000 Construction $2,750,000 $1,535,000 $1,535,000 51,215,000 $2,750,000 Equipment and Furniture Contingency $330,000 $330,000 $330,000 $330,000 TOTAL COSTS $3,688,000 $2,473,000 _ $2,473,000 $1,215,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $3,688,000 TOTAL FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES FUNDING SOURCES BUDGET 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash Certificates of Obligation General Obligation Bonds New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds $2,703,055 $1,488,055 $1,488,055 $1,215,000 $2,703,055 System Revenue - Cash $105,945 $105,945 $105,945 $105,945 Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt Other Funding Sources' - $879,000 $879,000 $879,000 $879,000 TOTAL SOURCES $3,688,000 $2,473,000 $2,473,000 $1,215,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $3,688,000 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: Fund 42 Fund Balance ($879,000). Bonds sold - $1,068,055 in 2016 and $420,000 to be sold in 2017. Project Manager: Jennifer Lee Project's Approval Date: 71 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER McHard Rd. 16" Water Line Phase II - Cullen Parkway to Mykawa Road WA1601 Ongoing PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE Phase II of the transmission line extends from Cullen Parkway to Mykawa a total of 17,340 linear feet. This portion of the project is timed to coincide with Right of Way approval and acquisition for the McHard Road project. Run 45,000' of fiber from Barry Rose WRF to Business Center Drive. N 1 z o f 1 — ti t Phase M.:. ° ;*ai" i i 1 o _ Ila _l) , 0 sego r,t Mooksete j 1 U ,t o f I ai Rte' $: i�4µ tj c H .. Ii Operation ( .�. !r 1° -� �.•-, ' '•x'g I t jr j tom' j # PROJECT JUSTIFICATION(( This will be a second transmission connection between the east and west sides of the City. It will allow for more efficient water flow, better fire protection and the movement of water from the expanded Alice Street Water Plant. This will reduce monthly average payments for water supplied lied to the west side from the Far North Westplant wherepurchase prices are much higher. her. INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Impact on operating budget 1_10 Lyes (See Below) Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Revenue Personnel Services & Maintenance ($374,500) ($749,000) ($747,500) ($747,500) ($747,500) Capital Outlay Total Expense ($374,500) ($749,000) ($747,500) ($747,500) ($747,500) FTE Staff Total TOTAL FY PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION BUDGET 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report Land/Right of Way Design/Surveying $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 Construction $6,206,480 $5,206,480 $5,206,480 $1,000,000 $6,206,480 Equipment and Furniture Contingency $630,000 5630,000 $630,000 $630,000 TOTAL COSTS 56,936,480 $5,936,480 $5,936,480 51,000,000 $0 $0 50 $0 $6,936,480 TOTAL FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES FUNDING SOURCES BUDGET 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash Certificates of Obligation General Obligation Bonds New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds $3,468,240 $2,968,240 $2,968,240 $2,968,240 System Revenue - Cash $500,000 $500,000 Impact Fees - Cash $500,000 $500,000 Impact Fees - Debt $3,368,240 $2,868,240 $2,868,240 $2,868,240 Other Funding Sources' - $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 TOTAL SOURCES $6,936,480 $5,936,480 $5,936,480 $1,000,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $6,936,480 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: Fund 42 fund balance ($100,000). $5,836,480 to be sold in 2017. Project Manager: Jennifer Lee Project's Approval Date: 72 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER Hughes Ranch Road West 12" Water Line - CR 94/Smith Ranch Road to Cullen Parkway WA1602 Ongoing PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE Installation of approximately 10,000 LF of 12" water line along Hughes Ranch Road from CR 94 to Cullen Parkway. This water line connection will be done in coordination with the Hughes Ranch Road Expansion from CR 94 to Cullen Parkway. • ,•., r ti 41I yx; }_. l / 3 . - 1 _..�. i Sh". aab LL win ee w wi.. '"c,s46mn bMn ieA• corn ._ t t v ` ^ T -1',-1 ^ P ' it tit_ . � {t(,�i t .. (# t ' `., Jt . _ 1 : t - a; al x wr r•: 1L ,0, PROJECT JUSTIFICATION The water line will replace fragmented City lines and acquired MUD lines due to the road widening and sound wall installation. INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS t ° LJ es (see Below) i, Impact on operating budget Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Revenue Personnel Services Operation & Maintenance $1,000 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 Capital Outlay Total Expense $1,000 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 FTE Staff Total TOTAL FY PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION BUDGET 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report Land/Right of Way Design/Surveying $142,000 $125,000 $142,000 $142,000 Construction $2,603,800 $1,283,800 $2,603,800 $2,603,800 Equipment and Furniture Contingency $306,000 $156,000 $306,000 $306,000 TOTAL COSTS $3,051,800 $1,564,800 $3,051,800 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $3,051,800 TOTAL FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES FUNDING SOURCES BUDGET 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash Certificates of Obligation General Obligation Bonds New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds $1,525,900 $745,500 $1,525,900 $1,525,900 System Revenue - Cash Impact Fees - Cash $292,500 $292,500 $292,500 $292,500 Impact Fees - Debt $1,233,400 $453,000 $1,159,600 $1,159,600 Other Funding Sources' - $73,800 $73,800 $73,800 TOTAL SOURCES $3,051,800 $1,564,800 $3,051,800 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $3,051,800 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: $73,800 transferred from Tom Bass Loop (TR1203). Bonds Sold - $292,500 in 2016 and $2,393,000 to be sold in 2017. Project Manager: Skipper Jones Projects Approval Date: 73 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER Surface Water Plant Phase 1 (10 MGD) WA"505 PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE Pilot testing, design, and construction of a pre-sedimentation basin, 10 MGD Surface Water Treatment Plant and associated distribution system. This project will treat raw water from the Gulf Coast Water Authority (GCWA) canal for distribution throughout the City's water system. The plant will be located on City property on CR48 south of CR59, which is adjacent to the GCWA canal. Pilot testing will begin in FY2017 followed by design and construction. The project is scheduled to be completed over a five year period with new capacity available by 2022/2023. Phase 1 of the distribution system is planned to include 24" - 36" pipelines along CR 48, CR 59, and east/west corridor to FM 1128 to connect to the plant. Installation of fiber to serve the City's SCADA system. +„— r - PROJECT JUSTIFICATION The project will provide additional potable water capacity to meet demands of northern Brazoria County as the region continues to grow. The 2012 Water Model Update based on growth projections established that the demand for an additional 10 MGD would need to be met by 2022/2023. i INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Impact on operating budget 121` u-I'" !;.,:+i,....„ "+' '- Fiscal Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Revenue Personnel Services Operation & Maintenance Capital Outlay . Total Expense FTE Staff Total PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report $8,000,000 $6,600,000 $8,000,000 $8,000,000 Land/Right of Way $900,000 $900,000 $900,000 Design/Surveying $17,900,000 $3,000,000 $6,900,000 $7,000,000 $1,000,000 $17,900,000 Construction $110,000,000 $90,000,000 $20,000,000 $110,000,000 Equipment and Furniture Contingency $12,475,000 $1,025,000 $850,000 $9,000,000 $1,600,000 $12,475,000 TOTAL COSTS $149,275,000 $6,600,000 _ $12,025,000 _ $8,650,000 $106,000,000 $22,600,000 SO SO $149,275,000 FUNDING SOURCES TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash Certificates of Obligation General Obligation Bonds New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds $74,637,500 $3,250,000 $6,012,500 $4,325,000 $53,000,000 $11,300,000 $74,637,500 System Revenue - Cash Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt $74,637,500 $3,250,000 $6,012,500 $4,325,000 $53,000,000 $11,300,000 $74,637,500 Other Funding Sources' - $100,000 TOTAL SOURCES $149,275,000 $6,600,000 $12,025,000 $8,650,000 $106,000,000 $22,600,000 $0 $0 $149,275,000 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: Project 7 in 2013 impact fee update. DWSRF Grant (Drinking Water Drinking State Revolving Fund) $149,275,000. Bonds sold - $12,025,000 in 2017. Project Manager: Project's Approval Date: 74 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER FM 521 Ground Storage Tank Expansion V A9701 4 PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE Installation of an estimated third ground storage tank (estimated to be 1 MG) and related piping and controls to provide additional storage and redundancy at the Far Northwest Water Treatment Facility. Includes a 3,600' run of conduit and fiber to connect the plant to the fiber located on Shadow Creek Parkway. ' * ;` s. I 't f ,, , ,y w, *, . ' ra n PROJECT JUSTIFICATION The McHard Road water line was designed to transfer less expensive water from the Southeast Water Purification Plant to the west side of Peadand and replace water purchased at a more expensive rate from the City of Houston. This tank is required to store water for distribution. INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Impact on operating budget Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Revenue Personnel Services Operation & Maintenance 5500 S121,172 $122,672 5122,672 5122 672'' Capital Outlay Total Expense $500 $121,172 5122,672 $122,672 $122,672 FTE Staff Total PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report Land/Right of Way Design/Surveying $305,050 $228,800 $305,050 $305,050 Construction $3,000,000 $3,000,000 $3,000,000 Equipment and Furniture Contingency $600,000 $600,000 $600,000 TOTAL COSTS 53,905,050 5228,800 $305,050 $3,600,000 50 50 $0 $0 $3,905,050 FUNDING SOURCES TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash Certificates of Obligation General Obligation Bonds New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds $1,952,525 $152,525 $152,525 $1,800,000 $1,952,525 System Revenue - Cash Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt $1,800,000 $1,800,000 $1,800,000 Other Funding Sources' - $152,525 $152,525 $152,525 $152,525 TOTAL SOURCES $3,905,050 $305,050 $305,050 $3,600,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $3,905,050 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: Fund 42 Fund Balance ($152,525). Project 14 in 2013 impact fee update. Bonds sold - $152,525 to be sold in 2017. Project Manager: Ryan McKinnis Project's Approval Date: 75 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER Water Meter Change Out WA1702 PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE Change out of approximately 37,000 water meters and drive-by reading system with a wireless remote read and addition of Customer Portal Technology. The change out will include remote antennae, meters, external antennae on meter lids, installation, hardware and software, and vaults as needed. • - PROJECT JUSTIFICATION AWWA standards recommends that residential meters be replaced when over 10 years old or more than 1.0 mill gallons have passed through the meter. By 2017 approximately 22,000 meters in Pearland will be older than 10 years old or have 1.0 million gallons that have passed through the meters. The AWWA standard is based on .25 gallons per min. The newer meters will register .03 gallons per minute, thus measuring more water, increasing revenues and reducing water loss. Newer technology will allow for remote turn on and off and capture water and loss associated with a given area. Customer expectations are also higher wanting information more readily to view (graphs, etc.) and the customer portal would provide. INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Impact on operating budget U j:,- Lies (See Below) Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Revenue Personnel Services Operation & Maintenance Capital Outlay Total Expense FTE Staff Total TOTAL FY PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION BUDGET 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report Land/Right of Way Design/Surveying $500,000 $300,000 $500,000 $500,000 Construction Equipment and Furniture $17,500,000 $5,500,000 $10,025,000 $7,475,000 $17,500,000 Contingency TOTAL COSTS 518,000,000 55,800.000 $10,525,000 57,475.000 50 50 50 50 518,000,000 TOTAL FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES FUNDING SOURCES BUDGET 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash Certificates of Obligation General Obligation Bonds New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds $17,500,000 $11,000,000 $10,225,000 $7,275,000 $17,500,000 System Revenue - Cash $400,000 $200,000 $200,000 $200,000 $400,000 Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt Other Funding Sources - $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 TOTAL SOURCES $18,000,000 $11,300,000 $10,525,000 $7,475,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $18,000,000 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: DWSRF Grant (Drinking Water D inking State Revolving Fund) $10,225,000 and $100,000 Fund 565 fund balance. Bonds sold - $10,225,000 in 2017. Cash - $200,000 in 2017 and $200,000 in 2018. Project Manager: Public Works/Engineering Project's Approval Date: 76 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER Underground Piping Infrastructure at Water Production Facilities 2017 WA1703 Ongoing PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE This program will replace significant portions of the aging large diameter water conveyance p:pe located at water production facilities. This program will inspect each of the 10 facilities and make recommendations for the design and replacement of failing piping within each facility. PROJECT JUSTIFICATION The Public Works Department has experienced several failures of water lines at the water production facilities over the past several years. Most of the water line infrastructure at the production facilities is original to the facilities and has not been replaced. This program will reduce service interruptions. 05/27/2014 07:50 INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Impact on operating budget U,r- L}[es (See Below) Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Revenue Personnel Services Operation & Maintenance Capital Outlay Total Expense FTE Staff Total TOTAL ri FY PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION BUDGET 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report Land/Right of Way Design/Surveying Construction $250,000 $250,000 $250,000 $250,000 Equipment and Furniture Contingency TOTAL COSTS S250,000 $250,000 $250,000 $0 50 50 $0 _ 50 $250,000 TOTAL FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES FUNDING SOURCES BUDGET 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash Certificates of Obligation General Obligation Bonds New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds $250,000 $250,000 $250,000 $250,000 System Revenue - Cash Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt Other Funding Sources' - TOTAL SOURCES $250,000 $250,000 $250,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $250,000 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: Bonds to be sold in 2017 Project Manager: Tracy Sombrano Project's Approval Date: 77 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER Transite Pipe Water Line Replacement Program 2017 WA1704 Ongoing PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE Replace approximately 63 miles of failing Transite pipe water lines (over 30 years old) in the City with PVC water lines. The program will replace the water line infrastructure in the following locations over a period of years - Corrigan, Old Town Site, Sommersetshire, Country Place, Green Tee, Westminster, Brookside Acres, Shadycrest, Creek View, Parkview, Wood Creek, Heritage Green, Clear Creek Estates, and Southdown subdivisions. • } ` ° a s� ' ` ' 't PROJECT JUSTIFICATION Transite pipe water line has a failure rate significantly higher than that of comparable and like sized PVC. This program will replace the failing Transite pipe infrastructure with PVC which was not prevalent in the industry at the time the Transite pipe lines were installed. The Transite pipe lines are responsible for a higher percentage of work orders per foot than comparable PVC lines and require an inordinate amount of resources to maintain relative to PVC. The program will also provide the opportunity to resolve dead end water line issues in the affected areas which will improve water quality. INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS es(See Impact on operating budget �o � Below) •• Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Revenueff Personnel Services Operation & Maintenance Capital Outlay Total Expense FTE Staff Total PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report Land/Right of Way Design/Surveying $60,000 $60,000 $60,000 $60,000 Construction $440,000 $440,000 $440,000 $440,000 Equipment and Furniture Contingency TOTAL COSTS $500,000 $500,000 $500.000 $0 SO $0 50 $0 $500,000 FUNDING SOURCES TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash Certificates of Obligation General Obligation Bonds New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 System Revenue - Cash Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt Other Funding Sources' - TOTAL SOURCES $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $500,000 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: Bonds to be sold in 2017 Project Manager: John Hines Project's Approval Date: 78 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER Water Master Plan Update WA1705 ,. PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE This project will be to update the Water Master Plan that was created in 2002. Although there has been some updates to the model for specific project no city wide has been done. This project will update the city infrastructure, water demands and include new Surface Water Treatment Plant supply. � j T 40 E X A S O PROJECT JUSTIFICATION The Water Model Plan was created in 2002 and has been updated periodically due to specific projects that were planned for in the CIP. With the planned water from the Surface Water Treatment Plant the system needs to be updated to determine how this will interface with the current system. The update will include system improvements and new development that has occurred and not included in the current model. INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Impact on operating budget U. Lfres (See Below) Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Revenue Personnel Services Operation & Maintenance Capital Outlay Total Expense FTE Staff Total PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report Land/Right of Way Design/Surveying $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 Construction Equipment and Furniture Contingency TOTAL COSTS $500,000 $0 8500,000 $0 $0 $0 80 $0 $500,000 FUNDING SOURCES TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash Certificates of Obligation General Obligation Bonds New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds System Revenue - Cash Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt Other Funding Sources' - $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 TOTAL SOURCES $500,000 $0 $500,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $500,000 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: Funds transferred from closeout of WA1001 Project Manager: Project's Approval Date: 79 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER Underground Piping Infrastructure at Water Production Facilities WA1 B01 PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE This program will replace significant portions of the aging large diameter water conveyance pipe located at water production facilities. This program will inspect each of the 10 facilities and make recommendations for the design and replacement of failing piping within each facility. 0512712014 c; PROJECT JUSTIFICATION The Public Works Department has experienced several failures of water lines at the water production facilities over the past several years. Most of the water line infrastructure at the production facilities is original to the facilities and has not been replaced. This program will reduce service interruptions. INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Impact on operating budget 1211- pies (See Below) Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Revenue Personnel Services Operation & Maintenance Capital Outlay Total Expense FTE Staff Total TOTAL FY PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION BUDGET 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report Land/Right of Way Design/Surveying Construction 51,250,000 $250,000 $250,000 $250,000 $250,000 $250,000 $1,250,000 Equipment and Furniture Contingency TOTAL COSTS 81,250,000 $0 $0 8250,000_ $250,000 $250.000 $250,000 $250,000 81,250.000 TOTAL FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES _ FUNDING SOURCES BUDGET 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash Certificates of Obligation General Obligation Bonds New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds System Revenue - Cash $1,250,000 $250,000 $250,000 S.'2,0 000 $250,000 $250,000 $1,250,000 Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt Other Funding Sourcest - TOTAL SOURCES $1,250,000 $0 $0 $250,000 $250,000 $250,000 8250,000 $250,000 $1,250,000 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: Project Manager: Tracy Sombrano Project's Approval Date: 80 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER Transite Pipe Water Line Replacement Program WA1802 PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE Replace approximately 63 miles of failing Transite pipe water lines (over 30 years old) in the City with PVC water lines. The program will replace the water line infrastructure in the following locations over a period of years - Corrigan, Old Town Site, Sommersetshire, Country Place, Green Tee, Westminster, Brookside Acres, Shadycrest, Creek View, Parkview, Wood Creek, Heritage Green, Clear Creek Estates, and Southdown subdivisions. ra"' 0+;' ' ; ' ! L PROJECT JUSTIFICATION Transite pipe water line has a failure rate significantly higher than that of comparable and like sized PVC. This program will replace the failing Transite pipe infrastructure with PVC which was not prevalent in the industry at the time the Transite pipe lines were installed. The Transite pipe lines are responsible for a higher percentage of work orders per foot than comparable PVC lines and require an inordinate amount of resources to maintain relative to PVC. The program will also provide the opportunity to resolve dead end water line issues in the affected areas which will improve water quality. INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Impact on operating budget Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Revenue Personnel Services Operation & Maintenancey� Capital Outlay ° _ Total Expense FTE Staff Total - TOTAL PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION BUDGET FY PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report Land/Right of Way Design/Surveying $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 Construction $6,400,000 $900,000 $1,000,000 $1,500,000 $1,500,000 $1,500,000 $6,400,000 Equipment and Furniture Contingency TOTAL COSTS 56,500,000 $0 $0 $1,000,000 51,000,000 51,500,000 51,500,000 51,500,000 56.500,000 TOTAL FUNDING SOURCES BUDGET FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash Certificates of Obligation General Obligation Bonds New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds System Revenue - Cash $6,500,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 S1,500,000 $1,500,000 $1,500,000 $6,500,000 Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt Other Funding Sources' - TOTAL SOURCES $6,500,000 $0 $0 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,500,000 $1,500,000 $1,500,000 $6,500,000 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: Program to carryover until all Transite water lines are eplaced. Project Manager: John Hines Project's Approval Date: 81 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER FM 1128 16" Water Line - Bailey to CR 100 WA1303 7 PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE To install approximately 5,300 feet of water line along FM 1128 (Manvel Rd) from Bailey Rd. to CR100. The timing of this project is developer driven and the city cost is for line oversizing only, not 100% of the estimated cost. , ' 1.7 PROJECT JUSTIFICATION M...d This will loop the system for pressure and fire protection based on 2007 Water Model Update and will supply water to future development. IS FM 112. w.a.ue. --� ` INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Impact on operating budget ,, `' .' a Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Revenue Personnel Services Operation & Maintenance $1,000 Capital Outlay Total Expense $1,000 FTE Staff Total PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report Land/Right of Way Design/Surveying Construction $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 Equipment and Furniture Contingency $80,000 $80,000 $80,000 TOTAL COSTS $125,000 $0 $0 5125,000 50 $0 50 50 $125,000 FUNDING SOURCES TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash Certificates of Obligation General Obligation Bonds New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds System Revenue - Cash $125,000 $125,000 $125,000 Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt Other Funding Sources' - TOTAL SOURCES $125,000 $0 $0 $125,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $125,000 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: Project 8 in 2013 impact fee update. Project Manager: Susan Johnson Project's Approval Date: 82 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER CR 100 16" Water Line - Veterans Dr to FM 1128 WA1804 PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE To install approximately 13,200 feet of water line along CR 100 from Veterans Dr. to FM 1128 (Manvel Rd). The timing of this project is developer driven and the city cost is for line oversizing only, not 100% of the estimated cost.' , j w� i .-}' ,- i+s INN wr11111 LAs�uw.:r"i3 y asin 7, 11111111111111111 III Istrausaii mill! PROJECT JUSTIFICATION This will supply water for future development along this corridor based on the 2007 Water Model Update, projected growth. g S a 8 _ e AN yy s�� --- 8 t 10 INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Impact on operating budget Liflo Lyes (Sec Blow) Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Revenue -- Q.r„ Personnel Services Operation & Maintenance $1,000 -..."--- \y Capital Outlay Total Expense $1,000 FTE Staff Total TOTAL FY PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION BUDGET 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report Land/Right of Way Design/Surveying Construction $130,000 $130,000 $130,000 Equipment and Furniture Contingency $120,000 $120,000 $120,000 TOTAL COSTS $250,000 $0 $0 $250,000 SO 50 50 $0 $250,000 TOTAL FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES FUNDING SOURCES BUDGET 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash Certificates of Obligation General Obligation Bonds New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds System Revenue - Cash $250,000 $250,000 $250,000 Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt Other Funding Sources - TOTAL SOURCES $250,000 $0 $0 $250,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $250,000 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: Project 9 in 2013 impact fee update. Project Manager: Cara Davis Project's Approval Date: 83 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER Veterans Dr. 16" Water Line - Bailey Rd. to CR 128 W/1' 805 5 PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE To install approximately 5,300 feet of water line on Veterans Dr. from Bailey Rd, south to CR 100 and continue an additional 5,300 feet with a line from CR 100 to CR 128. The timing of this project is developer driven and the city cost is for line oversizing only, not 100% of the estimated cost.- - }i} ` T _,,,_, itt �nn.t" _ 9.!. . W. { L� L r PROJECT JUSTIFICATION _. h This will loop the system for pressure and fire protection based on 2007 Water Model Update and will supply water to future development. Wbren• Dr Waterline ma mm.,,"' -- $ INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Impact on operating budget LIN, Lj' " _ r so _-. - Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 11� __ Total Revenue���� Personnel Services Operation & Maintenance 51,000"---...`/ Capital Outlay < Total Expense $1,000 FTE Staff Total PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report Land/Right of Way Design/Surveying Construction $165,000 $165,000 $165,000 Equipment and Furniture Contingency $60,000 $60,000 560,000 TOTAL COSTS 5225,000 50 $0 5225,000 $0 50 $0 $0 $225,000 FUNDING SOURCES TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash Certificates of Obligation General Obligation Bonds New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds System Revenue - Cash $225,000 $225,000 $225,000 Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt Other Funding Sources' - TOTAL SOURCES $225,000 $0 50 $225,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $225,000 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: Fund 42 Fund Balance. Project 11 in 2013 impact fee update. Project Manager: TBD Project's Approval Date: 84 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER Hughes Ranch Road East 12" Water Line Phase 11 WA1901 PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE Installation of approximately 4,500 LF of a water line, extending along Hughes Ranch Road from Cullen Parkway to Max Road. near the Hickory Slough Sportsplex. This water line extension will be completed in coordination with the Hughes Ranch Road Expansion. Fiber connection from PSB to serve the Hickory Slough Park, Storm Pump Station and Sanitary Lift Station. lbws rat PROJECT JUSTIFICATION The water line extension will tie the dead end water line on Max Road into the transmission line on Cullen Parkway. woe I ____ I _ _ _ _ INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Impact on operating budget �" L k : ' , Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Revenue Personnel Services Operation & Maintenance 51.JOG Sd 500 Capital Outlay Total Expense $1,000 52,500 FTE Staff Total _ PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report Land/Right of Way $220,000 $220,000 $220,000 Design/Surveying $120,000 $120,000 $120,000 Construction $800,000 $800,000 $800,000 Equipment and Furniture Contingency $160,000 $60,000 $100,000 $160,000 TOTAL COSTS 51,300,000 50 50 $0 5400,000 $900,000 SO $0 $1,300,000 FUNDING SOURCES TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash Certificates of Obligation General Obligation Bonds New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds $1,300,000 $400,000 $900,000 51,300,000 System Revenue - Cash Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt Other Funding Sources' - TOTAL SOURCES $1,300,000 $0 $0 $0 $400,000 $900,000 $0 $0 $1,300,000 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: Project Manager: Projects Project's Approval Date: 6/22/2015 85 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER Bailey Water Plant Improvements WA"902 PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE Elevated levels of organic manganese cause taste, odor and appearanceissues though the water product itself a s safe for ror . tp p ltstalld'ribuonlinattefailtyhtimpodwatrqually by providing adequate water flow within the The1st sp 2nd phaseof this projectincludes installationgreen sfilter will chemically bond withmanganese and iron to remove it. 4 r' ' PROJECT JUSTIFICATION; The City of Pearland has maintained a log of customer complaints regarding water quality. Complaints regarding brown/rusty colored water indicate problems with iron and manganese have been occurring in the winter months. INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Impact on operating budget Aja Des(See Below) Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Revenue Personnel Services Operation 8 Maintenance $1,000 $2,500 $2,500 Capital Outlay Total Expense $1,000 $2,500 $2,500 FTE Staff Total _ TOTAL FY PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION BUDGET 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report $90,000 $90,000 $90,000 Land/Right of Way Design/Surveying $300,000 $300,000 $300,000 Construction $1,670,000 $1,670,000 $1,670,000 Equipment and Furniture Contingency $334,000 $167,000 $167,000 $334,000 TOTAL COSTS $2,394,000 $0 $0 _ $0 $557,000 $1,837,000 $0 $0 $2,394,000 TOTAL FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES FUNDING SOURCES BUDGET 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash Certificates of Obligation General Obligation Bonds New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds $2,394,000 $557,000 $1,837,000 $2,394,000 System Revenue - Cash Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt Other Funding Sources' - TOTAL SOURCES $2,394,000 $0 $0 $0 $557,000 $1,837,000 $0 $0 $2,394,000 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: Project Manager: TBD Project's Approval Date: 86 CITY OF PEARLAND 2018 - 2022 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM WASTEWATER Project No. Project Name Budgeted Thru 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Project Total 2018 - 2022 Allocation WW0901 Riverstone Ranch Oversizing 838,609 838,609 WW1402 Pearland Heights Lift Station Abandonment 271,000 General Obligation Bonds 271,000 WW1405 Reflection Bay Water Reclamation 55,441,905 New/Proposed GO Bonds 55,441,905 WW1406 McHard Rd Trunk Sewer (Garden to Southdown WRF) 4,132,761 1,990,000 PEDC 6,122,761 1,990,000 WW1502 Barry Rose WRF Expansion 700,000 6,380,000 W/S Revenue Bonds 28,900,000 27,000,000 910,000 62,980,000 62,280,000 WW1506 Springfield Lift Station Abandonment 500,400 System Revenues - Cash 649,049 285,710 1,000,000 1,575,000 500,400 2,000,000 WW1507 Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation 2015 590,194 350,000 75,000 550,000 590,194 975,000 WW1601 Mykawa Lift Stations 1,296,300 5,551,620 26,806,500 33,350,000 3,625,000 6,847,920 5,551,620 WW1603 JHEC WRF Expansion 475,000 7,550,000 22,300,000 38,000,000 6,540,516 68,325,000 67,850,000 WW1604 Green Tee 1 to Riverstone Wastewater Diversion (Longwood Service Area Phase 1) 1,013,580 532,500 1,030,000 1,546,080 532,500 WW1605 Roy/Max/Garden Roads Basin Sewage System 50,000 $ 69,860,000 700,000 2,413,000 $ 163,630,830 3,163,000 3,113,000 WW1701 Lift Station Program 2017 275,000 275,000 WW1702 Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation 2017 500,000 500,000 WW1703 Independence Park Lift Station Abandonment 562,500 562,500 WW1704 Waste Water Master Plan Update 214,290 285,710 500,000 285,710 WW1801 Lift Station Program 863,000 560,000 560,000 560,000 560,000 3,103,000 3,103,000 WW1802 Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 2,000,000 7,000,000 7,000,000 WW1803 Reflection Bay Lift Station Bar Screen 1,725,000 1,725,000 1,725,000 WW2001 Veterans Drive Lift Station Service Area 150,000 1,100,000 1,250,000 1,250,000 WW2101 Southdown Regional Lift Station & Force Main 1,700,000 7,250,000 8,950,000 8,950,000 TOTAL $ 66,861,539 $ 25,877,830 $ 2,260,000 $ 55,823,000 $ 69,860,000 $ 9,810,000 $ 230,492,369 $ 163,630,830 SOURCE OF FUNDS Budgeted Thru 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Project Total 2018 - 2022 Allocation General Revenue - Cash Certificates of Obligation General Obligation Bonds New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds 33,257,224 16,004,620 910,000 27,366,500 33,910,000 4,185,000 115,633,344 82,376,120 System Revenues - Cash 649,049 285,710 1,000,000 1,575,000 2,050,000 2,000,000 7,559,759 6,910,710 Impact Fees - Cash 350,000 75,000 550,000 975,000 975,000 Impact Fees - Debt 27,494,750 8,507,500 26,806,500 33,350,000 3,625,000 99,783,750 72,289,000 Other Funding Sources 6,490,516 50,000 6,540,516 50,000 Plus Bonds Sold in Prior Years 1,030,000 TOTAL $ 67,891,539 $ 24,847,830 $ 2,260,000 $ 55,823,000 $ 69,860,000 $ 9,810,000 $ 230,492,369 $ 163,630,830 Note: The totals do not tie by year as the City sometimes appropriates funds for GO Bond projects in one year 87 HOUStOu TOLLWAVIBEL1W*Y� Reflection Bay Wafer Reclamation Reflection Bay Lift Station Bar Screen Southdown Regional Lift Station 8 Force Main MCHard Road Trunk Sewer 'Garden to Southdown Pearland Heights Lift Station ILLAGE • Bony Rowe WRF Expansion RMerstone Ranch Oversizing Mykawa Lift Stations Roy/Max/Garden Roads Basin Sewage System Green Tee 1 to Riverstone Wastewater Diversion JHEC WRF Expansion Independence Park Lift Station Abandonment 11rr,rrrr /ful Y,t, Springfield Lift Station 'Abandonment Veterans Dr Lift Station Service Area CITY OF PEARLAND 2018 - 2022 Capital Improvement Projects Wastewater Barry Rose WRF Expansion Green Tee 1 to Riverstone Wastewater Diversion Independence Park Lift Station Abandonment JHEC WRF Expansion Mykawa Lift Stations Pearland Heights Lift Station McHard Road Trunk Sewer Reflection Bay Lift Station Bar Screen Roy/Max/Garden Roads Basin Sewage System Reflection Bay Water Reclamation Southdown Regional Lift Station 8 Force Main Springfield Lift Station Abandonment moms Veterans Drive Lift Station Service Area Projects Not Shown ® Riverstone Ranch Oversizing 'Sanitary Sewern Rehabilitation 'Waste Weber Master Plan IWW I1p11 iTh Miles .•pard a� b..uiuni,. ro rrev.i engtneermay not hrv. �� c .:P,....,. only m. approximate I ve location w ororcn.muoJ 1.63.360 or In = 1 miles 0 0.5 1 2 rAPPREPARED: JUNE 8017 P CITY OF EARLAN❑ CIS EPARTMENT 88 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER Riverstone Ranch Oversizing WW0901 Ongoing PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE Oversizing of the Riverstone Ranch development's sewer infrastructure in order to incorporate into the City's larger system. , u ,; 1,, '+ �c i .4‘44,. ry ♦♦:��; L, { `i u Riverstone •, / Rarich a4 } r i t ")versizing/' t ' ..qq ,ri vr, 4,p it o e "`�+- ' 1UR erf r `rsr {} ,� i u `1" p,,; 8 :,c ` • C o-� r � �,.K: %.f t •. f t RFs PROJECT JUSTIFICATION This project accomplishes a portion of the overall plan developed in the Longwood Wastewater Basin study to eliminate the need for an expansion or long-term operation of the Longwood Wastewater Treatment Plant. This project also eliminates three lift stations in the Green Tee Subdivision. INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Impact on operating budget L)vs L,ke� (5c i„ i�a:> Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Revenue Personnel Services Operation & Maintenance ($16,400) ($16,400) ($16,400) ($16,400) ($16,400) Capital Outlay Total Expense (616,400) ($16,400) (616,400) ($16,400) ($16,400) FTE Staff Total PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report Land/Right of Way Design/Surveying $681,937 $681,937 $681,937 $681,937 Construction $122,672 $122,672 $122,672 $122,672 Equipment and Furniture Contingency $34,000 $34,000 $34,000 $34,000 TOTAL COSTS $838,609 $838,609 $838,609 $0_ SO SO 60 $0 $838,609 FUNDING SOURCES TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash Certificates of Obligation General Obligation Bonds New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds System Revenue - Cash $296,778 $296,778 $296,778 $296,778 Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt Other Funding Sources - $541,831 $541,831 $541,831 $541,831 TOTAL SOURCES $838,609 $838,609 $838,609 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $838,609 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: $43,222 in 2013 from WW0902 - Longwood Lift Station Replacement project. Fund 42 fund balance. $125,000 moved from fund 67 balance Project Manager: Engineering Project's Approval Date: 6/22/2015 89 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER Pearland Heights Lift Station Abandonment W W 1402 3 PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE The project would eliminate Pearland Heights lift station and reroute sewer via gravity to Spring Meadow lift station. Install approximately 1,700 If of 8" sanitary sewer will be required. PROJECT JUSTIFICATION Eliminate existing lift station as surrounding development allows for gravity connections. The existing lift station is in very poor condition and will require extensive rehabilitation if it is retained. y, — -- 1 _ .1i........ :- — -----:: INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS •IA Impact on operating budget'' '"`" Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 – Total Revenue Personnel Services • Operation & Maintenance Capital Outlay Total Expense FTE Staff Total TOTAL _ FY PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION BUDGET 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report Land/Right of Way Design/Surveying $32,000 $24,840 $32,000 $32,000 Construction $207,000 $207,000 $207,000 $207,000 Equipment and Furniture Contingency $32,000 $23,184 $32,000 $32,000 TOTAL COSTS $271,000 $255,024 5271,000 $0 SO $0 $0 $0 $271,000 TOTAL FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES FUNDING SOURCES BUDGET 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash Certificates of Obligation General Obligation Bonds New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds $255,024 $255,024 $255,024 $255,024 System Revenue - Cash Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt Other Funding Sources' - $15,976 $15,976 $15,976 TOTAL SOURCES $271,000 $255,024 $271,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $271,000 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: Bonds sold - $255,024 in 2014. $15,976 from Fund 565 fund balance. Project Manager: Jennifer Lee Project's Approval Date: 3/14/2014 90 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER Reflection Bay Water Reclamation W W 1405 Ongoing PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE Growth rates within the service area have increased both average daily flows and the biological loading contained in the plant's influent requiring construction of a 4 MGD treatment capacity expansion. The project includes the design, permitting and construction upgrades of the lift station, headwork's, addition of four continuous flow 1 MGD basins modifications to the existing basins to create two additional 1 MGD continuous flow basins, new filtration and UV disinfectant systems, expansion of the sludge holding tanks, addition of two belt press dewatering systems, a new non-potable water system and new SCADA control for a total plant capacity of 6 MGD. ' . _t- - :'" i 1 `,,-'14,- –; _ , - — •�,--'„ PROJECT JUSTIFICATION The existing plant reached 75% of its rated capacity in 2013. TCEQ rules require that operators begin design once a plant reaches 75% capacity for a period of three consecutive months. Plant design and permitting were completed in late 2017. Current flows require a doubling of existing_ capacity but with the addition of flows from the Southdown plant, planned to occur around 2024, and the inclusion of the flows from development in the Lower Kirby area a full 6 MGD expansion provides better economies of scale at this point in time. INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Impact on operating budget LN. Utes (See Below) OXO«'7'-' Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022:, Total Revenue Personnel Services Operation & Maintenance $240,344 $240,344 $240,344 $240,344 Capital Outlay, Total Expense $240,344 $240,344 $240,344 $240,344 FTE Staff Total TOTAL FY PROJECTED' ALLOCATIONS PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION BUDGET 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report $414,000 $414,000 $414,000 $414,000 Land/Right of Way Design/Surveying $4,527,905 $4,527,905 $4,527,905 $4,527,905 Construction $47,000,000 $47,000,000 $47,000,000 $47,000,000 Equipment and Furniture Contingency $3,500,000 $3,500,000 $3,500,000 $3,500,000 TOTAL COSTS $55,441,905 $55,441,905 $55,441,905 $0 $0 $0 80 $0 $55,441,905 TOTAL FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES FUNDING SOURCES BUDGET 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash Certificates of Obligation General Obligation Bonds New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds $26,473,905 $26,473,905 $26,473,905 $26,473,905 System Revenue - Cash Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt $25,100,000 $25,100,000 $25,100,000 Other Funding Sources' - $3,868,000 $3,868,000 $3,868,000 $3,868,000 TOTAL SOURCES $55,441,905 $30,341,905 $55,441,905 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $55,441,905 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: Fund 42 and Fund 44 Fund Balance ($3,868,000). Waste water project 7 in 2013 impact fee update. TWDB Loan in amount of $61.2M, including $11M package plant. Bonds sold - $1,032,000 in 2014, $48,822,000 in 2016 and Project Manager: Skipper Jones $1,719,905 to be sold in 2017. Project's Approval Date: 91 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER McHard Rd Trunk Sewer (Garden to Southdown WRF) WA/ 1406 Ongoing PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE Install, along McHard Rd, approximately 4,500 feet of 24" trunk sewer from Cullen to Southdown WRF; 5,800 feet of 18" trunk sewer from C,ilier to Max Road; and approximately 4,000 LF of 15" trunk sewer from Max Road to Garden Road. The first 4,500' will be constructed in the Developer Agreement with Lake Park Subdivision. — , 6,/r ` , C 1 k (�I.a /CQ,( ..P9 RI: _. ► 1-,Lit)8E"> +:,4C4 T ,f" a c- f, rr ,,- 1 `', , �`� ` ' — McHard Road nwswa• n r- z yy -`-<' �:S l0 %��' + 1 RN. ‘, Trunk Sewer Hln au., Z m A t,.........nt y ij f.. {t';N_,.-,-- 0. z ry 4 .c l 1 11_ it -- p PROJECT JUSTIFICATION This project will provide gravity sewer and is called for in the wastewater master plan. Extends Southdown service area to the east, picking up areas not currently served by City system. Additionally, this project is in conjunction with the installation of the McHard Road Extension. INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Impact on operating budget Udo Li'es (See Below) Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 R H(CAORYSi Total Revenuej Personnel Services 4 j ,.._....i Operation & Maintenance Capital Outlay Total Expense FTE Staff Total PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report Land/Right of Way $91,929 $91,929 $91,929 $91,929 Design/Surveying $794,332 $794,332 $794,332 $794,332 Construction $4,736,500 $3,246,500 $3,246,500 $1,490,000 $4,736,500 Equipment and Furniture Contingency $500,000 $500,000 $500, 000 TOTAL COSTS $6,122,761 $4,132,761 $4,132,761 $1,990.000 50 50 $0 50 56,122,761 FUNDING SOURCES TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash Certificates of Obligation General Obligation Bonds New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds $3,024,995 $2,029,995 $2,029,995 $995,000 $3,024,995 System Revenue - Cash $34,771 $34,771 $34,771 $34,771 Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt $2,637,250 $1,642,250 $1,642,250 $995,000 $2,637,250 Other Funding Sources1 - $425,745 $425,745 $425,745 $425,745 TOTAL SOURCES $6,122,761 $4,132,761 $4,132,761 $1,990,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $6,122,761 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: Fund 42 Fund Balance. Waste water project 8 in 2013 impact fee update. Probable Oversizing Agreement with Lake Park Subdivision for the 24" segment. Bonds sold - $225,745 in 2014, $1,117,000 in 2016, and $2,329,500 to be sold in 2017. Project Manager: Jennifer Lee Project's Approval Date: 92 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER Barry Rose WRF Expansion WW1502 PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE In 2016 a Preliminary Engineering Report began to determine the specific design parameters required for the plant expansion, including volume and biological loading. Expansion of the plant capacity design will begin in 2017. In 2020 construction of the expansion of treatment plant will begin, which will be a separate plant to be run in parallel with the existing plant. Run approximatley 7,500' of fiber from FM 518 to the Plant. ` . • ' t , k. ✓k' t l if ' • a f% t,a lit PROJECT JUSTIFICATION The TCEQ rules require the initiation of engineering and financial planning to upgrade a water reclamation facility when the flows reach 75% of the plant capacity. The facility is currently treating approximately 46% of the capacity and current projects are underway to remove flows from Longwood facility and shift to Barry Rose increasing loads at this plant above the 75% requirement. This is also to meet TCEQ's goal of regionalization of wastewater treatment facilities. INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Impact on operating budget uo Ur s %', E;,,I Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Revenue Personnel Services/,/ Operation & Maintenance $168,241 $168,241 $168,241 Capital Outlay Total Expense $168,241 $168,241 $168,241 FTE Staff Total PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2077 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report $700,000 $300,000 $700,000 $700,000 Land/Right of Way Design/Surveying $4,980,000 $2,940,000 $4,980,000 $4,980,000 Construction $53,300,000 $27,300,000 $26,000,000 $53,300,000 Equipment and Furniture Contingency $4,000,000 $1,400,000 $1,600,000 $1,000,000 $4,000,000 TOTAL COSTS $62.980,000 $3,240,000 5700,000 $6,380,000 $0 $28,900,000 $27,000,000 $0 $62,980,000 FUNDING SOURCES TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash Certificates of Obligation General Obligation Bonds New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds $31,340,000 $1,470,000 $400,000 $2,990,000 $14,450,000 $13,500,000 $31,340,000 System Revenue - Cash Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt $31,340,000 $1,470,000 $3,390,000 $14,450,000 $13,500,000 $31,340,000 Other Funding Sources' - $300,000 $300,000 $300,000 $300,000 TOTAL SOURCES $62,980,000 $3,240,000 $700,000 $6,380,000 $0 $28,900,000 $27,000,000 $0 $62,980,000 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: Fund 42 Fund Balance $300,000. Waste water project 2 in 2013 impact fee update. Bonds sold - $400,000 to be sold in 2017. Project Manager: Skipper Jones Project's Approval Date: 93 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER Springfield Lift Station Abandonment W W1506 1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE Abandon the Springfield lift station and gravity flow all wastewater 1,300 feet south to the Park Village Lift station on the east side of McLean. 1 11 ,i! t t PROJECT JUSTIFICATION The pumps at these facilities are currently above ground centrifugal pumps that have been in service for 30+ years. The rehab of these facilities would be costly and consist of submersible pump replacements with guide rail systems, raising wet well top to a higher elevation, relining wet well and upgrading the control panels. It is less costly to convert these facilities to gravity flow manholes. Additionally, as development continues it allows for gravity systems to abandon lift stations. 1, ' .' 's." .F i li I1,1 I1ill4 iL I INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS s' +r ," ` ,, -F.. ; z' � . , ��" Impact on operating budget 11)lo des (see Below) Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Revenue Personnel Services Operation & Maintenance ($8,200) ($8,200) ($8,200) ($8,200) ($8,200) Capital Outlay Total Expense p ($8,200) ($8,200) ($8,200) ($8,200) ($8,200) FTE Staff Total TOTAL FY PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION BUDGET 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report Land/Right of Way Design/Surveying $59,600 $59,600 $59,600 $59,600 Construction $440,800 $440,800 $440,800 $440,800 Equipment and Furniture Contingency TOTAL COSTS $500,400 $500,400 $500,400 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $500,400 TOTAL FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES FUNDING SOURCES BUDGET 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash Certificates of Obligation General Obligation Bonds New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds $440,800 $440,800 $440,800 $440,800 System Revenue - Cash Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt Other Funding Sources' - $59,600 $59,600 $59,600 $59,600 TOTAL SOURCES $500,400 $500,400 $500,400 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $500,400 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: Fund 301 fund balance $59,600. Bonds sold - $440,800 in 2016. Project Manager: TBD Project's Approval Date: 6/22/2015 94 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation 2015 W W 1507 Ongoing PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE Inflow and infiltration program to rehabilitate failing sanitary collections system over thirty years of age in the following areas over a period of years - Corrigan Subdivision, Old Towne, Summerset/Shrine, Country Place, Green Tee, Westminster, Brookside Acres, Shadycrest, Creek View, Parkview, Wood Creek, Heritage Green, Clear Creek Estates, and Twin Creek Woods. f t + h rr ,, ✓ 2 } PROJECT JUSTIFICATION Through analysis of Public Works work order history and institutional knowledge, the waste water lines in these older areas are responsible for the majority of line breaks and service interruptions in Pearland. This project will address the areas with the most frequent failures and improve system reliability for the residents. You will note that the list of project locations is the same as that listed for water line rehabilitation. It is recommended that both projects are done simultaneously to limit construction impacts to the residents. INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Impact on operating budget lA- L.h'es (See Below) Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Revenue Personnel Services Operation & Maintenance Capital Outlay Total Expense FTE Staff Total TOTAL FY PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION BUDGET 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report Land/Right of Way Design/Surveying $117,215 $117,215 $117,215 $117,215 Construction $472,979 $472,979 $472,979 $472,979 Equipment and Furniture Contingency TOTAL COSTS $590,194 5590,194 5590,194 $0 50 50 $0 50 5590,194 TOTAL FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES FUNDING SOURCES BUDGET 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash Certificates of Obligation General Obligation Bonds New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds System Revenue - Cash $250,000 $250,000 $250,000 5250.000 Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt Other Funding Sources - $340,194 $340,194 $340,194 $340,194 TOTAL SOURCES $590,194 $590,194 $590,194 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $590,194 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: Interest from TWDB funds. Project Manager: Public Works Projects Approval Date: 6/22/2015 95 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER Mykawa Lift Stations W W 1601 PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE Relocation and reconstruction of Mykawa-Scott Lift Station, and installation of new 8 -inch force main for approximately 2,500 If from Mykawa to SH35; installation of approximately 1,200 If of 12 -inch gravity line north along Mykawa from Hickory Slough to Scott, approximately 4,000 If of 12 - inch gravity line along Mykawa south from Hickory Slough to Shank, and 600 If of 8 -inch gravity line south from Shank to Orange; abandonment of Shank Street Lift Station; relocation and upgrade of Orange-Mykawa Lift Station outside of Mykawa right-of-way just north of Town Ditch, and installation of new 6 -inch force main from Orange-Mykawa Lift Station to 24 -inch trunk sewer on Hatfield. Project will be coordinated with, Mykawa Road Widening project. -' • 3 - s q $!' PROJECT JUSTIFICATION This project will remove existing sanitary lines and lift stations from being in conflict with the future Mykawa Road Widening project. The Orange- Mykawa Lift Station pumps wastewater three times before sending to the plant, will require a major rehabilitation within the next five years, and is poorly located for servicing the area. This project wit eliminate a lift station and inverted siphon, reducing long-term operation and maintenance costs, and improving system efficiency. INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Impact on operating budget U Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Revenue Personnel Services Operation & Maintenance ($8,200) ($8,200) ($8,200) ($8,200) ($8 200) Capital Outlay Total Expense ($8,200) ($8,200) ($8,200) ($8,200) ($8,200) FTE Staff Total PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report $300,000 $300,000 $300,000 $300,000 Land/Right of Way $360,000 $300,000 $300,000 $60,000 $360,000 Design/Surveying $596,300 $596,300 $596,300 $596,300 Construction $4,668,600 $4,318,600 $4,668,600 $4,668,600 Equipment and Furniture Contingency $923,020 $823,020 $100,000 $823,020 $923,020 TOTAL COSTS $6,847,920 $6.337,920 51,296,300 55,551,620 $0 50 $0 50 56,847,920 FUNDING SOURCES TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash Certificates of Obligation General Obligation Bonds New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds $6,346,620 $5,836,620 $795,000 $5,551,620 $6,346,620 System Revenue - Cash Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt Other Funding Sources' - $501,300 $501,300 $501,300 $501,300 TOTAL SOURCES $6,847,920 $6,337,920 $1,296,300 $5,551,620 $0 $0 $0 $0 $6,847,920 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: Fund 67 Fund Balance $166,300 and Fund 42 Fund Balance 5335,000. Bonds sold - $795,000 to be sold in 2017. Project Manager: Susan Johnson Project's Approval Date: 96 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER JHEC WRF Expansion WW1603 PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE A 5 MGD expansion to the existing 4 MGD water reclamation facility that will increase the treatment capacity to 9 MGD facility at the John Hargrove Water Reclamation Facility. `• .. s." l ,t 1 i 0 .,. • r 41 1TF l _r- f t "1 -; 'r.ai�---- . ]m "' o,, PROJECT' JUSTIFICATION This 5 MGD expansion is based on growth projections for the JHEC WRF service area and additional flows that will be diverted to the JHEC WRF from the Longwood Service Area and the future MUD 6 Wastewater Treatment Plant. Current flows are approaching 75% of current capacity. W W M Project 29A. This is also to meet TCEQ's goal of regionalization of wastewater treatment facilities. INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Impact on operating budget Ljvc Li' r`'1'"' Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Revenue 4. Personnel Services Operation & Maintenance 9240,344 $240,344 $240,344 Capital Outlay Total Expense 5240,344 $240,344 $240,344 FTE Staff Total PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report $475,000 $475,000 $475,000 $475,000 Land/Right of Way Design/Surveying $7,550,000 $2,785,000 $7,550,000 $7,550,000 Construction $50,300,000 $17,300,000 $33,000,000 $50,300,000 Equipment and Furniture Contingency $10,000,000 $5.000,000 $5,000,000 $10,000,000 TOTAL COSTS $68,325,000 53.260,000 5475,000 57,550,000 50 522,300,000 $38,000,000 $0 $68,325,000 FUNDING SOURCES TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash Certificates of Obligation General Obligation Bonds New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds $34,162,500 $752,500 $3,260,000 $11,150,000 $19,000,000 $34,162,500 System Revenue - Cash Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt $34,162,500 $752,500 $3,260,000 $11,150,000 $19,000,000 $34,162,500 Other Funding Sources' - $1,830,000 TOTAL SOURCES $68,325,000 $1,830,000 $1,505,000 $6,520,000 $0 $22,300,000_ $38,000,000 $0 $68,325,000 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: Waste water project 10 in 2013 impact fee update. Bonds sold - $1,505,000 in 2016. Project Manager: Cara Davis Project's Approval Date: 6/22/2015 97 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER Green Tee 1 to Riverstone Wastewater Diversion (Longwood Service Area Phase 1) W W 1604 PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE Work includes running the remaining 780 equivalent connections from Green Tee basin and redirecting these flows through Riverstone Ranch to Barry Rose plant by running approximately 2600' of 8-10" line from lift station on Golf Crest & Country Club to receiving manhole in Riverstone Ranch and diverting flows from Lift Station #34 via force main on Country Club Drive into the Riverstone collection system. Work also includes the rehabilitation of Lift Station #34.This project works in conjunction with the Riverstone Ranch Oversizing agreement. < / 4 j t .- % _ f \ • �, r,. 5 i �. .-, .,__.____. . `.— I. . PROJECT JUSTIFICATION This project will effectively remove 780 equivalent wastewater connections from the Longwood treatment plant and transfer them to the Barry Rose plant. INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Impact on operating budget Ld4= L,Ne :,j.r i Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Revenue Personnel Services Operation & Maintenance Capital Outlay Total Expense FTE Staff Total TOTAL FY PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION BUDGET 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report Land/Right of Way $30,000 $30,000 $30,000 $30,000 Design/Surveying $143,580 $143,580 $143,580 $143,580 Construction $1,200,000 $760,000 $760,000 $440,000 $1,200,000 Equipment and Furniture Contingency $172,500 $80,000 $80,000 $92,500 $172,500 TOTAL COSTS $1,546,080 $1,013,580 $1,013,580 5532.500 50 $0 $0 $0 $1,546,080 TOTAL FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES FUNDING SOURCES BUDGET 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash Certificates of Obligation General Obligation Bonds New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds $1,322,500 $840,000 $840,000 $482,500 $1,322,500 System Revenue - Cash Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt Other Funding Sources - $223,580 $173,580 $173,580 $50,000 $223,580 TOTAL SOURCES $1,546,080 $1,013,580 $1,013,580 $532,500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,546,080 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: Fund 565 fund balance $223,580. Bonds sold - $840,000 to be sold in 2017. Project Manager: Jennifer Lee Project's Approval Date: 98 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER Roy/Max/Garden Roads Basin Sewage System W W 1605 7 PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE This project proposes approximately 4,940 LF of 18" trunk sewer along Broadway St. from Food Town's Lift Station to O'Day Rd, approximately 1,300 LF of 15" trunk sewer along Garden Rd from Broadway to the lift station and 1,200 LF of 12" sewer line along Roy and Max Rd from Broadway to Hickory Slough. .._._._ - },� . 1 / cry 1 . l_-- '" "`' .o o . . i �. r.. . 2 . .G:, i Roy �^ a¢°`V� u�Yiiu noGarden Roads i t Basin Sewage System :..;.,.� Fz nc f s 4 " =" ; PROJECT JUSTIFICATION This project will eliminate modeled overflows and two existing lift stations (Food Town's, Garden Rd.) and serve areas that are currently not serviced as far north as Hickory Slough. WWM Project 12 INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Impact on operating budget J' Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 r 1 r `" 1 Total Revenue Personnel Services Operation & Maintenance ($10,933) ($16,400) ($16,400) ($16,400) Capital Outlay Total Expense ($10,933) ($16,400) ($16,400) ($16,400) FTE Staff Total PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU2017 2016 2019 2020 2021 Y024 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report 550,000 $50,000 $50,000 550,000 Land/Right of Way $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 Design/Surveying $330,000 $330,000 $330,000 Construction $2,143,000 $2,143,000 $2,143,000 Equipment and Furniture Contingency $540,000 $270,000 $270,000 $540,000 TOTAL COSTS $3,163,000 550.000 550,000_ 50 5700.000 52.413.000 $0 50 $3,163,000 FUNDING SOURCES TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash Certificates of Obligation General Obligation Bonds New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds $1,556,500 $350,000 $1,206,500 $1,556,500 System Revenue - Cash Impact Fees - Cash 5350,000 $350,000 $350,000 Impact Fees - Debt $1,206,500 $1,206,500 $1,206,500 Other Funding Sources' - $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 TOTAL SOURCES $3,163,000 $50,000 $50,000 $0 $700,000 $2,413,000 $0 $0 $3,163,000 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: Fund 42 fund balance $50,000 Project Manager: Jennifer Lee Project's Approval Date: 99 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER Lift Station Program 2017 VV W 1701 5 PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE Convert 30 year old Veterans 1 lift station to a manhole and re-route sanitary sewer to existing gravity sewer _in li f.. _,t• nil � ,•.�/ '�° a ti+.16ui. `l ttl 4.. irk _ "' PROJECT JUSTIFICATION Elimination of the Veterans I lift station reduces operation and maintenance cost. INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Impact on operating budget L Nees (See 5.iora Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Revenue Personnel Services Operation & Maintenance ($8,200) ($8,200) (38,200) ($8,200) ($8,200) Capital Outlay Total Expense ($8,200) ($8,200) ($8,200) ($8,200) ($8,200) FTE Staff Total TOTAL FY PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION BUDGET 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report Land/Right of Way Design/Surveying $75,000 $75,000 $75,000 $75,000 Construction $200,000 $200,000 $200,000 $200,000 Equipment and Furniture Contingency TOTAL COSTS $275,000 5275,000 5275,000 $0 $0 50 $0 $0 $275,000 TOTAL FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES FUNDING SOURCES BUDGET 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash Certificates of Obligation General Obligation Bonds New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds $275,000 $275,000 $275,000 $275,000 System Revenue - Cash Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt Other Funding Sources' - TOTAL SOURCES $275,000 $275,000 $275,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $275,000 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: Bonds sold - $275,000 to be sold in 2017. Project Manager: Public Works Projects Approval Date: 100 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation 2017 01W1702 Ongoing PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE Inflow and infiltration program to rehabilitate failing sanitary collections system over thirty years of age in the following areas over a period of years - Corrigan Subdivision, Old Townsite, Sommersetshire, Country Place, Green Tee, Westminster, Brookside Acres, Shadycrest, Creek View, Parkview, Wood Creek, Heritage Green, Clear Creek Estates, and Twin Creek Woods. r� PROJECT JUSTIFICATION Through analysis of Public Works work order history and institutional knowledge, the waste water lines in these older areas are responsible for the majority of line breaks and service interruptions in Pearland. This project will address the areas with the most frequent failures and improve system reliability for the residents. Note that the list of project locations is the same as that listed for water line rehabilitation. It is recommended that both projects are done simultaneously to limit construction impacts to the residents. INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Impact on operating budget Lfo (_fres (See Beim) Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Revenue Personnel Services Operation & Maintenance' Capital Outlay Total Expense FTE Staff Total PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report Land/Right of Way Design/Surveying Construction $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 Equipment and Furniture Contingency TOTAL COSTS $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $500,000 FUNDING SOURCES TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash Certificates of Obligation General Obligation Bonds New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 System Revenue - Cash Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt Other Funding Sources' - TOTAL SOURCES $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $500,000 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: Bonds sold - $500,000 to be sold in 2017. Project Manager: Public Works Project's Approval Date: 101 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER Independence Park Lift Station Abandonment WW1703 Ongoing PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE Abandon the existing lift station located at Independence Park and replace with a gravity sanitary sewer system. This will tie-in to the existing sewer system located on Pearland Parkway. In *� - o- �s � PROJECT JUSTIFICATION This lift station is approximately 35 years old and is equipped with retrofitted pumps from the 1990's. Investigation of the system has shown some settlement of the system that has caused continual maintenance. As development in the area has occurred gravity sewer has come closer to the site. Additionally, facilities in the park are being relocated closer to the gravity lines allowing for the use of a gravity sewer system. INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Impact on operating budget i—h'o D'es (See Below) Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Revenue Personnel Services Operation & Maintenance Capital Outlay Total Expense FTE Staff Total TOTAL FY PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION BUDGET 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report Land/Right of Way Design/Surveying $67,500 $67,500 $67,500 Construction $450,000 $450,000 $450,000 Equipment and Furniture Contingency $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 TOTAL COSTS $562,500 $0 $562,500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $562,500 TOTAL FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES FUNDING SOURCES BUDGET 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash Certificates of Obligation General Obligation Bonds New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds $495,000 $495,000 $495,000 System Revenue - Cash $67,500 $67,500 $67,500 Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt Other Funding Sources' - TOTAL SOURCES $562,500 $0 $562,500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $562,500 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: Bonds sold - $495,000 to be sold in 2017. Project Manager: Matthew Brown Project's Approval Date: 102 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER Waste Water Master Plan Update WW1704 1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE This project will be to update the 2008 Waste Water Master Plan. Since 2008 there has been significant growth and development along with system rehabilitation and the model has not been updated to reflect these changes. The project will include the updating of the system changes. r� 8 _ T c 411111 h� rt- E X A 1� t S PROJECT JUSTIFICATION The 2008 Waste Water Master Plan is the last major update that has been conducted to the model. Modeling is used to help assist in location potential over flows and deficient line sizes that result in system capacity issues. These results are then used to develop priorities for CIP projects. Modeling is also utilized to assist in determining development impacts to the system. INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Impact on operating budget [Io Lf'es (See Below) Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Revenue Personnel Services Operation & Maintenance Capital Outlay Total Expense FTE Staff Total PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report Land/Right of Way Design/Surveying $500,000 $214,290 $214,290 $285,710 $500,000 Construction Equipment and Furniture Contingency TOTAL COSTS $500,000 $214,290 $214,290 $285,710 _ $0 $0 _ 00 $0 $500.000 FUNDING SOURCES TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash Certificates of Obligation General Obligation Bonds New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds System Revenue - Cash $285,710 $285,710 $285,710 Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt Other Funding Sources' - $214,290 S214,290 $214,290 $214,290 TOTAL SOURCES $500,000 $214,290 $214,290 $285,710 $0 $0 $0 $0 $500,000 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: Funds transferred from closeout of WA1001 ($214,290). Project Manager: Engineering Project's Approval Date: 103 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER Lift Station Program W W 1801 PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE FY 18: Convert 30 year old Mary's Creek lift station to a manhole. It is the last of four below ground stations that are confined space entry facilities. The flow from this manhole would flow to a new site about 20ft. north on city easement and right of way for the construction of a conventional submersible pump lift station. The new station would consist of submersible pumps with guide rail systems, wet well top would be above flood elevation, a new control panel with remote alarming system. # s r= sPut ti . , �'"`�. ° � � • � � � —• ' c' • ' . a� ��4 � ^' "�—� ' � -, PROJECT JUSTIFICATION The Mary's Creek lift station pump and controls are below ground with a risk of flooding. INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Impact on operating budget ij o Lives (See Below) Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Revenue Personnel Services Operation & Maintenance ($8,200) ($8,200)8,200) l8 ($8,200)($8,200) Capital Outlay Total Expense p ($8,200) ($8,200) ($8,200) ($8,200) ($8,200) FTE Staff Total TOTAL FY PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report Land/Right of Way Design/Surveying $353,000 $113,000 $60,000 $60,000 $60,000 $60,000 $353,000 Construction $2,750,000 $750,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500.000 $2,750,000 Equipment and Furniture Contingency TOTAL COSTS $3,103,000 SO $0 $863,000 $560,000 $560,000 $560,000 $560,000 $3,103,000 TOTAL FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES FUNDING SOURCES 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash Certificates of Obligation General Obligation Bonds New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds $3,103,000 $863,000 $560,000 $560,000 $560,000 $560,000 $3,103,000 System Revenue - Cash Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt Other Funding Sources' - TOTAL SOURCES $3,103,000 $0 $0 $863,000 $560,000 $560,000 5560,000 $560,000 53,103,000 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: Project Manager: Public Works Project's Approval Date: 104 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation W W 1802 PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE Inflow and infiltration program to rehabilitate failing sanitary collections system over thirty years of age in the following areas over a period of years - Corrigan Subdivision, Old Townsite, Sommersetshire, Country Place, Green Tee, Westminster, Brookside Acres, Shadycrest, Creek View, Parkview, Wood Creek, Heritage Green, Clear Creek Estates, and Twin Creek Woods. ; t r ` r �, t ' y, PROJECT JUSTIFICATION Through analysis of Public Works work order history and institutional knowledge, the waste water lines in these older areas are responsible for the majority of line breaks and service interruptions in Pearland. This project will address the areas with the most frequent failures and improve system reliability for the residents. Note that the list of project locations is the same as that listed for water line rehabilitation. It is recommended that both projects are done simultaneously to limit construction impacts to the residents. INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Impact on operating budget L}tes (sec Below) Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Revenue Personnel Services Operation & Maintenance Capital Outlay Total Expense FTE Staff Total PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED ALLOCATIO ar 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report Land/Right of Way Design/Surveying Construction $7,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,500,000 $1,500,000 $2,000,000 $7,000,000 Equipment and Furniture Contingency TOTAL COSTS $7,000.000 SO SO $1,000.000 51,000,000 S1,500,000 $1,500,000 52,000,000 57,000,000 FUNDING SOURCES TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash Certificates of Obligation General Obligation Bonds New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds $1,000,000 $1,000,000 System Revenue - Cash $7,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,500,000 $1,500,000 $2,000,000 $6,000,000 Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt Other Funding Sources - TOTAL SOURCES $7,000,000 $0 50 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,500,000 $1,500,000 $2,000,000 $7,000,000 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: Interest from TWDB funds. Project will carryover to 2025. Project Manager: Public Works Project's Approval Date: 105 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER Reflecion Bay Lift Station Bar Screen W 21803 2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE Install a course bar screen located up stream of the regional on-site lift station. This will be an automated system with a control panel that is connected into the Reflection Bay SCADA system. «° tt ii i; , ry IIIIM { ijtf u #t s t r �r -1/. -- {! 'Impact ty // , PROJECT JUSTIFICATION The amount of debris in the wastewater stream entering into the lift station has resulted in pumps clogging, additional wet well cleaning and potential for debris to get into the treatment system. The lift station has been monitored for the past year with 1-2 cleanings per month with no improvement. The installation of a bar screen will allow for the debris to be collected and disposed of before entering into the lift station and possibly to the treatment system. INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Impacton operating budget l__};:, H2es (see Below ; Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Revenue Personnel Services Operation & Maintenance'`?! Capital Outlay Total Expense FTE Staff Total TOTAL FY PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION BUDGET 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report Land/Right of Way Design/Surveying $225,000 $225,000 $225,000 Construction $1,500,000 $1,500,000 $1,500,000 Equipment and Furniture Contingency TOTAL COSTS $1,725,000 SO 50 $1,725,000 $0 $0 _ $0 50 $1,725,000 TOTAL FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES FUNDING SOURCES BUDGET 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash Certificates of Obligation General Obligation Bonds New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds $862,500 $862,500 $862,500 System Revenue - Cash Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt $862,500 $862,500 $862,500 Other Funding Sources' - TOTAL SOURCES $1,725,000 $0 $0 $1,725,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,725,000 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: Project Manager: Public Works Project's Approval Date: 106 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER Veterans Drive Lift Station Service Area - WWM Project 11 WW2001 f PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE This project extends the trunk sewer south along Veterans Dr. as far as Dare Rd., providing gravity sewer service as follows: approximately 1,600 LF of 12" line, 16,680 feet of 18" line, and 4,920 LF of 24" line. The timing of this project is developer driven and the city cost is for line oversizing only, not 100% of the estimated cost. r. ^P tt ca ox.9Rt : J Q • a) a) a c}rmx •6 > u E `— 1> d `~ r, li i ill r`'' r' J i,. c.. r c QiLL `s. 4I1��' _ . . \\ ,__ PROJECT JUSTIFICATION This will allow gravity sewer for development south of Bailey Rd. and eliminate two lift stations (Park Village and Springfield). The timing of this project is developer driven and the city cost is for line oversizing only, not 100% of the estimated cost. WWM Project 11 INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Impact on operating budget (fres (See Below) Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Revenue Personnel Services Operation & Maintenance ($16,400) ($16,400) ($16,4001}1 Capital Outlay Total Expense ($16,400) ($16,400) ($16,400):r FTE Staff Total PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report Land/Right of Way $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 Design/Surveying $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 Construction $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 Equipment and Furniture Contingency $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 TOTAL COSTS $1,250,000 SO $0 $0 SO $150,000 $1,100,000 $0 $1,250,000 FUNDING SOURCES TOTAL BUDGET FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash Certificates of Obligation General Obligation Bonds New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds System Revenue - Cash $625,000 $75,000 $550,000 $625,000 Impact Fees - Cash $625,000 $75,000 $550,000 $625,000 Impact Fees - Debt Other Funding Sources.' - TOTAL SOURCES $1,250,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $150,000 $1,100,000 $0 $1,250,000 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: Waste water project 6 in 2013 impact fee update. Project Manager: Jennifer Lee Project's Approval Date: 107 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # PREFERENCE ORDER Southdown Regional Lift Station & Force Main \A/v.8-210i 8 PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IMAGE Construct regional lift station to serve the entire Southdown service area. Wetwell and pump capacity should have ultimate capacity of 2440 GPM or 3.2 MGD. In the initial phase of this project The lift station will pump the McHard gravity line to the Southdown Plant until this plant reaches its capacity. At 90% of the Southdown capacity the construction of the force main will begin and pumps will be resized to pump to the Reflection Bay Plant. Construction includes approximately 12,300' of 16" force main from the Southdown Regional Lift Station to Reflection Bay Water Reclamation facility. Route will take line beneath SH 288 and remain within McHard and Shadow Creek Parkway ROW to tie into gravity trunk on Reflection Bay. _ r . str..rnr PROJECTJUSTIFICATION', '< ti This project will collect regional wastewater flows from an expanded service area and divert them to the regional treatment facility at Reflection Bay eliminating the Southdown plant and an estimated $125,500 per year in operations costs. The project also eliminates the need for a future expansion of the Southdown Plant. This is also to meet TCEQ's goal of regionalization of wastewater treatment facilities. INCREMENTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS , Wheel"' t vI:4 "'i # ,° f Impact on operating budget IAN, b es (See Below) Fiscal Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Revenue Personnel Services Operation & Maintenance Capital Outlay Total Expense FTE Staff Total TOTAL FY PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS PROJECT COSTS ALLOCATION 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL Prelim. Engineering Report Land/Right of Way $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 Design/Surveying $990,000 $990,000 $990,000 Construction $6,590,000 $6,590,000 $6,590,000 Equipment and Furniture Contingency $1,320,000 $660,000 $660,000 $1,320,000 TOTAL COSTS $8,950,000 $0 $0 SO SO $0 $1,700,000 $7,250,000 $8.950,000 TOTAL FY PROJECTED FUNDING SOURCES FUNDING SOURCES 2017 ADOPTED BUDGET BUDGET PROJECTED THRU 2017 2016 2019 2020 2021 2022 PROJECT TOTAL General Revenue - Cash Certificates of Obligation General Obligation Bonds New/Proposed GO Bonds PEDC W/S Revenue Bonds $4,475,000 $850,000 $3,625,000 $4,475,000 System Revenue - Cash Impact Fees - Cash Impact Fees - Debt $4,475,000 $850,000 $3,625,000 $4,475,000 Other Funding Sources' - TOTAL SOURCES $8,950,000 $0 _ $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,700,000 $7,250,000 $8,950,000 'Explain & Identify Type of Other Sources: Project Manager: Project's Approval Date: 108 NEW/PROPOSED BOND PROGRAM PROJECTS Project Overall Project Name Type Priority 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total Running Total Proposed 2019 Bond Projects Park Equipment Replacement Program Parks 1 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 2,500,000 2,500,000 Street Reconstruction Program Roads 2 2,175,000 2,175,000 2,175,000 2,175,000 2,175,000 10,875,000 13,375,000 JHEC Nature Trails - Phase II Parks 3 250,000 1,115,000 1,365,000 14,740,000 Independence Park Phase II Parks 4 1,020,000 1,500,000 5,100,000 7,620,000 22,360,000 Pearland Pkwy Super Street Roads 5 685,000 2,475,000 3,160,000 25,520,000 Shadow Creek Ranch Park Phase II Parks 6 1,080,000 4,040,000 4,600,000 9,720,000 35,240,000 SCR Library Facilities 7 200,000 1,760,000 7,350,000 8,940,000 18,250,000 53,490,000 Animal Services Shelter Facilities 8 700,000 805,000 3,862,000 5,367,000 58,857,000 Pearland Pkwy Traffic Circle Improvements Roads 9 1,050,000 3,850,000 4,900,000 63,757,000 Future Road Projects (matching funds for future TIP projects) Roads 10 2,000,000 2,500,000 2,500,000 7,000,000 70,757,000 Total New/Proposed Bond Projects 6,380,000 14,895,000 16,880,000 18,487,000 14,115,000 70,757,000 Additional Identified Projects Kingsley - Clear Creek to BW 8 (Assumes 80% TIP Funds) Roads 11 4,396,880 75,153,880 Fire Training Burn Building Phase I Facilities 12 914,000 76,067,880 Broadway Expansion - SH 288 to Cullen (City Share) Roads 13 5,000,000 81,067,880 Trail Connectivity Phase IV Parks 14 750,000 81,817,880 Hickory Slough Detention Pond Phase II Drainage 15 8,730,000 90,547,880 Hickory Slough Sportsplex Phase II Parks 16 4,380,000 94,927,880 Hughes Ranch Rd - Cullen to Stone Roads 17 9,000,000 103,927,880 Fire Training Field Phase II Facilities 18 3,065,000 106,992,880 Park Land Acquisition Parks 19 1,000,000 107,992,880 Hillhouse PW Annex Phase II Facilities 20 2,006,000 109,998,880 FM2234 Landscape Improvements - SH 288 to 15,000' West Roads 21 1,350,000 111,348,880 Grand Blvd Reconstruction - Broadway to Walnut Roads 22 5,759,000 117,107,880 Old Alvin - McHard to Knapp Roads 23 6,075,000 123,182,880 Piper Drainage Drainage 24 1,020,000 124,202,880 Total Additional Identified Projects - - - -- 53,445,880 TOTAL ALL PROJECTS 6,380,000 14,895,000 16,880,000 18,487,000 14,115,000 124,202,880 Note - Does not include results of Parks Master Plan, Drainage Master Plan, Facilities Assessment Study or potential TIP opportunities. Items in 2023 are outside the current 5 -year CIP. 109 GLOSSARY OF TERMS -A- AC — Asbestos Concrete AC -FT — Acre Feet ADA — American Disabilities Act ADF — Average Daily Flow APPROP — Appropriation AWWA — American Water Works Association -B- BCDD # 4 — Brazoria County Drainage District #4 BC MUD # 4 — Brazoria County Municipal Utility District #4 BNSF — An acronym meaning Burlington Northern Santa Fe (Railroad) BW — Beltway -C- CAT — Category CDBG — Community Development Block Grant CIAD — Coastal Impact Assistance Program CIP — Capital Improvement Program CMAQ — Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality CO — Certificates of Obligation CR — County Road -E- EMS — Emergency Medical Service EOC — Emergency Operations Center ESA — Environmental Site Assessment EST — Elevated Storage Tank ETJ — Extraterritorial Jurisdiction -F- FM — Farm -to -Market FNW — Far North West FTE — Full -Time Equivalent FY — Fiscal Year -G- GCWA — Gulf Coast Water Authority GEC — General Engineering Consultant GO — General Obligation GST — Ground Storage Tank -H- HCFCD — Harris County Flood Control District HDPE — High Density Polyethylene HGAC — Houston -Galveston Area Council HVAC — Heating, Ventilation, and Air Condition -1- I/I — Inflow and Infiltration IH — Interstate Highway -J- JHEC — John Hargrove Environmental Center -K- KPB — Keep Pearland Beautiful. -L- LEED — Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design LF — Linear Feet. LS — Lift Station -M- M — Million MEP — Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing MGD — million gallons per day MUD — Municipal Utility District -N- NOI — Notice of Intent -P- PD — Planned Development PEDC — Pearland Economic Development Corporation PER — Preliminary Engineering Report PISD — Pearland Independent School District PSB — Public Safety Building PVFD — Pearland Volunteer Fire Department -R- ROW — Right -Of -Way RD — Road GLOSSARY OF TERMS -S- SBR — Sequential Batch Reactor SCADA — Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition SWEC — Southwest Environmental Center SF — Square Feet ST — Street -T- TCEQ — Texas Commission of Environmental Quality TIP — Transportation Improvement Program TOC — Traffic Operations Center TXDOT — Texas Department of Transportation -U- UB — Utility Billing UDC — Unified Development Code UHCL — University of Houston Clear Lake -V- VOIP — Voice Over Internet Protocol -W- WWM — Waste Water Model WRF — Water Reclamation Facility 2 0 1 8 - 2 0 2 2 CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 11NAS FST `8A City of Pearland 3519 Liberty Drive Pearland, Texas 77581 Phone: 281.652.1600 pearlandtx.gov