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R2004-120 07-26-04
RESOLUTION NO. R2004-120 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS, AWARDING A BID FOR CONSTRUCTION SERVICES ASSOCIATED WITH THE YOST ROAD PROJECT. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS: Section 1. That the City opened bids for construction services associated with the Yost Road Project, and such bids have been reviewed and tabulated. Section 2. That the City Council hereby awards the bid to KCC Group, in the amount of $3,866,015.50. Section 3. The City Manager or his designee is hereby authorized to execute a contract for construction services associated with the Yost Road Project. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this the 26th day of Jul y , A.D., 2004. ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: DARRIN M. COKER CITY ATTORNEY TOM REID MAYOR TurnerCollieCcSBraden Inc. Engineers • Planners • Project Managers P.O. Box 130089 Houston, Texas 77219-0089 5757 Woodway 77057-1599 Tel: (713) 780-4100 Fax: (713)780-0830 July 13, 2004 TC&B Project No. 052.511256.0005 Mr. Joe Wertz Projects Director City of Pearland 3519 Liberty Pearland, TX 77581 Re: Mobility and Drainage Bond Program Yost Boulevard Improvements Dear Mr. Wertz: The City of Pearland Purchasing Office received sealed bids on June 30, 2004 on the above referent project. Bids were received from six contractors. The bids received are shown on the attached Bid Tabulation. The bids were tabulated and reviewed. It is our recommendation the project be awarded to the low bidder KCC Group Inc based on their bid of $3,866,015.50. Sincerely, les W. Keller, P.E. enior Project Manager Enc: cc: Craig Hester Rod McCrary Established in 1946 Engineering Excellence for Over One -Half Century Apt r\ E C O M COMPANY CITY OF PEARLAND MOBILITY AND DRAINAGE BOND PROGRAM YOST BOULEVARD BID TABULATION Engineer Estimate KCC.Group, Inc. : Triple 8 Services, LLP Beyer Construction, LLP Total Contracting, LTD Conrad Construction Co., Inc, Texas Sterling Item Description Unit Bid Quantity Unit Price Bid Cost Unit Price ' Bid Cost Unit Price Bid Cost Unit Price Bid Cost Unit Price Bid Cost Unit Price Bid Cost Unit Price Bid Cosl Average Unit race 1 Mobilization LS 1 5242,383.75 $242,383.75 1200000.00 ;$200,000.00 544,500.00 544,500,11 $88,SC00" 588,500.00 $ 200.000.00 5200,000.00 5200,000.0. 5200.000.•• 5 2C0,000.00 3200,000.0 - $ 155,500.00 2 Project Identification Signs EA _ 5885.00 St 77000 a . - $600.00 .:. ' .31,200.M 3850.00 51,700.11 5675.0; 51,350.00 $ 750.00 $1.500.00 57281 51,456.0. $ 695.00 51,370.0 S 714,67 3 Remove &Dispose Existing Asphalt Pavement SY 14, 100 53.25 54582500 $250-.' - SJ5,250.00 .. .. ' 52.70 538,070.I• 52.8$ 539460.00 S 3.00 542300.00 S4.I $56,400.•, $ 2.50 335,250.0 $ 2.92 4 Remove & Oispose Existing Concrete Pavement SY 1,300 $5.00 5650000 '52.5.0 33,250.09 55.00 56,500.11 54.11 55,330.00 $ 3.00 53,900.00 S5.• $6,500.0. $ 10,00 513,000.0 $ 4.93 5 Remove 8 Dispose Existing Concrete Curb LF 850 55.00 $4 250 00 ' $1.00 .. r.585o:'' S1.70 31,445, is 51.9' S1,657.5O $ 3.00 52,550A0 $2.1 S1,700.06 $ 0.10 $85.0 $ 1.63 6 Remove &Dispose Existing Concrete ew Sidalk SY 475 $2.50 $1,18150 $2.50 , 31;187.50 -. 51,70 5807. • 5289 51,330.00 $ 3.00 $1,425.00 SSJ 52,375.0 $ 12.00 55,700.0 S 4.50 7 Remove & Oisp¢se Existing Driveway SY 3,50fi $5,00 517600.00 " 52:50 : ' ' $8;750.00 $2.00 $7,000.II $2.7`. 59,625.00 $ 3.r,0 S10SOOOQ SS.I 517.500.0. $ 8.00 528,000.0 • S 3.88 8 Remove & Dispos¢ Existing Sloan Sewer Culvens All Sizes and De•Ihs LF 5,600 57.50 542,00000 53.00 $18,600. 53.25 518,2CA.11 55.69 531360.OQ $ 3.00 516.800.OQ 59.• 550,400.0o 5 10.50 558,800.0 5 5.73 9 Remove & Dispose Existing Inlets EA 18 5300.00 55,40000 'i$50.00 { 5900.00 5350.0 56,300.II $75.0• 51,350. u $ 10.00 5180.00 5150.I 52,700.O• $ 355.00 56,390.0•: 5 165.00 10 Remove & Dispose Existing Manhole EA 2 5400.00 $80000 550.00 '� : $100`" $420.0C 5840.•1 $208.•C• 5416.00' S 10.00 520.00 5300.I 5600.0• $ 355,00 $710.0 S 223.83 11 Remove & Salvage Existing Fire Hydrants EA 4 3300.00 $1,20000 { 5100.00 $400.00 $160.00 5640,se $136Oy $544.Oq $ 10.00 540.00 5200.0 $800.0• $ 605.00 $2,420.0 $ 201.83 12 Site Preparation LS 1 325,000.00 $25,00000) - 337,700,00 '- t'•$37,700.00 574,000.0, $74,000, If 586,000.04 586000.00 $ 100,000.00 $lOO,000.00 $106,000.II 5106,000.0. $ 8600.00 58,000.0E $ 68,616.67 13 Roadway Excavation CY 18 30 56,50 SI1895000 - 55.00 $91;500.00 58.91 $162,870.II 59.oP 5164700.00 $ 7.00 $I2B,100.00 $6.5 5118950.0• S 6.50 $118,950.011 $ 7.15 14 Flood Plain Park Excavation CY 4,50 $I2.00I S54,00000 .$5.00 ; 522,500,0Q $2.20 39,900.•• $9.09. $40,500.00 $ 7.00 $31,500.00 $6.5 529,250.0. $ 7.00 $31,500.00 S 6.12 15 Embankment CY 4,150 S2.5011 310.375.00 "13.50 -t: ' "$14,525.00 50.75 $3,112. • $2.I $8,300.00 $ 7.00 529,050.00 55.01 $20,750.0# $ 7.00 329,050.0# $ 4.21 16 Trench Safety System IF 14,0004 $1.Oq 514,00000 S1.0q "-514j000: $0.15 $2,100.1• 50,1R 51,400.Oq 5 2.00 528000.00 St.•• $14,000.0• $ 1.00 $14,000.01 5 0.88 17 Articulated Concrete Blocks SY 12., $50,00 $6,000.00 i- $50 0 > $6,000.00I S68.2 . $8,184.II S65.OI. $7,800.OQ $ 45.00 $5400.Od 562.01 $7,440.01 5 96.00 S11,520.01 S 64.37 18 Type "C" Storm Sewer Manhole EA 43 $1,750.00 $75,25000 's'$1,500.00;:", `-S64,500.001 51,900.00 581,700.II 52,3009Q 598.900.00 $ 2,500.00 $107.SOOOq 12400.I 5103,200,Os $ 3,000.00 5129,000.IE S 2.266.67 19 Storm Sewer Manhole (Extra Depth) VF 91 575.00 S6,825.001,,.�.'575.00:`. `. "'.$6,825.00 $65.0-. S5,915.II $99.78 $9009Oq $ 100.00 59,100.00 $100.0. 39,100.08 $ 80.00 $7.280,01 $ 86.50 20 24' RCP Storm Sewer LF 4,250 $50.00 $212,50000 2i $45.00 $19tI250.0q 555,00 $233,750.#1 $45II. 5191,250.00 5 50.00 $212SOO.Od $SBI+ 5246,500.0s 5 57.00 5242,250.I• $ 51.67 21 30" RCP Storm Sewer LF 2,250 $60.00 5135,00000 '$55 5123,730.01 $62.00 $139,500.I• $58.9I 5130,500.Oq $ 70.00 $157,500.00 567.5• 3151 875 I. 5 62.00 S139,500.00 $ 62.42 22 36" RCP Storm Sewer LF 1,370 585.00 5116,45000 575.00 '_- =',`5102,750:00 5106.00 $145,220.I1 $114.?& $156180.OQ $ 105.00 5143650.00 5104.1I S142,480.01 $ 140.00 5191,800.1. $ 107.33 23 42" RCP Storm Sewer LE 163 $90.001 $14,400.00CY 514400,0• 5126.0- $$20,160.11 3144.0 $23,040.0 $ 1J0.00 $20.800.00 5146.01 523,360.0• $ 160.00 525,600.0. 5 132.67 24 54' RCP Storrn Sewer LF 24d 5125.00I $30,00000 i 11100( 526:400. rr 5198.0 $47,520,II 5786.0' S44640. 180.00 543.200.00 5218.01 552,320 •• 5 215.00 351,600.0. $ 184.50 25 LF 125 575.00 59,37500 = 370.0E ,'-'$8,750„01 $59.00 $7,375.1+ $l28.Otit, 516000.CO $ 100.00 S12,SOO.OQ 599.II 512,375,0s $ 130.00 $16,250.0. $ 97,67 26 54 ACMP Storm Sewe LF 6Q $100.0d $6,00000 >590.00 :$5,400.01 590.04 55,400..1 $147.P"" - 58,820.OQ $ 125.00 57,500.00 $140.0• 58,400.0s S 160.00 $9,600#si 5 125.33 27 EA 12 51,500.00 $18,00000 '5120000 , 314,400,0# 51,540.01. S18,480.01 $2,000.C2 $24000.OQ $ 2,000.00 524000.00 $1,400•• 316,800.0. $ 2,300.00 527,600, I. $ 1,740.00 28 Type"C-1" Intel EA 261 $2,000.00 552,00000 .?S140000 -- :336,400:00 52,640.00 368,640.n $2,000.0' S52,000.00$ 2,000.00 $52,000.00 57800.•1 S46.800.01 $ 3,000.00 $78,000 I1. 5 2,140.00 29 Type `C-2` Inlet EA 11 52,500.00 527,500 0Q .$2 000 00 '• 522,000.01. 53,730.00 541,030.00 52,300. ¢ 525,300.00 $ 3,000.00 533,000.0Q 52,200.00 $24,200.08 $ 3,000.00 533,000.0s $ 2,705.00 30 Type"E' Intel EA 28 51,600.00 S44,80000 s5110000 1 $30.800,01 52,500.00 370,000.00 51,320.0-C, 536,960.00 $ 1,500.00 542,000.00 51,300.00 536,400.• $ 2,500.00 570,000.0. $ 1,703,33 31 Concrete Headwall EA 1 $10.000,00 510,00000 ,3300000j .° $3,000:00 55,300.00 $5,300,OC $1O.000.0 sio.00a.oq $ 12,000.00 512,000.0 520,000.00 S20,O00.1• $ 13,500.00 513,500.1s S 10,633.33 32 Concrete Slope Paving SY 201MCII 520000k ;..•$10000J : 52,000.0s 558.04E $1,160.0C $150.0' 53,000.00k$ 75.00 51,500. $50.00 $1,000.0• S 140.00 $2,800.0. $ 95.50 33 Timber Bent EA 2 $2,500.00 $5,00000 s'51;00000 .$2.000.01 51,930.0 53.860.00 52,850.0r. 55,700. S 2000.00 $4.000. 52,000.00 54,000.01 $ 550.00 $1,100..1' 5 1721.67 34 Bin. Grate EA $20.00 $100 •• :,+' $200..1 ' =�$1 000.01 5128,0• $640.00 $226.01-. 51,130.00 $ 1,500.00 57,500.00r 5200.00 $1,000.01 $ 95.00 $475,0. $ 391.50 35 Regrade Existing Ditch LF 25 57.00 317500 • = 52000 -i •;`$500.0I S4.08 5100.0E $7.0-• $175.00 5 100.00 52,500.01 510.00 5250.0# $ 20.00 _ 5500.11 $ 26.83, 36 Auger 16" Steel Casing with 72" Water Main IF 150 5180.00 $27,00000 3 s 520060 530.000lod 3230.00 $34100.00 5162.0'- 524,300.0D $ 125,00 $18,750.00 $50.00 $7,500.01 S 200.00 $30,000.01 $ 161.17 37 &Water Main LF 38s 550.00 519.00000 32500 ';7 • $9,500.00 S29.25 $11,115.00 522.0r $8,360.00 S 50.00 S19,000.01 $55.00 520,900.0s $ 46.00 $17,480.01 $ 37,88 38 &Water Main LF 209 570.00 314,00000 ->�, 33000`• ,'i'SB,WO,OQ $24,00 $4.&00,00 525.0` $5,000.00 $ 50.00 S10,000.00 555.00 511,000.0• $ 47.00 39,400.01 5 38.50 39 12" Water Main LF 4,600j $8000 5368,00000 $I 53500 • °$161,000.00 $25,50 $117,300.00 $31.0". 5142,600.00 $ 50.00 $230,000.00 548.50 $223,100.01 $ 41.00 5188,600.0s 5 38.50 40 12" Water Main (C-900) LF 30 $90.00 $27,000 00 54000 - $12;000.00 526.5 $7,950.0C 531.0C 59,300.00 S 50.00 515,000.00 S48.50 514,550,01 $ 41.00 S12300.1 $ 39.50 r "152,000.00 _ 41 Must Water Meter EA 40k, $360.00 514,40000 +:' $5000 . $110.0 $4,400.00 5135.0 . $5,400.0061 500.00 $20,000.0. 5150.00 $6,000.0• S 230.00 $9,200.0• S 195.83 42 Fire Hydrant EA 13 52,500.00 $32,500.00 , - 42600.00 , 126,000.00 51,960.0 S25,480.00 $2.600.0C 533,800.4$ 2,500.00 $32,500.00 $2,309,00 $30,017.0. $ 2,600.00 533800.0e S 2,328.17 43 Water Tap and Service Lines - 3/4-Inch to 1 Inch (Short Side) 30 5740.00 522,20000 } t2$40000 1 512,000.00 •-:'/-- $415,00 512,450.00 5244.0•. $7,320.00 $ 500.00 $15,000.00 $450.00 S13,50001 $ 600.00 518,000.01 S 434.83 44 Water Tap and Service Lines - 3/4-Inch to 1 Inch Lon. Side 15 $1,150.00 317,25000 ; ;`;570000 > c S10MO,..00 $580.00 38,700.00 $574,0r 38,610.00i $ 500.00 $7,500,00 $800,00 512,000.0. $ 1,020.00 $15,300.0. S 695.61 45 Wet Connection (6` Water Main) EA 7 52000.00 314,00000 350000 :_ ,:$3.500:00 5515.00q $3.605.00 51,546.0E $10,822.00 $ 2,000.00 514,000.00 $800.00 S5,600.11 3 1,560.00 $10,920.01 $ 1,153.50 46 Wet Connection (8' Water Main) EA 2 52,500.00 $5,000 00 4r; 51.400,00 $775.0 51,550.00 51,568.0E _ 53,136.00 $ 2,000.00 $4,000.00 $1,000.00 52,000.0. $ 1,600.00 $3.200.11 $ 1,273.83 47 12` x 6` Tap. Sleeve, & Valve EA 1 53,000.00 $3,000 00 ,$3 000 OO -33;000:00 $2,550, $2,550.00 53,246.00 $3 246 00g 4,500.00 541500.00 32:782.00 32,782.01 5 3,020.00 $3,020.0. $ 3133.00 48 16" x 12" Tap, Sleeve, & Valve EA 1 54,500.00 S4,500 00 .55 000 OO ' S5,o00.00 57,300.0 57,300.00 59,393.0E 59,393.00 $ 6,000.00 56,000.00 $6,916.00 $6,916.01 $ 7,000.00 $7,000.01 5 6,934.83 49 Cut, Plug, and Abandon 6" Water Main EA 7 5700.00 $4,900 00 s- , %4 5300.00 . i $2.100.00 $260.0 51,820.00 5295.00 52,065.00 $ 500.00 53,500.00 5500.00 $3,500.0. $ 330.00 52,310.0I $ 364.17 50 Cul, Plug, and Abandon 8` Water Main EA 4 3800.00 53,200 00 'i $35000 ;:' $1;400.00 5320.00 $1 280.00 3311.0E 51,268.00 5 500.00 $2,000.00 $700.00 $2,800.0r $ 355.00 $l,420.0• $ 423.67 51 6' Sanitary Sewer Service Lead LE 370 $50.00 518,50000 _.:}- 54000 .514:800100 S46.00 517,020.00 $43.00 $15,910.00 $ 55.00 520,350.00 $75.0C 527,750.0# $ 46.00 317,020.0s $ 50.83 52 6` Sanitary Sewer Service Lead (150 psi) LF BO) 570.00 55,60000 :: $5000 ':: 54:000:00 547.25 $3,750.00 552.0C 54,160.09 $ 55.00 $4,400.00 $75.00 $6,000.•• 5 46.00 $3,680.0I $ 54.21 53 10' Sanitary Sewer LF 65 $65.00 $4,22500 '- S70.i $4:550-00 $70.50 34.582.50 $59.00 53,835.0E $ 100.00 56,500.00 $125.00 $8,125.O. 76.00 $4,940.01 $ 83,42 54 Sanitary Sewer Manhole EA 2 $2,500.00 $500000 kilt75011 $3:500.001 $2,500.00 55000.00 $2,164,0C $4,328,,`'v�. 2,500.00 $5,000.00 $2,400.0C 14800.01 $ 2600.00 35 200.01 $ 2319.00 55 Sanitary Sewer Cleanout EA 4 3500.00 32,00000 '' $250 •I - ' 1..000.00 $400.00‘ $1,600.00 5313.0C $1,252.00�3 1.000.00 $4,000.00 $750.00 53,000.01 $ 1.000.00 $4000.0• $ 618.83 56 Adjust Existing Manhole to New Grade EA 1 S $1,000.00 S15,000 0O r r-;' $50 W - - 5750,00 5260.00 33,900.0 3349.0E 55,235.00 $ 100.00 31,500.00 $400.0C $6,000, I . $ 360.00 S5,400.0 • $ 253.17 57 12 Lime Stabilized Subgrade SY 43,000 52.50 5107,500.00 4 $2.50 ..t.•'3f07,500.00 $1.00 5431000.00 52.5C S107,500.00 3 0.75 $32,250.00 53.00 5129,000.•• $ 2.30 598,900.0s S 2.01 58 Lime TON 1,275 5120.00 5153,00000 r r310060 =C5127;500.0C 5122.00 5155,550.00 5110.0C $140,250.00 $ 100.00 5127,500.00 $105.00 $133,875.0• $ 110.00 $140,250.01 $ 107.83 " - r`$3600.0C 59 2"HMAC Pavement SY 450 58.00 $3,60000 Le.; 58 W . ; $17.50 57,875.00 $15.5C 56,975.00 $ 15.00 $6,750.00 37.5C 53,375.01 $ 15,00 36,750.0s S 13.08 60 11" HMAC Base Course SY 575 532.00 $1840000 `- 53000 '<.- :f •117450.00 346.00 $26,450.00 530.0C S17,250.00 $ 39.00 $22,425.00 537.0C $21,275,0. $ 34.00 319,550.0. $ 36.00 61 4"Concrete Sidewalk SF 57,500 54.00 5230,0000E S3 DO ' `3472;500.00 $3.60 5207,000.00 53.2E $186,875.00 S 3.00 3172,500.00 53.00 5172,500.0• $ 3.50 $201,250.0• $ 3.23 62 6" Median Paving SY 460 $35.00 316,1000E . 5300E -5131800.0E 516.90 57,774.00 $41.0C S18,860.00 $ 35.00 S16,100.00 536.00 516,560.0• $ 66.00 530,360.I11 $ 37.48 63 10' Concrete Pavement SY 35,800 535.00 $1,253,00000 %_ $3400 x;:'11217,200.0C 534.25 51,226,150.00 S31.00 $1,324,600.00 $ 29.00 51,038,200.0C $33.25 51,190,350.0s 5 36,75 51,315,650.0s $ 3404 64 6` Concrete Driveway SY 2,500 532.00 $80 000 00 ,i" 5 W .t •". $8T;500.00 $27.00 S67,500.00 532.0E 580,000.00 S 30.00 $75,000.00 $32.00 $801000.01 $ 39.00 597 500,0. S 32.50 65 Crosswalk Paving(Coloring Included) SY 780 $40.00 531,20000 t" 535,OC ; '? 527:30000 546.00 $35,880.00 555.00 542,900.00 $ 30.00 523.400.00 345.00 $35,100.00 $ 48.00 537,440.0II $ 43.17 66 Standard Concrete Paving Header LF 440 $6.00 $2,64000 ,'-- $1000 �-54;400.00 $6.50 S2,800.00 53.50 51,540.00 S 50,00 $22,000.00 $4.0C $1,760.0• $ 4.00 $1760.04 $ 13.00 67 6" Concrete Curb LF 21000 53.00 $63,00000 5200 '•$42;000,0C 52.00 542,000.00 $1.80 $37,800.00 $ 2.40 $50,400.00 52.00 S42,000.01 $ 2.00 542000.0. $ 2.03 68 Pedestrian Ramps (Type 3) EA 4 $1,200.00 54,80000, :$40000 ''f 51j600.00 $650.0O $2,600.00 51,000.00 $4,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $4,000.00 $1,000.00 54,000.0• S 1,2C0.00 $4800.I. $ 875.00 69 Pedestrian Rams (T pe 7) EA 21 $1,000.00 521,00000 ,`.` 4400.00 '.; $8 400.00 $650,00 $13,650.00 5850.00 $17,850.00 $ 1,000.00 521,000.00 $650.00 $13,650.0• $ 1,200.00 525,200.0E $ 791.67 70 Pedestrian T 9) EA 6 $1,000.00 $6,00000 '. .540000 -$2,400,00 S400.00 52400.00 $850.00 Ram •s •e 55,100.00 $ 1,000.00 $6,000.00 $750.0C, 54,500.0. $ 1.200.00 $7,200.0 E 5 766.67 71 MSE Retaining Wall SF 1,225 520.00. $24,5000C - $35 1 -342;015.0C_ $68.00 $83,300.00 549,0C.. $60,025.00 $ 25.00 $301625,00. $56.0 $68,600.0. $ 56.00 568,600.0s $ 48,17 P\I3-11256A Yeas.. oa ,I Pb•e% null O4 Tab 0241d ,1. P._..M_ze 7SYA. CITY OF PEARLAND MOBILITY AND DRAINAGE BOND PROGRAM YOST BOULEVARD BID TABULATION - Engineer Estimate f KCC Group, Inc.' Triple B Services, LLP Beyer Construction, LLP Total Contracting, LTD Conrad Construction Co., Inc. Texas Sterling Item Description Unit Bid Quantity Unit Pric Bid Cos q 11 ' Unit Price -Bid Cost Unit Price Bid Cost Unit Price Bid Cost Unit Price Bid Cast Unit Price Did Cost Unit Price Bid Cost Average Unit Price 72 Stabilized Construction Exit EA 1 57,000.00 37,00000 '. 51.000:00 .)$1;00060e 51.300.00 51300.00 52,000.0C1 52,000.00 $ 10,000.00 510.000.00 51,500.00 SI,500.00t $ 3.000.00 53,000.00 $ 3,133.33 73 Reinforced Filter Fabric Barrier LF 1,300 $2.00 $2 600 00 . - +51.00 ' . $1.,300:00 $1.80 52,340.00 $1.6C 52,080.00 $ 2.00 52.600.00 $1.50 $1,950.00 $ 1.50 $1.950.00 S 1.57 74 Implementation of TPDES Permit LS 1 $4,000.0d 54,00000 -.`;i' $500.00 .S500.00 52.500.00 $2500.00 $100.00 5100.00 $ 1,000.00 S1,000.00 S500.00 5500.00 S 1,000.00 $1,000.00 $ 933.33 75 Inlet Protection Ranier EA 78l $80.00 $624000 -:540.00, ;$3,120.00 5100.00 $7,800.00 581.0C 56,318.00 S 25,00 $1.950.00 575.00 55,850.00 S 53.00 $4,134.00 $ 62.33 76 Bermuda Hydro Seed SY 7,050 50.35 52,467.50 '$0:27 t $1,903.5C 50.35 52,467.50_ 50.25 51.762.50 5 1.00 57,050.00 50.30 S2,115.00_$ 0.20 51,410.00 $ 040 77 SL Augustine Sod SY 10,000 53.00 530,000.00 ' .. S.S2,45 ' ,", r524.500.00 53.15 531,500.00 $2.60 526,000.00 $ 2.50 525.000.00 53.25 532,500.00 5 2.30 $23.000.00 3 2.71 78 Bermuda Sod Strip SY 1,100 $3.00 $3,30000 ", � ''-'$2.45 ' '-1$2,695.00 53.15 $3,465.00 52.60 52,860.00 $ 2.75 $3.025.00 53.25 $3,575.0q $ 2.30 52.530.00 5 2.75 79 Live Oak (4.5" Cal.) EA 81 5550.00 544,550.00 .i 2 $500,00 `; :, $40,500.00 $900.00 572,900.00 $513.00 $41,553.00 S 500.00 540.500.00 5503.00 S40.743.00 5 656.00 553,136.00 S 595.33 80 Live Oak (6" Cal.) EA 17 $850.00 $14 450.00 . . 5850.00 ; '"$14,450.00 $1,775.00 $30,175.00 $872.00 $14,824.00 S 850.00 $14,450.00 5885.00 515,045.0E_5 1,212.00 520,604.00 $ 1,074.00 81 Cedar Elm (4.5' Cal.) EA 101 5525.00 553,025.00 $550.DO: i '. $55,550.00 $750.00_ 575,750.00 5564.00 5561964.00 S 500.00 S50,500.00 5345.00 534,845.06 $ 595.00 $60,095.00 $ 550.67 82 While Oak (5" Cal.) EA 44 3525.00 $23 10000 : $630.00 .) ' ..327,720.00 S1,175.00 $51,700.00 5667.00 $29,348.00 $ 650.00 $28,600.00 5688.00 $30,272. $ 1,225.00 553,900.00 5 839.17 83 Water Oak (5" Cal.) EA 34 5525.00 $17,85000 � $630.00 $21,420.00 5875.00 529,750.00 $667.00 522,678.06 $ 650.00 322,100.00 $583.00 519,822.� $ 1,225.00 541,650.0d $ 771.67 84 Crape Stynle(M.T.)13"Cali EA 36 5325.00 $11,70000 J' 5370.00 ., ' $13,320.00 3380.00' $13,680. S385.00 513,860.00 $ 375.00 513,500.00 S209.00 57,524.00 $ 190.00 56,840.00 $ 318.17 85 Tree Root Pruning EA 30 5300.00 39,00000 41000 :' :3300.00 5450.00 $13,500.0O $504.00 515,120.0C $ 1,100.00 S33,000.00 5100.00 53,000.0C $ 95.00 32,850.0d $ 376.50 86 Relocate Subdivision Markers EA 2 $1,200.00 52,40000 - 1$500,00 .-.• '31,000.00 $6,435.00 512.870.00' 52,750.00 $5,500.00 $ 250.00 5500.00 53,000.00 56.000.00 $ 370.00 5740.00 $ 2217.50 87 Irrigation System LS 1 520.510.00 $20.51000 :..32000000 r $20,000.00 543.800.00 S43,800.00 532,000.00 532,000.00 $ 100,000.00 $100,000.00 S83,636.00 583,636.00 S 40000.00 $40,000.00 $ 53239.33 88 Thermoplastic Pavement Markings (4' Solid or Broken. While or Yellow) LF 1,700 $0.65 51,10500 $0.38 - . -.§846.00 �. $0.65 51,105.00 $0.55 $935.00 $ 0.51 $867.00 50.60 51,020.00 $ 1.00 51,700A0 $ 0.62 89 Thermoplastic Pavement Markings LF 270 $1.25 $33750 t 5078 -r321060 51.35 S364.50 $1.10 5297.00 $ 1.05 5283.50 51.25 5337.50 - $ 1.00 5270.0C1 5 1.09 90 Thermoplastic Pavement Markings (12' Solid or Broken, While or Yellow) LF 4 75- 53.00 52,25000 . 1220 r 54;650.90 $4.50 53.375.00 $3.70 $2,775.00 $ 3.50 52,625.00 54.00 $3,000.00 $ 4.00 $3,000.00 $ 3.65 91 Thermoplastic Pavement Markings (24' Solid, While or Yellow ) LF 150 $6.00 59000 _ $490 "': $73500 59.00 51,350.00 $7.25 51,087.50 $ 7.00 51,050.00 57.85 $1,177.50 $ 8.00 $1,200.Y $ 7.33 92 Thermoplastic Pavement Markings (Arrow, Whi EA 3 $100.00 530000 ' S8800 -5 $264.00 5135.00 5405.00 5108.00 5324.00 $ 105.00 5315.00 5118.00 5354.00 S 112.00 5336. 1:" $ 111.00 93 Thermoplastic Pavement Markings EA 3 5110.r. 53300 59800 "_ $294,00 _ 5135.00 5405.00 5108,00 $324,00 $ 105.00 5315.00 5118.00 $354.06 $ 112.00 $336.00 $ 112.67 94 Raised Pavement Markings (Reflective) TY EA 30. $3,50 $1,05000 5700 ; t $90060 54.00 51,200.00 $3.50 $1,050.00 5 3.25 5975.00 $3.65 $1,095.06 $ 4.00 $1,200.OQ S 3.57 95 Raised Pavement Markings (Reflective) TY II -A -A EA 85 53.5" 52975 5300 525500 54.00 $340.00 $3.50 $297.50 $ 3.25 $276.25I $3.65 5310.25 $ 4.00 $340.00 $ 3.57 96 Traffic Paint Pavement Markings (4" Solid or Broken, White or Yellow) IF 2,75".. $0.45 $1,23750 �- _` $016 `, ,f44000 50.35 596250 50.27 5742.50 $ 0.25 $687.5C $0.30 $825.00 5 1.00 52,750.00 $ 0.39 97 Traffic Paint Pavement Markings (8' Solid or Broken. White or Yellow) LF 750 $0.65 5487.50 SO 32 ` �F ,'$240.00 ` 50.65 $487.51 50.60 $450.W $ 0.50 5375.00 50.60 5450.00 5 1.00 5750.00 S 0.61 98 Traffic Paint Pavement Markings- (12" Solid or Broken, White or Yellow) LF 425 51.75 $743 75 S7 47 S¢24.75 52.00 5850.00 51.60 $680.00 $ 1.50 5637.50 51.70 $722.50 $ 2.00 5850.00 S 1.71 Traffic Paint Pavement Markings (24' Solid or Broken. While or Yellow) LF 350 53.00 51,05000 { "l:�s 5298 $70:" ^` 43.00 53.85 51,347.50 S9.10 $1,085.00 $ 3.00 51,050.00 53.40 .199 51,190.00 $ 4.00 $1,400.Dr $ 3.39 100 Traffic Paint Pavement Markings EA 13 $50.00 5650.00 __ $28 50 �. $370 50 $45.00 $585.00 $36.00 5468.00 $ 35.00 $455.00 $39.20 (Arrow, While) 5509.60 3 37.00 $481.0r $ 36.78 101 Traffic Paint Pavement Markings (Word, White) EA 1C $50.00 550000 - .5" :75 53475 �'' -1 534750 r _ $45.00 5450.00 $36.00 $360.00 $ 35.00 $350.00 $39.20 $392.00 $ 37.00 $370.Di� $ 37.83 102 Traffic Paint Pavement Markings (Median Nose, Yellow) LF 3,200.,D0 $100 $3200 - $075 §240000 $100 . 300 5,2.00 $0.77 52,464.00 5 0.75 $2,400.00 50.90 $21880.00 $ 1.00 $3,200.00 $ 0.86 103 Temporary Pavement Markings (4' Yellow Solid) LF 15,750 $0.75 511,812 50 SO 50 S7 875 00 [ _ , 50.60 59,450.00 50.48 $7,560.00 $ 0.47 57,402.50 50.55 $8,662.50 $ 1.00 515,750.00 $ 0.60 ' 104 Temporary Pavement (24' White Solid) Markings IF 200 $3.00 $60000 �' -+• : $440 •:r •<!.t . $t)80.00 $7.75 51,550.00 $6.20 $1,240.00 $ 6.00 $1.200.00 $6.75 51,350.00 $ 7.00 $1,400.00 $ 6.35 105 Traffic Control and Regulation LS 1 5100,000.00 5100,000 00 .$2000000 00.0 �520,00 522,000.00 522,000.00 520,500.00 520,500.00 $ 20,000.00 520,000.00 $19,200.00 519,200.00 $ 18,ODO.W 11 $18,000.00 5 19.950.00 106 Installation, Maintenance and Removal of 7' Black Base for Detour Road TON 1,075 $60.00 $64,500 00 ; (�, E47 00 _ $50 525 00 _ 585.00 $91137.5.00 $56.00 560,200.00 $ 65.00 $69,875.00 557.50 572,562.50 $ 5890 $62,350.06 $ 63.08 107 Installation, Maintenance, and Removal of 2' HMAC for Detour Road TON 325 $65.00 $21,125 00 , .; §50 00 b . 510 250 00 $113.00 536,725.00 581.00 $26,325.00 $ 97.00 S31,525.00 $71.40 $23,205.00 $ 112.00 $36,400.00 $ 87.40 108 Temporary Drainage Culverts (All Sizes) LF 90 575.00 56,75000 =- $6000 ,', $5;406;00 $45.00 54,050.0d $75.00 $6,750.00 5 15.00 $1.350.00 $50.00 $4,500.00 $ 58.00 $5,220.00 $ 50.50 109 Traffic Signs EA 74 $300.00 522.20000 4 {511600 41302400 $225.06 516.650.00 $179.00 313,246.00 $ 175.94 $13,019.56 $197.00 S14,578.00 $ 185.00 S13,690.00 $ 189.66 110 Traffic Signal Installation on FM 518 at Yost Boulevard LS 1 S 145,000.00 $145,000 OD 5117 r000 00 $117 000.00 5128,800.00 $128,800.00 $120,000.00 5120,000.00 $ 118,000.00 5118,000.00 $130,670.00 5130,670.00 $ 125,000.00 $125,000.00 $ 123,245.00 111 2-Schedule 80 PVC Conduit LF 5,400 $10.00 554,000 00L. `Y $5 25 3281350.0Q 58.00 $43,200.00 55.50 5291700.06 S 6.05 $32,670.0G 55.90 $31,860.00 $ 6.00 332,400.00 $ 6.12 112 Pufl Box EA 6 $350.00 S2,10000 i 452O0o0 :. -41,260.00 $190,00 $1,140.00 $205.00 $1,230.00 $ 200.00 51,200.00 5224.00 $1,344.00 $ 250.00 $1,500.00 $ 211.50 113 Street Light Foundation EA 29 $150.00 4.5650.00!;'. 54,35000 2518,850.00 5900.00 526,100.00 5680.00 519,720.00 S 750.00 $21,750.00 S744.00 521,576.00 $ 700.00 S20,300.005 737.33 114 6-inch Gate Valve with Box EA 8 $800.00 $61400 00 *;, $50000 ' 44,00000 5380.00 53,040.00 5546.00 541368.00 $ 600.00 $4,800.00 $800.00 $6,400.00 $ 600.00 $4,800.00 S 571.00 115 8-inch Gale Valve with Box EA 2 $1,200.00 52,40000 $100000 42,000.00 S550.00 S1,100.00 $734.00 51,468.00 S 800.00 S1,600.00 311200.00 $2,400.00 $ 72500 $1,450.005 834.83 116 12-inch Gate Valve Box Box EA 5 52,500.00 512,5000Q 51 26000 30,000.00 $1,075.00 $5,375.00 $1,293.00 $6,465.00 $ 1,200.00 $6,000.00 51,500.00 57,500.00 5 1,200.00 $6,000.00 $ 1,244.67 117 Dewatering LF 1,500 59.00 513,50000 c 5400 i 56,000:00u $20.00 530,000.00 $13.00 $19,500.00 5 20.00 $30,000.00 $25.00 537,500.00 $ 16.00 $24,000,00 $ 16.33 118 Tree Protection LS 1 $10,560,00 $10,56000 $5000.00 v $5,000.00 S13,500.00 $13,500.00 $19,000.00 519,000.00 $ 10,000.00 510,000.00 561,000.00 $61,000.00 $ 53,000.00 $53,000.001 $ 26,91667 119 Pedestrian Rail LF 340 $60.00 520,40000 'V -$22;100100 $6500', 532.00 510,880.00 S79.00 $26,860.00 3 100.00 534000.0C 585.00 $28,900.00 $ 75.00 $25.500,00 $ 72.67 120 (Station Remove 8 Reconstruct Existing Sign - 32+90) EA 1 $51000.00 $5100000 $j100000 $1 OD0.00 _ $6,435.00 56,435.00 55,200.00 $5,200.00 $ 20,000.00 $20,000.00 57,500.00 57,500.00 $ 2,500.00 $2,500.00 $ 7,105.83 TOTAL $4,771,560 00 a �; 3 866 015,35 $4,349,885.00 $4,362,750.50 14,376,693.81 $4,655,468.15 $4,888,282.00 .r usu, resrneoa M P,.„er Ye n4 rw 074/14.14.,s n.n.d al.G 7.s2004 OBILITY ACID ®RAr,N'% s i3y B OND PROGRAM; 1`OST �O I! AR D FROM! 51 ::!(.CLEAR "CREEI< C()NTRACT:D000,MENTS O (j Y 4I3/i ;11) NO, 2004_ • MOBILITY AND DRAINAGE BOND PROGRAM • YOST BOULEVARD FROM 518 TO CLEAR CREEK 4-51'P° , . CONTRACT DOCUMENTS , RFB/BID NO. 2004-063 • .(\., • «w QQe Ofv-J Vi v a . A s'L:j A , kt) CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS JUNE 2004 TurnerCollie0Braden Inc. Engineers • Planners • Project Managers MOBIL ITY AND DRAINAGE BOND PROGRAM YOST BOULEVARD FROM 518 TO CLEAR CREEK CONTRACT DOCUMENTS RFB/BID NO. 2004-063 tO(11 pt4 4L,, E . e A A Sig: r. is() • CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS JUNE 2004 TurnerCollie5Braden Inc. Engineers • Planners • Project Managers i CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard DOCUMENT 00900 ADDENDUM NO. 1 DATE OF ADDENDUM: JUNE 7,2004 PROJECT NAME: Mobility and Drainage Bond Program Yost Boulevard OWNER: City of Pearland • RFBBID No.: 2004-063 PROJECT NO.: 052511256.0010 BID DATE: June 30, 2004 This Addendum forms a part of the bidding documents and will be incorporated into the Contract Documents as applicable. Insofar as the original specifications and drawings are inconsistent, this Addendum governs. Acknowledge receipt of the Addendum by inserting its number in Document 00300—BID. Failure to do so may subject Bidder to disqualification. CHANGES TO BIDDING AND CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS. 1. From Section 00020 Invitation to Bid,delete in its entirety and replace with the revised Section 00020 Invitation to Bid attached to this Addendum No.1. 2. From the construction plans drawings 39 to 53 inclusive,reference note R8 to Remove Water Main to be replaced with Abandon Water Main. END OF ADDENDUM NO. 1 .PZr GF 1F %1 i54s �� /+: o• / JAMES W KELLER \1' . Sc) +j�;; 71721 /��' SFGISTE����'X' \a * 0•NT• V \10 /\ 00900—Page 1 of 1 11 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard INVITATION TO BID 2004-063 CITY OF PEARLAND MOBILITY AND DRAINAGE BOND PROGRAM Sealed BIDs will be received,in duplicate,referencing the following project in the office of the City Secretary, the City of Pearland, 3rd floor, Suite 309, City Hall located at 3519 Liberty Drive, Pearland, Texas 77581, until 3:00 p.m.,June 30, 2004, at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud for the construction of: PROJECT TITLE: Yost Boulevard RFB/Bid No. 2004-063. BIDs received after the closing time will be returned unopened. General Contractors are required to attend a pre-bid conference for this project. The pre-bid conference will be held on June 23, 2004 at 3:00 p.m. local time at the Pearland City Hall, first floor conference room. The project will entail construction of: Roadway widening and drainage improvements including concrete pavement, asphalt pavement, water lines, street lighting conduits, landscaping and related works on Yost Boulevard from FM 518 to Clear Creek. Information and Bid Documents: Copies of Contract Documents and Technical Specifications and Plans are on file at the following locations for review: City of Pearland F. W. Dodge/McGraw Hill Information Services City Hall 4101 Greenbriar, Suite 320 3519 Liberty Drive Houston,Texas 77098 713-529-4895 Pearland, Texas 77581 281-652-1600 Associated General Contractors of America Inc. Associated General Contractors of America Inc. 3825 Dacoma Street 2400 Augusta, Suite 180 Houston, Texas 77092-8717 713-843-3700 Houston, Texas 77057 713-334-7100 Turner Collie&Braden Inc. 5757 Woodway, Suite 205 Houston, Texas 77057 713-780-4100 Bid documents may be obtained from the Bid Center,Turner Collie &Braden Inc., 5757 Woodway, Houston, Texas 77057, 713-780-4100. The City of Pearland Mobility and Drainage Program Standard Technical Specifications may be purchased for the amount of$40.00. Contract Documents and Plans may be purchased for the amount of$100.00. Make all checks payable to Turner Collie&Braden Inc. The amount of the purchase will not be refunded. No bid may be withdrawn or terminated for a period of ninety(90) days subsequent to the bid opening date without the consent of the City of Pearland. ProjectNo.052511256.0010 00020—Page 1 of 2 INVITATION TO BID ADDENDUM NO. 1 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard Bonds: Bidder's Bond, Cashier's Check, or Certified Check payable to the City of Pearland in the amount of 5% of the total base bid price must accompany each proposal. The successful bidders must furnish Performance and Payment Bonds as required by law(Article 5160, Vernon's Texas Civil Statues, as amended)upon an acceptable form in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the contract price, such bonds to be executed by a corporate surety duly authorized to do business in the State of Texas, and named in the current list of"Treasury Department Circular No. 570,"payable to the City of Pearland,Texas. Equal Opportunity in Employment: All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color,religion, sex, or national origin. The City of Pearland reserves the right to reject any or all bids, or to accept any bid deemed advantageous to the City of Pearland. Gordon Island Purchasing Officer Project No.052511256.0010 00020—Page 2 of 2 INVITATION TO BID ADDENDUM NO. 1 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard DOCUMENT 00910 Cu; ADDENDUM NO. 2 DATE OF ADDENDUM: JUNE 18,2004 PROJECT NAME: Mobility and Drainage Bond Program re:•QF TFgt1 Yost Boulevard „ `• A— ..• !� OWNER: City of Pearland i* tee 0 JAMES W KELLER I' % 71721 �' V1 ,&>' RFB/BID No.: 2004-063 �• 1 Q�F CISTER Cy��' \O PROJECT NO.: 052511256.0010 tt��t5a:F \ �J BID DATE: June 30, 2004 This Addendum forms a part of the bidding documents and will be incorpo _ - nto the Contract Documents as applicable. Insofar as the original specifications and drawings are inconsistent,this Addendum governs. Acknowledge receipt of the Addendum by inserting its number in Document 00300—BID. Failure to do so may subject Bidder to disqualification. CHANGES TO BIDDING AND CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS 1. Section 00300 -BID From the Schedule of Unit Price, add the following items : Item Description of Item Unit Approx. Unit Total No. Quantity Price Amount Bid 114. 6" Gate Valve with Box Each 8 $ $ 115. 8"Gate Valve with Box Each 2 $ $ 116. 12"Gate Valve with Box Each 5 $ $ 117. Dewatering Linear 1,500 $ $ Foot • The revised Section 00300—BID that reflect the changes above are also attached to this Addendum. 2. Section 00700—GENERAL CONDITIONS From Subsection 6.06 Partial Payments,under the third paragraph in the first sentence,insert four million($4,000,000)dollars in the blank. First sentence of the third paragraph shall be read as follows: 00910—Page 1 of 3 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard "The OWNER shall then pay the CONTRACTOR, within thirty(30) days of receipt of the ENGINEER's recommendation for payment, the total amount of the ENGINEER'S Certificate of Partial Payment, less ten percent(10%) of the amount thereof, up to and including the first four million($4,000,000.00) dollars and five percent(5%) on the amount thereafter." 3. Section 01100—SUMMARY OF WORK From 1.04 Description of Bid Items, add the following item: AAKK. Bid Item No. 114: 6-Inch Gate Valve with Box, Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Furnish materials including gate valve and box, bedding and selected backfill b. Install materials c. Other appurtenant and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Each AALL. Bid Item No. 115: 8-Inch Gate Valve with Box, Complete in Place 1. Include cost of a. Furnish materials including gate valve and box,bedding and selected backfill b. Install materials c. Other appurtenant and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Each AAMM. Bid Item No. 116: 12-Inch Gate Valve with Box, Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Furnish materials including gate valve and box,bedding and selected • backfill b. Install materials c. Other appurtenant and incidental work • 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Each AANN. Bid Item No. 117: Dewatering, Complete in Place 00910—Page 2 of 3 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard 1. Include cost of: a. Furnish equipment and provide services as directed by the Engineer b. Other appurtenant and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Linear Foot 4. Supplementary Specification Section 02751 - CONCRETE PAVEMENT Delete paragraph 3.12A and replace with the following: "A. Place contraction joints at same locations as in adjacent pavement or at spaces indicated on Drawings. Maximum spacing of contraction/construction joints, 20 feet. Seal groove with joint sealing compound." CONSTRUCTION PLANS 5. From drawing sheet 124 of 169, delete Note No. 1 in its entirety and replace with the following: " 1. Paving expansion joints shall be spaced at 80 feet c/c, and paving contraction joints shall be spaced at 20 feet c/c." 6. Insert drawings as sheet 25A of 169 and sheet 28A of 169 to the construction plans attached to this addendum END OF ADDENDUM NO.2 00910—Page 3 of 3 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard BID Date: , 2004 BID of , an individual proprietorship, a corporation authorized to transact business in Texas, or a partnership consisting of , registered to transact business in Texas for Yost Boulevard, City of Pearland, Project No. 052511256.0010, RFBBID No. 2004-063. THIS BID IS SUBMITTED TO: City Secretary City of Pearland, City Hall 3519 Liberty Drive, 3`i Floor, Suite 309 Pearland,Texas 77581 1. The undersigned BIDDER proposes and agrees, if this BID is accepted,to enter into an agreement with OWNER in the form included in the Contract Documents to perform and furnish all Work as specified or indicated in the Contract Documents for the Bid Price and within the Bid Times indicated in this BID and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. BIDDER accepts the terms of the form of Agreement and the Contract Documents. 2. BIDDER accepts all of the terms and conditions of the Invitation to BID and Instructions to Bidders including without limitation those dealing with the disposition of Bid Security. This BID will remain subject to acceptance for ninety(90) days after the day of BID opening. If BIDDER is the Successful Bidder,BIDDER will sign and deliver the required number of counterparts of the Agreement with the Bonds and other documents required by the Bidding Requirements within fifteen(15) days after the date of OWNER's Notice of Award. 3. In submitting this BID,BIDDER represents and warrants, as more fully set forth in the Agreement,that: (a) BIDDER has examined and carefully studied the Bidding Documents and Addenda. BIDDER hereby acknowledges receipt of the following Addenda: (List Addenda by Addendum Number and Date). Addendum No.: Dated: Addendum No.: Dated: Addendum No.: Dated: (b) BIDDER has visited the site,has conducted all testing at the site BIDDER deems necessary,has become familiar with,has taken into consideration in formulating its BID,and accepts the general,local and site conditions that may affect cost,progress, y performance, and furnishing of the Work; Project No.052511256.0010 00300—Page 1 of 13 BID ADDENDUM NO. 2 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard (c) BIDDER is familiar with,has taken into consideration in formulating its BID and accepts all federal, state, and local Laws and Regulations that may affect cost, progress,performance, and furnishing of the Work. (d) BIDDER has carefully studied all reports of explorations and tests of subsurface conditions at or contiguous to the site and all drawings of physical conditions in or relating to existing surface or subsurface structures at or contiguous to the site(except Underground Facilities)which have been identified in the Supplementary Conditions as provided in Paragraph 2.06. BIDDER accepts the determination set forth in Paragraph 2.06 of the Supplementary Conditions of the extent of the"technical data" contained in such reports and drawings upon which BIDDER is entitled to rely as provided in Paragraph 4.2 of the General Conditions. BIDDER understands, acknowledges, and agrees that such reports and drawings are not Contract Documents and may not be complete for BIDDER's purposes. BIDDER understands, acknowledges, and agrees that OWNER and ENGINEER are not responsible for and make no warranties regarding the accuracy or completeness of information and data shown or indicated in the Bidding Documents with respect to surface and subsurface conditions and Underground Facilities at or contiguous to the site. BIDDER has obtained and carefully studied and is responsible for obtaining and studying any and all such additional or supplementary examinations, investigations, explorations,tests, studies, and data concerning conditions (surface, subsurface and Underground Facilities)at or contiguous to the site or otherwise which may affect cost,progress, performance or furnishing of the Work, or which relate to any aspect of the means, methods, techniques, sequences, and procedures of construction to be employed by BIDDER, and safety precautions and programs incident thereto as may be necessary. BIDDER does not consider that any additional examinations,investigations, explorations, tests, studies or data are necessary for the determination of this BID for performance and furnishing of the Work in accordance with the times, price,and other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. (e) BIDDER is aware of the general nature of work to be performed by OWNER and others at the site that relates to Work for which this BID is submitted as indicated in the Contract Documents. (f) BIDDER has correlated the information known to BIDDER, information and observations obtained from visits to the site,reports and drawings identified in the Contract Documents, and all additional examinations,investigations, explorations, tests, studies, and data with the Contract Documents. • (g) BIDDER has given ENGINEER written notice of all conflicts, errors,ambiguities, or discrepancies that BIDDER has discovered in the Contract Documents,and the written resolution thereof by ENGINEER is acceptable to BIDDER; BIDDER has no questions regarding the Work;BIDDER has all information necessary to make a fully informed BID; and the Contract Documents are generally sufficient to indicate and convey understanding of all terms and conditions for performing and furnishing the Work for which this BID is submitted. (h) This BID is genuine and not made in the interest of or on behalf of any undisclosed person, firm,or corporation and is not submitted in conformity with any agreement or Project No.052511256.0010 00300—Page 2 of 13 BID ADDENDUM NO.2 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard rules of any group, association, organization or corporation; BIDDER has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other BIDDER to submit a false or sham BID; BIDDER has not solicited or induced any person, firm,or corporation to refrain from bidding; and BIDDER has not sought by collusion to obtain for itself any advantage over any other BIDDER or over OWNER. 4. BIDDER is duly qualified to carry on business in the State of Texas;possesses or has the ability to possess all licenses,permits, and certificates of authority necessary to commence and to complete the Work in accordance with the Bidding Documents; is fully qualified and has experience in performing work of the same type as the Work covered by the Bidding Documents; and will provide all necessary labor, superintendence,machinery, equipment, tools,materials, services,and other means of construction to complete all work upon which BIDDER bids and complete said work within the time stated and for maintaining same as required for the following prices: 5. Schedule of Unit Price Bid: Yost Road Project No.052511256.0010 00300—Page 3 of 13 BID ADDENDUM NO.2 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard Item Approx Unit Total No. Description of Item Unit Quantity Price* Amount Bid ' 1. Mobilization(Maximum Bid$200,000) Lump 1 $ $ Sum 2. Project Identification Signs Each 2 $ $ 3. Remove &Dispose Existing Asphalt Square 14,100 Pavement Yard $ $ 4. Remove &Dispose Existing Concrete Square 1,300 Pavement Yard $ $ 5. Remove &Dispose Existing Concrete Linear 850 Curb Foot $ $ 6. Remove &Dispose Existing Concrete Square 475 Sidewalk Yard $ $ 7. Remove&Dispose Existing Driveway Square 3,500 $ $ C: Yard 8. Remove &Dispose Existing Storm Linear 5,600 Sewer Culverts, (All Sizes and Depths) Foot $ $ 9. Remove &Dispose Existing Inlets Each 18 $ $ 10. Remove&Dispose Existing Manhole Each 2 $ $ 11. Remove &Salvage Existing Fire Each 4 Hydrants $ $ 12. Site Preparation Lump 1 $ $ Sum 13. Roadway Excavation Cubic 18,300 $ $ Yard 14. Flood Plain Park Excavation Cubic 4,500 $ $ Yard te"; 15. Embankment Cubic 4,150 $ $ \\ ' Yard Project No.052511256.0010 00300—Page 4 of 13 BED ADDENDUM NO.2 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard Item Approx Unit Total No. Description of Item Unit Quantity Price* Amount Bid _ , 16. Trench Safety System Linear 14,000 $ $ Foot 17. Articulated Concrete Blocks Square 120 $ $ Yard 18. Type"C" Storm Sewer Manhole Each ' 43 $ $ 19. Storm Sewer Manhole(Extra Depth) Vertical 91 $ $ Foot 20. 24"RCP Storm Sewer Linear 4,250 $ $ Foot 21. 30"RCP Storm Sewer Linear ' 2,250 $ $ Foot 22. 36" RCP Storm Sewer Linear 1,370 $ $ Foot 23. 42" RCP Storm Sewer Linear 160 $ $ Foot l j 24. 54"RCP Storm Sewer Linear 240 $ $ Foot 25. 42" ACMP Storm Sewer Linear 125 $ $ Foot 26. 54"ACMP Storm Sewer Linear 60 $ $ Foot 27. Type"C" Inlet Each 12 $ $ 28. Type"C-1" Inlet Each 26 $ $ 29. Type"C-2" Inlet Each 11 $ $ 30. Type"E"Inlet Each 28 $ $ 31. Concrete Headwall Each 1 $ $ 32. Concrete Slope Paving Square 20 $ $ Yard Project No.052511256.0010 00300—Page 5 of 13 BID ADDENDUM NO.2 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard Item Approx Unit Total No. Description of Item Unit Quantity Price* Amount Bid CT-' 33. Timber Bent Each 2 $ $ 34. Ring Grate Each 5 $ $ 35. Regrade Existing Ditch Linear 25 $ $ Foot 36. Auger 16" Steel Casing with Linear 150 12"Water Main Foot $ $ 37. 6" Water Main Linear 380 $ $ Foot 38. 8" Water Main Linear 200 $ $ Foot 39. 12" Water Main Linear 4,600 $ $ Foot 40. 12"Water Main(C-900) Linear 300 $ $ Foot 41. Adjust Water Meter Each 40 $ 42. Fire Hydrant Each 13 $ $ 43. Water Tap and Service Lines—3/4"to 1" Each 30 (Short Side) $ $ 44. Water Tap and Service Lines—3/4"to 1" Each 15 (Long Side) $ $ 45. Wet Connection(6" Water Main) Each 7 $ $ 46. Wet Connection(8" Water Main) Each 2 $ $ 47. 12" x 6" Tapping Sleeve&Valve Each 1 $ $ r 48. 16" x 12" Tapping Sleeve&Valve Each 1 $ PRojectNo.052511256.0010 00300—Page 6 of 13 BID ADDENDUM NO.2 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard Item Approx Unit Total No. Description of Item Unit Quantity Price* Amount Bid 49. Cut,Plug, and Abandon 6"Water Main Each 7 $ 50. Cut, Plug, and Abandon 8"Water Main Each 4 $ 51. 6 Sanitary Sewer Service Lead Linear 370 $ Foot 52. 6" Sanitary Sewer Service Lead Linear 80 (150 psi) Foot $ 53. 10" Sanitary Sewer Linear 65 $ Foot 54. Sanitary Sewer Manhole Each 2 $ 55. Sanitary Sewer Cleanout Each 4 $ $ 56. Adjust Existing Manholes to New Each 15 Grade $ $ 57. 12" Lime Stabilized Subgrade Square 43,000 $ $ Yard 58. Lime Ton 1,275 $ 59. 2"HMAC Surface Course Square 450 $ $ Yard 60. 11" HMAC Base Course Square 575 $ $ Yard 61. 4" Concrete Sidewalk Square 57,500 $ $ Foot 62. 6"Median Paving Square 460 $ $ Yard 63. 10" Concrete Pavement Square 35,800 $ $ Yard 64. 8" Concrete Driveway Square 2,500 $ $ Yard Project No.052511256.0010 00300—Page 7 of 13 BID ADDENDUM NO.2 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard Item Approx Unit Total No. Description of Item Unit Quantity Price* Amount Bid 65. Crosswalk Paving(Coloring Included) Square 780 $ $ Yard 66. Standard Concrete Paving Header Linear 440 $ $ Foot 67. 6" Concrete Curb Linear 21,000 $ $ Foot 68. Pedestrian Ramps(Type 3) Each 4 $ $ 69. Pedestrian Ramps (Type 7) Each 21 $ $ 70. Pedestrian Ramps (Type 9) Each 6 $ $ 71. MSE Retaining Wall Square 1,225 $ $ Foot 72. Stabilized Construction Exit Each 1 $ $ C73. Reinforced Filter Fabric Barrier Linear 1,300 $ $ Foot 74. Implementation of TPDES Permit Lump 1 $ $ Sum 75. Inlet Protection Barrier Each 78 $ $ 76. Bermuda Hydro Seed Square 7,050 $ $ Yard 77. St. Augustine Sod Square 10,000 $ $ Yard 78. Bermuda Sod Strip Square 1,100 $ $ Yard 79. Live Oak(4.5" Cal.) Each 81 $ $ 80. Live Oak(6" Cal.) Each 17 $ $ ; 81. Cedar Elm(4.5" Cal.) Each 101 $ $ Project No.052511256.0010 00300—Page 8 of 13 BID ADDENDUM NO.2 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard Item Approx Unit Total No. Description of Item Unit Quantity Price* Amount Bid (7) 82. White Oak(5" Cal.) Each 44 $ $ 83. Water Oak(5" Cal.) Each 34 $ $ 84. Crape Myrtle(M.T.) (3" Cal.) Each 36 $ $ 85. Tree Root Pruning Each 30 $ $ 86. Relocate Subdivision.Markers Each 2 $ $ 87. Irrigation System Lump 1 $ $ Sum 88. Thermoplastic Pavement Markings Linear 1,700 (4" Solid or Broken,White or Yellow) Foot $ $ 89. Thermoplastic Pavement Markings Linear 270 (8" Solid or Broken,White or Yellow) Foot $ $ 90. Thermoplastic Pavement Markings Linear 750 (12" Solid or Broken,White or Yellow) Foot $ $ 91. Thermoplastic Pavement Markings Linear 150 (24" Solid,White or Yellow) Foot $ $ 92. Thermoplastic Pavement Markings Each 3 (Arrow,White) $ $ 93. Thermoplastic Pavement Markings Each 3 (Word, White) $ $ 94. Raised Pavement Markings (Reflective) Each 300 TY II-C-R $ $ 95. Raised Pavement Markings(Reflective) Each 85 TY II-A-A $ $ (-- Project No.052511256.0010 00300—Page 9 of 13 BID ADDENDUM NO.2 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard Item Approx Unit Total No. Description of Item Unit Quantity Price* Amount Bid (7 96. Traffic Paint Pavement Markings Linear 2,750 (4" Solid or Broken, White or Yellow) Foot $ $ 97. Traffic Paint Pavement Markings Linear 750 (8" Solid or Broken, White or Yellow) Foot $ $ 98. Traffic Paint Pavement Markings Linear 425 (12" Solid or Broken, White or Yellow) Foot $ $ 99. Traffic Paint Pavement Markings Linear 350 (24" Solid or Broken,White or Yellow) Foot $ $ 100. Traffic Paint Pavement Markings Each 13 (Arrow, White) $ $ 101. Traffic Paint Pavement Markings Each 10 (Word, White) $ $ C102. Traffic Paint Pavement Markings Linear 3,200 (Median Nose,Yellow) Foot $ $ 103. Temporary Pavement Markings Linear 15,750 (4" Yellow Solid) Foot $ $ 104. Temporary Pavement Markings Linear 200 (24"White Solid) Foot 105. Traffic Control and Regulation Lump 1 $ $ Sum 106. Installation, Maintenance and Removal Ton 1,075 of 7" Black Base for Detour Road $ $ 107. Installation,Maintenance and Removal Ton 325 of 2" Hot-Mix Asphaltic Concrete for Detour Road $ $ Project No.052511256.0010 00300—Page 10 of 13 BID ADDENDUM NO.2 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard Item Approx Unit Total No. Description of Item Unit Quantity Price* Amount Bid r7-: :, 108. Temporary Drainage Culverts (All Linear 90 Sizes) Foot $ $ 109. Traffic Signs Each 74 $ $ 110. Traffic Signal Installation on FM 518 at Lump 1 Yost Boulevard Sum $ $ 111. 2" Schedule 80 PVC Conduit Linear 5,400 $ $ Foot 112. Pull Box Each 6 $ $ 113. Street Light Foundation Each 29 $ $ 114. 6"Gate Valve with Box Each 8 $ $ 115. 8"Gate Valve with Box Each 2 $ $ 116. 12"Gate Valve with Box Each 5 $ $ 117. Dewatering Linear 1,500 $ $ Foot TOTAL AMOUNT BID $ *In the event of a discrepancy, figures in this column govern. Project No.052511256.0010 00300—Page 11 of 13 BID ADDENDUM NO.2 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard Substitutions: Substitutions are not acceptable in the bidding process. 6. BIDDER agrees to begin work promptly after written Notice to Proceed is given by ENGINEER or OWNER and will substantially complete the Work within 350 calendar days in accordance with Paragraph 6.08 of the General Conditions and will complete the Work and be ready for final payment within 365 calendar days after the date of the written Notice to Proceed in accordance with Paragraph 6.09 of the General Conditions. Alternately, BIDDER agrees to begin work promptly after written Notice to Proceed shall have been given by the ENGINEER or OWNER, and to substantially complete the Work within calendar days in accordance with Paragraph 6.16 in the Supplementary Conditions, and will complete the Work and be ready for final payment within calendar days in accordance with Paragraph 6.08 of the General Conditions. (This statement may or may not be completed at the BIDDER's option. If the statement is not completed, or if the time specified is greater than that in the preceding paragraph, the preceding paragraph shall govern.) BIDDER accepts the provisions of the Agreement as to liquidated damages in the event of failure to complete the Work within the time specified in the Agreement. 7. BIDDER has enclosed with this BID the required Bid Security in the form of a in the amount of$ . BIDDER agrees that this amount is a measure of liquidated damages which OWNER will sustain by failure of the BIDDER to execute and deliver above-named Agreement and Bonds, and not a penalty, and further agrees that this Bid Security shall be collected and retained by OWNER as liquidated damages in the event this BID is accepted by OWNER within ninety(90) days after opening of Bids and BIDDER fails to execute the Agreement and the required Bonds with OWNER within fifteen(15)days after Contract Documents are received by BIDDER; otherwise said Bid Security shall be returned to the BIDDER in accordance with Paragraph 7 of Section 00100—Instruction to Bidders. Project No.052511256.0010 00300—Page 12 of 13 BID CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard �^ A 1TEST: Very truly yours By: (SEAL,if Bidder is Corporation) (Signature) (Typed or Printed Name) Title: Bidder: (Name of Company) Address: Telephone No.: Facsimile No.: Surety Co: Address: Telephone No.: Facsimile No.: l Project No.052511256.0010 00300—Page 13 of 13 BID 60+00 61+00 62+00 . 63+00 64+00 65+00 48 ... .CO:NTRACT.QR..SHAL,L..CO.NTACT ... BRAZORIA DRAINAGE DISTRICT NO 4 46 M.46 '• -AT'-(281)--4851-14 AT -LEAST • --. - t 36. HOURS PRIOR TO': CQMMENCING -- WORK 1N--CLEAAR- CREEK . : 44 44 42 42 16 �P ��)2.02 40 VPI :STA..62+09.97 STA.•62+84.97•RVRC• �: 40 PRIVATE UTILITY LINES SHOWN STA.61+16.45 E/R: PROP ETC EL = 37 p0 END OF PROP ' , PROP E$W TC 36.6.E ETC = 37 13 @ -0:75x L ='1850' PROJECT- , ., CENTERPOINT ENERGY/GAS • E8•W'TC ....38 62. .... -' . STA:. 60+34.60 VP.I :STA.60+41.09.E/R• EX = 0.36' 38 SEC tAPPRDVEO ONLY FOR UNDERGROUND CONDUIT FACILITIES 38 EBW:TC = 36.47 EE TC: - 36.49 L • - UNLESS NOTED) • • STA•61t58.60 EA PROP GLEAM CREEK PROP E :SWALE ETC =:36.85 i-- )2.16 STA• 62N90 BRIDGE (B• OTHERS): • •- CENTLPPOINT ENERGY/ELECTRIC @..0.3.3y. • W..SWACEi'= 3'6:75' """ _ - • ' �" _STA. 61-F54('' • STA. :61+64 ._. ro sPuo= 36 i .. : PROP E TC •STA•60+82..23..E/R. •..:.E.SWALE•' ./... .E-SWALE. 32..79. _--'"� - -• -\ r 6 DRIVEN INTO WA SIDE OF POWER WER POLE LOCATED STA. 6d420';:.- --_._-_ +1 0% E T:C =37 25 • = 33.25 : PROP • ON THE NORM EAST CORNER AT YOST BLVD.AND E SWALE` 35 30'� _ • _.- Ronu S -SLEEPY HOLLOW PROP E8•WH: :II ...e. 90% WALE .. / -. === '� -. .STA; 62t90 f. - TO'@.4:° 3°,%'-F:ilCw i D'I NCP;t E) / _ ;_.__. -_- = 3.69 , ELEV..35.6 STA. 61+23 PRbP EI - 34 I�E.Dtrc E SWABS =:33 5'0 SWALE ..t .... 3 i7. i \ E SWALE� 3 � 34I / ,_ - _. W SWALE = .:5 I ' • 4.-S7A/60+35' . V �- `... ;i.... z STA: 60�Ap ..�: ;...� P P P N eqWE:SWALE ' E SWALE'= 35 30 - - ! ----�--., r i PROP E. SW LE 32 24" • :35 25 • 2-PROP. /6 Rcq.Lc.l .../.' Yr F(Dv!I. .E. ! 24. 2CD- 0.72Y • N0. DATE DESCRIPTION BY -LEAU 24;..LEAD ` pROP:W DI•TCH @ 0.30% RE • � • � PROP Cz" FH:LEAS .�/ 77'. 30 /*t...•• i ��.a-:-: - �( 30 --. . r: .i`1'-�•-..- . 0 W�ITCN'p, . .. P EulrcH:....iI\ ` ••• W DITCH • - zb' :RCP Ie}l E 83 DAVID It EUBNE �J PROP. �2"; II'�'•.t� o.'+" FL = 30.11 PROP 3;Y 2 Wl - ..!: .-.r c f� _ - I Fs...c Ns.... 4 J -. i HGI LINE PROP 83-LP' 4 •E,.Wc' _ 1-_ . NG t • 1 1 TVo � p / //�//:. STM. SEW. @ 0.30% ^\, 28 \\ I __ \ SThS SEW i, 1�\\-••• / ' """ I L'II 28 ... .. STA. :61.+24� t. ; W DITCH =: 30.00 _ _ WL� - j \ / I i PROP 35 LF - ! � .- •SEW STM.. .�-✓/%/////!..'../. lt.,... /f+R'2-P.ROP • .� i Q rr Dt :H \ J. .LEThom SEW @ 241 LEAD / t 26 610awksonzane 26 . 0:40%• . . ..... ....... ..: .. .... .1". \ .. .... • . • THOMPSON 7i3.9SGl�T;7 ?7° Mk SEW j . • / 713.95E4121 fax :21 SAN SEW: ...7:.. ..... .-... .. . - - .... .- PROP'. .MANHOLE- MH61.4- . .- "" '' •.-. \ t, TY "C'•' MH.: STA. 60+35 s N SEW: :1 \� PROP TIMBER BENT, 24 PROGRAM MANAGERS 24 - F---- ..N....=----* . . .. ;. .- -... \. SEE MISC. DETAIL SHEET �]Rlei We tadenlnc. _ ------.-------- -.=----*---. - CO B FL 36rS-=28 73 n FL 244 E t 31.00 PROP i24 LEAD: v //// •` .. .. . . . : ...'... .i. .. .'/ . .•/- •••• .- E1Sineen.Planne.. a 5B s -- FL.2.4{c.W.._-3'1':00' .. .. D t-_ a : : : -_u_- - -- - `�:;\ GONtTRACT p HAI L..CUI . 22 APP,avea a e MAY 2004 22 - - SkN:'SEYl-Mtl. ... ' ... ... •.,-• .. Ft FL .1"sq=23;9 '• : -I .'I PIPE TO MATH SIDE. i FL 27 SE=23:95 PRO' 3 YR HGL LINEMOBILITY AND . . ..E:L.zl...Nn.=.2aa7. . .... '- i •i SLQPE OF-'BLEAR--CREEK -•- DRAINAGE BOND PROGRAM PROP 32 LF, PROP 168.LF 54" • : IN • • • 20 ` 20 -. 42:" 30% SEW. ..PROP:51 LF L :/- ei PE STM. .SEW. @-(I.-30% 4'PROP-'24""tEAD--' @-0:30.' U .A �PROPS 54" STM. SEW. 54" 5TM. 'SEW. �y� • .....ALUMINIZED..CMP.. .i• a. ... • PROP Y4'•00'L c?/ l?.o .. e 1 .03%. i \ \ r: SEE:MISC:. DETAIL- 18 // . 1... ... r. SEE AIVV 18 .-;. .;. ;. :SHEET.-( H T.,1-1-6.). P A : • PROP. .MANHOLE MHB75 BENT. TY "C"-MHr STA:..61.+28 .- "' '- . .. .. - i CONCRETE°"BL'OCKS: - . F - MHBY7 'i - ;. / ES Sys I' •'' Ft. 42" N= 19.50 „ • 'TY `:C" MN. STA. 61+80 i \' .AND SLOPE PAVING 16 FL 24: W = 19.50 iI s�... • • ;DIMENSIONS.16 Fi...5.4....II._t.1.$,.3.4.' ..\ ••.•FL 2'41 E 27 ?10' FL 42" S = 19.34 :/'� • YOST BOULEVARD FROM FL 24. E = 25.00 FL 54" W, = 18 34 PROP..MA�IIOLE _ MH818 t , FM 518 TO CLEAR CREEK . 'PROP:-MANHOL-E-.-"MHB16--- �7 Y "C"_NF. ST!{: 63'F48' i TY "C' MH STA. 61+60 • kft"L FL 42:" N = 19 4Q . . .L..5.4.•-S. 1.7..,84. .ii. -."- - 14 14 Pi: 42" S = 184U t. i Fl.. 24" W = 27 05 .. !. ... . THIS.•SHE-ET 'IS- INTENDED •• PROFILE @ BRIDGE -FL '24f1 E• =-27 i05- i TO ONLY. SHOW CHANGES 12 FROM STA. 60+00 12 ,,I; ---• - IN THE -OUTFALL PIPE. STA. 65+00 . TO . '- SHEET 12A OF 19 i- ... .. .... • O 10 DESIGNED BY I JOB NO. REF NO. m 10 ... -.... WSO 882 0 DRAWN BY' DATE• SHEET - • - 25A NS MAY,2004 O B \t 8 CHECKED BY SCALE' OF cc a. 60+00 61+00 62*00 63+00 64+00 65+00 DRK t^-zoHI r•zw ‘9 . 9+00 . . 10+00 . . . . . . . . . 11+00 . . 12+00 . 13+00 48 48 • CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT .. 46 BRAZORIA DRAINAGE DISTRICT NO 4 46 •' AT f2813"•485-1434: AT •LEAST" -' 36 HOURS PRIOR TO COMMENCING •44 - .WORK 1N" 'CLEAR.'CREEK" "" • : : : : : : : : : 44 42 _ N;ROW. — F . -4Z • ^. 8 2 ;_ a- F= : 040 . 4:5 ROW: \ �/I / '1'''RCP • -¢-S"D7TCIi- *inseam • . . L37-64h .. L;j 38` /38 -� '"J' 'FC='37:30' •..ti.—y \ . .. PRIVATE UTILITY LINES SHOWN 36 • •-�T -.,` : r . — -— . —..-�-. r- \ /�/ .// - '' •'' r 8•'WL .... -9riQ,\ ••_• `, // 36 GENTERPOINL ENERGY/GAS I . . \�4'..:\ _ Sec IMPROVED ONLY FOR UNDERGROUND CONDOR FACi4nE5 • • \�`\\II(() UNLESS NOTED) 34 .............PROP 8" WI: J "-- ," .,.,........ .E. yl 'INTERPOINT ENERGY/ELECTRIC .J ,./. 34 PROP 12" WL •\ a' // a PROP 24" LEAD • 2 32 - \..:.\.. 32 1 ,(: REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY .\. NO. 30 . 10' SAN •SEW lFMI-� j 30 ty�'t• tEx9sr1I1,/ .i. .!.'y. • GV 1 / : • . ... ���%jjj� DAYID R.gUBALA�i • /11.. 1 28 �h� �0 PROP28 . :36" STM. SEW :1 ' ` � ! 21 !IN SEW' / 26nc 61100ar son Lan I. 26 THOMPSO 8110CIa TerOR7ne • 1 713.956.4100 tel PRDP• 3 Yf; Hc� LINE CONTRACTOR SHALL CUT 713.956412:lax . 1.T Mttd 24 CLEAR /. • • -�_,�� �: • 24 ! E PIPE TO �A CFi: SIL1E SLOPE- O.F CLEAR CREEK. .' PROGRAM MANACER� I ,. AltimerCollte( Braden c. / - Engineers•Planners•Project Managers 22 PROP .1£9-LF 36"'RCR'' I • 'PRDP"1"f 9"L"'F'42" • 22 AP° vee pole MAY 2004 PROp_. STM. SEW. 0 0.40% , ALUMINIZED CMP OUTFACE f ro sT,M� .sEW..-�: FL = 19;3a;. MOBILITY AND a'sz% SER`MTSC: nIAIC DRAINAGE BOND PROGRAM 20 i��O�/i/��/i��A��is�ii/��O��is�ll/I�iv�a�iasaO•e�O•w/O.��/• //�� - FOR-TIMBER-BE ai6•1 • 2D . . I ' kl \E.. CONCRETETBLOC'SG * -may PROP. MANHOLE — MHAYg • -AN 'SC PE-po N ' a• ,,. ;_.•e 18 / DIMENSIONS TY. '--C' 'MME-STA'. '9+87 •i• P.R� ....SY.-°C".MH:. 18 ARi . FL 36" W = 20.68 STA. 11+t55 roT ` W• SEL c TI.ME OF;SURVEY 08/OB/02 "� • .{. F 36." .$ - 28.14 j : : : j . . : . : FL36" N - 2-0.00 : � ri. xws : FL FL 24".NE =E29.79 I* "` 'FL' .92'.S.L.20-0tl' '- - • j, fs!8qa 16 '• • ... 1116 •' YOST BOULEVARD FROM "' ` ;' FM 518 TO CLEAR CREEK 14 . . ... .. THIS. SHEET .IS -INTENDED. 14 w . Y ti ' TO ;SHOW ONL;'Y CHAI4GE PROFILE c OUTFACE A 11 r• '- IN• THE -OUTFALL 'PIPE: • ' ' ,2 FROM STA. 9+00 t 12 . TO STA. 14+20 N 10 "" SHEET 15A OF 19 m 10 DESIGNED Br JOB N0. REF NO. WS0 982 i U DRAWN BY: DATE: �SfHEET Pe 8 DJS MAY.2004 2 8 A W 9+OD 11+00 8 CHECKED BY: SCALE OF 10+00 12+00 13+00 DRK 1".20%P'.2'V VI CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard DOCUMENT 00920 r. -- ADDENDUM NO. 3 DATE OF ADDENDUM: June 24, 2004 PROJECT NAME: Mobility and Drainage Bond Program �`� S"'•Th Yost Boulevard .......�..o:��a... 1 a:0 OWNER: City of Pearland M. R. McCRARY g "'j 42488 RFB/BID No.: 2004-063 ody PROJECT NO.: 052511256.0010 iDN /j 7� BID DATE: June 30, 2004 00fl This Addendum forms a part of the bidding documents and will be incorporated into the Contract Documents as applicable. Insofar as the original specifications and drawings are inconsistent, this Addendum governs. Acknowledge receipt of the Addendum by inserting its number in Document 00300—BID. Failure to do so may subject Bidder to disqualification. CHANGES TO BIDDING AND CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS 1. Section 00300 -BID From the Schedule of Unit Price, delete the description of Item No. 64 in its entirety and replace it with the following item of description: Item Description of Item Unit Approx. Unit Total No. Quantity Price Amount Bid 64. 6" Concrete Driveway Square 2,500 $ $ Yard From the Schedule of Unit Price, add the following items : Item Description of Item Unit Approx. Unit Total No. Quantity Price Amount Bid 118. Tree Protection Lump 1 $ $ Sum 119. Pedestrian Rail Linear 340 $ $ Foot 120. Remove &Reconstruct Each 1 $ $ Existing Sign(—Station 32+90) 00920—Page 1 of 4 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard The revised Section 00300—BID that reflects the changes above are also attached to this Addendum. CHANGES TO THE TECHNICAL SECTIONS 2. Section 01100—SUMMARY OF WORK From 1.04 Description of Bid Items, add the following items: LLL. Bid Item No. 64: 6-Inch Concrete Driveway, Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Furnish materials b. Place materials c. Other appurtenance and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure by Square Yard AAOO. Bid Item No. 118: Tree Protection, Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Provide materials including provisions as indicated on Tree Preservation Plans and Section 02115 b. Install and maintain materials c. Remove and disposed materials d. Other appurtenant and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure by Lump Sum AAPP. Bid Item No. 119: Pedestrian Rail, Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Furnish pedestrian rail materials b. Install materials c. Other appurtenant and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure by Linear Foot 00920—Page 2 of 4 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard AAQQ. Bid Item No. 120: Remove and Reconstruct Existing Sign Station 32+90), Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Remove existing sign b. Reconstruct sign to existing or better conditions 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure by Each From Section 1.07 Construction Photographs, delete in its entirety and replace it with the following: "Submit preconstruction(and post construction)photographs." CHANGES TO DRAWINGS 3. From Sheet 38-MSE Retaining Wall Details, delete the Typical Section Detail and replace with the attached Figure 1-Retaining Wall Detail Modification CLARIFICATIONS 4. Tree removal shall be in accordance with subsection 3.02 D Clearing and Grubbing in The City of Pearland Standard Technical Specifications Section 02200 - Site Preparation. 5. Cut, plug, and abandonment of existing 6" and 8" water mains shall be performed in accordance with subsection 3.04 Cut, Plug, and Abandonment of Mains in the City of Pearland Standard Technical Specifications Section 02510 Water Mains. 6. Dowel bar spacing shall be performed in accordance with the City of Pearland Standard Technical Specifications Section 02751 - Concrete Pavement. 7. Crosswalk paving shall be full-depth colored concrete. Refer to the City of Pearland Standard Details, Paving, Sheet 125 of 169, Detail 3/2 Deformed Metal Strip Control Joint. Median paving shall be colored to match crosswalk paving. 8. Perform work in Bid Item No. 6 Remove and Dispose of Existing Concrete Sidewalk as directed by the Engineer for the quantity shown. 9. Payment for providing temporary driveway access shall be incidental to Bid Item No. 105 Traffic Control and Regulation measured as Lump Sum and consisting of crushed rock or asphalt mix. 10. There will be irrigation sleeves crossing the esplanades and crossing the roadway to connect to the water main. The six-inch sleeves are necessary to accommodate the mainline, wiring sleeve and a lateral. Payment for four-inch and six-inch irrigation sleeves is a component part of the lump sum bid amount for Bid Item No. 87 - Irrigation system. 00920—Page 3 of 4 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard �` Add 310 feet of 4-inch PVC Located at the following places: \ - 1. Crossing in between the esplanades at Station 20+00 2. Crossing northbound lanes at the point of connection to the water main at approximate Station 37+60 3. Crossing in between the esplanades at Station 56+00 Add 1,170 feet of 6-inch PVC Located at the following places: 1. Crossing in between the esplanades at Stations 24+00, 33+50, 35+50, 38+40, 45+00, 53+50, and 55+30 11. Backfill for MSE retaining wall shall be per Sheet 38 of 169 - MSE Retaining Wall Details and Figure 1- Retaining Wall Detail Modification. See the General Notes of these drawings and specification for backfill requirements and Design Parameters for minimum length of earth reinforcement. The exact dimension of the cement stabilized backfill shall be determined by the manufacture of the MSE retaining wall system that is approved and used. The cast-in-place leveling pad is to be unreinforced concrete with the dimension to be determined by the manufacture of the MSE retaining wall system that is approved and used. Typical dimensions are 12" wide by 6"deep. Wall panel shall have an exposed aggregate finish. End Condition shall consist of 250 cubic yards of roadway embankment at the end of the proposed roadway. The embankment shall be at a typical 4:1 slope with a maximum of 3:1 slope and shall meet the roadway embankment specification Section 02330 Paragraph 1.02. Payment for embankment under this work shall be incidental to Bid Item No. 12 Site Preparation, Section 02200. 12. Thickness of articulated concrete block in Bid Item No. 17 shall be 8-Inches. 13. Blast cleaning of pavement is required per Section 02981 prior to thermoplastic markings application. Payment for blast cleaning shall be incidental to surface preparation for applicable bid items. 14. Sanitary sewer lead connections shall be installed per Pearland Standard Details, Sheet 126 of 169. 15. Contractor shall pay all applicable sales, consumer,use and other similar taxes except as exempted. Contractor shall obtain the necessary documentation so that any sales tax exemption due to the nature of the Work performed by Contractor or Subcontractors pursuant to this Agreement shall be applied to this Agreement, and these cost savings due to the Project's exempt statues shall be passed on to Owner. Contractor and each of its Subcontractors must obtain a Texas Limited Sales, Excise and Use Tax Permit for all materials required to be purchased in connection with the Project. END OF ADDENDUM NO. 3 00920-Page 4 of 4 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard BID C Date: , 2004 BID of , an individual proprietorship, a corporation authorized to transact business in Texas, or a partnership consisting of ,registered to transact business in Texas for Yost Boulevard, City of Pearland, Project No. 052511256.0010, RFB/BID No. 2004-063. THIS BID IS SUBMITTED TO: City Secretary City of Pearland, City Hall 3519 Liberty Drive, 3rd Floor, Suite 309 Pearland,Texas 77581 1. The undersigned BIDDER proposes and agrees, if this BID is accepted, to enter into an agreement with OWNER in the form included in the Contract Documents to perform and furnish all Work as specified or indicated in the Contract Documents for the Bid Price and within the Bid Times indicated in this BID and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. BIDDER accepts the terms of the form of Agreement and the Contract Documents. • 2. BIDDER accepts all of the terms and conditions of the Invitation to BID and Instructions to Bidders including without limitation those dealing with the disposition of Bid Security. This BID will remain subject to acceptance for ninety(90) days after the day of BID opening. If BIDDER is the Successful Bidder,BIDDER will sign and deliver the required number of counterparts of the Agreement with the Bonds.and other documents required by the Bidding Requirements within fifteen(15) days after the date of OWNER's Notice of Award. 3. In submitting this BID,BIDDER represents and warrants, as more fully set forth in the Agreement,that: (a) BIDDER has examined and carefully studied the Bidding Documents and Addenda. BIDDER hereby acknowledges receipt of the following Addenda: (List Addenda by Addendum Number and Date). Addendum No.: Dated: Addendum No.: Dated: Addendum No.: Dated: (b) BIDDER has visited the site,has conducted all testing at the site BIDDER deems necessary,has become familiar with,has taken into consideration in formulating its BID, and accepts the general,local and site conditions that may affect cost,progress, /1". performance, and furnishing of the Work; Project No.052511256.0010 00300—Page 1 of 13 BID ADDENDUM NO. 3 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard (c) BIDDER is familiar with,has taken into consideration in formulating its BID and accepts all federal, state, and local Laws and Regulations that may affect cost, progress,performance,and furnishing of the Work. (d) BIDDER has carefully studied all reports of explorations and tests of subsurface conditions at or contiguous to the site and all drawings of physical conditions in or relating to existing surface or subsurface structures at or contiguous to the site(except Underground Facilities)which have been identified in the Supplementary Conditions as provided in Paragraph 2.06. BIDDER accepts the determination set forth in Paragraph 2.06 of the Supplementary Conditions of the extent of the"technical data" contained in such reports and drawings upon which BIDDER is entitled to rely as provided in Paragraph 4.2 of the General Conditions. BIDDER understands, acknowledges, and agrees that such reports and drawings are not Contract Documents and may not be complete for BIDDER's purposes. BIDDER understands, acknowledges, and agrees that OWNER and ENGINEER are not responsible for and make no warranties regarding the accuracy or completeness of information and data shown or indicated in the Bidding Documents with respect to surface and subsurface conditions and Underground Facilities at or contiguous to the site. BIDDER has obtained and carefully studied and is responsible for obtaining and studying any and all such additional or supplementary examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies, and data concerning conditions (surface, subsurface and Underground Facilities) at or contiguous to the site or otherwise which may affect cost,progress, performance or furnishing of the Work, or which relate to any aspect of the means, methods, techniques, sequences, and procedures of construction to be employed by BIDDER, and safety precautions and programs incident thereto as may be necessary. BIDDER does not consider that any additional examinations, investigations, explorations,tests, studies or data are necessary for the determination of this BID for performance and furnishing of the Work in accordance with the times,price, and other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. (e) BIDDER is aware of the general nature of work to be performed by OWNER and others at the site that relates to Work for which this BID is submitted as indicated in the Contract Documents. (f) BIDDER has correlated the information known to BIDDER, information and observations obtained from visits to the site,reports and drawings identified in the Contract Documents, and all additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies, and data with the Contract Documents. (g) BIDDER has given ENGINEER written notice of all conflicts, errors, ambiguities, or discrepancies that BIDDER has discovered in the Contract Documents, and the written resolution thereof by ENGINEER is acceptable to BIDDER; BIDDER has no questions regarding the Work; BIDDER has all information necessary to make a fully informed BID; and the Contract Documents are generally sufficient to indicate and convey understanding of all terms and conditions for performing and furnishing the Work for which this BID is submitted. (h) This BID is genuine and not made in the interest of or on behalf of any undisclosed person, firm, or corporation and is not submitted in conformity with any agreement or Project No.052511256.0010 00300—Page 2 of 13 BID ADDENDUM NO.3 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard rules of any group, association, organization or corporation; BIDDER has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other BIDDER to submit a false or sham BID; BIDDER has not solicited or induced any person, firm, or corporation to refrain from bidding; and BIDDER has not sought by collusion to obtain for itself any advantage over any other BIDDER or over OWNER. 4. BIDDER is duly qualified to carry on business in the State of Texas;possesses or has the ability to possess all licenses,permits, and certificates of authority necessary to commence and to complete the Work in accordance with the Bidding Documents; is fully qualified and has experience in performing work of the same type as the Work covered by the Bidding Documents; and will provide all necessary labor, superintendence,machinery, equipment, tools,materials, services, and other means of construction to complete all work upon which BIDDER bids and complete said work within the time stated and for maintaining same as required for the following prices: 5. Schedule of Unit Price Bid: Yost Road • r-) Project No.052511256.0010 00300—Page 3 of 13 BID ADDENDUM NO. 3 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard Item Approx Unit Total No. Description of Item Unit Quantity Price* Amount Bid \ t 1. Mobilization(Maximum Bid$200,000) Lump 1 $ $ Sum 2. Project Identification Signs Each 2 $ $ 3. Remove&Dispose Existing Asphalt Square 14,100 Pavement Yard $ $ 4. Remove &Dispose Existing Concrete Square 1,300 Pavement Yard $ $ 5. Remove&Dispose Existing Concrete Linear 850 Curb Foot $ $ 6. Remove &Dispose Existing Concrete Square 475 Sidewalk Yard $ $ 7. Remove &Dispose Existing Driveway Square 3,500 $ $ Yard 8. Remove&Dispose Existing Storm Linear 5,600 Sewer Culverts, (All Sizes and Depths) Foot $ $ 9. Remove&Dispose Existing Inlets Each 18 $ $ 10. Remove&Dispose Existing Manhole Each 2 $ $ 11. Remove& Salvage Existing Fire Each 4 Hydrants $ $ 12. Site Preparation Lump 1 $ $ Sum 13. Roadway Excavation Cubic 18,300 $ $ Yard 14. Flood Plain Park Excavation Cubic 4,500 $ $ Yard e's.. 15. Embankment Cubic 4,150 $ $ „/) Yard Project No.052511256.0010 00300—Page 4 of 13 BID ADDENDUM NO.3 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard Item Approx Unit Total No. Description of Item Unit Quantity Price* Amount Bid , 16. Trench Safety System Linear 14,000 $ $ Foot 17. Articulated Concrete Blocks Square 120 $ $ Yard 18. Type "C" Storm Sewer Manhole Each 43 $ $ 19. Storm Sewer Manhole (Extra Depth) Vertical 91 $ $ Foot 20. 24" RCP Storm Sewer Linear 4,250 $ $ Foot 21. 30" RCP Storm Sewer Linear 2,250 $ $ Foot 22. 36" RCP Storm Sewer Linear 1,370 $ $ Foot 23. 42" RCP Storm Sewer Linear 160 $ $ Foot 24. 54" RCP Storm Sewer Linear 240 $ $ Foot 25. 42" ACMP Storm Sewer Linear 125 $ $ Foot 26. 54" ACMP Storm Sewer Linear 60 $ $ Foot 27. Type "C" Inlet Each 12 $ $ 28. Type "C-1" Inlet Each 26 $ $ 29. Type "C-2" Inlet Each 11 $ $ 30. Type"E" Inlet Each 28 $ $ 31. Concrete Headwall Each 1 $ $ 32. Concrete Slope Paving Square 20 $ $ .) Yard Project No.052511256.0010 00300—Page 5 of 13 BID ADDENDUM NO.3 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard Item Approx Unit Total '� No. Description of Item Unit Quantity Price* Amount Bid _ 33. Timber Bent Each 2 $ $ 34. Ring Grate Each - 5 $ $ 35. Regrade Existing Ditch Linear 25 $ $ Foot 36. Auger 16" Steel Casing with Linear 150 12" Water Main Foot $ $ 37. 6" Water Main Linear 380 $ $ Foot 38. 8" Water Main Linear 200 $ $ Foot 39. 12" Water Main Linear 4,600 $ $ Foot 40. 12" Water Main(C-900) Linear 300 $ $ Foot f 41. Adjust Water Meter Each 40 $ $ 42. Fire Hydrant Each 13 $ $ 43. Water Tap and Service Lines—3/4"to 1" Each 30 (Short Side) $ $ 44. Water Tap and Service Lines—3/4"to 1" Each 15 (Long Side) $ $ 45. Wet Connection(6" Water Main) Each 7 $ $ 46. Wet Connection(8" Water Main) Each 2 $ $ 47. 12" x 6" Tapping Sleeve &Valve Each 1 $ $ 48. 16" x 12" Tapping Sleeve &Valve Each 1 $ Project No.052511256.0010 00300—Page 6 of 13 BID ADDENDUM NO.3 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard Item Approx Unit Total No. Description of Item Unit Quantity Price* Amount Bid n49. Cut, Plug, and Abandon 6" Water Main Each 7 $ 50. Cut, Plug, and Abandon 8" Water Main Each 4 $ 51. 6" Sanitary Sewer Service Lead Linear 370 $ Foot 52. 6" Sanitary Sewer Service Lead Linear 80 (150 psi) Foot $ 53. 10" Sanitary Sewer Linear 65 $ Foot 54. Sanitary Sewer Manhole Each 2 $ 55. Sanitary Sewer Cleanout Each 4 $ $ 56. Adjust Existing Manholes to New Each 15 Grade $ $ 57. 12" Lime Stabilized Subgrade Square 43,000 $ $ Yard 58. Lime Ton 1,275 $ $ 59. 2" HMAC Surface Course Square 450 $ $ Yard 60. 11" HMAC Base Course Square 575 $ $ Yard 61. 4" Concrete Sidewalk Square 57,500 $ $ Foot 62. 6" Median Paving Square 460 $ $ Yard 63. 10" Concrete Pavement Square 35,800 $ $ Yard 64. 6" Concrete Driveway Square 2,500 $ $ Yard Project No.052511256.0010 00300—Page 7 of 13 BID ADDENDUM NO.3 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard Item Approx Unit Total No. Description of Item Unit Quantity Price* Amount Bid (.1 65. Crosswalk Paving(Coloring Included) Square 780 $ $ Yard 66. Standard Concrete Paving Header Linear 440 $ $ Foot 67. 6" Concrete Curb Linear 21,000 $ $ Foot 68. Pedestrian Ramps (Type 3) Each 4 $ $ 69. Pedestrian Ramps (Type 7) Each 21 $ $ 70. Pedestrian Ramps (Type 9) Each 6 $ $ 71. MSE Retaining Wall Square 1,225 $ $ Foot 72. Stabilized Construction Exit Each 1 $ $ r 73. Reinforced Filter Fabric Barrier Linear 1,300 $ $ Foot 74. Implementation of TPDES Permit Lump 1 $ $ Sum 75. Inlet Protection Barrier Each 78 $ $ 76. Bermuda Hydro Seed Square 7,050 $ $ Yard 77. St. Augustine Sod Square 10,000 $ $ Yard 78. Bermuda Sod Strip Square 1,100 $ $ Yard 79. Live Oak(4.5" Cal.) Each 81 $ $ 80. Live Oak(6" Cal.) Each 17 $ $ e"— 81. Cedar Elm(4.5" Cal.) Each 101 $ $ ,' Project No.052511256.0010 00300—Page 8 of 13 BID ADDENDUM NO.3 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard Item Approx Unit Total No. Description of Item Unit Quantity Price* Amount Bid 0 82. White Oak(5" Cal.) Each 44 $ $ 83. Water Oak(5" Cal.) Each 34 $ $ 84. Crape Myrtle (M.T.) (3" Cal.) Each 36 $ $ 85. Tree Root Pruning Each 30 $ $ 86. Relocate Subdivision Markers Each 2 $ $ 87. Irrigation System Lump 1 $ $ Sum 88. Thermoplastic Pavement Markings Linear 1,700 (4" Solid or Broken, White or Yellow) Foot $ _ $ 89. Thermoplastic Pavement Markings Linear 270 (8" Solid or Broken, White or Yellow) Foot $ _ $ 90. Thermoplastic Pavement Markings Linear 750 (12" Solid or Broken, White or Yellow) Foot $ $ 91. Thermoplastic Pavement Markings Linear 150 (24" Solid,White or Yellow) Foot $ $ 92. Thermoplastic Pavement Markings Each 3 (Arrow,White) $ $ 93. Thermoplastic Pavement Markings Each 3 (Word, White) $ $ 94. Raised Pavement Markings (Reflective) Each 300 TY II-C-R $ $ 95. Raised Pavement Markings (Reflective) Each 85 TY II-A-A $ $ (‘-') Project No.052511256.0010 00300—Page 9 of 13 BID ADDENDUM NO.3 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard Item Approx Unit Total No. Description of Item Unit Quantity Price* Amount Bid 96. Traffic Paint Pavement Markings Linear 2,750 (4" Solid or Broken, White or Yellow) Foot $ $ 97. Traffic Paint Pavement Markings Linear 750 (8" Solid or Broken, White or Yellow) Foot $ $ 98. Traffic Paint Pavement Markings Linear 425 (12" Solid or Broken, White or Yellow) Foot $ $ 99. Traffic Paint Pavement Markings Linear 350 (24" Solid or Broken, White or Yellow) Foot $ $ 100. Traffic Paint Pavement Markings Each 13 (Arrow,White) $ $ 101. Traffic Paint Pavement Markings Each 10 (Word, White) $ $ 102. Traffic Paint Pavement Markings Linear 3,200 (Median Nose,Yellow) Foot $ $ 103. Temporary Pavement Markings Linear 15,750 (4" Yellow Solid) Foot $ _ $ 104. Temporary Pavement Markings Linear 200 (24" White Solid) Foot $ $ 105. Traffic Control and Regulation Lump 1 $ $ Sum 106. Installation, Maintenance and Removal Ton 1,075 of 7" Black Base for Detour Road $ $ 107. Installation, Maintenance and Removal Ton 325 of 2" Hot-Mix Asphaltic Concrete for Detour Road $ $ C Project No.052511256.0010 00300—Page 10 of 13 BID ADDENDUM NO. 3 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard Item Approx Unit Total No. Description of Item Unit Quantity Price* Amount Bid _,I 108. Temporary Drainage Culverts (All Linear 90 Sizes) Foot $ $ 109. Traffic Signs Each 74 $ $ 110. Traffic Signal Installation on FM 518 at Lump 1 Yost Boulevard Sum $ $ 111. 2" Schedule 80 PVC Conduit Linear 5,400 $ $ Foot 112. Pull Box Each 6 $ $ 113. Street Light Foundation Each 29 $ $ 114. 6" Gate Valve with Box Each 8 $ $ 115. 8" Gate Valve with Box Each 2 $ $ 116. 12" Gate Valve with Box Each 5 $ $ 117. Dewatering Linear 1,500 $ $ Foot 118. Tree Protection Lump 1 $ $ Sum 119. Pedestrian Rail Linear 340 $ $ Foot 120. Remove &Reconstruct Existing Sign Each 1 (—Station 32+90) $ $ TOTAL AMOUNT BID $ * In the event of a discrepancy, figures in this column govern. C Project No.052511256.0010 00300—Page 11 of 13 BID ADDENDUM NO.3 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard Substitutions: Substitutions are not acceptable in the bidding process. 6. BIDDER agrees to begin work promptly after written Notice to Proceed is given by ENGINEER or OWNER and will substantially complete the Work within 350 calendar days in accordance with Paragraph 6.08 of the General Conditions and will complete the Work and be ready for final payment within 365 calendar days after the date of the written Notice to Proceed in accordance with Paragraph 6.09 of the General Conditions. Alternately,BIDDER agrees to begin work promptly after written Notice to Proceed shall have been given by the ENGINEER or OWNER, and to substantially complete the Work within _ calendar days in accordance with Paragraph 6.16 in the Supplementary Conditions, and will complete the Work and be ready for final payment within calendar days in accordance with Paragraph 6.08 of the General Conditions. (This statement may or may not be completed at the BIDDER's option. If the statement is not completed, or if the time specified is greater than that in the preceding paragraph, the preceding paragraph shall govern.) BIDDER accepts the provisions of the Agreement as to liquidated damages in the event of failure to complete the Work within the time specified in the Agreement. 7. BIDDER has enclosed with this BID the required Bid Security in the form of a in the amount of$ . BIDDER agrees that this amount is a measure of liquidated damages which OWNER will sustain by failure of the BIDDER to execute and deliver above-named Agreement and Bonds, and not a penalty, and further agrees that this Bid Security shall be collected and retained by OWNER as liquidated damages in the event this BID is accepted by OWNER within ninety(90) days after opening of Bids and BIDDER fails to execute the Agreement and the required Bonds with OWNER within fifteen(15) days after Contract Documents are received by BIDDER; otherwise said Bid Security shall be returned to the BIDDER in accordance with Paragraph 7 of Section 00100—Instruction to Bidders. r"--) Project No.052511256.0010 00300—Page 12 of 13 BID CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard ATTEST: Very truly yours By: (SEAL, if Bidder is Corporation) (Signature) (Typed or Printed Name) Title: Bidder: (Name of Company) Address: Telephone No.: Facsimile No.: ("--) Surety Co: Address: Telephone No.: Facsimile No.: t ? Project No.052511256.0010 00300—Page 13 of 13 BID VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL CONTROL POINT I .-6-.7]rCOPING ---1(SEE RETAINING WALL ---I DETAIL SHEET 38) I I = I II ---I EMBANKMENT 1- - REINFORCEMENT I MATERIAL FLAT FRONT FACE VOLUME --1 I ADDITIONAL EXTERNAL OF WALL WITH = EXPOSED AGGREGATE I STABILITY CRITERIA z FINISH UNLESS 0OTHERWISE NOTED --J ALLOWABLE BEARING PRESSURE SHALL o _ II NOT EXCEED I"2THE ULTIMATE BEARING CAPACITY OF THE FOUNDATION. REINFORCEMENT THE WIDTHS SHOWN HEREIN SHALL BE STRAPS (USUAL) CONSIDERED MINIMUM UNLESS A WBSSVMMV SEE NOTE "B" LARGER WIDTH IS SPECIFIED ON THE WALL PLANS OR REQUIRED BY THE ` " S FABRICATORS'S DETAILS. LEVELING PAD SEE NOTEE "A" (CL B CONC) UNDERDRAIN WIDTH = 0.55H * (SEE DETAIL) WIDTH = 0.70H TYPICAL SECTION (WALL AT BOTTOM OF SLOPE ) NOTE "A": * THE CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE THE OPTION THE SOIL UNDER THE LEVELING PAD AND THE OF PROVIDING A REINFORCED VOLUME WITH REINFORCED VOLUME INCLUDING A MINIMUM OF TWO DIFFERENT WIDTHS (0.55H BUT NOT TWO (2 ) FEET IN FRONT OF THE LEVELING PAD LESS THAN SIX FEET AND 0.70H BUT NOT SHALL BE COMPACTED TO A MINIMUM OF 98% LESS THAN EIGHT FEET). OR WITH A (' OF THE OPTIMUM DENSITY. AS DETERMINED BY CONSTANT WIDTH EQUAL TO 0.70 H BUT TEST METHOD TEX-114-E. THE DENSITY TESTING NOT LESS THAN EIGHT FEET AS SHOWN. OF THE SOIL WILL BE OUTLINED IN TEST METHOD TEX-115-E. COST OF THIS COMPACTION WILL * * 3 IN. MINIMUM ABOVE THE SECOND COURSE NOT BE PAID FOR DIRECTLY BUT SHALL BE OF SOIL REINFORCEMENTS. BUT NO LESS INCIDENTAL TO THE UNIT PRICE BID FOR THAN 4 FEET. "RETAINING WALL". NOTE "B": WHEN BACKFILL DOES NOT COMPLY WITH pH ����N\\ AND RESISTIVITY REQUIREMENTS. EPDXY i P'(E,OF..rp.NU` COATED METALLIC REINFORCEMENTS MUST / 5; ' '•.,s 11 WITHBE SED.EPDXYALL COATEEDNECTION REINFFORCEMEENTSESHALLL (*1 �. �� .••�%*'f• � LIKEWISE BE EPDXY COATED. EPDXY SHALL / WILLIAM S. ODLE / CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE • • ITEM "EPDXY". THIS WORK WILL NOT BE 7-0% 92868 rit/ CONPAIS FOR SIDEREDIINCIDENTALECTLY. TTOHTHE LL UNIT E '111 F./CENS��G\ '"'/ PRICE BID FOR "RETAINING WALL". �N S/p• A� N NOTES \ . .. � THE REINFORCED VOLUME SHALL CONSIST OF CEMENT STABILIZED BACKFILL (o/ZSA5`{ ONLY. THE CEMENT STABILIZED BACKFILL SHALL HAVE A CEMENT CONTENT 3 OF 5% BASED ON THE DRY COMBINED WEIGHT OF AGGREGATE AND CEMENT. 0' WHEN OBSTRUCTIONS ( INLETS. DRILLED SHAFTS. PILING. ETC. ) PREVENT PLACEMENT OF SOIL REINFORCEMENTS IN THEIR NORMAL LOCATIONS. DETAILS AND CALCULATIONS SHALL BE PROVIDED BY THE CONTRACTOR J.F.Thompson,Inc 60 -, THAT ESTABLISH SUPPORT FOR THE AFFECTED PANELS. THE STEEL 6110 Clarkson Lane o1 AREA OF SOIL REINFORCEMENTS FURNISHED SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN THOMPSON"au=ron,rexas77055 rp, REQUIRED IN THE ABSENCE OF THE OBSTRUCTION. THE CALCULATIONS 713.956.4121fa . S� SHALL JUSTIFY ANY ALTERATIONS MADE TO THE SOIL REINFORCEMENTS 713.956.4121fax g2 OR MODIFICATIONS TO THEIR NORMAL PLACEMENT. PANELS SHALL NOT F I G U R E 1 01•ia. BE USED WITHOUT ANY SOIL REINFORCEMENTS CONNECTED TO THEM RETAINING WALL `"W UNLESS THEY ARE CONNECTED WITH GALVANIZED HARDWARE TO ADJACENT ° W PANELS WHICH DO HAVE SUPPORTING SOIL REINFORCEMENTS ATTACHED DETAIL ja TO THEM AND AS APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. MODIFICATION r...`, MOBILITY AND DRAINAGE BOND PROGRAM YOST BOULEVARD FROM 518 TO CLEAR CREEK CONTRACT DOCUMENTS RFB/BID NO. 2004-063 ,'j bito. A ,'• - ---..: 44,- ' *._ /s lllM ri,.. .._,.,.,,,,--ir:,'`1:-t.,r...: ity . = 46N11 .. T •1 t �,® A ' • - ',S i- ------ ' C% 111‘ '- CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS E 4 .OF TES,) i16 *: %\ *+s•, IL ........................:... JAMES W KELLER I.......e........e........ if '' 717 21,E f�i n JUNE 2004 `"�. k TurnerColfre0Braden Inc: C) Engineers - Planers'• Project Managers CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard TABLE OF CONTENTS CCONTRACT DOCUMENTS ` MOBILITY AND DRAINAGE BOND PROGRAM YOST BOULEVARD JUNE 2004 DIVISION 0 BIDDING AND CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS Section No, Title No. of Pages 00001 Title Page 1 00003 Table of Contents 2 00004 List of Drawings 3 00020 Invitation to Bid 2 00100 Instructions to Bidders 8 00220 Geotechnical and Environmental Information 1 00300 Bid 13 00315 Bid Bond 2 00500 Agreement 7 00610 Construction Performance Bond 4 00620 Construction Payment Bond 4 00630 Construction Maintenance Bond 4 00700 General Conditions of Agreement 31 (1" 00700-A Attachment No. 1 to General Conditions 4 00700-B Attachment No. 2 to General Conditions 7 00800 Supplementary Conditions 23 00811 Wage Scale for Engineering Construction 3 DIVISION 1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Section No. Title No. of Paget 01100 Summary of Work 32 01140 Contractor's Use of Premises 3 01200 Measurement and Payment 3 01290 Change Order Procedures 4 01310 Coordination and Meetings 3 01350 Submittals 7 01420 Reference Standards 4 01430 Contractor's Quality Control 2 01440 Inspection Services 1 01450 Testing Laboratory Services 2 01500 Temporary Facilities and Controls 10 01505 Mobilization 1 01550 Stabilized Construction Exit 4 01555 Traffic Control and Regulation 4 Cli 01560 Filter Fabric Fence 4 01562 Waste Material Disposal 2 00003—Page 1 of 2 Table of Contents CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard Section No. Title No. of Pages 01564 Control of Ground Water and Surface Water 7 01565 TPDES Requirements 16 01566 Source Controls for Erosion and Sedimentation 4 01570 Trench Safety System 4 01580 Project Identification Signs 4 01600 Material and Equipment 3 01630 Product Options and Substitutions 3 01720 Field Surveying 2 01730 Cutting and Patching 3 01750 Starting Systems 2 01760 Project Record Documents 2 01770 Contract Closeout 2 SUPPLEMENTAL TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Section No. Title, No.of Pages 02115 Tree Preservation and Clearing 14 02580 Galvanized Steel Street Lighting Standard Upsweep Luminaire Bracket—Underground Wiring Base Plate Mounted Standard 13 Ce"\'' (HL&P) 02581 Street Light Foundations(HL&P Drawings) 2 02620 Pipe Underdrains 3 02751 Concrete Pavement 3 02755 Retaining Wall 6 02763 Traffic Paint(Water Based) 6 02810 Irrigation System 20 02811 Landscape Irrigation 1 02890 Traffic Signal Installation 3 02891 Salvaging Traffic Signals 1 02892 12-Inch LED Traffic Signal Lamp Unit 6 02893 LED Pedestrian Signal Lamp Unit(Symbolic) 3 02894 Video Imaging Vehicle Detection System 8 02895 Traffic Signal Controller Assembly(TS-2) 35 16130 Installation of Conduit System For Throughfare Street and Designated Density Areas(HL&P) 16 DIVISION 2—SITEWORK through DIVISION 16—ELECTRICAL See Mobility and Drainage Program Standard Technical Specifications (b.\ 00003—Page 2 of 2 Table of Contents CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard ( LIST OF DRAWINGS Sheet No. Title 1 Title Sheet 2 Index of Sheets 3 General Notes Sheet Layouts and Typical Sections 4-5 Yost Boulevard Project Baseline Survey Control Map 6 Existing Typical Cross Sections 7-10 Proposed Typical Cross Sections 11-12 Drainage Area Map 13 Storm Sewer Calculations Plan and Profiles 14 Plan and Profile from Beginning to Sta. 15+50 15 Plan and Profile from Sta. 15+50 to Sta. 20+00 16 Plan and Profile from Sta. 20+00 to Sta. 25+00 17 Plan and Profile from Sta. 25+00 to Sta. 30+00 18 Plan and Profile from Sta. 30+00 to Sta. 35+00 19 Plan and Profile from Sta. 35+00 to Sta. 40+00 20 Plan and Profile from Sta. 40+00 to Sta. 45+00 21 Plan and Profile from Sta. 45+00 to Sta. 50+00 22 Plan and Profile from Sta. 50+00 to Sta. 55+00 23 Plan and Profile from Sta. 55+00 to Sta. 60+00 24 Plan and Profile from Sta. 60+00 to Sta. 65+00 25 Profile at Bridge from Sta. 60+00 to Sta. 65+00 26. Rocky Creek Plan and Profile 27 Outfall A Plan from Sta. 9+00 to Sta. 14+20 28 Outfall A Profile from Sta. 9+00 to Sta. 14+20 29 Washington Irving(West)Plan and Profile 30 Washington Irving(East)Plan and Profile 31 Sleepy Hollow Dr. Plan and Profile from Sta. 10+00 to Sta. 15+00 32 Roland Rue Layout Median Pavement Stations 33-35 Median Pavement Station and Offsets Sheets Retaining Wall Plans 36 Retaining Wall No. 1 Layout 37 Retaining Wall No. 2 Layout 38 Retaining Wall Details Demo Plans 39 Existing Pavement Demolition Plan from Beginning to Sta. 16+00 40 Existing Pavement Demolition Plan from Sta. 16+00 to Sta. 20+00 41 . Existing Pavement Demolition Plan from Sta. 20+00 to Sta. 25+00 42 Existing Pavement Demolition Plan from Sta. 25+00 to Sta. 30+00 Project No.052511256.0010 00004—Page 1 of 3 LIST OF DRAWINGS CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard Sheet No. Title 43 Existing Pavement Demolition Plan from Sta. 30+00 to Sta. 35+00 44 Existing Pavement Demolition Plan from Sta. 35+00 to Sta. 40+00 45 Existing Pavement Demolition Plan from Sta. 40+00 to Sta. 45+00 46 Existing Pavement Demolition Plan from Sta. 45+00 to Sta. 50+00 47 Existing Pavement Demolition Plan from Sta. 50+00 to Sta. 55+00 48 Existing Pavement Demolition Plan from Sta. 55+00 to Sta. 60+00 49 Existing Pavement Demolition Plan from Sta. 60+00 to Sta. 65+00 50 Existing Pavement Demolition Plan Rocky Creek 51 Existing Pavement Demolition Plan Washington Irving(West) 52 Existing Pavement Demolition Plan Washington Irving(East) 53 Existing Pavement Demolition Plan Sleepy Hollow Traffic Control Plans 54 Traffic Control Plan Phase I Temporary Road Storm Outfalls & Waterline Sheet(1 of 2) 55 Traffic Control Plan Phase I Temporary Road Storm Outfalls & Waterline Sheet(2 of 2) 56 Traffic Control Plan Phase II Pavement,Truckline,Inlets &Leads Sheet (1 of 2) 57 Traffic Control Plan Phase II Pavement, Truckline, Inlets &Leads Sheet (2 of 2) 58 Traffic Control Plan Phase III—Step 1 Pavement,Truckline, Inlets & Leads Sheets (1 of 1) 59 Traffic Control Plan Phase III—Step 2 Pavement,Truckline, Inlets & Leads Sheets (1 of 2) 60 Traffic Control Plan Phase III—Step 2 Pavement,Truckline, Inlets & Leads Sheets (2 of 2) 61 Traffic Control Plan Phase I Typical Cross Sections 62 Traffic Control Plan Phase II Typical Cross Sections 63 Traffic Control Plan Phase III Typical Cross Sections Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan 64-65 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Sheets 66 SWPPP Details Signage and Stripping 67-68 Signage&Pavement Marking Layout Sheets Signal Layout Plans 69 Basis of Estimate 70 Permanent Traffic Signal Notes 71-72 Existing Traffic Signal Layout 73 Proposed Traffic Signal Layouts 74 Overhead Street Name Sign Details 75-86 Barricades and Construction Sheets 87-88 Traffic Signal Installation Typical Details 89 Signal Details/Standards—Controller Foundation Details Project No.052511256.0010 00004—Page 2 of 3 LIST OF DRAWINGS CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard Sheet No. Title 90 Signal Details/Standards—Overhead Street Name Sign Mounting Details 91 Signal Details/Standards—Construction Details for Pole Mounted Pedestrian Signals 92 VIVDS Camera Mounting Details 93 Electrical Details—Conduit 94 Electrical Details—Conductors 95 Electrical Details—Ground Boxes 96 Electrical Details—Service Schematics and Support Type TP (Overhead) 97 Electrical Details—Service Enclosure and Notes 98 Electrical Details—Service Supports Type SF and SP 99 Electrical Details—Typical Traffic Signal System Details 100-101 Traffic Signal Support Structures—Single Mast Arm Assembly (100 MPH Wind Zone) 102-104 Traffic Signal Support Structures—Long Mast Arm Assembly(50 to 65 Ft) (80 and 100 MPH Wind Zone) 105 Long Mast Arm Assembly Parts List 106 Mast Arm Connections 107 Mast Arm Pole Details 108 Traffic Signal Pole Foundation 109 Luminare Arm Details Street Lighting,Power and CI\ Communication Conduit Layout 110-111 Street Lighting Conduit Layout Park Flood Plain Cut 112 Flood Plain Park Cut Area 113 Flood Plain Park Cut Area Cross Section 114 Flood Plain Park Cut Area SWPPP Civil Details 115 Yost Blvd. Paving Details 116 Yost Blvd. Miscellaneous Details 117 Yost Blvd. Storm Sewer Details 118 Construction Sign Detail 119 Concrete Pavement Junctures 120-122 Typical Standard Pavement Markings 123 Pedestrian Rail 124-134 C.O.P. Standard Details Earthwork Cross Sections 135-147 Earthwork Cross Sections Landscape&Irrigation Plans 148-155 Tree Preservation Plan(L1-L8) 156-162 Planting Plan(L9-L15) 163-169 Irrigation Plan(L16-L22) Project No.052511256.0010 00004—Page 3 of 3 LIST OF DRAWINGS CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard (44. \ INVITATION TO BID 2004-063 CITY OF PEARLAND MOBILITY AND DRAINAGE BOND PROGRAM Sealed BIDs will be received,in duplicate,referencing the following project in the office of the City Secretary,the City of Pearland, 3ra floor, Suite 309, City Hall located at 3519 Liberty Drive, Pearland, Texas 77581,until 3:00 p.m.,June 23,2004, at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud for the construction of: PROJECT TITLE: Yost Boulevard RFB/Bid No. 2004-063. BIDs received after the closing time will be returned unopened. General Contractors are required to attend a pre-bid conference for this project. The pre-bid conference will be held on June 16, 2004 at 3:00 p.m. local time at the Pearland City Hall, first floor conference room. The project will entail construction of: Roadway widening and drainage improvements including concrete pavement, asphalt pavement, water lines, street lighting conduits,landscaping and related works on Yost Boulevard from FM 518 to Clear Creek. Information and Bid Documents: Copies of Contract Documents and Technical Specifications and ' Plans are on file at the following locations for review: City of Pearland F. W. Dodge/McGraw Hill Information Services City Hall 4101 Greenbriar, Suite 320 3519 Liberty Drive Houston,Texas 77098 713-529-4895 Pearland,Texas 77581 281-652-1600 Associated General Contractors of America Inc. Associated General Contractors of America Inc. 3825 Dacoma Street 2400 Augusta, Suite 180 Houston,Texas 77092-8717 713-843-3700 Houston,Texas 77057 713-334-7100 Turner Collie&Braden Inc. 5757 Woodway, Suite 205 Houston, Texas 77057 713-780-4100 Bid documents may be obtained from the Bid Center,Turner Collie &Braden Inc., 5757 Woodway, Houston,Texas 77057, 713-780-4100. The City of Pearland Mobility and Drainage Program Standard Technical Specifications maybe purchased for the amount of$40.00. Contract Documents and Plans may be purchased for the amount of$100.00. Make all checks payable to Turner Collie&Braden Inc. The amount of the purchase will not be refunded. rk\' No bid may be withdrawn or terminated for a period of ninety(90) days subsequent to the bid opening date without the consent of the City of Pearland. Project No.052511256.0010 00020—Page 1 of 2 INVITATION TO BID CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard Bonds: Bidder's Bond, Cashier's Check, or Certified Check payable to the City of Pearland in the (.16)._ amount of 5%of the total base bid price must accompany each proposal. The successful bidders must furnish Performance and Payment Bonds as required by law(Article 5160,Vernon's Texas Civil Statues, as amended)upon an acceptable form in the amount of one hundred percent(100%) of the contract price, such bonds to be executed by a corporate surety duly authorized to do business in the State of Texas, and named in the current list of"Treasury Department Circular No. 570,"payable to the City of Pearland,Texas. Equal Opportunity in Employment: All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color,religion, sex, or national origin. The City of Pearland reserves the right to reject any or all bids, or to accept any bid deemed advantageous to the City of Pearland. Gordon Island Purchasing Officer rs\ Project No.052511256.0010 00020—Page 2 of 2 INVITATION TO BID CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS (1.6\t 1. Defined Terms Terms used in these Instructions to Bidders are defined in Section 00700- General Conditions of the Construction Contract. Certain additional terms used in these Instructions to Bidders have the meanings indicated below, which are applicable to both the singular and plural thereof. 1.1. BIDDER-one who submits a bid directly to OWNER as distinct from a sub-bidder,who submits a bid to a BIDDER. 1.2. Issuing Office-the office from which the Bidding Documents are to be issued and where the bidding procedures are to be administered. 1.3. Successful Bidder-the lowest responsible BIDDER to whom OWNER(on the basis of OWNER's evaluation as hereinafter provided)makes an award. 1.4 Program Manager—Turner Collie&Braden Inc. 2. Copies of Bidding Documents 2.1. Complete sets of the Bidding Documents,in the number and for the payment sum stated in the Invitation to Bid,may be obtained from the Issuing Office. 2.2. Complete sets of Bidding Documents must be used in preparing BIDs; neither OWNER nor ENGINEER assume any responsibility for errors or misinterpretations resulting from the use of incomplete sets of Bidding Documents or otherwise associated with the Bidding Documents. 2.3. OWNER and ENGINEER, in making copies of Bidding Documents available on the above terms, do so only for the purpose of obtaining BIDs for the Work and do not confer a license or grant for any other use. BIDDER may not make copies of the Bidding Documents. Ownership of the Bidding Documents shall remain with the OWNER. 3. Qualifications of BIDDERs To demonstrate qualifications to perform the Work, each BIDDER must be prepared to submit,within five (5) days after BID opening and upon OWNER's request, detailed written evidence such as financial data,previous experience,present commitments, and proof that the BIDDER has the personnel, equipment, and material to execute the work required by the Contract Documents or any other such data as may be called for below. 4. Examination of Contract Documents and Site 4.1. It is the responsibility of each BIDDER,before submitting a BID: 4.1.1. To examine thoroughly the Contract Documents and other related data identified in the C"" Bidding Documents (including"technical data"referred to below); Project No.052511256.0010 00100—Page 1 of 8 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard 4.1.2. To visit the site to become familiar with and satisfy BIDDER as to the general, local, and site C6') conditions that may affect cost,progress,performance, or furnishing of the Work; 4.1.3. To consider federal, state, and local Laws and Regulations that may affect cost,progress, performance, or furnishing of the Work; 4.1.4. To study and carefully correlate BIDDER's knowledge and observations with the Contract Documents and such other related data; and 4.1.5. To promptly notify ENGINEER of all conflicts, errors, ambiguities or discrepancies which BIDDER has discovered in or between the Contract Documents and such other related documents. 4.2. Reference is made to the General and Supplementary Conditions for identification of 4.2.1. Those reports of explorations and tests of subsurface conditions at or contiguous to the site which have been utilized by ENGINEER in preparation of the Contract Documents. BIDDER may rely upon the general accuracy of the"technical data"contained in such reports but not upon other data,interpretations, opinions, or information contained in such reports or otherwise relating to the subsurface conditions at the site,nor upon the completeness thereof for the purposes of bidding or construction. OWNER AND ENGINEER EXPRESSLY DISCLAIM ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES THAT THE INFORMATION,DATA,INTERPRETATIONS,AND OPINIONS SHOWN, INDICATED, OR CONTAINED IN THE PLANS ARE ACCURATE, CORRECT, (. \; COMPLETE, OR FIT FOR THEIR INTENDED PURPOSES. 4.2.2. Those drawings of physical conditions in or relating to existing surface and subsurface structures(except Underground Facilities)which are at or contiguous to the site that have been utilized by ENGINEER in preparation of the Contract Documents. BIDDER may rely upon the general accuracy of the"technical data" contained in such drawings but not upon other data, interpretations,opinions, or information shown or indicated in such PLANS or otherwise relating to such structures,nor upon the completeness thereof for the purposes of bidding or construction. OWNER AND ENGINEER EXPRESSLY DISCLAIM ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES THAT THE INFORMATION,DATA, INTERPRETATIONS,AND OPINIONS SHOWN,INDICATED, OR CONTAINED IN THE DRAWINGS ARE ACCURATE,CORRECT, COMPLETE, OR FIT FOR THEIR INTENDED PURPOSES. Copies of such reports and PLANS will be made available by OWNER to any BIDDER on request. Those reports and drawings are not part of the Contract Documents,but the "technical data"contained therein upon which BIDDER is entitled to rely as provided in Paragraph 2.06 of the Supplementary Conditions. BIDDER is responsible for any interpretation or conclusion drawn from any"technical data" or any such data, interpretations,opinions,or information. 4.3. Information and data shown or indicated in the Contract Documents with respect to existing Underground Facilities at or contiguous to the site is based on information and data furnished to OWNER and ENGINEER by owners of such Underground Facilities or others, and OWNER and ENGINEER do not assume responsibility for the accuracy or completeness thereof unless it is expressly provided otherwise in the Supplementary Conditions. OWNER AND ENGINEER EXPRESSLY DISCLAIM ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES THAT Project No.052511256.0010 00100—Page 2 of 8 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard THE INFORMATION,DATA,INTERPRETATIONS,AND OPINIONS SHOWN, INDICATED, OR CONTAINED IN THE PLANS ARE ACCURATE, CORRECT, COMPLETE, OR FIT FOR THEIR INTENDED PURPOSES. 4.4. Provisions concerning responsibilities for the adequacy of data furnished to prospective BIDDERS with respect to subsurface conditions, other physical conditions and Underground Facilities, and possible changes in the Contract Documents due to differing or unanticipated conditions appear in Paragraphs 2.06 of the Supplementary Conditions. 4.5. Before submitting a BID, each BIDDER will be responsible to obtain such additional or supplementary examinations, investigations, explorations,tests, studies, and data concerning conditions (surface, subsurface and Underground Facilities) at or contiguous to the site or otherwise,which may affect cost,progress,performance, or furnishing of the Work, or which relate to any aspect of the means,methods, techniques, sequences, or procedures of construction to be employed by BIDDER and safety precautions and programs incident thereto or which BIDDER deems necessary to determine its BID for performing and furnishing the Work in accordance with the time,price, and other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. 4.6. On request, OWNER will provide each BIDDER access to the site to conduct such examinations, investigations, explorations,tests, and studies as each BIDDER deems necessary for submission of a BID. BIDDER must fill all holes and clean up and restore the site to its former condition upon completion of such explorations, investigations, tests, and studies. 4.7. Reference is made to the Supplementary Conditions for the identification of the general nature of work to be performed at the site by OWNER(if applicable) or others(such as utilities and other prime contractors)that relates to the Work for which a BID is to be submitted. On request, OWNER will provide to each BIDDER for examination, access to, or copies of, Contract Documents(other than portions thereof related to price) for such work. 4.8. The submission of a BID will constitute an incontrovertible representation by BIDDER that BIDDER has complied with every requirement of this Article 4,that,without exception,the BID is premised upon performing and furnishing the Work required by the Contract Documents, and applying the specific means,methods,techniques, sequences,or procedures of construction(if any)that may be shown or indicated or expressly required by the Contract Documents,the BIDDER has given ENGINEER written notice of all conflicts, errors, ambiguities, and discrepancies that BIDDER has discovered in the Contract Documents, and written resolutions thereof by ENGINEER are acceptable to BIDDER,that the Contract Documents are generally sufficient to indicate and convey understanding of all terms and conditions for performing and furnishing the Work, that the BIDDER has no questions regarding the Work,that the BIDDER has all information necessary to make a fully informed BID, and that the BIDDER has conducted all tests at the site it deems necessary. 4.9. The provisions of 4.1 through 4.8,inclusive, of this Article, do not apply to Asbestos, Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs),Petroleum,Hazardous Waste, or Radioactive Material covered by Paragraph 2.09 of the Supplementary Conditions. ProjectNo.052511256.0010 00100-Page 3 of 8 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard 5. Availability of Lands for Work,etc. The lands upon which the Work is to be performed,rights-of-way and easements for access thereto and other lands designated for use by CONTRACTOR in performing the Work are identified in the Contract Documents. All additional lands and access thereto required for temporary construction facilities, construction equipment, or storage of materials and equipment to be incorporated in the Work are to be obtained and paid for by CONTRACTOR. Easements for permanent structures or permanent changes in existing facilities are to be obtained and paid for by OWNER unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents. 6. Interpretations and Addenda 6.1. All questions about the meaning or intent of the Bidding Documents are to be directed to ENGINEER. Interpretations or clarifications considered necessary by ENGINEER in response to such questions will be issued by Addenda mailed,transmitted by facsimile machine, or delivered to all parties recorded by ENGINEER as having received the Bidding Documents. Questions received less than ten days prior to the date for opening of Bids may not be answered. Only questions answered by formal written Addenda will be binding. Oral and other interpretations or clarifications may not be relied upon and will not be binding upon OWNER or ENGINEER or legally effective. 6.2. Addenda may also be issued to modify the Bidding Documents as deemed advisable by OWNER or ENGINEER. 4 7. Bid Security 7.1. Each BID must be accompanied by Bid Security made payable to OWNER in an amount of five percent(5%)of BIDDER's maximum Bid price and in the form of a certified or cashier's check or a Bid Bond issued by a surety meeting the requirements of Paragraph 4.05 of the General Conditions. 7.2. The Bid Security of Successful Bidder will be retained until such BIDDER has executed the Agreement, furnished the required contract security, and met the other conditions of the Notice of Award,whereupon the Bid Security will be returned. If the Successful Bidder fails to execute and deliver the Agreement and furnish the required contract security within fifteen (15) days after the Notice of Award, OWNER may annul the Notice of Award, and the Bid Security of that BIDDER will be forfeited. The Bid Security of other BIDDERS whom OWNER believes to have a reasonable chance of receiving the award maybe retained by OWNER until the earlier of the seventh day after the Effective Date of the Agreement or the thirty-sixth day after the BID opening,whereupon Bid Security furnished by such BIDDERs will be returned. Bid Security with Bids which are not competitive will be returned within seven(7) days after the BID opening. 8. Contract Times The Contract Times, as defined in Paragraph 1.13 of the Supplementary Conditions, are set rik\. forth in the Agreement. Project No.052511256.0010 00100—Page 4 of 8 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard 9. Liquidated Damages Provisions for liquidated damages are set forth in the Agreement. 10. Substitute and "Or-Equal"Items The Contract, if awarded,will be on the basis of materials and equipment described in the PLANS or specified in the Specifications without consideration of possible substitute or"or- equal"items. Whenever it is indicated in the PLANS or specified in the Specifications that a substitute or"or-equal"item of material or equipment may be furnished or used by CONTRACTOR if acceptable to ENGINEER, application for such acceptance will not be considered by ENGINEER until after the Effective Date of the Agreement. The procedure for submission of any such application by CONTRACTOR and consideration by ENGINEER is set forth in Paragraphs 4.30.1,4.30.2, and 4.30.3 of the Supplementary Conditions. 11. Subcontractors,Suppliers, and Others 11.1. If the Supplementary Conditions require the identity of certain Subcontractors, Suppliers, and other persons and organizations (including those who are to furnish the principal items of material and equipment)to be submitted to OWNER in advance of a specified date prior to the Effective Date of the Agreement,apparent Successful Bidder, and any other BIDDER so requested, shall,within five(5) days after BID opening, submit to OWNER a list of all such Subcontractors, Suppliers, and other persons and organizations proposed for those portions of the Work for which such identification is required. Such list shall be accompanied by an experience statement with pertinent information regarding similar projects and other evidence of qualification for each such Subcontractor, Supplier,person, or organization if requested by OWNER. An OWNER or ENGINEER who, after due investigation,has reasonable objection to any proposed Subcontractor, Supplier, other person, or organization may,before the Notice of Award is given,request the apparent Successful Bidder to submit an acceptable substitute without an increase in Bid Price. If the apparent Successful Bidder declines to make any such substitution, OWNER may award the contract to the next lowest BIDDER that proposes to use acceptable Subcontractors, Suppliers, and other persons and organizations. Declining to make requested substitutions will not constitute grounds for sacrificing the Bid Security of any bidder. Any Subcontractor,Supplier, other person, or organization listed and to whom OWNER or ENGINEER does not make written objection prior to the giving of the Notice of Award will be deemed acceptable to OWNER and ENGINEER subject to revocation of such acceptance after the Effective Date of the Agreement as provided in Paragraph 4.04 of the General Conditions. 11.2. The apparent Successful Bidder,prior to the Notice of Award, shall identify in writing to OWNER those portions of the Work that such BIDDER proposes to subcontract and after the Notice of Award may only subcontract other portions of the Work with OWNER's written consent. 11.3. No CONTRACTOR shall be required to employ any Subcontractor, Supplier,other person, or organization against whom CONTRACTOR has reasonable objection. Project No.052511256.0010 00100—Page 5 of 8 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard 12. Bid Form 12.1. The Bid Form is included with the Bidding Documents; additional copies may be obtained from the Issuing Office(s)described in the Invitation to Bid. 12.2. All blanks on the Bid Form must be completed in ink. 12.3. BIDs by corporations must be executed in the corporate name by the president or a vice- president(or other corporate officer accompanied by evidence of authority to sign) and the corporate seal must be affixed and attested by the secretary or an assistant secretary of the corporation. The corporate address and state of incorporation must be shown below the signature. 12.4. BIDs by partnerships must be executed in the partnership name and signed by a partner, whose title must appear under the signature,and the official address of the partnership must be shown below the signature. 12.5. All names must be typed or printed in black ink below the signature. 12.6. The BID shall contain an acknowledgment of receipt of all Addenda(the numbers of which must be filled in on the Bid Form). 12.7. The street and/or post office box address and telephone and/or fax number for communications regarding the BID must be shown. 12.8. When applicable, evidence of authority to conduct business as an out-of-state corporation in the state where the Work is to be performed shall be provided in accordance with Paragraph 3 above. State contractor license number, if any,must also be shown. 13. Submission of Bids Each BID shall be submitted at the time and place indicated in the Invitation to Bid and shall be enclosed in an opaque sealed envelope,marked with the Project title and name and address of BIDDER and accompanied by the Bid Security and other required documents. If the BID is sent through the mail or other delivery system,the sealed envelope shall be enclosed in a separate envelope with the notation"BID ENCLOSED"on the face of it. 14. Modification and Withdrawal of Bids 14.1. BIDs may be modified or withdrawn by an appropriate document duly executed(in the manner that a BID must be executed)and delivered to the place where BIDs are to be submitted at any time prior to the opening of BIDs. 14.2. If;within twenty-four(24)hours after Bids are opened,any BIDDER files a duly signed,written notice with OWNER and promptly thereafter demonstrates to the reasonable satisfaction of OWNER that there was a material and substantial mistake in the preparation of its BID,that BIDDER may withdraw its BID and the Bid Security will be returned. Thereafter,that BIDDER will be disqualified from further bidding on the Work to be provided under the Contract (111*^\, Documents. Project No.052511256.0010 00100—Page 6 of 8 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard 15. Opening of Bids Cm') BIDs will be opened and read aloud publicly(unless obviously nonresponsive) at the place where BIDs are to be submitted. An abstract of the amounts of the base BIDs and major alternates (if any)will be made available to BIDDERS after the opening of BIDs. 16. Bids to Remain Subject to Acceptance All BIDs will remain subject to acceptance for ninety(90) days after the day of the BID opening,but OWNER may, in its sole discretion, release any BID and return the Bid Security prior to that date. 17. Award of Contract 17.1. OWNER reserves the right to reject any or all BIDs, including without limitation the right to reject any or all nonconforming,nonresponsive,unbalanced, or conditional BIDs and to reject the BID of any BIDDER if OWNER believes that it would not be in the best interest of the Project to make an award to that BIDDER,whether because the BID is not responsive or the BIDDER is unqualified or of doubtful financial ability or fails to meet any other pertinent standard or criteria established by OWNER. OWNER also reserves the right to waive all informalities not involving price,time, or changes in the Work and to negotiate contract terms with the Successful Bidder. Discrepancies between the multiplication of units of Work and unit prices will be resolved in favor of the unit prices. Discrepancies between the indicated sum of any column of figures and the correct sum thereof will be resolved in favor of the correct sum. 17.2. In evaluating BIDs, OWNER will consider the qualifications of BIDDERS,whether or not the BIDs comply with the prescribed requirements, and such alternates,unit prices, and other data, as may be requested in the Bid Form or prior to the Notice of Award. 17.3. OWNER may consider the qualifications and experience of Subcontractors, Suppliers, and other persons and organizations proposed for those portions of the Work as to which the identity of Subcontractors, Suppliers,and other persons and organizations must be submitted as provided in the Supplementary Conditions. OWNER also may consider the operating costs,maintenance requirements,performance data, and guarantees of major items of materials and equipment proposed for incorporation in the Work when such data is required to be submitted prior to the Notice of Award. 17.4. OWNER may conduct such investigations as OWNER deems necessary to assist in the evaluation of any BID and to establish the responsibility, qualifications and financial ability of BIDDERS,proposed Subcontractors, Suppliers and other persons and organizations to perform and furnish the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents to OWNER's satisfaction within the prescribed time. 17.5. If the contract is to be awarded, it will be awarded, in accordance with Paragraph 1.3,to lowest BIDDER whose evaluation by OWNER indicates to OWNER that the award will be in the best interests of the Project. 17.6. If the contract is to be awarded, OWNER will give Successful Bidder a Notice of Award within ninety(90)days after the day of the BID opening. Project No.052511256.0010 00100—Page 7 of 8 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard 18. Contract Security Paragraph 4.05 of the General Conditions and the Supplementary Conditions set forth OWNER's requirements as to performance and payment Bonds. When the Successful Bidder delivers the executed Agreement to the OWNER, it must be accompanied by the required Bonds. 19. Signing of Agreement When OWNER gives a Notice of Award to the Successful Bidder, it will be accompanied by the required number(as stated in Section 00500 "Agreement") of unsigned counterparts of the Agreement with all other written Contract Documents attached. Within fifteen(15) days thereafter, CONTRACTOR shall sign and deliver the required number of counterparts of the Agreement and attached documents to OWNER with the required Bonds. Within ten(10) days thereafter, OWNER shall deliver one fully signed counterpart to CONTRACTOR. Each counterpart is to be accompanied by a complete set of the PLANS with appropriate identification. 20. Prebid Conference A prebid conference will be held as stated in Section 00020 ("Invitation to Bid"). 21. Taxes 21.1. CONTRACTOR shall pay all applicable sales, consumer,use, and other similar taxes except as exempted. 21.2. Sales tax. CONTRACTOR shall obtain the necessary documentation so that any sales tax exemptions due to the nature of the Work performed by CONTRACTOR or Subcontractors pursuant to this Agreement shall be applied to this Agreement, and these cost savings due to the Project's exempted status shall be passed on to OWNER. CONTRACTOR and each of its Subcontractors or sub-Subcontractors must obtain a Texas Limited Sales,Excise and Use Tax Permit for all materials required to be purchased in connection with the Project. 22. Retainage Provisions concerning retainage are set forth in the Agreement. END OF SECTION Project No.052511256.0010 00100—Page 8 of 8 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard GEOTECHNICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION (41"\. 1.0 DOCUMENT INCLUDES A. Soils Investigation Report B. Environmental Site Assessment 2.0 RELATED DOCUMENTS Section 01570—Trench Safety Systems 3.0 SII'h INVESTIGATION REPORTS A. In the design and preparation of Contract Documents for this project, the City and the ENGINEER have relied upon the information in geotechnical reports and environmental site assessment reports for the investigation and analysis of soils and subsurface conditions of the project site. B. Neither the City nor the ENGINEER shall be responsible for accuracy or completeness of any such information or data. 4.0 GEOTECHNICAL REPORTS A geotechnical study dated May 24,2002 was performed by Terra-Mar, Inc. The report is titled"Geotechnical Evaluation; Proposed Yost Boulevard Reconstruction; Storm Drainage, Paving and Signal Light; Pearland,Brazoria County, Texas." 5.0 ENVIRONMENTAL REPORTS An Environmental Report finalized in September 2002 by Berg Oliver Associates, Inc. The report is titled"Limited Environmental Assessment Proposed Yost Road Widening from FM 518 to Clear Creek; Brazoria County, Texas." 6.0 BIDDER'S RESPONSIBILITIES A. Bidder shall have full responsibility for interpretation of the reports and use of the information for his bidding and construction purposes. B. Bidder may perform such additional soils investigation as he deems appropriate. END OF DOCUMENT • Project No.052511256.0010 00220—Page 1 of 1 GEOTECHNICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION • 06/25/2004 16:26 113=2672794" BID CENTER • PAGE 86/19 CITY OF PEri,RLAND Yost Boulevard BID Date: O-30 ,2004 BID of kC C G UP, `.k \ ,an individual proprietorship,a corporation authorized to transact business in Texas,or a partnership consisting of registered to transact business in Texas for Yost Boulevard,City of Pearland,Project No.052511256.0010, RFBfBID No.2004-063. TlhiS BID IS SUBMITTED TO.: . City Secretary City of Peariand,City Hall 3519 Liberty Drive,3'd Floor,Suite 309 Pearland,Texas 77581 1. The undersigned BIDDER proposes and agrees,if this BID is accepted,to enter into an agreement with OWNER in the form included in the Contract Documents to perform and furnish all Work as specified or indicated in the Contract Documents for the Bid Price and within the Bid Times indicated in this BID and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. BIDDER accepts the terms of the form of Agreement and the Contract Documents. 2. BIDDER accepts all of the terms and conditions of the Invitation to BID and Instructions to Bidders including without limitation those dealing with the disposition of Bid Security. This BID will remain subject to acceptance for ninety(90)days after the day of BID opening. If BIDDER is the Successful Bidder,BIDDER will sign and deliver the required number of counterparts of the Agreement with the Bonds and other documents required by the Bidding Requirements within fifteen(15)days after the date of OWNER's Notice of Award. 3. In submitting this BID,BIDDER represents and warrants,as more fully set forth in the Agreement,that: (a) BIDDER has examined and carefully studied the Bidding Documents and Addenda. BIDDER hereby acknowledges receipt of the following Addenda: (List Addenda by Addendum Number and Date). Addendum No.: I Dated:s4'l)NE 01 , Z© 4. Addendum No.: Z Dated: �SNE18 iF10 4. Addendum No.:, 3 Dated:`� )[fit E 7.A.17 Q12t,- (b) BIDDER has visited the site,has conducted all testing at the site BIDDER deems necessary,has become familiar with,has taken into consideration in formulating.its Bin,.and accepts.the general,local and site conditions that may affect cost,progress, performance,and furnishing of the Work; Pmjecttda0525112s6.001D 00300—Page 1 of 13 Bin ADDENDUM NO.3 06/25/2004 16:26 713-267-2794 BID CENTER • PAGE 07/19 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard (c) BIDDER is familiar with,has taken into consideration in formulating its BID and accepts all federal,state,and local Laws and Regulations that may affect cost, progress,performance,and furnishing of the Work. (d) BIDDER has carefully studied all reports of explorations and tests of subsurface conditions at or contiguous to the site and all drawings of physical conditions in or relating to existing surface or subsurface structures at or contiguous to the site(except Underground Facilities)which have been identified in the Supplementary Conditions as provided in Paragraph 2.06. BIDDER accepts the determination set forth in Paragraph 2.06 of the Supplementary Conditions of the extent of the"technical data" contained in such reports and drawings upon which BIDDER is entitled to rely as provided in Paragraph 4.2 of the General Conditions. BIDDER_understands, acknowledges,and agrees that such reports and drawings are not Contract Documents and may not be complete for BIDDER's purposes. BIDDER understands, acknowledges,and Agrees that OWNER and ENGINEER are not responsible for and make no warranties regarding the accuracy or completeness of information and data shown or indicated in the Bidding Documents with respect to surface and subsurface conditions and Underground Facilities at or contiguous to the site. BIDDER has obtained and carefully studied and is responsible for obtaining and studying any and all such additional or supplementary examinations,investigations,explorations,tests, studies,and data concerning conditions(surface,subsurface and Underground Facilities)at or contiguous to the site or otherwise which may affect cost,progress, performance or furnishing of the Work,or which relate to any aspect of the means, methods,techniques,sequences,and procedures of construction to be employed by BIDDER,and safety precautions and programs incident thereto as may be necessary.• BIDDER does not consider that any additional examinations,investigations, explorations,tests,studies or data are necessary for the determination of this BID for performance and furnishing of the Work in accordance with the times,price,and other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. (e) BIDDER is aware of the general nature of work to be performed by OWNER and others at the-site that relates to Work for which this i3ID is submitted as indicated in the Contract Documents. (f) BIDDER has correlated the information known to BIDDER,information and observations obtained from visits to the site,reports and drawings identified in the Contract Documents,and all additional examinations,investigations,explorations, tests,studies,and data with the Contract Documents. (g) BIDDER has given ENGINEER written notice of all conflicts, errors, ambiguities, or discrepancies that BIDDER has discovered in the Contract Documents, and the written resolution thereof by ENGINEER is acceptable to BIDDER;BIDDER has no questions regarding the Work;BIDDER has all information necessary to make a fully informed BID; and the Contract Documents are generally sufficient to indicate and convey understanding of all terms and conditions for performing and furnishing the Work for which this BID is submitted. (h) This BID is genuine and not made in the interest of or on behalf of any undisclosed person,form,or corporation and is not submitted in conformity with any agreement or Project No.OS2511256,0010 00300—Page 2 of 13 BID ADDENDUM NO.3 • 06/25/2004 16:26 713-267-2794 BID CENTER . PAGE 08/19 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard rules of any group,association,organization or corporation;BIDDER has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other BIDDER to submit a false or sham BID; BIDDER has not solicited or induced any person,firm,or corporation to refrain from bidding;and BIDDER has not sought by collusion to obtain for itself any advantage over any other BIDDER or over OWNER. 4. BIDDER is duly qualified to carry on business in the State of Texas;possesses or has the ability to possess all licenses,permits,and certificates of authority necessary to commence and to complete the Work in accordance with the Bidding Documents;is fully qualified and has experience in performing work of the same type as the Work covered by the Bidding Documents;and will provide all necessary labor, superintendence,machinery, equipment, tools,materials, services, and other means of construction to complete all work upon which BIDDER bids and complete said work within the time stated and for maintaining same as required for the following prices: 5. Schedule of Unit Price Bid: Yost Road c Ptojxt No.05251t2SG,00I0 00300—Page 3 of 13 BID ADDENDUM NO;3 • 06/25/2004 16:26 713-267-2794 BID CENTER , PACE 09/19 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard Item Approx • Unit Total ue. No. Description of item - _. Unit . Quantity Price* Amount Bid s 1. Mobilization(Maximum Bid$200,000) Lump 1 $ 213Dtt0 S &)N,000 Sum 2. Project Identification Signs each 2 $ Goo -' $, 117.1)0 3. Remove&Dispose Existing Asphalt Square 14,100 �-+ -- Pavement Yard $ .2- '50 $ .3.7 1 Z Sb 4. Remove &Dispose Existing Concrete Square1,300 $ a So $ 3� Z SO Pavementard 5. Remove&Dispose Existing Concrete Linear 850 Curb _Foot. $ ` $ S SO 6. Remove&Dispose Existing Concrete Square 475 �s 81 SO Yard $ d $ I 7. Remove&Dispose Existing Driveway Square 3,500 $ 'St $, UT1 g© ✓ f Yard 8. Remove&Dispose Existing Storm Linear 5,600 Sewer Culverts, (All Sizes and Depths) Foot $ 3 $ 16,'8 0O 9. Remove&Dispose Existing Inlets Each 18 $ 50 - $ 6100 10. Remove&Dispose Existing Manhole Each 2 $ 50 $ 100 - 11. Remove&Salvage Existing Fire Each 4 $ • t �© $ I- 1 00 Hydrants b L{- 12. Site Preparation Lump 1 $ -1 oO ^ $ 31 t101) — Sum 13. Roadway Excavation Cubic 18,300 $ 5 - $ 611500 r Yard 14. Flood Plain Park Excavation Cubic 4,500 $ 5 - $ o 1.51D Yard . 15. Embaul�Ent Cubic 4,150 $ 3.50 $ r t`"1 152s -, Yard Project No.os2511/S6,tata 00300-rage 4 of 13 MD ADDENDUM NO.3 Ol t; 1 .• aoi L0141U4 16:26 713-267-2794 BID CENTER • PAGE 10/19 air OFPEARLAND Yost Boulevard Item Approx Unit Total No. Description of Item Unit Quantity Price* Amount Bid 16. Trench Safety System Linear 14,000 $ I — $ 144160 Foot 17. Articulated Concrete Blocks Square 120 $ SO— $ 6 AO Yard 18. Type"C"Storm Sewer Manhole Each 43 $ 1 ,SDO - $ 6,4 1 co — 19. Storm Sewer Manhole(Extra Depth) Vertical 91 $ 11 5—— $ G 3 ZS Foot 20. 24"RCP Storm Sewer Linear 4,250 $ y S— $ l 1 z t) Foot 21. 30"RCP Storm Sewer Linear 2,250 $ S 5 $ 123,150 - Foot 22. 36"RCP Storm Sewer Linear 1,370 $ 15 ^ $ 1 b1.-F15O Foot 23. 42" RCP Stoma Sewer Linear 160 $ 610- $ 14,Li t © -- Foot dui-. C' 24. 54"RCP Storm Sewer Linear 240 $ 1 \0 r $ Z(p AD©r' . Foot 25. 42"ACMP Storm Sewer Linear 125 $ -1 0- $ Z--1S0 r Foot ' 26. 54"ACMP Storm Sewer Linear 60 $ 6A 0— $ 5 4 D D Foot r 27. Type"C"Inlet Each 12 $ 1 1 Z D O ' $ 1 4%4 0 0 28. Type"C-1" Inlet Each 26 $ 1 ,u©D $ ©(�) "~ i� 29. Type"C-2"Inlet Each 11 $ Z 1 D OO 1 $ 2 Z 1 COQ 30. Type"E"Inlet Each 28 $_ \ 1 . $e 30 U r r 31. Concrete Headwall Each 1 $ �`3 $ -3,MO '" 32. Concrete Slope Paving Square 20 $ I QO ' $ 2-1 30O �' C, Yard P, Jt.No.Osasuss&oo30 . 0Q390.-Pale 5 of 13 BID ADDENDUM NO.3 06/25/2004 16:26 713-267-2794 BID CENTER PACE 11/19 CITY OFPEARLAND Yost Boulevard Item Approx • Unit Total ci-,,, No. Description of Item Unit Quantity Price* Amount Bid 33. Timber Bent Eaoh - 2 $ I 'QUO $ 21 f 34. Ring Grate Each 5 $ Zroo - $ limo 0 - 35. Regrade Existing Ditch Linear 25 $ ' 0- $ Foot 36. Auger 16"Steel Casing with Linear 150 $ ©©- $ 0 12"Water Main o 37. 6"Water Main Linear 380 $ )-5 -- $ 'IRO Foot 38. 8"Water Main Linear 200 $ ;30 $ Gar- root 39. 12" Water Main Linear 4,600 $ 35 - $ Foot 40. 12" Water Main(C-900) Linear 300 • $ LB " $_ - c, Foot 41. Adjust Water Meter • Each _ 40 $ 50 $ )•k(P 42. Fire Hydrant Each 13 $ -tbOO- $ L 43. Water Tap and Service Lines-3/4"to 1" Each 30 $ r j,0© ,.� $ tit/cp.— (Short Side) '1 44. Water Tap and Service Lines-a "to 1" .Each 15 $. '�Do $ o i�-�° (Long Side) 45. Wet Connection(6"Water Main) Each 7 $ 500 $ t 46. Wet Connection(8"Water Main) Each 2 $ 1 0 V $ I i LIQ) -- 47. 12" x 6"Tapping Sleeve it Valve Each 1 $ 3 6F10 $ 31tOQ 48. 16"x 12"Tapping Sleeve&Valve Each .1 $ Si oOt-) - S\MD Pitied No.0325112503010 00300-Page 6 of 13 BID . .. .. AM NDUM NO.3 . . 06/25/2004 16:26 7'13-267-2794 BID CENTER ' PAGE 12/19 CITY OFPEARLAND Yost Boulevard Item Approx , Unit Total No. Description of Item Unit Quantity Price* Amount Bid 49. Cut,Plug,and Abandon 6"Water Main Each 7 $ &Do -- al©t apt. 50. Cut,Plug,and Abandon 8"Water Main Each 4 $ 3S0 ' 1 0-10 0 51. 6"Sanitary Sewer Service Lead Linear 370 $ LID _ \41200 Foot 52. 6"Sanitary Sewer Service Lead • Linear 80 (150 psi) Foot $ 50 Li O t0 53. 10" Sanitary Sewer Linear 65 $ 1 Q — (4 Foot 54. Sanitary Sewer Manhole Each 2 $ 11 CV SOO 55_ Sanitary Sewer Cleanout ° -Each 4 $ 1 $ 1 1 ADO 56. Adjust Existing Manholes to New Each 15 Grade $ 5(r. $ 1SD 57. 12"Lime Stabilized Subgrade Square 43,000 $ 'SO $ 'I 01,600 00-- Yard 58. Lime Ton 1,275 $ ‘OD ` $ 1 Z1/� 59. 2"BMAC Surface Course Square 450 $ '^ $ 31G 00 Yard 60. 11"HMAC Base Course Square 575 $ 30 — $ k1TZS 'Yard 61. 4"Concrete Sidewalk Square 57,500 $ r $ )9 2,iS00 • Foot 62. 6"Median Paving Square 460 $ 30 $ J 3 ?OD Yard 63. 10"Concrete Pavement Square 35,800 $ 34 — $ D'— Yard 64. 6''Concrete Driveway Square 2,500 $ 3S-- $ 1): ; Yard P,gjectNo.052511216.0010 00300—Page 7 of 13 am ADDENDUM NO.3 . 06/25/2004 16:26 713-367-2794 . BID CENTER • ' PAGE 13/19 CITY OFPPARL4ND Yost Boulevard Item Approx Unit Total No. Description of Item Unit Quantity Price* Amount Bid 65. Crosswalk Paving(Coloring Included) Square 780 $ .3S" $ '� .. 3t0— Yard 66. Standard Concrete Paving Header Linear 440 $ I 0 ' _ $_ LI 1 u o o — Foot 67. 6"Concrete Curb Linear 21,000 $ $ liZ! MD Foot 68. Pedestrian Ramps(Type 3) Each 4 $ in — $ 16n 69. Pedestrian Ramps(Type 7) Each 21 $ MO ' $ 70. Pedestrian Ramps(Type 9) Each 6 $ 0© - $ . ,,t400 71. MSE Retaining Wall Square 1,225 $_ ?3S _ $ P-181S— Foot 72. Stabilized Construction Exit Each 1 $ >%1Q0 $ \ %Mt) — 73. Reinforced Filter Fabric Bather Linear 1,300 $ 1 — $ 1,300 Foot 74. Implementation of TPDES Permit Lump 1 $ 5.00! $ •5b0 Sum 75. Inlet Protection Barrier Each 78 $ L s 3 i Z- r 76. Bermuda Hydro Seed Square 7,050 $ 0. PI ^ $ 1 A V3 SO Yard 77. . St. Augustine Sod Square 10,000 $ .U'S $2-4560 Yard 78. Bermuda Sod Strip Square 1,100 $ 0...QS $ g,tqs — Yard 79. Live Oak(4.5" Cal.) Each 81 $ 500 -- $ ` O ?c C 80. Live Oak(6" Cal.) Each 17 $ &S0 ^ $ k 1 'r".', 81. Cedar Elm(4.5" Cal.) Each 101 $ $.s c i r d1 ct Na 052511256.00na 00300—Page S of 13 BID ADDENDUM NO.3 . 06/25/2004 16:26 713-267-2794 BID CENTER ' PAGE 14/19 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard Item Apprex • Unit Total ("--, No. Description of Item Unit Quantity Price* Amount Bid 82. White Oak(5" Cal.) Each 44 $ 73 0 -- $ 20 83. Water Oak(5" Cal.) Each 34 S :1 D — $ ? IA Z 0 84. Crape Myrtle(M.T.) (3" Cal.) Each 36 $ ?1 O / $ \S JZO 1 85. Tree Root Pruning Each 30 $ 10 r $___J11.02-- et& 86. Relocate Subdivision Markers Each 2 S 3O0 — . $_ I%QDf 87. Irrigation System Lump 1 $ D t{ OD — $ �n,(%0 Sum 88. Thermoplastic Pavement Markings Linear 1,700 (4" Solid or Broken,White or Yellow) Foot $ 0 i 3 8 $. 6 U(0 89. Thermoplastic Pavement Markings Linear 270 r', (8" Solid or Broken,White or Yellow) Foot $ ()l $ _ .)-1 (p 0 90. Thermoplastic Pavement Markings Linear 750(12"Solid or Broken,White or Yellow) Foot $ 2• •a0 $ I GSO 91. Thermoplastic Pavement Markings Linear 150 1 (24"Solid,White or Yellow) Foot $ �' © $ 92. Thermoplastic Pavement Markings , Each 3 t (Arrow,White) $ ..-.. $ D-6(`r 93. Thermoplastic Pavemment Markings Each 3 C9(Z .—(Word,White) $ $ '� 94. Raised Pavement Markings(Reflective) Each 300 TY Il-C-R $ 3 $ 'TM ' 95. Raised Pavement Markings(Reflective) Eaoh 85 TY U A-A $ $ --5c'r---. • Padget 1.1o.052511258.0010 00300—Pnge 9 of 13 BID ADDENDUM NO.3 w _ e6/25/2004 16:26 713-267-2794 ' ' BIDS PAGE 15/19 CITY OFPEARLA.ND Yost Boulevard item Approx . Unit Total No. Description of Item Unit Quantity Price* Amount Bid 96. Traffic Paint Pavement Markings Linear 2,750 (4"Solid or Broken, White or Yellow) Foot $ 0. 16 $ t4'/-1"D 97. Traffic Paint Pavement Markings .. Linear. . 750(8" Solid or Broken,White or Yellow) Foot $ r). JZ $ '‘.1 98. Traffic Paint Pavement Markings Linear 425 •-� (12"Solid or Broken,White or Yellow) Foot $ I , ` $ (Zy 99. 'Traffic Paint Pavement Markings Linear 350 �1 (24" Solid or Broken,White or Yellow) Foot $ o� i ck 8 $ 1 1 0 4 3 100. Traffic Paint Pavement Markings Each 13 (Arrow,White) $ . •8 •SC $ -10.SO 101. Traffic Paint Pavement Markings Each 10 (Word,White) $ • 34► $ 3tn ' O - 102. Traffic Paint Pavement Markings • Linear 3,200 g (Median Nose,Yellow) • Foot $ 0 1 S $ Zt woo 103. Temporary Pavement Markings Linear 15,750 ,,cc�� c^ _.I _ S. (4" Yellow Solid) Foot $ v J $ 104. Temporary Pavement Markings Linear 200 (24"White Solid) Foot $ 4 i 4 D $ 'MO 105. Traffic Control and Regulation Lump 1 $4Zo t 660 $ dN©M0 Sum 106. Installation,Maintenance and Removal Ton 1,075 of 7" Black Base for Detour Road* - $ t 1 V $ So i c 107. Installation,Maintenance and Removal Ton 325 of 2"Hot-Mix Asphaltic Concrete for 50 Detour Road $ $ 1 o,250 PmjatNo.OS2511256.0010 00300—Page 10 of 13 am ADDENDUM NO.3 61 . 06/25/2004 16:26 713-267-2794 BID CENTER , PAGE 16/19 CUT OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard Item Approx ' Unit Total No. Description of Item Unit Quantity Price* Amount Bid 108. Temporary Drainage Culverts(All Linear 90 - Sizes) Foot $_ Gn $ 940 D 109. Traffic Signs Each 74 $ 116 A $ }31 OWu 110. Traffic Signal Installation on FM 518 at Lumpu 1 `ill 10Q0 $ Yost Boulevard $ 1`1 i 0.- 111. 2"Schedule 80 PVC Conduit Linear 5,400 $ 51 $ 1 't Foot 112. Pull Box Each 6 $____ZOD $ 1 NZOO 113. Street Light Foundation Bach 29 $ 6 'p $ t 24.ca-- 114. 6"Gate Valve with Box Each 8 $ 5C ) - $ 4,13M 115. 8"Gate Valve with Box - -Each • 2 $. ` %M $ 7‘MO 116. 12"Gate Valve with Box Each 5 $ I <ra 0 A $ G r mo 117. Dewatering • Linear 1,500 $ Ltr--_ $ Foot 118. Tree Protection Lump 1 $ 51 ()no e $ SZbO'O Sum 119. Pedestrian Rail Linear 340 $ 6S-- $22 l b1 root 120. Remove&Reconstruct Existing Sign Each 1 $ `�� $ 11��0 (—Station 32+90) EG TOTAL AMOUNT BID $ 3 JG(® I S•3S *:In the event of a discrepancy,figures in this colunm govern. f(' PrcifaatNo.onsitsse aoto 00300—Page 11 of 13 BID ADDENDUM NO.3 �. U� "�• ��•�uuw lb:Yb 713-267-2794 ' • • BID CENTER r-- PAGE 17/19 �* CITY.OF PEA:RLAND Yost Boulevard r Substitutions: Substitutions are not acceptable in the bidding process. 6. BIDDER agrees to begin work promptly after written Notice to Proceed is given by ENGINEER or OWNER and will substantially complete the Work within 350 calendar days in accordance with Paragraph 6.08 of the General Conditions and will complete the Work and be ready for final payment within 365 calendar days after the date of the written Notice to Proceed it accordance with Paragraph 6.09 of the General Conditions. Alternately,BIDDER agrees to begin work promptly after written Notice to Proceed shall have been given by the ENGINEER or OWNER,and to substantially complete the Work within `_25 n calendar days in accordance with Paragraph 6.16 in the Supplements Conditions,and will complete the Work and be ready for final payment within (c:55 calendar days in accordance with Paragraph 6.08 of the General Conditions. (This statement may or may not be completed at the BIDDER's option. if the statement is not completed,or if the time specified is greater than that in the preceding paragraph,the preceding paragraph shall govern.) BIDDER accepts the provisions of the Agreement as to liquidated damages in the event of failure to complete the Work within the time specified in the Agreement. 7. BIDDER has enclosed with this BID the required Bid Security in the form of a jp`N� in the amount of$ 5,6 o V-reTi.L'E IQ BIDDER agrees that this amount is a measure of liquidated damages which OWNER will sustain by failure of the BIDDER to execute and deliver above-named Agreement and Bonds, and not a penalty,and further agrees that this Bid Security shall be collected and retained by OWNER as liquidated damages in the event this BID is accepted by OWNER within ninety(90)days after opening of Bids and BIDDER fails to execute the Agreement and the required Bonds with OWNER within fifteen(15)days after Contract Documents are received by BIDDER;otherwise said Bid Security shall be returned to the BIDDER in accordance with Paragraph 7 of Section 00100—Instruction to Bidders. • Project No.057.511256.0010 00300—Page 12 of 13 am 86/25/2884 16:26 713-26,-2794 • BID CENTER • • PAGE 18/19 • CITY OFPEARIANA Yost Boulevard 3 r. ATTEST: MOKICA LAF I..EU Very truly yours � I 0(efixur�- Gtez -✓ By: (SEAL,if Bidder is Corporation) (Signature) is,RTk.kpf y0 Q M M ON\CA LNCtr- AH'tI-t0N y KA6ZkM (Typed or Printed Name) Title: 1'ZESI-C-�T Bidder: 1X.0 C R otAP, J C • - (Name of Company) Address: l , ' .dC 3,0cc tkystcki.t1 r IZOSO `bbVEe.ST, kFm t;ls t=11 1 Telephone No.: Z6 t-SC 16100 Facsimile No.: Z8 t -S(0 ,A30i) rk‘., Surety Co: EI i ZTR)R.b RE (VLSORANICE COVAPP<NY Address: (n9t) ��11 L\ M f2,_-r 'o G115 Telephone No.: 1-38 g - 3 4 .Z Facsimile No.: I- g r 1 ? 7 521E pmjectxo.05251 iZ56.0ata 00300-Page 13 of 13 BID Vt • HARTFORD • Bid Bond Surety Department Bond No.N/A KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, KCC Group,Inc. as Principal,hereinafter called the Principal, and the Hartford Fire Insurance Company , a corporation created and existing under the laws of the State of Connecticut ,whose principal office is in Hartford , as Surety,hereinafter called the Surety, are held and firmly bound unto City of Pearland,Texas as Obligee,hereinafter called the Obligee,in the sum of FIVE PERCENT (5%) OF AMOUNT BID Dollars ($ 5%A.B.), for the payment of which sum,well and truly to be made,the said Principal and the said Surety,bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns,jointly and severally, finely by these presents. Whereas,the Principal has submitted a bid for Yost Boulevard RFB/Bid No. 2004-063 NOW, THEREFORE,if the Obligee shall accept the bid of the Principal and the Principal shall enter into a contract with the Obligee in accordance with the terms of such bid, and give such bond or bonds as may be specified in the biddings or contract documents with good and sufficient surety for the faithful performance of such contract and for the prompt payment of labor and materials furnished in the prosecution thereof, or in the event of the failure of the Principal to enter such contract and give such bond or bonds,if the Principal shall pay to the Obligee the difference not to exceed the penalty hereof between the amount specified in said bid and such larger amount for which the Obligee may in good faith contract with another party to perform the work covered by said bid,then this obligation shall be null and void,otherwise to remain in full force and effect. Signed and sealed this 30th day of June, 2004 Witness KCC Group,Inc. prindividaaq (Principal)Attest eyxce a- Li BY .�- �-�—� -- a`t{� om:st iSSWT (SEAL) (Ifcmpocadon) `"`OS.%CA u (Title) McN►clk 1.tict-cud— ►� ta:�y Kai Hartford Fire Insurance Company (Surety) ' (daLQ1(1,0A Attest _t.`, ���' By Michael Cole,Attorney-in-Fact(Title) (SEAL) • HOUSTOUN,WOODARD,EASON,GENTLE, TOMFORDE,AND ANDERSON,INC. dba'Insursnce Alliance 1776 Yorktown,Suite 200 Houston,Texas 77056-4114 TDI License#1381 FEIN M 760362043 f Direct Inquiries/Claims to: POWER OF ATTORNEY THE HARTFORDT�T-4 BOND, 690 ASYLUM AVENUE HARTFORD,CONNECTICUT 06115 lam`, call:888-266-3488 or fax:860-757-5835 '.4°4. KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS THAT: Agency Code: 61-610074 I-1 H• artford Flre Insurance Company,a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Connecticut I—I Hartford Casualty Insurance Company,a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Indiana r--1 H• artford Accident and Indemnity Company,a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Connecticut l H• artford Underwriters insurance Company,a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Connecticut n T• win City Fire Insurance Company,a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Indiana Hartford Insurance Company of Illinois,a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Illinois rJ H• artford Insurance Company of the Midwest,a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Indiana I-1 Hartford Insurance Company of the Southeast,a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Florida having their home office in Hartford, Connecticut, (hereinafter collectively referred to as the"Companies")do hereby make, constitute and appoint, up to the amount of unlimited: Donald E. Woodard,Jr.,Harlan J.Berger,Andrew J.Janda,C. W.Adams, Sue Kohler,Leland L.Rauch, Sharon Cavanaugh, Cheryl R. Colson,Michael Cole,JoAnn Parker of Houston, 7X their true and lawful Attomey(s)-In-Fact, each in their separate capacity if more than one is named above,to sign its name as surety(ies)only as delineated above by®, and to execute, seal and acknowledge any and all bonds, undertakings, contracts and other written instruments in the nature thereof,on behalf of the Companies in their business of guaranteeing the fidelity of persons,guaranteeing the performance of contracts and executing or guaranteeing bonds and undertakings required or permitted in any actions or proceedings allowed by law. In Witness Whereof, and as authorized by a Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Companies on September 12th, 2000, the Companies have caused these presents to be signed by its Assistant Vice President and its corporate seals to be hereto affixed,duly attested by its Assistant Secretary. Further,pursuant to Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Companies,the Companies hereby unambiguously affirm that they are and will be bboound by any mechanically applied signatures applied to this Power of Attorney. U� t'i 1 \ lb '?t'tt ,,„ . b t-"4Yi . :' � ;"+!h t. "„fi.. .„x: . tear Cf") .. •P,q,.,y4�: iri�I eGy' .1 Ji �Fz4 °� tp?s �' • Paul A.Bergenholtz,Assistant Secretary Colleen Mastroianni,Assistant Vice President STATE OF CONNECTICUT ss. Hartford • COUNTY OF HARTFORD - On this 25'" day of October,'2002, before me personally came Colleen Mast'roianni, to me known, who being by me duly sworn, did depose and say:that she resides in the County of Hartford,State of Connecticut;that she is the Assistant Vice President of the Companies,the corporations described In and which executed the above instrument;that she knows the seals of the said corporations;that the seals affixed to the said instrument are such corporate seals;that they were so affixed by authority of the Boards of Directors of said corporations and that she signed her name thereto by like authority. E.I. • • Scott E.Paseka Notary Public CERTIFICATE My Commission Expires October 31,2007 I,the undersigned,Assistant Vice President of the Companies,p0 HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Power of Attorney executed by said Companies,which is 5iiil in full force effective as of Jtme 30, 2004 Signed and sealed at the City of Hartford. • Y.(/ 4C!7� •,tti tip, 054%. i ' -may, rt—'� s \ ,'t'!"q -" c, \ *�y�t..-..11 F Lvar A ,frMgO='.. /,,,ov:l% r 1111!I'f'' .. , ,.;.o l• � ,If,t,lt�/�� iraA► �C -ta y9'� t04. ?9 g- • • Yves Cantin,Assistant Vice President POA 2003 • ACORD_ CERTIFICATE.OF LIABILITY INSURANCE OP ID ffi � o I KCCOR-2 06/29/04 [PRODUCER THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION rful V A..,1..A.1,,r2•...w w.-••---.------------ /r _ t :^Sur3Q'S :'la: c 1 KCC Gram, Inc Mariirg Ac:rass ? t • • P.O. Box 36005 Houston, Texas /7236 Bid Bond • IMPORTANT NOTICE ICE TO OBLIGEES/POLICYHOLDERS ERRORISM RISK INSUFANCE ACT OF 2002 You =r= hereby notified that. under the I ::i crs,�. Risk insurance Ac: of 2'0 2. e f ec:,ve: November i' 2002. we must make terrorism coverage avaliaoie. in your b ndicolicy. However, the actual coverage: provided by your bon /pciicy for acts ofterrorism, aJ is t.ue for } all , conditions, ,.. exclusions, limits. other provisions of your G ve-�. =G l5 limited by the terms. ,.11GltiO, 5, a^....__svfl_, bond/ ollc^ anyendorsements t: to the ccnd:policy and ceneatly : ii^,able rUieS vt Iaw. Anyct=t terrorism cover provided by this bon::/pork.'; is , a rally reinsured.; t y h r _ _ � of - d a formula o-r;abllsh- by Federal caw.- Under .:tis sc.,,,u:G, the • ni:e_ State ^ statutorily-established de uc.:bie paid by t of co losses en.^.e:oil t� Jta:-::+i,li Jt,.. will pay C'J it3covered terrorism a _ •••(•'! timelossesthe program reach S i.00 billion. If that . Si.i oti$G �Si.:rar` until ..�!c:, as insured under v�tGti, -_.. _ ._ s r- ,Congress willdetermine: the procedures for, and the _ou.oc of, any payments for occurs, losses in e....=_- %,f 5 100 billion. The premium charge that has been en established for terrorism coverage under this Gcndipciic'y•IS _ _ � - in the bo dipthere is no premium shown for �iiher shown on this form or elsewherer�,.:�(ic;�. If there the oiic, premium overage. ^ there is no forC"' r`� • ��-��;$,;, on this form or c:Sc'Ni18f? Ir: .atC 7ufiJ� ..�..._ Terrorism I premium: 150 ACORD. CERTIFICATE•OF LIABILITY INSURANCE OP ID BI DATE(AWODIYYIY) KCCOR-2 06/29/04 PRODUCER THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE Insurance Alliance HOLDER.THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND,EXTEND OR 1776 Yorktown, #200 - • ALTER THE COVERAGEAFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. ifir;AHouston TX 77056 Phone:713-966-1776 Fax:713-966-1700 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC# INSURED INSURERA Capitol Specialty Ins Corp INSURER B: Travelers Indemnity Coopany 25682 KCC Group Inc. INSURER C: Texas Mutual Ins Co P.O. Box 36005 Houston TX 77236 iNsuRERO: INSURER E: COVERAGES THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED.NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT,TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN,THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS,EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. RISK or LTR US L DA�TEjMM/DDMY)C D�ATEt(MM/DD�) LIMITS LTR NSRO TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER GENERAL LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $1000000 A X COAERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY MHA101943 12/01/03 12/01/04 LPRM tVCoMED no $50000 CLAIMS MADE n OCCUR MED EXP(My one person) $ PERSONAL d ADV INJURY $10 0 0 0 0 0 GENERAL AGGREGATE $2000000 GENL AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: • PRODUCTS-COND/OPAss $1000000 POLICY I JEPR8i n LOC AUTOMOBILE LJIY B X ANYAUro�I CAP4764A791 12/01/03 12/01/04 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT i 1000000 (Ea accident) ALL OWNED AUTOS BODILY INJURY : SCHEDULED AUTOS (Per person) X HIRED AUTOS BODILY INJURY : X NON•OWNED AUTOS • (Per accident) • — PROPERTY DAMAGE $ GARAGE LIABILITY AUTO ONLY-BA ACCIDENT $ H OTHER EA ACC OTHER THAN AUTO ONLY: AGG $ • EXCESS/UMBRELLA LIABILrTY EACH OCCURRENCE $1000000 E A 3E OCCUR CLAMS MADE MHNO23510 12/01/03 12/01/04 AGGREGATE $1000000 i DEDUCTIBLE . $ X RETENTION $10 0 0 0 $ WORKERS.COMPENSATION AND X ITOWRYLIMITSS I UER C EMPLOYERS LIABILITYTSF0001129985 04/04/04 04/04/05 E.L.EACH ACCIDENT i 1 000,000 ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? E.L.DISEASE-EA tactOYEE$1,0 0 0,0 0 0 Eyes descnbe under SPECIAL PROVISIONS bebw E.L.DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT i 1,000,000 OTHER DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS!VEHICLES I EXCLUSIONS ADDEO BY•ENDORSEMENT I SPECIAL PROVISIONS CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION PEAIiI,O1 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF,THE ISSUING INSURER WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL 10 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT,BUT FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL CITY OF PEARLAND IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE INSURER,ITS AGENTS OR 3519 LIBERTY DR. - ._ REPRESENTATIVES. ( PEARLAND TX. 77581 A ED sFrdrATl ,. e ACORD 26(2001/08) CsACORD CORPORATION 1988 This fax was sent with GFI's FAXmaker FAX Server-For more information,visit http://www.gfi.com • CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard AGREEMENT cow. THIS AGREEMENT is dated as of the 24 day of JLl LV in the year 2004 by and betwee City of Pearland, (hereinafter called OWNER) and rzc( %/P (hereinafter called CONTRACTOR). OWNER and CONTRACTOR, in consideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, agree as follows: Article 1. WORK. 1.1. CONTRACTOR shall perform the Work in a good and workmanlike manner and in the best way and most expeditious and economical manner consistent with the interests of the OWNER, shall exercise the degree of care, skill, and diligence in the performance of the Work in accordance with and consistent with industry standards for similar circumstances, shall utilize its best skill, efforts, and judgment in furthering the interests of the OWNER, and shall furnish efficient business administration and supervision(collectively, CONTRACTOR's "Standard of Care"). 1.2. CONTRACTOR shall complete all Work as specified or indicated in the Contract Documents. The Work is generally described as follows: Roadway widening and drainage improvements, including concrete pavement, asphalt pavement, and related work at the following locations: c" `' Roadway widening and drainage improvements including concrete pavement, asphalt pavement, water lines, street lighting conduits, landscaping, and related works on Yost Boulevard from FM 518 to Clear Creek. Article 2. ENGINEER. The Project has been designed under subcontract to Turner Collie&Braden Inc., acting as Program Manager. Turner Collie&Braden Inc.,who is hereinafter called ENGINEER and who is to act as OWNER's Representative, assume all duties and responsibilities, and have the rights and authority assigned to ENGINEER in the Contract Documents in connection with completion of the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. Article 3. CONTRACT TIMES. 3.1. The Work will be substantially completed within 350 days after the date when the Contract Times commence to run as provided in Paragraph 5.05 of the General Conditions and will be completed and ready for final payment in accordance with Paragraph 6.09 of the General Conditions within 365 days after the date when the Contract Times commence to run. 3.2. Liquidated Damages. OWNER and CONTRACTOR recognize that time is of the essence to this Agreement and that OWNER will suffer financial loss if the Work is not completed within the times specified in Paragraph 3.1 above,plus any extensions thereof allowed in accordance with Article 5 of the General Conditions. They also recognize the delays, expense, and difficulties involved in proving the actual loss suffered by OWNER if the Work is not completed on time. Accordingly,instead of requiring any such proof, OWNER and CONTRACTOR agree that as liquidated damages for delay(but not as a penalty), Project No.052511256.0010 00500—Page 1 of 7 AGREEMENT CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard CONTRACTOR shall pay OWNER Five Hundred dollars ($500.00) for each day that expires after the time specified in Paragraph 3.1 above for Substantial Completion until the Work is substantially complete. After Substantial Completion, if CONTRACTOR shall neglect, refuse, or fail to complete the remaining Work within the time specified in Paragraph 3.1 above for completion and readiness for final payment or any proper extension thereof granted by OWNER, CONTRACTOR shall pay OWNER Five Hundred dollars ($500.00)for each day that expires after the time specified in Paragraph 3.1 for completion and readiness for final payment. Article 4. CONTRACT PRICE. OWNER shall pay CONTRACTOR for completion of the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents an amount in current funds equal to the sum of the amounts as indicated in the attached BID. As provided in Paragraph 6.04 of the General Conditions, estimated quantities are not guaranteed, and determinations of actual quantities and classification are to be made by ENGINEER as provided in Paragraph 6.03 of the General Conditions. Unit prices have been computed as provided in Paragraph 6.04 of the General Conditions. Article 5. PAYMENT PROCEDURES. CONTRACTOR shall submit Applications for Payment in accordance with Article 6 of the General (1116 Conditions. Applications for Payment will be processed by ENGINEER as provided in the General Conditions. 5.1. Progress Payments;Retainage. Subject to OWNER's right to withhold payment in Paragraph 6.15.4 of the Supplementary Conditions, OWNER shall make progress payments on account of the Contract Price on the basis of CONTRACTOR's completed Applications for Payment as recommended by ENGINEER,on or about the 10th day of each month during construction as provided in Paragraph 5.1.1 below. All such payments will be measured by the schedule of values established in Paragraph of the Supplementary Conditions (and in the case of Unit Price Work based on the number of units completed). 5.1.1. Prior to Substantial Completion,progress payments will be made in an amount equal to the percentage indicated below,but,in each case,less the aggregate of payments previously made and less such amounts as ENGINEER shall determine,or OWNER may withhold,in accordance with Paragraph 6.15.4 of the Supplementary Conditions. 90 percent of Work completed and included in the Application for Payment(with the balance being retainage). 90 percent(with the balance being retainage)of materials and equipment not incorporated in the Work(but delivered, suitably stored and accompanied by documentation satisfactory to OWNER as provided in Paragraph 6.06 of the Supplementary Conditions)and included in the Application for Payment. (71\.' 5.2. Final Payment. Upon final completion and acceptance of the Work in accordance with Paragraph 6.08 of the General.Conditions and submission of a completed Application for Project No.052511256.0010 00500—Page 2 of 7 AGREEMENT CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard Payment, OWNER shall pay the remainder of the Contract Price as recommended by ENGINEER as provided in said Paragraph 6.08 of the General Conditions. Article 6. INTEREST. All moneys not paid when due as provided in Article 6 of General Conditions shall bear interest at the maximum rate allowed by law in the State of Texas. Article 7. CONTRACTOR'S REPRESENTATIONS. In order to induce OWNER to enter into this Agreement,CONTRACTOR makes the following representations and warranties: 7.1. CONTRACTOR has examined and carefully studied the Contract Documents(including the Addenda listed in Article 8) and the other related data identified in the Bidding Documents including"technical data." 7.2. CONTRACTOR has visited the site,has conducted all testing at the site CONTRACTOR deems necessary,has become familiar with,has taken into consideration in formulating its BID, and accepts the general, local, and site conditions that may affect cost,progress, performance and furnishing of the Work; 7.3. CONTRACTOR is familiar with and has taken into consideration in formulating its BID and accepts all federal, state, and local Laws and Regulations that may affect cost,progress, performance,and furnishing of the Work. 7.4. CONTRACTOR has carefully studied all reports of explorations and tests of subsurface conditions at or contiguous to the site and all drawings of physical conditions in or relating to existing surface or subsurface structures at or contiguous to the site (except Underground Facilities)which have been identified in the Supplementary Conditions. CONTRACTOR accepts the determination set forth in Paragraph 2.06 of the Supplementary Conditions of the extent of the "technical data"contained in such reports and drawings upon which CONTRACTOR is entitled to rely as provided in Paragraph 2.06 of the Supplemental Conditions. CONTRACTOR understands, acknowledges, and agrees that such reports and drawings are not Contract Documents and may not be complete for CONTRACTOR's purposes. CONTRACTOR understands, acknowledges,and agrees that OWNER and ENGINEER are not responsible for and make no warranties regarding the accuracy or completeness of information and data shown or indicated in the Bidding Documents with respect to surface and subsurface conditions and Underground Facilities at or contiguous to the site. CONTRACTOR has obtained and carefully studied and is responsible for obtaining and studying any and all such additional or supplementary examinations, investigations, explorations,tests, studies, and data concerning conditions(surface, subsurface and Underground Facilities)at or contiguous to the site or otherwise which may affect cost, progress,performance or furnishing of the Work or which relate to any aspect of the means, methods,techniques, sequences and procedures of construction to be employed by CONTRACTOR and safety precautions and programs incident thereto as may be necessary. CONTRACTOR does not consider that any additional examinations,investigations, Project No.052511256.0010 00500—Page 3 of 7 AGREEMENT CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard explorations,tests, studies,or data are necessary for the determination of this Bid for performance and furnishing of the Work in accordance with the times,price and other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. 7.5. CONTRACTOR is aware of the general nature of work to be performed by OWNER and others at the site that relates to Work for which this BID is submitted as indicated in the Contract Documents. 7.6. CONTRACTOR has correlated the information known to CONTRACTOR,information and observations obtained from visits to the site,reports and PLANS identified in the Contract Documents and all additional examinations,investigations, explorations,tests,studies, and data with the Contract Documents. 7.7. CONTRACTOR has given ENGINEER written notice of all conflicts, errors,ambiguities or discrepancies that CONTRACTOR has discovered in the Contract Documents,and the written resolution thereof by ENGINEER is acceptable to CONTRACTOR,CONTRACTOR has no questions regarding the Work, CONTRACTOR has all information necessary to make a fully informed BID, and the Contract Documents are generally sufficient to indicate and convey understanding of all terms and conditions for performing and furnishing the Work for which this BID is submitted. 7.8. CONTRACTOR represents and warrants that CONTRACTOR(i)is qualified and experienced, (ii)is capable of performing the Work and has available resources to perform the Work, and(iii)understands and agrees to the terms of all of the Contract Documents. CP" Article 8. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. The Contract Documents that comprise the entire agreement between OWNER and CONTRACTOR concerning the Work consist of the following: 8.1. Invitation to Bidders (pages 1 to 2, inclusive). 8.2. Instructions to Bidders(pages 1 to 8,inclusive). 8.3. Bid(pages 1 to 13,inclusive). 8.4. Addendum No. 1 Summary (page 1 of 1,inclusive) 8.5. This Agreement(pages 1 to 7,inclusive) 8.6. Construction Performance Bond(pages 1 to 4, inclusive) Construction Payment Bond(pages 1 to 4,inclusive) Construction Maintenance Bond(pages 1 to 4, inclusive) 8.7. General Conditions of Agreement(pages 1 to 31,inclusive),Including Attachments 1 and 2. 8.8. Supplementary Conditions(pages 1 to 23,inclusive). (Pik\ 8.9. Insurance Certificate 8.10. Technical Specification bearing the title"Mobility and Drainage Program Standard Technical Specifications,Division 2 through Division 16." Project No.052511256.0010 00500—Page 4 of 7 AGREEMENT CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard 8.11. Division 1 General Requirements included in the Specification book bearing the title "Mobility and Drainage Bond Program,Yost Boulevard from FM 518 to Clear Creek." 8.12. PLANS consisting of a cover sheet and sheets numbered 1 through 169 inclusive. 8.13. Documentation submitted by Contractor prior to Notice of Award(pages to , inclusive), if applicable. 8.14. The following which maybe delivered or issued after the Effective Date of the Agreement and are not attached hereto: All Written Amendments and other documents amending, modifying or supplementing the Contract Documents pursuant to Paragraph 7.01, 7.02, and 7.03 of the General Conditions. In the event of any discrepancies between the parts of the Contract Documents, or likewise, in the event of any doubt as to the meaning and intent of any portion of the Contract Documents, ENGINEER shall define that which is intended to apply to the Work. The documents listed in Article 8.3 et seq. above are attached to this Agreement(except as expressly noted otherwise above). There are no Contract Documents other than those listed above in this Article. The Contract Documents may only be amended,modified, or supplemented as provided in Paragraphs 7.01, 7.02, and 7.03 of the General Conditions. (Ph\ Article 9. MISCELLANEOUS. 9.1. Terms used in this Agreement which are defined in Article 1 of the General Conditions will have the meanings indicated in the General Conditions. 9.2. No assignment by a party hereto of any rights under or interests in the Contract Documents will be binding on another party hereto or effective without the prior written consent of the party sought to be bound; and, specifically but without limitation,monies that may become due and monies that are due may not be assigned without such consent(except to the extent that the effect of this restriction may be limited by law), and unless specifically stated to the contrary in any written consent,no assignment will release or discharge the assignor from any duty or responsibility under the Contract Documents. 9.3. OWNER and CONTRACTOR each binds itself, its partners, successors, assigns, and legal representatives to the other party hereto, its partners, successors, assigns, and legal representatives in respect to all covenants, agreements, and obligations contained in the Contract Documents. 9.4. Any provision or part of the Contract Documents held to be void or unenforceable under any Law or Regulation shall be deemed stricken, and all remaining provisions shall continue to be valid and binding upon OWNER and CONTRACTOR,who agree that the Contract Documents shall be reformed to replace such stricken provision or part thereof with a valid and enforceable provision that comes as close as possible to expressing the intention of the stricken provision. If, however,the void or unenforceable provision is of the essence of this Agreement,nothing in the Paragraph 9.4 shall prevent this entire Agreement from being void. 9.5. OTHER PROVISIONS. As noted hereinafter: Project No.052511256.0010 00500—Page 5 of 7 AGREEMENT CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard 9.5.1. The following Articles shall survive termination of this Agreement: 3 (Contract Times); 7 (Contractor's Representatives); and 9 (Miscellaneous). 9.5.2. Headings and titles of Articles in this Agreement are included herein for convenience of reference only and shall not constitute a part of the Agreement for any other purpose and will not affect in any way the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement. 9.5.3. This Agreement as executed by authorized representatives of OWNER and CONTRACTOR constitutes the entire Agreement between the parties with respect to matters herein, and there are no oral or written understandings,representations, or commitments of any kind,express or implied,not expressly set forth herein. 9.5.4. This Agreement,its interpretation,and any disputes relating to, arising out of, or connected with this Agreement, shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas,without regard to conflicts of law provisions. Any dispute relating to,arising out of, or connected with this Agreement shall be filed and maintained in the state or federal courts located in Brazoria County,Texas unless otherwise agreed by the parties in connection with an Alternative Dispute Resolution Agreement. 9.5.5. Each party hereto represents and warrants that the person executing this Agreement on its behalf is duly authorized and empowered to do so and that all formalities necessary for its approval of this Agreement have been satisfied. 9.5.6. CONTRACTOR undertakes performance of the Work as an independent contractor. Nothing herein shall create a relationship of employer and employee,joint venture,or partnership between OWNER and CONTRACTOR,its agents,representatives, employees,or subcontractors for any purpose whatsoever. Nothing herein shall create a relationship of principal and agent between OWNER and CONTRACTOR,its agents, employees, representatives, or subcontractors.Neither party shall have the authority to bind or obligate the other in any manner as a result of the relationship created hereby. 9.5.7. Upon payment of a portion of the Work,CONTRACTOR shall be deemed to have sold and conveyed to OWNER,and OWNER shall be deemed to have purchased from CONTRACTOR all of CONTRACTOR's right,title,and interest in the Work. From and after the date of such payment,within fifteen(15)days of the request of OWNER, CONTRACTOR shall execute and deliver such bills of sale and other instruments of conveyance,assignment,transfer,and delivery as OWNER may reasonably request in order to convey such right,title, and interest to OWNER. From and after the date of such payment, title to the Work shall remain with OWNER. Project No.052511256.0010 00500—Page 6 of 7 AGREEMENT CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard IN WITNESS WHEREOF, OWNER and CONTRACTOR have signed this Agreement in triplicate. One counterpart each has been delivered to OWNER, CONTRACTOR, and ENGINEER. All portions of the Contract Documents have been signed, initialed, or identified by OWNER and CONTRACTOR or identified by ENGINEER on their behalf. This Agreement will be effective on iu Ly 2O0 , 2004 (which is the Effective Date of the Agreement). OWNER City of Pearland CONTRACTOR \K C C GRk X ) \kk C • 1%j%%I 1 1111/0 I By:______________________''°'• By: (i v 1.-V.1_ \C%-.2._ -, e - [CORPORir gAL i\, L% [CORPORATE RPORATE SEAL] - psi •......•••� ��� ',® 4L 111111®-,�®®ee® 2, LAttest Attest City et Addr ss r gi ' notices Address for giving notices 3519 iberty Drive I 0-D50 £OV (2 Pearland,Texas 77581 NOUS 1ON i ,TX —I^1 C I If CONTRACTOR is a corporation,attach evidence of authority to sign). END OF SECTION Project No.052511256.0010 00500—Page 7 of 7 AGREEMENT 07Y OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE BOND Bond No. 61BCSCX7473 Any singular reference to Contractor, Surety, OWNER, or other party shall be considered plural where applicable. CONTRACTOR(Name and Address): SURETY(Name and Principal Place of Business): KCC Group, Inc. • Hartford Fire Insurance Company 12050 Dover Street P.O. Box 4611 • Houston, Texas 77031 Houston, Texas 77210-4611 HOUSTOUN,WOODARD,EASON,GENTLE, TOMFORDE,AND ANDERSON,INC. dins Insurance Alliance 1776 Yorktown,Suite 200 Houston,Tens 77056-4114 OWNER(Name and Address): TDI License#1381 FEIN#760362043 City of Pearland 3519 Liberty Drive Pearland,Texas 77581 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT Date: Amount(In Numbers and Words): !_ ' Three Million Eight Hundred Sixty Six Thousand Fifteen & 35/100 Dollars • ($3,866,015.35) Description(Name and Location): Yost Boulevard from 518 to Clear Creek, City of Pearland Project No. 052511256.0010 BOND Date(Not earlier than Contract Date): Amount(In Numbers and Words): Three Million Eight Hundred Sixty Six Thousand Fifteen & 35/100 Dollars ($3,866,015.35) Modifications to this Bond Form: • CONTRACTOR AS PRINCIPAL SURETY Hartford F. •e I urance Company: KCC Group, Inc. (Corp. Seal) Company:tiiiveanY (Corp. Seal) Signature: Signature: Ai f .161 -� Name and Title: Name and Jo Ann Parker Attorrney Irrapt .. - • Project No.052511256.0010 00610-Page 1 of 4 CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE BOND CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard • el."\' WHEREAS: 1. The CONTRACTOR and the Surety,jointly and severally,bind themselves, their officers, directors, shareholders, partners,heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns to the OWNER for the performance of the Construction Contract,which is incorporated herein by reference. 2. If the CONTRACTOR performs the Construction Contract, the Surety and the CONTRACTOR shall have no obligation under this Bond, except to participate in conferences as provided in Subparagraph 3.1 hereinafter. 3. If there is no OWNER Default, the Surety's obligation under this Bond shall arise after: 3.1. The OWNER has notified the CONTRACTOR and the Surety at its address (described in Paragraph 10 below)that the OWNER is considering declaring a CONTRACTOR Default and that the OWNER has requested and attempted to arrange a conference with the CONTRACTOR and Surety to be held not later than fifteen(15) days after receipt of such notice to discuss methods of performing the Construction Contract. If the OWNER, the CONTRACTOR, and Surety agree,the CONTRACTOR shall be allowed a reasonable time to perform the Construction Contract, but such an agreement shall not waive the OWNER's right, if any, subsequently to declare a CONTRACTOR Default; and 3.2. The OWNER has declared a CONTRACTOR Default and formally terminated the CONTRACTOR's right to complete the contract. Such CONTRACTOR Default shall not be declared earlier than twenty(20) days after the CONTRACTOR and the Surety have received notice as provided in Subparagraph 3.1; and 3.3 The OWNER has agreed to pay the Balance of the Contract Price to the Surety in accordance with the terms of the Construction Contract or to a contractor selected to perform the Construction Contract in accordance with the terms of the contract with the OWNER. 4. When the OWNER has satisfied the conditions of Paragraph 3,the Surety shall,within thirty(30)days after notice of default, and at the Surety's expense,take one of the following actions: 4.1. Arrange for the CONTRACTOR,with consent of the OWNER, to perform and complete the Construction Contract; or 4.2. Undertake to perform and complete the Construction Contract itself,through its agents,or through independent contractors; or 4.3. Obtain bids or negotiated proposals from qualified contractors acceptable to the OWNER for a contract for performance and completion of the Construction Contract; arrange for a contract to be prepared for execution by the OWNER and the contractor selected with the OWNER's concurrence to be secured with performance and payment bonds executed by a qualified surety equivalent to the bonds issued on the Construction Contract; and pay to the OWNER the amount of damages, as described in Paragraph 6 hereinafter,in excess of the ` balance of the Contract Price incurred by the OWNER resulting from the CONTRACTOR's default; or Project No.052511256.0010 00610—Page 2 of 4 CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE BOND CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard 4.4. Waive its right to perform and complete, arrange for completion, or obtain a new contractor with reasonable promptness under the circumstances: 4.4.1. After investigation, determine the amount for which it may be liable to the OWNER and, as soon as practicable after the amount is determined,tender payment therefor to the OWNER; or 4.4.2. Deny liability in whole or in part and notify the OWNER citing reasons therefor. 5. If the Surety does not proceed as provided in Paragraph 4,the Surety shall be deemed to be in default on this Bond. The OWNER shall be entitled to enforce any remedy available to the OWNER. If the Surety proceeds as provided in Subparagraph 4.4 above, and the OWNER refuses the payment tendered, or the Surety has denied liability, in whole or in part,without further notice,the OWNER shall be entitled to enforce any remedy available to the OWNER. 6. After the OWNER has terminated the CONTRACTOR's right to complete the Construction Contract, and if the Surety elects to act under Subparagraph 4.1,4.2, or 4.3 above,then the responsibilities of the Surety to the OWNER shall not be greater than those of the CONTRACTOR under the Construction Contract,and the responsibilities of the OWNER to the Surety shall not be greater than those of the OWNER under the Construction Contract. To the limit of the amount of this Bond,but subject to commitment by the OWNER of the Balance of the Contract Price, and subject to mitigation of costs and damages on the Construction Contract,the Surety is obligated and subject without duplication for: 6.1. The responsibilities of the CONTRACTOR for correction of defective work and completion of the Construction Contract; 6.2. Additional legal, design professional, and delay costs resulting from the CONTRACTOR's Default, and resulting from the actions or failure to act of the Surety under Paragraph 4 above; and 6.3. Liquidated damages,or if no liquidated damages are specified in the Construction Contract, actual damages caused by delayed performance or nonperformance of the CONTRACTOR. 7. The Surety shall not be liable to the OWNER or others for obligations of the CONTRACTOR that are unrelated to the Construction Contract,and the Balance of the Contract Price shall not be reduced or set off on account of any such unrelated obligations. No right of action shall accrue on this Bond to any person or entity other than the OWNER or its heirs, executors,administrators, or successors. 8. The Surety hereby waives notice of any change, including changes of time,to the Construction Contract or to related subcontractors,purchase orders, and other obligations. 9. Any proceeding,legal or equitable,under this Bond may be instituted in any court of competent jurisdiction in the location in which the work or part of the work is located and shall be instituted within one year after CONTRACTOR Default, or within one year after the CONTRACTOR ceased working, or within two years after the Surety refuses or fails to perform its obligations under this Bond,whichever occurs first. If the provisions of this Paragraph are void or prohibited by law,the minimum period of limitation available to sureties as a defense in the jurisdiction of the suit shall be applicable. Project No.052511256.0010 00610—Page 3 of 4 CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE BOND CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard 10. Notice to the Surety, the OWNER, or the CONTRACTOR shall be mailed or delivered to the address shown on the signature page. 11. When this Bond has been furnished to comply with a statutory or other legal requirement in the location where the construction was to be performed,any provision in this Bond conflicting with said statutory or legal requirement shall be deemed deleted herefrom, and provisions conforming to such statutory or other legal requirement shall be deemed incorporated herein. The intent is that this Bond shall be construed as a statutory bond and not as a common law bond. 12. Definitions. 12.1. Balance of the Contract Price. The total amount payable by the OWNER to the CONTRACTOR under the Construction Contract after all contractual adjustments,have been made, including allowance to the CONTRACTOR of any amounts received or to be received by the OWNER in settlement of insurance or other claims for damages to which the CONTRACTOR is entitled,reduced by all valid and proper payments made to which the CONTRACTOR, in accordance with the Contract,is due. 12.2. Construction Contract: The agreement between the OWNER and the CONTRACTOR identified on the signature page,including all Contract Documents and changes thereto. 12.3. CONTRACTOR Default: Failure of the CONTRACTOR,which has neither been remedied nor waived, to perform or otherwise to comply with the terms of the Construction Contract. 12.4 OWNER Default: Failure of the OWNER,which has neither been remedied nor waived,to pay the CONTRACTOR as required by the Construction Contract or to perform and complete or comply with the other terms thereof. END OF SECTION Project No.052511256.0010 00610—Page 4 of 4 CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE BOND CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard • CONSTRUCTION PAYMENT BOND Bond No. 61BCSCX7473 Any singular reference to Contractor, Surety, OWNER, or other party shall be considered plural where applicable. CONTRACTOR(Name and Address): SURETY(Name and Principal Place of Business): KCC Group, Inc. Hartford Fire Insurance Company 12050 Dover Street P.O. Box 4611 Houston, Texas 77031 Houston, Texas 77210-4611 HOUSTOUN,WOODARD,EASON,GENTLE, TOMFORDE,AND ANDERSON,INC. dba Insurance Alliance 1776 Yorktown,Suite 200 OWNER(Name and Address): Houston,Texas 77056-4114 City of Pearland TDI License#1381 FEIN#760362043 3519 Liberty Drive Pearland,Texas 77581 _ CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT Date: (\ Amount(In Numbers and Words): Three Million Eight Hundred Sixty Six Thousand Fifteen & 35/100 Dollars ($3,866,015.35) Description(Name and Location): Yost Boulevard from 518 to Clear Creek, City of Pearland Project No. 052511256.0010 BOND Date(Not earlier than Contract Date): Amount(In Numbers and Words): Three Million Eight Hundred Sixty Six Thousand Fifteen & 35/100 Dollars ($3,866,015.35) Modifications to this Bond Form: CONTRACTOR AS PRINCIPAL SURETY - tford F. - I nsurance Company: C Group, Inc. (Corp. Seal) Comp. s y: k omPany (Corp. Seal) Signature: V-.L. 4..3,__,,,..--.-- Ac7k Signature: 1 Name and Title: Name and Jo Ann Par :r, Attoi`ney=m-Fact'-• Project No.052511256.00I0 00620—Page 1 of 4 CONSTRUCTION PAYMENT BOMY• CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard WHEREAS: 1. The CONTRACTOR and the Surety,jointly and severally,bind themselves,their officers, directors, shareholders,partners,heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns to the OWNER to pay for labor, materials, and equipment furnished for use in the performance of the Construction Contract,which is incorporated herein by reference. 2. With respect to the OWNER,this obligation shall be null and void if the CONTRACTOR: 2.1. Makes payment in accordance with the normal and customary course of business, directly or indirectly, for all sums due Claimants, and 2.2. Defends, indemnifies, and holds harmless the OWNER from claims, demands, liens,or suits by any person or entity whose claim, demand,lien,or suit is for payment for labor,materials or equipment furnished for use in the performance of the Construction Contract,provided the OWNER has notified the CONTRACTOR and the Surety(at the address described in Paragraph 12) of any claims,demands, liens or suits, tendered defense of such claims, demands, liens or suits to the CONTRACTOR and the Surety within forty-five (45)days of actual knowledge of the event, and provided there is no OWNER Default. 3. With respect to Claimants,this obligation shall be null and void if the CONTRACTOR makes payment in accordance with the normal and customary course of business, directly or indirectly, for all sums due. 4. The Surety shall have no obligation to Claimants under this Bond until: 4.1. Claimants who are employed by, or have a direct contract with,the CONTRACTOR have given notice to the Surety(at the address described in Paragraph 12 following) and sent a copy, or notice thereof, to the OWNER, stating that a claim is being made under this Bond and,with substantial accuracy, specifies the amount of the claim. 4.2. Claimants who do not have a direct contract with the CONTRACTOR: 4.2.1. Have furnished written notice to the CONTRACTOR and have sent a copy, or notice thereof, to the OWNER,within ninety(90) days after having last performed labor or last furnished materials or equipment included in the claim stating,with substantial accuracy, the amount of the claim and the name of the party to whom the materials were furnished or supplied or for whom the labor was done or performed: and 4.2.2. Have either received a rejection in whole or in part from the CONTRACTOR, or not received,within thirty(30) days of furnishing the above notice, any communication from the CONTRACTOR by which the CONTRACTOR has indicated the claim will be paid directly or indirectly; and 4.2.3. Not having been paid within the above thirty(30)days,have sent a written notice to the Surety(at the address described in Paragraph 12 following) and have sent a copy, or notice thereof,to the OWNER, stating that a claim is being made under this Bond and enclosing a copy of the previous written notice furnished to the CONTRACTOR. 5. If a notice required by Paragraph 4 above is given by the OWNER to the CONTRACTOR or to the Surety,that is sufficient compliance. Project No.052511256.0010 00620—Page 2 of 4 CONSTRUCTION PAYMENT BOND CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard 6. When the Claimant has satisfied the conditions of Paragraph 4 above, the Surety shall promptly, and at the Surety's expense, take the following actions: 6.1. Send an answer to the Claimant,with a copy to the OWNER, within forty-five(45)days after receipt of the claim, stating the amounts that are undisputed and that basis for challenging any amounts that are disputed. 6.2. Pay or arrange for payment of any undisputed amounts. 7. The Surety's total obligation shall not exceed the amount of this Bond, and the amount of this Bond shall be credited for any payments made in good faith by the Surety. 8. Amounts owed by the OWNER to the CONTRACTOR under the Construction Contract shall be used for the performance of the Construction Contract and to satisfy claims,if any,under any Construction Performance Bond. By the CONTRACTOR furnishing, and the OWNER accepting this Bond,they agree that all funds earned by the CONTRACTOR in the performance of the Construction Contractor are dedicated to satisfy obligations of the CONTRACTOR and the Surety under this Bond, subject to the OWNER's priority to use the funds for the completion of the Work. 9. The Surety shall not be liable to the OWNER, Claimants, or others for obligations of the CONTRACTOR that are unrelated to the Construction Contract. The OWNER shall not be liable for payment of any costs or expenses of any Claimant under this Bond and shall have, under this Bond,no obligations to make payments,to give notices on behalf of, or otherwise have obligations to Claimants under this Bond. 10. The Surety hereby waives notice of any change,including changes of time,to the Construction Contract or to related subcontracts,purchase orders, and other obligations. 11. No suit or action shall be commenced by a Claimant under this Bond other than in a court of competent jurisdiction in the location in which the work or part of the work is located or after the expiration of one(1)year from the date(1)on which the Claimant gave the notice required by Subparagraph 4.1 or Clause 4.2.3, or(2)on which the last labor or service was performed by anyone or the last materials or equipment were furnished by anyone under the Construction Contract,whichever of(1) or(2)first occurs. If the provisions of Paragraph 4 are void or prohibited by law,the minimum period of limitation available to sureties as a defense in the jurisdiction of the suit shall be applicable. 12. Notice to the Surety,the OWNER,or the CONTRACTOR shall be mailed by certified or registered mail to the address shown on the signature page. Actual receipt of notice by the Surety,the OWNER, or the CONTRACTOR,however accomplished, shall be sufficient compliance as of the date received at the address shown on the signature page. 13. When this Bond has been furnished to comply with a statutory or other legal requirement in the location where the construction was to be performed, any provision in the Bond conflicting with said statutory or legal requirement shall be deemed deleted herefrom and provisions conforming to such statutory or other legal requirement shall be deemed incorporated herein. The intent is that this Bond shall be construed as a statutory bond and not as a common-law bond. Project No.052511256.0010 00620—Page 3 of 4 CONSTRUCTION PAYMENT BOND CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard 14. Upon request by any person or entity appearing to be a potential beneficiary of this Bond,the CONTRACTOR shall promptly furnish a copy of this Bond or shall permit a copy to be made. 15. Definitions. 15.1. Claimant: An individual or entity having a direct contract with the CONTRACTOR, or with a subcontractor of the CONTRACTOR, to furnish labor,materials, or equipment for use in the performance of the Contract. The intent of this Bond shall be to include,without limitation in the terms, "labor, materials,or equipment"that part of water, gas,power, light, heat,oil, gasoline,telephone service, or rental equipment used in the Construction Contract; architectural and engineering services required for performance of the work of the CONTRACTOR and the CONTRACTOR's subcontractors; and all other items for which a mechanic's lien may be asserted in the jurisdiction where the labor,materials, or equipment were furnished. 15.2. Construction Contract: The agreement between the OWNER and the CONTRACTOR identified on the signature page,including all Contract Documents and changes thereto. 15.3. OWNER Default: Failure of the OWNER,which has neither been remedied nor waived,to pay the CONTRACTOR, as required by the Construction Contract,or to perform and complete or comply with the other terms thereof. END OF SECTION Project No.052511256.0010 00620—Page 4 of 4 CONSTRUCTION PAYMENT BOND CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard Bond No. 61BCSCX7473 CONSTRUCTION MAINTENANCE BOND Any singular reference to Contractor, Surety, OWNER, or other party shall be considered plural where applicable. CONTRACTOR(Name and Address): SURETY(Name and Principal Place of Business): KCC Group, Inc. Hartford Fire Insurance Company 12050 Dover Street P.O. Box 4611 Houston, Texas 77031 Houston, Texas 77210-4611 OWNER(Name and Address): HOUSTOUN,WOODARD,EASON,GENTLE, TOMFORDE,AND ANDERSON,INC. City of Pe Arland dba Insurance Alliance 3519 Liberty Drive 1776 Yorktown,Suite 200 Pearland, Texas 77581 Houston,Texas 77056-4114 TDI License#1381 FEIN#760362043 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT Date: Amount(In Numbers and Words): • Three Million Eight Hundred Sixty Six Thousand Fifteen & 35/100 Dollars ,r, ($3,866,015.35) t_�•._ Description(Name and Location): Yost Boulevard from 518 to Clear Creek, City of Pearland Project No. 052511256.0010 BOND Date (Not earlier than Contract Date): Amount(In Numbers and Words): Three Million Eight Hundred Sixty Six Thousand Fifteen & 35/100 Dollars ($3,866,015.35) Modifications to this Bond Form: CONTRACTOR AS PRINCIPAL SURETY Hartfor- ire Insurance Company: CC Group, Inc. (Corp. Seal) Compan, : ,Compan (Corp. Seal) Signature. M Signatur : Name and Title:, Name? d T tle: Jo Ann P ker, Attorney--in-Fact - Da Rev.02/17/00 - Job No.052511256.0010 00630- 1 of 4 CONSTRUCTION MAINTENANCE BOND_=-` -`- • CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard WHEREAS: 1. The CONTRACTOR and the Surety,jointly and severally,bind themselves, their officers, directors, shareholders,partners, heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns to the OWNER for the performance of the Construction Contract during the warranty and guarantee periods,which is incorporated herein by reference. 2. If the CONTRACTOR repairs any and all Defects in Work during the maintenance period,the Surety and the CONTRACTOR shall have no obligation under this Bond, except to participate in conferences as provided in Subparagraph 3.1. 3. If there is no OWNER Default,the Surety's obligation under this Bond shall arise after: 3.1. The OWNER has notified the CONTRACTOR and the Surety at its address described in Paragraph 10 below that the OWNER is considering declaring a CONTRACTOR Default and has requested and attempted to arrange a conference with the CONTRACTOR and Surety to be held not later than fifteen(15) days after receipt of such notice to discuss methods of performing the Construction Contract. If the OWNER,the CONTRACTOR, and the Surety agree, the CON TRACTOR shall be allowed a reasonable time to perform the Warranty Work,but such an agreement shall not waive the OWNER's right, if any, subsequently to declare a CONTRACTOR Default; and 3.2. The OWNER has declared a CONTRACTOR Default and formally terminated the CONTRACTOR's right to complete the Warranty Work. Such CONTRACTOR Default shall not be declared earlier than twenty(20) days after the CONTRACTOR and the Surety have received notice as provided in Subparagraph 3.1; and 4. When the OWNER has satisfied the conditions of Paragraph 3 above, the Surety shall, within thirty(30) days after notice of default, and at the Surety's expense, take one of the following actions: 4.1. Arrange for the CONTRACTOR,with consent of the OWNER,to perform and complete the Warranty Work; or 4.2. Undertake to perform and complete the Warranty Work itself, through its agents or through independent contractors; or 4.3. Waive its right to perform and complete, arrange for completion, or obtain a new contractor and with reasonable promptness under the circumstances: 4.3.1 After investigation, determine the amount for which it may be liable to the OWNER, and as soon as practicable after the amount is determined,tender payment therefor to the OWNER; or 4.3.2 Deny liability in whole or in part and notify the OWNER citing reasons therefor. Doc.Rev.02/17/00 Job No.052511256.0010 00630 -2 of 4 CONSTRUCTION MAINTENANCE BOND CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard 5. If the Surety does not proceed as provided in Paragraph 4, the Surety shall be deemed to be in default on this Bond fifteen(15) calendar days after receipt of an additional written notice from the OWNER to the Surety demanding that the Surety perform its obligations under this Bond, and the OWNER shall be entitled to enforce any remedy available to the OWNER. If the Surety proceeds as provided in Subparagraph 4.3, and the OWNER refuses the payment tendered, or the Surety has denied liability, in whole or in part,without further notice,the OWNER shall be entitled to enforce any remedy available to the OWNER. 6. After the OWNER has terminated the CONTRACTOR's right to complete the Warranty Work, and if the Surety elects to act under Subparagraph 4.1 or 4.2 above, then the responsibilities of the Surety to the OWNER shall not be greater than those of the CONTRACTOR under the Construction Contract, and the responsibilities of the OWNER to the Surety shall not be greater than those of the OWNER under the Construction Contract. To the limit of the amount of this Bond,the Surety is obligated without duplication for: 6.1. The responsibilities of the CONTRACTOR for correction of defective work; 6.2. Additional legal, design professional, and delay costs resulting from the CONTRACTOR's Default, and resulting from the actions or failure to act of the Surety under Paragraph 4 above; and 7. The Surety shall not be liable to the OWNER or others for obligations of the CONTRACTOR that are unrelated to the Construction Contract. No right of action shall accrue on this Bond to any person or entity other than the OWNER or its heirs, executors, administrators, or successors. 8. The Surety hereby waives notice of any change, including changes of time, to the Construction Contract or to related subcontractors,purchase orders and other obligations. 9. Any proceeding,legal or equitable,under this Bond may be instituted in any court of competent jurisdiction in the location in which the work or part of the work is located and shall be instituted within one year after CONTRACTOR Default, or within one year after the CONTRACTOR ceased working, or within two years after the Surety refuses or fails to perform its obligations under this Bond,whichever occurs first. If the provisions of this paragraph are void or prohibited by law; the minimum period of limitation available to sureties as a defense in the jurisdiction of the suit shall be applicable. 10. Notice to the Surety,the OWNER, or the CONTRACTOR shall be mailed or delivered to the address shown on the signature page. 11. When this Bond has been furnished to comply with a statutory or other legal requirement in the location where the construction was to be performed,any provision in this Bond conflicting with said statutory or legal requirement shall be deemed deleted herefrom, and provisions conforming to such statutory or other legal requirement shall be deemed incorporated herein. The intent is that this Bond shall be construed as a statutory bond and not as a common-law bond. Doc.Rev.02/17/00 Job No.052511256.0010 00630-3 of 4 CONSTRUCTION MAINTENANCE BOND CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard rijibt, 12. Definitions. 12.1. Construction-Contract: The agreement between the OWNER and the CONTRACTOR identified on the signature page,including all Contract Documents and changes thereto. 12.2. CONTRACTOR Default: Failure of the CONTRACTOR,which has neither been remedied nor waived, to perform or otherwise to comply with the terms of the Construction Contract. 12.3. OWNER Default: Failure of the OWNER,which has neither been remedied nor waived, to pay the CONTRACTOR as required by the Construction Contract, or to perform and complete or comply with the other terms thereof. END OF SECTION • Doc.Rev.02/17/00 Job No.052511256.0019 00630-4 of 4 CONSTRUCTION MAINTENANCE BOND Insured's Name KCC Group, Inc. Insured's Mailing Address 12050 Dover Street Houston, Texas 77031 • Policy Number 61BCSCX7473 IMPORTANT NOTICE TO OBLIGEES/POLICYHOLDERS- TERRORISM RISK INSURANCE ACT OF 2002 You are hereby notified that, under the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act of 2002, effective November 26, 2002, we must make terrorism coverage available in your bond/policy. CIRI1 However, the actual coverage provided by your bond/policy for acts of terrorism, as is true for all coverages, is limited by the terms, conditions, exclusions, limits, other provisions of your bond/policy, any endorsements to the bond/policy and generally applicable rules of law. Any terrorism coverage provided by this bond/policy is partially reinsured by the United States of America under a formula established by Federal Law. Under this formula, the United States will pay 90% of covered terrorism losses exceeding a statutorily-established deductible paid by sureties/insurers until such time as insured losses under the program reach $100 billion. If that occurs, Congress will determine the procedures for, and the source of, any payments for losses in excess of$100 billion. The premium charge that has been established for terrorism coverage under this bond/policy is either shown on this form or elsewhere in the bond/policy. If there is no premium shown for terrorism on this form or elsewhere in the bond/policy, there is no premium for the coverage. Terrorism premium : $0 Form B-3333-0 Page 1 of 1 ©2002.The Hartford :547j. r lY L • 4RTFORD Inquiries Regarding Claims Hartford Fire Insurance Company Twin City Insurance Company Hartford Casualty Insurance Company Hartford Insurance Company of Illinois Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company Hartford insurance Company of the Midwest Hartford Underwriters Insurance Company Hartford Insurance Company of the Southeast Please address inquiries regarding Claims for all surety and-fidelity products issued by The Hartford's underwriting companies to the following: Phone Number : 888-266-3488 Fax- Claima : 860-757-5835 or 860-547-8265 E-mail claims©l stepsurety.com Mailing Address : The Hartford The Hartford Fidelity&Bonding (BOND) Hartford Plaza 690 Asylum Avenue Hanford, CT 06115 - Direct Inquiries/Claims to: POWER OF ATTORNEY THE HART FORD BOND,T-4 6 ASYLUM AVENUE HARTFORD,CONNECTICUT 06115 (� call:888-266-3488 or fax:860-757-5835 :`.JW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS THAT: Agency Code: 61-610074 X Hartford Fire Insurance Company,a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Connecticut X Hartford Casualty Insurance Company,a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Indiana - n Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company,a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Connecticut FT Hartford Underwriters Insurance Company,a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Connecticut n Twin City Fire Insurance Company,a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Indiana Ti Hartford Insurance Company of Illinois,a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Illinois Hartford Insurance Company of the Midwest,a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Indiana - Hartford Insurance Company of the Southeast,a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Florida having their home office in Hartford, Connecticut, (hereinafter collectively referred to as the"Companies")do hereby make, constitute and appoint, up to the amount of unlimited: Donald E. Woodard,Jr.,Harlan J. Berger,Andrew J.Janda, C. W.Adams, Sue Kohler,Leland L. Rauch, Sharon Cavanaugh, Cheryl R. Colson, Michael Cole,JoAnn Parker of Houston, TX their true and lawful Attorney(s)-in-Fact, each in their separate capacity if more than one is named above, to sign its name as surety(ies)only as delineated above by ®, and to execute, seal and acknowledge any and all bonds, undertakings, contracts and other written instruments in the nature thereof,on behalf of the Companies in their business of guaranteeing the fidelity of persons,guaranteeing the performance of contracts and executing or guaranteeing bonds and undertakings required or permitted in any actions or proceedings allowed by law. In Witness Whereof, and as authorized by a Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Companies on September 12th, 2000, the Companies have caused these presents to be signed by its Assistant Vice President and its corporate seals to be hereto affixed,duly attested by its Assistant Secretary. Further, pursuant to Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Companies,the Companies hereby unambiguously affirm that they are and will be bound by any mechanically applied signatures applied to this Power of Attorney. 3:rf try, . .. 03 ' �ra[rt�� •�%1 t�z,+ ism c con . Cl*N. . s-/ i a :.' /,' ;US, :i�ce..ceiry} F to a T M • !+�ty� `op u+Wb t�'� 3 F�>? r.� -1:8' o f 19 8 7 �, / ► 8 � 6 5 * i' ;a Cc. /7 �^: �• ,. orahu` � �s1�M � �' tp 79�• Pt " Sp7o " �S. • -•ATue Paul A.Bergenholtz,Assistant Secretary Colleen Mastroianni,Assistant Vice President STATE OF CONNECTICUT ss. Hartford COUNTY OF HARTFORD On this 25th day of October, 2002, before me personally came Colleen Mastroianni, to me known, who being by me duly sworn, did depose and say: that she resides in the County of Hartford, State of Connecticut; that she is the Assistant Vice President of the Companies, the corporations described in and which executed the above instrument;that she knows the seals of the said corporations;that the seals affixed to the said instrument are such corporate seals;that they were so affixed by authority of the Boards of Directors of said corporations and that she signed her name thereto by like authority. �r�9� • � • Scott E.Paseka Notary Public CERTIFICATE My Commission Expires October 31,2007 I,the undersigned,Assistant Vice President of the,Cc mpanies DO 17 EREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Power of Attorney executed by said Companies;which is stil1in-full"force:effective as of Signed and sealed at the City of Hartford. y1� trr fi r. / s 3 ® VL — • �•� r,w t 9~•�ll1soN•S a heWs'� Yves Cantin,Assistant Vice President POA 2003 OP ID BL DATE(MM/DD/YYYY) ACORD CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE KCCGR-2 09/07/04 PRODUCER THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE nsurance Alliance HOLDER.THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND,EXTEND OR .776 Yorktown, #200 ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. Houston TX 77056 Phone: 713-966-1776 Fax:713-966-1700 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC# INSURED INSURER A: Capitol Specialty Ins Corp INSURER B: Travelers Indemnity Company 25682 KCC GroupL Inc. INSURER C: Texas Mutual Ins Co P.O. Box36005 INSURERD: Houston TX 77236 INSURER E: COVERAGES THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED.NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT,TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACTOR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN,THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS,EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. NNSH AUU'L POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY EXPIRATION LTR INSRC TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER DATE(MM/DD/YY) DATE(MM/DD/YY) LIMITS GENERAL LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $1000000 A X X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY MHA101943 12/01/03 12/01/04 PREMISES(Ea occurence) $50000 CLAIMS MADE X OCCUR MED EXP(My one person) $ PERSONAL&ADV INJURY $10 0 0 0 0 0 GENERAL AGGREGATE $2000000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGG $10 0 0 0 0 0 POLICY In l JE T n LOC AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE LIMB B X X ANY AUTO CAP4764A791 12/01/03 12/01/04 (Ea accident) $1000000 ALL OWNED AUTOS BODILY INJURY SCHEDULED AUTOS (Per person) $ X HIRED AUTOS BODILY INJURY X NON-OWNED AUTOS (Per accident) $ (1111116\ PROPERTY DAMAGE (Per accident) GARAGE LIABILITY AUTO ONLY-EA ACCIDENT $ ANY AUTO OTHER THAN EA ACC $ AUTO ONLY: AGG $ EXCESS/UMBRELLA LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $1000000 A X X OCCUR CLAIMS MADE MHN023510 12/01/03 12/01/04 AGGREGATE $1000000 DEDUCTIBLE $ X RETENTION $10000WCS $ H- WORKERS COMPENSATION AND X TORY LIMITS 0ER C EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY TSF00011299855 04/04/04 04/04/05 E.LEACHACCIDENT $1,000,000 ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? E.L DISEASE-EA EMPLOYEE $1,0 0 0,0 00 If yes,describe under SPECIAL PROVISIONS below E.L.DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT $1,000,000 OTHER DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS/VEHICLES/EXCLUSIONS ADDED BY ENDORSEMENT/SPECIAL PROVISIONS Mobility and Drainage Bond Program Yost Blvd., from 518 to Clear Creek. RFB/BID No. 2004-063. Additional insured is applicable to all policies (Except WC) with a Waiver of Subrogation applicable to all policies in favor of the City of Pearland and Turner Collie & Braden, Inc., as required by written contract. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION PE.ARLO1 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF,THE ISSUING INSURER WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL 3 0 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT,BUT FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE INSURER,ITS AGENTS OR CITY OF PEARLAND 3519 LIBERTY DR. REPRESENTATIVES. PEARLAND TX 77581 AU RED R RESENTATIY ACORD 25(2001/08) ©ACORD CORPORATION 1988 . b IMPORTANT If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the policy(ies) must be endorsed.A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy,certain policies may require an endorsement.A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). DISCLAIMER The Certificate of Insurance on the reverse side of this form does not constitute a contract between the issuing insurer(s), authorized representative or producer,and the certificate holder, nor does it affirmatively or negatively amend, extend or alter the coverage afforded by the policies listed thereon. • ACORD 25(2001/08) 1 r6\ CITY OF PEARLAND GENERAL CONDITIONS GENERAL CONDITIONS OF AGREEMENT TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. 1. DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS 1 1.01 Owner, Contractor and Engineer 1 1.02 Contract Documents 1 1.03 Subcontractor 1 1.04 Written Notice 1 1.05 Work 2 1.06 Extra Work 2 1.07 Working Day 2 1.08 Calendar Day 2 1.09 Substantially Completed 2 1.10 Interpretation of Words and Phrases 2 1.11 Referenced Standards 3 1.12 Special Conditions 3 2. RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE OWNER 3 2.01 Adequacy of Design 3 2.02 Right of Entry 3 2.03 Ownership of Drawings 3 2.04 Changes and Alterations 4 2.05 Damages 4 3. RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE ENGINEER 4 3.01 Owner-Engineer Relationship 4 3.02 Keeping of Plans and Specifications Accessible 5 3.03 Preliminary Approval 5 3.04 Inspection by Engineer 5 3.05 Determination of Questions and Disputes 6 3.06 Objections 6 3.07 Recommendation of Payment 6 4/00 00700-i CITY OF PEARLAND GENERAL CONDITIONS 4. RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CONTRACTOR 7 4.01 Independent Contractor 7 4.02 Contractor's Understanding 7 4.03 Laws and Ordinances 7 4.04 Assignment and Subletting 8 4.05 Performance and Payment Bonds 8 4.06 Insurance 8 4.07 Certificate of Insurance 10 4.08 Permits and Fees 11 4.09 Texas State Sales Tax 11 4.10 Contractor's Duty and Superintendence 11 4.11 Character of Workers 11 4.12 Labor, Equipment,Materials, Construction Plant and Buildings 12 4.13 Sanitation 12 4.14 Cleaning and Maintenance 12 4.15 Performance of Work 12 4.16 Right of Owner to Modify Methods and Equipment 13 4.17 Layout of Work 13 4.18 Shop Drawings 13 4.19 Engineer-Contractor Relationship; Observations 14 4.20 Observation and Testing 14 4.21 Defects and Their Remedies 15 4.22 Liability for Proper Performance 15 4.23 Protection Against Accident To Employees and the Public 16 4.24 Protection of Adjoining Property 16 4.25 Protection against Claims of Subcontractors,Laborers,Materialmen and Furnishers of Machinery and Supplies 17 4.26 Protection Against Royalties or Patented Invention 17 4.27 Indemnification 17 4.28 Losses From Natural Causes 18 4.29 Guarantee 19 5. PROSECUTION AND PROGRESS 19 5.01 Time and Order of Completion 19 5.02 Extension of Time 19 5.03 Hindrances and Delays 20 5.04 Liquidated Damages for Delay 20 4/00 00700-ii CITY OF PEARLAND GENERAL CONDITIONS 6. MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT 21 6.01 Discrepancies and Omissions 21 6.02 Quantities and Measurements 21 6.03 Estimated Quantities 21 6.04 Price of Work 21 6.05 Payments 22 6.06 Partial Payments 22 6.07 Use of Completed Portions 23 6.08 Final Completion and Acceptance 23 6.09 Final Payment 24 6.10 Correction of Work Before Final Payment 24 6.11 Correction of Work After Final Payment 24 6.12 Payments Withheld 25 6.13 Delayed Payments 25 7. EXTRA WORK AND CLAIMS 26 7.01 Change Orders 26 7.02 Minor Changes 26 Clik\ 7.03 Extra Work 26 7.04 Time of Filing Claims 28 8. ABANDONMENT OF CONTRACT 28 8.01 Abandonment by Contractor 28 8.02 Abandonment by Owner 30 9. ARBITRATION 31 9.01 Arbitration 31 ATTACHMENT NO. 1 - WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE COVERAGE Al ATTACHMENT NO. 2 - AGREEMENT FOR FINAL PAYMENT AND CONTRACTOR'S SWORN RELEASE B1 4/00 00700-iii CITY OF PEARLAND GENERAL CONDITIONS SECTION 00700 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF AGREEMENT 1.0 DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATION 1.01 OWNER, CONTRACTOR, AND ENGINEER. The OWNER,the CONTRACTOR, and the ENGINEER are those persons or organizations identified as such in the Agreement. The term ENGINEER means a person authorized to act as a representative of the entity designated by the OWNER to provide engineering services required in connection with the preparation and performance of this Contract. 1.02 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. The contract documents shall consist of all of the documents contained, assembled and bound with these General Conditions of Agreement, including, whether or not labeled as such,Notice to Bidders (Advertisement), General Instructions to Bidders, Proposal,Addenda, signed Agreement,Performance and Payment Bonds (if required), Special Bonds (when required), General Conditions of Agreement, Special Conditions of Agreement(if any), Insurance Certificate, Technical Specifications,Plans and all modifications thereof incorporated in any of the documents before the execution of the Agreement, and any other document, whether or not labeled,which shall become a part of the set of documents bound together with the General Conditions of Agreement. (11"\ The contract documents are complementary, and what is called for by anyone shall be as binding as if called for by all. Any conflicts between any of the contract documents shall be resolved first by reference to these General Conditions of Agreement; and in the event the General Conditions of Agreement do not address such conflict, then the designated ENGINEER shall resolve any conflict by a written interpretation, copies of which shall be forwarded to all parties to the Contract, and the original shall be attached to and shall become a part of these General Conditions of Agreement and thus a part of the contract documents. 1.03 SUBCONTRACTOR. The term"subcontractor,"as employed herein, includes only those having a direct contract with the CONTRACTOR for performance of work on the project contemplated by these contract documents. OWNER shall have no responsibility to any subcontractor employed by CONTRACTOR for performance of work on the project contemplated by these contract documents, and any such subcontractor shall look exclusively to CONTRACTOR for any payments due subcontractor. 1.04 WRITTEN NOTICE. Written Notice shall be deemed to have been duly served if delivered in person to the individual or to a member of the firm or to an officer of the corporation for whom it is intended, or if delivered at or sent by Certified Mail,Return Receipt Requested,to the last known business address or registered office of such individual, firm or corporation. 4/00 00700-1 CITY OF PEARLAND GENERAL CONDITIONS 1.05 WORK. Unless otherwise stipulated,the CONTRACTOR shall provide and pay for all materials, supplies,machinery, equipment, tools, superintendence, labor, services, insurance, and all water, light,power, fuel, transportation, and all other facilities or services of any nature whatsoever necessary for the execution and completion of the work covered by the contract documents. Unless otherwise specified, all materials shall be new, and both workmanship and materials shall be of good quality. The CONTRACTOR shall, if required by the ENGINEER as representative of the OWNER, furnish satisfactory evidence as to the kind and quality of materials. Materials or work described in words which so applied have well-known,technical or trade meaning shall be held to refer to such recognized standards. All work shall be done and all materials shall be furnished in strict conformity with the contract documents. 1.06 EXTRA WORK. The term"Extra Work," as used in this Contract, shall be understood to mean and include all work that may be required by the ENGINEER as representative of the OWNER, to be done by the CONTRACTOR to accomplish any change, alteration or addition to the work shown upon the plans or reasonably implied by the specifications, and which shall,prior to the commencement of such work,be authorized in writing by the ENGINEER. 1.07 WORKING DAY. A"working day"is defined as any day not including Saturdays, Sundays or any legal holidays, in which weather or other conditions not under the control of the CONTRACTOR,will permit construction of the principal units of the work for a period of not less than seven(7)hours between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Camb\' 1.08 CALENDAR DAY. A"calendar day"is any day of the week or month,no days being excepted. 1.09 SUBSTANTIALLY COMPLETED. The term"substantially completed,"as used in this Contract,means that the structure or project contemplated by the contract documents has been made suitable for use or occupancy or the facility is in a condition to serve its intended purpose,but shall require minor miscellaneous work and adjustment. 1.10 INTERPRETATION OF WORDS AND PHRASES. Whenever the words "directed," "permitted," "designated,""required,""considered necessary," "prescribed," or words of like import are used, it shall be understood that the direction,requirement,permission, order, designation or prescription of the ENGINEER as the OWNER's representative is intended. Similarly,the words "approved," "acceptable," "satisfactory," or words of like import shall mean that no exception is taken,but does not relieve CONTRACTOR of responsibility for performance of project requirements. Whenever in the Specifications or drawings accompanying this Agreement,the terms of description of various qualities relative to finish,workmanship or other qualities of similar kind which cannot, from their nature,be specifically and clearly described and specified,but are necessarily described in general terms, the fulfillment of which must depend.on individual judgment, then,in all such cases, 4/00 00700-2 CITY OF PEARLAND GENERAL CONDITIONS any question of the fulfillment of said Specifications shall be decided by the ENGINEER as the OWNER's representative, and said work shall be done in accordance with his interpretations of the meaning of the words, terms or clauses defining the character of the work. 1.11 REFERENCED STANDARDS. No provision of any referenced standard specification, or manual shall be effective to change the duties and responsibilities of the Owner, Engineer, Contractor, or their consultants, employees, or representatives from those set forth in the Contract Documents,nor shall it be effective to assign to the Engineer or its consultants, employees, or representatives any duty or authority to supervise or direct the furnishing or performance of the Work or any duty or authority to undertake responsibilities contrary to provisions of the Contract Documents. 1.12 SPECIAL CONDITIONS. In the event special conditions are contained herein as part of the contract documents and said special conditions conflict with any of the general conditions contained in this Contract, then in such event the special conditions shall control. 2.0 RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE OWNER 2.01 ADEQUACY OF DESIGN. It is understood that the OWNER believes it has employed competent engineers and/or designers. It is,therefore, agreed that the OWNER shall be responsible for the adequacy of the design, sufficiency of the contract documents,the safety of the structure and the practicability of the operations of the completed project,provided that the CONTRACTOR has complied with the requirements of the said contract documents, all approved modifications thereof and additions and alterations thereto approved in writing by the OWNER. The burden of proof of such compliance shall be upon the CONTRACTOR to show that he has complied with the requirements of the contract documents and approved modifications thereof and all approved additions and alterations,thereto, as the same shall have been interpreted by the ENGINEER. 2.02 RIGHT OF ENTRY. The OWNER reserves the right to enter the property or location on which the work herein contracted for is to be constructed or installed, for itself or such agent or agents as it may select, for the purpose of inspecting the work, or for the purpose of constructing or installing such collateral work as the OWNER may desire. The OWNER shall have the right to make inspections at all reasonable times, and the CONTRACTOR shall have no cause to complain if his work shall be delayed by reason of such inspection, construction or installation of collateral work. 2.03 OWNERSHIP OF DRAWINGS. All drawings, specifications and copies thereof furnished by the OWNER shall not be reused on other work and,with the exception of the sets forming the part of the signed contract documents, are to be returned to the OWNER on request at the completion of the work. All drawings and models are the property of the OWNER. 4/00 00700-3 CITY OF PEARLAND GENERAL CONDITIONS 2.04 CHANGES AND ALTERATIONS. The CONTRACTOR further agrees that the Owner may make such changes and alterations as the OWNER may see fit, ' di a': .a,rd.e,tb 4u• 44,�� exoinO n, i,o n ,\e ithout affecting the validity of this Contract and the accompanying Performance and Payment Bonds. If such changes or alterations diminish the quantity of the work to be done,they shall not constitute the basis for a claim for damages or anticipated profits on the work that maybe dispensed with. If the amount of work is increased and the work can fairly be classified under the specifications, such increase shall be paid for according to the quantity actually done and at the unit price, if any, established for such work under this Contract, except as hereinafter provided for unit price items under Article 6 of this Contract; otherwise, such additional work shall be paid for as provided under Article 7 hereof for Extra Work. In case the OWNER shall make such changes or alterations as shall make useless any work already done or material already furnished or used in said work,then the OWNER shall compensate the CONTRACTOR for any material or labor so used and for any actual loss occasioned by such change due to actual expenses incurred in preparation for the work as originally planned. 2.05 DAMAGES. In the event the CONTRACTOR is damaged in the course of the completion of the work by the act, negligence, omission, mistake, or default of the OWNER,thereby causing loss to the CONTRACTOR, the OWNER agrees that he will reimburse the CONTRACTOR for such loss. In the event the OWNER is damaged in the course of the work by the act,negligence, omission,mistake or default of the CONTRACTOR, or should the CONTRACTOR unreasonably delay the progress of the work being done by others on the job so as to cause loss for which the OWNER becomes liable,then the CONTRACTOR shall reimburse the OWNER for such loss. 3.0 RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE ENGINEER 3.01 OWNER-ENGINEER RELATIONSHIP. The ENGINEER shall serve as the OWNER's representative during construction. The duties,responsibilities, and limitations on the authority of the ENGINEER as the OWNER's representative during construction are set forth in the contract documents; and the ENGINEER shall not have authority to extend the OWNER's liability or to bind the OWNER for any additional liability of any nature whatsoever without the written consent of the OWNER. The ENGINEER shall advise the OWNER as to the progress of the work, and any instructions by the OWNER to the CONTRACTOR shall be issued through the ENGINEER. It is the intent of this Agreement that there shall be no delay in the execution of the work; therefore, written decisions or directions rendered by the ENGINEER as the OWNER's representative shall be promptly carried out, and any claim arising therefrom shall be adjusted as hereinafter provided. Unless otherwise specified, it is mutually agreed between the parties to this Agreement that the ("A\ ENGINEER shall review all work included herein and shall have the authority to issue written stop 4/00 00700-4 CITY OF PEARLAND GENERAL CONDITIONS work orders whenever such stoppage may be necessary to insure the proper execution of this Contract. 3.02 KEEPING OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS ACCESSIBLE. The ENGINEER shall furnish the CONTRACTOR with an adequate and reasonable number of copies of all Plans and Specifications without expense to the CONTRACTOR, and the CONTRACTOR shall keep one copy of the same constantly accessible on the job site,with the latest revisions noted thereon. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for preserving the Plans and Specifications for reference and review by the OWNER or the ENGINEER. 3.03 PRELIMINARY APPROVAL. The ENGINEER shall not have the power to waive the obligations imposed under this Contract for the furnishing by the CONTRACTOR of good material, and for performing good work as herein described, and in full accordance with the Plans and Specifications,without alteration, deletion or change. No failure or omission of the ENGINEER to discover, object to or condemn any defective work or material shall release the CONTRACTOR from the obligation to fully and properly perform the Contract, including without limitation,the obligation to at once tear out,remove and properly replace any defective work or material at any time prior to final acceptance,upon discovery of such defective work or material; provided,however, that the ENGINEER shall, upon request of the CONTRACTOR, inspect and accept or reject any material furnished, and in the event the material has been once accepted by the ENGINEER, such acceptance shall be binding on the OWNER,unless it can be clearly shown that such material furnished does not meet the specifications for this work. Any questioned work may be ordered taken up or removed for re-examination by the ENGINEER prior to final acceptance, and if found not to be in accordance with the specifications for said work, all expense of removing,re-examination and replacement shall be borne by the CONTRACTOR; otherwise the expense thus incurred shall be allowed as Extra Work and shall be paid for by the OWNER,provided that where inspection or approval is specifically required by the Specifications prior to performance of certain work, should the CONTRACTOR proceed with such work without requesting prior inspection or approval,he shall bear all expense of taking up,removing and replacing this work if so directed by the ENGINEER. 3.04 INSPECTION BY ENGINEER. The ENGINEER shall make periodic visits to the site to observe the progress and quality of the executed work and to determine if such work generally meets the essential performance and design features and the technical, functional and/or engineering requirements of the contract documents, and is in all other respects being performed in compliance with the contract documents. However,the ENGINEER shall not be responsible for making any detailed, exhaustive, comprehensive or continuous on-site inspections to check the quality and/or quantity of the work,nor shall the ENGINEER be in any way responsible, directly or indirectly, for the construction means,methods,techniques, sequences, quality,procedures,programs, safety precautions or lack of same incident to the work being performed or any part thereof. The ENGINEER shall use reasonable care to prevent deviation from the intent and substance of the 4/00 00700-5 CITY OF PEARLAND GENERAL CONDITIONS contract documents by the CONTRACTOR in the performance of the work and any part thereof and, on the basis of such on-site observations,will keep the OWNER informed of the progress of the work and will endeavor to guard the OWNER against defects and deficiencies in the work of the CONTRACTOR. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement or any other contract document,the ENGINEER shall not be in any way responsible or liable for any acts, errors, omissions or negligence of the CONTRACTOR, any subcontractors' agents, servants or employees or any other person, firm or corporation performing or attempting to perform any of the work. 3.05 DETERMINATION OF QUESTIONS AND DISPUTES. In order to prevent delays and disputes and to discourage litigation, it is agreed that the ENGINEER shall, in all cases, determine the amounts and quantities of the several kinds of work which are to be paid for under this Contract. The ENGINEER shall determine all questions in relation to said work and the construction thereof, as well as all claims, disputes and other matters in question between the CONTRACTOR and the OWNER relating to the execution or progress of the work or the interpretation of the contract documents. In the event the ENGINEER shall become aware of or shall receive information that there is a dispute or a possible dispute as to the reasonable interpretation of the terms and conditions of the contract documents, or any other dispute, claim or question,the ENGINEER shall,within a reasonable time,provide a written interpretation of the contract documents or a written decision on all claims of the parties hereto and on all questions arising relative to the execution of the work, copies of which shall be delivered to all parties to the Contract, and the original thereof shall become a part of the contract documents and shall be binding and final as to all parties to the Contract. 3.06 OBJECTIONS. In the event the ENGINEER renders any decision which, in the opinion of either the OWNER or the CONTRACTOR, is not in accordance with the meaning and intent of this Contract, either party may,within thirty(30) days of receipt of such decision,file its written objection to the decision with the ENGINEER; and the ENGINEER shall,upon receipt of such written objection and within twenty(20) days thereafter, review the same and render a written affirmation or modification of the original interpretation,which shall become a part of the contract documents. Either party who shall remain aggrieved after the ENGINEER has rendered his affirmation or modification of his previous decision, shall have the right,within a period not to exceed sixty(60) days after the ENGINEER has filed his affirmation or modification of the decision with the District Secretary, to file suit in the District Court, seeking a declaratory judgment or other relief to determine the intent of the contract documents. If any aggrieved party shall fail to file such a petition with the District Court within the time specified,the decision of the ENGINEER shall become final and binding and non-appealable. 3.07 RECOMMENDATION OF PAYMENT. The ENGINEER shall review the CONTRACTOR's application for payment and supporting documents, shall determine the amount owed to the CONTRACTOR and shall provide written recommendation to the OWNER for payment to the CONTRACTOR in such amount. Such recommendation of payment to CONTRACTOR shall constitute a representation to the OWNER of the ENGINEER's judgment that the work has progressed to the point indicated,to the best of his knowledge, information and belief;however, such 4/00 00700-6 CITY OF PEARLAND GENERAL CONDITIONS recommendation of an application for payment to CONTRACTOR shall not be deemed to be a representation by the ENGINEER that any examination has been made to determine how or for what purpose CONTRACTOR has used the monies paid on account of the contract price. As a condition of final payment,the CONTRACTOR shall execute an Agreement for Final Payment and Contractor's Sworn Release, in a form as included herein and made a part of these contract documents,being its agreement to accept the amount recommended by the ENGINEER as full payment for the work that has been completed as set out in the CONTRACTOR's application for payment and supporting data. 4.0 RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CONTRACTOR 4.01 INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR is, and shall remain, an independent contractor, solely responsible for the manner and method of completing the work under this Contract,with full and exclusive power and authority to direct, supervise and control his own employees and to determine the means,method, and manner of performing such work, so long as such methods do not adversely affect the completed improvements or any other property abutting or adjoining the work area, the OWNER and ENGINEER being interested only in the result obtained and conformity of such completed improvements to the Plans, Specifications and Contract. The fact that the OWNER or ENGINEER as the Owner's representative shall have the right to observe CONTRACTOR's work during his performance and to carry out the other prerogatives which are expressly reserved to and vested in the OWNER and the ENGINEER hereunder, is not intended to and shall not at any time change or affect the status of the CONTRACTOR as an independent contractor with respect to either the OWNER or the ENGINEER as the OWNER's representative or to the CONTRACTOR's own employees or to any other person, firm or corporation. 4.02 CONTRACTOR'S UNDERSTANDING. It is understood and agreed that the CONTRACTOR has,by careful examination, satisfied himself as to the nature and location of the work,the conformation of the ground,the character, quality, and quantity of the materials to be encountered, the character of equipment and facilities needed preliminary to and during the prosecution of the work,the general and local conditions, and all other matters which in any way affect the work under this Contract. It is further understood that the CONTRACTOR has satisfied himself as to the terms,meaning and intent of all of the contract documents and understands the meanings of all parts of such documents or other factors affecting the work,which were not previously understood. No verbal agreement or conversation with any officer, agent or employee of the OWNER or the ENGINEER, either before or after the execution of this Contract, shall affect or modify any of the terms or obligations herein contained. 4.03 LAWS AND ORDINANCES. The CONTRACTOR shall at all times observe and comply with all federal, state or local laws,ordinances and regulations,regardless of whether the same are adopted before or after the execution of this Contract,which in any manner affect the 4/00 00700-7 CITY OF PEARLAND GENERAL CONDITIONS Contract or the work, and shall indemnify, save and hold harmless the OWNER and the ENGINEER against any claim arising out of the violation of any such laws, ordinances, and regulations,whether by the CONTRACTOR or his employees. If the CONTRACTOR observes that the Plans and Specifications are at variance with federal or state laws or the ordinances or regulations of the City, he shall promptly notify the ENGINEER in writing, and any necessary changes shall be made as provided in the Contract for changes in the work. If the CONTRACTOR performs any work knowing it to be contrary to such laws, ordinances,rules and regulations, and without such notice to the ENGINEER,he shall bear all costs arising there from. The OWNER is a Political Subdivision of the State of Texas, and the law from which it derives its powers, insofar as the same regulates the objects.for which, or the manner in which, or the conditions under which the OWNER may enter into contracts, shall be controlling and shall be considered as part of this Contract to the same effect as though embodied herein. The Code of Ordinances and other applicable regulations of the OWNER shall be deemed to be embodied in this Contract. 4.04 ASSIGNMENT AND SUBLETTING. The CONTRACTOR further agrees that he will retain personal control and will give his personal attention to the fulfillment of this Contract and that he will not assign,by power of attorney or otherwise, or sublet said Contract without the written consent of the ENGINEER, and that no part or feature of the work will be sublet to anyone objectionable to the ENGINEER or the OWNER. In addition,the OWNER reserves the right to disapprove the subletting of this Contract or any portion hereof on any basis whatsoever. The CONTRACTOR further agrees that the subletting of any portion or feature of the work or materials required in the performance of this Contract shall not relieve the CONTRACTOR from his obligations to the OWNER, as provided for by this Agreement. 4.05 PERFORMANCE AND PAYMENT BONDS. In the event the contract price shall be in excess of$25,000.00,the CONTRACTOR shall execute separate Performance and Payment Bonds,each in the sum of one hundred percent(100%) of the total contract price,which shall be increased at any time to cover any change orders, additives or add-ons, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 2253 of the Texas Government Code. If the contract price does not exceed $25,000.00,the statutory bonds will not be required. All required bonds shall be submitted on forms approved by the OWNER for this purpose, guaranteeing the faithful performance of the work and fulfillment of any guarantees required, and further guaranteeing payment to all persons supplying labor and materials or furnishing him any equipment in the execution of the Contract. It is agreed that the Contract shall not be in effect until such Performance and Payment Bonds are furnished and approved by the OWNER. Each such bond shall be executed by a corporate surety or corporate sureties duly authorized to do business in the State of Texas. The cost of the premium for the Performance and Payment Bonds shall be included in the CONTRACTOR's Proposal. 4.06 INSURANCE. The CONTRACTOR, at his own expense, shall procure,maintain and 4/00 00700-8 CITY OF PEARLAND GENERAL CONDITIONS keepin force throughout the life of this Contract, and for one additional year, insurance as � hereinafter specified. Such insurance shall be carried with an insurance company licensed to transact business in the State of Texas and shall cover all operations in connection with this Contract, whether performed by the CONTRACTOR or a subcontractor, or separate policies shall be provided covering the operation of each subcontractor. No policy shall be written on a"claims made"form. The OWNER,the ENGINEER,their agents and employees shall be named as additional insureds on CONTRACTOR's Commercial General Liability,Automobile Liability and excess or Umbrella Liability policies. OWNER may waive the additional insured requirement under the Commercial General Liability policy if an OWNER's and CONTRACTOR's Protective Liability policy with general aggregate limits of$2,000,000.00,with $1,000,000.00 per occurrence limit, is provided. The contractual liability coverage in the Commercial General Liability policy shall not be excluded. The following insurance coverages will be carried and certified. (1) Workers' Compensation Insurance and Employer's Liability Insurance. Attachment No. 1 to these General Conditions contains statutory requirements for Workers' Compensation Insurance. The Employer's Liability Insurance shall have limits as follows: Bodily injury by accident: $500,000 each accident. Bodily injury by disease: $500,000 policy limit. Bodily injury by disease: $500,000 each employee. (2) Commercial General Liability Insurance: Including Contractor's Protective Liability, Broad Form Property Damage, Contractual Liability,Bodily Injury,Personal Injury, and Products and Completed Operations (for a period of one(1)year following completion of the Work under this Agreement) Combined single limit of$1,000,000 each occurrence, Subject to general aggregate$2,000,000; Products and Completed Operations, $1,000,000 aggregate C 4/00 00700-9 Cmh\' CITY OF PEARLAND GENERAL CONDITIONS (3) Automobile Liability Insurance: Bodily injury per person: $250,000. Bodily injury per accident: $500,000. Property damage: $250,000. Or a policy providing combined single limits of$750,000. (4) OWNER, at its own discretion,may require an umbrella or excess limits liability policy. (5) All coverages shall be endorsed to waive the carrier's right of subrogation against the OWNER. In the event the CONTRACTOR shall fail to provide insurance as herein required, or be subject to claim, demand or litigation growing out of or arising from a claim not contemplated herein, such failure on the part of the CONTRACTOR shall not serve to release or in any way discharge or shift the liability of the CONTRACTOR to the ENGINEER or OWNER;BUT THE CONTRACTOR DOES HEREIN AGREE TO INDEMNIFY AND HOLD THE ENGINEER AND OWNER HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL CLAIMS GROWING OUT OF OR ARISING BY REASON OF ANY OF THE CIRCUMSTANCES HEREIN ENUMERATED, OR ANY OTHER CLAIMS Cs'b OR DEMANDS MADE BY ANY PERSON, GROWING OUT OF OR ARISING BY REASON OF THE WORK PERFORMED BY THE CONTRACTOR. 4.07 CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE. Within ten(10)days after notification of award of Contract,the CONTRACTOR and each subcontractor shall submit to the OWNER for approval, certificates of insurance covering each insurance policy carried and offered as evidence of compliance with the above insurance requirements, signed by an authorized representative of the insurance company, setting forth: (1) The name and address of the insured; (2) The location of the operations to which the insurance applies; (3) The name of the policy and type or types of insurance in force thereunder on the date borne by such certificate. (4) The expiration date of the policy and the limit or limits of liability thereunder on the date borne by such certificates. (5) A statement that the insurance of the type afforded by the policy applies to all of the operations of whatever character,which are undertaken by the insured during the CIN6‘\ 4/00 00700-10 CITY OF PEARLAND GENERAL CONDITIONS Clh\, performance of this Contract, provided such operations are performance required in the of the Contract; (6) A provision that the policy may be canceled or materially changed only by mailing written notice to the named insured at the address shown in the policy, stating when, not less than thirty(30) days thereafter, cancellation or change of such policy shall be effective,with a copy of such letter of intent to the OWNER. 4.08 PERMITS AND FEES. Unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents,the Contractor shall secure and pay for all construction permits, licenses, and inspections necessary for proper execution and completion of the Work and which are legally required at the time bids are received. 4.09 TEXAS STATE SALES TAX. Materials incorporated into this project are exempt from State Sales according to provisions of the Texas Tax Code, Chapter 151, Subsection H. The Contractor must obtain a limited sales, excise, and use tax permit or exemption certificate which shall enable him to buy the materials to be incorporated into the work without paying tax at the time of purchase. 4.10 CONTRACTOR'S DUTY AND SUPERINTENDENCE. The CONTRACTOR shall rub give adequate attention to the faithful prosecution and completion of this Contract and shall keep on the work, during its progress, a competent superintendent and any necessary assistants, all satisfactory to the ENGINEER as the OWNER's representative. The superintendent shall represent the CONTRACTOR in his absence and shall act as the employee or agent of the CONTRACTOR, and all directions given to him shall be binding as if given to the CONTRACTOR. Adequate supervision by competent and reasonable representatives of the CONTRACTOR is essential to the proper performance of the work, and lack of such supervision shall be grounds for suspending operations of the CONTRACTOR. The work, from its commencement to completion, shall be under the exclusive charge and control of the CONTRACTOR, and all risk in connection therewith shall be borne by the CONTRACTOR. Neither the OWNER nor the ENGINEER as the OWNER's representative will be responsible for the acts or omissions of the CONTRACTOR, its subcontractors or any of its agents or employees, or any other persons performing any of the work. 4.11 CHARACTER OF WORKERS. The CONTRACTOR agrees to employ only orderly _ and competent workers, skillful in the performance of the type of work required under this Contract, to do the work, and agrees that whenever the ENGINEER shall inform him in writing that any worker or workers on the work are, in his opinion, incompetent,unfaithful or disorderly, or in the ENGINEER's opinion, are not using their best efforts for the progress of the work, such worker or 4/00 00700-11 CITY OF PEARLAND GENERAL CONDITIONS workers shall be discharged from the work and shall not again be employed on the work without the ENGINEER's written consent. 4.12 EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS, CONSTRUCTION PLANT AND BUILDINGS. The CONTRACTOR shall provide all labor, tools, equipment,machinery and materials necessary in the prosecution and completion of this Contract where it is not otherwise specifically provided that the OWNER shall furnish same; and further, the CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the care, preservation, conservation, and protection of all materials, supplies,machinery, equipment,tools, apparatus, accessories, facilities, all means of construction and any and all parts of the work,whether the CONTRACTOR has been paid,partially paid or not paid for such work,until the entire work is completed and accepted. The building of structures for housing workers, or the erection of tents or other forms of protection, will be permitted only at such places as the ENGINEER shall direct, and the sanitary conditions of the grounds in or about such structures shall at all times be maintained in a manner satisfactory to the ENGINEER. Any structures of any nature constructed or erected by the CONTRACTOR for the purposes herein set out, shall be the sole responsibility of the CONTRACTOR as to the proper erection or construction thereof; and the CONTRACTOR agrees to indemnify and hold the ENGINEER or OWNER harmless from any claims of any nature whatsoever brought against either of them for damages allegedly sustained by anyone by reason of the erection, construction or maintenance of CONTRACTOR's buildings. 4.13 SANITATION. Necessary sanitary conveniences for the use of laborers on the work site,properly secluded from public observation, shall be constructed and maintained by the CONTRACTOR in such manner and at such points as shall be approved by the ENGINEER, and their use shall be strictly enforced. Any structures of any nature constructed or erected by the CONTRACTOR for the purposes herein set out, shall be the sole responsibility of the CONTRACTOR as to the proper erection or construction thereof,and the CONTRACTOR agrees to indemnify and hold the ENGINEER or OWNER harmless from any claims of any nature whatsoever brought against either of them for damages allegedly sustained by anyone by reason of the erection, construction or maintenance of CONTRACTOR's buildings. 4.14 CLEANING AND MAINTENANCE. The CONTRACTOR shall at all times keep and maintain the premises free from accumulation of debris caused by the work, and at the completion of the work,he shall remove all such debris and also his tools, scaffolding and surplus materials and shall leave the work broom-clean or its equivalent. The work shall be left in good order and condition. In case of dispute,the OWNER may remove the debris and charge the cost to the CONTRACTOR. 4.15 PERFORMANCE OF WORK. It is further agreed that it is the intent of this Contract that all work must be done and all material must be furnished in accordance with the generally accepted practice for such materials furnished or work completed. 4/00 00700-12 CITY OF PEARLAND GENERAL CONDITIONS 4.16 RIGHT OF OWNER TO MODIFY METHODS AND EQUIPMENT. If at any time the methods or equipment used by the CONTRACTOR are found to be inadequate to secure rate of progress required under this Contract,the OWNER or the ENGINEER as the OWNER's representative may order the CONTRACTOR in writing to improve their efficiency, and the CONTRACTOR shall comply with such order. If at any time the working force of the CONTRACTOR is inadequate for securing the progress herein specified, the CONTRACTOR shall, if so ordered in writing, increase his force or equipment, or both,to such an extent as to give reasonable assurance of compliance with the schedule of progress. 4.17 LAYOUT OF WORK. Except as specifically provided herein, the CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for laying out work and shall accomplish this work in a manner acceptable to the ENGINEER. 4.18 SHOP DRAWINGS. The CONTRACTOR shall submit to the ENGINEER, with such promptness as to cause no delay in his own work or in that of any other contractor, six (6) checked copies,unless otherwise specified, of all shop and/or setting drawings and schedules required for the work of the various trades. Contractor will check and approve shop drawings for (.116'1 compliance with requirements of Contract and will so certify by stamp on each drawing prior to submittal to ENGINEER. Any drawings submitted without Contractor's stamp of approval will not be considered and will be returned to him for proper submission. The ENGINEER shall pass upon them with reasonable promptness, indicating desired corrections. The CONTRACTOR shall make any corrections required by the ENGINEER, file with him two (2)corrected copies and furnish such other copies as may be needed. The ENGINEER's approval of such drawings or schedules shall not relieve the CONTRACTOR from responsibility for deviations from drawings or specifications,unless he has, in writing, called the ENGINEER's attention to such deviations at the time of the submission, and the ENGINEER has acknowledged such deviations in writing, nor shall it relieve him from responsibility for errors of any sort in shop drawings or schedules. It shall be the CONTRACTOR's responsibility to fully and completely review all shop drawings to ascertain their effect on his ability to perform the required contract work in accordance with the Plans and Specifications and within the contract time. Such review by the ENGINEER shall be for the sole purpose of determining the sufficiency of said drawings or schedules to result in finished improvements in conformity with the Plans and Specifications, and shall not relieve the CONTRACTOR of his duty as an independent contractor as previously set forth, it being expressly understood and agreed that the ENGINEER does not assume any duty to pass upon the propriety or adequacy of such drawings or schedules, or any means or methods reflected thereby, in relation to the safety of either person or property during 4/00 00700-13 CITY OF PEARLAND GENERAL CONDITIONS CONTRACTOR's perform ance ance hereunder, and any action taken by the ENGINEER shall not relieve the CONTRACTOR of his responsibility and liability, as set out in the contract documents. 4.19 ENGINEER-CONTRACTOR RELATIONSHIP; OBSERVATIONS. It is agreed by the CONTRACTOR that the ENGINEER, as the OWNER's representative, shall be and is hereby authorized to appoint such subordinate engineers, supervisors or observers as the said ENGINEER may from time to time deem proper to observe the materials furnished and the work done under this Agreement, and to see that said material is furnished and said work is done in accordance with the specifications therefor. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish all reasonable aid and assistance required by the subordinate engineers, supervisors, or observers for the proper observation and examination of the work. The CONTRACTOR shall regard and obey the directions and instructions of any subordinate engineers or observers so appointed,when such directions and instructions are consistent with the obligations of this Agreement and accompanying Plans and Specifications,provided, however, should the CONTRACTOR object to any orders by any subordinate engineer, supervisor, or observer,the CONTRACTOR may,within six(6)days,make written appeal to the ENGINEER for his decision. 4.20 OBSERVATION AND TESTING. The OWNER or the ENGINEER as the OWNER's representative shall have the right at all reasonable times to observe and test the work. The CONTRACTOR shall make all necessary arrangements and provide proper facilities and access for such observation and testing at any location wherever work is in preparation or progress. The CONTRACTOR shall ascertain the scope of any observation which may be contemplated by the OWNER or the ENGINEER and shall give ample notice as to the time each part of the work will be ready for such observation. The OWNER or the ENGINEER may reject any work found to be defective or not in accordance with the contract documents, regardless of the stage of its completion or the time or place of discovery of such errors, and regardless of whether the ENGINEER has previously accepted the work through oversight or otherwise. If any work is covered without approval or consent of the OWNER, it must,if requested by the OWNER or the ENGINEER,be uncovered for examination, at the sole expense of the CONTRACTOR. In the event that any part of the work is being fabricated or manufactured at a location where it is not convenient for the OWNER or the ENGINEER to make observations of such work or require testing of said work,then in such event,the OWNER or the ENGINEER may require the CONTRACTOR to furnish the OWNER or the ENGINEER with certificates of inspection, testing, or approval made by persons competent to perform such tasks at the location where that part of the work is being manufactured or fabricated. All such tests will be in accordance with the methods prescribed by the American Society for Testing and Materials or such other applicable organization as may be required by law or the contract documents. If any work which is required to be inspected,tested or approved is covered up without written approval or consent of the OWNER or the ENGINEER, it must, if requested by the OWNER or the ENGINEER,be uncovered for observation and testing, at the sole expense of the CONTRACTOR. The cost of all such inspections, tests, and approvals shall be borne by the CONTRACTOR unless (71 4/00 00700-14 CITY OF PEARLAND GENERAL CONDITIONS otherwise provided herein. Any work which fails to meet the requirements of such tests, ins pections, spechons, or approval, and any work which meets the requirements of any such tests or approval but does not meet the requirements of the contract documents shall be considered defective. Such defective work shall be corrected at the CONTRACTOR's expense. Neither observations by the OWNER or by the ENGINEER,nor inspections, tests, or approvals made by the OWNER, the ENGINEER, or other persons authorized under this Agreement to make such inspections, tests, or approvals, shall relieve the CONTRACTOR from his obligation to perform the work in accordance with the requirements of the contract documents. 4.21 DEFECTS AND THEIR REMEDIES. It is further agreed that if the work or any part thereof, or any material brought on the site of the work for use in the work or selected for the same, shall be deemed by the ENGINEER as unsuitable or not in conformity with the Plans and Specifications, the CONTRACTOR shall, after receipt of written notice thereof from the ENGINEER, forthwith remove such material and rebuild or otherwise remedy such work so that it shall be in full accordance with this Contract. It is further agreed that any such remedial action contemplated herein shall be at CONTRACTOR's expense. 4.22 LIABILITY FOR PROPER PERFORMANCE. Engineering construction drawings and specifications, as well as any additional instructions and information concerning the work to be performed,passing from or through the ENGINEER, shall not be interpreted as requiring or allowing the CONTRACTOR to deviate from the Plans and Specifications contained as a part of the contract documents,the intent of such drawings, specifications, and any other such instructions being to define with particularity the agreement of the parties as to work the CONTRACTOR is to perform. CONTRACTOR shall be fully and completely liable and contractually bound, at his own expense, for design, construction, installation and use or non-use of all items and methods instant to the performance of the Contract, including,without limitation,the adequacy of all temporary supports, shoring,bracing, scaffolding,machinery or equipment, safety precautions or devices, similar items, or devices used by him during construction, and work performed either directly or incident to construction, and for all loss, damage, or injury incident thereto, either to person or property,whether such damage be suffered by the ENGINEER, the OWNER, or any other person not a party to this Contract. Any review of work in progress or any visit or observation during construction, or any clarification of Plans and Specifications by the ENGINEER or the OWNER, or any agent, employee or representative of either of them,whether through personal observation on the project site or by means of approval of shop drawings for construction or construction processes, or by other means or methods, is agreed by the CONTRACTOR to be for the purpose of observing the extent and nature of work completed or being performed, as measured against the drawings and specifications which are part of the Contract, or for the purpose of enabling the CONTRACTOR to more fully understand the Plans and Specifications so that the completed construction work will conform thereto, and shall in no way relieve the CONTRACTOR from full and complete responsibility for proper performance Cisi\* 4/00 00700-15 CITY OF PEARLAND GENERAL CONDITIONS of his work on the project, including, without limitation, the of propriety means and methods of the CONTRACTOR in performing said Contract, and the adequacy of any designs,plans or other facilities for accomplishing such performance. Any action by the ENGINEER or the OWNER in visiting or observing during construction, or any clarification of Plans and Specifications shall not constitute a waiver of CONTRACTOR's liability for damages as herein set out. Deviation by the CONTRACTOR from Plans and Specifications, whether called to the CONTRACTOR's attention or not, shall in no way relieve CONTRACTOR from his responsibility to complete all work in accordance with said Plans and Specifications, and further shall not relieve CONTRACTOR of his liability for loss, damage or injury as herein set out. 4.23 PROTECTION AGAINST ACCIDENT TO EMPLOYEES AND THE PUBLIC. The CONTRACTOR shall take out and procure a policy or policies of Workers' Compensation Insurance with an insurance company licensed to transact business in the State of Texas, which policy shall comply with the Workers' Compensation laws of the State of Texas. The CONTRACTOR shall at all times exercise reasonable precautions for the safety of employees and others on or near the work and shall comply with all applicable provisions of federal, state, and municipal laws and building and construction codes. All machinery and equipment and other physical hazards shall be guarded in accordance with the"Manual of Accident Prevention in Construction" of the Associated General Contractors of America, except where incompatible with federal, state or municipal laws or regulations. The CONTRACTOR shall provide such machinery guards, safe walkways, ladders, (1 bridges, gangplanks, and other safety devices. All accidents or injuries to CONTRACTOR's employees working on the job site must be reported to the ENGINEER immediately. The safety precautions actually taken and their adequacy shall be the sole responsibility of the CONTRACTOR, in his sole discretion as an independent contractor. Inclusion of this paragraph in the Agreement, as well as any notice which may be given by the OWNER or the ENGINEER as the OWNER's representative concerning omissions under this paragraph as the work progresses, are - intended as reminders to the CONTRACTOR of his duty and shall not be construed as any assumption of duty to supervise safety precautions by either the CONTRACTOR or any of his subcontractors. 4.24 PROTECTION OF ADJOINING PROPERTY. The CONTRACTOR shall employ proper means to protect the adjacent or adjoining property or properties in any way encountered, which might be injured or seriously affected by any process of construction to be undertaken under this Agreement, from any damage or injury by reason of said process of construction; and he shall be liable for any and all claims for such damage on account of his failure to fully protect all adjoining property. THE CONTRACTOR AGREES TO INDEMNIFY, SAVE AND HOLD HARMLESS THE OWNER AND ENGINEER AGAINST ANY CLAIM OR CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES DUE TO ANY INJURY TO ANY ADJACENT OR ADJOINING PROPERTY,ARISING OR GROWING OUT OF THE PERFORMANCE OF THE CONTRACT. (64\ 4/00 00700-16 (001" CITY OF PEARLAND GENERAL CONDITIONS 4.25 PROTECTION AGAINST CLAIMS OF SUBCONTRACTORS, LABORERS, MATERIALMEN,AND FURNISHERS OF MACHINERY, EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES. THE CONTRACTOR AGREES THAT HE WILL INDEMNIFY, SAVE, AND HOLD THE OWNER AND THE ENGINEER HARMLESS FROM ALL CLAIMS GROWING OUT OF THE LAWFUL DEMANDS OF SUBCONTRACTORS,LABORERS, WORKERS, MECHANICS, MATERIALMEN,AND FURNISHERS OF MACHINERY AND PARTS THEREOF, EQUIPMENT,POWER TOOLS AND ALL SUPPLIES, INCLUDING COMMISSARY, INCURRED IN THE FURTHERANCE OF THE PERFORMANCE OF THIS CONTRACT. When so desired by the OWNER,the CONTRACTOR shall furnish satisfactory evidence that all obligations of the nature hereinabove designated have been paid, discharged or waived. If the CONTRACTOR fails to do so,then the OWNER may, at the option of the OWNER, either pay directly any unpaid bills of which the OWNER has written notice, or withhold from the CONTRACTOR's unpaid compensation a sum of money deemed reasonably sufficient to liquidate any and all such lawful claims until satisfactory evidence is furnished that all liabilities have been fully discharged,whereupon payments to the CONTRACTOR shall be resumed in full, in accordance with the terms of this Contract. Any and all communications between any parties under this paragraph shall be in writing. (1.11'\' 4.26 PROTECTION AGAINST ROYALTIES OR PATENTED INVENTION. The CONTRACTOR shall pay all royalties and license fees and shall provide for the use of any design, device,material or process covered by letters patent or copyright,by suitable legal agreement with the patentee or owner thereof. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DEFEND ALL SUITS OR CLAIMS FOR INFRINGEMENT OF ANY PATENT OR COPYRIGHT AND SHALL INDEMNIFY, SAVE, AND HOLD THE OWNER AND THE ENGINEER HARMLESS FROM ANY LOSS ON ACCOUNT THEREOF,EXCEPT THAT THE OWNER SHALL DEFEND ALL SUCH SUITS AND CLAIMS AND SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL SUCH LOSS WHEN A PARTICULAR DESIGN,DEVICE,MATERIAL, OR PROCESS OR THE PRODUCT OF A PARTICULAR MANUFACTURER OR MANUFACTURERS IS SPECIFIED OR REQUIRED BY THE OWNER;PROVIDED,HOWEVER, IF CHOICE OF ALTERNATE DESIGN,DEVICE, MATERIAL OR PROCESS IS ALLOWED TO THE CONTRACTOR, THEN THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INDEMNIFY, SAVE AND HOLD THE OWNER HARMLESS FROM ANY LOSS ON ACCOUNT THEREOF. In addition, if the material or process specified or required by the OWNER is an infringement, the CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for such loss unless he promptly advises the OWNER of such infringement. 4.27 INDEMNIFICATION. The CONTRACTOR shall be solely responsible for the safety of himself,his employees, and all other persons, as well as for the protection of the improvements being erected and the property of himself or any other person, as a result of his operations hereunder. THE CONTRACTOR AGREES TO INDEMNIFY AND HOLD THE ENGINEER AND THE (.14.\ 4/00 00700-17 CI"\ CITY OF PEARLAND GENERAL CONDITIONS OWNER HARMLESS FROM ANY CLAIMS OR DEMANDS OF ANY NATURE WHATSOEVER MADE BY ANY EMPLOYEE,EMPLOYEES,AGENTS, OR SUBCONTRACTORS OF CONTRACTOR, OR BY ANY UNION, TRADE ASSOCIATION, WORKERS' ASSOCIATION, OR OTHER GROUPS,ASSOCIATIONS, OR INDIVIDUALS, ALLEGEDLY REPRESENTING EMPLOYEES OF THE CONTRACTOR, IN ANY DISPUTE BETWEEN THE CONTRACTOR AND HIS EMPLOYEES, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY INVOLVING, GROWING OUT OF OR ARISING FROM CLAIMS BY SUCH EMPLOYEES FOR WAGES, SALARY, WORKING CONDITIONS, OR ANY OTHER COMPLAINT OR CLAIM WHICH MAY BE MADE. THE CONTRACTOR,HIS SURETIES AND INSURANCE CARRIERS SHALL DEFEND, INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS THE OWNER AND THE ENGINEER AND THEIR RESPECTIVE OFFICERS,AGENTS,AND EMPLOYEES FROM AND AGAINST ALL DAMAGES, CLAIMS,LOSSES,DEMANDS, SUITS, JUDGMENTS,AND COSTS OF ANY CHARACTER WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING REASONABLE ATTORNEY'S FEES AND EXPENSES,AND SHALL BE REQUIRED TO PAY ANY JUDGMENT THEREFOR, WITH COSTS, WHICH MAY BE OBTAINED AGAINST THE OWNER AND/OR THE ENGINEER, OR ANY OF THEIR OFFICERS, AGENTS OR EMPLOYEES, ARISING OUT OF OR ("6\' RESULTING FROM THE PERFORMANCE OF THE WORK,PROVIDED THAT ANY SUCH DAMAGES, CLAIM,LOSS,DEMAND, SUIT, JUDGMENT, COST, OR EXPENSE: (1) IS ATTRIBUTABLE TO BODILY INJURY, SICKNESS,DISEASE, OR DEATH OR INJURY TO OR DESTRUCTION OF TANGIBLE PROPERTY,INCLUDING THE LOSS OF USE RESULTING THEREFROM;AND (2) IS CAUSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART BY ANY NEGLIGENT ACT OR OMISSION OF THE CONTRACTOR, ANY SUBCONTRACTOR,THEIR AGENTS OR EMPLOYEES, OR ANYONE DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY EMPLOYED BY ANY ONE OF THEM OR ANYONE FOR WHOSE ACTS ANY OF THEM MAY BE LIABLE,REGARDLESS OF WHETHER OR NOT IT IS CAUSED IN PART BY A PARTY INDEMNIFIED HEREUNDER. The obligation of the CONTRACTOR under this Agreement shall not extend to the liability of the ENGINEER,his agents or employees, arising out of the preparation or approval of maps, drawings, reports,surveys, designs, or specifications, or the giving of or the failure to give directions or instructions by the ENGINEER,his agents or employees,provided such giving or failure to give is the primary cause of the injury or damage. 4/00 00700-18 ("4"\. CITY OF PEARLAND GENERAL CONDITIONS 4.28 LOSSES FROM NATURAL CAUSES. All loss or damage to the CONTRACTOR arising out of the nature of the work to be done or from any unforeseen circumstances in the prosecution of the same, or from the action of the elements, or from unusual obstructions or difficulties which may be encountered in the prosecution of the work, shall be sustained and borne by the CONTRACTOR at his own cost and expense. 4.29 GUARANTEE. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish the OWNER with a written guarantee on all workmanship and materials provided by him for the project. The written guarantee shall be made out to the OWNER and in a form satisfactory to the OWNER's legal counsel, guaranteeing all the work under the Contract to be free from faulty material in every particular and free from improper workmanship; and against unusual damage from proper and usual use; and agreeing to replace or to re-execute without cost to the OWNER such work as may be found to be improper or imperfect, and to make good all damages caused to other work or material, due to such defective work or due to its required replacement or re-execution. This guarantee shall be made to cover a period of one year from the date of acceptance of work under the Contract, as evidenced by the OWNER's Certificate of Acceptance, of the work. Neither the Certificate of Acceptance, final payment,nor any provision in the Contract Documents shall relieve the CONTRACTOR of the responsibility for neglect or faulty material or workmanship during the period covered by the guarantee. The one year period of any guarantee clauses will not limit the OWNER's other rights under common law to have defects remedied when discovered after one year. 5. PROSECUTION AND PROGRESS 5.01 TIME AND ORDER OF COMPLETION. It is the meaning and intent of this Contract,unless otherwise herein specifically provided, that the CONTRACTOR shall be allowed to prosecute his work at such times and seasons, in such order of precedence, and in such manner as shall be most conducive to economy of construction;provided,however,that the order and the time of prosecution shall be such that the work shall be substantially completed as a whole and in part, in accordance with this Contract,the Plans and Specifications, and within the time of completion designated in the Proposal;provided, also,that when the OWNER is having other work done,either by contract or by his own force,the ENGINEER may direct the time and manner of constructing the work done under this Contract, so that conflict will be avoided and the construction of the various works being done for the OWNER shall be harmonized. The CONTRACTOR shall submit, at such times as may reasonably be requested by the ENGINEER, schedules which shall show the order in which the CONTRACTOR proposes to carry on the work, with dates on which the CONTRACTOR will start the several parts of the work, and estimated dates of completion of the several parts. 5.02 EXTENSION OF TIME. The CONTRACTOR agrees that he has submitted his Proposal in full recognition of the time required for the completion of this project, taking into 4/00 00700-19 CITY OF PEARLAND GENERAL CONDITIONS consideration the average climatic range and industrial conditions prevai ling in this locality, and has considered the liquidated damage provisions as hereinafter set forth and that he shall not be entitled to,nor will he request, an extension of time on this Contract, except when completion of the work has been delayed by any act or neglect of the OWNER,the ENGINEER, or any employee of either, by other contractors employed by the OWNER,by changes ordered in the work,by strikes,lockouts, fires and unusual delays by common carriers,by unavoidable cause or causes beyond the CONTRACTOR's control, or by any cause which the ENGINEER shall decide justifies the delay. The CONTRACTOR shall give the ENGINEER prompt notice, in writing, of the cause of such delay; and within ten(10) days after receipt of a written request for an extension of time shall from the CONTRACTOR, supported by all requested documentation,the ENGINEER shall submit such written request, together with his written recommendation, to the OWNER for consideration, and the OWNER shall grant an extension of time for completing the work, sufficient to compensate for the delay. 5.03 HINDRANCES AND DELAYS. In executing the Contract Agreement,the CONTRACTOR agrees that in undertaking to complete the work within the time herein fixed,he has taken into consideration and made allowances for all hindrances and delays incident to such work, whether growing out of delays in securing material or workmen or otherwise. No claim shall be made by the CONTRACTOR for damages resulting from hindrances or delays from any cause during the progress of any portion of the work embraced in this Contract, except where the work is stopped by order of the OWNER, or the ENGINEER as the OWNER's representative for the OWNER's convenience, in which event such expense as in the judgment of the ENGINEER is caused by such stoppage of said work shall be paid by the OWNER to the CONTRACTOR. 5.04 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES FOR DELAY. It is understood and agreed that time is of the essence, and that the CONTRACTOR will commence said work on the date specified and will complete said work within the time specified in the Proposal. It is expressly understood and agreed, by and between the CONTRACTOR and the OWNER,that the time for the completion of the work described herein is reasonable time for the completion of the same,taking into consideration the average climatic range and conditions and usual industrial conditions prevailing in this locality. The CONTRACTOR further agrees that a breach of this Contract as to completion on time will cause damage to the OWNER and that such damages cannot be accurately measured or that ascertainment will be difficult. Therefore, the parties agree that for each and every calendar day the work or any portion thereof shall remain uncompleted after the expiration of the time limit set in the Contract or as extended by the OWNER,the CONTRACTOR shall pay, as minimum liquidated damages, and not as a penalty,the amount set out in the Proposal. However,the foregoing agreement as to liquidated damages constitutes only an agreement by the'OWNER and the CONTRACTOR as to the minimum amount of damages which the OWNER will sustain in any event by reason of the CONTRACTOR's failure to complete the work within the specified time. Should the OWNER suffer damage over and above the minimum amount specified, by reason of the CONTRACTOR's failure to begin the work when ordered, carry it forward ("\ 4/00 00700-20 CITY OF PEARLAND GENERAL CONDITIONS uninterruptedly p y after beginning, or complete it within the specified time in strict accordance with the Plans and Specifications,the OWNER may recover such additional amount. The OWNER shall have the right to deduct and withhold the amount of any and all such damages whether it be the minimum amount stipulated above or otherwise, from any monies owing by it to said CONTRACTOR or the OWNER may recover such amount from the CONTRACTOR and the sureties of his bond; all of such remedies shall be cumulative and the OWNER shall,not be required to elect any one nor be deemed to have made an election by proceeding to enforce any one remedy. 6. MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT 6.01 DISCREPANCIES AND OMISSIONS. It is agreed that it is the intent of this Contract that all work described in the Proposal,the Plans and Specifications and other contract documents,is to be done for the prices quoted by the CONTRACTOR and that such price shall include all appurtenances necessary to complete the work in accordance with the intent of these contract documents as interpreted by the ENGINEER. If the CONTRACTOR finds any discrepancies or omissions in these Plans, Specifications or contract documents,he should notify the ENGINEER and obtain a clarification before the bids are received, and if no such request is received by the ENGINEER prior to the opening of bids,then it shall be considered that the CONTRACTOR fully understands the work to be included and has provided sufficient sums in his Proposal to complete the work in accordance with these Plans and Specifications. It is further understood that any request for clarification must be submitted no later than five(5) days prior to the opening of bids. 6.02 QUANTITIES AND MEASUREMENTS. No extra or customary measurements of any kind will be allowed,but the actual measured and/or computed length, area, solid contents, number and weight only shall be considered,unless otherwise specifically provided. 6.03 ESTIMATED QUANTITIES. This Agreement, including the Specifications,Plans and estimate, is intended to show clearly all work to be done and material to be furnished hereunder. Where the estimated quantities are shown for the various classes of work to be done and material to be furnished under this Contract, they are approximate and are to be used only as a basis for estimating the probable cost of the work and for comparing the proposals offered for the work. It is understood and agreed that the actual amount of work to be done and the materials to be furnished under this Contract may differ somewhat from the estimates and that the items listed or estimated quantities stated shall not give rise to a claim by the CONTRACTOR against the OWNER for compensation,unless the work shall have actually been authorized, and performed and material supplied. Where payment is based on the unit price method,the CONTRACTOR agrees that he will make no claim for damages, anticipated profits or otherwise, on account of any differences which may be found between the quantities of work actually done and the material actually furnished under this Contract and the estimated quantities contemplated and contained in the Proposal. (11\ 4/00 00700-21 CITY OF PEARLAND GENERAL CONDITIONS 6.04 PRICE OF WORK. In consideration of the furnishing of all the necessary labor, equipment and material and the completion of all work by the CONTRACTOR, and upon the completion of all work and the delivery of all materials embraced in this Contract in full conformity with the specifications and stipulations herein contained, the OWNER agrees to pay to the CONTRACTOR the prices set forth in the Proposal attached hereto, which is made a part of this Contract, for the material actually used and services actually performed; however, the OWNER does not assume any obligation to pay for any services or material not actually authorized and used. The CONTRACTOR hereby agrees to receive such prices as payment in full for furnishing all materials and all labor required for the aforesaid work, and for all expenses incurred by him, and for full performance of the work and the whole thereof in the manner and according to this Agreement, the attached Plans and Specifications and contract documents, and the requirements of the ENGINEER. 6.05 PAYMENTS. No payments made or certificates given shall be considered as conclusive evidence of the performance of the Contract, either in whole or in part,nor shall any certificate or payment be considered as acceptance of defective work. CONTRACTOR shall, at any time requested during the progress of the work, furnish the OWNER or the ENGINEER with a verifying certificate showing the CONTRACTOR's total outstanding indebtedness in connection with the work. tent `irleer, o e - 6,T 5 ,t -: C a, I salts 0:v; r,,, aff M". t noou tare ig ltensrag'n remise F nw ►- (' b an a:ss,• eie mr a ra'f en .et ... .`-eeep .; ee, . C V`«•�a. "X.of-'na'"pa' ent°o heron '• tgp` ;e. \ sh osaa t .•_tkAi .off . airkiVagfar'n t a rcIThav' o theretoforr& een''azgrfireaas. provided in t sAvAtm s . r 6.06 PARTIAL PAYMENTS. On or before the tenth day of each month, the C•, .tp - 'tr . l.r. ara .nd .tbrritt h Gn ER;fo app o:.• reas—: fieaiartt i ap • ,Wirer scat-61"'tn o g aasteom et f a,prat a`b e°l" tfi a vale n -h h r, .4 rsai c o: ?eu1 c'. a ng•th--twen .-r` (2=5-) day preted aid • c~:e orali"lso a a g etliMitiMPUllrautirgi ca . 'e akt9lb a intwtliftbil arieo t'" e' IMM tharian a tue"r,''sr're rnrnendMI of ntra fulleoutecl3air'dCnsur=of'0''-'§rgrieratireallo payment will be made for materials stored until Owner has accepted the Contractor's designated area and proof of insurance_for materials stored has been provided. The ENGINEER shall then review such statement and application forpartial-7-7 _ pay ent and-the progress of the Work made by the CONTRACTOR and, if found to be in order,] shall prepare a certificate foi partial payment and shall deliver his-eertificatio ss for paymentto the;r OWNER and-the-CON-TRACTOR: The CONTRACTOR shall then,prior to payment by the OWNER, certify and attest to the certification that he is in accord with the certification and agrees to accept the amounts set out therein and the total set out therein for the work and for the prices contained in the certification. If the CONTRACTOR does not agree or desires to protest the ENGINEER's certification,the same shall not be certified by the ENGINEER to the OWNER for payment until such dispute has been resolved, 4/00 00700-22 CITY OF PEARLAND GENERAL CONDITIONS and the CONTRACTOR agrees that any claim by the CONTRACTOR for additional compensation, of any nature whatsoever,not contained in the ENGINEER's certification,rshall be=waived, and further contracts}and-agrees,--upon..acceptarice-of-the=CON-T-RACTOR's-payment;that'�this-shall? constitute-full=andef lam payment-for work perfo med by the-CONTRACTOR_contaned in theme CONTRAC FOR's-statement-which-sshall-be attached to the ENGINEER's certificat o-- The OWNER shall then pay the CONTRACTOR,within thirty(30)days of receipt of the ENGINEER's recommendation for payment,the total amount of the ENGINEER's Certificate of Partial Payment, less ten percent(10%) of the amount thereof, up to and including the first ($ .00) dollars and five percent(5%) on the amount thereafter. Such retainage shall be retained until final payment, and further less all previous payments and all further sums that may be retained by the OWNER under the terms of this Agreement. It is understood,however, that in case the whole work be near to completion, as certified by the ENGINEER, and some unexpected or unusual delay occurs, through no neglect or fault on the part of the CONTRACTOR, the OWNER may, upon written recommendation of the ENGINEER,pay a reasonable and equitable portion of the retained percentage to the CONTRACTOR, or the CONTRACTOR, at the OWNER's option,may be relieved of the obligation to fully complete the work, and thereupon,the CONTRACTOR shall receive, at the OWNER's option,payment of the balance due him under the Contract, subject only to the conditions set forth under"6.09 FINAL PAYMENT." The Owner at its option and in compliance with state law may reduce retainage to less than the above-stated percentages. 6.07 USE OF COMPLETED PORTIONS. The OWNER shall have the right to take possession of and use any completed or partially completed portions of the work,notwithstanding that the time for completing the entire work or such portions may not have expired;but such taking possession and use shall not be deemed an acceptance of any work not completed in accordance with the contract documents. If such prior use increases the cost of or delays the work, the CONTRACTOR shall be entitled to such extra compensation or extension of time, or both, as may be determined in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. The CONTRACTOR shall notify the ENGINEER,by letter executed by a duly qualified officer of CONTRACTOR,that in CONTRACTOR's opinion,the Contract is"substantially completed". When so notifying the ENGINEER,the CONTRACTOR shall furnish to the ENGINEER,in writing, a detailed list of unfinished work. The ENGINEER will review the CONTRACTOR's list of unfinished work and will add thereto such items as the CONTRACTOR failed to include. The substantial completion of the structure or facility shall not excuse the CONTRACTOR from performing all of the work undertaken,whether of a minor or major nature, and thereby completing the structure or facility in accordance with the contract documents. 6.08 FINAL COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE. Within ten(10) days after the 4/00 00700-23 CITY OF PEARLAND GENERAL CONDITIONS CONTRACTOR has given the ENGINEER written notice that the work has been completed or substantially completed, the ENGINEER and the OWNER shall inspect the work; and within said time, if the work be found to be completed or substantially completed in accordance with the contract documents, the ENGINEER shall issue to the OWNER and the CONTRACTOR his Certificate of Completion. Thereupon, it shall be the duty of the OWNER, within ten(10) days, to issue a Certificate of Acceptance of the work to the CONTRACTOR or to advise the CONTRACTOR in writing of the reason for non-acceptance. 6.09 FINAL PAYMENT. Upon the issuance of the CERTIFICATE of Completion and OWNER's Certificate of Acceptance,the ENGINEER shall proceed to make final measurements and prepare a final statement of the value of all work performed and materials furnished under the terms of the Agreement and shall present the same to the CONTRACTOR for acceptance. The CONTRACTOR, if he finds such statement to be in order,including all work upon which a claim for payment may be made, shall note his acceptance thereon; and by accepting the same,the CONTRACTOR agrees to release any and all claims of any nature whatsoever against the OWNER or the ENGINEER, growing out of or by reason of the performance of the Contract,the construction of the work, for Extra Work, or for any other reason whatsoever, either growing out of the Contract and the documents attached thereto or otherwise. In addition,the CONTRACTOR shall execute a full and final release in a form provided by the OWNER, a copy of which,titled"Attachment No. 2 to General Conditions," is attached to these contract documents and made a part hereof,which shall be presented to the OWNER with the ENGINEER's final statement and any Change Orders or additions or deletions therefrom, duly attested by the CONTRACTOR,requesting payment. The OWNER shall pay to the CONTRACTOR, on or after the (thirtieth) 30th day and before the (thirty-fifth) 35th day after the date of the Certificate of Completion,the balance due the CONTRACTOR under the terms of the Agreement,provided the CONTRACTOR has duly executed and returned all documents requiring execution or approval as herein provided, or as may be provided by the OWNER, and that he has fully performed his contractual obligations under the terms of this Contract. Neither the Certificate of Acceptance nor the final payment nor any provision in the contract documents shall relieve the CONTRACTOR of the obligation for fulfillment of any warranty which may be required by law or by the contract documents. 6.10 CORRECTION OF WORK BEFORE FINAL PAYMENT. The CONTRACTOR shall promptly remove from OWNER's premises all materials deemed unsuitable by the ENGINEER on account of failure to conform to the Contract,whether actually incorporated in the work or not, and CONTRACTOR shall, at his own expense,promptly replace such unsuitable materials with other materials conforming to the requirements of the Contract. The CONTRACTOR shall also bear the expense of restoring all work of other contractors damaged by any such removal or replacement. If CONTRACTOR does not remove and replace any such unsuitable work within a reasonable time after receipt of a written notice from the OWNER or the ENGINEER,the OWNER may remove, replace and remedy such work at CONTRACTOR's expense. \_ 4/00 00700-24 „may CITY OF PEARLAND GENERAL CONDITIONS 6.11 CORRECTION OF WORK AFTER FINAL PAYMENT. Neither the final payment nor certificate nor any provision in this Contract shall relieve the CONTRACTOR of responsibility for faulty materials or workmanship, and he shall remedy any defects due thereto and pay for any damage to other work resulting therefrom,which shall appear within a period of one (1) year from the date of substantial completion. The OWNER or the ENGINEER shall give notice of observed defects with reasonable promptness. 6.12 PAYMENTS WITHHELD. The OWNER may, on account of subsequently discovered evidence,withhold or nullify the whole or part of any certificate or withhold partial or full payment to such extent as may be necessary to protect himself from loss on account of: (1) Defective work not remedied; (2) Claims filed or reasonable evidence indicating probable filing of claims; (3) Failure of the CONTRACTOR to make payments properly to subcontractors or for material or labor; (4) Damage to another contractor; (1.16\, (5) Reasonable doubt that the work can be completed for the unpaid balance of the contract amount; (6) Reasonable indication that the work will not be completed within the contract time. (7) Failure on the part of the CONTRACTOR to execute any and all documents,releases or other documents presented to the CONTRACTOR for execution, as provided for herein or otherwise. (8) Liquidated damages due to late completion. When the above grounds are removed or the CONTRACTOR provides a Surety Bond satisfactory to the OWNER,which will protect the OWNER in the amount withheld,payment may be made for the amounts withheld because of them. However,the OWNER shall have the discretion of withholding or making payment in the event any of items (1)through(8) shall be applicable to the work or progress thereof. 6.13 DELAYED PAYMENTS. Should the OWNER fail to make payment to the CONTRACTOR of the sumInamed in any partial or final statement,when payment is due, after the same has been recommended for payment by both the ENGINEER and the CONTRACTOR, and the CONTRACTOR has met all]other conditions stipulated herein or in the contract documents entitling the CONTRACTOR to payment,then the OWNER shall pay to the CONTRACTOR, in addition to 4/00 00700-25 ("6\ CITY OF PEARLAND GENERAL CONDITIONS the sum shown as due bysuch statement, interest t thereon at the rate of six percent(6%)per annum from date due, as provided under"6.06 PARTIAL PAYMENTS"and"6.09 FINAL PAYMENT," until fully paid,which shall fully liquidate any injury to the CONTRACTOR growing out of such delay in payment; but the right is expressly reserved to the CONTRACTOR, in the event payments be not promptly made as provided under"6.06 PARTIAL PAYMENTS,"to at any time thereafter treat the Contract as abandoned by the OWNER and to recover compensation as provided under "8. ABANDONMENT OF CONTRACT,"unless such payments are withheld in accordance with the provisions of"6.12 PAYMENTS WITHHELD." 7. EXTRA WORK AND CLAIMS 7.01 CHANGE ORDERS. Without invalidating this Agreement,the OWNER may, at any time or from time to time, order additions, deletions or revisions to the work; such changes will be authorized by Change Order to be prepared by the ENGINEER for execution by the OWNER and the CONTRACTOR. The Change Order shall set forth the basis for any change in contract price, as hereinafter set forth for Extra Work, and any change in contract time which may result from the change. In the event the CONTRACTOR shall refuse to approve a Change Order which has been prepared by the ENGINEER,the ENGINEER may instruct the CONTRACTOR,in writing,to proceed with the work as set forth in the Change Order, and the CONTRACTOR may make a claim against the OWNER for Extra Work involved therein. However, the CONTRACTOR shall only be entitled to payment upon the execution of the final certification and release in a form as provided for herein, and CONTRACTOR shall approve such certification before the OWNER shall be obligated to make payment. 7.02 MINOR CHANGES. The ENGINEER may authorize minor changes in the work not inconsistent with the overall intent of the contract documents and not involving an increase in contract price. If the CONTRACTOR believes that any minor changes or alteration authorized by the ENGINEER involves Extra Work or entitles him to an increase in the contract price, the CONTRACTOR shall make written request to the ENGINEER for a written Field Order. In such case,the CONTRACTOR,by copy of his communication to the ENGINEER or otherwise in writing, shall advise the OWNER of his request to the ENGINEER for a written Field Order and that the work involved may result in an increase in the contract price. Any request by the CONTRACTOR for a change in contract price shall be made prior to beginning the work covered by the proposed change. 7.03 EXTRA WORK. It is agreed that the CONTRACTOR shall perform all Extra Work under the direction of the ENGINEER when presented with a written work order signed by the ENGINEER, subject,however,to the right of the CONTRACTOR to require written confirmation of such Extra Work order by the OWNER. It is agreed that the basis of compensation to the 4/00 00700-26 C.‘‘' CITY OF PEARLAND GENERAL CONDITIONS CONTRACTOR for work either added or deleted by a Change Order, or for which a claim for Extra Work is made, shall be determined by one or more of the following methods: Method(A) - By agreed unit prices; or Method(B) - By agreed lump sum; or Method(C) - If neither Method(A)nor Method(B)be agreed upon before the Extra Work is commenced,then the CONTRACTOR shall be paid the "actual field cost"of the work,plus fifteen percent(15%). In the event said Extra Work is performed and paid for under Method(C), then the provisions of this paragraph shall apply and the"actual field cost"is hereby defined to include the cost to the CONTRACTOR of all workers, such as foremen, timekeepers,mechanics and laborers, and materials, supplies,trucks, rentals of machinery, and equipment, for the time actually employed or used on such Extra Work,plus actual transportation charges necessarily incurred together with all power, fuel, lubricants,water and similar operating expenses,plus all necessary incidental expenses incurred directly on account of such Extra Work, including Social Security, Old Age Benefits and (123/4 other payroll taxes, and a rateable proportion of premiums on Performance and Payment Bonds and Maintenance Bonds, Public Liability and Property Damage and Workers' Compensation, and all other insurance as may be required by law or ordinance, or directed by the OWNER, or by them agreed to. The ENGINEER may direct the form in which accounts of the"actual field cost"shall be kept and the records of these accounts shall be made available to the ENGINEER. The ENGINEER or OWNER may also specify in writing,before the work commences, the method of doing the work and the type and kind of machinery and equipment to be used; otherwise these matters shall be determined by the CONTRACTOR. Unless otherwise agreed upon,the prices for the use of machinery and equipment shall be determined by using one hundred percent(100%),unless otherwise specified, of the latest schedule of Equipment Ownership Expense adopted by the Associated General Contractors of America where practicable, and the terms and prices for the use of machinery and equipment shall be incorporated in the written Extra Work Order. The fifteen percent(15%)of the"actual field cost"to be paid to the CONTRACTOR, shall cover and compensate him for his profit, overhead, general superintendence and field office expense, and all other elements of cost and expense not embraced within the"actual field cost" as herein defined, save that where the CONTRACTOR's camp or field office must be maintained primarily on account of such Extra Work,then the cost to maintain and operate the same shall be included in the"actual field cost." No claim for Extra Work of any kind will be allowed unless ordered in writing by the ENGINEER. 4/00 00700-27 CITY OF PEARLAND GENERAL CONDITIONS In case any orders or instructions, either oral or written, appear to the CONTRACTOR to involve Extra Work for which he should receive compensation or an adjustment in the construction time,he shall make written request to the ENGINEER for written order authorizing such Extra Work. Should a difference of opinion arise as to what does or does not constitute Extra Work, or as to the payment therefor, and the ENGINEER insists upon its performance, the CONTRACTOR shall proceed with the work after making written request for written order and shall keep an accurate account of the "actual field cost"thereof, as provided under Method(C). The CONTRACTOR shall then have the right to submit his claim directly to the OWNER by proper certification and attestation, on forms provided by the OWNER. If the OWNER shall fail to pay or guarantee to pay said amount claimed within thirty(30) days of the date of submission, the CONTRACTOR shall have the right to file suit in the applicable District Court, for declaratory judgment or other relief,to determine his rights to such claim, and if he shall fail to file suit within sixty(60)days after the date of presentment to the OWNER, the CONTRACTOR shall lose and forfeit his right to make such claim for Extra Work at any later date, and all claims held by the CONTRACTOR shall be deemed forfeited and forever barred if the CONTRACTOR shall accept final payment without having first filed suit in the District Court. 7.04 . TIME OF FILING CLAIMS. It is further agreed by both parties hereto that all questions of dispute or adjustment presented by the CONTRACTOR shall be in writing and filed with the ENGINEER within thirty(30) days after the ENGINEER has given any directions, order or C'`` instruction to which the CONTRACTOR desires to take exception. The ENGINEER shall reply within thirty(30) days to such written exceptions by the CONTRACTOR and render his final decision in writing. In case the CONTRACTOR should desire to appeal from the ENGINEER's decision,the CONTRACTOR may request a meeting between representatives of the OWNER and the CONTRACTOR for the purposes of appealing the ENGINEER's decision directly to the OWNER, such meeting to occur within ten(10)days after the date of the delivery to the CONTRACTOR of the ENGINEER's final decision. If the CONTRACTOR shall still be aggrieved after a meeting with the OWNER and/or his representative,the CONTRACTOR shall have sixty(60) days after the date of the delivery to the CONTRACTOR of the ENGINEER's final decision,to appeal the same to the applicable District Court,by filing suit for declaratory judgment or other appropriate relief. In the event the CONTRACTOR shall fail, for any reason,to file suit, and shall accept final payment for all work completed,the OWNER shall be released of any and all liability, and the action by the CONTRACTOR in accepting final payment shall constitute a final bar and satisfaction of all claims held by the CONTRACTOR against the OWNER. 8. ABANDONMENT OF CONTRACT 8.01 ABANDONMENT BY CONTRACTOR. In case the CONTRACTOR should abandon and fail or refuse to resume work within ten(10) days after written notification from the OWNER or the ENGINEER, or if the CONTRACTOR fails to comply with the orders of the ENGINEER when such orders are consistent with the contract documents, then and in that case, where Performance and Payment Bonds exist, the sureties on these bonds shall be notified in writing 4/00 00700-28 CITY OF PEARLAND GENERAL CONDITIONS and directed to complete the work, and a copy of said notice shall be delivered to the CONTRACTOR. After receiving said notice of abandonment, the CONTRACTOR shall not remove from the work any machinery, equipment, tools, or supplies then on the job,but the same,together with any materials and equipment under contract for the work,may be held for use on the work by the OWNER or the surety on the Performance Bond, or another contractor in completion of the work; and the CONTRACTOR shall not receive any rental or credit therefor, it being understood that the use of such equipment and materials will ultimately reduce the cost to complete the work and be reflected in the final settlement. Where there is no Performance Bond or in case the surety should fail to commence compliance with the notice for completion hereinabove provided for within ten(10) days after the service of such notice, then the OWNER may provide for completion of the work in either of the following elective manners: (a) The OWNER may thereupon employ such force of workers and use such machinery, equipment, tools,materials and supplies as the OWNER may deem necessary to complete the work and charge the expense of such labor,machinery, equipment, tools, materials and supplies to said CONTRACTOR, and expense so charged shall be deducted and paid by the OWNER out of such monies as may be due or that may thereafter at any time become due to the CONTRACTOR under and by virtue of this Agreement. In case such expense is less than the sum which would have been payable under this Contract if the same had been completed by the CONTRACTOR,then said CONTRACTOR shall receive the difference. In case such expense is greater than the sum which would have been payable under this Contract if the same had been completed by such CONTRACTOR,then the CONTRACTOR and/or his surety shall pay the amount of such excess to the OWNER; or (b) The OWNER,under sealed bids,under the times and procedures provided for by law, may let the contract for completion of the work under substantially the same terms and conditions which are provided in this Contract. In case of any increase in cost to the OWNER under the new contract, as compared to what would have been the cost under this Contract, such increase shall be charged to the CONTRACTOR, and the surety shall be and remain bound therefor. However, should the cost to complete any such new contract prove to be less than what would have been the cost to complete under this Contract, the CONTRACTOR and/or his surety shall be credited therewith. When the work shall have been substantially completed, the CONTRACTOR and his surety shall be so notified and Certificates of Completion and Acceptance, as hereinabove provided, shall be issued. A complete itemized statement of the contract accounts, certified by the ENGINEER as being correct, shall then be prepared and delivered to the CONTRACTOR and his surety,whereupon the Cl"\ 4/00 00700-29 CITY OF PEARLAND GENERAL CONDITIONS CONTRACTOR and/or his suretyshall paythe balance due as reflected bysaid statement,within fifteen(15)days after the date of such Certificate of Completion. The OWNER,prior to incurring an obligation to make payment hereunder, shall have such statement of completion attested to by the CONTRACTOR as accurate, and upon payment of the sum stated therein,the OWNER shall be entitled to full and final release of any claims or demands by the CONTRACTOR. In the event the statement of accounts shows that the cost to complete the work is less than that which would have been the cost to the OWNER had the work been completed by the CONTRACTOR under the terms of this Contract, or when the CONTRACTOR and/or his surety shall pay the balance shown to be due by them to the OWNER,then all machinery, equipment,tools or supplies left on the site of the work shall be turned over to the CONTRACTOR and/or his surety. Should the cost to complete the work exceed the contract price, and the CONTRACTOR and/or his surety fail to pay the amount due the OWNER within the time designated above, and there remains any machinery, equipment,tools,materials or supplies on the site of the work,notice thereof, together with an itemized list of such equipment and materials, shall be mailed to the CONTRACTOR and his surety at the respective addresses designated in the Contract,provided, however,that actual written notice given in any manner will satisfy this condition. After mailing or other giving of such notice, such property shall be held at the risk of the CONTRACTOR and his surety, subject only to the duty of the OWNER to exercise ordinary care to protect such property. After fifteen(15) days from the date of such notice, the OWNER may sell such property, equipment, tools,materials or supplies, and apply the net sum derived from such sale to the credit of the CONTRACTOR and his surety. Such sale may be made at either public or private sale,with or without notice, as the OWNER may elect. The OWNER shall release any machinery, equipment, tools,materials or supplies,which remain on the work, and belong to persons other than the CONTRACTOR or his surety,to their proper owners. The books on all operations provided herein shall be open to the CONTRACTOR and his surety. 8.02 ABANDONMENT BY OWNER. In case the OWNER shall fail to comply with the terms of this Contract(a disputed or unilateral claim by the Contractor cannot by itself constitute "abandonment") and should fail or refuse to comply with said terms within ten(10)days after written notification by the CONTRACTOR,then the CONTRACTOR may suspend or wholly abandon the work, and may remove therefrom all machinery,tools and equipment, and all materials on the site of the work that have not been included in payments to the CONTRACTOR and have not been wrought into the work. And thereupon,the ENGINEER shall make an estimate of the total amount earned by the CONTRACTOR,which estimate shall include the value of all work actually completed by said CONTRACTOR(at the prices stated in the attached Proposal where unit prices are used), the value of all partially completed work at a fair and equitable price, and the amount of all Extra Work performed at the prices agreed upon, or provided for by the terms of this Contract, and a reasonable sum to cover the cost of any provisions made by the CONTRACTOR to carry the whole work to completion and which cannot be utilized. The ENGINEER shall then make a final statement of the balance due the CONTRACTOR by deducting from the above estimate all previous payments by the OWNER and all other sums that may be retained by the OWNER under the terms of this Cab.\' 4/00 00700-30 CITY OF PEARLAND GENERAL CONDITIONS Agreement, and shall present the same to the CONTRACTOR for the CONTRACTOR's approval; and upon the CONTRACTOR's approving the same as being true, correct and accurate, and upon payment of said sum, the CONTRACTOR shall release the OWNER of any and all liability growing out of or by reason of said Contract, and then the same shall be presented to the OWNER,who shall pay to the CONTRACTOR, on or before thirty(30)days after the date of notification by the CONTRACTOR of the balance shown by said final statement as due the CONTRACTOR under the terms of this Agreement. 9. ARBITRATION 9.01 Any party to this Contract,upon the written agreement and acquiescence of all other parties,may submit any question or dispute under the terms and provisions of the contract documents,to arbitration under such procedure and agreements as the parties shall make in writing prior to arbitration. The results of arbitration shall be binding and shall constitute an amendment to the contract documents when accepted in writing by the parties to the Contract. (lb\ 4/00 00700-31 CITY OF PEARLAND GENERAL CONDITIONS ATTACHMENT NO. 1 TO GENE RAL CONDITIONS WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE COVERAGE A. DEFINITIONS: Certificate of coverage ("certificate") -A copy of a certificate of insurance, a certificate of authority to self-insure issued by the commission, or a coverage agreement(TWCC-81, TWCC-82,TWCC-83, or TWCC-84), showing statutory workers' compensation insurance coverage for the person's or entity's employees providing services on a project for the duration of the project. Duration of the project-includes the time from the beginning of the work on the project until the contractor's/person's work on the project has been completed and accepted by the governmental entity. Persons providing services on the project("subcontractor"in 406.096) -includes persons or entities performing or part of the services the contractor has undertaken to perform on the project,regardless of whether that person contracted directly with the contractor and regardless of whether that person has employees. This includes,without limitation, independent contractors, subcontractors, leasing companies,motor carriers, owner-operators, employees of any such entity, or employees of any entity which furnishes persons to provide services on the project. "Services"include,without limitation,providing, hauling, or delivering equipment or materials, or providing labor, transportation, or other service related to a project. "Services" does not include activities unrelated to the project, such as food/beverage vendors, office supply deliveries, and delivery of portable toilets. B. The contractor shall provide coverage,based on proper reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts and filing of any coverage agreements,which meets the statutory requirements of Texas Labor Code, Section 401.011 (44)for employees of the contractor providing services on the project, for the duration of the project. C. The Contractor must provide a certificate of coverage to the Owner prior to being awarded the contract. D. If the coverage period shown on the contractor's current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project, the contractor must,prior to the end of the coverage period, file a new certificate of coverage with the governmental entity showing that coverage has been extended. 4/00 00700-Al CITY OF PEARLAND GENERAL CONDITIONS E. The contractor shall obtain from each person providing services on a project, and provide to the governmental entity: (1) a certificate of coverage,prior to that person beginning work on the project, so the governmental entity will have on file certificates of coverage showing coverage for all persons providing services on the project; and (2) no later than seven(7) days after receipt by the contractor, a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage,if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project. F. The contractor shall retain all required certificates of coverage for the duration of the project and for one year thereafter. G. The contractor shall notify the governmental entity in writing by certified mail or personal delivery,within ten(10) days after the contractor knew or should have known, of any changes that materially affects the provision of coverage of any person providing services on the project. H. The contractor shall post on each project site a notice, in the text, form and manner prescribed by the Texas Workers' Compensation Commission, informing all persons providing services on rabs the project that they are required to be covered, and stating how a person may verify coverage and report lack of coverage. NOTICE REQUIRED WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE "The law requires that each person working on this site or providing services related to this construction project must be covered by Workers' Compensation Insurance. This includes persons providing, hauling, or delivering equipment or materials, or providing labor or transportation or other service related to the project,regardless of the identify of their employer or status as an employee." "Call the Texas Workers' Compensation Commission at(512)440-3789 to receive information on the legal requirements for coverage, to verify whether your employer has provided the required coverage, or to report an employer's failure to provide coverage." 4/00 00700-A2 CITY OF PEARLAND GENERAL CONDITIONS I. The contractor shall contractually require each person with whom it contracts to provide services on a project, to: 1. provide coverage, based on proper reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts and filing of any coverage agreements,which meets the statutory requirements of Texas Labor Code, Section 401.011 (44) for all of its employees providing services on the project, for the duration of the project; 2. provide to the contractor,prior to that person beginning work on the project, a certificate of coverage showing that coverage is being provided for all employees of the person providing services on the project, for the duration of the project; 3. provide the contractor,prior to the end of the coverage period, a new certificate of coverage, showing extension of coverage, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project; 4. obtain from each other person with whom it contracts, and provide to the contractor: a. a certificate of coverage,prior to the other person beginning work on the project; and ``' b. a new certificate of coverage shown extension of coverage,prior to the end of the coverage period, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project; 5. retain all required certificates of coverage on file for the duration of the project and for one(1)year thereafter; 6. notify the governmental entity in writing by certified mail or personal delivery,within ten(10)days after the person knew or should have known, of any change that materially affects the provision of coverage of any person providing services on the project; and 7. contractually require each person with whom it contracts, to perform as required by paragraphs (1)through(7),with the certificates of coverage to be provided to the person for whom they are providing services. J. By signing this Contract or providing or causing to be provided a certificate of coverage, the CONTRACTOR is representing to the governmental entity that all employees of the CONTRACTOR who will provide services on the project will be covered by Workers' Compensation coverage for the duration of the project,that the coverage agreements will be based on proper reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts, and that all coverage agreements will be filed with the appropriate insurance carrier or, in the case of a self-insured, rib\ with the Commission's Division of Self-Insurance Regulation. Providing false or misleading 4/00 00700-A3 Cab''' CITY OF PEARLAND GENERAL CONDITIONS information may subject the CONTRACTOR to administrative penalties, criminal penalties, civil penalties, or other civil actions. K. The CONTRACTOR's failure to comply with any of these provisions is a breach of contract by the CONTRACTOR which entitles the governmental entity to declare the contractor void if the contractor does not remedy the breach within ten(10) days after receipt of notice of breach from the governmental entity. Call 4/00 00700-A4 (16N1 CITY OF PEARLAND GENERAL CONDITIONS ATTACHMENT NO. 2 TO GENERAL CONDITIONS AGREEMENT FOR FINAL PAYMENT AND CONTRACTOR'S SWORN RELEASE In order to insure that the rights, obligations, and responsibilities of all parties to the original contract document are fully protected,which contract document was signed and executed on the day of , 20 by referred to therein as CONTRACTOR and hereinafter referred to as CONTRACTOR, and ,hereinafter referred to as OWNER, on the_day of , 20_, and further in consideration for the final payment of all sums due and claimed by the CONTRACTOR against OWNER, the CONTRACTOR makes the following representations to OWNER, either individually if a proprietorship,jointly by all partners if a partnership, or if a C.1*\' corporation,by action of the president and secretary of said corporation, as duly authorized by appropriate action of the stockholders and/or board of directors of said corporation, their signatures hereon constituting a representation under oath by said individuals that they have the power and authority to execute this Agreement for and on behalf of the said corporation: I. The Contractor has received (number)payments pursuant to (number) of Contractor Payment Estimates, copies of which are attached hereto and marked Exhibit"A," presented to OWNER and paid during the progress of the job referred to in the Contract between the parties; and in this regard,the undersigned CONTRACTOR represents to OWNER that it does not claim nor intend to claim at any future date, any additional sums of money of any nature whatsoever under and by virtue of the payment estimates previously submitted to the ENGINEER for approval, ("I\ 4/00 00700-B 1 CITY OF PEARLAND GENERAL CONDITIONS or any other sums of money of any nature whatsoever for materials furnished and used in the job or for work done, and hereby releases and discharges OWNER from any liabilities of any nature whatsoever, for any claims of any nature made by the CONTRACTOR at some future date, or by its successors or assigns. II. The undersigned CONTRACTOR further represents to OWNER that the Final Payment Estimate and Change Order, if any, submitted by the CONTRACTOR to OWNER,whether or not modified, corrected, or changed in some way by deletions or other modifications by the ENGINEER, the CONTRACTOR or the OWNER, a copy of which is attached hereto and marked Exhibit"B,"is true, correct and accurate; and it is further agreed and stipulated by the undersigned CONTRACTOR ('`\ that upon the receipt of final payment in the amount as set out on the Final Payment Estimate and Change Order,the CONTRACTOR,by execution of this instrument of release, does,therefore, release and forever discharge OWNER of and from all manner of debts, demands, obligations, suits, liabilities and causes of action of any nature whatsoever under and by virtue of the terms and provisions of the Contract hereinbefore referred to, and any change or modification thereof, or in any manner growing out of or arising from or by virtue of the work, labor and services performed by the CONTRACTOR. III. CONTRACTOR, in addition to the provisions set out in the contract document, agrees to indemnify and hold OWNER harmless from any and all causes of action, claims, demands or suits made by any person or other entity against OWNER,by reason of the work performed by such CONTRACTOR, and agrees to defend or to cause the same to be defended at the CONTRACTOR's 4/00 00700-B2 Cism CITY OF PEARLAND GENERAL CONDITIONS sole expense and obligation,whenever such actions may be brought, and further to pay all costs incurred by OWNER in the defense thereof, including administrative costs and attorney's fees, and further to pay any judgments or settlements which may be entered into or agreed to against or for the benefit of OWNER. It is,however, specifically agreed that OWNER shall not enter into any settlement agreements without the acquiescence and agreement of the CONTRACTOR. IV. The CONTRACTOR, acting by and through the person or persons whose names are subscribed hereto, does solemnly swear and affirm that all bills and claims have been paid to all materialmen, suppliers, laborers, subcontractors, or other entities performing services or supplying materials, and that OWNER shall not be subject to any bills, claims, demands, litigation or suits in connection therewith. V. It is further specifically understood and agreed that this Agreement for Final Payment and CONTRACTOR's Sworn Release shall constitute a part of the original Contract of the parties heretofore previously referred to, and it is also specifically understood and agreed that this Agreement shall not act as a modification,waiver or renunciation by OWNER of any of its rights or remedies as set out in the contract itself,but this Agreement for Final Payment and CONTRACTOR's Sworn Release shall constitute a supplement thereto for the additional protection of OWNER. VI. This Agreement for Final Payment and CONTRACTOR's Sworn Release shall be considered (1.6 to be continuing and binding upon the parties hereto and shall not terminate upon receipt and 4/00 00700-B3 CITY OF PEARLAND GENERAL CONDITIONS acceptance by the CONTRACTOR of final payment,but shall be deemed continuing so long as any actions, claims or other demands contemplated herein against OWNER,may lawfully be brought under applicable statutes of limitations, and shall in addition be deemed to be continuing for such additional period of time as shall be necessary to compensate and repay to OWNER, all costs or damages incurred by it by reason of such claims. C 4/00 00700-B4 (01"-,, CITY OF PEARLAND GENERAL CONDITIONS SIGNED and EXECUTED this,the day of 20 . CONTRACTOR Signature Print Name: [If CONTRACTOR is a proprietorship, owner must sign; if a partnership, each partner must sign; if a corporation,the following language should be used.] SIGNED and EXECUTED this, the day of , 20 ,by , a Texas corporation,under authority (all\ granted to the undersigned by said corporation as contained in the Charter, By-Laws or Minutes of a meeting of said corporation regularly called and held. CONTRACTOR By: President ATTEST: Corporate Secretary (Corporate Seal) 4/00 00700-B5 1 CITY OF PEARLAND GENERAL CONDITIONS [This form is for use by either a proprietorship or a partnership. In the event CONTRACTOR is a partnership or a joint proprietorship, additional signature lines should be added for each individual.] AFFIDAVIT STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared the person or persons whose name(s) are subscribed to the above and foregoing Agreement for Final Payment and CONTRACTOR's Sworn Release,who each, after being by me duly sworn, on their oaths deposed and said: I(We) am(are) the person(s)who signed and executed the above and foregoing Agreement for �"`� Final Payment and CONTRACTOR's Sworn Release, and I(we)have read the facts and ` statements as therein set out and the representations as made therein, and I(we) state that the above and foregoing are true and correct. CONTRACTOR-Affiant SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED TO before me this,the day of , 20_. Notary Public, State of Texas My Commission Expires: t 4/00 00700-B6 `-- , CITY OF PEARLAND GENERAL CONDITIONS [This form is for use in the event CONTRACTOR is a corporation.] AFFIDAVIT STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF • BEFORE ME,the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared the persons who signed and executed the above and foregoing Agreement for Final Payment and Contractor's Sworn Release,whose names are set out above,who each, after being by me duly sworn, on their oaths deposed and said: We each are the persons whose names are subscribed above, and hold respectively the offices in the corporation as set out above, and each state under oath that we have the authority to execute this Agreement for Final Payment and Contractor's Sworn Release for and on behalf of said corporation,pursuant to authority granted to us in the Charter of said corporation,the By-Laws of said corporation and/or the Minutes of said corporation; and the facts, statements and representations as set out in the instrument to which this Affidavit is attached, are true and correct. SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED TO before me this,the day of 20 Notary Public, State of Texas My Commission Expires: 4/00 00700-B7 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard SECTION 00800 KSUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS PART I-AMENDMENTS TO GENERAL CONDITIONS Article Title Page No. 1 Definitions and Interpretations 1 1.13 Contract Times 1 2 Rights and Responsibilities of the Owner 1 2.06 Subsurface and Physical Conditions 1 2.07 Physical Conditions—Underground Facilities 3 2.08 Reference Point 4 2.09 Asbestos,PCBs,Petroleum, Hazardous Waste, or Radioactive Material 4 2.10 Related Work at Site 5 2.11 Coordination 6 2.12 Owner May Correct Defective Work 6 3 Rights and Responsibilities of the Engineer 7 3.08 Determination for Unit Prices 7 3.09 Authorized Variations in Work 7 3.10 Clarifications and Interpretations 8 4 Rights and Responsibilities of the Contractor 8 4.05.1 Performance,Payment, and Other Bonds 8 4.05.2 Licensed Sureties and Insurers; Certificates of Insurance 8 4.06.1 Contractor's Liability Insurance 9 4.06.2 Owner's Liability Insurance 10 4.06.3 Property Insurance 10 4.06.4 Waiver of Rights 11 4.06.5 Receipt and Application of Insurance Proceeds 12 4.06.6 Acceptance of Bonds and Insurance; Option to Replace 12 4.06.7 Partial Utilization—Property Insurance 13 4.30 Substitutes and"Or-Equal"Items 13 4.31 Emergencies 14 4.32 Before Starting Construction 15 4.33 Initially Acceptable Schedule 15 4.34 Safety and Protection 16 5 Prosecution and Progress 16 5.05 Commencement of Contract Times,Notice to Proceed 16 5.06 Change of Contract Times 17 5.06.1 Claim for Adjustment 17 5.06.2 Time of Essence 17 Project No.052511256.0010 00800—Page i of ii SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard ,rr�� 5.06.3 Delays Beyond Contractor's Control 17 f 5.06.4 Delays Beyond Owner's and Contractor's Control 18 5.06.5 Rain Days 18 6 Measurement and Payment 18 6.14 Contractor's Warranty of Title 18 6.15 Review of Applications for Progress Payment 18 6.16 Substantial Completion 20 7 Extra Work and Claims 21 7.05 Amending and Supplementing Contract Documents 21 7.06 Unit Price Work 21 8 Abandonment of Contract 22 8.04 Owner May Suspend Work 22 8.05 Owner May Terminate 22 (siiik:' Project No.052511256.0010 00800—Page ii of ii SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard SECTION 00800 Clik\ SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS PART I-AMENDMENTS TO GENERAL CONDITIONS These Supplemental Conditions amend or supplement the General Conditions of the Construction Contract and other provisions of the Contract Documents as indicated below. All provisions that are not so amended or supplemented remain in full force and effect. ARTICLE 1 DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS SC-1 Add the following 1.13. Contract Times. The numbers of days or the dates stated in the Agreement: (i)to achieve Substantial Completion, and (ii)to complete the Work so that it is ready for final payment as evidenced by ENGINEER's written recommendation of final payment in accordance with Paragraph 6.09. ARTICLE 2 RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE OWNER SC-2 Add the following paragraphs: 2.06. Subsurface and Physical Conditions 2.06.1. Reports and Drawings: Reference is made to the Supplementary Conditions for identification of: Subsurface Conditions: Those reports of explorations and tests of subsurface conditions at or contiguous to the site that have been utilized by ENGINEER in preparing the Contract Documents; and Physical Conditions: Those drawings of physical conditions in or relating to existing surface or subsurface structures at or contiguous to the site(except Underground Facilities)that have been utilized by ENGINEER in preparing the Contract Documents. 2.06.2. Limited Reliance by CONTRACTOR Authorized; Technical Data: CONTRACTOR may rely upon the general accuracy of the"technical data"contained in such reports and drawings,but such reports and drawings are not Contract Documents. Such"technical data" is identified in the Supplementary Conditions. CONTRACTOR may not rely upon or make any claim against OWNER, ENGINEER, or any of ENGINEER's Subconsultants with respect to: the completeness of such reports and drawings for CONTRACTOR's purposes, including,but not limited to, any aspects of the means,methods,techniques, sequences, and procedures of construction to be employed by CONTRACTOR and safety precautions and programs incident thereto,or other data,interpretations, opinions,and information contained in such reports or shown or indicated in such drawings, or any CONTRACTOR interpretation of or conclusion drawn from any"technical data" or any such data, interpretations, opinions, or information. Project No.052511256.0010 00800—Page 1 of 23 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard 2.06.3. Notice of Differing Subsurface or Physical Conditions: If CONTRACTOR believes that any subsurface or physical condition at or contiguous to the site that is uncovered or revealed either: is of such a nature as to establish that any"technical data"on which CONTRACTOR is entitled to rely as provided in Paragraphs 2.06.1 and 2.06.2 is materially inaccurate, or is of such a nature as to require a change in the Contract Documents, or differs materially from that shown or indicated in the Contract Documents, or is of an unusual nature and differs materially from conditions ordinarily encountered and generally recognized as inherent in work of the character provided for in the Contract Documents;then CONTRACTOR shall,promptly after becoming aware(within twenty-four[24]hours)thereof and before further disturbing conditions affected thereby or performing any Work in connection therewith (except in an emergency as permitted by Paragraph 6.15),notify OWNER and ENGINEER in writing about such condition. CONTRACTOR shall not further disturb such conditions or perform any Work in connection therewith(except as aforesaid)until receipt of written order to do so. 2.06.4. ENGINEER's Review: ENGINEER will promptly review the pertinent conditions, determine the necessity of OWNER's obtaining additional exploration or tests with respect thereto, and advise OWNER in writing(with a copy to CONTRACTOR)of ENGINEER's finding and conclusions. Cow, 2.06.5. Possible Contract Documents Change: If ENGINEER concludes that a change in the Contract Documents is required as a result of a condition that meets one or more of the categories in Paragraph 2.06.3, a Work Change Directive or a Change Order will be issued as provided in Article 7 to reflect and document the consequences of such change. 2.06.6. Possible Price and Times Adjustments: An adjustment in the Contract Price or in the Contract Times, or both,will be allowed to the extent that the existence of such uncovered or revealed condition directly causes a material increase or decrease in CONTRACTOR's cost of, or time required for performance of,the Work; subject,however,to the following: such condition must meet any one or more of the categories described in Paragraphs through,inclusive; a change in the Contract Documents pursuant to Paragraph 4.2.5 will not be an automatic authorization of,nor a condition precedent to entitlement to any such adjustment; with respect to Work that is paid for on a Unit Price Basis, any adjustment in Contract Price will be subject to the provisions of Paragraphs 3.05 and 7.06; and CONTRACTOR shall not be entitled to any adjustment in the Contract Price or Times, and neither OWNER nor ENGINEER's Subconsultants shall be liable to CONTRACTOR for any costs,losses, expenses, or damages if: CONTRACTOR knew or should have known of the existence of such conditions at the time CONTRACTOR submitted a bid or became bound under a contract to OWNER; or Project No.052511256.0010 00800—Page 2 of 23 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard the existence of such condition could reasonably have been discovered or (1.14 revealed as a result of any examination, investigation, exploration, test,or study of the site and contiguous areas required by the Bidding Requirements or Contract Documents to be conducted by or for CONTRACTOR prior to CONTRACTOR's making such bid or entering into such contract; CONTRACTOR failed to give the written notice within the time and as required by Paragraph 2.1.3. EVEN IF SUCH COSTS,EXPENSES, OR DAMAGES ARE DUE TO THE NEGLIGENCE, OTHER FAULT, STRICT LIABILITY WITHOUT REGARD TO FAULT OR BREACH OF CONTRACT OF OWNER,ENGINEER OR ENGINEER'S SUBCONSULTANTS. If OWNER and CONTRACTOR are unable to agree on entitlement to, or as to the amount or length of,any such adjustment in the Contract Price or Contract Times, a claim may be made therefor as provided in Articles 7 and 6.06. HOWEVER,OWNER,ENGINEER,AND ENGINEER's SUBCONSULTANTS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE TO CONTRACTOR FOR ANY CLAIMS, COSTS,LOSSES, OR DAMAGES SUSTAINED BY CONTRACTOR ON OR IN CONNECTION WITH ANY OTHER PROJECT OR ANTICIPATED PROJECT,EVEN IF SUCH CLAIMS,COSTS,LOSSES, OR DAMAGES ARE DUE TO THE NEGLIGENCE, OTHER FAULT, STRICT LIABILITY WITHOUT REGARD TO FAULT,OR BREACH OF CONTRACT OF OWNER,ENGINEER,OR ENGINEER's SUBCONSULTANTS. 2.07. Physical Conditions—Underground Facilities 2.07.1. Shown or Indicated: The information and data shown or indicated in the Contract Documents with respect to existing Underground Facilities at or contiguous to the site is based on information and data furnished to OWNER or ENGINEER by the owners of such Underground Facilities or by others. Unless it is otherwise expressly provided in the Supplementary Conditions: 2.07.11. OWNER and ENGINEER shall not be responsible for the accuracy or completeness of any such information or data; and 2.07.12. The cost of all of the following will be included in the Contract Price,and CONTRACTOR shall have full responsibility for: (i)reviewing and checking all such information and data,(ii)locating all Underground Facilities shown or indicated in the Contract Documents, (iii)coordination of the Work with the owners of such Underground Facilities during construction,and(iv)the safety and protection of all such Underground Facilities as provided in Paragraph 4.34 and repairing any damage thereto resulting from the Work. OWNER and ENGINEER expressly disclaim any and all warranties that the information, data, interpretations, and opinions shown, indicated,or contained in the Contract Documents with respect to existing Underground Facilities at or contiguous to the site is accurate, correct,complete, or fit for its intended purpose. 2.07.2. Not Shown or Indicated: If an Underground Facility is uncovered or revealed at or contiguous to the site which was not shown or indicated in the Contract Documents or is in a location materially different from that shown or indicated in the Contract Documents, CONTRACTOR shall, promptly after becoming aware thereof and before further disturbing conditions affected thereby or performing any Work in connection therewith(except in an emergency as required by Paragraph 4.34),identify the owner of such Underground Facility and give written notice to that Project No.052511256.0010 00800—Page 3 of 23 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard owner and to OWNER and ENGINEER. ENGINEER will promptly review the Underground Facility and determine the extent, if any, to which a change is required in the Contract Documents to reflect and document the consequences of the existence or different location of the Underground Facility. If ENGINEER concludes that a change in the Contract Documents is required, a Work Change Directive or a Change Order will be issued as provided in Article 7 to reflect and document such consequences. During such time, CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the safety and protection of such Underground Facility as provided in Paragraph 4.34. CONTRACTOR shall be allowed an increase in the Contract Price or an extension of the Contract Times, or both,to the extent that the Contract Price or Contract Times are directly and materially affected by the existence or different location of any Underground Facility that was not shown or indicated,or was inaccurately shown or indicated in the Contract Documents, and that CONTRACTOR did not know of, and could not reasonably have been expected to be aware of, or to have anticipated. If OWNER and CONTRACTOR are unable to agree on entitlement to or the amount or length of any such adjustment in Contract Price or Contract Times, CONTRACTOR may make a claim therefor as provided in Article 7. HOWEVER, OWNER,ENGINEER,AND ENGINEER's CONSULTANTS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE TO CONTRACTOR, OR CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT BE ENTITLED TO AN INCREASE IN THE CONTRACT PRICE OF THE CONTRACT TIMES FOR ANY COSTS,EXPENSES,DAMAGES,OR DELAYS ASSOCIATED WITH ANY SUCH UNDERGROUND FACILITY WHICH CONTRACTOR KNEW OR SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THEREOF,NOR SHALL OWNER,ENGINEER OR ENGINEER's CONSULTANTS BE LIABLE TO CONTRACTOR FOR ANY CLAIMS, COSTS,LOSSES,OR DAMAGES SUSTAINED BY CONTRACTOR ON OR IN CONNECTION WITH ANY OTHER PROJECT OR ANTICIPATED PROJECT,EVEN IF SUCH EXPENSES, COSTS, CLAIMS,LOSSES,DAMAGES,OR DELAYS ARE DUE TO THE NEGLIGENCE, OTHER FAULT,STRICT LIABILITY WITHOUT REGARD TO FAULT,OR BREACH OF CONTRACT OF OWNER,ENGINEER, OR ENGINEER's SUBCONSULTANTS. 2.08. Reference Points OWNER shall provide engineering surveys to establish reference points for construction which in ENGINEER's judgment are necessary to enable CONTRACTOR to proceed with the Work. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for laying out the Work, shall protect and preserve the established reference points and shall make no changes or relocations without the prior written approval of OWNER. CONTRACTOR shall report to ENGINEER whenever any reference point is lost or destroyed or requires relocation because of necessary changes in grades or locations,and shall be responsible for and pay costs associated with the accurate replacement or relocation of such reference points by professionally qualified personnel. 2.09. Asbestos,PCBs,Petroleum,Hazardous Waste,or Radioactive Material 2.09.1. OWNER shall be responsible for any Hazardous Waste uncovered or revealed at the site which was not shown or indicated within the PLANS or Specifications or identified in the Contract Documents to be within the scope of the Work and which may present a substantial danger to persons or property exposed thereto in connection with the Work at the site. OWNER shall not be responsible for any such materials brought to the site by CONTRACTOR, Subcontractor, Suppliers, or anyone else for whom CONTRACTOR is responsible. (1.16N' 2.09.2. CONTRACTOR shall immediately: (i)stop all Work in connection with such Hazardous Waste and in any area affected thereby(except in an emergency as required by Paragraph 4.31),and (ii)notify OWNER(and thereafter confirm such notice in writing). CONTRACTOR shall not be Project No.052511256.0010 00800—Page 4 of 23 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard Cow, required to resume Work in connection with such Hazardous Waste or in any such affected area until after OWNER has obtained any required permits related thereto and delivered to CONTRACTOR special written notice: (i)specifying that such condition and any affected area is or has been rendered safe for the resumption of Work, or(ii) specifying any special conditions under which such Work may be resumed safely. If OWNER and CONTRACTOR cannot agree as to entitlement to or the amount or extent of an adjustment, if any, in Contract Price or Contract Times as a result of such Work stoppage or such special conditions under which Work is agreed by CONTRACTOR to be resumed, either party may make a claim therefor as provided in Article 7. 2.09.3. If after receipt of such special written notice CONTRACTOR does not agree to resume such Work based on a reasonable belief it is unsafe,or does not agree to resume such Work under such special conditions, then OWNER may order such portion of the Work that is in connection with such Hazardous Waste or in such affected area to be deleted from the Work. If OWNER and CONTRACTOR cannot agree as to entitlement to or the amount or extent of an adjustment, if any,in Contract Price or Contract Times as a result of deleting such portion of the Work,then either party may make a claim therefor as provided in Articles 6 and 7. OWNER may have such deleted portion of the Work performed by OWNER's own forces or others in accordance with Special Conditions Paragraphs 2.10 and 2.11. 2.09.4. To the fullest extent permitted by Laws and Regulations, OWNER shall indemnify and hold harmless CONTRACTOR, Subcontractors,ENGINEER,ENGINEER's Consultants, and the officers, directors, employees, agents,other consultants, and subcontractors of each and any of them from and against all claims, costs,losses, and damages arising out of, or resulting from, such Hazardous Waste,provided that: (i)any such claim, cost, loss, or damage is attributable to bodily (' injury, sickness, disease,or death, or to injury to,or destruction of,tangible property(other than the Work itself), including the loss of use resulting therefrom, and(ii)nothing in this subparagraph 2.4.4 shall obligate OWNER to indemnify or hold harmless any person or entity from and against the consequences of that person's or entity's own negligence, fault, strict liability without regard to fault or breach of contract or warranty. 2.09.5. The provisions of Paragraphs 2.1 and 2.2 are not intended to apply to Asbestos,PCBs, Petroleum,Hazardous Waste, or Radioactive Materials uncovered or revealed at the site. 2.10. Related Work at Site 2.10.1. OWNER may perform other work related to the Project at the site by the OWNER's own forces or let other direct contracts therefor which shall contain GENERAL CONDITIONS similar to these or have other work performed by utility owners. If such other work to be performed was not noted in the Contract Documents,then: (i)written notice thereof will be given to CONTRACTOR prior to starting any such other work; and(ii) CONTRACTOR may make a claim therefor as provided in Articles 11 and 12 if CONTRACTOR believes that such performance will involve additional expense to CONTRACTOR or require additional time and the parties are unable to agree as to the amount or extent thereof. 2.10.2. CONTRACTOR shall afford each other contractor who is a party to such a direct contract with OWNER and each utility owner(and OWNER,if OWNER is performing the additional work with OWNER's employees)proper and safe access to the site and a reasonable opportunity for the introduction and storage of materials and equipment and the execution of such other work and shall properly connect and coordinate the Work with that of such other CONTRACTORS. Unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents, CONTRACTOR shall do all cutting, fitting, and patching of the Work that may be required to make its several parts come together properly and Project No.052511256.0010 00800—Page 5 of 23 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard integrate with such other work. CONTRACTOR shall not endanger any work of others by cutting, excavating, or otherwise altering their work and will only cut or alter their work with the written consent of the ENGINEER and the others whose work will be affected. The duties and responsibilities of the CONTRACTOR under this Paragraph are for the benefit of such utility owners and other contractors to the extent that there are comparable provisions for the benefit of the CONTRACTOR in said direct contracts between the OWNER and such utility owners and other contractors. 2.10.3. If the proper execution or results of any part of the CONTRACTOR's Work depends upon work performed by others under paragraphs 7.5 and 7.6,CONTRACTOR shall inspect such other work and promptly report to the ENGINEER in writing any delays, defects, or deficiencies in such other work that render it unavailable or unsuitable for the proper execution and results and performance of CONTRACTOR's Work. CONTRACTOR's failure so to report will constitute an acceptance of such other work as fit and proper for integration with CONTRACTOR's Work except for latent or nonapparent defects and deficiencies in such other work. 2.11. Coordination 2.11.1. If OWNER contracts with others for the performance of other work on the Project at the site, the following will be set forth in Supplementary Conditions: the person, firm,or corporation who will have the authority and responsibility for coordination of the activities among the various prime contractors will be identified; 15"'"� the specific matters to be covered by such authority and responsibility will be itemized; and the extent of such authority and responsibilities will be provided. Unless otherwise provided in the Supplementary Conditions, OWNER shall have sole authority and responsibility in respect of such coordination. 2.12. OWNER May Correct Defective Work Prior to final acceptance,if CONTRACTOR fails,within a reasonable time after written notice from ENGINEER to correct Defective Work or to remove and replace rejected Work as required by ENGINEER in accordance with Paragraph 6.10 or if CONTRACTOR fails to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents or if CONTRACTOR fails to comply with any other provision of the Contract Documents, OWNER may, after seven(7)days' written notice to CONTRACTOR, correct and remedy any such deficiency. In exercising the rights and remedies under this Paragraph, OWNER shall proceed expeditiously. In connection with such corrective and remedial action, OWNER may exclude CONTRACTOR from all or part of the site,take possession of all or part of the Work, and suspend CONTRACTOR's services related thereto,take possession of CONTRACTOR's tools, appliances, construction equipment, and machinery at the site and incorporate in the Work all materials and equipment stored at the site or for which OWNER has paid CONTRACTOR but which are stored elsewhere. CONTRACTOR shall allow OWNER, OWNER's representatives,agents and employees, OWNER's other contractors,and ENGINEER and ENGINEER's Consultants access to the site to enable OWNER to exercise the rights and remedies under this Paragraph. All claims,costs,losses, and damages incurred or sustained by OWNER in exercising such rights and remedies will be charged against CONTRACTOR and a Change Order will be issued incorporating the necessary revisions in the Contract Documents with respect to the Project No.052511256.0010 00800—Page 6 of 23 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard Work. OWNER shall be entitled to an appropriate decrease in the Contract Price,and,if the parties are unable to agree as to the amount thereof, OWNER may make a claim therefor as provided in Article 7. Such claims, cost, losses, and damages will include,but not be limited to, all costs of repair or replacement of work of others destroyed or damaged by correction,removal, or replacement of CONTRACTOR's Defective Work, EVEN IF SUCH CLAIMS,COSTS,LOSSES, OR DAMAGES ARE DUE TO THE NEGLIGENCE,OTHER FAULT,STRICT LIABILITY WITHOUT REGARD TO FAULT BREACH OF CONTRACT,OR BREACH OF WARRANTY OF OTHERS,INCLUDING OWNER,OWNER's REPRESENTATIVES, AGENTS OWNER's OTHER CONTRACTORS,AND,TO THE EXTENT ALLOWED BY LAW,ENGINEER OR ENGINEER's CONSULTANTS. CONTRACTOR shall not be allowed an extension of the Contract Times(or Milestones)because of any delay in the performance of the Work attributable to the exercise by OWNER of OWNER's rights and remedies hereunder. ARTICLE 3 RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE ENGINEER SC-3 Add the following paragraphs: 3.08. Determinations for Unit Prices ENGINEER will determine the actual quantities and classifications of Unit Price Work performed by CONTRACTOR. ENGINEER will review with CONTRACTOR the ENGINEER's preliminary determinations on such matters before rendering a written decision thereon(by recommendation of an Application for Payment or otherwise). ENGINEER's written decision thereon will be final and binding upon the OWNER and the CONTRACTOR,unless,within ten(10)days after the date of any such decision,either the OWNER or the CONTRACTOR delivers to the other and to ENGINEER written notice of intention to appeal from ENGINEER's decision and(i) an appeal from ENGINEER's decision is taken within the time limits and in accordance with the procedures set forth in Exhibit A,"Dispute Resolution Agreement," entered into between OWNER and CONTRACTOR pursuant to Article 7, or(ii) if no such Dispute Resolution Agreement has been entered into,the ENGINEER shall duly consider all facts presented and available and render a written decision within thirty(30)days after OWNER or CONTRACTOR has delivered written notice to the ENGINEER. The ENGINEER's written decision thereon will be binding upon OWNER and CONTRACTOR. Such appeal will not be subject to the procedures of Paragraph 3.05 of the General Conditions. 3.09. Authorized Variations in Work The ENGINEER may authorize minor variations in the Work from the requirements of the Contract Documents which do not involve an adjustment in the Contract Price or the Contract Times and are compatible with the design concept of the completed Project as a functioning whole as indicated by the Contract Documents. These may be accomplished by a Field Order and will be binding on OWNER and also on CONTRACTOR who shall perform the Work involved promptly. If OWNER or CONTRACTOR believes that a Field Order justifies an adjustment in the Contract Price or the Contract Times and the parties are unable to agree as to the amount or extent thereof, OWNER or CONTRACTOR may make a written claim therefor as provided in Article 7. 3.10. Clarifications and Interpretations ENGINEER will issue,with reasonable promptness,such written clarifications or interpretations of the requirements of the Contract Documents(in the form of Drawings or otherwise) as the ENGINEER may determine necessary,which shall be consistent with the intent of, and reasonably inferable from,the Contract Documents. Such written clarifications and interpretations will be Project No.052511256.0010 00800—Page 7 of 23 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS 1 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard binding on OWNER and CONTRACTOR. If OWNER or CONTRACTOR believes that a written clarification or interpretation justifies an adjustment in the Contract Price or the Contract Time and the parties are unable to agree to the amount or extent thereof, if any, OWNER or CONTRACTOR may make a written claim therefor as provided in Article 7. ARTICLE 4 RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CONTRACTOR SC-4 Add the following paragraphs: 4.05.1. Performance,Payment, and Other Bonds CONTRACTOR shall furnish Performance and Payment Bonds, each in an amount at least equal to the Contract Price, as security for the faithful performance and payment of all of the CONTRACTOR's obligations under the Contract Documents. These Bonds shall remain in effect at least until one (1)year after the date when the final payment becomes due,or as provided otherwise by Laws or Regulations or by the Contract Documents. CONTRACTOR shall also furnish such other Bonds as are required by the Supplementary Conditions. All Bonds shall be in the form prescribed by the Contract Documents except as provided by such sureties as are named in the current list of "Companies Holding Certificates of Authority as Acceptable Sureties on Federal Bonds and as Acceptable Reinsuring Companies"as published in Circular 570 (amended)by the Audit Staff, Bureau of Government Financial Operations,U.S. Treasury Department, and shall be in the form prescribed by applicable Laws and Regulations. All Bonds signed by an agent must be accompanied by a certified copy of such agent's authority to act. If the surety on any Bond furnished by the CONTRACTOR is declared a bankrupt or becomes insolvent or its right to do business is terminated in any state where any part of the Project is located or it ceases to meet the requirements of Paragraph, CONTRACTOR shall within ten(10) days thereafter substitute another Bond and surety, both of which must be acceptable to the OWNER. 4.05.2. Licensed Sureties and Insurers; Certificates of Insurance All Bonds and insurance required by the Contract Documents to be purchased and maintained by OWNER or CONTRACTOR shall be obtained from surety or insurance companies that are duly licensed or authorized in the jurisdiction in the State of Texas to issue Bonds or insurance policies for the limits and coverages so required. Such surety and insurance companies shall also meet such additional requirements and qualifications as may be provided in the Supplementary Conditions. CONTRACTOR shall deliver to OWNER,with copies to each additional insured identified in the Supplementary Conditions, Certificates of Insurance (and other evidence of insurance requested by OWNER or any other additional insured)which the CONTRACTOR is required to purchase and maintain in accordance with Paragraph 4.06.1. Each certificate issued will contain waiver provisions in accordance with paragraph 4.06.4. OWNER shall deliver to CONTRACTOR,with copies to each additional insured identified in the Supplementary Conditions, Certificates of Insurance(and other evidence of insurance requested by CONTRACTOR or any other additional insured)which OWNER is required to purchase and maintain in accordance with Paragraph 4.06.3 hereof. Project No.052511256.0010 00800—Page 8 of 23 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard 4.06.1. CONTRACTOR's Liability Insurance CONTRACTOR shall purchase and maintain such liability and other insurance as is appropriate for the Work being performed and furnished and as will provide protection from claims set forth below which may arise out of, or result from, CONTRACTOR's performance and furnishing of the Work and CONTRACTOR's other obligations under the Contract Documents,whether it is to be performed or furnished by CONTRACTOR,any Subcontractor or Supplier, or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them to perform or furnish any of the Work, or by anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable: claims under Workers' Compensation, disability benefits, and other similar employee benefit acts; claims for damages because of bodily injury, occupational sickness or disease, or death of CONTRACTOR's employees; claims for damages because of bodily injury, sickness or disease, or death of any person other than CONTRACTOR's employees; claims for damages insured by customary personal injury liability coverage which are sustained: (i)by any person as a result of an offense directly or indirectly related to the employment of such person by CONTRACTOR, or(ii)by any other person for any other reason; claims for damages, other than to the Work itself,because of injury to, or destruction of,tangible property wherever located,including loss of use resulting therefrom; and claims for damages because of bodily injury or death of any person or property damage arising out of the ownership,maintenance, or use of any motor vehicle. The policies of insurance so required by this Paragraph 4.06 to be purchased and maintained shall: with respect to insurance required by Paragraphs through inclusive,include as additional insured(subject to any customary exclusion in respect of professional liability)OWNER,ENGINEER,ENGINEER's Subconsultants, and any other persons or entities identified in the Supplementary Conditions,all of whom shall be listed as additional insureds, and include coverage for the respective officers and employees of all such additional insureds; include the specific coverages and be written for not less than the limits of liability provided in the Supplementary Conditions or required by Laws or Regulations, whichever is greater. include completed operations insurance; include contractual liability insurance covering CONTRACTOR's indemnity l obligations under Paragraph 4.06; Project No.052511256.0010 00800—Page 9 of 23 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard contain a provision or endorsement that the coverage afforded will not be canceled, materially changed, or renewal refused until at least thirty(30) days,prior written notice has been given to OWNER and CONTRACTOR and to each other additional insured identified in the Supplementary Conditions to whom a Certificate of Insurance has been issued(and the Certificates of Insurance furnished by CONTRACTOR pursuant to Paragraph 4.05.2 will so provide); remain in effect at least until the final payment and at all times thereafter when CONTRACTOR may be correcting,removing, or replacing Defective Work in accordance with Paragraph 6.11 and with respect to Completed Operations Insurance,and any insurance coverage written on a claims-made basis,remain in effect for at least two (2)years after final payment (and CONTRACTOR shall furnish the OWNER and each other additional insured identified in the Supplementary Conditions to whom a Certificate of Insurance has been issued evidence satisfactory to OWNER and any such additional insured of continuation of such insurance at final payment and one(1)year thereafter). 4.06.2. OWNER's Liability Insurance In addition to the insurance required to be provided by CONTRACTOR under Paragraph 4.06.1, OWNER,at OWNER's option,may purchase and maintain at OWNER's expense OWNER's own liability insurance as will protect OWNER against claims which may arise from operations under the Contract Documents. 4.06.3. Property Insurance Unless otherwise provided in the Supplementary Conditions,OWNER shall purchase and maintain property insurance upon the Work at the site in the amount of the full replacement cost thereof(subject to such deductible amounts as may be provided in the Supplementary Conditions or required by Laws and Regulations). This insurance shall: include the interests of OWNER, CONTRACTOR, Subcontractors,ENGINEER, ENGINEER's Subconsultants, and any other persons or entities identified in the Supplementary Conditions, each of whom is deemed to have an insurable interest and shall be listed as an insured or additional insured; be written on a Builder's Risk"All-Risk"or Open Peril or Special Causes of Loss policy form that shall at least include insurance for physical loss or damage to the Work, temporary building,falsework,and Work in transit and shall insure against at least the following perils: fire,lightning,extended coverage,theft,vandalism and malicious mischief,earthquake, collapse,debris removal,demolition occasioned by enforcement of Laws and Regulations,water damage,and such other perils as may be specifically required by the Supplementary Conditions; include expenses incurred in the repair or replacement of any insured property (including but not limited to fees and charges of engineers and architects); cover materials and equipment stored at the site or at another location that was agreed to in writing by OWNER prior to being incorporated in the Work,provided that such materials and equipment have been included in an Application for Payment recommended by ENGINEER; and Project No.052511256.0010 00800—Page 10 of 23 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard be maintained in effect until final payment is made unless otherwise agreed to in writing by OWNER, CONTRACTOR and ENGINEER with thirty(30)days' written notice to each other additional insured to whom a Certificate of Insurance has been issued. OWNER shall purchase and maintain such Boiler and Machinery Insurance or additional property insurance as may be required by the Supplementary conditions or Laws and Regulations which will include the interests of OWNER, CONTRACTOR, Subcontractors, ENGINEER, ENGINEER's Consultants, and any other persons or entities identified in the Supplementary Conditions, each of whom is deemed to have an insurable interest and shall be listed as an insured or additional insured. All the policies of insurance(and the certificates or other evidence thereof) required to be purchased and maintained by OWNER in accordance with Paragraphs and will contain a provision or endorsement that the coverage afforded will not be canceled or materially changed or renewal refused until at least thirty(30)days' prior written notice has been given to OWNER and CONTRACTOR and to each other additional insured to whom a Certificate of Insurance has been issued and will contain waiver provisions in accordance with Paragraph 4.06.4. OWNER shall not be responsible for purchasing and maintaining any property insurance to protect the interests of CONTRACTOR, Subcontractors or others in the Work to the extent of any deductible amounts that are identified in the Supplementary Conditions.The risk of loss within such identified deductible amount will be borne by CONTRACTOR, Subcontractor, or others suffering any such loss, and if any of them wishes CI"\ property insurance coverage within the limits of such amounts, each may purchase and maintain it at the purchaser's own expense. If CONTRACTOR requests in writing that other special insurance be included in the property insurance policies provided under Paragraph 5.5.1 or 5.5.2, OWNER shall, if possible,include such insurance,and the cost thereof will be charged to CONTRACTOR by appropriate Change Order or Written Amendment. Prior to commencement of the Work at the site, OWNER shall in writing advise CONTRACTOR whether or not such other insurance has been procured by OWNER. 4.06.4. Waiver of Rights OWNER and CONTRACTOR intend that all policies purchased in accordance with Paragraphs,,, and will protect OWNER, CONTRACTOR, Subcontractors,ENGINEER,ENGINEER's Subconsultants, and all other persons or entities identified in the Supplementary Conditions to be listed as insureds or additional insureds in such policies and will provide primary coverage for all losses and damages caused by the perils covered thereby. All such policies shall contain provisions to the effect that in the event of payment of any loss or damage,the insurers will have no rights of recovery against any of the insureds or additional insureds thereunder. OWNER and CONTRACTOR waive all rights against each other and their respective officers, directors, employees and agents for all losses and damages caused by, arising out of,or resulting from, any of the perils covered by such policies and any other property insurance applicable to the � Work; and,in addition,waive all such rights against Subcontractors,ENGINEER, t ENGINEER's Consultants, and all other persons or entities identified in the Supplementary Conditions to be listed as insureds or additional insureds under such policies for losses and damages so cause. None of the above waivers shall extend to the rights that any party Project No.052511256.0010 00800—Page 11 of 23 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard ,�r•►, making such waiver may have to the proceeds of insurance held by OWNER as trustee or (. otherwise payable under any policy so issued. In addition, OWNER waives all rights against CONTRACTOR, Subcontractors,ENGINEER,ENGINEER's Subconsultants, and the officers, directors, employees and agents of any of them, for: loss due to interruption; loss of use, or other consequential loss extending beyond direct physical loss or damage to OWNER's property or the Work caused by, arising out of, or resulting from, fire or other peril,whether or not insured by OWNER; and loss or damage to the completed Project or part thereof caused by, arising out of, or resulting from, fire or other insured peril covered by any property insurance maintained on the completed Project or part thereof by OWNER during partial utilization pursuant to Paragraph 6.07, after substantial completion pursuant to Paragraph 6.16, or after final payment pursuant to Paragraph 6.11. Any insurance policy maintained by OWNER covering any loss, damage, or consequential loss referred to in this Paragraph shall contain provisions to the effect that in the event of payment of any such loss,damage, or consequential loss,the insurers will have no rights of recovery against any of CONTRACTOR, Subcontractors,ENGINEER,ENGINEER's Consultants, and the officers, directors, employees and agents of any of them. 4.06.5. Receipt and Application of Insurance Proceeds Any insured loss under the policies of insurance required by Paragraph 4.06.3 will be adjusted with OWNER and made payable to OWNER subject to the requirements of any applicable mortgage clause and of Paragraph OWNER shall deposit in a separate account any money so received and shall distribute it in accordance with such agreement as the parties in interest may reach. If no other special agreement is reached,the damaged Work shall be repaired or replaced,the moneys so received applied on account thereof,and the Work and the cost thereof covered by an appropriate Change Order or Written Amendment. OWNER shall have power to adjust and settle any loss with the insurers unless one of the parties in interest shall object in writing within fifteen(15)days after the occurrence of loss to OWNER's exercise of this power. If such objection be made, OWNER shall make settlement with the insurers in accordance with such agreement as the parties in interest may reach. If no such agreement among the parties in interest is reached,OWNER shall adjust and settle the loss with the insurers and,if required in writing by any party in interest, OWNER shall give a bond for the proper performance of such duties. 4.06.6. Acceptance of Bonds and Insurance; Option to Replace If either party(OWNER or CONTRACTOR)has any objection to the coverage afforded by or provisions of the Bonds or insurance required to be purchased and maintained by the other party in accordance with Paragraph 4.06 on the basis of nonconformance with the Contract Documents,the objecting party shall so notify the other party in writing within ten(10)days after receipt of the certificates (or other evidence requested). OWNER and CONTRACTOR shall each provide to the Project No.052511256.0010 00800—Page 12 of 23 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard other such additional information in respect of insurance provided as the other may reasonably request. If either party does not purchase or maintain all of the Bonds and insurance required of such party by the Contract Documents, such party shall notify the other party in writing of such failure to purchase prior to the start of the Work, or of such failure to maintain prior to the start of the Work, or of such failure to maintain prior to any change in the required coverage. Without prejudice to any other right or remedy,the other party may elect to obtain equivalent Bonds or insurance to protect such other party's interests at the expense of the party who was required to provide such coverage, and a Change Order shall be issued to adjust the Contract Price accordingly. 4.06.7. Partial Utilization—Property Insurance If OWNER finds it necessary to occupy or use a portion or portions of the Work prior to Substantial Completion of all the Work, such use or occupancy may be accomplished in accordance with Paragraph 6.07 provided that no such use or occupancy shall commence before the insurers providing the property insurance have acknowledged notice hereof and in writing effected any changes in coverage necessitated thereby. The insurers providing the property insurance shall consent by endorsement on the policy or policies,but the property insurance shall not be canceled or permitted to lapse on account of any such partial use or occupancy. 4.30. Substitutes and"Or-Equal"Items 4.30.1. Whenever an item of material or equipment is specified or described in the Contract Documents by using the name of a proprietary item or the name of a particular Supplier,the specification or description is intended to establish the type, function, and quality required. Unless ("1"\,, the specification or description contains or is followed by words reading that no like, equivalent or "or-equal" item, or no substitution is permitted,other items of material or equipment or material or equipment of other Suppliers may be accepted by ENGINEER under the following circumstances: "Or-Equal": If, in ENGINEER's sole discretion, an item of material or equipment proposed by CONTRACTOR is functionally equal to that named and sufficiently similar so that no change in related Work will be required,it may be considered by ENGINEER as an "or-equal" item, in which case review and approval of the proposed item may, in ENGINEER's sole discretion,be accomplished without compliance with some or all of the requirements for acceptance of proposed substitute items. Substitute Items: If, in ENGINEER's sole discretion,an item of material or equipment proposed by CONTRACTOR does not qualify as an"or-equal" item under subparagraph,it will be considered a proposed substitute item. CONTRACTOR shall submit sufficient information as provided below to allow ENGINEER to determine that the item of material or equipment proposed is essentially equivalent to that named and an acceptable substitute therefor. The procedure for review by the ENGINEER will include the following as supplemented in the General Requirements and as ENGINEER may decide is appropriate under the circumstances. Requests for review of proposed substitute items of material or equipment will not be accepted by ENGINEER from anyone other than CONTRACTOR. If CONTRACTOR wishes to furnish or use a substitute item of material or equipment, CONTRACTOR shall first make written application to ENGINEER for acceptance thereof, certifying that the proposed substitute will perform adequately the functions and achieve the results called for by the general design and be similar in substance to that specified. The application will state the extent, if any,to which the evaluation and acceptance of the proposed substitute will prejudice CONTRACTOR's achievement of Substantial Completion on time,whether or not acceptance of the substitute for use in the Project No.052511256.0010 00800—Page 13 of 23 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard Work will require a change in any of the Contract Documents (or in the provisions of any other direct contract with OWNER for work on the Project)to adapt the design to the proposed substitute, and whether or not incorporation or use of the substitute in connection with the Work is subject to payment of any license fee or royalty. All variations of the proposed substitute from that specified will be identified in the application and available maintenance and repair and replacement service will be indicated. The application also will contain an itemized estimate of all costs or credits that will result directly or indirectly from acceptance of such substitute including costs of redesign and claims of other contractors affected by the resulting change, all of which will be considered by ENGINEER in evaluating the proposed substitute. ENGINEER may require CONTRACTOR to furnish additional data about the proposed substitute. CONTRACTOR's Expense: All data to be provided by CONTRACTOR in support of any proposed"or-equal"or substitute item will be at CONTRACTOR's expense. 4.30.2. Substitute Construction Methods or Procedures: If a specific means,method,technique, sequence, or procedure of construction is shown or indicated in, and expressly required by,the Contract Documents, CONTRACTOR may furnish or utilize a substitute means,methods,technique, sequence,or procedure or construction acceptable to ENGINEER. CONTRACTOR shall submit sufficient information to allow ENGINEER, in ENGINEER's sole discretion,to determine that the substitute proposed is equivalent to that expressly called for by the Contract Documents. The procedure for review by ENGINEER will be similar to that provided in subparagraph 4.30.3. Engineer's Evaluation: ENGINEER will be allowed a reasonable time within which to evaluate each proposal or submittal to be pursuant to Paragraphs and 4.30.2. ENGINEER will be the sole judge of acceptability. No "or-equal"or substitute will be ordered, installed,or utilized without ENGINEER's prior written acceptance,which will be evidenced by either a Change Order or an approved Shop Drawing. OWNER may require CONTRACTOR to furnish at CONTRACTOR's expense a special performance guarantee or other surety with respect to any"or- equal" or substitute. ENGINEER will record time required by ENGINEER and ENGINEER's Consultants in evaluating substitutes proposed or submitted by CONTRACTOR pursuant to Paragraphs and 4.30.2 and in making changes in the Contract Documents (or in the provisions of any other direct contract with OWNER for work on the Project) occasioned thereby. Whether or not ENGINEER accepts a substitute item so proposed or submitted by CONTRACTOR, CONTRACTOR shall reimburse OWNER for the charges of ENGINEER and ENGINEER's Consultants for evaluating each such proposed substitute item. 4.31. Emergencies In emergencies affecting the safety or protection of persons or the Work or property at the site or adjacent thereto, CONTRACTOR,without special instruction or authorization from OWNER or ENGINEER, is obligated to act promptly, efficiently and reasonably to prevent threatened damage, injury or loss. CONTRACTOR shall give ENGINEER prompt written notice if CONTRACTOR believes that any significant changes in the Work or variations from the Contract Documents have been caused thereby. If ENGINEER determines that a change in the Contract Documents is required because of the action taken by CONTRACTOR in response to such an emergency, a Work Change Directive or Change Order will be issued to document the consequences of such action. Project No.052511256.0010 00800—Page 14 of 23 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard 4.32. Before Starting Construction 4.32.1. Within ten(10) days after the Effective Date of the Agreement and before any work at the site is started(unless otherwise specified in the General Requirements), CONTRACTOR shall submit to ENGINEER for review: a preliminary progress schedule indicating the times (numbers of days or dates) for starting and completing the various stages of the Work, including any Milestones specified in the Contract Documents; a preliminary schedule of Shop Drawing and Sample submittals which will list each required submittal and the times for submitting,reviewing, and processing such submittal as further described in detail in Specification Section 01300 Submittals. a preliminary schedule of values for all of the Work which will include quantities and prices of items aggregating the Contract Price and will subdivide the Work into component parts in sufficient detail to serve as the basis for progress payments during construction. Such prices will include an appropriate amount of overhead and profit applicable to each item of Work. 4.32.2. Before any Work at the site is started, CONTRACTOR and OWNER shall each deliver to the other,with copies to each additional insured identified in the Supplementary Conditions,certificates of insurance (and other evidence of insurance which either of them or any additional insured may reasonably request)which CONTRACTOR and OWNER respectively are required to purchase and CI"‘ maintain in accordance with Paragraphs 4.05 and 4.06. 4.33. Initially Acceptable Schedules Unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents, at least ten(10)days before submission of the first Application for Payment, a conference attended by CONTRACTOR,ENGINEER,and others as appropriate will be held to review for acceptability to ENGINEER as provided below the schedules submitted in accordance with Paragraph 4.32.1. CONTRACTOR shall have an additional ten(10)days to make corrections and adjustments and to complete and resubmit the schedules. No progress payment shall be made to CONTRACTOR until the schedules are submitted to and acceptable to ENGINEER as provided below. The progress schedule shall provide for an orderly progression of the Work to completion within any specified Milestones and the Contract Times. Any acceptance of the progress schedule by ENGINEER will neither impose on ENGINEER responsibility for the sequencing, scheduling, or progress of the Work,nor interfere with,nor relieve CONTRACTOR from,CONTRACTOR's full responsibility therefor. CONTRACTOR's schedule of Shop Drawing and Sample submissions shall provide for a workable arrangement for reviewing and processing the required submittals. CONTRACTOR's schedule of values shall be acceptable to ENGINEER as to form and substance. 4.34. Safety and Protection 4.34.1. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for initiating,maintaining, and supervising all safety precautions and programs in connection with the Work. CONTRACTOR shall take all necessary precautions for the safety of, and shall provide the necessary protection to prevent damage, injury or loss to: all persons on the Work site or who maybe affected by the Work; Project No.052511256.0010 00800—Page 15 of 23 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard all the Work and materials and equipment to be incorporated therein,whether in storage on or off the site; and other property at the site or adjacent thereto,including trees, shrubs,lawns,walks, pavements,roadways, structures,utilities and Underground Facilities not designated for removal,relocation, or replacement in the course of construction. 4.34.2. CONTRACTOR shall comply with all applicable Laws and Regulations of any public body having jurisdiction for safety of persons or property or to protect them from damage, injury or loss; and shall erect and maintain all necessary safeguards for such safety and protection. CONTRACTOR shall notify owners of adjacent property and of Underground Facilities and utility owners when prosecution of the Work may affect them, and shall cooperate with them in the protection,removal,relocation,and replacement of their property. All damage, injury or loss to any property referred to in Paragraph or caused,directly, or indirectly,in whole or in part,by CONTRACTOR, any Subcontractor, Supplier, or any other person or organization directly or indirectly employed by any of them to perform or furnish any of the Work or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, shall be remedied by CONTRACTOR,EVEN IF DUE IN PART TO THE CONCURRENT NEGLIGENCE, OTHER FAULT,STRICT LIABILITY WITHOUT REGARD TO FAULT,OR BREACH OF CONTRACT OF OWNER, ENGINEER,ENGINEER's SUBCONSULTANTS OR ANYONE EMPLOYED BY ANY OF THEM,OR ANYONE FOR WHOSE ACTS ANY OF THEM MAY BE LIABLE,EXCEPT DAMAGE OR LOSS SOLELY ATTRIBUTABLE TO THE FAULT OF DRAWINGS OR SPECIFICATIONS OR TO.THE ACTS OR OMISSIONS OF OWNER OR ENGINEER OR ENGINEER'S SUBCONSULTANT OR ANYONE EMPLOYED BY ANY OF THEM OR ANYONE FOR WHOSE ACTS ANY OF THEM MAY BE LIABLE,AND NOT ATTRIBUTABLE,DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY,IN WHOLE OR IN PART,TO THE FAULT OR NEGLIGENCE OF CONTRACTOR OR ANY SUBCONTRACTOR,SUPPLIER OR OTHER PERSON OR ORGANIZATION DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY EMPLOYED BY ANY OF THEM. CONTRACTOR's duties and responsibilities for safety and for protection of the Work shall continue until such time as all the Work is completed and ENGINEER has issued a notice to OWNER and CONTRACTOR in accordance with Paragraph 14.9.1. that the Work is acceptable(except as otherwise expressly provided in connection with Substantial Completion). ARTICLE 5 PROSECUTION AND PROGRESS SC-5 Add the following paragraphs: 5.05. Commencement of Contract Times,Notice to Proceed The Contract Times will automatically commence to run on the thirtieth(30th)day after the Effective Date of the Agreement, or,if a Notice to Proceed is given, on the day indicated in the Notice to Proceed,which date shall not,without the agreement of the CONTRACTOR,be later than the earlier of ninety(90)days after the day of BID opening or thirty(30)days after the effective date of the Agreement. A Notice to Proceed may be given at any time within thirty(30) days after the Effective Date of the Agreement. Unless otherwise agreed to by the parties in writing,the Contract Times shall not commence to run later than the ninetieth day after the day of BID opening or the thirtieth(30th)day after the Effective Date of the Agreement,whichever date is earlier. Project No.052511256.0010 00800—Page 16 of 23 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard 5.06 Change of Contract Times 5.06.1 Claim for Adjustment The Contract Times(or Milestones)may only be changed by a Change Order. Any claim for an adjustment of the Contract Times (or Milestones) shall be based on written notice delivered by the party making the claim to the other party and to ENGINEER promptly(but in no event later than thirty[30] days) after the occurrence of the event giving rise to the claim and stating the general nature of the claim. Notice of the extent of the claim,with supporting data, shall be delivered within sixty(60)days after such occurrence (unless ENGINEER allows an additional period of time to ascertain more accurate data in support of the claim)and shall be accompanied by the claimant's written representation that the adjustment claimed is the entire adjustment to which the claimant has reason to believe it is entitled as a result of the occurrence of said event. All claims for adjustment in the Contract Times (or Milestones) shall be determined by ENGINEER in accordance with Paragraph 3.05 if OWNER and CONTRACTOR cannot otherwise agree. No claim for an adjustment in the Contract Times(or Milestones)will be valid if not submitted in accordance with the requirements of this Paragraph 5.06.1. CONTRACTOR must submit, as a minimum,the following supporting data: Information showing that time requested is not included in the existing Contract and is an addition to the Contract. Information documenting that the number of days requested is accurate for the event. Revised, current construction schedule showing that the time requested affects the project's critical path. 5.06.2. Time of the Essence All time limits stated in the Contract Documents are of the essence of the Agreement. 5.06.3. Delays Beyond CONTRACTOR's Control Where CONTRACTOR is prevented from completing any part of the Work within the Contract Times (or Milestones) due to delay beyond the control of CONTRACTOR,the Contract Times (or Milestones)will be extended in an amount equal to the time lost due to such delay if a claim is made therefor as provided in Paragraph 5.06.1. Delays beyond the control of CONTRACTOR shall include,but not be limited to, acts or neglect by OWNER, acts or neglect of utility owners or other contractors performing other work as contemplated by Paragraphs 7.1 and 7.2 of these Supplemental General Conditions,Fires,Floods,Epidemics, or Acts of God. Delays attributable to,and within the control of, a Subcontractor or Supplier shall be deemed to be delays within the control of CONTRACTOR. An extension to the Contract Times shall be CONTRACTOR's sole and exclusive remedy for any such delays. 5.06.4. Delays Beyond OWNER's and CONTRACTOR's Control Where CONTRACTOR is prevented from completing any part of the Work within the Contract `. Times (or Milestones) due to delay beyond the control of both OWNER and CONTRACTOR, an extension of the Contract Times(or Milestones)in an amount equal to the time lost due to such delay shall be CONTRACTOR's sole and exclusive remedy for such delay. CONTRACTOR shall not be entitled to any increase in Contract Price as a result of such delay. IN NO EVENT SHALL Project No.052511256.0010 00800—Page 17 of 23 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard OWNER BE LIABLE TO CONTRACTOR,ANY SUBCONTRACTOR,ANY SUPPLIER, ANY OTHER PERSON OR ORGANIZATION, OR TO ANY SURETY FOR, OR EMPLOYEE OR AGENT OF,ANY OF THEM,FOR DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF,OR RESULTING FROM,(i)DELAYS CAUSED BY, OR WITHIN THE CONTROL OF, CONTRACTOR,OR(ii)DELAYS BEYOND THE CONTROL OF BOTH PARTIES INCLUDING,BUT NOT LIMITED TO,FIRES,FLOODS,EPIDEMICS,ABNORMAL WEATHER CONDITIONS,ACTS OF GOD, OR ACTS OR NEGLECT BY UTILITY OWNERS OR OTHER CONTRACTORS PERFORMING OTHER WORK AS CONTEMPLATED BY PARAGRAPH 2.10. EVEN IF SUCH DELAYS ARE DUE IN PART TO THE NEGLIGENCE, OTHER FAULT,BREACH OF CONTRACT OR WARRANTY, VIOLATION OF THE TEXAS DECEPTIVE TRADE PRACTICES ACT,OR STRICT LIABILITY WITHOUT REGARD TO FAULT OF OWNER. 5.06.5. Rain Days The Contract Time as defined in the bid and other sections of the Contract Documents includes a certain number of rain days. Based on the Alvin Weather Center Records,the average annual rain days from June 1898 to December 1996 is 40 days calculated from all precipitation days of record. Contractor is required to keep record of rain days at the site. Record of rain days must be accepted and signed by the City Inspector monthly, and shall be reported on the monthly pay estimate submittal. At the end of the contract, Contractor will be credited only the number of accepted rain days that exceed 40 rain days per year,proportionate to the original Contract Time. ARTICLE 6 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT SC-6 Add the following paragraphs: 6.14. CONTRACTOR's Warranty of Title CONTRACTOR warrants and guarantees that title to all Work,materials, and equipment covered by any Application for Payment,whether incorporated in the Project or not,will pass to OWNER no later than the time of payment and free and clear of all Liens. 6.15. Review of Applications for Progress Payment 6.15.1. ENGINEER will,within ten(10)days after receipt of each Application for Payment, either indicate in writing a recommendation of payment and present the Application to OWNER, or return the Application to CONTRACTOR indicating in writing ENGINEER's reasons for refusing to recommend payment. In the latter case,CONTRACTOR may make the necessary corrections and resubmit the Application. Ten(10)days after presentation of the Application for Payment to OWNER with ENGINEER's recommendation,the amount recommended by ENGINEER, less amounts withheld by OWNER pursuant to Paragraph 6.15.4,will become due and when due will be paid by OWNER to CONTRACTOR. 6.15.2. ENGINEER's recommendation of any payment requested in an Application for Payment will constitute a representation by ENGINEER to OWNER,based on ENGINEER's on-site observations of the executed Work as an experienced and qualified design professional and on ENGINEER's review of the Application for Payment and the accompanying data and schedules, that to the best of ENGINEER's knowledge, information and belief: the Work has progressed to the point indicated, Project No.052511256.0010 00800—Page 18 of 23 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard the quality of the Work is generally in accordance with the Contract Documents (subject to an evaluation of the Work as a functioning whole prior to or upon Substantial Completion,to the results of any subsequent tests called for in the Contract Documents,to a final determination of quantities and classifications for Unit Price Work under Paragraph 9.8, and to any other qualifications stated in the recommendation), and the conditions precedent to CONTRACTOR's being entitled to such payment appear to have been fulfilled in so far as it is ENGINEER's responsibility to observe the Work. However,by recommending any such payment ENGINEER will not thereby be deemed to have represented that: (i) exhaustive or continuous on-site inspections have been made to check the quality or the quantity of the Work beyond the responsibilities specifically assigned to ENGINEER in the Contract Documents or(ii)that there may not be other matters or issues between the parties that might entitle CONTRACTOR to be paid additionally by OWNER or entitle OWNER to withhold payment to CONTRACTOR. 6.15.3. ENGINEER's recommendations of any payment, including final payment, shall not mean that ENGINEER is responsible for, and shall not relieve CONTRACTOR from,its responsibility for CONTRACTOR's means, methods,techniques, sequences, or procedures of construction, or the safety precautions or procedures of construction,or the safety precautions and programs incident thereto, or for any failure of CONTRACTOR to comply with Laws and Regulations applicable to the furnishing or performance of Work, or for any failure of CONTRACTOR to perform or furnish Work in accordance with the Contract Documents or that ENGINEER is representing that CONTRACTOR has complied with Laws and Regulations or performed or furnished the work in (sr , accordance with the Contract Documents. 6.15.4. ENGINEER may refuse to recommend the whole or any part of payment if, in ENGINEER's opinion,it would be incorrect to make the representations to OWNER referred to in Paragraph 6.05. ENGINEER may also refuse to recommend any such payment, or,because of subsequently discovered evidence or the results of subsequent inspections or tests,nullify any such payment previously recommended,to such extent as may be necessary in ENGINEER's opinion to protect OWNER from loss because: the Work is Defective, or completed Work has been damaged requiring correction or replacement, the Contract price has been reduced by Written Amendment or Change Order, OWNER has been required to correct Defective Work or complete Work in accordance with Paragraph 2.70, or ENGINEER has actual knowledge of the occurrence of any of the events enumerated in Paragraphs 8.04 through 8.05 inclusive. OWNER may refuse to make payment of the full amount recommended by ENGINEER because: claims have been made against OWNER on account of CONTRACTOR's performance or furnishing of the Work. Project No.052511256.0010 00800—Page 19 of 23 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard Notices of intent to file liens have been sent to OWNER or Liens have been filed in connection with the Work, except where CONTRACTOR has delivered a specific Bond satisfactory to OWNER to secure the satisfaction and discharge of such Liens, there are other items entitling OWNER to a set-off against the amount recommended, or OWNER has actual knowledge of the occurrence of any of the events enumerated in Paragraphs through or Paragraphs through inclusive; but OWNER must give CONTRACTOR immediate written notice(with a copy to ENGINEER) stating the reasons for such action and promptly pay CONTRACTOR the amount so withheld, or any adjustment thereto agreed to by OWNER and CONTRACTOR, when CONTRACTOR corrects to OWNER's satisfaction the reasons for such action. Any amount not recommended for payment by ENGINEER or approved for payment by OWNER pursuant to this Paragraph 6.15.4 shall not be due to CONTRACTOR and shall not be subject to interest pursuant to Article 4 of the Agreement or other wise under the Contract Document. 6.16. Substantial Completion 6.16.1. When CONTRACTOR considers the entire Work ready for its intended use, CONTRACTOR shall notify OWNER and ENGINEER in writing that the entire Work is substantially complete(except for items specifically listed by CONTRACTOR as incomplete)and shall request that ENGINEER issue a certificate of Substantial Completion. Within a reasonable time thereafter, OWNER, CONTRACTOR, and ENGINEER shall make an inspection of the Work to determine the status of completion. If ENGINEER does not consider the Work substantially complete,ENGINEER will notify CONTRACTOR in writing giving the reasons therefor. If ENGINEER considers the Work substantially complete,ENGINEER will prepare and deliver to OWNER a tentative certificate of Substantial Completion. There shall be attached to the certificate a tentative list of items to be completed or corrected before final payment. OWNER shall have seven(7)days after receipt of the tentative certificate to make written objection to ENGINEER as to any provisions of the certificate or attached list. If, after considering such objections,ENGINEER concludes that the Work is not substantially complete,ENGINEER will,within fourteen(14) days after submission of the tentative certificate to OWNER,notify CONTRACTOR in writing, stating the reasons ENGINEER believes the work is not substantially complete. If, after consideration of OWNER's objections,ENGINEER considers the Work substantially complete,ENGINEER will, within said fourteen(14)days, execute and deliver to OWNER and CONTRACTOR a definitive certificate of Substantial Completion(with a revised tentative list of items to be completed or corrected),reflecting such changes from the tentative certificate as ENGINEER believes justified after consideration of any objections from OWNER. At the time of delivery of the tentative certificate of Substantial Completion,ENGINEER will deliver to OWNER and CONTRACTOR a written recommendation as to division of responsibilities pending final payment between OWNER and CONTRACTOR with respect to security, operation, safety,maintenance,heat,utilities, insurance, and warranties and guarantees. Unless OWNER and CONTRACTOR agree otherwise in writing and so inform ENGINEER in writing prior to ENGINEER's issuing the definitive certificate of Substantial Completion,ENGINEER's aforesaid recommendation will be binding on OWNER and CONTRACTOR until final payment. 6.16.2. OWNER shall have the right to exclude CONTRACTOR from the Work after the date of Substantial Completion,but OWNER shall allow CONTRACTOR reasonable access to complete or Project No.052511256.0010 00800—Page 20 of 23 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard correct items on the tentative list used until final acceptance. CONTRACTOR shall complete or Club"\ correct such items in a diligent and expeditious manner. 6.17. Waiver of Claims The making and acceptance of final payment will constitute: 6.17.1. a waiver of all claims by OWNER against CONTRACTOR, except claims arising from unsettled Liens, from Defective Work appearing after final inspection pursuant to Paragraph 6.08, from failure to comply with the Contract Documents or the terms of any special guarantees specified therein, or from CONTRACTOR's continuing obligations under the Contract Documents;and 6.17.2. a waiver of all claims by CONTRACTOR against OWNER other than those previously made in writing and still unsettled. ARTICLE 7 EXTRA WORK AND CLAIMS SC-7 Add the following paragraphs: 7.05. Amending and Supplementing Contract Documents 7.05.1. The Contract Documents may be amended to provide for additions, deletions, and revisions in the Work or to modify the terms and conditions thereof in one or more of the following ways: a formal written Amendment, a Change Order(pursuant to Paragraph 7.01), or a Work Change Directive. 7.05.2. In addition,the requirements of the Contract Documents may be supplemented, and minor variations and deviations in the Work may be authorized, in one or more of the following ways: a Field Order(pursuant to Paragraph 3.09), ENGINEER's written interpretation or clarification (pursuant to Paragraph 3.10). 7.06. Unit Price Work 7.06.1. Where the Contract Documents provide that all or part of the Work is to be Unit Price Work, initially the Contract Price will be deemed to include, for all Unit Price Work, an amount equal to the sum of the established unit price for each separately identified item of Unit Price Work times the estimated quantity of each item as indicated in the Agreement. The estimated quantities of items of Unit Price Work are not guaranteed and are solely for the purpose of comparison of bids and determining an initial Contract Price. Determinations of the actual quantities and classifications of Unit Price Work performed by CONTRACTOR will be made by ENGINEER in accordance with Paragraph 3.1. CONTRACTOR represents that its profits are not based upon the estimated quantities of Unit Price Work and agrees that neither ENGINEER nor OWNER shall be liable to CONTRACTOR if the actual amount of Unit Price Work differs from the estimated quantities of Unit Price Work, even if OWNER or CONTRACTOR was negligent in making such estimates. Project No.052511256.0010 00800—Page 21 of 23 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard 7.06.2. Each unit price will be deemed to include an amount considered by CONTRACTOR to be adequate to cover CONTRACTOR's overhead and profit for each separately identified item. 7.06.3. OWNER or CONTRACTOR may make a claim for an adjustment in the Contract Price in accordance with Article 7 if: The quantity of any item of Unit Price Work performed by CONTRACTOR differs by more than twenty-five(25)percent(over or under) from the estimated quantity of such item indicated in the Agreement; and There is no corresponding adjustment with respect to any other item of Work; and If CONTRACTOR believes that CONTRACTOR is entitled to an increase in Contract Price as a result of having incurred additional expense or OWNER believes that OWNER is entitled to a decrease in Contract Price and the parties are unable to agree as to the amount of any such increase or decrease. ARTICLE 8 ABANDONMENT OF CONTRACT SC-8 Add the following paragraphs: 8.04. OWNER May Suspend Work At any time and without cause, OWNER may suspend the Work or any portion thereof for a period of not more than ninety(90) days by notice in writing to CONTRACTOR and ENGINEER which will fix the date on which Work will be resumed. CONTRACTOR shall resume the Work on the date so fixed. CONTRACTOR shall be allowed an adjustment in the Contract Price or an extension of the Contract Times, or both, directly attributable to any such suspension if CONTRACTOR makes an approved claim therefor as provided in Article 5. 8.05. OWNER May Terminate 8.05.1. Upon the occurrence of any one or more of the following events: if, in the opinion of OWNER,CONTRACTOR persistently fails to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents(including,but not limited to, failure to supply a sufficient number of or sufficiently skilled workers or suitable materials or equipment or failure to adhere to the progress schedule established under Paragraph 4.33 as adjusted from time to time pursuant to Article 4); if CONTRACTOR disregards Laws or Regulations of any public body having jurisdiction over the project,the work of CONTRACTOR's performance of the work; if CONTRACTOR disregards the authority of ENGINEER; or if CONTRACTOR otherwise violates,in any substantial way, any provisions of the Contract Documents; Clah\ OWNER may, after giving CONTRACTOR(and the surety, if any) seven (7)days' written notice, and,to the extent permitted by Laws and Regulations,terminate the services of CONTRACTOR, exclude CONTRACTOR from the site and take possession of the Work and of all CONTRACTOR's tools, appliances, construction equipment, and machinery at the site and use the same to the full Project No.052511256.0010 00800—Page 22 of 23 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard extent they could be used by CONTRACTOR(without liability to CONTRACTOR for trespass or CIN6 conversion), incorporate in the Work all materials and equipment stored at the site or for which OWNER has paid CONTRACTOR but which are stored elsewhere, and finish the Work as OWNER may deem expedient. In such case CONTRACTOR shall not be entitled to receive any further payment until the Work is finished. If the unpaid balance of the Contract Price exceeds all claims, costs,losses, and damages sustained by OWNER arising out of, or resulting from, completing the Work, such excess will be paid to CONTRACTOR. If such claims, costs, losses, and damages exceed such unpaid balance, CONTRACTOR shall pay the difference to OWNER. Such claims, costs, losses, and damages incurred by OWNER will be reviewed by ENGINEER as to their reasonableness, and,when so approved by ENGINEER, incorporated into a Change Order,provided that when exercising any rights or remedies under this paragraph, OWNER shall not be required to obtain the lowest price for the Work performed. 8.05.2. Where CONTRACTOR's services have been so terminated by OWNER,the termination will not affect any rights or remedies of OWNER against CONTRACTOR then existing or which may thereafter accrue. Any retention or payment of moneys due CONTRACTOR by OWNER will not release CONTRACTOR from liability. 8.05.3. Upon seven(7)days' written notice to CONTRACTOR and ENGINEER, OWNER may, without cause and without prejudice to any other right or remedy of OWNER, elect to terminate the Agreement. In such case,CONTRACTOR shall be paid(without duplication of any items): For completed and acceptable Work executed in accordance with the Contract Documents prior to the effective date of termination, including fair and reasonable sums for overhead and profit on such Work; For expenses sustained prior to the effective date of termination in performing services and furnishing labor,materials, or equipment as required by the Contract Documents in connection with uncompleted Work,plus fair and reasonable sums for overhead and profit on such expenses; For all claims, costs, losses, and damages incurred in settlement of terminated contracts with Subcontractors, Suppliers, and others; and For reasonable expenses directly attributable to termination. CONTRACTOR shall not be paid on account of loss of anticipated profits or revenue or other economic loss arising out of,or resulting from, such termination. OWNER SHALL NOT BE LIABLE TO CONTRACTOR FOR ANY LOSS OF ANTICIPATED PROFITS OR REVENUE OR OTHER ECONOMIC LOSS ARISING OUT OF, OR RESULTING FROM, SUCH TERIVIINATION,EVEN IF SUCH LOSS IS DUE TO THE NEGLIGENCE,OTHER FAULT,BREACH OF CONTRACT OR WARRANTY,VIOLATION OF THE TEXAS DECEPTIVE TRADE PRACTICES ACT, OR STRICT LIABILITY WITHOUT REGARD TO FAULT OF OWNER. END OF SECTION Project No.052511256.0010 00800—Page 23 of 23 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard SECTION 00811 WAGE SCALE FOR ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION 1.01 In accordance with the Prevailing Wage law on Public Works (Article 5159-a of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas),the public body awarding the contract does hereby specify the following to be the general prevailing rates in the locality in which the work is being performed. 1.02 This prevailing wage rate does not prohibit the payment of more than the rates stated. 1.03 The wage scale for engineering construction is to be applied to all site work greater than 5 feet from an exterior wall of a new building under construction or from an exterior wall of an existing building. END OF SECTION rs*\ ("L'\ Project No.052511256.0010 00811—Page 1 of 3 WAGE SCALE CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard Prevailing Wage Rates for Engineering Construction for Districts Located within Corporate Boundaries or ETJ of City of Pearland and Brazoria County i i Classification ` X' A d t ik 8 r 3 Y 3 x i b 4 t }i t v C i Wa `e Rate 3i ig ...� � Asphalt Raker 8.28 Asphalt Shoveler 7.45 Batching Plant Weigher/Batching Plant Scaleman 11.11 Carpenter 10.35 Concrete Finisher Paving 9.87 Concrete Finisher Structures 9.86 Concrete Rubber 9.00 Electrician 16.15 Flagger 6.66 Form Builder Structures 9.96 Form Liner Paving&Curb 9.03 Form Setter Paving&Curb 8.86 Form Setter Structures 9.05 Laborer Common 7.45 Laborer Utility 8.53 Line person 7.50 Manhole Builder Brick 8.49 Mechanic 11.38 Oiler 9.56 Servicer 9.51 Painter Structures 14.00 Piledriver 10.96 Pipe Layer 8.49 Asphalt Distributor 9.47 Asphalt Paving Machine 10.05 Broom or Sweeper Operator 8.01 Bulldozer 9.91 Concrete Curling Machine(see also Concrete Paving 8.80 Curling Machine) Concrete Finishing Machine (see also Concrete Paving 11.79 Finishing Machine) Concrete Joint Sealer(see also Concrete Paving Joint Sealer) 10.50 Concrete Paving Float 9.30 Concrete Paving Saw 10.01 Concrete Paving Spreader 9.32 Slipform Machine Operator 9.20 Crane, Clamshell, Backhoe Derrick,D'Line, Shovel 11.35 Crusher/Screening Plant 11.00 ,/"`. Foundation Drill Operator Crawler Mounted 12.59 Foundation Drill Operator Truck Mounted 12.73 Front End Loader 9.29 Milling Machine Operator 10.43 Project No.052511256.0010 00811-Page 2 of 3 WAGE SCALE CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard ; ,� tt , xa s fi ,�v 4 S>C11.6\, .dlassifiQalion. f AR ,t r 3 � , a 6 - �� � Wa e Rate €:.o$� Mixer 7.94 Motor Grader(Fine Grade) 11.11 Motor Grader 10.67 Pavement Marking Machine 7.45 Roller Steel Wheel Plant Mix Pavements 9.25 _ Roller Steel Wheel Other Flat Wheel or Tamping 7.61 Roller Pneumatic Self Propelled 7.96 Scraper 8.69 Tractor Crawler Type 10.12 Tractor Pneumatic 8.99 Traveling Mixer 9.35 Trenching Machine Light 10.50 Trenching Machine Heavy 13.56 Wagon Drill,Boring Machine 10.15 Reinforcing Steel Setter Paving 12.50 Reinforcing Steel Setter Structures 12.47 Steel Worker Structural 10.35 Sign Erector 10.06 Spreader Box Operator 9.08 Work Zone Barricade 7.45 Sign Installer 7.45 Truck Driver Single Axle Light 8.15 Truck Driver Single Axle Heavy 8.76 Truck Driver Tandem Axle Semi-trailer 8.00 Truck Driver Lowboy Float 11.29 Welder 10.43 This prevailing Wage Rate Scale for Engineering Construction does not prohibit the payment to workers of amounts greater than those specified herein. Project No.052511256.0010 00811—Page 3 of 3 WAGE SCALE CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard SECTION 01100 (..b"\ SUMMARY OF WORK 1.0 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES Summary of the Work including Work by OWNER, OWNER furnished products, Work sequence, future Work, CONTRACTOR use of Premises, and OWNER occupancy. 1.02 WORK COVERED BY CONTRACT DOCUMENTS Project entail construction of roadway widening and drainage improvements including concrete pavement, asphalt pavement,water lines, street lighting conduits, landscaping, and related works on Yost Boulevard from FM 518 to Clear Creek. 1.03 ALTERNATES A. Alternate bids quoted on Bid Forms will be reviewed and accepted or rejected at OWNER's option. B. Volunteer Alternates, any Alternate not specified in this Section,will not be considered. (lib\ C. Accepted Alternates will be identified in the Agreement between the OWNER and CONTRACTOR. D. Bids will be evaluated on base bid price plus selected Alternate. E. Description of Alternates: No alternates are included in this bid. 1.04 DESCRIPTION OF BID ITEMS A. Bid Item No. 1: Mobilization, Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Mobilization and demobilization b. Performance, Payment, and Maintenance Bonds c. Insurance premiums d. Other appurtenant and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Maximum Bid $200,000. Measure in Lump Cialk\ Sum. Project No.052511256.0010 01100—Page 1 of 32 SUMMARY OF WORK June 3,2004 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard B. Bid Item No. 2: Project Identification Signs, Complete in Place (11.1'\ 1. Include cost of: a. Furnish identification signs b. Other appurtenant and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Each C. Bid Item No. 3: Remove and Dispose Existing Asphalt Pavement, Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Removal of existing asphalt pavement materials b. Disposal of materials removed c. Other appurtenant and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Square Yard D. Bid Item No. 4: Remove and Dispose Existing Concrete Pavement, Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Removal of existing concrete pavement materials b. Disposal of materials removed c. Other appurtenant and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Square Yard E. Bid Item No. 5: Remove and Dispose Existing Concrete Curb, Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Removal of existing concrete curb and gutter materials b. Disposal of materials removed c. Other appurtenant and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Linear Foot F. Bid Item No. 6: Remove and Dispose Existing Concrete Sidewalk, Complete in Place CP"'\ 1. Include cost of: Project No.052511256.0010 01100—Page 2 of 32 SUMMARY OF WORK June 3,2004 • CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard a. Removal of existing concrete sidewalk materials b. Disposal of materials removed c. Other appurtenant and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Square Yard G. Bid Item No. 7: Remove and Dispose Existing Driveway, Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Removal of existing materials b. Disposal of materials removed c. Other appurtenant and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Square Yard H. Bid Item No. 8: Remove and Dispose Existing Storm Sewer Culverts, Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Removal of existing materials b. Disposal of materials removed c. Other appurtenant and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Linear Foot I. Bid Item No. 9: Remove and Dispose Existing Inlets,Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Removal of existing structures b. Disposal of structures removed c. Other appurtenant and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Each J. Bid Item No. 10: Remove and Dispose Existing Manhole, Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Removal of existing structures b. Disposal of structures removed Project No.052511256.0010 01100—Page 3 of 32 SUMMARY OF WORK June 3,2004 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard 117' c. Other appurtenant and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Each K. Bid Item No. 11: Remove and Salvage Existing Fire Hydrants, Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Removal of existing structures b. Savage structures removed as directed by the City of Pearland c. Other appurtenant and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Each L. Bid Item No. 12: Site Preparation, Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Removal of all obstructions including planters,boxes, fences,brick walls,brick columns, and all demolition items that are not covered in bid item nos. 3 through 12 b. Disposal of materials removed c. Salvaging of designated items d. Other appurtenant and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Lump Sum M. Bid Item No. 13: Roadway Excavation, Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Excavation b. Dispose of surplus or unacceptable material c. Other appurtenant and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Cubic Yard N. Bid Item No. 14: Flood Plain Park Excavation, Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: (1117 a. Excavation b. Dispose of surplus or unacceptable material Project No.052511256.0010 . 01100—Page 4 of 32 SUMMARY OF wORx June 3,2004 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard c. Other appurtenant and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Cubic Yard O. Bid Item No. 15: Embankment 1. Include cost of: a. Placing suitable roadway excavation and borrow materials b. Placing, compacting, and grading embankment c. Other appurtenant and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Cubic Yard P. Bid Item No. 16: Trench Safety System, Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Furnish materials b. Install materials c. Other appurtenant and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Linear Foot Q. Bid Item No. 17: Articulated Concrete Blocks, Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Furnish materials b. Install materials c. Other appurtenant and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Square Yard R. Bid Item No. 18: Type"C" Storm Sewer Manhole,Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Excavation b. Furnish materials c. Install materials d. Backfill Project No.052511256.0010 01100—Page 5 of 32 SUMMARY OF WORK June 3,2004 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard e. Other appurtenant and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Each S. Bid Item No. 19: Storm Sewer Manhole (Extra Depth), Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Excavation b. Furnish materials c. Install materials d. Backfill e. Other appurtenant and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Vertical Feet T. Bid Item No. 20: 24-Inch Reinforced Concrete Pipe Storm Sewer, Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Furnish pipe,materials for pipe bedding, and select backfill b. Install materials c. Compact bedding and backfill d. Other appurtenant and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Linear Foot U. Bid Item No. 21: 30-Inch Reinforced Concrete Pipe Storm Sewer, Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Furnish pipe,materials for pipe bedding, and select backfill b. Install materials c. Compact bedding and backfill d. Other appurtenant and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Linear Foot V. Bid Item No. 22: 36-Inch Reinforced Concrete Pipe Storm Sewer,Complete in Place rbk'' 1. Include cost of: Project No.052511256.0010 01100—Page 6 of 32 SUMMARY OF WORK June 3,2004 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard a. Furnish pipe,materials for pipe bedding, and select backfill b. Install materials c. Compact bedding and backfill d. Other appurtenant and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Linear Foot W. Bid Item No. 23: 42-Inch Reinforced Concrete Pipe Storm Sewer, Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Furnish pipe,materials for pipe bedding, and select backfill b. Install materials c. Compact bedding and backfill d. Other appurtenant and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Linear Foot X. Bid Item No. 24: 54-Inch Reinforced Concrete Pipe Storm Sewer, Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Furnish pipe,materials for pipe bedding, and select backfill b. Install materials c. Compact bedding and backfill d. Other appurtenant and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Linear Foot Y. Bid Item No. 25: 42-Inch Aluminized Corrugated Metal Pipe Storm Sewer, Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Furnish pipe,materials for pipe bedding, and select backfill b. Install materials c. Compact bedding and backfill d. Other appurtenant and incidental work Project No.052511256.0010 01100—Page 7 of 32 SUMMARY OF WORK June 3,2004 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Linear Foot Z. Bid Item No. 26: 48-Inch Aluminized Corrugated Metal Pipe Storm Sewer, Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Furnish pipe,materials for pipe bedding, and select backfill b. Install materials c. Compact bedding and backfill d. Other appurtenant and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Linear Foot AA. Bid Item No. 27: Type "C"Inlet, Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Furnish inlet structure,materials for bedding, and select backfill b. Install materials c. Compact bedding and backfill d. Other appurtenant and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Each BB. Bid Item No. 28: Type"C-1"Inlet, Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Furnish inlet structure,materials for bedding,and select backfill b. Install materials c. Compact bedding and backfill d. Other appurtenant and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Each CC. Bid Item No. 29: Type"C-2"Inlet, Complete in Place 1. Include cost of a. Furnish inlet structure,materials for bedding,and select backfill b. Install materials Project No.052511256.0010 01100—Page 8 of 32 SUMMARY OF WORK June 3,2004 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard c. Compact bedding and backfill d. Other appurtenant and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Each DD. Bid Item No. 30: Type"E"Inlet, Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Furnish inlet structure,materials for bedding, and select backfill b. Install materials c. Compact bedding and backfill d. Other appurtenance and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Each EE. Bid Item No. 31: Concrete Headwall, Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Furnish materials b. Install materials c. Other appurtenant and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Each FF. Bid Item No. 32: Concrete Slope Paving,Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Furnish materials b. Install materials c. Other appurtenant and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in SquareYard GG. Bid Item No. 33: Timber Bent, Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Furnish materials b. Install materials Project No.052511256.0010 01100—Page 9 of 32 SUMMARY OF WORK June 3,2004 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard c. Other appurtenant and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Each HH. Bid Item No. 34: Ring Gate, Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Furnish materials b. Install materials c. Other appurtenant and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Each II. Bid Item No. 35: Regrade Existing Ditch, Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Regrade existing ditches to lines and grades b. Other appurtenant and incidental work 2. Measurement for payment: Measure in Linear Foot JJ. Bid Item No. 36: Auger 16-Inch Steel Casing with 12-Inch Water Main, Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Furnish materials including water main, steel casing, auger equipment, fittings, thrust restraint,bedding and select backfill b. Install materials c. Compact bedding and select backfill d. Other appurtenance and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Linear Foot KK. Bid Item No. 37: 6-Inch Water Main, Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Furnish materials including pipe, fittings,thrust restraint,bedding and select backfill fir• b. Install materials t ' c. Compact bedding and select backfill Project No.052511256.0010 01100—Page 10 of 32 SUMMARY OF WORK June 3,2004 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard d. Other appurtenance and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Linear Foot LL. Bid Item No. 38: 8-Inch Water Main, Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Furnish materials including pipe, fittings,thrust restraint,bedding and select backfill b. Install materials c. Compact bedding and select backfill d. Other appurtenance and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Linear Foot MM. Bid Item No. 39: 12-Inch Water Main, Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Furnish materials including pipe, fittings,thrust restraint,bedding and select backfill ("b\ b. Install materials c. Compact bedding and select backfill d. Other appurtenance and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Linear Foot NN. Bid Item No. 40: 12-Inch Water Main(C-900), Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Furnish materials including pipe, fittings,thrust restraint,bedding and select backfill b. Install materials c. Compact bedding and select backfill d. Other appurtenance and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Linear Foot 00. Bid Item No. 41: Adjust Water Meter, Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: Project No.052511256.0010 01100—Page 11 of 32 SUMMARY OF WORK June 3,2004 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard a. Remove and relocate existing water meters l b. Adjust existing water meters to new grade c. Other appurtenant and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Each PP. Bid Item No. 42: Fire Hydrant, Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Furnish materials including fire hydrant,hydrant lead,valve,bedding and select backfill b. Install materials c. Other appurtenance and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Each QQ. Bid Item No. 43: Water Tap and Service Lines—3/4-Inch to 1-Inch(Short Side), Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Furnish materials b. Install materials c. Other appurtenance and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Each RR. Bid Item No. 44: Water Tap and Service Lines—3/4-Inch to 1-Inch(Long Side), complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Furnish materials b. Install materials c. Other appurtenance and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Each SS. Bid Item No. 45: Wet Connection(6-Inch Water Main), Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: ProjectNo.052511256.0010 01100—Page 12 of 32 SUMMARY OF WORK June 3,2004 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard ` a. Furnish materials C.`" b. Install materials c. Other appurtenance and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Each TT. Bid Item No. 46: Wet Connection(8-Inch Water Main), Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Furnish materials b. Install materials c. Other appurtenance and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Each UU. Bid Item No. 47: 12-Inch By 6-Inch Tapping Sleeve and Valve, Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: Clisk` a. Furnish materials b. Install materials c. Other appurtenance and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Each VV. Bid Item No. 48: 16-Inch By 12-Inch Tapping Sleeve and Valve, Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Furnish materials b. Install materials c. Other appurtenance and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Each WW. Bid Item No. 49: Cut,Plug, and Abandon 6"Water Main,Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Furnish materials including equipment Projectxo.052511256.0010 01100—Page 13 of 32 SUMMARY OF WORK June 3,2004 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard b. Install materials (17 c. Other appurtenance and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Each XX. Bid Item No. 50: Cut, Plug, and Abandon 8"Water Main, Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Furnish materials including equipment b. Install materials c. Other appurtenance and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Each YY. Bid Item No. 51: 6-Inch Sanitary Sewer Lead, Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Furnish pipe,materials for pipe bedding, and select backfill b. Install materials c. Compact bedding and backfill d. Other appurtenant and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Linear Foot ZZ. Bid Item No. 52: 6-Inch Sanitary Sewer Service Lead(150 psi), Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Furnish pipe,materials for pipe bedding, and select backfill b. Install materials c. Compact bedding and backfill d. Other appurtenant and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Linear Foot AAA. Bid Item No. 53: 10-Inch Sanitary Sewer, Complete in Place 1. Include cost of (11/1N` a. Furnish pipe,materials for pipe bedding, and select backfill b. Install materials Project No.052511256.0010 01100—Page 14 of 32 SUMMARY OF WORK June 3,2004 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard c. Compact bedding and backfill d. Other appurtenant and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Linear Foot BBB. Bid Item No. 54: Sanitary Sewer Manhole, Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Excavation b. Furnish materials c. Install materials d. Backfill e. Other appurtenant and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Each CCC. Bid Item No. 55: Sanitary Sewer Cleanout, Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Furnish materials and Equipment C114\ b. Perform cleaning b. Other appurtenant and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Each DDD. Bid Item No. 56: Adjust Existing Manhole to New Grade, Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Adjust existing manholes to new grade b. Other appurtenant and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Each EEE. Bid Item No. 57: 12-Inch Lime Stabilized Subgrade,Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Furnish materials and equipment b. Preparation of lime and subgrade soils c. Compaction of material Project No.052511256.0010 01100—Page 15 of 32 SUMMARY OF WORK June 3,2004 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard d. Other appurtenance and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Square Yard FFF. Bid Item No. 58: Lime, Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Manipulation of subgrade b. Spreading of lime slurry c. Other appurtenance and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Ton GGG. Bid Item No. 59: 2-Inch Hot-Mix Asphaltic Concrete Surface Course 1. Include cost of: a. Furnish materials b. Placement of materials c. Compaction of materials d. Adjust utilitycastings to final grade of pavement e. Other appurtenant and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Square Yard HHH. Bid Item No. 60: 11-Inch Hot-Mix Asphaltic Concrete Base Course, Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Furnish materials b. Placement of materials c. Compaction of materials d. Other appurtenant and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Square Yard III. Bid Item No. 61: 4-Inch Concrete Sidewalk, Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: Project No.052511256.0010 01100—Page 16 of 32 SUMMARY OF WORK June 3,2004 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard ( a. Furnish materials b. Place materials c. Other appurtenance and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Square Foot JJJ. Bid Item No. 62: 6-Inch Median Paving, Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Furnish materials b. Place materials c. Other appurtenance and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Square Yard KKK. Bid Item No. 63: 10-Inch Concrete Pavement, Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: C1116. a. Furnish materials b. Place materials c. Other appurtenance and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Square Yard LLL. Bid Item No. 64: 8-Inch Concrete Driveway, Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Furnish materials b. Place materials c. Other appurtenance and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Square Yard MIVIM. Bid Item No. 65: Crosswalk Paving(Coloring Included),Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: (sijn\, a. Furnish materials Project No.052511256.0010 01100—Page 17 of 32 SUMMARY OF WORK hme 3,2004 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard b. Place materials c. Other appurtenance and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Square Yard NNN. Bid Item No. 66: Concrete Paving Header, Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Furnish materials b. Place materials c. Other appurtenance and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Linear Feet 000. Bid Item No. 67: 6-Inch Concrete Curb, Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Furnish concrete curb materials C"'"\ b. Install concrete curb c. Other appurtenance and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Linear Foot PPP. Bid Item No. 68: Pedestrian Ramps (Type 3), Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Furnish ramp materials b. Place ramp materials in accordance with ADA requirements c. Pigment ramp in accordance with TxDOT requirements d. Other appurtenance and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Each QQQ. Bid Item No. 69: Pedestrian Ramps (Type 7), Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Furnish ramp materials Project No.052511256.0010 01100—Page 18 of 32 SUMMARY OF WORK June 3,2004 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard b. Place ramp materials in accordance with ADA requirements c. Pigment ramp in accordance with TxDOT requirements d. Other appurtenance and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Each RRR. Bid Item No. 70: Pedestrian Ramps (Type 9), Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Furnish ramp materials b. Place ramp materials in accordance with ADA requirements c. Pigment ramp in accordance with TxDOT requirements d. Other appurtenance and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Each SSS. Bid Item No. 71: MSE Retaining Wall, Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Furnish materials b. Install materials c. Other appurtenance and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Square Foot TIT. Bid Item No. 72: Stabilized Construction Exit, Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Furnish materials b. Install and remove of materials o. Other appurtenance and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Each UUU. Bid Item No. 73: Reinforced Filter Fabric Barrier, Complete in Place ' 1. Include cost of: a. Furnish materials Project No.052511256.0010 01100—Page 19 of 32 SUMMARY OF WORK June 3,2004 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard b. Install materials L S c. Maintain d. Other appurtenances and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Linear Foot VVV. Bid Item No. 74: Implementation of TPDES Permit, Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Provide the SWPPP documents in conformance with the TPDES General Permit TXR150000 and the SWPPP in the Construction Plans, and permits and fees b. Coordinate with the Program Manager and/or Owner c. Other appurtenances including TPDES requirements and incidental work 2. Measurement for payment: Measure in Lump Sum WWW. Bid Item No. 75: Inlet Protection Barrier, Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Furnish barriers b. Place barriers c. Maintain d. Other appurtenances and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Each XXX. Bid Item No. 76: Bermuda Hydro Seed, Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Furnish materials b. Install materials as specified on Planting Plans in the Construction Plans c. Irrigate d. Other appurtenances and incidental work Cish\ 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Square Yard Project No.052511256.0010 01100—Page 20 of 32 SUMMARY OF WORK June 3,2004 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard YYY. Bid Item No. 77: St. Augustine Sod, Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Furnish materials b. Install materials as specified on Planting Plans in the Construction Plans c. Irrigate d. Other appurtenances and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Square Yard ZZZ. Bid Item No. 78: Bermuda Sod Strip, Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Furnish materials b. Install materials as specified on Planting Plans in the Construction Plans c. Irrigate d. Other appurtenances and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Square Yard AAAA. Bid Item No. 79: Live Oak(4.5-Inch Cal.), Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Furnish materials b. Install materials as specified on Tree Preservation Plans in the Construction Plans c. Irrigate d. Other appurtenances and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Each BBBB. Bid Item No. 80: Live Oak(6-Inch Cal.), Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Furnish materials Project No.052511256.0010 01100—Page 21 of 32 SUMMARY OF WORK June 3,2004 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard b. Install materials as specified on Tree Preservation Plans in the Construction Plans (111°^\ c. Irrigate d. Other appurtenances and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Each CCCC. Bid Item No. 81: Cedar Elm(4.5-Inch Cal.), Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Furnish materials b. Install materials as specified on Tree Preservation Plans in the Construction Plans c. Irrigate d. Other appurtenances and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Each DDDD. Bid Item No. 82: White Oak(5-Inch Cal.),Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Furnish materials b. Install materials as specified on Tree Preservation Plans in the • Construction Plans c. Irrigate d. Other appurtenances and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Each EEEE. Bid Item No. 83: Water Oak(5-Inch Cal.),Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Furnish materials b. Install materials as specified on Tree Preservation Plans in the Construction Plans c. Irrigate d. Other appurtenances and incidental work Project No.052511256.0010 01100—Page 22 of 32 SUMMARY OF WORK June 3,2004 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Each (1/1*'. FFFF. Bid Item No. 84: Crape Myrtle(M.T., 3-Inch Cal.), Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Furnish materials b. Install materials as specified on Tree Preservation Plans in the Construction Plans c. Irrigate d. Other appurtenances and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Each GGGG. Bid Item No. 85: Tree Root Pruning, Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Furnish materials including pruning equipment b. Install materials as specified on Tree Preservation Details in the Construction Plans c. Other appurtenances and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Each HHHH. Bid Item No. 86: Relocate Subdivision Markers, Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Relocate materials as directed by Engineer b. Install materials c. Other appurtenances and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Each IIII. Bid Item No. 87: Irrigation System, Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Provide materials including irrigation equipment,backflow preventers,meters,valves,heads,lateral,mainlines, and permits and fees b. Install materials as specified on Irrigation Plans in the Construction Plans Project No.052511256.0010 01100—Page 23 of 32 SUMMARY OF WORK June 3,2004 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard c. Other appurtenances and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Lump Sum JJJJ. Bid Item No. 88: Thermoplastic Pavement Markings (4-Inch Solid or Broken, White or Yellow), Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Surface preparation b. Furnish materials of Types I and II in accordance with TxDOT Specification Item 666 c. Install materials d. Other appurtenant and incidental work 2. Measurement for payment: Measure in Linear Foot KKKK. Bid Item No. 89: Thermoplastic Pavement Markings(8-Inch Solid or Broken, White or Yellow), Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: (1/8".`, a. Surface preparation b. Furnish materials of Types I and II in accordance with TxDOT Specification Item 666 c. Install materials d. Other appurtenant and incidental work 2. Measurement for payment: Measure in Linear Foot LLLL. Bid Item No. 90: Thermoplastic Pavement Markings(12-Inch Solid or Broken, White or Yellow), Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Surface preparation b. Furnish materials of Types I and II in accordance with TxDOT Specification Item 666 c. Install materials d. Other appurtenant and incidental work 2. Measurement for payment: Measure in Linear Foot Project No.052511256.0010 01100—Page 24 of 32 SUMMARY OF WORK June 3,2004 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard MMMM. Bid Item No. 91: Thermoplastic Pavement Markings (24-Inch Solid,White or Yellow), Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Surface preparation b. Furnish materials of Types I and II in accordance with TxDOT Specification Item 666 c. Install materials d. Other appurtenant and incidental work 2. Measurement for payment: Measure in Linear Foot NNNN. Bid Item No. 92: Thermoplastic Pavement Markings(Arrow, White), Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Surface preparation b. Furnish materials of Types I and II in accordance with TxDOT Specification Item 666 c. Install materials d. Other appurtenant and incidental work 2. Measurement for payment: Measure in Each 0000. Bid Item No. 93: Thermoplastic Pavement Markings (Word, White), Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Surface preparation b. Furnish materials of Types I and II in accordance with TxDOT Specification Item 666 c. Install materials d. Other appurtenant and incidental work 2. Measurement for payment: Measure in Each PPPP. Bid Item No. 94: Raised Reflective Pavement Markings (Reflective)TY II-C-R, Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: Project No.052511256.0010 01100—Page 25 of 32 SUM! [ARY OF WORK June 3,2004 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard a. Furnish materials Ci b. Surface preparation c. Install materials d. Other appurtenant and incidental work 2. Measurement for payment: Measure in Each QQQQ. Bid Item No. 95: Raised Pavement Markings (Reflective)TY II-A-A, Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Furnish materials b. Surface preparation c. Install materials d. Other appurtenant and incidental work 2. Measurement for payment: Measure in Each Ca'N. RRRR. Bid Item No. 96: Traffic Paint Pavement Markings (4-Inch Solid or Broken,White or Yellow), Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Surface preparation b. Furnish materials c. Install materials d. Other appurtenant and incidental work 2. Measurement for payment: Measure in Linear Foot SSSS. Bid Item No. 97: Traffic Paint Pavement Markings(8-Inch Solid or Broken,White or Yellow), Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Furnish materials b. Surface preparation c. Install materials d. Other appurtenant and incidental work Project No.052511256.0010 01100—Page 26 of 32 SUMMARY OF WORK June 3,2004 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard 2. Measurement for payment: Measure in Linear Foot (011'` TTTT. Bid Item No. 98: Traffic Paint Pavement Markings (12-Inch Solid or Broken,White or Yellow), Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Surface Preparation b. Furnish material c. Install materials d. Other appurtenant and incidental work 2. Measurement for payment: Measure in Linear Foot UUUU. Bid Item No. 99: Traffic Paint Pavement Markings(24-Inch Solid or Broken,White or Yellow), Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Surface preparation b. Furnish materials (0"*N. c. Install materials d. Other appurtenant and incidental work 2. Measurement for payment: Measure in Linear Foot VVVV. Bid Item No. 100: Traffic Paint Pavement Markings (Arrow,White), Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Surface Preparation b. Furnish materials c. Install materials d. Other appurtenant and incidental work 2. Measurement for payment: Measure in Each WWWW. Bid Item No. 101: Traffic Paint Pavement Markings (Word,White),Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: Project No.052511256.0010 01100—Page 27 of 32 SUMMARY OF WORK June 3,2004 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard a. Surface preparation b. Furnish materials c. Install materials d. Other appurtenant and incidental work 2. Measurement for payment: Measure in Each XXXX. Bid Item No. 102: Traffic Paint Pavement Markings (Median Nose,Yellow), Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Surface preparation b. Furnish materials c. Install materials d. Other appurtenant and incidental work 2. Measurement for payment: Measure in Linear Foot YYYY. Bid Item No. 103: Temporary Pavement Markings(4-Inch Yellow Solid), Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Surface preparation b. Furnish materials c. Install materials d. Other appurtenant and incidental work 2. Measurement for payment: Measure in Linear Foot ZZZZ. Bid Item No. 104: Temporary Pavement Markings(24-Inch White Solid),Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Surface preparation b. Furnish materials (11"`, c. Install materials Project No.052511256.0010 01100—Page 28 of 32 SUMMARY OF WORK June 3,2004 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard d. Other appurtenant and incidental work 2. Measurement for payment: Measure in Linear Foot AABB. Bid Item No. 105: Traffic Control and Regulation 1. Include cost of: a. Provide implementation of traffic control phasing b. Install traffic control signs,barricades,pavement markings, etc. c. Remove temporary traffic control signs,barricades,pavement markings, etc. d. Provide flagmen and traffic control officers as required e. Other appurtenant and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Lump Sum AACC. Bid Item No. 106: Installation,Maintenance,and Removal of 7-Inch Black Base for Detour Road,Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Provide materials b. Install materials c. Maintain materials d. Remove and dispose of materials e. Other appurtenance and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Ton AADD. Bid Item No. 107: Installation,Maintenance, and Removal of 2-Inch Hot Mix Asphaltic Concrete for Detour Road,Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Provide materials b. Install materials c. Maintain materials limb\ f d. Remove and dispose of materials Project No.052511256.0010 01100—Page 29 of 32 SUMMARY OF WORK June 3,2004 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard e. Other appurtenance and incidental work r 2. Measurement for Payment: Ton AAEE. Bid Item No. 108: Temporary Drainage Culverts, (All Sizes), Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Furnish pipe,materials for pipe bedding, and select backfill b. Install materials c. Compact bedding and backfill d. Remove and dispose of materials installed e. Other appurtenant and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Linear Foot AAFF. Bid Item No. 109: Traffic Signs, Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Provide all traffic signs of all types b. Install signs c. Other appurtenance and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Each AAGG. Bid Item No. 110: Traffic Signal Installation on FM 518 at Yost Boulevard, Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Provide all materials and equipment required to complete the traffic signal installation as shown on Construction Plans b. Remove and salvage existing traffic signals c. Provide flagmen and traffic control officers as required d. Other appurtenant and incidental work 2. Measurement for payment: Measure in Lump Sum AAHI3. Bid Item No. 111: 2-Inch Schedule 80 PVC Conduit,Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: Project No.052511256.0010 01100—Page 30 of 32 SUMMARY OF WORK June 3,2004 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard a. Furnish materials in accordance with CenterPoint Energy HL&P Ciik"\ Specification b. Install materials in accordance with CenterPoint Energy HL&P Specifications c. Compact bedding and backfill d. Other appurtenant and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Linear Foot AAII. Bid Item No. 112: Pull Box, Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Coordinate with CenterPoint Energy Lighting Design Services and Engineer b. Install pull boxes in accordance with CenterPoint Energy HL&P Specifications c. Other appurtenant and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Each AAJJ. Bid Item No. 113: Street Light Foundation, Complete in Place 1. Include cost of: a. Coordinate with CenterPoint Energy Lighting Design Services and Engineer b. Provide foundation materials c. Install materials in accordance with CenterPoint Energy HL&P Specifications d. Other appurtenant and incidental work 2. Measurement for Payment: Measure in Each 1.05 WORK BY OWNER A. Items noted as Not in Contract(NIC),or By Others will be furnished and installed by OWNER. B. OWNER will remove and retain possession of the following items prior to start of work: None. 1.06 OWNER-FURNISHED PRODUCTS Project No.052511256.0010 01100—Page 31 of 32 SUMMARY OF WORK June 3,2004 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard A. Products purchased and paid for by OWNER: None (116-\' B. Items Furnished by OWNER for Installation and Final Connection by CONTRACTOR: None C. CONTRACTOR's Responsibilities: 1. Arrange and pay for product delivery to site. 2. Receive and unload products at site;jointly with ENGINEER, inspect for completeness or damage. 3. Handle, store, install, and finish products. 4. Repair or replace damaged items. 1.07 CONSTRUCTION PHOTOGRAPHS Submit preconstruction(and post construction)photographs in accordance with Section 01380. 1.08 WORK SEQUENCE Coordination of Work: Refer to Section 01040—Coordination and Meetings, and Section 01300—Submittals (Construction Schedule and Plans) 1.09 CONTRACTOR USE OF PREMISES A. Comply with procedures for access to the site and CONTRACTOR's use of rights-of- way as specified in Section 01140—CONTRACTOR's Use of Premises. B. Utility Outages and Shutdown: When applicable,provide notification to the City and private utility companies a minimum of 48 hours, excluding weekend and holidays, in advance of required utility shutdown. Coordinate all work as required. 1.10 OWNER OCCUPANCY A. Cooperate with the OWNER to minimize conflict, and to facilitate the OWNER's operations. Coordinate CONTRACTOR's activities with ENGINEER. B. Schedule Work to accommodate this requirement. 2.0 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) 3.0 EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION Cilvh Project No.052511256.0010 01100—Page 32 of 32 SUMMARY OF WORK June 3,2004 CITY OF PEARLAND CONTRACTOR USE OF PREMISES SECTION 01140 CONTRACTOR USE OF PREMISES 1.0 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES Section includes general use of the site including properties inside and outside of rights-of- way,work affecting road,ramps, streets and driveways and notification to adjacent occupants. 1.02 RIGHTS-OF-WAY A. Confine access and operations and storage areas to rights-of-way provided by OWNER as stipulated in Document 00700—General Conditions;trespassing on abutting lands or other lands in the area is not allowed. B. CONTRACTOR may make arrangements, at CONTRACTOR's cost, for temporary use of private properties, in which case CONTRACTOR and CONTRACTOR's surety shall indemnify and hold harmless the OWNER against claims or demands arising from such use of properties outside of rights-of-way. C. Restrict total length which materials may be distributed along the route of the construction at any one time to 1,000 linear feet unless otherwise approved by ENGINEER. 1.03 PROPERTIES OUTSIDE OF RIGHTS-OF-WAY A. Altering the condition of properties adjacent to and along rights-of-way will not be permitted unless authorized by the ENGINEER and property OWNER(S). B. Means,methods,techniques, sequences,or procedures that will result in damage to properties or improvements in the vicinity outside of rights-of-way will not be permitted. C. Any damage to properties outside of rights-of-ways shall be repaired or replaced to the satisfaction of the ENGINEER and at no cost to the OWNER. 1.04 USE OF SITE A. Obtain approvals of governing authorities prior to impeding or closing public roads or streets. Do not close more than one consecutive intersection at one time. B. Notify ENGINEER 48 hours prior to closing a street or a street crossing. Permits for street closures are required in advance and are the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR. C. Maintain access for emergency vehicles including access to fire hydrants. 04/00 01140 - 1 CITY OF PEARLAND CONTRACTOR USE OF PREMISES D. Avoid obstructing drainage ditches or inlets;when obstruction is unavoidable due to requirements of the Work,provide grading and temporary drainage structures to maintain unimpeded flow. E. Locate and protect private lawn sprinkler systems which may exist on rights-of-ways within the site. Repair or replace damaged systems to condition equal to or better than that existing at start of Work. F. Perform daily cleanup of dirt outside the construction zone, and debris, scrap materials, and other disposable items. Keep streets, driveways, and sidewalks clean of dirt, debris and scrap materials. Do not leave buildings,roads, streets or other construction areas unclean overnight. 1.05 NOTIFICATION TO ADJACENT OCCUPANTS A. Notify individual occupants in areas to be affected by the Work of the proposed construction and time schedule. Notification shall be 24 hours, 72 hours and 2 weeks prior to work being performed within 200 feet of the homes or businesses. B. Include in notification names and telephone numbers of two company representatives for resident contact,who will be available on 24-hour call. Include precautions that will be taken to protect private property and identify potential access or utility inconvenience or disruption. C. Submit proposed notification to ENGINEER for approval. Consideration shall be given to the ethnicity of the neighborhood where English is not the dominant language. Notice shall be in an understandable language. 1.06 PUBLIC,TEMPORARY,AND CONSTRUCTION ROADS AND RAMPS A. Construct and maintain temporary detours,ramps,and roads to provide for normal public traffic flow when use of public roads or streets is closed by necessities of the Work. B. Provide mats or other means to prevent overloading or damage to existing roadways from tracked equipment or exceptionally large or heavy trucks or equipment. C. Construct and maintain access roads and parking areas as specified in Section 01500—Temporary Facilities and Controls. 1.07 EXCAVATION IN STREETS AND DRIVEWAYS A. Avoid hindering or needlessly inconveniencing public travel on a street or any intersecting alley or street for more than two blocks at any one time, except by permission of the ENGINEER. B. Obtain the ENGINEER's approval when the nature of the Work requires closing of an entire street. Permits required for street closure are the CONTRACTOR's responsibility. Avoid unnecessary inconvenience to abutting property OWNERS. C. Remove surplus materials and debris and open 1,000 feet or less for public use as work in that block is complete. 04/00 01140 -2 CITY OF PEARLAND CONTRACTOR USE OF PREMISES D. Acceptance of any portion of the Work will not be based on return of street to public use. E. Avoid obstructing driveways or entrances to private property. F. Provide temporary crossing or complete the excavation and backfill in one continuous operation to minimize the duration of obstruction when excavation is required across drives or entrances. G. Provide barricades and signs in accordance with Section VI of the State of Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. 1.08 TRAFFIC CONTROL Comply with traffic regulation as specified in Section 01555—Traffic Control and Regulation. 1.09 SURFACE RESTORATION A. Restore site to condition existing before construction to satisfaction of ENGINEER. B. Repair paved area per the requirements of Section 02980—Pavement Repair and Resurfacing. C. Repair turf areas which become damaged, level with bank run sand conforming to \ `' Section 02318—Excavation and Backfill for Utilities, or topsoil conforming to Section 02910—Topsoil,as approved by the ENGINEER and resod in accordance with Section 02922—Sodding. Water and level newly sodded areas with adjoining turf using steel wheel rollers appropriate for sodding. Do not use spot sodding or sprigging. 2.0 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) 3.0 EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION 04/00 01140 -3 CITY OF PEARLAND MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT SECTION 01200 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT 1.0 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES Procedures for measurement and payment plus conditions for nonconformance assessment and nonpayment for rejected products. 1.02 AUTHORITY A. Measurement methods delineated in Specification sections are intended to complement the criteria of this section. In the event of conflict,the requirements of the Specification section shall govern. B. Measurements and quantities submitted by the CONTRACTOR will be verified by the ENGINEER. C. CONTRACTOR shall provide necessary equipment,workers,and survey personnel as required by ENGINEER to verify quantities. ("I.\ 1.03 UNIT QUANTITIES SPECIFIED A. Quantity and measurement estimates stated in the Agreement are for contract purposes only. Quantities and measurements supplied or placed in the Work authorized and verified by ENGINEER shall determine payment as stated in the General Conditions. B. If the actual Work requires greater or lesser quantities than those quantities indicated in the Bid Form,provide the required quantities at the unit prices contracted, except as otherwise stated in the General Conditions or in executed Change Order. 1.04 MEASUREMENT OF QUANTITIES A. Measurement by Weight: Reinforcing steel,rolled or formed steel or other metal shapes will be measured by CRSI or AISC Manual of Steel Construction weights. Welded assemblies will be measured by CRSI or AISC Manual of Steel Construction or scale weights. B. Measurement by Volume: 1. Stockpiles: Measured by cubic dimension using mean length,width, and height or thickness. 2. Excavation and Embankment Materials: Measured by cubic dimension using (ow\ the average end area method. C. Measurement by Area: Measured by square dimension using mean length and width or radius. 04/00 01200- 1 CITY OF PEARLAND MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT D. Linear Measurement: Measured by linear dimension, at the item centerline or mean (1161‘.', chord. E. Stipulated Price Measurement: By unit designated in the agreement. F. Other: Items measured by weight,volume, area, or lineal means or combination, as appropriate, as a completed item or unit of the Work. 1.05 PAYMENT A. Payment Includes: Full compensation for all required supervision, labor,products, tools, equipment,plant,transportation, services, and incidentals; and erection, application or installation of an item of the Work; and CONTRACTOR's overhead and profit. B. Total compensation for required Unit Price Work shall be included in Unit Price bid in Bid schedule. Claims for payment as Unit Price Work,but not specifically covered in the list of unit prices contained in Bid Schedule,will not be accepted. C. Progress payments will be based on the ENGINEER's observations and evaluations of quantities incorporated in the Work multiplied by the unit price. D. Final payment for Work governed by unit prices will be made on the basis of the actual measurements and quantities determined by ENGINEER multiplied by the unit (1121"\. price for Work which is incorporated in or made necessary by the Work. 1.06 NONCONFORMANCE ASSESSMENT A. Remove and replace the Work, or portions of the Work,not conforming to the Contract Documents. B. If, in the opinion of ENGINEER, it is not practical to remove and replace the Work, the ENGINEER will direct one of the following remedies: 1. The nonconforming Work will remain as is,but the unit price will be adjusted to a lower price at the discretion of ENGINEER. 2. The nonconforming Work will be modified as authorized by the ENGINEER, and the unit price will be adjusted to a lower price at the discretion of ENGINEER,if the modified work is deemed to be less suitable than originally specified. C. Specification sections may modify these options or may identify a specific formula or percentage price reduction. D. The authority of ENGINEER to assess the nonconforming work and identify payment adjustment is final. 04/00 01200-2 CITY OF PEARLAND MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT 1.07 NONPAYMENT FOR REJECTED PRODUCTS Payment will not be made for any of the following: 1. Products wasted or disposed of in a manner that is not acceptable to ENGINEER. 2. 415ffithautvaututiminechasinetkeenf0.- or 'Or ha, ID/4101;40o A?'�n.,. 3. Products not completely unloaded from transporting vehicle. 4. Products placed beyond the lines and levels of the required Work. 5. Products remaining on hand after completion of the Work,unless specified otherwise. 6. Loading,hauling, and disposing of rejected products. 2.0 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) 3.0 EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION 04/00 01200- 3 CITY OF PEARLAND CHANGE ORDER PROCEDURES SECTION 01290 CHANGE ORDER PROCEDURES 1.0 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES Procedures for processing Change Orders, including: 1. Assignment of a responsible individual for approval and communication of changes in the Work; 2. Documentation of change in Contract Price and Contract Time; 3. Change procedures,using proposals and construction contract modifications,work change directive, stipulated price change order, unit price change order,time and materials change order; 4. Execution of Change Orders; 5. Correlation of CONTRACTOR submittals. 1.02 REFERENCES Rental Rate Blue Book for Construction Equipment(Data Quest Blue Book). Rental Rate is defined as the full unadjusted base rental rate for the appropriate item of construction equipment. 1.03 RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL CONTRACTOR shall provide a letter indicating the name and address of the individual authorized to execute change documents, and who shall also be responsible for informing others in CONTRACTOR's employ and Subcontractors of changes to the Work. The information shall be provided at the Preconstruction Conference. 1.04 DOCUMENTATION OF CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE AND CONTRACT TIME A. CONTRACTOR shall maintain detailed records of changes in the Work. Provide full information required for identification and evaluation of proposed changes, and to substantiate costs of changes in the Work. B. CONTRACTOR shall document each proposal for a change in cost or time with sufficient data to allow evaluation of the proposal. C. Proposals shall include, as a minimum,the following information as applicable: (11"'' 1. Quantities of items in the original Bid Schedule with additions,reductions, -- deletions, and substitutions. 04/00 01290- 1 CITY OF PEARLAND CHANGE ORDER PROCEDURES 2. When Work items were not included in the Bid Schedule,CONTRACTOR shall provide unit prices for the new items,with supporting information as required by the ENGINEER. 3. Justification for any change in Contract Time. 4. Additional data upon request. D. For changes in the Work performed on a time-and-material basis,the following additional information may be required: 1. Quantities and description of products and equipment. 2. Taxes, insurance and bonds. 3. Overhead and profit as noted in Document 00800 - Supplementary Conditions. 4. Dates and times work was performed,and by whom. 5. Time records and certified copies of applicable payrolls. 6. Invoices and receipts for products,rented equipment, and subcontracts, similarly documented. Clsk\' E. Rented equipment will be paid to the CONTRACTOR by actual invoice cost for the duration of time required to complete the extra work. If the extra work comprises only a portion of the rental invoice where the equipment would otherwise be on the site,the CONTRACTOR shall compute the hourly equipment rate by dividing the actual monthly invoice by 176. (One day equals 8 hours and one week equals 40 hours.) Operating costs shall not exceed the estimated operating costs given for the item of equipment in the Blue Book. F. For changes in the work performed on a time-and-materials basis using CONTRACTOR-owned equipment,compute rates with the Blue Book as follows: 1. Multiply the appropriate Rental Rate by an adjustment factor of 70 percent plus the full rate shown for operating costs. The Rental Rate utilized shall be the lowest cost combination of hourly, daily,weekly or monthly rates. Use 150 percent of the Rental Rate for double shifts(one extra shift per day)and 200 percent of the Rental Rate for more than two shifts per day. No other rate adjustments shall apply. 2. Standby rates shall be 50 percent of the appropriate Rental Rate shown in the Blue Book. Operating costs will not be allowed. 1.05 CHANGE PROCEDURES(4111* A. Changes to Contract Price or Contract Time can only be made by issuance of a Change Order. Issuance of a Work Change Directive or written acceptance by the ENGINEER of changes will be formalized into Change Orders. All changes will be in accordance with the requirements of the General Conditions. 04/00 01290-2 CITY OF PEARLAND CHANGE ORDER PROCEDURES B. The ENGINEER will advise of minor changes in the Work not involving an adjustment to Contract Price or Contract Time as authorized by the General Conditions by issuing supplemental instructions. C. CONTRACTOR may request clarification of Drawings, Specifications or Contract Documents or other information. Response by the ENGINEER to a Request for Information does not authorize the CONTRACTOR to perform tasks outside the scope of the Work. All changes must be authorized as described in this section. 1.06 PROPOSALS AND CONTRACT MODIFICATIONS A. The ENGINEER may issue a Request for Proposal,which includes a detailed description of a proposed change with supplementary or revised Drawings and Specifications. The ENGINEER may also request a proposal in the response to a Request for Information. CONTRACTOR will prepare and submit its Proposal within seven(7) days or as specified in the request. B. The CONTRACTOR may propose an unsolicited change by submitting a Proposal to the ENGINEER describing the proposed change and its full effect on the Work,with a statement describing the reason for the change and the effect on the Contract Price and Contract Time including full documentation. 1.07 WORK CHANGE DIRECTIVE A. ENGINEER may issue a signed Work Change Directive instructing the CONTRACTOR to proceed with a change in the Work, for subsequent inclusion in a Change Order. B. The document will describe changes in the Work and will designate a method of determining any change in Contract Price or Contract Time. C. CONTRACTOR shall proceed promptly to execute the changes in the Work in accordance with the Work Change Directive. 1.08 STIPULATED PRICE CHANGE ORDER A stipulated price Change Order will be based on an accepted Proposal including the CONTRACTOR's lump sum price quotation. 1.09 UNIT PRICE CHANGE ORDER A. Where Unit Prices for the affected items of Work are included in the Bid Schedule, the unit price Change Order will be based on unit prices as originally bid, subject to provisions of the General Conditions. B. Where unit prices of Work are not pre-determined in the Bid Schedule,Work Change Directive or accepted Proposal will specify the unit prices to be used. r 04/00 01290 -3 CITY OF PEARLAND CHANGE ORDER PROCEDURES 1.10 TIME-AND-MATERIAL CHANGE ORDER A. CONTRACTOR shall provide an itemized account and supporting data after completion of change,within time limits indicated for claims in the General Conditions. B. ENGINEER will determine the change allowable in Contract Price and Contract Time as provided in the General Conditions. C. CONTRACTOR shall maintain detailed records of work done on time-and-material basis as specified in Paragraph 1.04,Documentation of Change in Contract Price and Contract Time. D. CONTRACTOR shall provide full information required for evaluation of changes, and shall substantiate costs for changes in the Work. 1.11 EXECUTION OF CHANGE DOCUMENTATION ENGINEER will issue Change Orders,Work Change Directives, or accepted Proposals for signatures of parties as described in the General Conditions. 1.12 CORRELATION OF CONTRACTOR SUBMITTALS A. For Stipulated Price Contracts, CONTRACTOR shall promptly revise Schedule of Values and Application for Payment forms to record each authorized Change Order as a separate line item and adjust the Contract Price. B. For Unit Price Contracts,the next monthly estimate of work after acceptance of a Change Order will be revised to include any new items not previously included and the appropriate unit rates. C. CONTRACTOR shall promptly revise progress schedules to reflect any change in Contract Time, and shall revise schedules to adjust time for other items of work affected by the change, and resubmit for review. D. CONTRACTOR shall promptly enter changes to the on-site and record copies of the Drawings, Specifications or Contract Documents as required in Section 01720— Project Record Documents. 2.0 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) 3.0 EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION 04/00 01290-4 CITY OF PEARLAND COORDINATION AND MEETINGS SECTION 01310 COORDINATION AND MEETINGS 1.0 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES Section includes general coordination including preconstruction conference, site mobilization conference, and progress meetings. 1.02 RELATED DOCUMENTS Coordination is required throughout the documents. Refer to all of the Contract Documents and coordinate as necessary. 1.03 ENGINEER AND REPRESENTATIVES The ENGINEER may act directly or through designated representatives as defined in the General Conditions and as identified by name at the preconstruction conference. 1.04 CONTRACTOR COORDINATION A. Coordinate scheduling, submittals, and Work of the various Specifications sections to assure efficient and orderly sequence of installation of interdependent construction elements. B. Coordinate completion and clean up of Work for Substantial Completion and for portions of Work designated for OWNER's partial occupancy. C. Coordinate access to site for correction of nonconforming Work to minimize disruption of OWNER's activities where OWNER is in partial occupancy. 1.05 PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE A. ENGINEER will schedule a preconstruction conference. B. Attendance Required: ENGINEER's representatives, Consultants, Contractor, and major Subcontractors. C. Agenda: 1. Distribution of Contract Documents 2. Designation of personnel representing the parties in Contract,and the Consultant. 3. Review of insurance 4. Discussion of formats proposed by the Contractor for schedule of values, and construction schedule 04/00 01310- 1 CITY OF PEARLAND COORDINATION AND MEETINGS (7, 5. Procedures and processing of shop drawings and other submittals, substitutions,pay estimates or applications for payment, Requests for Information,Request for Proposal, Change Orders,and Contract closeout 6. Scheduling of the Work and coordination with other contractors 7. Review of Subcontractors 8. Appropriate agenda items listed for Site Mobilization Conference, paragraph 1.06 C,when preconstruction conference and site mobilization conference are combined 9. Procedures for testing 10. Procedures for maintaining record documents 1.06 SITE MOBILIZATION CONFERENCE A. When required by the Contract Documents,ENGINEER will schedule a conference at the Project site prior to Contractor occupancy. B. Attendance Required: ENGINEER representatives, Consultants, Contractor's Superintendent, and major Subcontractors. C. Agenda: 1. Use of premises by OWNER and CONTRACTOR 2. Safety and first aid procedures 3. Construction controls provided by OWNER 4. Temporary utilities 5. Survey and layout 6. Security and housekeeping procedures 1.07 PROGRESS MEETINGS A. Project meetings shall be held at Project field office or other location as designated by the ENGINEER. Meeting shall be held at monthly intervals,or more frequent intervals if directed by ENGINEER. B. Attendance Required: Job superintendent,major Subcontractors and suppliers, ENGINEER representatives,and Consultants as appropriate to agenda topics for each meeting. C. ENGINEER or his representative will make arrangements for meetings, and recording minutes. D. ENGINEER or his representative will prepare the agenda and preside at meetings. 04/00 01310-2 CITY OF PEARLAND COORDINATION AND MEETINGS E. CONTRACTOR shall provide required information and be prepared to discuss each agenda item. F. Agenda: 1. Review minutes of previous meetings 2. Review of Work progress schedule submittal, and pay estimates,payroll and compliance submittals 3. Field observations,problems, and decisions 4. Identification of problems which impede planned progress 5. Review of submittals schedule and status of submittals 6. Review of Request for Information and Request for Proposal status 7. Change order status 8. Review of off-site fabrication and delivery schedules 9. Maintenance of progress schedule 10. Corrective measures to regain projected schedules 11. Planned progress during succeeding work period 12. Coordination of projected progress 13. Maintenance of quality and work standards 14. Effect of proposed changes on progress schedule and coordination 15. Other items relating to Work 2.0 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) 3.0 EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION ("1"'N, 04/00 01310-3 CITY OF PEARLAND SUBMITTALS (11.1.\ SECTION 01350 SUBMITTA LS 1.0 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES Submittal procedures for: 1. Schedule of Values 2. Construction Schedules 3. Shop Drawings, Product Data, and Samples 4. Operations and Maintenance Data 5. Manufacturer's Certificates 6. Construction Photographs 7. Project Record Documents 8. Design Mixes 1.02 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES A. Scheduling and Handling 1. Schedule submittals well in advance of the need for the material or equipment for construction. Allow time to make delivery of material or equipment after submittal is approved. 2. Develop a submittal schedule that allows sufficient time for initial review, correction,resubmission and final review of all submittals. The ENGINEER will review and return submittals to the CONTRACTOR as expeditiously as possible but the amount of time required for review will vary depending on the complexity and quantity of data submitted. In no case will a submittal schedule be acceptable which allows less than thirty(30) days for initial review by the ENGINEER. This time for review shall in no way be justification for delays or additional compensation to the CONTRACTOR. 3. The ENGINEER's review of submittals covers conformity to the Drawings, Specifications, and dimensions that affect the layout. The CONTRACTOR is responsible for quantity determination. The CONTRACTOR is responsible for any errors, omissions or deviations from the Contract requirements; review of submittals in no way relieves the CONTRACTOR from his obligation to furnish required items according to the Drawings and Specifications. 04/00 01350 - 1 • CITY OF PEARLAND SUBMITTALS 4. Submit five(5) copies of documents unless otherwise specified in the following paragraphs or in the Specifications. 5. Revise and resubmit submittals as required. Identify all changes made since previous submittal. 6. The CONTRACTOR shall assume the risk for material or equipment that is fabricated or delivered prior to approval. No material or equipment shall be incorporated into the Work or included in periodic progress payments until approval has been obtained in the specified manner. B. Transmittal Form and Numbering 1. Transmit each submittal to the ENGINEER with a transmittal form. 2. Sequentially number each transmittal form beginning with the number 1. Resubmittals shall use the original number with an alphabetic suffix(i.e., 2A for first resubmittal of Submittal 2 or 15C for third resubmittal of Submittal 15). Each submittal shall only contain one type of work, material, or equipment. Mixed submittals will not be accepted. 3. Identify variations from requirements of Contract Documents and identify product or system limitations. (11116\ 4. For submittal numbering of videotapes, see Paragraph 1.10 Video. C. CONTRACTOR's Certification Each submittal shall contain a statement or stamp signed by the CONTRACTOR, certifying that the items have been reviewed in detail and are correct and in accordance with Contract Documents, except as noted by any requested variance. 1.03 SCHEDULE OF VALUES A. Submit a Schedule of Values at least ten(10)days prior to the first Application for Payment. A Schedule of Values shall be provided for each of the items indicated as Lump Sum(LS) in the Bid Schedule for which the CONTRACTOR requests to receive progress payments. B. Schedule of Values shall be typewritten on 8Y2"x 11",plain white bond paper. Use the Table of Contents of this Project Manual as a format for listing costs of Work by Section. C. Round off figures for each listed item to the nearest$100.00 except for the value of one item,if necessary,to make the total price for all items listed in the Schedule of Values equal to the applicable lump sum amount in the Bid Schedule. D. For Unit Price Contracts, items should include a proportional share of CONTRACTOR's overhead and profit, such that the total of all items listed in the Schedule of Values equals the Contract amount. For Stipulated Price Contracts, mobilization,bonds,and insurance may be listed as separate items in the Schedule of Values. 04/00 01350 -2 CITY OF PEARLAND SUBMITTALS E. For lump sum equipment items where submittal of operations and maintenance data and testing are required,include a separate item for equipment operation and maintenance data submittal valued at 5 percent of the lump sum amount and a separate item for testing and adjusting valued at 5 percent of the lump sum amount. F. Revise the Schedule of Values and resubmit for items affected by Contract Modifications, Change Orders, and Work Change Directives. Submit revised Schedule of Values ten(10)days prior to the first Application for Payment after the changes are approved by the ENGINEER. 1.04 CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULES A. Submit Construction Schedules for the Work in accordance with the requirements of this Section. The Construction Schedule Submittal shall be, at minimum, a bar chart, either computer generated or prepared manually, and a narrative report. B. During the Pre-construction Meeting, as noted in Section 01040—Coordination and Meetings,the CONTRACTOR shall provide a sample of the format to be used for the Construction Schedule Submittal. The format is subject to approval by the ENGINEER. Review of the submittal will be provided within seven(7) days of the submittal of the sample. C. Within seven(7)days of the receipt of approval of the CONTRACTOR's format, or fourteen(14)days of the Notice to Proceed,whichever is later,the CONTRACTOR ("Is\ shall submit a proposed Construction Schedule for review. The Construction Schedule Submittal shall meet the following requirements: 1. The schedule shall usually include a total of at least twenty(20)but not more than fifty(50)activities. Fewer activities may be accepted,if approved by the ENGINEER. • 2. For projects with work at different physical locations, each location should be indicated separately within the schedule. 3. For projects with multiple crafts or significant subcontractor components, these elements should be indicated separately within the schedule. 4. For projects with multiple types of tasks within the scope,these types of work should be indicated separately within the schedule. 5. For projects with significant major equipment items or materials worth over 25 percent of the Total Contract Price,the schedule shall indicate dates when these items are to be purchased,when they are to be delivered, and when installed. 6. For projects where operating plants are involved, each period of work which will require the shut down of any process or operation shall be identified in the Schedule and must be agreed to by the ENGINEER prior to starting work in the area. 7. A tabulation of the estimated monthly billings for the work shall be prepared and submitted by the CONTRACTOR with the first schedule submittal. This 04/00 01350 -3 CITY OF PEARLAND SUBMITTALS information is not required in the monthly updates, unless significant changes in Work require resubmittal of the schedule for review. The total for each month and a cumulative total will be indicated. These monthly forecasts are only for planning purposes of the ENGINEER. Monthly payments for actual work completed will be made by the ENGINEER in accordance with Document 00700—General Condition. D. The CONTRACTOR must receive approval of the ENGINEER for the Schedule and billing estimate prior to the first monthly Application for Payment. No payment will be made until these are accepted. E. Upon written request from the ENGINEER,the CONTRACTOR shall revise and submit for approval all or any part of the Construction Schedule to reflect changed conditions in the Work or deviations made from the original plan and schedule. F. The CONTRACTOR's Construction Schedule shall thereafter be updated with the Actual Start and Actual Finish Dates, Percent Complete, and Remaining Duration of each Activity and submitted monthly. The date to be used in updating the monthly Construction Schedule shall be the same Date as is used in the monthly Application for Payment. This monthly update of the schedule shall be required before the monthly Application for Payment will be processed for payment. G. The narrative Schedule Report shall include a description of changes made to the Construction Schedule; Activities Added to the Schedule; Activities Deleted from the Schedule; any other changes made to the Schedule other than the addition of Actual Start Dates and Actual Finish Dates and Remaining Durations. 1.05 SHOP DRAWINGS,PRODUCT DATA,AND SAMPLES A. Shop Drawings 1. Submit shop drawings for review as required by the Specifications. 2. CONTRACTOR's Certification, as described in Paragraph 1.02C, shall be placed on each drawing. 3. The drawings shall accurately and distinctly present the following: a. Field and erection dimensions clearly identified as such b. Arrangement and section views c. Relation to adjacent materials or structure including complete information for making connections between work under this Contract and work under other contracts d. Kinds of materials and finishes e. Parts list and descriptions 04/00 01350 -4 CITY OF PEARLAND SUBMITTALS f. Assembly drawings of equipment components and accessories showing their respective positions and relationships to the complete equipment package g. Where necessary for clarity, identify details by reference to drawing sheet and detail numbers, schedule or room numbers as shown on the Contract Drawings. 4. Drawings shall be to scale, and shall be a true representation of the specific equipment or item to be furnished. B. Product Data 1. Submit product data for review as required in Specification sections. 2. CONTRACTOR's Certification, as described in Paragraph 1.02C, shall be placed on each data item submitted. 3. Mark each copy to identify applicable products,models,and options to be used in this Project. Supplement manufacturers' standard data to provide information unique to this Project,where required by the Specifications. 4. For products specified only by reference standard, give manufacturers,trade name,model or catalog designation and applicable reference standard. ("I\ 5. For products proposed as alternates to "approved"products,as described in Section 01630—Product Options and Substitutions provide all information required to demonstrate the proposed products meet the level of quality and performance criteria of the"approved product." C. Samples 1. Submit samples for review as required by the Specifications. 2. CONTRACTOR's Certification, as described in Paragraph 1.02C, shall be placed on each sample or a firmly attached sheet of paper. 3. Submit the number of samples specified in Specifications; one of which will be retained by the ENGINEER. 4. Reviewed samples that may be used in the Work are identified in Specifications. 1.06 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE DATA A. When specified in Specification sections, submit manufacturers' printed instructions for delivery, storage, assembly, installation, start-up,operation,adjusting,finishing, and maintenance. ti t 04/00 01350- 5 CITY OF PEARLAND SUBMITTALS B. CONTRACTOR's Certification, as described in Paragraph 1.02C, shall be placed on front page of each document. C. Identify conflicts between manufacturers' instructions and Contract Documents. 1.07 MANUFACTURER'S CERTIFICATES A. When specified in Specification sections, submit manufacturers' certificate of compliance for review by ENGINEER. B. CONTRACTOR's Certification, as described in Paragraph 1.02C, shall be placed on front page of the certificate. C. Submit supporting reference data, affidavits,and certifications as appropriate. D. Certificates may be recent or previous test results on material or product,but must be acceptable to ENGINEER. 1.08 CONSTRUCTION PHOTOGRAPHS When required by Section 01010, submit photographs in accordance with Section 01380. 1.09 PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS Submit Project Record Documents in accordance with Section 01720—Project Record Documents. 1.10 VIDEO A. Submit television videotapes as required in Section 02732—Acceptance Testing for Sanitary Sewers. B. Transmittal forms for videotapes shall be numbered sequentially beginning with TO 1, T02, T03, etc. 1.11 DESIGN MIXES A. When specified in Specifications, submit design mixes for review. B. CONTRACTOR's Certification as described in Paragraph 1.02C, shall be placed on front page of each design mix. C. Mark each design mix to identify proportions, gradations, and additives for each class and type of design mix submitted. Include applicable;test results on samples for each mix. D. Maintain a copy of approved design mixes at mixing plant. l 04/00 01350-6 CITY OF PEARLAND SUBMITTALS 2.0 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) 3.0 EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION 04/00 01350 -7 CITY OF PEARLAND REFERENCE STANDARDS (11164'' SECTION 01420 REFERENCE STANDARDS 1.0 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES Section includes general quality assurance as related to Reference Standards and a list of references. 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. For Products or workmanship specified by association,trade,or Federal Standards, comply with requirements of the standard, except when more rigid requirements are specified or are required by applicable codes. B. Conform to reference standard by date of issue current on the date as stated in the General Conditions. C. Request clarification from ENGINEER before proceeding should specified reference standards conflict with Contract Documents. 1.03 SCHEDULE OF REFERENCES AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials 444 North Capitol Street,N.W. Washington,DC 20001 ACI American Concrete Institute P.O. Box 19150 Reford Station Detroit, MI 48219-0150 AGC Associated General Contractors of America 1957 E Street,N.W. Washington, DC 20006 AI Asphalt Institute Asphalt Institute Building College Park,MD 20740 AITC American Institute of Timber Construction 333 W. Hampden Avenue Englewood, CO 80110 AISC American Institute of Steel Construction 400 North Michigan Avenue, Eighth Floor Chicago, IL 60611 04/00 01420- 1 CITY OF PEARLAND REFERENCE STANDARDS AISI American Iron and Steel Institute 1000 16th Street,N.W. Washington, DC 20036 ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers 345 East 47th Street New York,NY 10017 ANSI American National Standards Institute 1430 Broadway New York,NY 10018 APA American Plywood Association Box 11700 Tacoma, WA 98411 API American Petroleum Institute 1220 L Street,N.W. Washington, DC 20005 AREA American Railway Engineering Association 50 F Street,N.W. Washington,DC 20001 ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials 1916 Race Street Philadelphia,PA 19103 AWPA American Wood-Preservers' Association 7735 Old Georgetown Road Bethesda,MD 20014 AWS American Welding Society P.O. Box 35104 Miami, FL 33135 AWWA American Water Works Association 6666 West Quincy Avenue Denver, CO 80235 CLFMI Chain Link Fence Manufacturers Institute 1101 Connecticut Avenue,N.W. Washington,DC 20036 CRD U.S. Army Corps of Engineers CRSI Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute 933 Plum Grove Road Schaumburg, IL 60173-4758 04/00 01420-2 CITY OF PEARLAND REFERENCE STANDARDS EJMA Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association 707 Westchester Avenue White Plains,NY 10604 FS Federal Standardization Documents General Services Administration, Specifications Unit(WFSIS) 7th and D Streets, S.W. Washington, DC 20406 ICEA Insulated Cable Engineer Association P.O. Box 440 S. Yarmouth,MA 02664 IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 445 Hoes Lane P.O. Box 1331 Piscataway,NJ 0855-1331 MIL Military Specifications General Services Administration, Specifications Unit(WFSIS) 7th and D Streets, S.W. Washington,DC 20406 NACE National Association of Corrosion Engineers \ P. O. Box 986 Katy, TX 77450 NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers' Association 2101 L Street,N.W., Suite 300 Washington, DC 20037 NFPA National Fire Protection Association Batterymarch Park,P.O.Box 9101 Quincy,MA 02269-9101 OSHA Occupational Safety Health Administration U.S.Department of Labor, Government Printing Office Washington, DC 20402 PCA Portland Cement Association 5420 Old Orchard Road Skokie, IL 60077-1083 PCI Prestressed Concrete Institute 201 North Wacker Drive Chicago, IL 60606 SDI Steel Deck Institute Box 9506 Canton, OH 44711 04/00 01420- 3 CITY OF PEARLAND REFERENCE STANDARDS SSPC Steel Structures Painting Council 4400 Fifth Avenue Pittsburgh,PA 15213 TAC Texas Administrative Code TNRCC Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission P. O. Box 13087 Austin, TX 78711-3087 TxDOT Texas Department of Transportation 11th and Brazos Austin, TX 78701 2483 UL Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. 333 Pfingston Road Northbrook, IL 60062 UNI-BELL UNI-BELL Pipe Association 2655 Villa Creek Drive, Suite 155 Dallas, TX 75234 clo..\ 2.0 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) 3.0 EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION C11161 04/00 01420 -4 CITY OF PEARLAND CONTRACTOR'S QUALITY CONTROL (°11.4', SECTION 01430 CONTRACTOR'S QUALITY CONTROL 1.0 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES Quality assurance and control of installation and manufacturer's field services and reports. 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE/CONTROL OF INSTALLATION A. Monitor quality control over suppliers,manufacturers,products, services, site conditions, and workmanship,to produce Work of specified quality at no additional cost to the City. B. Comply fully with manufacturers' installation instructions, including each step in sequence. C. Request clarification from City Engineer before proceeding should manufacturers' instructions conflict with Contract Documents. D. Comply with specified standards as minimum requirements for the Work except ("6\ when more stringent tolerances,codes, or specified requirements indicate higher standards or more precise workmanship. E. Perform work by persons qualified to produce the specified level of workmanship. 1.03 REFERENCES Obtain copies of standards and maintain at job site when required by individual Specification sections. 1.04 MANUFACTURERS' FIELD SERVICES AND REPORTS A. When specified in individual Specification sections,provide material or product suppliers' or manufacturers' technical representative to observe site conditions, conditions of surfaces and installation,quality of workmanship, start-up of equipment,operator training,test, adjust,and balance of equipment as applicable,and to initiate operation,as required. Conform to minimum time requirements for start- up operations and operator training if defined in Specification sections. B. At the City Engineer's request, submit qualifications of manufacturer's representative to City Engineer fifteen(15)days in advance of required representative's services. The representative shall be subject to approval of City Engineer. C. Manufacturer's representative shall report observations and site decisions or instructions given to applicators or installers that are supplemental or contrary to manufacturers' written instructions. Submit report within fourteen (14)days of observation to City Engineer for review. 04/00 01430 - 1 CITY OF PEARLAND CONTRACTOR'S QUALITY CONTROL ri'''N 2.0 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) 3.0 EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION (..lh\ 04/00 01430-2 CITY OF PEARLAND INSPECTION SERVICES SECTION 01440 INSPECTION SERVICES 1.0 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES Inspection services and references. 1.02 INSPECTION A. City Engineer will appoint an Inspector as a representative of the City to perform inspections,tests, and other services specified in individual specification Sections B. Alternately, City Engineer may appoint, employ, and pay an independent firm to provide additional inspection or construction management services as indicated in Section 01450—Testing Laboratory Services. C. Reports will be submitted by the independent firm to City Engineer, Architect/ENGINEER, and Contractor,indicating observations and results of tests and indicating compliance or non-compliance with Contract Documents. D. Contractor shall assist and cooperate with the Inspector; furnish samples of materials, design mix, equipment,tools, and storage. E. Contractor shall notify City Engineer 24 hours prior to expected time for operations requiring services. Notify Architect/ENGINEER and independent firm when noted. F. Contractor shall sign and acknowledge report for Inspector. 2.0 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) 3.0 EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION 04/00 01440- 1 CITY OF PEARLAND TESTING LABORATORY SERVICES SECTION 01450 TESTING LABORATORY SERVICES 1.0 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES Testing Laboratory Services and CONTRACTOR responsibilities related to those services. 1.02 REFERENCES A. ASTM D3740—Practice for Evaluation of Agencies Engaged in Testing and/or Inspection of Soil and Rock as Used in Engineering Design and Construction. B. ASTM E329—Recommended Practice for Inspection and Testing Agencies for Concrete, Steel, and Bituminous Materials as Used in Construction. 1.03 SELECTION AND PAYMENT A. OWNER will employ and pay for services of an independent testing laboratory to perform inspection and testing identified in individual Specification sections. (1.1\' B. Employment of testing laboratory shall not relieve CONTRACTOR of obligation to perform work in accordance with requirements of Contract Documents. C. CONTRACTOR shall schedule and monitor testing as required to provide timely results and to avoid delay to the Work. 1.04 LABORATORY REPORTS The ENGINEER will receive one(1)copy, City Engineer will receive two(2)copies,and the CONTRACTOR will receive two(2)copies of laboratory reports from the testing laboratory. One(1)of the CONTRACTOR's copies shall remain at site field office for duration of project. Test results which indicate non-conformance shall be transmitted immediately via fax from the testing laboratory to the CONTRACTOR and City Engineer. 1.05 LIMITS ON TESTING LABORATORY AUTHORITY A. Laboratory may not release,revoke, alter, or enlarge on requirements of Contract Documents. B. Laboratory may not approve or accept any portion of the Work. C. Laboratory may not assume any duties of CONTRACTOR. D. Laboratory has no authority to stop the Work. 04/00 01450- 1 CITY OF PEARLAND TESTING LABORATORY SERVICES 1.06 CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITIES A. Notify City Engineer,and laboratory 24 hours prior to expected time for operations requiring inspection and testing services. Notify Architect/ENGINEER if specification section requires the presence of the Architect/ENGINEER. B. Cooperate with laboratory personnel in collecting samples to be tested or collected on site. C. Provide access to the Work and to manufacturer's facilities. D. Provide samples to laboratory in advance of their intended use to allow thorough examination and testing. E. Provide incidental labor and facilities for access to the Work to be tested; to obtain and handle samples at the site or at source of products to be tested; and to facilitate tests and inspections including storage and curing of test samples. F. Arrange with laboratory and pay for: 1. Retesting required for failed tests. 2. Retesting for nonconforming Work. (1.*\' 3. Additional sampling and tests requested by CONTRACTOR for his own purposes. 2.0 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) 3.0 EXECUTION 3.01 CONDUCTING TESTING Laboratory sampling and testing shall conform to ASTM D3740 and ASTM E329,plus other test standards specified in individual Specification sections. END OF SECTION ("b.\ 04/00 01450 -2 CITY OF PEARLAND TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS �`'�. SECTION 01500 \\ TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS 1.0 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES Temporary facilities and the necessary controls for the project including utilities,telephone, sanitary facilities, field office, storage sheds and building, safety requirements,first aid equipment,fire protection, security measures,protection of the Work and property, access roads and parking, environmental controls, disposal of trash, debris, and excavated material, pest and rodent control,water runoff and erosion control. 1.02 CONTRACTOR's RESPONSIBILITY A. The facilities and controls specified in this section are considered minimum for the Project. The CONTRACTOR may provide additional facilities and controls for the proper execution of the Work and to meet CONTRACTOR's responsibilities for protection of persons and property. B. Comply with applicable requirements specified in other sections of the Specifications. 1. Maintain and operate temporary facilities and systems to assure continuous service. 2. Modify and extend systems as Work progress requires. 3. Completely remove temporary materials and equipment when their use is no longer required. 4. Restore existing facilities used for temporary services to specified or to original condition. 1.03 TEMPORARY UTILITIES A. Obtaining Temporary Service. 1. Make arrangements with utility service companies for temporary services. 2. Abide by rules and regulations of the utility service companies or authorities having jurisdiction. 3. Be responsible for utility service costs until the Work is substantially complete. Included are fuel,power,light,heat,and other utility services necessary for execution,completion,testing, and initial operation of the Cs."' Work. 04/00 01500 - 1 CITY OF PEARLAND TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS (1/1. B. Water 1. Provide water required for and in connection with Work to be performed and for specified tests of piping, equipment, devices, or for other use as required for proper completion of the Work. 2. For water to be drawn from public fire hydrants, obtain special permit or license and meter from the proper City officials. A deposit based on rates established by latest ordinance will be required. Install backflow preventor on fire hydrant supply. 3. Provide and maintain an adequate supply of potable water for domestic consumption by CONTRACTOR personnel. C. Electricity and Lighting. 1. Provide electric power service as required for the Work, including testing of Work. Provide power for lighting, operation of the CONTRACTOR's equipment,or for any other use by CONTRACTOR. 2. Electric power service includes temporary power service or generator to maintain plant operations during any scheduled shutdown. 3. Minimum lighting level shall be 5 foot-candles for open areas; 10-foot- (1118.`, candles for stairs and shops. D. Temporary Heat and Ventilation 1. Provide temporary heat as necessary for protection or completion of the Work. 2. Provide temporary heat and ventilation to assure safe working conditions; maintain enclosed areas at a minimum of 50°F. E. Telephone Provide emergency telephone service at the CONTRACTOR's field office,or by mobile telephone, for use by CONTRACTOR personnel and others performing work or furnishing services at the site. F. Sanitary Facilities 1. To provide and maintain sanitary facilities for persons on the job site,comply with the regulations of State and local departments of health. 2. Enforce the use of sanitary facilities by construction personnel at the job site. Such facilities shall be enclosed. Pit-type toilets will not be permitted. No discharge will be allowed from these facilities. Collect and store sewage and waste so as not to cause a nuisance or health problem;have sewage and waste hauled off-site and properly disposed in accordance with local regulations. 04/00 01500-2 CITY OF PEARLAND TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS 3. Locate toilets near the Work site and secluded from view insofar as possible. Keep toilets clean and supplied throughout the course of the Work. 1.04 FIELD OFFICE Provision of a field office is not required unless stated otherwise in the Contract Documents. If the CONTRACTOR chooses to provide one,locate it in a place approved by the ENGINEER. 1.05 STORAGE OF MATERIALS A. Provide adequately ventilated,watertight storage facilities with floor above ground level for materials and equipment susceptible to weather damage. B. Storage of materials not susceptible to weather damage may be on blocks off the ground. C. Store materials in a neat and orderly manner. Place materials and equipment to permit easy access for identification,inspection,and inventory. 1.06 SAFETY REQUIREMENTS A. Submit and follow a safety program in accordance with Document 00700—General Conditions,Paragraph 10.1. Include in the safety program documented response to trench safety requirements as specified in Section 01570—Trench Safety System. B. Conduct operations in strict accord with applicable Federal, State,and local safety codes and statutes and with good construction practice. The CONTRACTOR is fully responsible and obligated to establish and maintain procedures for safety of all work, personnel and equipment involved in the Project. C. Observe and comply with Texas Occupational Safety Act(Art. 5182a,V.C.S.)and with all safety and health standards promulgated by Secretary of Labor under Section 107 of Contract Work Hours and Standards Act,published in 29 CFR Part 1926 and adopted by Secretary of Labor as occupational safety and health standards under the Williams-Steiger Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, and to any other legislation enacted for safety and health of CONTRACTOR employees. Such safety and health standards apply to subcontractors and their employees as well as to the CONTRACTOR and its employees. D. Observance of and compliance with the regulations shall be solely and without qualification the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR without reliance or superintendence of or direction by the ENGINEER or the ENGINEER's representative. Immediately advise the Engineer of investigation or inspection by Federal Safety and Health inspectors of the CONTRACTOR or subcontractor's work or place of work on the job site under this Contract,and after such investigation or inspection, advise the ENGINEER of the results. Submit one(1) copy of accident reports to ENGINEER within ten(10) days of occurrence. E. Protect areas occupied by workmen using the best available devices for detection of lethal and combustible gases. Test such devices frequently to assure their functional 04/00 01500 -3 CITY OF PEARLAND TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS capability. Constantly observe infiltration of liquids into the Work area for visual or odor evidences of contamination, immediate take appropriate steps to seal off entry of contaminated liquids to the Work area. F. Safety measures, including but not limited to safety personnel, first-aid equipment, ventilating equipment and safety equipment, in the specifications and shown on the Drawings are obligations of the CONTRACTOR. G. Maintain required coordination with the local Police and Fire Departments during the entire period covered by the Contract. 1.07 FIRST AID EQUIPMENT A. Provide a first aid kit throughout the construction period. List telephone numbers for physicians,hospitals, and ambulance services in each first aid kit. B. Have at least one(1)person thoroughly trained in first aid procedures present on the site whenever Work is in progress. 1.08 FIRE PROTECTION A. Fire Protection Standards. 1. Conform to specified fire protection and prevention requirements as well as those which may be established by Federal, State, or local governmental agencies. 2. Comply with all applicable provisions of NFPA Standard No. 241, Safeguarding Building Construction and Demolition Operations. 3. Provide portable fire extinguishers,rated not less than 2A or 5B in accordance with NFPA Standard No. 10,Portable Fire Extinguishers,for each temporary building, and for every 3,000 square feet of floor area of facilities under construction. 4. Locate portable fire extinguishers within 50 feet maximum from any point in the Project area. B. Fire Prevention and Safety Measures. 1. Prohibit smoking in hazardous areas. Post suitable warning signs in areas which are continuously or intermittently hazardous. 2. Use metal safety containers for storage and handling of flammable and combustible liquids. 3. Do not store flammable or combustible liquids in or near stairways or exits. lub\ 4. Maintain clear exits from all points within a structure. 04/00 01500 -4 CITY OF PEARLAND TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS (1/111h\. 1.09 SECURITY MEASURES A. Protect all Work materials, equipment, and property from loss,theft, damage, and vandalism. CONTRACTOR's duty to protect property includes OWNER's property. B. If existing fencing or barriers are breached or removed for purposes of construction, provide and maintain temporary security fencing equal to existing. 1.10 PROTECTION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES Prevent damage to existing public utilities during construction. These utilities are shown on the Drawings at their approximate locations. Give OWNERS of these utilities at least 48 hours notice before commencing Work in the area, for locating the utilities during construction, and for making adjustments or relocation of the utilities when they conflict with the proposed Work. 1.11 PROTECTION OF THE WORK AND PROPERTY A. Preventive Actions. 1. Take precautions,provide programs, and take actions necessary to protect the Work and public and private property from damage. 2. Take action to prevent damage,injury or loss, including,but not limited to, the following: a. Store apparatus,materials, supplies, and equipment in an orderly, safe manner that will not unduly interfere with progress of the Work or the Work of any other CONTRACTOR, any utility service company,or the OWNER's operations. b. Provide suitable storage for materials which are subject to damage by exposure to weather,theft,breakage,or otherwise. c. Place upon the Work or any part thereof only such loads as are consistent with the safety of that portion of the Work. d. Frequently clean up refuse,rubbish, scrap materials,and debris caused by construction operations,keeping the project site safe and orderly. e. Provide safe barricades and guard rails around openings, for scaffolding, for temporary stairs and ramps, around excavations, elevated walkways, and other hazardous areas. 3. Obtain written consent from proper parties before entering or occupying with workers,tools,materials,or equipment,privately-owned land except on easements provided for construction. 4. Assume full responsibility for the preservation of public and private property, on or adjacent to the site. If any direct or indirect damage is done by or on account of any act, omission,neglect, or misconduct in execution of the Work 04/00 01500- 5 CITY OF PEARLAND TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS by the CONTRACTOR, it shall be restored by the CONTRACTOR to a condition equal to or better than that existing before the damage was done. B. Barricades and Warning Signals. Where Work is performed on or adjacent to any roadway, right-of-way, or public place, furnish and erect barricades, fences, lights,warning signs, and danger signals; provide watchmen; and take other precautionary measures for the protection of persons or property and protection of the Work. Conform to Section 01555—Traffic Control and Regulation. C. Tree and Plant Protection. Conform to requirements of Section 01563—Tree and Plant Protection. D. Protection of Existing Structures 1. Underground Structures: a. Underground structures are defined to include,but not be limited to, sewer,water, gas,and other piping, and manholes, chambers, electrical and signal conduits,tunnels, and other existing subsurface installations located within or adjacent to the limits of the Work. b. Known underground structures, including water, sewer, electric,and telephone services are shown on the Drawings in accordance with the best information available,but is not guaranteed to be correct or complete. CONTRACTOR is responsible for making"Locate"calls. c. Explore ahead of trenching and excavation work and uncover obstructing underground structures sufficiently to determine their location,to prevent damage to them and to prevent interruption of utility services. Restore to original condition damages to underground structure at no additional cost to the OWNER. d. Necessary changes in location of the Work may be made by the Engineer to avoid unanticipated underground structures. e. If permanent relocation of an underground structure or other subsurface installations is required and not otherwise provided for in the Contract Documents,the Engineer will direct CONTRACTOR in writing to perform the Work,which shall be paid for under the provisions for changes in the Contract Price as described in Document 00700—General Conditions. 2. Surface Structures: Surface structures are defined as existing buildings, structures and other constructed installations above the ground surface. Included with such structures are their foundations or any extension below the surface. Surface structures include,but are not limited to buildings,tanks,walls,bridges, roads, dams,channels, open drainage,piping,poles,wires,posts, signs, 04/00 01500 -6 CITY OFPEARLAND TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS Cluk' markers, curbs, walks, guard cables, fencing, and other facilities that are visible above the ground surface. 3. Protection of Underground and Surface Structures: a. Support in place and protect from direct or indirect injury to underground and surface structures located within or adjacent to the limits of the Work. Install such supports carefully and as required by the party owning or controlling such structure. Before installing structure supports, CONTRACTOR shall satisfy the ENGINEER that the methods and procedures to be used have been approved by the owner of the structure. b. Avoid moving or in any way changing the property of public utilities or private service corporations without prior written consent of a responsible official of that service or public utility. Representatives of these utilities reserve the right to enter within the limits of this project for the purpose of maintaining their properties, or of making such changes or repairs to their property that may be considered necessary by performance of this Contract. c. Notify the OWNERS and/or operators of utilities and pipelines of the nature of construction operations to be performed and the date or Cum dates on which those operations will be performed. When construction operations are required in the immediate vicinity of existing structures,pipelines, or utilities, give a minimum of five (5)working days advance notice. Probe and flag the location of underground utilities prior to commencement of excavation. Keep flags in place until construction operation reach and uncover the utility. d. Assume risks attending the presence or proximity of underground and surface structures within or adjacent to the limits to the Work including but not limited to damage and expense for direct or indirect injury caused by the Work to any structure. Immediately repair damage caused,to the satisfaction of the owner of the damaged structure. E. Protection of Installed Products. 1. Provide protection of installed products to prevent damage from subsequent operations. Remove protection facilities when no longer needed,prior to completion of Work. 2. Control traffic to prevent damage to equipment,materials, and surfaces. 1.12 ROADS AND PARKING l_ A. Prevent interference with traffic and OWNER operations on existing roads. 04/00 01500 -7 CITY OF PEARLAND TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS C1 B. Designate temporary parking areas to accommodate construction personnel. When site space is not adequate,provide additional off-site parking. Locate as approved by Engineer. C. Minimize use by construction traffic of existing streets and driveways. D. Do not allow heavy vehicles or construction equipment unnecessarily in existing parking areas. 1.13 ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROLS A. Provide and maintain methods, equipment, and temporary construction as necessary for controls over environmental conditions at the construction site and adjacent areas. B. Comply with statutes,regulations, and ordinances which relate to the proposed Work for the prevention of environmental pollution and preservation of natural resources, including but not limited to the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, PL 91-190,Executive Order 11514. C. Recognize and adhere to the environmental requirements of the Project. Disturbed areas shall be strictly limited to boundaries established by the Contract Documents. Particularly avoid pollution of"on-site"streams, sewers,wells, or other water r's) D. Burning of rubbish, debris or waste materials is not permitted. 1.14 POLLUTION CONTROL A. Provide methods,means, and facilities required to prevent contamination of soil, water or atmosphere by discharge of noxious substances from construction operations. B. Provide equipment and personnel to perform emergency measures required to contain any spillage, and to remove contaminated soils or liquids. Excavate and dispose of any contaminated earth off-site, and replace with suitable compacted fill and topsoil. C. Take special measures to prevent harmful substances from entering public waters. Prevent disposal of wastes, effluents, chemicals, or other such substances adjacent to streams, or in sanitary or storm sewers. D. Provide systems for control of atmospheric pollutants. 1. Prevent toxic concentrations of chemicals. 2. Prevent harmful dispersal of pollutants into the atmosphere. E. Use equipment during construction that conforms to current Federal, State, and local laws and regulations. 04/00 01500 - 8 CITY OF PEARLAND TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS 71/4c 1.15 PEST AND RODENT CONTROL A. Provide rodent and pest control as necessary to prevent infestation of construction or storage areas. B. Employ methods and use materials which will not adversely affect conditions at the site or on adjoining properties. 1.16 NOISE CONTROL A. Provide vehicles, equipment, and construction activities that minimize noise to the greatest degree practicable. Noise levels shall conform to the latest OSHA standards and City Ordinances and in no case will noise levels be permitted which create a nuisance in the surrounding neighborhoods. B. Conduct construction operations during daylight hours from 7:30 a.m.to 6:00 p.m. except as approved by ENGINEER. 1.17 DUST CONTROL Control objectionable dust caused by operation of vehicles and equipment. Apply water or use other methods, subject to approval of the ENGINEER,which will control the amount of dust generated. 6'"`\ 1.18 WATER RUNOFF AND EROSION CONTROL A. Provide methods to control surface water,runoff, subsurface water,and water pumped from excavations and structures to prevent damage to the Work,the site,or adjoining properties. B. Control fill, grading and ditching to direct water away from excavations,pits,and other construction areas; and to direct drainage to proper runoff courses so as to prevent any erosion, sedimentation or damage. C. Provide, operate, and maintain equipment and facilities of adequate size to control surface water. D. Dispose of drainage water in a manner to prevent flooding, erosion,or other damage to any portion of the site or to adjoining areas and in conformance with environmental requirements. E. Retain existing drainage patterns external to the construction site by constructing temporary earth berms, sedimentation basins,retaining areas,and temporary ground cover as needed to control conditions. F. Plan and execute construction and earth work by methods to control surface drainage from cuts and fills,and from borrow and waste disposal areas,to prevent erosion and sedimentation. ("4\ 1. Keep to a minimum the area of bare soil exposed at one time. 2. Provide temporary control measures, such as berms,dikes, and drains. 04/00 01500 - 9 CITY OF PEARLAND TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS G. Construct fills and waste areas by selective placement to eliminate surface silts or clays that will erode. H. Inspect earthwork periodically to detect any evidence of the start of erosion. Apply corrective measures as required to control erosion. 2.0 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) 3.0 EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION Climb\ (14' 04/00 01500 - 10 CITY OF PEARLAND MOBILIZATION SECTION 01505 MOBILIZATION 1.0 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES Mobilization of construction equipment and facilities onto the site. 1.02 UNIT PRICES A. Measurement for mobilization is on a lump sum basis. B. Mobilization payments will be included in monthly payment estimates upon written application by CONTRACTOR subject to the following provisions: 1. Authorization for payment of 50 percent of the contract price for mobilization will be made upon receipt and approval by ENGINEER of the following items, as applicable: a. Schedule of values,if required by Section 01100. b. Trench safety program c. Construction schedule d. Preconstruction photographs, if required by Section 01100. 2. Authorization for payment of the remaining 50 percent of the Contract Price for mobilization will be made upon completion of Work amounting to 5 percent of the Contract Price less the mobilization unit price. C. Mobilization payments will be subject to retainage amounts stipulated in the General Conditions. 2.0 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) 3.0 EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION 04/00 01505 - 1 CITY OF PEARLAND STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION EXIT SECTION 01550 STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION EXIT 1.0 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES Installation of erosion and sediment control for stabilized construction exits used during construction and until final development of the site. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Manufacturer's catalog sheets and other product data on geotextile fabric. B. Sieve analysis of aggregates conforming to requirements of this Specification. 1.03 UNIT PRICES Unless indicated in the Unit Price Schedule as a pay item,no separate payment will be made for work performed under this Section. Include cost of work performed under this Section in pay items for which this work is a component. (011k, 2.0 PRODUCTS 2.01 GEOTEXTILE FABRIC A. Provide woven or nonwoven geotextile fabric made of either polypropylene, polyethylene, ethylene, or polyamide material. B. Geotextile fabric shall have a minimum grab strength of 270 psi in any principal direction(ASTM D-4632), and the equivalent opening size between 50 and 140. C. Both the geotextile and threads shall be resistant to chemical attack,mildew, and rot and shall contain ultraviolet ray inhibitors and stabilizers to provide a minimum of 6 months of expected usable life at a temperature range of 0°F to 120°F. D. Representative Manufacturers: Mirafi,Inc., or equal. 2.02 COARSE AGGREGATES A. Coarse aggregate shall consist of crushed stone, gravel,concrete, crushed blast furnace slag, or a combination of these materials. Aggregate shall be composed of clean,hard, durable materials free from adherent coatings, salt,alkali, dirt, clay, loam, shale, soft or flaky materials, or organic and injurious matter. 04/00 01550- 1 CITY OF PEARLAND STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION EXIT B. Coarse aggregates shall conform to the following gradation requirements. Sieve Size Percent Retained (Square Mesh) (By Weight) 2-1/2" 0 2" 0-20 1-1/2" 15 - 50 3/4" 60- 80 No. 4 95 - 100 3.0 EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION AND INSTALLATION A. If necessary to keep the street clean of mud carried by construction vehicles and equipment,CONTRACTOR shall provide stabilized construction roads and exits at the construction, staging,parking, storage, and disposal areas. Such erosion and sediment controls shall be constructed in accordance with the requirements shown on the Drawings and specified in this Section. B. No clearing and grubbing or rough cutting shall be permitted until erosion and sediment control systems are in place, other than as specifically directed by the ENGINEER to allow soil testing and surveying. C. Maintain existing erosion and sediment control systems located within the project site until acceptance of the project or until directed by the ENGINEER to remove and discard the existing system. D. Regularly inspect and repair or replace components of stabilized construction exits. Unless otherwise directed,maintain the stabilized construction roads and exits until the project is accepted by the City. Remove stabilized construction roads and exits promptly when directed by the ENGINEER. Discard removed materials off site. E. Remove sediment deposits and dispose of them at the designated spoil site for the project. If a project spoil site is not designated on the Drawings, dispose of sediment off site at location not in or adjacent to a stream or floodplain. Off-site disposal is the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR. Sediment to be placed at the project site should be spread evenly throughout the site, compacted and stabilized. Sediment shall not be allowed to flush into a stream or drainage way. If sediment has been contaminated,it shall be disposed of in accordance with existing federal, state, and local rules and regulations. F. Equipment and vehicles shall be prohibited by the CONTRACTOR from maneuvering on areas outside of dedicated rights-of-way and easements for construction. Damage caused by construction traffic to erosion and sediment control systems shall be repaired immediately. G. Conduct all construction operations under this Contract in conformance with the erosion control practices described in the Specification 01566—Source Controls for Erosion and Sedimentation. 04/00 01550 -2 CITY OF PEARLAND STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION EXIT 3.02 CONSTRUCTION METHODS A. Provide stabilized access roads, subdivision roads,parking areas, and other on-site vehicle transportation routes where shown on Drawings. B. Provide stabilized construction exits, and truck washing areas when approved by ENGINEER, of the sizes and locations where shown on Drawings or as specified in this Section. C. Vehicles leaving construction areas shall have their tires cleaned to remove sediment prior to entrance onto public right-of-way. When washing is needed to remove sediment, CONTRACTOR shall construct a truck washing area. Truck washing shall be done on stabilized areas which drain into a drainage system protected by erosion and sediment control measures. D. Details for stabilized construction exit are shown on the Drawings. Construction of all other stabilized areas shall be to the same requirements. Roadway width shall be at least 14 feet for one-way traffic and 20 feet for two-way traffic and shall be sufficient for all ingress and egress. Furnish and place geotextile fabric as a permeable separator to prevent mixing of coarse aggregate with underlaying soil. Exposure of geotextile fabric to the elements between laydown and cover shall be a maximum of fourteen(14)days to minimize damage potential. E. Roads and parking areas shall be graded to provide sufficient drainage away from stabilized areas. Use sandbags, gravel,boards,or similar methods to prevent sediment from entering public right-of-way,receiving stream or storm water conveyance system. F. The stabilized areas shall be inspected and maintained daily. Provide periodic top dressing with additional coarse aggregates to maintain the required depth. Repair and clean out damaged control measures used to trap sediment. All sediment spilled, dropped,washed, or tracked onto public right-of-way shall be removed immediately. G. The length of the stabilized area shall be as shown on the Drawings,but not less than 50 feet. The thickness shall not be less than 8 inches. The width shall not be less than full width of all points of ingress or egress. H. Stabilization for other areas shall have the same coarse aggregate,thickness, and width requirements as the stabilized construction exit, except where shown otherwise on the Drawings. I. Stabilized area may be widened or lengthened to accommodate truck washing area when authorized by ENGINEER. J. Alternative methods of construction may be utilized when shown on Drawings, or when approved by the ENGINEER. These methods include the following: 1. Cement-Stabilized Soil -Compacted cement-stabilized soil or other fill material in an application thickness of at least 8 inches. 04/00 01550 -3 CITY OF PEARLAND STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION EXIT (°'\' 2. Wood Mats/Mud Mats - Oak or other hardwood timbers placed edge-to-edge and across support wooden beams which are placed on top of existing soil in an application thickness of at least 6 inches. 3. Steel Mats-Perforated mats placed across perpendicular support members. END OF SECTION (411116 04/00 01550-4 CITY OF PEARLAND TRAFFIC CONTROL AND REGULATION (17 SECTION 01555 TRAFFIC CONTROL AND REGULATION 1.0 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Requirements for signs, signals, control devices, flares,lights and traffic signals, as well as construction parking control, designated haul routes and bridging of trenches and excavations. B. Requirement for and qualifications of flaggers. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. A traffic control plan responsive to the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices(TMUTCD)and sealed by a Registered Professional Engineer is incorporated into the Drawings. If the CONTRACTOR proposes to implement traffic control different than the plan provided,he shall submit a traffic control plan in conformance with the TMUTCD for approval of the ENGINEER. B. For both the traffic control plan and flaggers use, submit schedules of values within Ch\'' thirty(30)days following the Notice to Proceed. Refer to Section 01350— Submittals. C. Make submittals in accordance with Section 01350—Submittals. 1.03 UNIT PRICES A. Traffic Control and Regulation. Measurement is on a lump sum basis for traffic control and regulation, including submittal of a traffic control plan if different from the plan shown on the Drawings,provision of traffic control devices, and provision of equipment and personnel as necessary to protect the work and the public. The amount invoiced shall be determined based on the schedule of values submitted for traffic control and regulation. B. Flaggers. Measurement is on a lump sum basis for flaggers as required for the Project. The amount invoiced shall be determined based on the schedule of values submitted for flaggers. 1.04 FLAGGERS A. Unless otherwise specified,use only flaggers who are off-duty,regularly employed, uniformed peace officers. B. Flaggers are required at the following locations: 1. Where multi-lane vehicular traffic must be diverted into single-lane vehicular traffic. 04/00 01555 - 1 CITY OF PEARLAND TRAFFIC CONTROL AND REGULATION ("'N. 2. Where vehicular traffic must change lanes abruptly. 3. Where construction equipment either enters or crosses vehicular traffic lanes and walks. 4. Where construction equipment may intermittently encroach on vehicular traffic lanes and unprotected walks and crosswalks. 5. Where construction activities might affect public safety and convenience. 6. Where traffic regulation is needed due to rerouting of vehicular traffic around the work site. C. The use of flaggers is for the purpose of assisting in the regulation of traffic flow and movement, and does not in any way relieve the CONTRACTOR of full responsibility for taking such other steps and provide such other flaggers or personnel as the CONTRACTOR may deem necessary to protect the work and the public, and does not in any way relieve the CONTRACTOR of his responsibility for any damage for which he would otherwise be liable. Flaggers shall be used and maintained at such points for such periods of time as may be required to provide for the public safety and convenience of travel.(.1*\ 2.0 PRODUCTS 2.01 SIGNS, SIGNALS,AND DEVICES A. Comply with Texas State Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. B. Traffic Cones and Drums,Flares and Lights: As approved by agencies having jurisdiction. 3.0 EXECUTION 3.01 PUBLIC ROADS A. Abide by laws and regulations of governing authorities when using public roads. If the CONTRACTOR's work requires that public roads be temporarily impeded or closed,approvals shall be obtained from governing authorities and permits paid for before starting any work. Coordinate activities with the ENGINEER. B. CONTRACTOR shall maintain at all times a 10-foot-wide all-weather lane adjacent to work areas which shall be kept free of construction equipment and debris and shall be for the use of emergency vehicles,or as otherwise provided in the traffic control plan. (1116. C. CONTRACTOR shall not obstruct the normal flow of traffic from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. on designated major arterials or as directed by the ENGINEER. 04/00 01555 -2 CITY OF PEARLAND TRAFFIC CONTROL AND REGULATION (IN.\ D. CONTRACTOR shall maintain local driveway access to residential and commercial properties adjacent to work areas at all times. E. Cleanliness of surrounding streets: Keep streets used for entering or leaving the job area free of excavated material, debris, and any foreign material resulting from construction operations. F. Control vehicular parking to prevent interference with public traffic and parking, and access by emergency vehicles. G. Monitor parking of construction personnel's vehicles in existing facilities. Maintain vehicular access to and through parking areas. H. Prevent parking on or adjacent to access roads or in non-designated areas. 3.03 FLARES AND LIGHTS Provide flares and lights during hours of low visibility to delineate traffic lanes and to guide traffic. 3.04 HAUL ROUTES A. Utilize haul routes designated by authorities or shown on the Drawings for construction traffic. B. Confine construction traffic to designated haul routes. C. Provide traffic control at critical areas of haul routes to regulate traffic and minimize interference with public traffic. 3.05 TRAFFIC SIGNS AND SIGNALS A. Install traffic control devices at approaches to the site and on site, at crossroads, detours,parking areas, and elsewhere as needed to direct construction and affected public traffic. B. Relocate traffic signs and control devices as Work progresses to maintain effective traffic control. 3.06 BRIDGING TRENCHES AND EXCAVATIONS A. Whenever necessary,bridge trenches and excavation to permit an unobstructed flow of traffic. B. Secure bridging against displacement by using adjustable cleats, angles,bolts or other devices whenever bridge is installed: 1. On an existing bus route; 2. When more than 5 percent of daily traffic is comprised of commercial or truck traffic; 04/00 01555 -3 CITY OF PEARLAND TRAFFIC CONTROL AND REGULATION CIPh\: 3. When more than two (2) separate plates are used for the bridge; or 4. When bridge is to be used for more than five(5)consecutive days. C. Install bridging to operate with minimum noise. D. Adequately shore the trench or excavation to support bridge and traffic. E. Extend steel plates used for bridging a minimum of one foot beyond edges of trench or excavation. Use temporary paving materials (premix)to feather edges of plates to minimize wheel impact on secured bridging. F. Use steel plates of sufficient thickness to support H-20 loading,truck or lane,that produces maximum stress. 3.07 REMOVAL A. Remove equipment and devices when no longer required. B. Repair damage caused by installation. C. Remove post settings to a depth of 2 feet. END OF SECTION rP'\' 04/00 01555 -4 CITY OF PEARLAND FILTER FABRIC FENCE SECTION 01560 (11b"`, FILTER FABRIC FENC E 1.0 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES Installation of erosion and sediment control filter fabric fences used during construction and until final development of the site. The purpose of filter fabric fences is to contain pollutants from overland flow. Filter fabric fences are not for use in channelized flow areas. Filter fabric fences may be reinforced. 1.02 UNIT PRICES A. Filter fabric fence will be measured by the linear foot of completed and accepted filter fabric fence between the limits of the beginning and ending of wooden stakes. Filter fabric fence,measured as stated,will be paid for at the unit price bid for filter fabric fence, complete in place. B. Payment for filter fabric fence will include and be full compensation for all labor, equipment,materials, supervision, and all incidental expenses for construction of these items, complete in place, including,but not limited to protection of trees, Cub) maintenance requirements,repair and replacement of damaged sections,removal of sediment deposits, and removal of erosion and sediment control systems at the end of construction. C. Filter fabric barrier,if specified,will be measured by the linear foot of completed and accepted filter fabric barrier between the limits of the beginning and ending fence posts. Filter fabric barrier,measured as stated,will be paid for at the unit price bid for filter fabric fence,complete in place. D. Payment for filter fabric barrier will include and be full compensation for all labor, equipment,materials, supervision, and incidental expenses for construction of these items, complete in place,including,but not limited to protection of trees, maintenance requirements,repair and replacement of damaged sections,removal of sediment deposits, and removal of erosion and sediment control systems at the end of construction. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Manufacturer's catalog sheets and other product data on geotextile fabric. B. Conform to requirements of Section 01350—Submittals. 04/00 01560- 1 CITY OF PEARLAND - FILTER FABRIC FENCE 2.0 PRODUCTS 2.01 FILTER FABRIC A. Provide woven or nonwoven geotextile filter fabric made of either polypropylene, polyethylene, ethylene, or polyamide material. B. Geotextile fabric shall have a grab strength of 100 psi in any principal direction (ASTM D-4632),Mullen burst strength exceeding 200 psi (ASTM D-3786),and the equivalent opening size between 50 and 140. C. Filter fabric material shall contain ultraviolet inhibitors and stabilizers to provide a minimum of six(6)months of expected usable construction life at a temperature range of 0°F to 120°F. D. Representative Manufacturer: Mirafi, Inc., or equal. 2.02 FILTER FABRIC REINFORCEMENT Provide woven galvanized steel wire fence with minimum thickness of 14 gauge and a maximum mesh spacing of 6 inches. 3.0 EXECUTION rah\ 3.01 PREPARATION AND INSTALLATION A. Provide erosion and sediment control systems at the locations shown on Drawings. Such systems shall be of the type indicated and shall be constructed in accordance with the requirements shown on the Drawings and specified in this Section. B. No clearing and grubbing or rough cutting shall be permitted until erosion and sediment control systems are in place, other than site work specifically directed by the Engineer to allow soil testing and surveying. C. Regularly inspect and repair or replace damaged components of filter fabric fences as specified in this Section. Unless otherwise directed,maintain the erosion and sediment control systems until the project area stabilization is accepted by the OWNER. Remove erosion and sediment control systems promptly when directed by the ENGINEER. Discard removed materials off site. D. Remove sediment deposits and dispose of them at the designated spoil site for the project. If a project spoil site is not designated on the Drawings,dispose of sediment off site at a location not in or adjacent to a stream or floodplain. Off-site disposal is the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR. Sediment to be placed at the project site should be spread evenly throughout the site, compacted and stabilized. Sediment shall not be allowed to flush into a stream or drainage way. If sediment has been contaminated, it shall be disposed of in accordance with existing federal, state, and Cab' local rules and regulations. 04/00 01560 -2 CITY OF PEARLAND FILTER FABRIC FENCE E. Conduct all construction operations under this Contract in conformance with the erosion control practices described in Section 01566—Source Controls for Erosion and Sedimentation. 3.02 CONSTRUCTION METHODS A. Provide filter fabric fence systems in accordance with the Drawing detail for filter fabric fences. Filter fabric fences shall be installed in such a manner that surface runoff will percolate through the system in sheet flow fashion and allow sediment to be retained and accumulated. B. Attach the filter fabric to 2-inch by 2-inch wooden stakes spaced a maximum of 3 feet apart and embedded a minimum of 8 inches. If filter fabric is factory preassembled with support netting,then maximum spacing allowable is 8 feet. Install wooden stakes at a slight angle toward the source of anticipated runoff. C. Trench in the toe of the filter fabric fence with a spade or mechanical trencher as shown on the Drawings. Lay filter fabric along the edges of the trench. Backfill and compact trench. D. Filter fabric fence shall have a minimum height of 18 inches and a maximum height of 36 inches above natural ground. E. Provide the filter fabric in continuous rolls and cut to the length of the fence to minimize the use of joints. When joints are necessary, splice the fabric together only at a support post with a minimum 6-inch overlap and seal securely. F. Inspect sediment filter barrier systems after each rainfall,daily during periods of prolonged rainfall, and at a minimum once each week. Repair or replace damaged sections immediately. Remove sediment deposits when silt reaches a depth one-third the height of the fence or 6 inches,whichever is less. G. Install reinforced filter fabric barriers for erosion and sediment control used during construction and until the final development of the site. Reinforced filter fabric barriers are used to retain sedimentation in channelized flow areas. H. Provide filter fabric barriers in accordance with the Drawing detail for reinforced filter fabric barrier. Filter fabric barrier systems shall be installed in such a manner that surface runoff will percolate through the system in sheet flow fashion and allow sediment to be retained and accumulated. I. Trench in the toe of the filter fabric barrier with a spade or mechanical trencher as shown on the Drawings. Lay filter fabric along the edges of the trench. Backfill and compact trench. J. Securely fasten the filter fabric material to the woven wire with tie wires. K. Provide the filter fabric in continuous rolls and cut to the length of the fence to rib\ minimize the use of joints. When joints are necessary, splice the fabric together only at a support post with a minimum 6-inch overlap and seal securely. 04/00 01560 -3 CITY OF PEARLAND FILTER FABRIC FENCE �r•� L. Inspect the reinforced filter fabric barrier systems after each rainfall,daily during ( periods of prolonged rainfall, and at a minimum once each week. Repair or replace damaged sections immediately. Remove sediment deposits when silt reaches a depth one-third the height of the barrier or 6 inches,whichever is less. END OF SECTION 04/00 01560 -4 CITY OF PEARLAND WASTE MATERIAL DISPOSAL SECTION 01562 (1116.\ WASTE MATERIAL DISPOS AL 1.0 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES Disposal of waste material and salvageable material. 1.02 UNIT PRICES No separate payment will be made for waste material disposal under this Section. Include payment in unit price for related sections. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Submittals shall conform to requirements of Section 01350—Submittals. B. Obtain and submit disposal permits for proposed disposal sites if required by local ordinances. C. Submit a copy of written permission from property owner, along with description of property,prior to disposal of excess material adjacent to the Project. Submit a Clah\ written and signed release from property owner upon completion of disposal work. City of Pearland requires individual fill placement permits for all fill placed within the City limits. 2.0 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) 3.0 EXECUTION 3.01 SALVAGEABLE MATERIAL A. Excavated material: When indicated on Drawings,load,haul, and deposit excavated material at a location or locations shown on Drawings outside the limits of Project. B. Base, surface, and bedding material: Deliver gravel,bituminous, or other base and surfacing material designated for salvage to the location designated by the ENGINEER. C. Pipe culvert: Deliver culverts designated for salvage to OWNER's storage area. D. Other salvageable materials: Conform to requirements of individual Specification Sections. (.*\ E. Coordinate delivery of salvageable material with ENGINEER. 04/00 01562 - 1 CITY OF PEARLAND WASTE MATERIAL DISPOSAL (.114\ 3.02 EXCESS MATERIAL A. Vegetation,rubble,broken concrete, debris, asphaltic concrete pavement, excess soil, and other materials not designated for salvage, shall become the property of Contractor and shall be removed from the job site and legally disposed of. B. Excess soil may be deposited on private property adjacent to the Project when written permission is obtained from property owner. See Paragraph 1.03 C above. C. Verify the flood plain status of any proposed disposal site. Do not dispose of excavated materials in an area designated as within the 100-year Flood Hazard Area. D. Waste materials shall be removed from the site on a daily basis, such that the site is maintained in a neat and orderly condition. END OF SECTION (.6`' 04/00 01562-2 CITY OF PEARLAND CONTROL OF GROUNDWATER AND SURFACE WATER t SECTION 01564 CONTROL OF GROUNDWATER AND SURFACE WATER 1.0 GENERAL 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES A. Dewatering, depressurizing,draining, and maintaining trench and structure excavations and foundation beds in dry and stable condition. B. Protecting work against surface runoff and rising floodwaters. C. Disposing of removed water. 1.2 METHOD OF PAYMENT Unless otherwise specified in the Contract Documents,no separate payment will be made for control of ground water and surface water. Include the cost to control ground water and surface water in price for work requiring such controls. 1.3 DEFINITIONS CI"\ A. Ground water control includes both dewatering and depressurization of water-bearing soil layers. 1. Dewatering includes lowering the water table and intercepting seepage which would otherwise emerge from slopes or bottoms of excavations and disposing of removed water. The intent of dewatering is to increase stability of excavated slopes;prevent dislocation of material from slopes or bottoms of excavations;reduce lateral loads on sheeting and bracing; improve excavating and hauling characteristics of excavated material;prevent failure or heaving of the bottom of excavations; and to provide suitable conditions for placement of backfill materials and construction of structures and other installations. 2. Depressurization includes reduction in piezometric pressure within strata not controlled by dewatering alone,as required to prevent failure or heaving of excavation bottom. B. Excavation drainage includes keeping excavations free of surface and seepage water. C. Surface drainage includes use of temporary drainage ditches and dikes and installation of temporary culverts and sump pumps with discharge lines as required to protect the Work from any source of surface water. D. Equipment and instrumentation for monitoring and control of the ground water control system includes piezometers and monitoring wells, and devices, such as flow Cumb\, meters, for observing and recording flow rates. 04/00 01564 - 1 CITY OF PEARLAND CONTROL OF GROUNDWATER AND SURFACE WATER 1.4 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Conduct subsurface investigations to identify groundwater conditions and to provide parameters for design, installation, and operation of groundwater control systems. B. Design a ground water control system, compatible with requirements of Federal Regulations 29 CFR Part 1926 and Section 01526 -Trench Safety Systems,to produce the following results: 1. Effectively reduce the hydrostatic pressure affecting excavations. 2. Develop a substantially dry and stable subgrade for subsequent construction operations. 3. Preclude damage to adjacent properties,buildings, structures,utilities, installed facilities, and other work. 4. Prevent the loss of fines, seepage,boils, quick condition, or softening of the foundation strata. 5. Maintain stability of sides and bottom of excavations. C. Ground water control systems may include single-stage or multiple-stage well point systems, eductor and ejector-type systems, deep wells, or combinations of these equipment types. D. Provide drainage of seepage water and surface water, as well as water from any other source entering the excavation. Excavation drainage may include placement of drainage materials, such as crushed stone and filter fabric,together with sump pumping. E. Provide ditches,berms,pumps and other methods necessary to divert and drain surface water from excavation and other work areas. F. Locate ground water control and drainage systems so as not to interfere with utilities, construction operations,adjacent properties,or adjacent water wells. G. Assume sole responsibility for ground water control systems and for any loss or damage resulting from partial or complete failure of protective measures and any settlement or resultant damage caused by the ground water control operations. Modify ground water control systems or operations if they cause or threaten to cause damage to new construction, existing site improvements, adjacent property, or adjacent water wells, or affect potentially contaminated areas. Repair damage caused by ground water control systems or resulting from failure of the system to protect property as required. H. Provide an adequate number of piezometers installed at the proper locations and 7\, depths as required to provide meaningful observations of the conditions affecting the excavation, adjacent structures, and water wells. 04/00 01564 -2 CITY OF PEARLAND CONTROL OF GROUNDWATER AND SURFACE WATER Provide environmental monitoring wells installed at the proper locations and depths as required to provide adequate observations of hydrostatic conditions and possible contaminant transport from contamination sources into the work area or into the ground water control system. J. Decommission piezometers and monitoring wells installed during design phase studies and left for CONTRACTORS monitoring and use. 1.5 SUBMITTALS A. Submittals shall conform to requirements of Section 01350—Submittals. B. Submit a ground water and surface water control plan for review by the ENGINEER prior to start of any fieldwork. The Plan shall be signed by a professional engineer registered in the State of Texas. Submit a plan to include the following: 1. Results of subsurface investigation and description of the extent and characteristics of water bearing layers subject to ground water control. 2. Names of equipment suppliers and installation subcontractors. 3. A description of proposed ground water control systems indicating arrangement,location,depth and capacities of system components, installation details and criteria, and operation and maintenance procedures. 4. A description of proposed monitoring and control system indicating depths and locations of piezometers and monitoring wells,monitoring installation details and criteria,type of equipment and instrumentation with pertinent data and characteristics. 5. A description of proposed filters including types, sizes, capacities and Manufacturer's application recommendations. 6. Design calculations demonstrating adequacy of proposed systems for intended applications. Define potential area of influence of ground water control operation near contaminated areas. 7. Operating requirements,including piezometric control elevations for dewatering and depressurization. 8. Excavation drainage methods including typical drainage layers, sump pump application and other necessary means. 9. Surface water control and drainage installations. 10. Proposed methods and locations for disposing of removed water. C. Submit the following records upon completed initial installation: 1. Installation and development reports for well points, eductors, and deep wells. 04/00 01564-3 CITY OF PEARLAND CONTROL OF GROUNDWATER AND SURFACE WATER (rnib`\ 2. Installation reports and baseline readings for piezometers and monitoring wells. • 3. Baseline analytical test data of water from monitoring wells. 4. Initial flow rates. D. Submit the following records on a weekly basis during operations: 1. Records of flow rates and piezometric elevations obtained during monitoring of dewatering and depressurization. Refer to Paragraph 3.02, Requirements for Eductor,Well Points, or Deep Wells. 2. Maintenance records for ground water control installations,piezometers,and monitoring wells. E. Submit the following records at end of work. Decommissioning(abandonment) reports for monitoring wells and piezometers installed by other during the design phase and left for CONTRACTOR's monitoring and use. 1.6 ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS A. Comply with requirements of agencies having jurisdiction. (111.6\. B. Comply with Texas Commission on Environmental Quality regulations and Texas Water Well Drillers Association for development, drilling, and abandonment of wells used in dewatering system. C. Obtain permit from EPA under the Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES), for storm water discharge from construction sites. Refer to Section 01565—TPDES Permit Requirements. D. Obtain all necessary permits from agencies with control over the use of groundwater and matters affecting well installation,water discharge, and use of existing storm drains and natural water sources. Because the review and permitting process may be lengthy,take early action to pursue and submit for the required approvals. E. Monitor ground water discharge for contamination while performing pumping in the vicinity of potentially contaminated sites. 2.0 PRODUCTS 2.1 EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS A. Equipment and materials are at the option of CONTRACTOR as necessary to achieve desired results for dewatering. Selected equipment and materials are subject to review of the ENGINEER through submittals required in Paragraph 1.06, Submittals. C 04/00 01564-4 CITY OF PEARLAND CONTROL OF GROUNDWATER AND SURFACE WATER B. Eductors,well points, or deep wells,where used,must be furnished,installed and operated by an experienced contractor regularly engaged in ground water control system design, installation, and operation. C. All equipment must be in good repair and operating order. D. Sufficient standby equipment and materials shall be kept available to ensure continuous operation,where required. 3.0 EXECUTION 3.1 GROUND WATER CONTROL A. Perform a subsurface investigation by borings as necessary to identify water-bearing layers,piezometric pressures, and soil parameters for design and installation of ground water control systems. Perform pump tests,if necessary to determine the draw-down characteristics of the water-bearing layers. The results shall be presented in the Ground Water and Surface Water Control Plan(see Paragraph 1.5B.1). B. Provide labor,material, equipment,techniques and methods to lower, control and handle ground water in a manner compatible with construction methods and site conditions. Monitor effectiveness of the installed system and its effect on adjacent property. Clib) C. Install, operate, and maintain ground water control systems in accordance with the Ground Water and Surface Water Control Plan. Notify ENGINEER in writing of any changes made to accommodate field conditions and changes to the Work. Provide revised drawings and calculations with such notification. D. Provide for continuous system operation,including nights,weekends, and holidays. Arrange for appropriate backup if electrical power is primary energy source for dewatering system. E. Monitor operations to verify that the system lowers ground water piezometric levels at a rate required to maintain a dry excavation resulting in a stable subgrade for prosecution of subsequent operations. F. Where hydrostatic pressures in confined water bearing layers exist below excavation, depressurize those zones to eliminate risk of uplift or other instability of excavation or installed works. Allowable piezometric elevations shall be defined in the Ground Water and Surface Water Control Plan. G. Maintain water level below subgrade elevation. Do not allow levels to rise until foundation concrete has achieved design strength. H. During backfilling, dewatering maybe reduced to maintain water level a minimum of 5 feet below prevailing level of backfill. However,do not allow that water level to result in uplift pressures in excess of 80 percent of downward pressure produced by weight of structure or backfill in place. Do not allow water levels to rise into cement- stabilized sand until at least 48 hour after placement. 04/00 01564-5 CITY OF PEARLAND CONTROL OF GROUNDWATER AND SURFACE WATER I. Provide a uniform diameter for each pipe drain run constructed for dewatering. Remove pipe drain when it has served its purpose. If removal of pipe is impractical, provide grout connections at 50-foot intervals and fill pipe with cement-bentonite grout or cement-sand grout when pipe is removed from service. J. Extent of construction ground water control for structures with a permanent perforated underground drainage system may be reduced, such as for units designed to withstand hydrostatic uplift pressure. Provide a means of draining the affected portion of underground system, including standby equipment. Maintain drainage system during operations and remove it when no longer required. K. Remove system upon completion of construction or when dewatering and control of surface or ground water is no longer required. L. Compact backfill as required by the Contract Documents. 3.2 REQUIREMENTS FOR EDUCTOR,WELL POINTS,OR DEEP WELLS A. For aboveground piping in ground water control system,include a 12-inch minimum length of clear,transparent piping between every eductor well or well point and discharge header so that discharge from each installation can be visually monitored. B. Install sufficient piezometers or monitoring wells to show that all trench or shaft excavations in water bearing materials are predrained prior to excavation. Provide separate piezometers for monitoring of dewatering and for monitoring of depressurization. Install piezometers and monitoring wells for tunneling as appropriate for CONTRACTOR's selected method of work. C. Install piezometers or monitoring wells not less than one week in advance of beginning the associated excavation. D. Dewatering may be omitted for portions of underdrains or other excavations,but only where auger borings and piezometers or monitoring wells show that soil is predrained by an existing system such that the criteria of the ground water control plan are satisfied. E. Replace installations that produce noticeable amounts of sediments after development. F. Provide additional ground water control installations,or change the methods,in the event that the installations according to the ground water control plan does not provide satisfactory results based on the performance criteria defined by the plan and by the specification. Submit a revised plan according to Paragraph 1.5B. 3.3 EXCAVATION DRAINAGE CONTRACTOR may use excavation drainage methods if necessary to achieve well drained conditions. The excavation drainage may consist of a layer of crushed stone and filter fabric, and sump pumping in combination with sufficient wells for ground water control to maintain stable excavation and backfill conditions. 04/00 01564 -6 CITY OF PEARLAND CONTROL OF GROUNDWATER AND SURFACE WATER (111"."‘, 3.4 MAINTENANCE AND OBSERVATION A. Conduct daily maintenance and observation of piezometers or monitoring wells while the ground water control installations or excavation drainage are operating in an area. Keep system in good operating condition. B. Replace damaged and destroyed piezometers or monitoring wells with new piezometers or wells as necessary to meet observation schedule. C. Cut off piezometers or monitoring wells in excavation areas where piping is exposed, only as necessary to perform observation as excavation proceeds. Continue to maintain and make observations, as specified. D. Remove and grout piezometers inside or outside the excavation area when ground water control operations are complete. Remove and grout monitoring wells when directed by the ENGINEER. 3.5 MONITORING AND RECORDING A. Monitor and record average flow rate of operation for each deep well,or for each wellpoint or eductor header used in dewatering system. Also monitor and record water level and ground water recovery. These records shall be obtained daily until steady conditions are achieved, and twice weekly thereafter. B. Observe and record elevation of water level daily as long as ground water control system is in operation, and weekly thereafter until the Work is completed or piezometers or wells are removed, except when ENGINEER determines that more frequent monitoring and recording are required. Comply with ENGINEER's direction for increased monitoring and recording and take measures as necessary to ensure effective dewatering for intended purpose. 3.6 SURFACE WATER CONTROL A. Intercept surface water and divert it away from excavations through use of dikes, ditches, curb walls,pipes, sumps or other approved means. The requirement includes temporary works required to protect adjoining properties from surface drainage caused by construction operations. B. Divert surface water and seepage water into sumps and pump it into drainage channels or storm drains,when approved by agencies having jurisdiction. Provide settling basins when required by such agencies. END OF SECTION 04/00 01564 -7 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard (11°k\ SECTION 01565 TPDES REQUIREMENTS 1.0 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Documentation to be prepared and signed by Contractor before conducting construction operations, in accordance with the Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System(TPDES) Construction General Permit Number TXR150000 issued March 5,2003 (the Construction General Permit). B. Implementation,maintenance inspection,and termination of storm water pollution prevention control measures including,but not limited to, erosion and sediment controls, storm water management plans,waste collection and disposal,off-site vehicle tracking, and other appropriate practices shown on the Drawings or specified elsewhere in the Contract. C. Review of the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan(SWP3) implementation in a meeting with Program Manager prior to start of construction. 1.02 DEFINITIONS A. Commencement of Construction Activities: The exposure of soil resulting from activities such as clearing, grading, and excavating. B. Large Construction Activity: Project that: 1. disturbs 5 acres or more, or 2. disturbs less than 5 acres but is part of a larger common plan of development that will disturb 5 acres or more of land. C. Small Construction Activity: Project that: 1. disturbs 1 or more acres but less than 5 acres, or 2. disturbs less than 1 acre but is part of a larger common plan of development that will ultimately disturb 1 or more acres but less than 5 acres. D. TPDES Operator: The person or persons who have day-to-day operational control of the construction activities which are necessary to ensure compliance with the SWP3 for the site or other Construction General Permit conditions. Project No.052511256.0010 01565—Page 1 of 16 TPDES REQUIREMENTS June 1,2004 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard (a*N' 1.03 UNIT PRICES Unless indicated in the Unit Price Schedule as a pay item, no separate payment will be made for work performed under this Section. Include cost of work performed under this Section in pay items for which this work is a component 2.0 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) 3.0 EXECUTION 3.01 SITE SPECIFIC STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN(SWP3) A. Prepare a SWP3 following Part III of the TPDES General Permit TXR150000 under Section F. B. Update or revise the SWP3 as needed during the construction following Part III, Section E of the Construction General Permit. C. Submit the SWP3 and any updates or revisions to Program Manager for review and address comments prior to commencing,or continuing, construction activities. 3.02 NOTICE OF INTENT FOR LARGE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY Cbr*\! A. Fill out, sign, and date TCEQForm 20022(02/03)Notice of Intent OI for Storm � ) Water Discharges Associated with Construction Activity under the TPDES Construction General Permit(TXR150000),ATTACHMENT 1 of this Section 01565. B. Transmit the signed Contractor's copy of TCEQ Form 20022 (02/03), along with a $100.00 check,made out to Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, and the completed Payment Submittal Form to Program Manager. C. Program Manager will complete a separate TCEQ Form 20022 (02/03) for City's NOI, and will submit both Notices, along with checks for application fees,to the TCEQ. D. Submission of the Notice of Intent form by both the City and Contractor to TCEQ is required a minimum of 2 days before Commencement of Construction Activities. 3.03 CONSTRUCTION SITE NOTICE FOR SMALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY A. Fill out, sign, and date the Construction Site Notice,Attachment 2 to TPDES General Permit TXR150000, "Construction Site Notice,"ATTACHMENT 2 of this Section 01565. B. Transmit the signed Construction Site Notice to Program Manager at least 7 days prior to Commencement of Construction Activity. Project No.052511256.0010 01565—Page 2 of 16 'TPDES REQUIREMENTS June I,2004 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard 3.04 CERTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS A. Fill out TPDES Operator's Information form,ATTACHMENT 3 of this Section 01565, including Contractor's name, address, and telephone number and the names of persons or firms responsible for maintenance and inspection of erosion and sediment control measures. Use multiple copies as required to document full information. B. Contractor and Subcontractors shall sign and date the Contactor's/Subcontractor's Certification for TPDES Permitting,ATTACHMENT 4 of this Section 01565. Include this certification with other Project certification forms. C. Submit properly completed certification forms to Program Manager for review before beginning construction operations. D. Conduct inspections in accordance with TCEQ requirements. Ensure persons or firms responsible for maintenance and inspection of erosion and sediment control measures read, fill out, sign, and date the Erosion Control Contractor's Certification for Inspection and Maintenance. Use the EPA NPDES Construction Inspection Form,ATTACHMENT 5 of this Section 01565; and the City of Pearland's Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Construction Site Inspection Report, ATTACHMENT 6 of this Section 01565 to record maintenance inspections and repairs. 3.05 RETENTION OF RECORDS Keep a copy of this document and the SWP3 in a readily accessible location at the construction site from Commencement of Construction Activity until submission of the Notice of Termination(NOT) for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Construction Activity under TPDES Construction General Permit(TXR150000). Contractors with day-to- day operational control over SWP3 implementation shall have a copy of the SWP3 available at a central location, on-site, for the use of all operators and those identified as having responsibilities under the SWP3. Upon submission of the NOT, submit all required forms and a copy of the SWP3 with all revisions to Program Manager. 3.06 REQUIRED NOTICES Post the following notices from the effective date of the SWP3 until the date of final site stabilization as defined in the Construction General Permit: 1. Post the TPDES permit number for Large Construction Activity, or a signed TCEQ Construction Site Notice for Small Construction Activity. Signed copies of the City's and Contractor's NOI must also be posted. 2. Post notices near the main entrance of the construction site in a prominent place for public viewing. Post name and telephone number of Contractor's local contact person,brief project description and location of the SWP3. Project No.052511256.0010 01565—Page 3 of 16 TPDES REQUIREMENTS June 1,2004 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard (..h) a. If posting near a main entrance is not feasible due to safety concerns, coordinate posting of notice with Program Manager to conform to requirements of the Construction General Permit. b. If Project is a linear construction project(e.g.,road,utilities, etc.),post notice in a publicly accessible location near active construction. Move notice as necessary. 3. Post a notice to equipment and vehicles operators, instructing them to stop, check, and clean tires of debris and mud before driving onto traffic lanes. Post at each stabilized construction exit area. 4. Post a notice of waste disposal procedures in a readily visible location on site. 3.07 ON-SITE WASTE MATERIAL STORAGE A. On-site waste material storage shall be self-contained and shall satisfy appropriate local, state, and federal rules and regulations. B. Prepare list of waste material to be stored on-site. Update list as necessary to include up-to-date information. Keep a copy of updated list with the SWP3. C. Prepare description of controls to reduce pollutants generate from on-site storage. Include storage practices necessary to minimize exposure of materials to storm water, Cub\ and spill prevention and response measures consistent with best management practices. Keep a copy of the description with the SWP3. 3.08 NOTICE OF TERMINATION A. Submit a NOT,ATTACHMENT 7 of this Section 01565, to Program Manager within 10 days after: 1. Final stabilization has been achieved on all portions of the site that are the responsibility of the Contractor; or 2. Another operator has assumed control over all areas of the site that have not been stabilized; and 3. All silt fences and other temporary erosion controls have either been removed scheduled to be removed as defined in the SWP3, or transferred to a new operator,if the new operator has sought permit coverage. B. Program Manager will complete City's NOT and submit Contractor and City's notices to the TCEQ and MS4 entities. END OF SECTION C Project No.052511256.0010 01565—Page 4 of 16 TPDES REQUIREMENTS June 1,2004 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard C"-N„ ATTACHMENT 1 f'i"T= Notice of Intent(NOI)for Storm Water Discharges TCEQ Office Use Only Associated with Construction Activity under the TPDES Permit Number:TXR15•_•_•• •_••-NO TPDES Construction General Permit(TXR150000) GIN Number.•• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• TCEOFor help completing this application,read the TXR150000 NOI Instructions (TCEQ-20022-Instructions)_ A. Construction Site Operator [New [No Change Customer Reference Number:CN Name: Mailing Address: City: State: Zip Code: Country Mailing Information(if outside USA)Territory: Country Code: Postal Code: Phone Number: Extension: Fax Number. E-mail Address: Type of Operator.[Individual[Sole Proprietorship-D.BA.[Partnership[Corporation[Federal Government El State Government 0 County Government[City Government[Other: Independent Operator?[Yes[No Number of Employees:[0-20 0 21-100[101-250 0 251-500[501 or higher Federal Tax ID: State Franchise Tax ID Number: DUNS Number: B. Billing Address Name: Mailing Address: City: State: Zip Code: Country Mailing Information(If outside USA)Territory: Country Code: Postal Code: C. Project i'Site Information [New [No Change Regulated Entity Reference Number:RN Name: Mailing Address: City: State:_Zip Code: Physical Address: City: County:— Zip Code: Location Access Description: Latitude:_°_ N Longitude:_°__" W Degrees(°),Minutes(').and Seconds(") Latitude: Longitude:— Decimal Form (11111 . Standard Industrial Classification(SIC)code: Also,describe the construction activity at this site(do not repeat the SIC code): Has a storm water pollution prevention plan been prepared as specified in the general permit(TXR150000)?QQ Yes[No Estimated area of land disturbed(to the nearest acre): Is the project!site located on Indian Country Lands?El Yes RI No Does this project!site discharge storm water into a municipal separate storm sewer system(MS4)?Dyes 0 No If yes,provide the name of the MS4 operator: Provide the name or segment number of the water body that receives storm water from this project!site: D. Contact-lithe TCEQ needs additional information regarding this application,who should be contacted? Name: Title: Phone Number. Extension: Fax Number. E-mail Address: E. Payment Information-Check!Money Order Number: Name on Check!Money Order: F. Certification I certify under penalty of law that this documentwas prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with asystem designed to assurethat qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the iijurutation submitted.Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system,or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information,the information submitted is,to the best of my knowledge and belief,true,accurate,end complete. I am aware there are significant penalties for submitting false Information,Including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. Construction Site Operator Representative: Pfefix: First; Middle: Last Suffix: Title: Signature: Date: If you have questions on how to fill out this form or about the storm water program,please contact us at(512)239.4671. Individuals are entitled to request and review theirpersonal information that the agencygatherson its forms.They may also have anyerrors In their information corrected.To review such Information,contact us at(512)239.3282. The completed NOI must be mailed to the following address. Use the attached document to submit the$100 application fee. Please note that the NOI and application fee are submitted separately to different addresses. Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Storm Water&General Permits Team;MC•228 P.O.Box 13087 Austin,Texas 78T11-3087 TCEQ-20022(02J03) Page 1 of 2 Project No.052511256.0010 01565—Page 5 of 16 TPDES REQUIREMENTS June 1,2004 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard ATTACHMENT 1 Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Payment Submittal Form The storm water application fee shall be sent under separate cover to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. This form must be used to submit your Storm Water Application Fee. Please complete the following information,staple your check in the space provided at the bottom of this document,and mail it to: BY REGULAR U.S.MAIL BY OVERNIGHT/EXPRESS MAIL Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Financial Administration Division Financial Administration Division Cashier's Office,MC-214 Cashier's Office,MC-214 P.O.Box 13088 12100 Park 35 Circle Austin,TX 78711-3088 Austin,TX 78753 Fee Code:GPA Storm Water General Permit: TXR150000 Check I Money Order No: Amount of Check/Money Order. Date of Check or Money Order: Name on Check or Money Order: Facility I Site Name: Facility/Site Physical Address: City: Zip Code: Staple Check In This Space � TCEQ.20022(02103) Page 2 of 2 i Project No.052511256.0010 01565—Page 6 of 16 TPDES REQUIREMENTS June 1,2004 CITY OFPEARLAND Yost Boulevard (h."-', ATTACHMENT 1 Completing the Notice of Intent for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Construction Activity under the TPDES Construction General Permit(TXR150000) A.Construction Site Operator information Type of Operator Check boxes and Customer Reference Number Check only one box. These boxes designate tire operator's status as a TCEQ"customer"—in Check,,, if this customer.,, other words,an individual or business that is involved in an activity that we regulate.We assign each customer a number that begins with'Chi' individual Is a person and has not established a business to do followed by nine digits.This Is not a permit number,registration whatever causes them to be regulated by us. number,or license number.In the remainder of this section,we will use 'this customer'to mean the operator for Part A of the form. sole is a business that is owned by only one person and ■ If this customer has not been assigned a Customer Reference Proprietorship— has not been Incorporated.This business may: Number,check"New"and leave the space for the Customer D,B.A, • be under the person's name Reference Number blank. • have its own name(•doing business as,'or d.b.a.) • If this customer has already been assigned this number,enter the • have any number of employees operator's Customer Reference Number and: Partnership is a business that is established as a partnership as • Check"No Change'If all the remaining customer information is the defined by the Texas Secretary of States Office. same as previously reported.However,you must still complete most blanks In this form for this notice of intent to be valid. Corporation meats an of these conditions: • if this customer's information has changed since the last time it was • is a tegairy Incorporated entry under the laws of reported to the TCEO;check neither box and complete the any state or country remainder of this notice of intent • Is recognized as a corporation by the Texas • Do not enter a permit number,registration number,or license Secretary of State number In place of the Customer Reference Number. • has proper operating authority to operate In Texas. Name Federal,state, Is either en agency of one of these levels of Enter the legal name of this customer as authorized to do business in county,or city government or the governmental body itself Ma utility Texas. Include any abbreviations(LLC.Inc.,etc.). government(as district,water district,tribal government,college appropriate) district,council of governments,or river authority, check"Other and write in the specific type of Mailing Address government.) Enter a central and general malting address for this customer to receive mail from the TCEQ.For example,If this customer is a large company,this Other fits none of the above descriptions.Enter a short address might be the corporate or regional headquarters.On the other description of the type of customer in the blank hand,for a smaller business,this address could be the same as the site provided, address. Independent Operator? iftlds is a street address,please follow US Postal Service Check"No"if this customer is a subsidiary or part of a Larger company. standards.In brief,these standards require this information in Otherwise,check'Yes,' this order •the'house"number—for example,the 1401 in Number of Employees Ciii''', 1401 Main St Check one box to show the number of employees for this customer's entire • if there is a direction before the street name,the one-or two- company,at all locations.This is not necessarily the number of letter abbreviation of that direction(N,S,E.W,NE,SE,SW,or employees at the site named in this NOi. NW) •the street name(if a numbered street,do not spell out the Federal Tax ID number—tor example,6th St,not Sixth St) All businesses,except for some small sole proprietors,should have a •an appropriate abbreviation of the type of street—for example, federal taxpayer identification number(TIN).Enter this number here.Use St,Ave,Blvd,Fury,Exwy,Hwy,Cr,Ct,Ln no prefixes,dashes,or hyphens.If you do not have a TiN because you are •if there is a direction after the street name,the one-or two-letter an individual or a small sole proprietor,enter your Social Security number abbreviation of that direction(N,S,E,W,NE.SE.SW,or NW) here. Individuals and sole proprietors do not need to provide a federal tax •If there is a room number,suite number,or company mail code ID. City,State,and ZIP Code State Franchise Tax ID Enter the name of the city,the two-letter USPS abbreviation for the stale Corporations and limited liability companies that operate In Texas are (for example,TX),and the ZIP Code,(Enter the full ZIP+4 if you know it,) issued a franchise tax identification number.If this customer is a corporation or Smiled liability company,enter this number here. Country Mailing Information It this address is outside the United States,enter the territory name, DUNS Number country trade,and any non-ZIP mailing codes or other non-U.S.Postal Most businesses have a DUNS(Data Universal Numbering System) Service features here.If this address is Inside the United Stales,leave number issued by Dun and Bradstreet Corp.delis customer has one,enter these spaces blank. It here. Phone Number andExtenslon B.Billing Address This number should correspond to this customer's mailing address given We will mail the annual fee invoice for this site to the address entered in earner.Enter the area code and phone number here.Leave'Extension' this section. blank if this customer's phone system lacks this feature. Name Fax Number This number should correspond to this customer's mailing address given Enter thelegalInvoice eachnoice of the person or business to which we should mail earlier.Enter the area code and fax number here. this site's feee year, E Mailing Address mail Address Enter the specific As with the mailing address,this should be a general address that is mailing address to which we should mail this site's fee ye s pleas f e appropriate fore-mail to this customer's central or regional headquarters,It Serviceofce each ands If this described street address,Construction, c oowe Operator Postal applicable. standards as under A. Site Information'on page 1 of these instructions. if No Change"was checked for this customer, City,State,and ZIP Code you may skip the rest of the fields In this part of the form Enter the name of the city,the two-letter USPS abbreviation(or the state end continue to the next part of the NOi. (for example.TX),and the ZIP Code.(Enter the full ZIP+4 if you know it.) (lik\ TCE0-20022dnstructions(09/02) Page 1 of 2 Project No.052511256.0010 01565—Page 7 of 16 TPDES REQUIREMENTS June 1,2004 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard ATTACHMENT 1 Country Mailing Information development of the plan can be found in the Texas Pollutant Discharge If this address is outside the United States.enter the territory name, Elimination System Construction General Permit(TXRf50000). country code,and any non-ZIP mailing codes or other non-U.S.Postal Service features here.If this address is inside the United States,leave Estimated Area of Land Disturbed these spaces blank. Provide the approximate number of acres that the construction site will disturb.'Disturb°means any clearing,grading,excavating,or other similar C.Project I Site Information activities. Check boxes end Regulated Entity Reference Number Is the site on CountryLands? These boxes designate this site's status as a TCEQ°regulated entity"--in Is the site located onlyif the Indiane is a a or other areas designated other words,a location where an activity that we regulate occurs.We 9 by assign each regulated entity a number that begins with'RN,'followed by the federal government as Indian Country Lands.If not,check"No.' nine digits.This is not a permit number,registration number,or license number. Destination of Storm Water Discharge • If this site has not been assigned a Regulated Entity Reference The storm water from your site eventually reaches a receiving water body Number,check"New"and leave the space for the Regulated Entity such as a local stream or lake,possibly via a drainage ditch. The Reference Number blank. discharge may initially be into a municipal separate storm sewer system • If this site has already been assigned this number,enter the Regulated (MS4).Check the appropriate boxes for whether storm water is discharged Entity Reference Number and: into an MS4. If you checked"Yes'to'An MS47,then enter the name of • Check"No Change'if all the remaining information is the same as the entity that operates the storm sewer—often a city,town,or utility previously reported.However,even if there has been no change, district,but possibly another form of government. you must complete this section at least Through'E-mail Address"for this NOI to be valid. You must also provide the name of the water body that receives the • If this site's information has changed since the last time it was discharge from the construction site(a local stream or lake). Storm water reported to the TCEQ,check neither box and complete the may be discharged directly to a receiving stream or via a storm sewer remainder of this notice of intent. system. If known,please include the segment number if the discharge is to • Do not enter permit number,registration number,or license a classified water body. number in place of the Regulated Entity Reference Number. For a map that includes segment numbers,go to: Name http'lwww.tnrce.state.tx.usiwaterlquality/datalindex.html Enter the name by which you want this site to be known to the TCEQ. D.Contact Mailing Address Give all the relevant information for the person whom TCEQ can contact if Enter the specific mailing address for this site.if this is a street address, there are questions about any of the information on this font—perhaps the please follow the US Postal Service standards as described under"A. same person who completed the form. Construction Site Operator Information'on page 1 of these Instructions. E.Payment Information CiEnterSl la earn of the andZIP ode two-letter USPS abbreviation for the slate Provide the number and name from the check or money order used to pay e the a, the$100 application fee. (forp TX),and the ZIP Code.(Enter the full ZIP+4 if you know it.) Physical Address F.Certification Ph Y The operator must sign and date this statement to validate this NOI.Be Enter the physical address of the site itself.TCEQ staff should be able to illek\isure to enter the full legal name of the person signing the form and the use this address to find the site. relevant title—for example,°Operator," Operator's attorney,"or"Senior Site Manager.'Use the'Prefix"blank for such titles as Dr.,Mr.,or Ms.,as City,County,andZlP Code desired.Use the"Suffix'blank for such designations as Ph.D.,Jr.,Sr.,Ill. Enter the name of the city,the county,and the ZIP Code.(Enter the full or J,D.,if applicable. ZIP+4 if you know it.) Fora corporation.the application shall be signed by a responsible Location Access Description corporate officer.A responsible corporate officer means a president, Enter a physical description of the location of the site based on highway secretary,treasurer,or vice-president of the corporation in charge of a Intersections end/or permanent landmarks. principal business function,or any other person who performs similar policy or decision-making functions for the corporation;or the manager of one or Latitude and Longitude more manufacturing,production,or operating facilities employing more Enter the latitude and longitude of the site in either degrees,minutes,end than 250 persons or having gross annual sales or expenditures exceeding seconds or decimal form. $25 million(in second-quarter 1980 dollars).if authority to sign documents For helpobtaining the latitude and longitude,go to: has been assigned or delegated to the manager in accordance with n9 corporate procedures.Corporate procedures governing authority to sign httpxlwww.tnrce.state.tx.usigis/drgview.html permit applications may provide for assignment or delegation to applicable Standard Industrial Classification(SIC)Code and Activity Description corporate positions rather than to specific individuals. Fora partnership or sole proprietorship,the application shall be signed by Provide the SIC code that best describes the construction activity being a general partner or the proprietor,respectively. conducted at the site. For a municipality,state,federal,or other public agency,the application For help with SIC codes.go to: shall be signed by either a principal executive officer or a ranking elected hftp:llwww.osha.govloshstatslsicserhtml official.For purposes of this application,a principal executive officer of a federal agency includes the chief executive officer of the agency,or a In addition to the SIC code,you must also provide a description of the senior executive officer having responsibility for the overall operations of a construction activity being conducted at the site. This may include such principal geographic unit of the agency(e.g.regional administrator of the descriptions as:'Apartment Building Construction"or"Shopping Center United States Environmental Protection Agency). Construction." QStorm Water Pollution Prevention Plan If you haven3? on This plan Identifies the areas and activities that could produce StIf heat rq Program about/2y of the Information orr St this Water contact our contaminated runoff atyour site and then tells howyou will ensure that this Web Water Program at 512F239 4871 or look for"Storm on our Web site: contamination is mitigated.For example,in describing your mitigation www.tceq.state.tx.us measures,your site's plan might identify the devices that collect and filter storm water,tell how those devices are to be maintained,and tell how frequently that maintenance is to be carried out.You must develop this plan before you complete this NOL This plan must be available for a TCEQ investigator to review on request.Specific requirements for the TCEQ-20022•instructions(09/02) Page 2 of 2 Project No.052511256.0010 01565—Page 8 of 16 TPDES REQUIREMENTS June 1,2004 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard Attachment 2 BrIM CONSTRUCTION SITE NOTICE FOR THE Texas Commission on Environmental Quality(TCEQ) Storm Water Program TPDES GENERAL PERMIT TXR150000 The following information is posted in compliance with Part II.D.2 of the TCEQ General Permit Number TXR150000 for discharges of storm water runoff from construction sites. Additional information regarding the TCEQ storm water permit program may be found on the internet at: www.tnrcc.state.tx.us/permitting/waterperm/wwpenn/tpdes.html Contact Name and Phone Number: Project Description: (116\ (Physical address or description of the site's location, estimated start date and projected end date,or date that disturbed soils will be stabilized) Location of Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan: For Construction Sites Authorized Under Part II.D.2. (Obtaining Authorization to Discharge) the following certification must be completed: I (Typed or Printed Name Person Completing This Certification) certify under penalty of law that I have read and understand the eligibility requirements for claiming an authorization under Part II.D.2.of TPDES General Permit TXR150000 and agree to comply with the terms of this permit. A storm water pollution prevention plan has been developed and implemented according to permit requirements. A copy of this signed notice is supplied to the operator of the MS4 if discharges enter an MS4 system. I am aware there are significant penalties for providing false information or for conducting unauthorized discharges, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. Signature and Title Date Project No.052511256.0010 01565—Page 9 of 16 TPDES REQUIREMENTS June 1,2004 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Csak\' ATTACHMENT 3 TPDES OPERATOR'S INFORMATION Owner's Name and Address: City of Pearland Mr. Joe Wertz Project Director Project Director 3519 Liberty drive Pearland, Texas 77581 281-652-1600 Contractor's Names and Addresses: General Contractor: Telephone: Site Superintendent: Telephone: Erosion Control and Maintenance Inspection: Telephone: Subcontractor's Names and Addresses: Phone: Phone: Note: Insert name, address, and telephone number of persons or firms. Cal" Project No.052511256.0010 01565—Page 10 of 16 TPDES REQUIREMENTS June 1,2004 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard ATTACHMENT 4 CONTRACTOR'S / SUBCONTRACTOR'S CERTIFICATION FOR TPDES PERMITTING I certify under penalty of law that I understand the terms and conditions of TPDES General Permit No. TXR150000 and the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan for the construction site identified as part of this certification. Signature: Name: (printed or typed) Title: Company: Address: Date: Signature: rusk\ Name: (printed or typed) Title: Company: Address: Date: Signature: Name: (printed or typed) Title: Company: Address: Date: Project No.052511256.0010 01565—Page 11 of 16 TPDES REQUIREMENTS June 1,2004 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard ATTACHMENT 5 • sArik , EPA NPDES 4 E o�� P �' Construction � ' ,W 07"�� -v° Inspecti • on Form 4oRcoo The following inspection is being performed in compliance with Pan 1V.D.4.of the NPDP.S Region 6 Storm Water Construction General Permit(63 fg.Leg.36502)and being retained in accordance with Part V of the Permit.Qualified personnel(provided byline pent»uee or cooperatively by multiple permitices)shall inspect disturbed areas of the construction site that have not been finally stabilized,areas used for storage of materials that are exposed to precipitation,placement end effectiveness of structural control measures,and locations where vehteles enter or exit the site. Inspections shall be performed at leash once every 14 days and within 24 hours of the end ofa storm event of 05 inches or greater.Where sites have been temporarily stabilized.runoff is unlikely due to winter conditions,or during seasonal arid periods in and areas(0-10 inches ofrainfall annually)and semi-arid arras(10-20 inches annually)such inspections shall be conducted at least once every month.This form is primarily intended for use with construction projects in Texas and New Mexico. Penniuees on Indian Country lands in Oklahoma,Louisiana and Arkansas and some oil and gas facilities in Oklahoma may use this form if they are eligible for this permit.Other facilities need to check with their NPDCS audiority before using this form. lfyar do not know your NPOES Permit Number,contact the NOI Processing Center at(301)495.4145.This form was prepared as an example and it is not a required fomr for use with the permit. Alternative forms may be used if they contain all of the required infamnation as set forth in tine permit.This form and additional information regarding the NPDES Region 6 storm water program may be found on the Internet at 1atrewww.cpa.aovirenionWswl.Any person with a complaint about the operation of this facility in regards to this permit should contact liPA Region 6 at(214)665-7 t 12. Permit Number(s)covered by this inspection(e.g.owners,developers, general contractor,builders) Signature and Certification in accordance 1 certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in acconiauce with a system designed to assure that with Part VI.G of the permit' qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system,or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information,the information submitted is,to the best of my knowledge and belief,true.accurate,and complete. 1 am aware that them are significttnt penalties for submitting false information,including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. Signature Date Date of Inspection inspector Name • is there a copy of the permit language • YES • NO with the SWPPP? is the inspector qualified and are the • YES • NO qualifications documented in the SWPPP? Is an NPDES storm water construction • YES • NO sign posted at the entrance for all pelmittees? You may want to use EPA Region 6 construction checklist to assure components of the SWPPP are complete.This form,the construction sign, and the checklist are available on the Region 6 NPDES Storm Water Forms and Documents web'rage which may be found on the internee at httnJiwww.epa.gov/earthl r6l6cn/w/forrnsw.htm in addition to the checklist,you should provide a narrative(see next page)on the existing Best Management Practices and Structural Controls found during each inspection. Any problems identified in an inspection should be corrected within 7 days, The inspection should cover all components of the SWPPP and all potential pollutants. While eroded soil is the primary pollutant of concern,do not forget to inspect for other pollutant sources such as fuel tanks,paints,solvents,stabilization materials,concrete bardner,batch plants,and construction debris. The inspector will need to update the SWPPP to reflect findings of the inspection.The site map should be updated after an inspection to show controls that have been added or removed,to ensure the cite map is kept current in accordance with Part IV.C. of the perutit. • Revision 4,March i,2000 Project No.052511256.0010 01565—Page 12 of 16 TPDES REQUIREMENTS June 1,2004 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard ATTACHMENT 5 Narrative Findings of the inspection: Observations should include any findings of Best Management Practices or controls that are not in accordance with the SWPPP. If a control is not in place or failed,observe the reason why. A control removed temporarily for work is not necessarily a violation if properly recorded in the SWPPP. If it has been removed,record why it was removed and,if applicable,when it will be reinstalled. If the control has failed,observe the conditions so a conclusion may be made as to wether the control failed for improper maintenance or improper design. The qualified inspector will know when a failed control is inadequate and should be replaced by an improved control mechanism. Qualified inspectors are to have authority to make changes to the SWPPP to assure compliance. Controls that have not been installed should be given a reason why they are not installed and/or a scheduled date for installation if they are designed for a later phase of construction. After the inspection,the SWPPP and its site map should he updated to reflect current conditions of controls and Best Management Practices at the time of the inspection. This includes removing uninstalled controls from the site map or otherwise denoting on the site map if they are no longer installed if the controls have been removed because they are no longer necessary(e.g.stabilization has been achieved in that area). (11116\ Revision 4,March 1,2000 Project No.052511256.0010 01565—Page 13 of 16 TPDES REQUIREMENTS June 1,2004 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard (1.1.\ ATTACHMENT 6 Notice of Termination (NOT) for Storm TCEQ Office Use Only Water Discharges Associated with TPDES Permit Number.TXR15•• •• •• ••-NO Construction Activity under the TPDES GIN Number:•• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• �•+ait Construction General Permit(TXR150000) MEW For help completing this application,read the TXR160000 NOI Instructions(TCEQ•20023-Instructions), A. TPDES Permit Number: TXR15 B. Construction Site Operator Customer Reference Number:CN Name: Mailing Address: City: State:— Zip Code: Country Mailing Information(if outside USA)Territory: Country Code: Postal Code: Phone Number. Extension: Fax Number. E-mail Address: C. Project!Site Information Regulated Entity Reference Number:RN Name: Physical Address: Location Access Description: City: County:— Zip Code: 0. Contact-If the TCEQ needs additional information regarding this termination,who should be contacted? Name: Title: Phone Number: Extension: Fax Number. E-mail Address: E. Certification I certify under penalty of law that authorization under the TPDES Construction General Permit(TXR150000)is no longer necessary based on the provisions of the general permit. I understand that by submitting this Notice of Termination,I am no longer authorized to discharge storm water associated with construction activity under the general permit TXR150000, and that discharging pollutants in storm water associated with construction activity to waters of the U.S.is unlawful under the Clean Water Act where the discharge is not authorized by a TPDES permit. I also understand that the submittal of this Notice of Termination does not release an operator from liability for any violations of this permit or the Clean Water Act. Construction Site Operator Representative: Prefix: First: Middle: Last Suffix: Title: Signature: Date: If you have questions on how to fill out this form or about the storm water program,please contact us at(512)239-4671. Individuals are entitled to request and review their personal information that the agency gathers on its forms. They may also have any errors in their Information corrected.To review such Information,contact us at(512)239-3282. The completed NOT must be mailed to the following address: Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Storm Water&General Permits Team;MC-228 P.O.Box 13087 Austin,Texas 78711-3087 L ` TCEQ-20023(02/03) Page t of 1 Project No.052511256.0010 01565—Page 14 of 16 TPDES REQUIREMENTS June 1,2004 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard (It.' ATTACHMENT 6 Completing the Notice of Termination for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Construction Activity under the TPDES Construction General Permit(TXR150000) Who May File a Notice of Termination(NOT)Form B.Construction Site Operator Information Permittees disturbing 5 acres or more(or part of a larger Customer Reference Number common plan of development or sate disturbing 5 acres or This number designates the operator's status as a TCEQ more)who are presently covered under the Texas "customer—in other words,an individual or business that is Pollutant Discharge Elimination System(TPDES) involved in an activity that we regulate.We assign each customer Construction General Permit must submit a Notice of a number that begins with"ON,'followed by nine digits.This Is Termination(NOT)when final stabilization has been not a permit number,registration number,or license number. achieved on all portions of the site that is the responsibility In the remainder of this section,we will use"this customer to of thepermittee;or another permitted operator has mean theoperatoror Part B of the form. p • If this customer has not been assigned a Customer assumed control over all areas of the site that have not Reference Number,leave the space for the Customer been finally stabilized and all silt fences and other Reference Number blank. temporary erosion controls have either been removed, • If this customer has already been assigned this scheduled for removal as defined in the SWP3,or number,enter the operator's Customer Reference transferred to a new operator if the new operator has Number. sought permit coverage. Erosion controls that are • Do not enter a permit number,registration designed to remain in place for an indefinite period,such number,or license number in place of the as mulches and fiber mats,are not required to be removed Customer Reference Number. or scheduled for removal. Final Stabilization occurs when either of the following Name conditions are met: Enter the legal name of this customer as authorized to do business in Texas. Include any abbreviations(LLC,Inc.. (a) All soil disturbing activities at the site have been etc.). completed and a uniform(e.g,evenly distributed, Mailing Address iala without large bare areas)perennial vegetative cover Enter a central and general mailing address for this (\ with a density of 70%of the native background customer to receive mail from the TCEQ.For example,if vegetative cover for the area has been established on this customer is a large company,this address might be all unpaved areas and areas not covered by the corporate or regional headquarters.On the other hand, permanent structures,or equivalent permanent for a smaller business,this address could be the same as stabilization measures(such as the use of riprap, the site address. gabions,or goetextiles)have been employed. (b) For individual lots in a residential construction site by If this is a street address,please follow US Postal either: Service standards.In brief,these standards require this information in this order: (1) the homebulider completing final stabilization as • the'house'number—for example,the 1401 in specified in condition(a)above;or 1401 Main St (2) the homebuilder establishing temporary a if there is a direction before the street name, stabilization for an individual lot prior to the time the one-direction or(N,t S,E,tter abbreviation of that of transfer of the ownership of the home to the therename, aW numberedNE,SE, street,or NW)o buyer and after informing the homeowner of the ' street (if afor x e, S,not need for,and benefits of,final stabilization. spell out the number for example,6th St,not Sixth St) (c) For construction activities on land used for agricultural • an appropriate abbreviation of the type of purposes(e.g.pipelines across crop or range land), street for example,St,Ave,Blvd,Fwy,Exwy, final stabilization may be accomplished by returning Hwy,e is aC Lnrection one- the disturbed land to its preconstruction agricultural ■ oifr there a abbreviation aft the that streetname,the use. Areas disturbed that were not previously used for W. two-letterNE, SW,or NW) of direction(N,S,E, agricultural activities,such as buffer strips immediately a ifW, isS a or adjacent to a surface water and areas which are not company there a room number,suite number,or being returned to their preconstruction agricultural use mall code must meet the final stabilization conditions of condition City,State,and ZIP Code (a)above. Enter the name of the city,the two-letter LISPS A.TPDES Permit Number abbreviation for the state(for example,TX),and the ZIP Provide the TPDES permit number assigned to the Code.(Enter the full ZIP+4 if you know it.) operator of the construction site. (11"' . TCEQ-20o23.lnstruclions(09f02) Page 1 of 2 Project No.052511256.0010 01565—Page 15 of 16 TPDES REQUIREMENTS June 1,2004 CITY OF PEARLAND Yost Boulevard ATTACHMENT 6 Country Mailing information E.Certification If this address is outside the United States,enter the The operator must sign and date this statement to validate territory name,country code,and any non-ZIP mailing this NOI.Be sure to enter the full legal name of the person codes or other non-U.S.Postal Service features here.If signing the form and the relevant title—for example, this address is inside the United States,leave these "Operator,""Operator's attorney,'or"Senior Site spaces blank. Manager?Use the"Prefix"blank for such titles as Dr.,Mr., or Ms.,as desired.Use the"Suffix"blank for such Phone Number and Extension designations as Ph.D.,Jr.,Sr.,III,or J.D.,if applicable. This number should correspond to this customer's mailing address given earlier.Enter the area code and phone For a corporation,the application shall be signed by a number here.Leave"Extension"blank if this customer's responsible corporate officer.A responsible corporate phone system lacks this feature. officer means a president,secretary,treasurer,or vice- president of the corporation in charge of a principal Fax Number business function,or any other person who performs This number should correspond to this customer's mailing similar policy or decision-making functions for the address given earlier.Enter the area code and fax number corporation;or the manager of one or more manufacturing, here. production,or operating facilities employing more than 250 persons or having gross annual sales or expenditures Email Address exceeding$25 million(in second-quarter 1980 dollars),if As with the mailing address,this should be a general authority to sign documents has been assigned or address that is appropriate for e-mail to this customer's delegated to the manager in accordance with corporate central or regional headquarters,if applicable. procedures.Corporate procedures governing authority to sign permit applications may provide for assignment or C.Project/Site Information delegation to applicable corporate positions rather than to Regulated Entity Reference Number specific individuals. This number designates this site's status as a TCEQ "regulated entity"—in other words,a location where an For a partnership or sole proprietorship,the application activity that we regulate occurs.We assign each regulated shall be signed by a general partner or the proprietor, entity a number that begins with"RN;followed by nine respectively. (111.b\' digits.This is not a permit number,registration number,or license number. For a municipality,state,federal,or other public agency, ■ If this site has not been assigned a Regulated Entity the application shall be signed by either a principal Reference Number,leave the space for the Regulated executive officer or a ranking elected official.For purposes Entity Reference Number blank, of this application,a principal executive officer of a federal ■ If this site has already been assigned this number, agency Includes the chief executive officer of the agency, enter the Regulated Entity Reference Number. or a senior executive officer having responsibility for the • Do not enter permit number,registration number, overall operations of a principal geographic unit of the or license number In place of the Regulated Entity agency(e.g.regional administrator of the United States Reference Number. Environmental Protection Agency). Name Questions? Enter the name by which you want this site to be known to If you have questions about any of the information on this the TCEQ. form,contact our Storm Water Program at 512/239-4671 or look for"Storm Water"on our Web site: Physical Address www.tceq.state.tx.us Enter the physical address of the site itself.TCEQ staff should be able to use this address to find the site. Location Description Enter a physical description of the location of the site based on highway intersections and/or permanent landmarks. City,County,and ZIP Code Enter the name of the city,the county,and the ZIP Code. (Enter the full ZIP+4 if you know it.) D.Contact Give all the relevant information for the person whom TCEQ can contact if there are questions about any of the information on this form—perhaps the same person who completed the form. C TCEQ-20023-Instructions(09/02) Page 2 of 2 Project No.052511256.0010 01565—Page 16 of 16 TPDES REQUIREMENTS June 1,2004 CITY OF PEARLAND SOURCE CONTROLS FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION Clih\ SECTION 01566 SOURCE CONTROLS FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION 1.0 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES Description of erosion and sediment control and other control-related practices which shall be utilized during construction activities. 1.02 UNIT PRICES Unless indicated in the Unit Price Schedule as a pay item, no separate payment will be made for work performed under this Section. Include cost of work performed under this Section in pay items of which this work is a component. 2.0 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) 3.0 EXECUTION Clik\ 3.01 PREPARATION AND INSTALLATION A. No clearing and grubbing or rough cutting shall be permitted until erosion and sediment control systems are in place, other than site work specifically directed by the ENGINEER to allow soil testing and surveying. B. Equipment and vehicles shall be prohibited by the CONTRACTOR from maneuvering on areas outside of dedicated rights-of-way and easements for construction. Damage caused by construction traffic to erosion and sediment control systems shall be repaired immediately by the CONTRACTOR. C. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for collecting, storing,hauling, and disposing of spoil, silt, and waste materials as specified in this or other Specifications and in compliance with applicable federal, state, and local rules and regulations. D. CONTRACTOR shall conduct all construction operations under this Contract in conformance with the erosion control practices described in the Drawings and this Specification. E. The CONTRACTOR shall install,maintain, and inspect erosion and sediment control measures and practices as specified in the Drawings and in this or other Specifications. 04/00 01566 - 1 CITY OF PEARLAND SOURCE CONTROLS FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION 3.02 TOPSOIL PLACEMENT FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL SYSTEMS When topsoil is specified as a component of another Specification,the CON TRACTOR shall conduct erosion control practices described in this Specification during topsoil placement operations. 1. When placing topsoil,maintain erosion and sediment control systems, such as swales, grade stabilization structures,berms, dikes, silt fences, and sediment basins. 2. Maintain grades which have been previously established on areas to receive topsoil. 3. After the areas to receive topsoil have been brought to grade, and immediately prior to dumping and spreading the topsoil,loosen the subgrade by discing or by scarifying to a depth of at least 2 inches to permit bonding of the topsoil to the subsoil. 3.03 DUST CONTROL A. Implement dust control methods to control dust creation and movement on construction sites and roads and to prevent airborne sediment from reaching receiving streams or storm water conveyance systems,to reduce on-site and off-site damage,to prevent health hazards, and to improve traffic safety. B. Control blowing dust by using one or more of the following methods: { 1. Mulches bound with chemical binders. 2. Temporary vegetative cover. 3. Tillage to roughen surface and bring clods to the surface. 4. Irrigation by water sprinkling. 5. Barriers using solid board fences,burlap fences,crate walls,bales of hay, or similar materials. C. Implement dust control methods immediately whenever dust can be observed blowing on the project site. 3.04 KEEPING STREETS CLEAN A. Keep streets clean of construction debris and mud carried by construction vehicles and equipment. If necessary to keep the streets clean,install stabilized construction exits at construction, staging, storage,and disposal areas. A vehicle/equipment wash area(stabilized with coarse aggregate)may be installed adjacent to the stabilized construction exit, as needed. Release wash water into a drainage swale or inlet protected by erosion and sediment control measures. Construction exit and wash areas are specified in Section 01550—Stabilized Construction Exit. B. In lieu of or in addition to stabilized construction exits, shovel or sweep the pavement to the extent necessary to keep the street clean. Waterhosing or sweeping of debris and mud off of the street into adjacent areas is not allowed. 04/00 01566 -2 CITY OF PEARLAND SOURCE CONTROLS FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION 3.05 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR A. Confine maintenance and repair of construction machinery and equipment to areas specifically designated for that purpose. Locate such areas so that oils, gasoline, grease, solvents, and other potential pollutants cannot be washed directly into receiving streams or storm water conveyance systems. Provide these areas with adequate waste disposal receptacles for liquid as well as solid waste. Clean and inspect maintenance areas daily. B. On a construction site where designated equipment maintenance areas are not feasible,take precautions during each individual repair or maintenance operation to prevent potential pollutants from washing into streams or conveyance systems. Provide temporary waste disposal receptacles. 3.06 WASTE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL A. CONTRACTOR shall formulate and implement a plan for the collection and disposal of waste materials on the construction site. In plan,designate locations for trash and waste receptacles and establish a collection schedule. Methods for ultimate disposal of waste shall be specified and carried out in accordance with applicable local, state, and federal health and safety regulations. Make special provisions for the collection and disposal of liquid wastes and toxic or hazardous materials. (111 \ B. Keep receptacles and waste collection areas neat and orderly to the extent possible. Waste shall not be allowed to overflow its container or accumulate from day-to-day. Locate trash collection points where they will least likely be affected by concentrated storm water runoff. 3.07 WASHING AREAS Vehicles such as concrete delivery trucks or dump trucks and other construction equipment shall not be washed at locations where the runoff will flow directly into a watercourse or storm water conveyance system. Designate special areas for washing vehicles. Locate these areas where the wash water will spread out and evaporate or infiltrate directly into the ground, or where the runoff can be collected in a temporary holding or seepage basin. Beneath wash areas construct a gravel or rock base to minimize mud production. 3.08 STORAGE OF CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS AND CHEMICALS A. Isolate sites where chemicals,cements, solvents,paints,or other potential water pollutants are stored in areas where they will not cause runoff pollution. B. Store toxic chemicals and materials, such as pesticides,paints, and acids in accordance with manufacturers' guidelines. Protect groundwater resources from leaching by placing a plastic mat,packed clay,tar paper, or other impervious materials on any areas where toxic liquids are to be opened and stored. 3.09 DEMOLITION AREAS Demolition activities which create large amounts of dust with significant concentrations of heavy metals or other toxic pollutants shall use dust control techniques to limit transport of 04/00 01566 .3 CITY OF PEARLAND SOURCE CONTROLS FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION airborne pollutants. However, water or slurry used to control dust contaminated with heavy metals or toxic pollutants shall be retained on the site and shall not be allowed to run directly into watercourses or storm water conveyance systems. Methods of ultimate disposal of these materials shall be carried out in accordance with applicable local, state, and federal health and safety regulations. 3.10 SANITARY FACILITIES Provide the construction sites with adequate portable toilets for workers in accordance with Section 01500—Temporary Facilities and Controls, and applicable health regulations. 3.11 PESTICIDES Use and store pesticides during construction in accordance with manufacturers' guidelines and with local, state, and federal regulations. Avoid overuse of pesticides which could produce contaminated runoff. Take great care to prevent accidental spillage. Never wash pesticide containers in or near flowing streams or storm water conveyance systems. END OF SECTION Cub\-, 04/00 01566-4 CITY OF PEARLAND TRENCH SAFETY SYSTEM SECTION 01570 TRENCH SAFETY SYSTEM 1.0 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Trench safety system for the construction of trench excavations. B. Trench safety system for structural excavations which fall under provisions of State and Federal trench safety laws. 1.02 UNIT PRICES A. Measurement for trench safety systems used on trench excavations is on a linear foot basis measured along the centerline of the trench,including manholes and other line structures. No separate measurement will be made of shoring systems used by the CONTRACTOR for protection unless identified as Special Shoring on the Drawings. Shoring, other than Special shoring,will be included in the trench safety system measurements. B. Measurement for Special Shoring system installations shown on the Drawings and included in the bid schedule for trench excavations, is on a square foot basis. C. No payment will be made for trench safety systems for structural excavations under this section. Include payment for trench safety system in applicable structure installation sections. D. Refer to Section 01200 -Measurement and Payment for unit price procedures. 1.03 DEFINITIONS A. A trench is defined as a narrow excavation(in relation to its depth)made below the surface of the ground. In general,the depth is greater than the width,but the width of a trench(measured at the bottom)is not greater than 15 feet. B. The trench safety system requirements apply to larger open excavations if the erection of structures or other installations limits the space between the excavation slope and the installation to dimensions equivalent to a trench as defined. C. Trench Safety Systems include both Protective Systems and Shoring Systems but are not limited to sloping, sheeting,trench boxes or trench shields, slide rail systems, sheet piling, cribbing,bracing, shoring, dewatering or diversion of water to provide adequate drainage. ,c01.6\ 1. Protective Systems: A method of protecting employees from cave-ins, from material that could fall or roll from an excavation face or into an excavation, or from the collapse of an adjacent structure. • 04/00 01570- 1 CITY OF PEARLAND TRENCH SAFETY SYSTEM rah\ 2. Shoring System: A structure that supports the sides of an excavation and which is designed to prevent cave-ins, or to prevent movements of the ground affecting adjacent installations or improvements. 3. Special Shoring: A shoring system meeting Special Shoring Requirements for locations identified on the Drawings. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Submittals shall conform to requirements of Section 01350 - Submittals. B. Submit a safety program specifically for the construction of trench excavation. Design the trench safety program to be in accordance with OSHA 29CFR standards governing the presence and activities of individuals working in and around trench excavations, and in accordance with any Special Shoring requirements at locations shown on the Drawings. C. Have construction and shop drawings for trench safety systems sealed as required by OSHA by a licensed Professional ENGINEER retained and paid by the CONTRACTOR. D. Review of the safety program by the ENGINEER will only be in regard to compliance with the Contract Documents and will not constitute approval by the ENGINEER nor relieve CONTRACTOR of obligations under State and Federal trench safety laws. Cab'I 1.05 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS A. Install and maintain trench safety systems in accordance with the provision of Excavations,Trenching, and Shoring,Federal Occupation Safety and Health Administration(OSHA) Standards,29CFR,Part 1926, Subpart P, as amended, including Final Rule,published in the Federal Register Vol. 54,No. 209 on Tuesday, October 31, 1989. The sections that are incorporated into these specifications by reference include Sections 1926-650 through 1926-652. B. A reproduction of the OSHA standards included in"Subpart P—Excavations" from the Federal Register Vol. 54,No. 209 is available upon request to CONTRACTORS bidding on OWNER's projects. The OWNER assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the reproduction. The CONTRACTOR is responsible for obtaining a copy of this section of the Federal Register. C. Legislation that has been enacted by the Texas Legislature with regard to Trench Safety Systems,is hereby incorporated,by reference,into these specifications. Refer to Texas Health and Safety Code Ann., §756.021 (Vernon 1991). 04/00 01570-2 CITY OF PEARLAND TRENCH SAFETY SYSTEM D. Reference materials,if developed for a specific project,will be issued with the Bid Documents, including the following: 1. Geotechnical information obtained for use in design of the trench safety system. 2. Special Shoring Requirements. 1.06 INDEMNIFICATION A. CONTRACTOR shall indemnify and hold harmless the OWNER,its employees, and agents, from any and all damages, costs(including,without limitation, legal fees, court costs, and the cost of investigation),judgments or claims by anyone for injury or death of persons resulting from the collapse or failure of trenches constructed under this Contract. B. CONTRACTOR acknowledges and agrees that this indemnity provision provides indemnity for the OWNER in case the OWNER is negligent either by act or omission in providing for trench safety,including,but not limited to safety program and design reviews,inspections, failures to issue stop work orders, and the hiring of the CONTRACTOR. 2.0 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) 3.0 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Install and maintain trench safety systems in accordance with provisions of OSHA 29CFR. B. Specially designed trench safety systems shall be installed in accordance with the CONTRACTOR's trench excavation safety program for the locations and conditions identified in the program. Install Special Shoring at the locations shown on the Drawings. C. Obtain verification from a competent person, as identified in the CONTRACTOR's trench excavation safety program,that trench boxes and other premanufactured systems are certified for the actual installation conditions. 3.02 INSPECTION A. Conduct daily inspections by CONTRACTOR or CONTRACTOR's independently retained consultant, of the trench safety systems to ensure that the installed systems and operations meet OSHA 29CFR and other personnel protection regulations requirements. 04/00 01570 -3 CITY OF PEARLAND TRENCH SAFETY SYSTEM (1.6\, B. If evidence of possible cave-ins or slides is apparent, immediately stop work in the trench and move personnel to safe locations until necessary precautions have been taken to safeguard personnel. C. Maintain a permanent record of daily inspections. 3.03 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL Verify specific applicability of the selected or specially designed trench safety systems to each field condition encountered on the project. END OF SECTION 04/00 01570-4 CITY OF PEARLAND PROJECT IDENTIFICATION SIGNS SECTION 01580 PROJECT IDENTIFICATION SIGNS 1.0 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Project identification sign description. B. Installation. C. Maintenance and removal. 1.02 UNIT PRICES A. No separate payment will be made for design, fabrication, installation, and maintenance of project identification signs under this Section. B. If changes to project identification signs are requested by the City Engineer to keep them current,payment will be made by change order. C. Skid-mounted signs shall be relocated as directed by the City Engineer at no additional cost to the City. Post-mounted signs shall be relocated once, if directed in writing by the City Engineer, at no additional cost to the City. If a post-mounted sign is relocated more than once at the written direction of the City Engineer,payment will be made by change order. 1.03 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. Sign Construction: Project identification signs shall be constructed of new materials and painted new for the project. Construct post-mounted signs as shown on Construction Sign Details. B. Appearance: Project identification signs shall be maintained to present a clean and neat look throughout the project duration. C. Sign Manufacturer/Maker: Experienced as a professional sign company. D. Sign Placement: Place signs at locations as directed by the City Engineer. The City Engineer will provide sign placement instructions at the Preconstruction Meeting. 1. A linear project is one involving paving, overlay, sewer lines, storm drainage, or water mains that run in the right-of-way over a distance. A linear project requires a project identification sign at each end of the construction site. 2. Single Site or Building Projects: Provide one project identification sign. 01580-1 CITY OF PEARLAND PROJECT IDENTIFICATION SIGNS (.114\i 3. Multiple Sites: Provide one project identification sign at each site. 4. Sign Relocation: As work progresses at each site, it maybe necessary to move and relocate project identification signs. Relocate signs as directed in writing by the City Engineer. E. Alternate Skid-mounted Sign Construction: Post-mounted signs are preferred,but skid-mounted signs are allowed, especially for projects with noncontiguous locations where work progresses from one location to another. The skid structure shall be designed so that the sign will withstand a 60-mile-per-hour wind load directly to the face or back of the sign. Use stakes, straps, or ballast. Approval of the use of skid- mounted signs shall not release the CONTRACTOR from responsibility of maintaining a project identification sign on the project site and shall not make the City responsible for the security of such signs. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Submit shop drawings under provisions of Section 01350- Submittal Procedures. B. Show content, layout,lettering style, lettering size, and colors. Make sign and lettering to scale, clearly indicating condensed lettering, if used. 2.0 PRODUCTS 2.01 SIGN MATERIALS A. Structure and Framing: All sign materials shall be new. 1. Sign Posts: Use 4-inch by 4-inch wood posts, 8 feet long for skid mounting and 12 feet long minimum for post hole mounting to set top of posts at 8 feet above existing grade. 2. Skid Bracing: 2-inch by 4-inch wood framing material. 3. Skid Members: 2-inch by 6-inch wood framing material. 4. Fasteners: a. Use galvanized steel fasteners. b. Use 'A-inch by 5'A-inch button head carriage bolts to attach sign to posts and V2-inch by 3'A-inch to attach sign header to sign. Secure with nuts and flat head washers at locations shown on the detail titled Project Sign Construction. c. Cover button heads with white reflective film or paint to match sign background. 01580-2 CITY OF PEARLAND PROJECT IDENTIFICATION SIGNS B. Sign: Use marine plywood, minimum 3/4-inch thick. Use full-size 4-foot by 8-foot (11"\, sheets for sign and a single piece for header to minimize joints; do not piece wood to fabricate a sign face. C. Paint and Primers: White paint used to prime surfaces and to resist weathering shall be an industrial grade, fast-drying, oil-based paint with gloss finish. Paint structural and framing members white on all sides and edges to resist weathering. Paint sign and sign header material white on all sides and edges to resist weathering. Paint all sign surfaces with this weather-protective paint prior to adding any sign paint or adhesive applications. D. Colors: 1. Sign Background: Sign and sign header backgrounds shall be industrial grade,reflective white. Use 3M Scotchlite Engineer Grade,Pressure Sensitive Sheeting(White), or approved equal. 2. Sign Border: Add 21-inch-wide red border along the four edges of the project sign. Do not apply the border to the sign header. For border,use industrial grade reflective red. Use 3M Scotchlite Engineer Grade,Pressure Sensitive Sheeting(Red),or approved equal. 3. Sign Film: Make legends, symbols, lettering,and artwork from 3M Scotchcal Pressure Sensitive Films, or approved equal. Match colors to the following 3M Scotchcal Pressure Sensitive Films. All Lettering: Vivid Blue E. City Seal and Other Logos: The City Engineer will provide seals and other logos to the CONTRACTOR,as needed. 2.02 SIGN LAYOUT A. Lettering: 1. Style, Size, and Spacing: Prepare the sign using uppercase Helvetica Regular lettering of the height and spacing shown on the Drawings. 2. Condensed Style: Lettering for variable text may be condensed if needed to maintain sign composition. B. Composition: 1. Lines with Standard Text: Lines 1 through 9 and 13 through 15 provide the names and titles for Mayor, Council Members, City Manager, and the City Engineer. These lines will be placed exactly as shown on the Drawings with the same size and spacing as indicated. 01580-3 CITY OF PEARLAND PROJECT IDENTIFICATION SIGNS 2. Lines with Variable Text: (1/"'% a. Line 10 gives the project name and dollar amount for project construction. The City Engineer will provide the project name and dollar amount to the CONTRACTOR for preparation of the sign. b. Line 12 is for the firm name of the project CONTRACTOR. 3. Logo for the City of Pearland: A space approximately 18 inches high by 18 inches wide shall be reserved for the City's logo in the upper left corner of the sign. The City Engineer will provide the CONTRACTOR with the logo. The logo shall be affixed to the sign by the sign maker. 3.0 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Install project identification signs within seven(7)calendar days after Date of Commencement. B. Erect signs where designated by the City Engineer at the Preconstruction Meeting. Position the sign in such a manner as to be fully visible and readable to the general public. C. Erect sign level and plumb. D. If mounted on posts, sink posts at least 3 feet below grade. Stabilize posts to minimize lateral motion. Leave a minimum of 8 feet of post above existing grade for mounting of the sign and header. E. Erect sign so that the top edge of the sign,not the sign header,is at a nominal 8 feet above existing grade. 3.02 MAINTENANCE AND REMOVAL • A. Keep signs and supports clean. Repair deterioration and damage. B. Remove signs, framing, supports,and foundations to a depth of 2 feet upon completion of Project. Restore the area to a condition equal to or better than before construction. END OF SECTION 01580-4 CITY OF PEARLAND MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT SECTION 01600 MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT 1.0 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES Requirements for transportation, delivery,handling, and storage of materials and equipment. 1.02 PRODUCTS A. Products: Means material, equipment, or systems forming the Work. Does not include machinery and equipment used for preparation, fabrication, conveying, and erection of the Work. Products may also include existing materials or components designated for reuse. B. Do not reuse materials and equipment, designated to be removed, except as specified by the Contract Documents. C. Provide equipment and components from the fewest number of manufacturers as is practical,in order to simplify spare parts inventory and to allow for maximum interchangeability of components. For multiple components of the same size,type or Cab\ application,use the same make and model of component throughout the project. 1.03 TRANSPORTATION A. Make arrangements for transportation, delivery, and handling of equipment and materials required for timely completion of the Work. B. Transport and handle products in accordance with instructions. C. Consign and address shipping documents to the proper party giving name of Project, street number,and City. Shipments shall be delivered to the CONTRACTOR. 1.04 DELIVERY A. Arrange deliveries of products to accommodate the short term site completion schedules and in ample time to facilitate inspection prior to installation. Avoid deliveries that cause lengthy storage or overburden of limited storage space. B. Coordinate deliveries to avoid conflict with Work and conditions at the site and to accommodate the following: 1. Work of other contractors or the City. 2. Limitations of storage space. 3. Availability of equipment and personnel for handling products. 4. City's use of premises. 04/00 01600- 1 CITY OF PEARLAND MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT C. Have products delivered to the site in manufacturer's original, unopened, labeled containers. D. Immediately upon delivery, inspect shipment to assure: 1. Product complies with requirements of Contract Documents. 2. Quantities are correct. 3. Containers and packages are intact; labels are legible. 4. Products are properly protected and undamaged. 1.05 PRODUCT HANDLING A. Coordinate the off-loading of materials and equipment delivered to the job site. If necessary to move stored materials and equipment during construction, CONTRACTOR shall relocate materials and equipment at no additional cost to the City. B. Provide equipment and personnel necessary to handle products,including those provided by the City,by methods to prevent damage to products or packaging. C. Provide additional protection during handling as necessary to prevent breaking scraping,marring, or otherwise damaging products or surrounding areas. D. Handle products by methods to prevent over bending or overstressing. E, Lift heavy components only at designated lifting points. F. Handle materials and equipment in accordance with Manufacturer's recommendations. G. Do not drop,roll,or skid products off delivery vehicles. Hand carry or use suitable materials handling equipment. 1.06 STORAGE OF MATERIAL A. Store and protect materials in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations and requirements of these Specifications. B. Make necessary provisions for safe storage of materials and equipment. Place loose soil materials, and materials to be incorporated into the Work to prevent damage to any part of the Work or existing facilities and to maintain free access at all times to all parts of the Work and to utility service company installations in the vicinity of the Work. Keep materials and equipment neatly and compactly stored in locations that will cause a minimum of inconvenience to other contractors,public travel, adjoining owners,tenants, and occupants. Arrange storage in a manner to provide easy access (4.1 , for inspection. C. Restrict storage to areas available on the construction site for storage of material and equipment as shown on Drawings or approved by the City Engineer. 04/00 01600-2 CITY OF PEARLAND MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT 1117 D. Provide off-site storage and protection when on-site storage is not adequate. E. Do not use lawns, grass plots, or other private property for storage purposes without written permission of the owner or other person in possession or control of such premises. F. Protect stored materials and equipment against loss or damage. G. Store in manufacturers' unopened containers. H. Materials delivered and stored along the line of the Work shall be neatly, safely, and compactly stacked along the work site in such manner as to cause the least inconvenience and damage to property owners and the general public, and shall be not closer than 3 feet to any fire hydrant. Public and private drives and street crossings shall be kept open. I. Damage to lawns, sidewalks, streets or other improvements shall be repaired or replaced to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. The total length which materials may be distributed along the route of construction at any one time is 1,000 lineal feet, unless otherwise approved in writing by the City Engineer. 2.0 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) 3.0 EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION 04/00 01600-3 CITY OF PEARLAND PRODUCT OPTIONS AND SUBSTITUTIONS Clah\. SECTION 01630 PRODUCT OPTIONS AND SUBSTITUTIONS 1.0 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Options for making product or process selections. B. Procedures for proposing equivalent construction products or processes, including preapproved, and approved products or processes. 1.02 DEFINITIONS A. Product: Means materials, equipment,or systems incorporated into the Project. Product does not include machinery and equipment used for production, fabrication, conveying, and erection of the Work. Products may also include existing materials or components designated for re-use. B. Process: Any proprietary system or method for installing system components resulting in an integral, functioning part of the Work. For this Section,the word Product includes Processes. C°114\ 1.03 SELECTIONS OPTIONS A. Preapproved Products: Construction products of certain manufacturers or suppliers are designated in the Specifications as"preapproved." Products of other manufacturers or suppliers will not be acceptable for this Project and will not be considered under the submittal process for approving alternate products. B. Approved Products: Construction products or processes of certain manufacturers or suppliers designated in the Specifications followed by the words"or approved equal." Approval of alternate products or processes not listed in the Specifications may be obtained through provisions for product options and substitutions in Document 00700-General Conditions, and by following the submittal procedures specified in Section 01350-Submittals. The procedure for approval of alternate products is not applicable to preapproved products. C. Product Compatibility: To the maximum extent possible,provide products that are of the same type or function from a single manufacturer,make, or source. Where more than one choice is available as a CONTRACTOR's option, select a product that is compatible with other products already selected, specified, or in use by the OWNER. 1.04 CONTRACTOR's RESPONSIBILITY A. The CONTRACTOR's responsibility related to product options and substitutions is defined in the General Conditions. B. Furnish information the ENGINEER deems necessary to judge equivalency of the alternate product. 04/00 01630 - 1 CITY OF PEARLAND PRODUCT OPTIONS AND SUBSTITUTIONS (111 C. Pay for laboratory testing, as well as any other review or examination costs, needed to establish the equivalency between products in order to obtain information upon which the ENGINEER can base a decision. D. If the ENGINEER determines that an alternate product is not equal to that named in the Specifications, the CONTRACTOR shall furnish one of the specified products. 1.05 ENGINEER's REVIEW A. Alternate products or processes may be used only if approved in writing by the ENGINEER. The ENGINEER's determination regarding acceptance of a proposed alternate product is final. B. Alternate products will be accepted if the product is judged by the ENGINEER to be equivalent to the specified product or to offer substantial benefit to the OWNER. C. The OWNER retains the right to accept any product or process deemed advantageous to the OWNER, and similarly,to reject any product or process deemed not beneficial to the OWNER. 1.06 SUBSTITUTION PROCEDURE A. Collect and assemble technical information applicable to the proposed product to aid in determining equivalency as related to the approved product specified. B. Submit a written request for a construction product to be considered as an alternate product. C. Submit the product information after the effective date of the Agreement and within the time period allowed for substitution submittals given in the General Conditions. After the submittal period has expired,requests for alternate products will be considered only when a specified product becomes unavailable because of conditions beyond the CONTRACTOR's control. D. Submit five(5) copies of each request for alternate product approval. Include the following information: 1. Complete data substantiating compliance of proposed substitution with Contract Documents. 2. For products: a. Product identification,including manufacturer's name and address. b. Manufacturer's literature with product description,performance and test data, and reference standards. c. Samples, as applicable. d. Name and address of similar projects on which product was used and date of installation. Include the name of the OWNER, Architect/ENGINEER, and installing CONTRACTOR. 04/00 01630 -2 CITY OF PEARLAND PRODUCT OPTIONS AND SUBSTITUTIONS 3. For construction methods: a. Detailed description of proposed method. b. Drawings illustrating methods. 4. Itemized comparison of proposed substitution with product or method specified. 5. Data relating to changes in construction schedule. 6. Relation to separate contracts, if any. 7. Accurate cost data on proposed substitution in comparison with product or method specified. 8. Other information requested by the ENGINEER. E. Approved alternate products will be subject to the same review process as the specified product would have been for shop drawings,product data, and samples. 2.0 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) 3.0 EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION 04/00 01630-3 CITY OF PEARLAND FIELD SURVEYING SECTION 01720 FIELD SURVEYING 1.0 GENERAL 1.01 QUALITY CONTROL Conform to State of Texas laws for surveys requiring licensed surveyors. Employ a land surveyor acceptable to ENGINEER. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Submit to ENGINEER the name, address, and telephone number of Surveyor before starting survey work. B. Submit documentation verifying accuracy of survey work on request. C. Submit information under provisions of Section 01350- Submittals. 1.03 PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS A. Maintain a complete and accurate log of control and survey work as it progresses. B. Submit Record Documents under provisions of Section 01350 - Submittals. 1.04 EXAMINATION A. Verify locations of survey control points prior to starting Work. B. Notify ENGINEER immediately of any discrepancies discovered. 1.05 SURVEY REFERENCE POINTS A. Control datum for survey is that established by OWNER-provided survey and indicated on Drawings. B. Locate and protect survey control points, including property corners,prior to starting site work;preserve permanent reference points during construction. C. Notify ENGINEER 48 hours in advance of need for relocation of reference points due to changes in grades or other reasons. D. Report promptly to ENGINEER the loss or destruction of any reference point. E. CONTRACTOR shall reimburse OWNER for cost of reestablishment of permanent reference points disturbed by CONTRACTOR's operations. 1.06 SURVEY REQUIREMENTS A. Utilize recognized engineering survey practices. 04/00 01720-1 CITY OF PEARLAND FIELD SURVEYING B. Establish a minimum of two (2)permanent bench marks on site,referenced to established control points. Record locations,with horizontal and vertical data, on Project Record Documents. C. Establish and record in survey notes elevations,lines and levels to provide quantities required for measurement and payment and to provide appropriate controls for the Work. Locate and lay out by instrumentation and similar appropriate means: 1. Site improvements including pavements; stakes for grading; fill and topsoil placement;utility locations, slopes, and invert elevations. 2. Grid or axis for structures. D. Verify periodically layouts by same means. 2.0 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) 3.0 EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION (1.1.1\ 04/00 01720 -2 CITY OF PEARLAND CUTTING AND PATCHING SECTION 01730 CIilk\ CUTTING AND PATCHING 1.0 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES Cutting,patching and fitting of Work to existing facilities, or to accommodate installation or connection of Work with existing facilities, or to uncover work for access, inspection or testing. 1.02 CUTTING AND PATCHING A. Perform activities to avoid interference with facility operations and the Work of others in accordance with the Document 00700-General Conditions of the Contract. B. Execute cutting and patching,including excavation,backfill and fitting to: 1. Remove and replace defective Work or Work not conforming to the Drawings and Specifications. 2. Take samples of installed Work as required for testing. Cub\ 3. Remove construction required to provide for specified alteration or addition to existing work. 4. Uncover Work to provide for inspection or reinspection of covered Work by the ENGINEER or regulatory agencies having jurisdiction. 5. Connect any Work that was not accomplished in the proper sequence to completed Work. 6. Remove or relocate existing utilities and pipes which obstruct Work to which connections must be made. 7. Make connections or alterations to existing or new facilities. 8. Provide openings,channels, chases and flues,if any, and do cutting,patching and finishing. C. Restore existing work to a state equal to or better than that prior to cutting and patching. Restore new Work to standards of these Specifications. D. Support, anchor, attach,match,trim and seal materials to the Work of others. Unless otherwise specified, furnish and install sleeves,inserts,hangers,required for the execution of the Work. E. Provide shoring,bracing and support as required to maintain structural integrity and protect adjacent Work from damage during cutting and patching. Before cutting 04/00 01730- 1 CITY OF PEARLAND CUTTING AND PATCHING beams or other structural members,anchors, lintels or other supports,request written ra%' instructions from the ENGINEER. Follow such instructions, as applicable. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Submit written notice to the ENGINEER requesting consent to proceed prior to cutting which may affect structural integrity or design function, OWNER operations, or work of another CONTRACTOR. B. Include the following in submittal: 1. Identification of project. 2. Description of affected Work. 3. Necessity for cutting. 4. Effect on other work and on structural integrity. 5. Include description of proposed Work: a. Scope of cutting and patching. b. CONTRACTOR, subcontractor or trade to execute Work. c. Products proposed to be used. d. Extent of refinishing. e. Schedule of operations. 6. Alternatives to cutting and patching, if any. C. Should conditions of Work or schedule indicate change of materials or methods, submit a.written recommendation to the ENGINEER including: 1. Conditions indicating change. 2. Recommendations for alternative materials or methods. 3. Submittals as required for substitutions. D. Submit written notice to the ENGINEER designating time Work will be uncovered for observation. Do not begin cutting or patching operations until authorized by the ENGINEER. 1.04 CONNECTIONS TO EXISTING FACILITIES A. Perform construction necessary to complete connections and tie-ins to existing `' facilities. Keep all existing facilities in continuous operation unless otherwise specifically permitted in these Specifications or approved by the ENGINEER. 04/00 01730 -2 CITY OF PEARLAND CUTTING AND PATCHING B. Coordinate with the ENGINEER, interruption of service requiring connection into existing facilities. Bypassing of wastewater or sludge to waterways is not permitted. Provide temporary pumping facilities to handle wastewater if necessary. Use temporary bulkheads (e.g., inflatable plugs)to minimize disruption. Provide temporary power supply and piping to facilitate construction where necessary. C. Submit a detailed schedule of proposed connections, including shut-downs and tie- ins. Include in the submittal the proposed time and date as well as the anticipated duration of the Work. Submit the detailed schedule coordinated with the construction schedule. Provide specific time and date information to the ENGINEER 48 hours in advance of proposed Work. D. Procedures and Operations: 1. The CONTRACTOR may operate existing pumps, valves, and gates required for sequencing procedures only as directed by the ENGINEER. Do not operate any valve, gate, or other item of equipment without permission of the City and the knowledge of the ENGINEER. 2. Insofar as possible, equipment shall be tested and in operating condition before final tie-ins are made to connect equipment to the existing facility. C1.16' 3. Carefully coordinate Work and schedules. Provide written notice to the ENGINEER at least 48 hours before shut-downs or by-passes are required. 2.0 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) 3.0 EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION 04/00 01730 - 3 CITY OF PEARLAND STARTING SYSTEMS rim`; SECTION 01750 STARTING SYSTEMS 1.0 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Starting systems. B. Demonstration and instructions. C. Testing, adjusting, and balancing. 1.02 UNIT PRICES No separate payment will be made for work performed under this Section. Include cost of work performed under this Section in pay item of which this work is a component. 2.0 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) 3.0 EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION A. Coordinate schedule for start-up of various equipment and systems. B. Notify City Engineer seven(7)days prior to startup of each item. C. Verify that each piece of equipment or system has been checked for proper lubrication, drive rotation,belt tension, control sequence, or other conditions which may cause damage. D. Verify that tests,meter readings, and specified electrical characteristics agree with those required by the equipment or system manufacturer. E. Verify wiring and support components for equipment are complete and tested. F. Execute start-up under CONTRACTOR's supervision in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. G. When specified in individual specification sections,require manufacturer to provide authorized representative to be present at site to inspect, check, and approve equipment or system installation prior to and during start-up, and to supervise placing equipment or system in operation. H. Submit a written report that equipment or system has been properly installed and is functioning correctly. 04/00 01750- 1 CITY OF PEARLAND STARTING SYSTEMS (11"1", 3.02 DEMONSTRATION AND INSTRUCTIONS A. Demonstrate operation and maintenance of products to City Engineer two (2)weeks minimum prior to date of Substantial Completion. B. Utilize operation and maintenance manuals as basis for instruction. Review contents of manual with City Engineer in detail to explain all aspects of operation and maintenance. C. Demonstrate start-up, operation,control, adjustment,trouble-shooting, servicing, maintenance, and shutdown of each item of equipment at agreed-upon times, at equipment location. D. Prepare and insert additional data in operations and maintenance manuals when need for additional data becomes apparent during instruction. 3.03 TESTING,ADJUSTING,AND BALANCING A. City Engineer will appoint, employ, and pay for services of an independent firm to perform testing, adjusting and balancing. B. Reports will be submitted by the independent firm to the City Engineer indicating observations and results of tests and indicating compliance or non-compliance with specified requirements and with the requirements of the Contract Documents. END OF SECTION 04/00 01750-2 CITY OF PEARLAND PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS SECTION 01760 PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS 1.0 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES Maintenance and Submittal of Record Documents and Samples. 1.02 MAINTENANCE OF DOCUMENTS AND SAMPLES A. Maintain one(1)record copy of documents at the site in accordance with Document 00700-General Conditions,paragraph 3.02. B. Store Record Documents and samples in field office if a field office is required by Contract Documents,or in a secure location. Provide files,racks, and secure storage for Record Documents and samples. C. Label each document"PROJECT RECORD"in neat, large,printed letters. D. Maintain Record Documents in a clean, dry, and legible condition. Do not use Record Documents for construction purposes. E. Keep Record Documents and Samples available for inspection by ENGINEER. 1.03 RECORDING A. Record information concurrently with construction progress. Do not conceal any work until required information is recorded. B. Contract Drawings, Change Orders, and Shop Drawings: Legibly mark each item to record all actual construction, or"as built"conditions, including: 1. Measured horizontal locations and elevations of underground utilities and appurtenances,referenced to permanent surface improvements. 2. Elevations of underground utilities referenced to bench mark utilized for project. 3. Field changes of dimension and detail. 4. Changes made by modifications. 5. Details not on original contract drawings. 6. References to related shop drawings and Modifications. C. Record information with a red pen or pencil on a set of blue line opaque drawings, provided by ENGINEER. 04/00 01760- 1 CITY OF PEARLAND PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS Cs'N' 1.04 SUBMITTALS At contract closeout, deliver Project Record Documents to ENGINEER. 2.0 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) 3.0 EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION C".*\ 04/00 01760 -2 CITY OF PEARLAND CONTRACT CLOSEOUT (01`\, SECTION 01770 CONTRACT CLOSEOUT 1.0 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES Closeout procedures including final submittals such as operation and maintenance data, warranties, and spare parts and maintenance materials. 1.02 CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES A. Comply with Document 00700-General Conditions regarding Final Completion and Final Payment when Work is complete and ready for ENGINEER's final inspection. B. Provide Project Record Documents in accordance with Section 01350 - Submittals. C. Complete or correct items on punch list,with no new items added. Any new items will be addressed during warranty period. D. The OWNER will occupy portions of the Work as specified in other Sections. (1.6.\ E. CONTRACTOR shall request Final Inspection at least two(2)weeks prior to Final Acceptance. 1.03 FINAL CLEANING A. Execute final cleaning prior to final inspection. B. Clean debris from drainage systems. C. Clean site; sweep paved areas,rake clean landscaped surfaces. D. Remove waste and surplus materials,rubbish, and temporary construction facilities from the site following the final test of utilities and completion of the work. 1.04 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA Submit operations and maintenance data as noted in Section 01350- Submittals. 1.05 WARRANTIES A. Provide one original of each warranty from Subcontractors, suppliers, and manufacturers. B. Provide Table of Contents and assemble warranties in 3-ring/D binder with durable (11".\. plastic cover. 04/00 01770- 1 CITY OF PEARLAND CONTRACT CLOSEOUT C. Submit warranties prior to final Application for Payment. D. Warranties shall commence in accordance with the requirements in Document 00700-General Conditions,paragraph 9.10, Substantial Completion. 2.0 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) 3.0 EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION 04/00 01770-2 SUPPLEMENTAL TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS r^ M2L Associate Inc. Yost Road (1.1.N' SECTION 02115 TREE PRESERVATION and CLEARING PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. This section specifies the requirements for tree preservation, crown pruning, fertilization, root pruning, and specific tree preservation techniques for 'a" {Fe' ntnti0#:U Fr loin! I 1/143 ,o wrn P. ' ontractor to protect and insure welfare of all existing trees, indicated on the Drawings to remain both within the TPZ, and within all adjacent areas used for access to construction site. Contractor to furnish and supply all equipment and personnel necessary for continued protection of tree and planting areas. Scope to include pruning, protection from physical damage and disease, and irrigation during site work and construction. di All trees within the street rights-of-way or immediately adjacent to or overhanging the construction area shall be preserved, unless otherwise noted on the drawings. �C. Construction activities that the trees need to be preserved from include, but are not limited to, excavation and fill activities, boring and/or trenching, construction equipment, construction materials, and construction spoils. D. Any construction activities that require use of the Tree Preservation Zone("TPZ") shall require prior written authorization by the o l oii This requirement is CIIII inclusive of any those activities described in it=m 7 a.ove. E. The Contractor is responsible for any damages caused by the Contractor to trees either within, or immediately adjacent to the TPZ penalties for damage caused by the contractor to trees or areas selected by Owner's representative. Contractor shall be directly responsible for protection and welfare of existing trees within and around the TPZ which are noted to remain. This responsibility shall continue throughout the full construction period until the entire Project is completed and accepted by the Owner and through completion of the guarantee period and shall include but not be limited to providing all barricades as required and providing protection from mechanical damage, soil compaction, pollution from all sources, and disruption of environmental support which would result in the loss of vigor of said plantings. Contractor shall not take any action foreseeable leading to the death of a tree or permanent damage to its health, including but not limited to excessive pruning, cutting, girdling, poisoning, over watering, unauthorized relocation or transportation of a tree, or machine trenching, excavating, altering the grade, or paving within the root zone of a tree. Exceptions deemed necessary shall be done under the guidance and review of a licensed arborist and with approval from the Owner. 1.02 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. "Tree Pruning Guidelines", latest edition, International Society of Arboriculture("ISA"), Texas Chapter, 242 Monkey Road, Elgin, TX 78621, Tel: (512)587-7515, Fax: (512)281- 3974. B. "Guide for Establishing Values of Trees and Other Plants," latest edition, International Society of Arboriculture, Texas Chapter, 242 Monkey Road, Elgin, TX 78621, Tel: (512)587-7515, Fax: (512)281-3974. Tree Preservation 02115-1 March 2004 M2L Associate Inc. Yost Road l` C. American National Standards Institute (ANSI) "Tree Care Operations(Pruning)," latest edition, ANSI A300-2001, ISA Texas Chapter, 242 Monkey Road, Elgin, TX 78621, Tel: (512)587-7515, Fax: (512)281-3974. 1.03 PERSONNEL QUALIFICATIONS A. Contractor shall employ an experienced Porvd"r Yot in vRasnL. .Y„ inimum of five (5) years experience in this type of work. The arborist's qualifications shall be submitted to the Landscape Architect for approval, three (3) weeks prior to start of work. B. All tree trimming and work involving tree roots required to protect trees shall be performed by or under the supervision of a qualified tree surgeon or urban forester, or certified arborist 1.04 DEFINITIONS A. �" neans the area that is outlined with temporary fencing, or as identified by the Landscape Architect, to identify the critical root zone areas. The extent of the TPZ may extend beyond the trees drip line. B. Dripline means the area around the tree trunk as measured 4'-0" above ground. The distance of the dripline from the perimeter of the trunk shall be 1'-0" for every 1" of tree trunk caliper or the vertical distance to the furthermost extent of the tree crown(foliage) whichever is greater. For example, a tree with a 30" caliper shall have a dripline that is 30'-0"(60'-0" diameter) from the trunk perimeter unless the tree crown extends beyond (1216\' 30'-0" in which case this dimension would be used. C. Certified Arborist means a person who has successfully completed the International Society of Arboriculture certification process, or who is a member of the American Society of Consulting Arborists. D. Root Flare(or collar) is the area at the base of the tree at the ground line which is noticeable as an increased 'swelling' of the tree trunk. E. Iniury is defined, without limitation, as any bruising, scarring, tearing, or breaking of roots, branches, or trunk. F. Root zone is defined .4.- a.Tv ter ef.5pt .afitte tftttt asairradmt 5 ©r -€4 �trts�estl' G. Landscape Architect (LA) is a licensed Landscape Architect or a representative as designated by the LA. 1.05 WARRANTY A. Contractor shall warrant that all trees covered by the provisions of this Section will be healthy and in flourishing condition of active growth 1 year from the date of Substantial Completion. Where there has been evidence of neglect or violation of tree protection, the warranty shall extend for 2 years. B. During the warranty period the Contractor shall be liable for damages to all trees covered by the provisions of this Section and shall pay compensation to the Owner. If a tree to Tree Preservation 02115-2 March 2004 M2L Associate Inc. Yost Road CI's\ remain is destroyed, or damaged so that in the judgment of the Owner's Representative or the Owner it should be replaced, it shall be removed at Contractor's expense and shall closely match size, color, and variety of damaged plantings. If replacement plant materials are not available or desired by the Owner, liquidated damages will be assessed at the value of the tree as determined by ISA formula. C. Contractor will not be held responsible for failures due to neglect by the Owner, vandalism, etc., during the warranty period only if such conditions are reported immediately to the Landscape Architect and the damage is documented. 1.06 JX'g p-t•4*IT S r, lag(( o racorfilc k n- .Q0_ - .,ono ion find oUo / oa o 0 o olt Tini- soeo" eQoljllljij a of -- f -lam o .. 5-1 T (Gta 9.lt Su. U -f Ill -, , n 0 O -0 01 10 jay Gb twoa n PART 2 MATERIALS 2.01 MACHINERY A. Trenchers: Shall be capable of cutting trenches between four and six inches (4-6") in width and to a minimum depth of eighteen inches (18"). Trenchers shall be of a kind suitable for root pruning operations and be capable of making clean, surgical cuts of tree roots B. Chain Saws: Shall be sharp. Guide bars shall be true and straight. Cutting width of chain saw shall be at least 1/3 greater than branches to be cut, so as to facilitate even, clean cuts. C. Shears and Hand Trimming Tools: Shall be sharp and free of rust. All cutting tools shall be double-bladed, shear type. "Anvil" type pruners or loppers will not be an acceptable pruning equipment. The appropriate pruning instrument shall be used for the size of branch being removed. D. All machinery specified herein shall be in good working order and free of any leaking parts. 2.02 TREE PRESERVATION FENCING A. Materials -The fencing material shall be made out of a high visibility, UV resistant, gridded, orange plastic. The fencing material shall be a minimum of 4'-0" in height. Poles shall be constructed out of 6'X 5/8" diameter flexible, fiberglass poles or other approved materials, spaced no more than 6'-0" o.c. Approved fencing shall extend a minimum of 2'-0" into the ground. Attach fencing to poles with plastic strap ties. B. Signage - A weather resistant sign no larger than 12" X 12" shall be displayed at key locations that utilizes the words "Tree Preservation Zone" in bold letter with a subheading indicating "no construction activity within the TPZ unless approved in writing by Construction Manager" C.11\' C. Duration -The TPZ warning sign and fencing shall be in place for the duration of construction activities. Tree Preservation 02115-3 March 2004 M2L Associate Inc. Yost Road ` 2.03 MULCH A. Organic mulch free from deleterious materials and suitable for topdressing. Mulch shall be composed of well-rotted shredded hardwood bark mulch, black or dark brown in color. 2.04 TOPSOIL A. Friable, enriched organic, sandy clay loam soil free of clay, rock or gravel larger than %2" in diameter, debris waste, vegetation, and other deleterious matter. 2.05 ROOT BARRIER A. Flexible, woven fabric type with root barrier containing slow release Trifluralin to inhibit root growth. Root barrier shall have a minimum 15 year warranty. Biobarrier or approved equal as distributed by : Available locally from: San Jacinto Environmental Supplies Attention: Greg Cooper Houston, Texas (713) 957-0909. 2.06 VAPOR BARRIER A. 6 mil. Polyethylene plastic sheething. B. Clear or white sheeting. Black is not allowed. 2.07 INSECTICIDES A. Borers: "Lindane" or"Dursban" B. Pine Shoot Moth: "Metasystox" or"Orthene" C. Larvae: "Sevin" 2.08 FERTILIZERS A. Mycorrhizal inoculants B. Rhizanova as manufactured by Becker Underwood Inc. Ames, Louisiana(515)232-5907 Available locally from: San Jacinto Environmental Supplies Attention: Greg Cooper Houston, Texas (713) 957-0909. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. The Drawings assume that the provided tree survey information is accurate. Contractor shall verify and stakeout limits of all construction activity falling within the designated tree preservation areas and notify the Landscape Architect or Owner's Representative of any existing tree that differs from the locations represented on the Drawings. Tree Preservation 02115-4 March 2004 M2L Associate Inc. Yost Road B. Notify the Landscape Architect prior to the commencement of any construction activity within the preservation areas. C. The use of tree preservation areas for material storage, staging of construction activities, or by personnel during lunch or work breaks is prohibited. D. No plant removal shall take place without permission of the Landscape Architect. 3.02 PREPARATION A. The following work must be accomplished before any construction activities can occur in or adjacent to the TPZ. B. Prior to performing any work of this Contract, Contractor shall call for a site meeting with the Landscape Architect and licensed arborist. This meeting shall occur prior to construction of any nature on site. The Purpose of the meeting shall be to establish the work procedures, access and haul routes, and tree preservation measures. conditions and methods for preserving all existing trees and the plant materials to be saved. The site shall be photographed to document the condition of the project area and surrounding site, including lay down area and trailer area, to document existing landscape plantings and irrigation systems. These photographs shall become the basis for future evaluation should damage occur to the landscape planting and irrigation system during the construction. An tree preservation report shall also be done and be on file prior to construction. C. The Contractor shall outline the TPZ under the supervision of the Landscape Architect. D. Prior to construction the Contractor shall verify in writing that all preconstruction activities as they relate to the establishment of the Tree Preservation Zone or any other prescribed methods or techniques have been successfully completed. E. Sequencing Schedule: Coordinate and cooperate with other trades to enable the work to proceed as rapidly and efficiently as possible. Protective fencing shall be in place before any other work is begun on site, including materials delivery and storage. 3.03 TPZ FENCING A. Designation of the TPZ shall be designated by the approved construction fencing. TPZ construction fencing shall remain until all site work has been completed. B. The extent of the TPZ is generally defined as the back of curb to the right-of-way line for the entire length of the construction area or as designated by the Landscape Architect. Each tree or groups of trees to be preserved shall be enclosed with a physical barrier consisting of a perimeter fence unless otherwise noted on the drawings. The fencing shall be continuous between posts and shall be pulled taut, both vertically and horizontally, prior to fastening to the posts with plastic cable ties. C. The fencing shall be located three (3)feet outside of the tree, or group of trees, drip line or as indicated on the drawings. D. The Contractor cannot relocate and/or move the fencing without the written permission of the Landscape Architect. The Contractor, in addition, cannot conduct construction activities within the TPZ without the approval of the Landscape Architect. `-- E. The TPZ shall be marked with a 'warning sign' at intervals of not less than 200 feet. Tree Preservation 02115-5 March 2004 M2L Associate Inc. Yost Road Calk\ F. Damage to the fencing during the progress of the Work shall be immediately repaired at not additional cost to the OWNER. Workmen shall be instructed to exercise caution in performing of work near trees being preserved. G. Activities within the TPZ shall be closely monitored 3.04 PROHIBITED ACTIVITIES IN TPZ Construction activities prohibited include, but are not limited to the following item: A. Storage or parking of vehicles and/or construction equipment B. Storage of construction materials of any type including, but not limited to petroleum products, concrete mixes, dirty water, lime, and gravel. C. Storage of excavation spoils and/or fill materials. D. Construction spoils including, but not limited to concrete washout, paint thinners and excess petroleum products, lime, or any other material which may be deleterious to the trees. E. Cutting of tree roots due to utility trenching, digging, placement of curbs or other construction activities. Cub.\ F. Any soil disturbance due to stripping existing topsoil or added fill soil G. Use of trees as support posts, anchorage, power poles, or signposts; anchorage for ropes, guy wires, or power lines; or other similar functions either permanent or temporary. H. Damage to trunk, limbs, or foliage caused by maneuvering vehicles or stacking material or equipment too close to the tree. I. Excessive water or heat from equipment, utility line construction, or burning of trash under or near bushes or trees. J. Damage to root system from flooding, erosion, puddling or continuous running water, and excessive wetting and drying resulting from dewatering and other operations. K. Skinning or bruising of bark. 3.05 EXCAVATION AND TRENCHING in TPZ(Use Only If Applicable) A. Excavation within the dripline of trees or in the TPZ shall be done only where absolutely necessary and where indicated on the Drawings. B. Utility trenching within the Tree Protection Zone is prohibited unless previously approved in writing by the Landscape Architect. Heavy equipment such as backhoes and steel treaded tractors are prohibited in the TPZ. Culb\* C. Where trenching for utilities is required within root zone, tunneling under and around roots shall be by hand digging , directional drilling that tunnels under protected root structure, Tree Preservation 02115-6 March 2004 M2L Associate Inc. Yost Road or Hydraulic or pneumatic air excavation Main lateral roots and taproots shall not be cut. Smaller roots 1" in diameter or less that interfere with installation of new work may be cut with prior approval. Cut roots with a sharp pruning instrument. Roots 2" and Irger must remain injury free. D. Where excavation for new construction is required within root zone of trees, hand excavation shall be employed to minimize damage to root system. Existing grade of tree at its crown shall be marked with non-toxic paint before construction begins. Roots shall be relocated in backfill areas wherever possible. If 3" or larger roots are encountered, they shall be exposed beyond excavation limits as required to bend and relocate without breaking. If encountered immediately adjacent to location of new construction and relocation is not practical, roots shall be hand pruned under direction and approval of a Certified Arborist 6" back from new construction and treated as exposed roots. E. Exposed, cut or broken roots shall not be allowed to dry out before permanent backfill is placed. Temporary earth cover shall be provided, or roots shall be packed with wet peat moss or four layers of wet, untreated burlap and temporarily supported and protected from damage until permanently relocated and covered with backfill. The cover over the roots shall be wetted to the point of runoff daily. 3.06 M; ':a4_ L#rlse,.F3 SAS N I t� " r�1�1� p� aBlU) A . .Prote'^�: e Trs= � �r akiBlitifnigniMPIRawijagat_4,mentoved that are-w it fip ran_,,n _ wa,�Gt,r ll�e c equi er itti ftit w I ofatheisiesigvatediteelt 2. The Contractor shall notify the Landscape Architect or Owner's Representative immediately if the Contractor has identified a dead and damaged tree(s) that was not previously identified on the Drawings. The Contractor shall provide a station and offset dimension, or other appropriate means of locating the tree(s) location and the reason for the proposed removal. The Landscape Architect and /or Certified Arborist shall make a determination as to the potential of restoration of the tree(s) to normal growth pattern shall be removed. The Contractor shall not remove any tree without written permission from the Landscape Architect or Owner's Representative. 3. Any tree removal within a right-of-way requires a permit as per the City of Pearland Tree Ordinance 772. B. Perform removal to limits shown on drawings only after fencing and root pruning operations are complete. The Contractor shall proceed with tree removal in a systematic and safe manner and protect tree protection fencing and adjacent trees from damage or scarring from felled trees. C. Trees designated for removal shall be removed to a point at least 2 feet below the lowest level of subgrade upon which fill will be placed. "Pop" pine stumps to remove taproot to a minimum of 3 foot depth. D. Protect TPZ fencing and adjacent trees from damage or scarring from felled trees. Protect existing improvements on site and adjacent sites. Remove all trash and debris created by ("N' tree removal from site and dispose of properly. Tree Preservation 02115-7 March 2004 M2L Associate Inc. Yost Road E. Soil within a radius of 10 feet of the removed tree under paved area shall receive soil sterilization before further preparation of the subgrade. 3.07 CLEARING (Use Only If Applicable) a. Class A- Clearing -I- rx.uilni21 igiltnra raro,on n on rn. y Ihrfirr� (�ra��rir��d edrbyn�.wfii f�he"i 18 nol ! -t o "a'an nao 1001141'.I L; i0I=10a40111 oinni r- Titageoja shall la oRgr - a utsio BatElMg irai s wt trpr'orsi a if Ls' s ape h0eG r Oinr"`: r'Repr a = .,•�`�• ii. The Contractor shall proceed with tree removal in a systematic and safe manner and protect tree protection fencing and adjacent trees from damage or scarring from felled trees. iii. Limited construction zones may require the topping of trees in order to prevent damage to preservation zone trees and fencing. These trees shall be topped and felled to the ground in a safe manner. iv. Trees designated for removal shall be removed to a point at least 2 feet below the lowest level of subgrade upon which fill will be placed. "Pop" pine stumps to remove taproot to a minimum of 3 foot depth. B. Class B - Clearing and Preservation 1. Preservation of trees under this Classification shall comply with the following require- ments: a). Remove all designated vegetation under 4" in caliper from this preservation area. Vegetation shall be removed by hand methods. Bull dozers, backhoes and other means of scraping, pull, and/or removing plant material and roots is prohibited within thiszone. b). Prune dead and diseased wood from trees immediately adjacent to construction activity. c). Cover roots exposed during excavation activities with loose top soil. d). Periodically water trees as required during construction period, to compensate for water loss due to natural drought or loss of moisture, caused by adjacent construction activity. e). Refer to other portions of this Section for methods and procedures for protection of trees within this Zone. 3.08 TREE RELOCATION BY TREE SPADING(Use Only If Applicable) A. See Section 02910— Mechanical Transplanting 3.09 REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT OF TREES.(Use Only If Applicable) A. Dead and damaged trees that are determined by The Landscape Architect and /or Certified Arborist to be incapable of restoration to normal growth pattern shall be removed. Perform removal to limits shown on drawings only after fencing and root pruning operations are complete. 3.10 DEMOLITION AND PLACEMENT OF SIDEWALKS When existing pavement is to be removed and/or replaced in the TPZ the following methods shall be employed. Tree Preservation 02115-8 March 2004 M2L Associate Inc. Yost Road A. Removal Of Sidewalk Pavement- 1. Existing sidewalk pavements\shall be broken up by hand or with a hand operated jackhammer. Truck and/or backhoe mounted equipment shall not be used. 2. Sidewalk debris shall be removed to a vehicle that is outside of the TPZ. No construction debris shall be stored or placed in the TPZ. 3. If the sidewalk is to be replaced, do not remove any existing base material. If the sidewalk is to be abandoned and converted to a landscape area, existing base material should be removed unless it is interwoven with tree roots then the base material should remain. 4. Two (2) inches of hardwood bark mulch shall be applied to the areas where existing sidewalk pavement has been removed for the duration of construction, or as directed by the Landscape Architect. This practice is to prevent inadvertent soil compaction and help in moisture retention. B. Placement Of Sidewalk Pavement- 1. Existing sidewalk pavements should be relocated to outside of the drip line or active root zone(TPZ) if at all possible. If sidewalk needs to be rebuilt within the TPZ then a flexible paver unit on sand base construction should be utilized and placed on top of the existing grade without any soil excavation. 2. Poured in place concrete sidewalks shall not be used. Sidewalks that are within five (5) feet or adjacent to the root flare shall be relocated as far away from root flare as possible. The root flare is defined as the furthest, measurable extent on natural grade of the tree trunk/root systems 3.11 DEMOLITION AND PLACEMENT OF ROADWAY CURBS At locations where existing roadway curbs are to be removed and/or replaced the following methods shall be employed. A. Removal Of Concrete Curbs and Roadway Debris at Back of Curb - 1. Extreme care should be taken when breaking up existing concrete roadway curbs and roadway sub bases. If possible these curbs shall be broken with a hand operated jackhammer. If manual removal is not practical and truck and/or backhoe mounted equipment is used the contractor shall minimize back of curb disruptions. 2. Debris from this demolition shall be removed to a vehicle that is outside of the TPZ. No construction debris shall be stored or placed in the TPZ. 3. The existing base material that is along the back of curb shall only be removed if there are no tree roots. If the base material is intermixed with the roots then the base material should remain. 4. If tree roots are present at the back of curb line then existing roots shall be root pruned according to the recommended root pruning techniques. B. Placement Of Roadway Curbs and Roadway Sub bases - No excavation behind back of curb will be allowed for reconstruction of the roadway curb or for stabilization of the proposed roadway base. Further more, the Contractor shall employ the following additional TPZ methods and procedures when reconstructing the roadway curbs. 1. Chemical barrier and trench - An impervious plastic barrier of 6 mil thick polyethylene plastic shall be utilized along the entire length of the TPZ to a depth of±12" below the lowest point of the roadway bed excavation at the back of curb and extending to ±12" above top of finished curb. The barrier shall be backfilled with native soil along it's length. Wooden stakes placed at 4'-0" o.c. intervals and driven a minimum of 12" Clb.\ below the deepest excavation depth. The barrier shall be securely fastened to the stakes. Tree Preservation 02115-9 March 2004 M2L Associate Inc. Yost Road (4\ 3.12 TREE CROWN PRUNING. A. Tree pruning activities shall be conducted under the supervision of a Certified Arborist. The Contractor shall engage, at his expense, a Certified Arborist to monitor the required pruning activities. B. Tree pruning activities shall be conducted in accordance with the previously specified standards. C. Where pruning activities are required for trees that overhang adjacent properties, the owner shall be notified a minimum of 48 hours prior to initiating work. The Contractor shall be fully responsible for any damage that may occur to property as a result of this Work. D. Tree Crown Cleaning —the selective removal of dead, diseased, broken, crowded, weakly attached, and water sprouts. E. Tree Crown Thinning — the selective removal of branches to decrease the density and provide for increased light penetration and air movement through the crown. Branches to be removed 1. No more than '/4 of the trees foliage shall be removed. 1/2 of the foliage shall be on the lower 2/3 of the crown. 2. Contractor shall use thinning cuts which is removing a branch at it's point of origin and/or shortening a branch or leader by cutting to a lateral large enough to assume a terminal role. (171 \' 3. Thinning shall be performed evenly throughout the crown and care should be taken to retain well-spaced inner lateral branches with foliage. F. Tree Crown Raising — the selective removal of lower branches to provide vertical clearance. 1. No more than '/ of the trees foliage shall be removed. '/2 of the foliage shall be on the lower 2/3 of the crown. 2. Pruning activities shall provide for a uniform, evenly distributed canopy height. 3. See plan drawings for approximate size, canopy height, and location of branches to be removed. 3.13 PESTICIDE APPLICATION A. Pesticide applications shall be conducted by a licensed applicator. B. Application of pesticides shall be conducted under the supervisions of a Certified Arborist. C. If pruning activities occur between May and August, the a treatment of "Lindane" , "Durzban", or approved equal pesticide shall be used to control potential borer insect damage. D. Trees with evidence of other insect problems shall be treated with Durzban or other approved insecticide. E. All insecticides shall be applied at the manufacturer's recommended rate. 3.14 ROOT PRUNING TRENCHING. Tree Preservation 02115-10 March 2004 M2L Associate Inc. Yost Road A. Root pruning within the TPZ shall only take place with written approval of the Landscape Architect. The Contractor may encounter tree roots outside of the TPZ in situations along roadway curbs and rights-of-way along the roadway. All roots shall be severed cleanly to One (1)foot outside of the TPZ, or at the back of roadway curb for conditions along the roadway. B. Provide root pruning trenching as shown in the construction details. The Trenching width shall be a maximum of 6" and the depth shall be 24". B. Roots %" or greater in diameter shall be inspected and if needed, hand pruned to provide a clean cut. D. Install vapor barrier and TPZ fencing as required. Backfill trench temporarily with native soil or provide gravel backfill as specified. 3.15 PROTECTION OF EXPOSED ROOTS A. The Contractor shall immediately apply 2"-3" of hardwood bark mulch on top of soil area where existing pavement is removed and roots are exposed. B. Cover roots exposed during excavation activities with loose top soil. C. This area should be monitored and periodically watered as required during the construction period, to compensate for water loss due to natural drought or loss of moisture, caused by adjacent construction activity. 3.16 DAMAGE TO TREE AND/OR TREE ROOT ZONE A. The Contractor will be assessed for damages to trees designated to be preserved, resulting from the Contractor's negligence or failure to comply with the requirements of this Specification, in accordance with the criteria established in the latest edition of International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) "Guide for Establishing Values of Trees and Other Plants", prepared by the Council of Tree and Landscape Appraisers (CTLA). B. Damage to existing tree crowns or roots over 2 inches in diameter shall be immediately reported to the Landscape Architect in writing, and at the direction of the Landscape Architect and/or Certified Arborist, repaired immediately at the Contractor's expense. C. A Certified Arborist shall direct repair of trees damaged by construction operations. Repairs shall be made promptly after damage occurs to prevent progressive deterioration of damaged trees. Repair shall include but not be limited to removal of rough edges and sprung bark, severely injured branches and aeration of the root zone of trees where compaction has occurred as directed by Architect and/or Stanford Landscape Architect. All costs associated with mitigation of damage to trees to be paid by contractor . D. Damaged tree limbs or trees which have died as a result of injury during construction shall remain the property of the Owner and shall remain or be removed by the Contractor as directed by the Owner. E. The Landscape Architect may require additional methods and procedures to reduce the stress of trees to be preserved 1. Inadvertent Soil Compaction - Depending on the severity of the compaction the Landscape Architect may require additional aeration and/or supplemental watering of the root zone. Tree Preservation 02115-11 March 2004 M2L Associate Inc. Yost Road 2. Construction Work in TPZ- If approved construction activities within the TPZ are allowed, such as removal and/or replacement of sidewalks or utility trenching, the Landscape Architect may require mulching, aeration and/or supplemental watering of the root zone during construction. F. Any tree to remain which is damaged or destroyed owing to the Contractor's negligence or failure to provide adequate protection shall be compensated for dependent on its caliper and in accordance with the schedule of values most current to ISA guidelines, but not less than: 7" $3,000 8" $3,500 9" $4,000 10" $5,000 11" $6,000 12" $8,000 13" $9,000 14" $10,000 15" $11,000 16" $12,000 17" $13,000 18" and over add$ 2,000 for each caliper inch 3.17 ROOT ZONE AERATION CIP6'\ A. At or near the end of the construction period, landscape turf areas should be mechanically aerated. 3.18 FERTILIZER APPLICATION A. At or near the end of the construction period, the Contractor shall apply a deep root fertilizer treatment for all existing trees. B. Fertilize entire root zone system within the drip line of the tree. C. Fertilizer shall be a liquid commercial fertilizer. Nitrogen shall be organically based and be of a slow release type. 1. "Arbor Green 30-10-7" fertilizer as manufactured by Davey Tree, Kent, Ohio. 2. Doggett's Injectofeed "32-12-8" fertilizer as manufactured by A.L. Doggett Inc., Lebanon, N.J. D. Mixture shall be injected with approximately 150 psi pressure into the top 12 inches of the soil. E. Application rates shall be based upon the required soil test and for the time of year of application. F. Fertilizer can be combined with Michrorhyzal treatment. 3.19 MAINTENANCE A. During construction: Contractor to monitor and perform maintenance activities as required by the Landscape Architect to ensure that all trees to be protected are not negatively impacted by construction activities throughout the duration of the construction Tree Preservation 02115-12 March 2004 M2L Associate Inc. Yost Road project. This may include, but not be limited to deep watering and or installation of C11.4' temporary irrigation. Quantities of water to be applied and lengths of time are variable and shall depend upon seasonal rainfall. Throughout the duration of the project, as deemed necessary by the Landscape Architect and/or Arborist, tree leaves/needles shall be washed down with a hose and water or other means necessary to remove accumulated construction dirt and residues. B. Trees shall have a maintenance period of 1 year after final. The Contractor shall initiate quarterly inspections by a Certified Arborist of existing trees to be preserved and submit written reports to the Landscape Architect of the general health and well-being of the trees. 3.20 CLEAN-UP A. At close of construction in each area, remove all protective barriers and any accumulated debris at the direction of the owner's representative. Transport all barrier materials off site at no additional expense to Owner. B. Repair all grades and areas of soil compaction, and restore all damaged plant materials. END OF SECTION 02115 (1111. Tree Preservation 02115-13 March 2004 .U121111111-11.111 . • SPECIFICATION FOR GALVANIZED STEEL STREET LIGHTING STANDARD UPSWEEP LUMINAIRE BRACKET - UNDERGROUND HIRING BASE PLATE MOUNTED STANDARD • HOUSTON LIGHTING & POWER COMPANY SYSTEM ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT P. O. BOX 1700 HOUSTON,TEXAS 77251 REFERENCE DRAWINGS: HL&P DRAWING 004-371-03, REVISED 12-7-70 • REFERENCE SPECIFICATIONS: AISC, 8th Edition ANSI/ASTM A123-78 ANSI/ASTM A153-80 ANSI/AWS D1 :1-81 • HL&P 007-261-01, REV 6-10-77 HOUSTON LIGHTING&POWER COMPANY HOUSTON,TEXAS WRITTEN 11-4-68 Stein • CHECKED 11-4-68 L.R. Gardner I • APPROVED 11-7-68 R.M. McCu sti on 8 313060 As Noted 814 CkvVil SHEET. 1 OF 10 SHEETS NO 371 04. DATE ITEMS REVISED BY CH APP 007 • • _ . . • _ . .• • 0258.0. — 1 • HL&P 1803E (5-88) . CONTENTS Item No. Title Page No. 1.0 Scope 3 2.0 General • 3 • 3.0 Shaft Design 3 4.0 Fabrication Of The Standard 4 • 5.0 Upswept Bracket Arm 6 6.0 . Galvanizing For Iron Or Steel Items 7 7.0 Approval Of. Drawings 8 8.0 Shipping 8 • 9.0 Rejection Of Material 8 Hand Hole Detail . 9 • • • p. I RfivISION NO. 8 I SPECIFICATION NO.. 007 371 04 sH_ET 2 OF 10 SHEETS • • • 02580 — 2 F-:L&P 1803E.(8-88) • 1.0 SCOPE • 1.1 This specification covers the requirements. for the design, detailing, and fabrication of anchor base steel street lighting standards for underground wiring and associated luminaire mounting bracket to be used by Houston Lighting & Power Company (HL&P). 2.0 GENERAL • • 2.1 The design, detailing and fabrication of anchor base street light • standards shall be in accordance with the American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC); the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), Standards ANSI/ASTM A123, A153, the American Welding Society . (AWS) Structural Welding Code D1.1; and HL&P Specifications 007-231-02, 007-261-01, and Drawing 004-371-03. The applicable revision dates appear on the cover of. this specification. 2.2 A written description • of the material used - in the shaft and base plate shall be furnished to HL&P with the proposal . This descrip- tion shall include the physical properties and the chemical compo- sition of the material .: The gage of shaft steel and grade of pipe to be used for the upsweep' bracket shall also be furnished. 2.2.1 Once ti'is information has been placed on file with HL&P, resubmission wi)1 be required only on request or in the event -of an exception: by the manufacturer. 2.3 Any and all exceptions to the inquiry, this specification or the referenced standards shall be submitted in writing with the bid • proposals. 2.4 All luminaire bracket arms will be purchased separately from the C'h). standards. 2.5 The required shaft 'length will be specified in the HL&P purchase order. • 2.6 Test reports, results • or calculations required by this specifica • - tion shall be certified to be true and correct by a registered professional engineer. • • • 3.0 SHAFT DESIGN • 3.1 The street lighting standard with the bracket arm attached shall be - designed . to withstand : the pressure ' resulting from an actual wind velocity ' of 100 mph with permanent. set not to exceed 0.05 inch per foot of shaft .or bracket arm length. • • . REVISION NO. 8 SFEOIGICATIONNO. . • 007 371 04 SHEET 3 0= 10 SNEETS • • • • • 02580 — 3 HL&P lE03E {8-83) . 3.2 The steel shaft shall also be designed to withstand certain lateral test loads without exceeding the elastic limit of the steel . The deflections shall not exceed those given for the following incre- (7' mental loads: Shaft Lenoth Deflection Per 100 Lbs. Lateral Test Loads (Feet) (Inches) (Pounds) . 20 3.0 475 25 4.0 562 30 • 5.0 635 (Test loads are based on 125% of design Loads.) The measurements for these loads shall be taken up with the load applied perpendicular to the center line of the' shaft at a point 8" from the top of the shaft. 3 .3 The lateral load test must be conducted on a prototype standard of a given height when directed by HL&P. When tests 'of shaft deflections and minimum lateral loads are made, the Supplier shall submit seven 1 copies of certified test results to the Manager Distribution Engineering. 3 3.4 The maximum calculated deflection and lateral loads that do not exceed the elastic limit of the steel may be submitted to HL&P in • lieu of the test data. The. certified test results or approved calcu- lations shall be on file with HL&P or submitted with the quotation to receive consideration for purchasing. 4.0 FABRICATION OF THE STANDARD 4.1 All fabrication shall be in accordance with good shop practices. Cut or burned edges shall be true and smooth, and free from excessive burns .or ragged breaks. Welding shall conform to the requirements of the specifications of thb American Welding Society Structural Welding Code (AWS) Specification D1.1. • 4.1.1 No welding shall be done on any part of the structure covered ' by this specification except by persons who have been • certified as meeting the requirements of AWS Structural . ' Welding Code D1 .1, Section 5. • 4.1.2 Each certification must 'be effective for one year after issuance and must be on file with the fabricator. • 4.1.3 Welds exhibiting cracks, pinholes, excessive undercut, slag deposits in welds, excessive penetration or other defects • inconsistent with good fabrication are not acceptable. . 4.1.4 Welds shall be . completely cleaned of slag prior to galvanizing. 4REViStOH NO. • 8 SP£ClFfCATfoN NO. 007 371 04 • 'SHEET 4 o 10 SHEETS • . . . . . . . . . 02580 — 4 YL&P 4.1.5 - Fabrication of steel standards shall be in accordance with • the 8th edition of the AISC Specifications. 4.1.6 _ The tolerance of the finished work shall conform to the fabrication tolerances stated in HL&P Specification 007-261-01 for the design, detailing, fabrication and delivery of galvanized steel poles. 4.2 The steel shaft shall be octagonal or round in cross section and shall be uniformly tapered with top and bottom dimensions falling within the limits specified on the drawing shown o.n. page 11 of this specification. • 4.3 Irregularity in the shaft shall not exceed 3/32" in any 24" length. The unstressed shaft of the street lighting standard shall have a straightness tolerance not to exceed: The Total Length in Feet= 50 Inches • 4.4 Bid proposals for galvanized street light standards shall include the following outlined information. HL&P UNIT GAGE OF YIELD CLASS- PRICE SHAFT STRENGTH . BIN NO. STEEL OF SHAFT • STEEL 4.5 A detachable rain-tight peaked ornamental cap for each shaft shall be furnished. . Each cap shall be attached to the shaft. 4.6 The shaft of the street light standard shall be provided with a simplex attachment meeting the dimensional requirements of HL&P (11111 Drawing 004-371-03 for mounting the bracket arm at a point 8" from • the top of the shaft. • 4.6.1 A 1/2" X 3/4" hex head counter sunk. cap screw for the simplex and bracket arm attachment shall be provided, as shown on HL&P Drawing 004-371-03, as part of the street light • standard. • • 4.7 A hand hole shall he provided with inside clear dimensions of 4" X 6" with its center located a maximum of 10" and a minimum of 8" above the bottom of the base plate, and approximately 180 degrees from the • center line of the mast arm. . 4.7.1 The shaft shall be sufficiently reinforced at the hand hole. frame to develop the strength of the same size shaft without . a hand hole. 4.7.2 The hand hole cover must be recessed in the reinforced frame • of the hand hole. opening as shown on the hand hole detail drawing, sheet 9 of this specification.. 4.7.3 A 3/8" X 2 3/4" hex head cap screw shallVbe furnished with each hand hole cover. REVISION NO. 8 SPECIFICATION NO. • 007 371 04 SHEET 5 OF 10 SHEETS • • • • 02580 — 5 H',:&P 1E03E (8-88) 4.8 A 1/2" 13NC2 AMERICA,N Standard heavy square nut, or a tapped bar, r shall be welded inside the shaft in a position accessible from the hand hole for grounding purposes. 4.8.1 If a square nut is utilized as a ground boss, it shall be filled with an inhibitor •and capped for thread protection purposes. 4.9 The dimension between anchor bolt holes on the base plate shall be as indicated in the drawing on the last page of this specification. • 5.0 UPSWEPT BRACKET ARM • 5.1 The upswept bracket arms shall be made of pipe sufficient to meet requirements stated below and having- an outside diameter of 2 3/8 and shall be furnished with a "Simplex" fitting meeting the requirements of HL&P Drawing 004-371-03, for mounting to the shaft. J • 5.1.1 On 4' and 6' bracket arms, the end of the bracket arm shall have a straight section of pipe a minimum of 6" in length. 5.1.2 On 8' bracket arms, the end of the bracket arm shall have a straight section of pipe a minimum of 1'-6" in length; 5.2' For upswept bracket arms, the minimum luminaire projected areas and weights for use in design shall be assumed as follows: Horizontal Shaft Length Arm Length Minimum Projected Area Weight (Feet) (Feet) (Square Feet) . (Pounds) 20 4 1.7 25 (7". 25 b 1.7 25 30 8 2.5 48 • 5.2.1 The following information regarding the bracket arm shall be_ provided with each bid proposal . HL&P UNIT WEIGHT THICKNESS MANUFACTURER CLASS PRICE (OS) OF PIPE OF FEMALE . ' & BIN WALL (INS) SIMPLEX FITTING • 5.3 The luminaire support and. related. shaft attachment devices shall sustain a vertical load of 250 pounds applied within 3" of the luminaire end of the support without collapse or rupture of any • portion of the pole assembly. 5.4 The luminaire support and related shaft attachment devices shall . • • sustain a vertical load of 100 pounds applied within 3" of the• luminaire end of the support and with the support attached to a rigid • . structure without exceeding a. vertical deflection of 4% of the • support length. • • . f • • REds,oN Na. I 8 I SPEC,FICAuJOH HO. .007 371 04 stassu 6 OF 10 SHEEss S • • • • 02580 — 6 ►iLSP 13O3 tom) • 5.5 The luminaire support and related shaft attachment devices shall • sustain a transverse horizontal load of 50 pounds applied within 3" of the luminaire end of the support and with the support attached to a rigid structure without exceeding a horizontal deflection of 10% of the support length. 6.0 GALVANIZING FOR IRON OR STEEL ITEMS 6.1 All small iron and steel hardware items shall be galvanized in accordance with ANSI/ASTM A153. Mechanical galvanizing is not acceptable. 6.2 All steel street light standards and mast arms shall be galvanized in accordance with ANSI/ASTM AI23 except that the minimum acceptable galvanized coating shall be 3.0 ounces per square foot of uncoated surface. 1 6.3 All nut threads and tapped threads shall be cleaned of excess galvanizing to allow the acceptance of a standard bolt. 6.4 The completely fabricated and galvanized product shall be free and clear of acid drops, teardrops, teardrop edges, flaking zinc, rough appearance and holes covered with a zinc membrane and in general must be smooth, clear, and attractive in appearance when received by NL&P.. 6.5 Galvanized pieces not meeting these requirements in the opinion of HL&P shall be rejected. 6.6 In the event the galvanizing is damaged in shipping, the manufacturer shall provide both personnel and material necessary for the repair of the damaged areas. Only material approved by HL&P shall be used to repair the damaged areas. 6.6.1 Repair to the galvanizing of any individual standard shall be allowed only if the cumulative length of the damaged areas on an individual standard does not equal or exceed 5% of the length of the standard. 6.6.2 Standards containing damaged areas whose cumulative length equals or exceeds 5% of the length of the standard will be rejected. 6.6.3 Rejection of 8 standards in a single shipment of I50 standards or less will constitute rejection of the entire shipment. 1 6.7 When directed by NL&P, one galvanizing test by weight shall be performed on a test piece of steel furnished by the Supplier for each day's operation of galvanizing of steel being furnished in accordance • with this specification. 6.7.1 The sample shall have a minimum of 0.25 square feet of surface area. Seven test report copies shall be submitted bi-weekly to the HL&P Manager specified in the purchase order and the samples shall be retained by the Supplier. witsiON NO. 8JsPECIftCAT:ON NO. 007 371 04 I SHEET 7 OF 10 SHEETS • • 02580 — 7 EL.&P 1303E (8-83) 7.0 APPROVAL OF DRAWINGS 7.1 The supplier shall submit initially for approval, five complete sots of all dimensional drawings to the Manager Distribution Engineering. (11116 7.2 Subsequent approvals shall be required when: 1) Manufacturer changes any values or manufacturing processes previously approved, 2) HL&P changes specification, or 3) Special request by HL&P. 7.3 Two copies of the drawings will be returned to the supplier approved or with necessary comments. 7.3.1 Approval by HL&P of any drawing shall not relieve the manu- facturer of the responsibility of any error that may exist relative to fabrication and dimensions. R8 7.4 Immediately upon approval of drawings by HL&P, the supplier shall forward seven copies of all approved drawings, test results, calcula- ' tions, and instructions to the HL&P Manager specified in the purchase order. 7.5 Each detail drawing shall include, 1) All pertinent dimensions and length of the standard, 2) The size, description, quantity and location of all holes and hardware that is part of the standard and,. 3) Weight and location of the center of gravity of the structure. 8.0 SHIPPING 8.1 The street light standard shall be loaded as to prevent damage to the fabricated shapes. 8.2 All necessary hardware that is to be placed on the standard upon its (1111 installation shall be shipped with the -standard and must arrive at the HL&P shipping and receiving facilities simultaneously. 9.0 REJECTION OF MATERIAL • 9.1 Any material delivered under this specification which, in the opinion of HL&P, does not .Feet the requirements set forth herein with regard to material, fabrication, galvanizing, delivery, shipment or any other condition described or understood shall be cause for rejection and shall be returned to -the Supplier. All expenses incurred, including handling, transportation, drayage and any and all other charges connected with said incorrect compliance with this specification shall be charged to or shall be at the expense of the Supplier. Any and all of these expenses which may have been paid by HL&P shall be reimbursed to the HL&P Company in full by the Supplier. IREVISION NO. .• . 8 SPECIFICATION NO. 007 371 04 SHEET 8 OF 10 SHEETS • • 02580 - 8 F1LcP 1303E (8-88) E dev8 '4— . (.16\1 • I • 11 11GA it--, fig, 7.1jt, KI R- 4 X I 1 GA: X O X 6 (A-36) 3/15" - I s CI.IN'' . . \\,......._.. . , 1/4"=1/8' . COVER STOPS TO B PLACED AT , TOP AND BOTTOM. OF FRAME ' HAND HOLE DETAIL _.,, HANDHOLE E. REv!SION NO. 8 i SPECtFICATtou NO. • 0071 371 04 SHEET 9 OF 10 SHEETS 1 e 02580 - 9 LLMOTII AZ *NOtd'. OY • riOMtNAi 1'•C 30'wT, M.ACettT Alta DUNE 1 —• ONLY HT'arc.. 7: S 2.373"C.D. 77. 0 PIPE s E w SEE NOTE 6 yRa J C H e SEE TXCTE. d ? /PIPE VALL TMICKHESS SO Et DGTtt•'tINtO o isr MU I.PLILR O I ' Y . O .{ arMA.P7 5.041,7 rr c I o _i ' 3 it- SO' xo• 0o _1'•8 1 z1•-o `` 3%. zb. zls' Dc 1 ►'-8 zc'•o No . 1 SO' 00 I I--,S I3I'•0 fi' 4"' a 10' t0' V COV• , 14'4 MLS BRACKET ARM (DETAIL o —Nip 4'yt7 /t •` r A ri A Or An-, t LOGA.T ION r ► 1 • .�• ATTAe:.IntM wwD•cc = v i' r • J ••` O in C l': 10 RAD-J3 OR GLIB PT M Al R r ACCLPTADLC 14v LO' •to* S0. MNI IMUM T Y5' t0';'SO I 50' 1I' SCt. d to • NO7£t ALL 'OLLS SYmrILTAlcA► AscuT t PLATL. - • P VE.eT H�.ttl •III__1L 0 NOTES % ASE PLATS I. 0NAFT MAY DE LITHE*. OCTaa0NAt OR t72t.sVD IN CROSS sr.crtoki. . . • 2. DMa.FT SLCY10e.5 MUST ML1iT SPLCIFICATIO•. l OTTOM. 3C/ 8• DU"LtC1.0.5 A4r10/0A. LAT!P.A.:. TEST LOAD i0'. Es' vi/ REQV.ALPIENTS- _ 25' 7' 2. IN NO EVENTAi-L Tw O E AHC.eR .0LT 27• ' 74 • G3V SLTTtwo SPECIP12-7 5£ GRAN XL0. 20 G2. - 4. Tr/1i D1tAvIMG 5uPE4GE0ES 140-t5G95. • a 5. OCTA3ON SIAFT MAY BE ROTATtD ocio-1 • FO• • rOSTION L.U0v'N 22►L' IF A mawsTALTUIG.4� 9TA>rpAllp J ial 0 1 O. % 0I. ill ;�. SIMPLEX f1STrING- S2E.t�.LCpGo. p. �r DRAwrNG 1yvmaret OO4-371-0- {y. • QGTAC+Ot1Al FA+>fat7 . •VVV • Elf I • PECIFICAZiON DRAWING 7 9.16•B `rzvi o C ,44-S Ar,trcaS t.r ,STEEL ,TREET LIGHTING STANDARDS W17.4 6 14.34 TI REMOVE {:t* &IP Fc TER 'GO. fr ;UPSWEPT BRACKET FOR LUMINAIRE - • 5 a•zt�T CHANGED C'Mtrrlr rn1 JiL:r�i•';d/1 1HOUSTON LIGHTING etPOWER CO. r0J 4 1 7 ADOEP 6tMPLEX FlrrtriG 'I;%, t //'t') NeuarcN•TlDuas 3 z•zl-C4 CHGO.1F' o..t TESTING E-TrAil WM O.K-TAYLOKJk, Wait tE6.I,1363 •2 49• ,3 ADDED .R}' 3 O I7 10.0 52 ,/ E.T. y c L' Cr; '7.'i iv£rc wus N.r s ' v I.v/! -c '��/}�k yam"'-O"+.R• - -E+ ,- it/rt own 10 w I�srec� . .z•Sb'} AL:Nat..0 STN4r.o.,0 w IT'S LN14AL1Y • WIT. / „L, ' .. «t. a t.I. 1.. to CA r.. i .l 6•. 007.3 i 1 04 . • • 02580 — 10. TURN BAR DOWN TO 1" DIR. 1114 BEFORE THREADING • r 4.0" DIR. THREAD 0'-5"ain\ ‘444Prir . • 4111.. Alik 4 t \ irif NWT _.• NO 1 " DIR.. I A.+ HEAVY _.. . . )1" DUTY HEX NUTS • (RSTM A-6I S. GRADE 60, W/2 HEAVY HEX NUTS ) FURNISH - 2 - HEAVY HEX NUTS THIS IS AN EXAMPLE OF THE ANCHOR BOLT - . USED BY HLSP. THE CUSTOMER IS • RESPONSIBLE FOR THE FINAL DESIGN. .. {F_SicN CONSTRATMg = . ...• • • "' . I. THE P XI*.4 ALLWABLE AXIAL.LOPO IP. TENSION OR CDPRESICHI IS 20.0K. . _ rrE MAXIHRAI ALLCHABLE 6 EAR LOAD Pit IS 20.S C. TH-E COHOINED AXIAL LOAD lP)PYC SHEAR LOAD WI SHALL EC LIMITED BY • - f F OL Oa4TJC INTERACTION EOLNTTO: P.Y C 20.LK. ... .- -' 'Of _ 2. THE MINDIVH DISTANCE SETPEEN THE CENTERLINE CF THE DANOR DOLT TO THEO r EDGE OF THE CONCRETE SHALL..Y E 3 7/16'. _ - - _ . 2. THE NIHIFNAR 015rA CE BET/FEN ANCHOR BOLT CENTERLINES SHALL BE 2 3/8'. _. r • 4. THE(A07AC D LENGTH ILA I OF THE ANCHOR BOLT BELCH THE SOTTON cs THE P [TENSION EASE PLATE SHW L HOT EXCEED TWO DIAMETERS OF Ti-C TKtEAOED PORTION - ��, ORCONPFESSILNT MC)OF TIE BCLT UNLESS THE FOLLSNING INTERACTION ESl1AT10N IS_ I _ - SATI5FIEDt _ ._ • . AMINE t LA - 77. ' '1. 14.L i- TERIRL. FABRICATION. OALYANIZIHC APE DELIVERY SHALL BE IN V * � O b •• D �y . V ACCR..ANCE KITH H.LP CO. SPECIFICATION 007-223-03. LATEST REvIS10N. • © � 9 2. THE MATERIAL SIOHd1 IS FLA N0C BC&T. .L B ., + A . ' . cif. 3. TPE SO-T ArO NUTS APE TO HAVE A CLASS 2 TOLERANCE AS CEFIPED BY ASA Y • • •9 ' 1 9f t' A . 20. Bl.t. AFTER CALVANIZDC. \ "` .11 .Y 'I. THE THREADS ARE TO BE WIT£D STPMARO SERIES COARSE. • - i .5. CA000412EO►ElSHT Cf ONE BOLT • 6.7 LDS . CALVANTZEO HEIQC CF TiH0 NITS s 0.4 LOS .. - - TOTY.OALANIZEO HEIGHT • .-' S. A CCHT1NUCUS LATER OF STIFF omit SHALL ES SE PLACED BETHN THE BASE . PLATE AND THE TOP CF THE CONCRETE FOUNDATION. PROPER PP_OIWTIC!+S - , BEET BE TAXER TO LiELITE THAT NO VOIDS ARE PRESENT RI OE LAYER. - . ' _ CLASS/BM T• • IONIIC'N CDGtETE AND caw STRENGTH SHALL BE 3000 PSI.' - 8. THIS ANCHOR BOLT St#11.0 BE 15E0 WITH THE ERIDCE STREET LICHT • FDLWATIGI. ANCHOR BOLT. ISRIDGE STREET LT. FOUN ATIONS1 4 - HOUSTON LIGHTING S POWER CO.. . 101-0l. =Tait • i.. B.MN. ..,:. 1...s,yl. i� .m I . I. ..n. ! I . 1 . 1_ - k . I� 02580 — 11 • ZT — 085Z0 • • • to II LC!►oo ;:errvi -!'!7•A(•MV...r..—��{I " .•••I r�• ( 4w +• 'SJ=t ,Slj`b 4`J N0151n311 '1\�lfl1MJ Cl-L.-Z7 1 �...+s..• 1 Y 41'it DI.a...0.1 �J .:af.s 7 w I.u.•i fri,•.et-17?91•• y�,p N.+ tuaa�.+i..,,, `�j•‹1✓:if...,r.�.w V`il imoi Noltnem �J NOI 1'0'1.h1:+1 L�'J . '03 L1BMOrd'Q DNILHDf•J NO1SJIOH •.3s1'2r56 S`11t..aJ1-1 -35c4.L5 ex a.Q '71V11114 X3.3.91•11c 1'1013 31V0 Sn _.1.3C1 4 rl:,, � )1 i iriv` tivu • ;� � rwlvart 1r7tUr J.t.IX,/ :7r? j • •D.,IFT '• TOW ' 1 • Jb.0,A rrlrl.7r Is/I.Jl?V lit - �' • e1 r...rI Nr7r N, /� ' .y..14 vr.rmvort7 r-'t ;Lis ?J?TY w+r •�. . ?.+1MNr �I7r13•/ //. .. (t arI ffirrNf are✓..... oxri l J'yLf/ • • ONlill� X3—IcV'iIS j.71CH 3N0 M31n 3045 M31/l .NIOrt.a ,,,,,ww) -/ Ia r•s..n.S re/ =E '#rl1ri ?a' 2.7I..r,t/ er rri a 7rr+.: • 1 1r X rr • �C � • f \ • A II I 1I I J II ' i.J i't t I. r / f t ..i.\, I •\ I _ 1 1• r • . A. ., t ,__ '1):nulls Cut1/ let It et 1r11'arlt ili '► .?f _.../30';—//a `z t+ war C 'rC 11f7t t/t/ )still •1)In17nfit 103 •,l•rm 111a 1111111)7t1a)111t1 M31h CC:. • it 171•) 101 1I).1111)C 1'.1,39I981 •e3 - I 'WV/ C7 1111113 iiltalt 1'O0 )'t CISCI t,,J. '1•,i -ter it 7ltr/t t 111.10i ltt.1 I0113111ra •I . J'itlltt)71110 70a1 T I 2C1 t 71)rr 111) 111)111 sit l•s11 3)11i1 ` i. • ; 1I t .13 '41.1'. Cl /)L7)• II MC) 11114 Iiat ilea 1 • 1 • 1 tar mull. nta C•r.i11111)• •ae•t leant, PI I 1 !/turf 71 11101 10,1:03 Molt 11Ca 1.11. 'L h I • 1 't) 'q 1 1 e •1't ; 1 le, 0/10/111 1 71 0)CS:1 II 'slam( Slll I - •31t1.)111.1 Ilia ',us 'tugs, tllll11 tltt • [I t ^r I. 7•t•l'a 1'II.311 11/111 III 11104.11711 Oat 111'7r,1 lit tal la111 milt ■tl7l RA ♦ . 117,lalllt '0: '41'1's in*lara fiat 11'101 t/ •I• - ♦` .CSC! it rr 'a - :531CN - - .r 71 - -, • . . r A. CI 1 I 1\,.. f• <r\---- I ----".. i . A.1.JI 0 1 , 3- A rx a• 1 11 •` 1 r �'4 I `, `t -- SECT.JI.. .:_-A . • ♦f 'III -__1 • • { • f ~ I .1 e I 8 I `. 1 1 r I y 1 z I . ,Y �,.. M � 1 r - r r J• f D D _._ �� 1 '4_� . 411110. , 1 + SECT ION B-6 �111 M t `t•t K 1-7•a'. f• T • O1.7T v1Ew SIDE view BACK viCw I , J'•• I ONE BOLT 54-10E PLATE CASTING '/l f,... i� / .- ,i.t 10Li 1101LC1 cirri's 7T1.Ot0 To Poll • SECTIC•rl C-C I III 30L[T i 101 MAILS Of 111111S) OTSETT ClltTtis 104 is ..---------.....-- --.-7:, 1,.. 1 ,,i)4,17;1----1.1 .. C I ,rs.• {. 1 I t;• `uLT,.ITZt 111• Ill•• tit f(l0 COOtill S011 Gar 3Cftt \\ SECT'Onl O-D Ito 13tt0 1111 3TT11 MC\••3r0( IL•1( ClSTlii -, ,[t'WAILS LOOP ORIENTATION NOTES: I. Ti 11010T Vitt T0t10C1 CLAP. CS. SOPTLIttl 11/t/131 1TIT7T 114111N Ill itt1tt73 1110 STI11, ?OLit 101 770117 Lfi11111 IIt1 lit 3011 ' • 1.r1LT1 11TT13C VolC0 illL 1lIt1Cia111. Till tlloIll 11 Matt AS 1 0Tlf0411 101 ..L.L1. CO. 2 , 01l 011T 130[ IUT1 0117111 131L1 t( SI/1L11 TO C0T7111 30030 1Cil71T0 i10 lUULL.R011T .00 10tl 11.7L(1 771(11a 71U[0 10 .1.L.4t. CI. 011111 Liao!lot[ Is(t CIICITAl101). • • I. IailiCIIP lull 101r,T 1 /1Yltt O1 r10r*it0 oft 3011 31t/LIl OrTr tL5 talilal 7O CAA,. CO. tl;llt[1011 I(t1ctrtl7 tot Mc'0, 1 I3T(tt.littol111T1 t1T1 ■,L.AI. .0. Sit0C1C1(1 ►1111 If '10IIC1Tt00. OI.IC BOLT 5ti..iP:EX O•ITTIN3 . 0. ALL£0711111 10 II MIT DIP I11T0ttj(3. rc-A. STREET _iD— Iti:_1 F•m04�tET HOUSTON UGHTIUG EI POWER CO. 1 • \,1\At ... NOI.•3TCIN.7DTA1 0..u..IO�1Sf.7 ��� 111 ,s_an J..(...r+. i. I 12-1_701C(ILE1AL aEVIS10N ►•;, .e.anl..itj..Sif /. ..._. I e+...—...�.. { ro -WS I a.11•1•. mac. 11".`.•• ,t-'— ''714k.'�5.1«..r.LiV C104.371'03 ' . • Cilliih\. • • • 1 i 025.80 - 13 • 8 ili 4 I/2' APPRDXIHATc^..Y 12'-0'OF PS • -3 —(—I SOFT CRAMN SOLID COPPER HIRE- a _ — ON 35' STANDARDS HAND CO FLED INTO A PANCAKE • ,� Nu, 3 7/8•; ELECTRODE PLUS 7'-5-LEAD . w• .= ' .. CH 20' 25' b 30' - N, • t t STANDARDS j CONCRETE SIDEWALK 3 .3,to I ( 1 i c 42 ifi , i , rl• ff N u I�=._.t.- _• \ o ;--off �� � a o M ) - /ti1 : " ETM j 9 1/2-,9 1/2•i t'-7• FANCAKE �. • I I GROUND DETAIL PLAN VIEW LOCATION - PLAN x6 CRGL,TtD WIRE • TO EXTEND 1'-4 L/2` ABOVE FOUNDATION • m 0 1 f • 8 SEE WORK CRIER `. i A C9 GRADE LINE i{ 1/2` GRADE LING / UR fir- I III' II__1 • • (1111.166\ (.., . i \ , • - I •1 • 11 , • . ♦ ,% � mf ' I I ' li 1 • I F ° J , I 1 II SECTION X - •I I 'it. . 1 -11 I.00ATEON ELEVATION F, OF • I y, . NI • 1 . o -•f • N (♦ • COMPACTED EARTH • A SEE GROUND DETAIL TYPICAL ELEVATION • • ! DISTRIBUTION STANDARD i FN2R V CONCRETE SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH • TE+°R 'ISON SPECIFICATION. �t IEATI .Gor2z1-o1• LATEST• STREET LIGHT FOUNDATION rib, a DIRECTION OF CONDUITS TO BE SPECIFIEI . . • - 20'. 2S', 30' & 3S' S.L. STANDARDS BY ENDINEratINC DEPT. - 0 CONDUIT TO EE PLUCOED TO PREVENT ENTRY HOUSTON LIGHTING & POWER CO. OF CONCRETE. 0 FOR THE INSTALLATIDN OF STREET LIGHT P.•,�,, TDOIa �f o•Od-a_ p Agin C. CJW IS iun,n a'w(4.4•,:M. Pa STANDARD AlD GROUT SEE.UC OISTRIBUTiCN c Y•EI"cl{G♦irCS CiplMal ti:.,.:RE. OM t,{'[/.0-cKrm ,-,x;-83 KM ara w.+ Z a s %am STANDARD SUBSECTION ST2 FOR 30'. ST3 FORS, a.a� as ¢.=. cK;L a ..tea..., . 35' STANDARD NO STi. FOR 20' STANDA.RO. s a-rs^I�E ap.l ,c..FRw,C�xcc ♦ry _xn?,,.M 005371i IE1 • • • • 02581 - 1 g _ T85Z0 • b772N122 3 3 £3-I-B:x-... iW11 C3r1 N:i}}te3t KJi:iezna -Ts.SZ 03322165-:i-S UM 6 L 6 11,4 + C'•el-9 CirJ•'t I NIX •57x:..211 M 0351n3t71 Zt.; .wunAmth...tnts 6i4t,J '3 68avi I se-5-t. -AS, •f . '03 213MOd 0Ni1HII1 NOISFIOH • SNOI.LTONf10J 1H0I1 133a1S • •S, 11&w-2N.d • . OWONN15 NOUfl 1M15I0 • • t• J S'1 -i S•1 I L• 6• 1 L• J 9' I r• I 5• 013Id I I •.saL m •3L3alN•00I I e - I - I S- .I I - - I - _ _ - 1 980E01 1'S 12 -1M msa tIiI3 t natc rood-TitNIdS iI I I - 1 - - 1 - - - 1 - 1 LBOCOt I ,I -vs 100U1 X.d1-.that 3.4D:T3Ll!�I1dt.`d)31-muds I 3 • I - - 1 - d!! - I - 9297tI -L+Nn"al 0341rJa0.5-.E X.i -kAta+v-11791 1 - I - - - I - I - 5383I1 Ila- Irc's3M IL L-30.Q-.E X Aug I-MOW-110E 1 - JI - I - 1 - 1 - - 1• - - 1 838QI1 r•-MBass mHao .o-.E X.t-wow-Frei I - I - I + - I - j - 1 - - ' - 1 SCC501 -aim G3Q'Q l.E-.9 X.B1I i-aD:fxta-11D6i - 1 - + u83I1 tt' xI-MN&3M G2I* 7.z x .ul t -noel - 1 - 1 - - 1 - 1 - I ESEQI1 J )Is-MSS Ii9tM'Js..dtl.Z-.9 x.2/I I -tom-nos - 1 - 1 - 1 - - I - l - 1 + 1 + 1 t890t1 ( G.-5veir1 04vG 3Q.z-.s x.t -wow-17;1811 (j newt I .z-.E x.v/E now-1me I I a Z f 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 I z z. z 1 25t9Q1 I I some-VI 6 S332030 06 •at h3 33103i3S.2-I91 1 S• 1 5' ! 5• 1 5• S'. 5• S- IS u 5- S' S• 'swot 1 ; strt.Ot OAd et 3 mitt 1tt-11.'IONC.O1 I a . Z I Z 2 1 2 Z 2 2 2 15'1 Z I LsstoI I arcs 1n t 3NN8-11313-17i331 V CLt 1010370 I . rf N ° a I O 9 e/3 m NO11dIZiJ530 1 {_ 11.11N1iI10 94111.10,2103113511 I=ztIS ?Nd 13l8lfl • NOI1lI0rL7C3 1 a,7I1 133LIS alvi 3'G • )► I1)p)311 2411tLX11 30+to.co) NO)1UQYXSd n n 13a1S ttp SVal. r t 1H3I3.1;worm.QF t33r)l) 10I1V3It'Xld 1.9011 t l S lIq SIQ31 +I a1ilt3ttgd 1N911:3a15 14401d4 Q t II1V(,d'.L} l 1 !S 1371.15I0 E113'I1 3 MAIN.TXY.mon $ 3't`Lea SL+1I31 3 NQI14@1lOd 11t0i1 13aLS NQIIYT 1StC7 D N011iOtird 1H9I1 13aL5 ht1R L..KMI 3 MOIIFIONL1d StgI1 l31t5 1 Y SXKI t81IM NC71H0•ltOd flan 133d1s.SC i.4 •.SL •.62 V NouvtinvIzmo IZNd No.tilm^9Id14123-- PIPE UNDERDRAINS SECTION 02620 PIPE UNDERDRAINS PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. This Item shall govern for the installation of pipe underdrains embedded in filter material enveloped in a filter fabric,constructed at locations shown on the plans or as directed by the • Engineer and in accordance with the lines and grades established by the Engineer 1.02 UNIT PRICES A. No payment will be made for pipe underdrains under this section. Include payment in unit price for related item. 1.03 SUBMITALS A. Submittals shall conform to requirements of Section 01350—Submittals. PART2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Corrugated PVC(poly vinyl chloride)pipe: Shall conform to the requirements of ASTM F949 for corrugated exterior wall pipe with smooth inner wall. B. Filter Material: for use in backfilling trenches under,around and over underdrains shall consist of hard, durable, clean sand, gravel, crushed stone, crushed shell or other material specified on.the plans and shall be free from organic matter,clay balls or other deleterious matter. Unless otherwise shown on the plans,crushed limestone will not be permitted. 1. The percent composition by weight of the filter material in place shall conform to the following gradings: PERCENT RETAINED ON SIEVE Sieve Type A Type B Type C Type D Type E Type F Size 1-1/2" - - 0-10 Shall conform As 3/4" - 0-10 20-40. to Item 302, Shown 3/8" - 15-35 - - "Aggregates on the I No. 4 0-10 35-50 40-60 0-5 for Surface Plans ° No. 8 0-20 Treatments" No. 16 15-50 02620 — 1 PIPE UNDERDRAINS No. 30 40-75 No. 50 70-90 No. 100 90-100 2. That portion of the filter material of Type A,B or C that is finer than No.4 sieve shall be graded as follows: Sieve Size Percent Retained No.20 35-65 No. 50 75-100 3. •The loss by decantation shall not exceed one percent on the material retained on the No.4 sieve and shall not exceed four percent on the material passing the No. 4 sieve. Unless otherwise shown on the plans, Type B or Type C filter material, at the option of the Contractor, shall be used around underdrains. If Type A or Type D filter material is specified,it shall not be placed within 6 inches of any perforation. If Type E filter material is specified it shall not be placed within 6 inches of the water bearing strata. • C. Filter Fabric: The filter fabric shall meet the requirements of Departmental Material Specification D-9-6200. PART3 EXECUTION 3.01 CONSTRUCTION (411L'' A. The excavation of each trench shall begin at the outfall and proceed toward its upper end. The trench must not be excavated below the proposed grade line-and shall be located as indicated-on the- - plans or as directed by the Engineer,and true to line and grade. All perforated pipe shall be laid with the perforations on the sides below the horizontal axis with the perforated pipe centered in the excavated ditch to the established grade and when required will be joined by appropriate couplers. B. Filter fabric shall be placed in the trench prior to placing any pipe underdrains or filter material in such a manner as to line the walls and bottom of the trench. After placing the pipe underdrains and filter material,the filter fabric shall be lapped over the top of the filter material in accordance with • . .the manufacturer's recommendations unless otherwise shown on the plans. C. ' After the pipes have been laid and approved by the Engineer,the filter material shall be carefully placed to the depth shown on the plans and in such manner as not to displace the pipe or joint • covering around and over the pipe. The depth of filter material shall in no case be less than 12 inches above the bottom of the pipe and such depth shall be placed where no dimension is shown on the plans. The remainder of the trench shall be backfilled with suitable materials which shall be tamped in layers not exceeding 4 inches. D. Unless otherwise shown on the plans,the minimum horizontal limits of excavation for filter material shall be as follows: • Minimum Limits of Excavation for Filter Material,Distance Outside Neat Lines Depth of Trench.(Feet) of Pipe Underdrain(Feet) 0 to 6 . 1.00 . . 02620 _ 2 PIPE UNDERDRAINS over 6 to 10 1.50 over 10 to 15 2.00 Caln\' over 15 2.50 E. Approved plugs shall be placed in the upper ends of all pipes and all exposed ends of underdrains shall be covered with 1/2-inch galvanized hardware cloth as directed by the Engineer. F. Jointing of plastic pipes shall be according to the applicable specifications and the manufacturer's recommendations. No tar paper strips shall be used. G. The Contractor shall provide sections of non-perforated pipe connectors between the perforated pipe .and the outfall. These sections of pipe shall be of the same type as designated on the plans. This pipe will not require filter material or filter fabric. . END OF SECTION Clik\ • 02620 - 3 CITY OF PEARLAND CONCRETE PAVEMENT SUPPLEMENTARY SPECIFICATION SECTION 02751 CONCRETE PAVEMENT The following supplement modifies Specification Section 02316. Where a portion of the specification is modified or deleted by this Supplementary Specification, the unaltered portions of the Specification shall remain in effect. 1. Delete Paragraph 2.01.0 and replace with the following: "C. Coarse Aggregate: Coarse Aggregate shall be crushed limestone. No hard rock aggregate will be allowed." 1. Maximum percentage by weight of deleterious substances shall not exceed following values: Percent by Weight of Total Item Sample Maximum Clay lumps and friable particles 3.0 Material finer than 75-µm(No. 200) sieve: Concrete subject to abrasion 3.0* All other concrete 5.0* Coal and lignite: Where surface appearance of concrete is of importance 0.5 All other concrete 1.0 *In case of manufactured sand, if material finer than 75-µm(No. 200) sieve consists of dust of fracture, essentially free from clay or shale, these limits may be increased to 5 and 7 percent,respectively. 2. Coarse aggregate (size 1%2 inch to No.4 sieve)shall conform to requirements of ASTM C33. Gradation shall be within following limits when graded in accordance with ASTM C136: Sieve Designation (Percentage By Weight) (Square Openings) Retained on 13/a-inch sieve 0 Retained on 1%2-inch sieve 0 to 5 Retained on 3/a-inch sieve 30 to 65 Retained on 3/8-inch sieve 70 to 90 Retained on No. 4 sieve 95 to 100 Loss by Decantation Test Method Tex-406-A 1.0 Maximum 06/04 02751 -S 1 CITY OF PEARLAND CONCRETE PAVEMENT 111'11 � 2. Delete Paragraph 2.01.D and replace with the following: D. Fine Aggregate: Sand,manufactured sand, or combination thereof, composed of clean,hard, durable,uncoated grains, free from loams or other injurious foreign matter. Fine aggregate for concrete shall conform to requirements of ASTM C33. Gradation shall be within following limits when graded in accordance with ASTM C136. Sieve Designation (Percentage By Weight) (Square Openings) Retained on 3/8-inch sieve 0 Retained on No. 4 sieve 0 to 5 Retained on No. 8 sieve 0 to 20 Retained on No. 16 sieve 15 to 50 Retained on No. 30 sieve 35 to 75 Retained on No. 50 sieve 65 to 90 Retained on No. 100 sieve 90 to 100 Retained on No. 200 sieve 97 to 100 1. The use of limestone dust of fracture as fine aggregate shall not be permitted. When subjected to color test for organic impurities(ASTM C40), fine aggregate shall not show color darker than standard color. Fine aggregate rib\ shall be subjected to Sand Equivalent Test(Tex-203-F). Sand equivalent value shall not be less than 80,unless higher value is shown on Drawings. 2. The acid insoluble residue of the fine aggregate shall not be less than 85%by weight when tested in accordance with test method Tex-612 J. When natural sand is used as fine aggregate this requirement will be waived. 3. Delete Paragraph 2.01.E and replace with the following: E. Mineral Filler: Class C fly ash of acceptable quality and meeting requirements of ASTM C618 may be used as mineral admixture in concrete mixture. When fly ash mineral filler is used, it shall be stored and inspected in accordance with ASTM C618. Fly ash shall not be used in amounts to exceed 30 percent by absolute volume of cementitious material in mix design. Note: When fly ash is used, the term"cement" is defined as cement plus fly ash. 4. Delete Paragraph 3.03.A and replace with the following: "A. Alternate equipment and methods,other than those required by this article,may be used provided the Contractor demonstrates that equal, or better, results will be obtained. Maintain equipment for preparing subgrade and for finishing and compacting concrete in good working order. 06/04 02751 - S2 CITY OF PEARLAND CONCRETE PAVEMENT 5. Delete Paragraph 3.12.A and replace with the following: "A. Place contraction joints at same locations as in adjacent pavement or at spaces indicated on Drawings. Maximum spacing of contraction/construction joints, 24 feet. Seal groove with joint sealing compound." 6. Delete Paragraph 3.14.A and replace with the following: "A. Contractor may use sawed joints as an alternate to contraction and weakened plane joints. Circular cutter shall be capable of cutting straight line groove minimum of Y2 inch wide. Depth shall be one quarter of pavement thickness plus %2 inch. Commence sawing as soon as concrete has hardened sufficiently to permit cutting without chipping, spalling or tearing and prior to initiation of cracks. Once sawing has commenced,it shall be continued until completed. Make saw cut with one pass. Complete sawing within 12 hours of concrete placement. Saw joints at required spacing consecutively in sequence of concrete placement. 7. Delete Paragraph 3.25.D and replace with the following: D. At the Engineer's direction a minimum of one 4-inch core may be taken at random locations per 1,000 feet per lane or 500 square yards of pavement to measure in-place depth. Each core may be tested for 28-day compressive strength according to methods of ASTM C42. The 28-day compressive strength of each core tested shall be a minimum of 3500 pounds per square inch. Compressive strength shall not be utilized to satisfy the flexural strength requirements. END OF SECTION 06/04 02751 - S3 RETAINING WALL SECTION 02755 _ RETAINING WALL PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. This Item shall govern for furnishing the.materials and constructing retaining wails as shown on the plans and required by this Section. 1.02 UNIT PRICES A. Retaining walls will be measured by the square foot of the front surface:area of the wall. Unless --otherwise shown on the plans, the area will be measured from one(1)foot below finished grade to the top of wall including any coping required. B. Payment for Retaining Wall shall be full compensation for excavation in back of retaining walls and for footings; furnishing and placing footings, leveling pads, copings and all railing foundations,when required; furnishing,placing and compacting backfill(except as shown below),including cement for stabilization; furnishing and placing concrete,reinforcing steel, waterproofing material,filter material and drain pipe,joint material,water stop, and filter fabric when required; fabricating,curing and finishing all panels; furnishing and placing earth reinforcement, anchorage systems and fasteners; for wall erection; and for all labor,tools, equipment and incidentals necessary for a complete retaining wall. C. Retaining wall backfill areas which are also in embankment areas will be measured and paid for as specified in Section 02330—Embankment. Such backfill material shall meet the • requirements of the retaining wall type used. . D. No payment will be made for piling or drilled shafts,except when used as foundations for spread footing or MSE walls. . 1.03 DEFINITIONS . A. Mechanically Stabilized Earth(MSE)walls shall consist of a volume of select backfill with tensile reinforcing elements distributed throughout and a concrete.facing. 1.04 SUBMITALS A. Submittals shall conform to requirements of Section 01350—Submittals. • B. When proprietary wall systems are used, or when otherwise shown on the plans,the Contractor shall prepare and submit working drawings and design calculations. Prior to fabrication,the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer seven(7)sets of casting drawings, seven(7)sets of 02755 _-1 • RETAINING WALL construction drawings and two(2)sets of design calculations. Upon completion of construction, one(1) set of reproducible as-built drawings shall be submitted to the Engineer. C. Casting drawings shall include all information necessary for precasting wall elements,including railing and coping when it is to be prefabricated. Casting drawings shall reflect shape and dimensions of panels; size,quantity and details of the reinforcing steel; the quantity,type,size, and details of connection and lifting hardware, and any additional details necessary. D. Construction drawings shall include a numbered panel layout,and shall reflect horizontal and vertical alignment of the walls as well as the existing and proposed groundlines,.as shown on the plans. The drawings shall also include all information needed to erect the-walls including the proposed leveling pad elevations; the type and details of the soil reinforcing system(if • applicable); the details and manufacturer of all pads,fillers,and filter fabric; the limits and• . dimensions of structural backfill; details necessary to incoiporate•coping,railing,drainage and . • electrical conduit as shown on the plans; and any additional details necessary to-complete the • work. E. Leveling pad elevations may vary from the elevations shown on the plans. Unless otherwise noted on the plans,one(1)foot minimum cover shall be provided from the top of the leveling . • pad to.finish grade. • . • F. Design calculations shall include a summary of all design parameters used,including material :. Cub\ types, strength values and assumed allowables; assumed loads and loading combinations; and factor of safety parameters. • G. Calculations shall be submitted covering the range of heights and loading conditions on the . project. Both internal and external stability calculations will be required. H. Construction drawings and design calculations shall bear the seal.of.a Registered Professional Engineer. PART2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS • A. Concrete: Shall conform to the pertinent requirements of Section 0330-Cast-in-Place Concrete and Section 03310—Structural Concrete. Unless otherwise shown on the plans, concrete for retaining walls shall conform to the following: Cast-in-Place,Reinforced Class"A" Cast-in-Place,Nonreinforced Class "C" Precast ASTM C76,f'c=4000 psi B. Reinforcing Steel: Shall conform to the pertinent requirements of Section 0330—Cast-in-Place ti Concrete. C. Filter Fabric Material: Shall conform to ASTM D-4632 or ASTM D-3786. 02755 - 2 • RETAINING WALL D. Earth Reinforcement: shall be as shown on the plans. All steel elements in contact with soil shall be galvanized or epoxy coated. Epoxy coating shall be in accordance with ASTM A775/A775M,except that the coating thickness shall be a minimum of 18 mils. E. Joint fillers,pads,waterstops, and other incidental materials shall be as shown on the plans,or approved by the Engineer. F. Backfill Material: Shall be free from organic or otherwise deleterious materials, and shall conform to the following gradation limits as determined by Test Method Tex-110-E: •Sieve Size Percent Passing Type A 3 inches 100 No. 40 0-60 • • No.200 .0-15 • • • Type B 6 inches 100 3 inches 75-100 No.200 0-15 - 1. Type B material not meeting the No.200 sieve gradation limit stated above may be used if it conforms to the following requirements: a. The percent passing the No. 200 sieve as determined by Test Method Tex-110-E shall not exceed 25 percent. b. The Plasticity Index(P.I.)as determined by Test Method Tex-106-E shall not exceed six(6). c. The material,when compacted to 95%of Da density as determined by Test Method Tex-114-E at optimum moisture content,shall exhibit an angle of internal friction of not less than 34 degrees as determined by Test Method Tex-117-E. • 2. When the backfill gradation results in 15 percent or less material passing the No.40 sieve, • when tested in accordance with Test Method Tex-110-E, the backfill will be considered rock backfill. 3. Unless otherwise shown on the plans,Type B backfill shall be used. 4. The pH range shall be from 5.5 to 10.0 as determined by Test Method Tex-128-E. 5 The resistivity shall not be less than 3000 ohms-cm as determined by Test Method Tex- 129-E. Material with a resistivity between 1500 and 3000 ohms-cm may be used provided the chloride content does not exceed 100 ppm and the sulphate content does not exceed 200 02755 —3 RETAINING WALL ppm as determined by Test Method Tex-620-J. 6. MSE wall systems using nonmetallic or epoxy coated metallic reinforcements may use backfill which does not comply with the pH and resistivity requirements. Epoxy coated metallic reinforcements may be used only when shown on the plans or approved by the Engineer..All connection hardware used with nonmetallic or epoxy coated reinforcements shall likewise be nonmetallic or epoxy coated. When nonmetallic or epoxy coated reinforcements are used, the maximum allowable backfill particle size shall be 3/4 inch. • • 7. Unless otherwise shown on the plans,the Contractor shall have the option of stabilizing . backfill for MSE walls with five(5)percent portland cement by dry weight of the backfill . material. 8. When Type A backfill is shown on the plans, the Contractor may use Type B backfill stabilized with five(5)percent portland cement by dry weight of the backfill material. 9. When cement stabilized backfill is used,special drainage provisions shall be provided as shown on the plans. .10. When cement stabilized backfill is used,gradation,pH,and resistivity testing shall.be run • on the raw,unstabilized backfill material. Testing for angle of internal friction will not be required. . • G. Pipe Underdrains: Shall conform to the pertinent requirements of Special Specification—Pipe Underdrains. . • PART3 EXECUTION .. • . 3.01 CONSTRUCTION A. The foundation for the structure shall be graded level for a width equal to or exceeding the approved length of the reinforcing system or as shown on the plans. Prior to wall construction, the foundation shall be compacted with a smooth wheel vibratory roller or other roller approved by.the Engineer. Any foundation soils found to be unsuitable shall be removed and • replaced. B. Drilled shafts and piling located within the MSE volume shall be placed prior to construction of the retaining wall. C. . At each foundation level, a concrete leveling pad shall be provided as shown on the plans. The leveling pad shall be given a wood float finish and shall be in place a minimum of 24 hours before panel erection begins. No curing or strength testing of the leveling pad concrete will be required. 02755 — 4 RETAINING WALL D. Filter fabric shall be placed behind all wall joints, and at the intersection of retaining walls with other structures, including riprap. Filter fabric shall cover joints a minimum of six(6) inches on each side and shall be positively held in place. E. As fill material is placed, the panels shall be maintained in position by methods acceptable to the Engineer. Care shall be exercised during lifting, setting, and alignment of panels to prevent damage to the panels. Any operation which results in chipping,sinning,or cracking of panels shall be discontinued. Damaged panels shall be removed and replaced,or repaired, as approved by the Engineer, at the Contractor's expense. External bracing may also be required for the initial.lift. • F. Vertical tolerances and horizontal alignment tolerance shall not exceed 314 inch when measured along a 10-foot straight edge. The maximum allowable offset in any panel„joint shall be 3/4 inch. The overall vertical tolerance of the wall (plumbness from top to.bottom) . shall not exceed 1/2 inch per 10 feet of wall height. G. Backfill placement shall closely follow the erection of each lift of panels. At each reinforcement level,backfill shall be leveled and compacted before placing the reinforcement. Reinforcements shall be placed perpendicular to the face of the wall,unless otherwise shown on the plans..The normal lift thickness will be eight(8)inches(loose measurement). The Contractor may increase • or decrease the lift thickness if necessary to obtain the required.compaction. Compaction shall be accomplished.without'distortion or damage to the reinforcement system. Compaction.in a strip . three(3)feet wide adjacent to the backside of the wall shall be accomplished with hand operated or walk-behind compaction equipment. Compaction shall continue until there is no evidence of further compaction. Prior to and in conjunction with the rolling operation, each layer shall be broughtto the moisture content directed by the Engineer,and.shall_be kept leveled with suitable equipment to insure uniform compaction over the entire layer. Should the backfill,for any reason or cause, lose the required stability or finish, it shall be recompacted:and refinished at the Contractor's expense. If displacement of panels occurs during compaction, the Engineer may increase the width of the strip,or require modified procedures. H. For systems utilizing nonmetallic earth reinforcements,each layer of reinforcement shall be pretensioned to remove slack before placement of backfill. The devices used shall be.capable of mechanically applying and holding the required force. Before starting work,the Contractor - . . shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Engineer the method proposed for pretensioning the • reinforcement. I. The Contractor shall.be responsible for maintaining the stability of the interface area between the embankment or natural ground and the select fill. Any loosening,caving,or other failures in this area shall be removed and replaced at the Contractor's expense. J. Unless otherwise shown on the plans, or when rock backfill as previously defined herein is used,each backfill layer shall be sprinkled as required and compacted to the extent necessary to provide the density specified below: Location Density,Percent (""*\ Top three(3)feet under travel Not less than 95% way(roadway plus shoulders) 02755 - 5 RETAINING WALL All other areas Not less than 90% K. The laboratory density determination will be made in accordance with Test Method Tex-114- E. Field density determination will be made in accordance with Test Method Tex-115-E. L. Rock backfill or material which in the opinion of the Engineer will make density testing impractical shall be compacted by the following provisions: 1. Each layer shall not exceed eight(8)inches of loose depth,unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. Each layer shall be compacted in accordance with the provisions governing the Item or Items of"Rolling". Unless otherwise specified on the plans,the rolling equipment shall be as approved by the Engineer. Compaction shall continue until there is no evidence • of further compaction. Prior to and in conjunction with the rolling operation,each layer shall be brought to themoisture content directed by the Engineer,and shall be kept-leveled with suitable equipment to insure uniform compaction over the entire layer.. Should the subgrade, for any reason or cause, lose the required stability or finish, it shall be • recompacted and refinished at the Contractor's expense. • • Vibratory compaction may be required. The upper two (2)feet of the rock backfill shall contain no stones larger than three(3)inches in their greatest dimension and shall be. composed of material with sufficient fines to fill the voids in a compacted state. • ribk\' • M. •When rock backfill material is used,the same type of filter fabric used behind the panel joints • • - shall.be used to cover the-rock backfillmaterial prior to placing the upper two(2).feet.--The -• • • fabric shall have a minimum overlap of at least 18 inches and extend past the edge of the rock . backfill material at least 18 inches. N. The Contractor shall beresponsible for preventing surface water or rainwater:from damaging the retaining walls during construction. This shall include shaping the backfill to prevent water from ponding or flowing.on the backfill or against the wall face. Any damage or movement caused by erosion,sloughing, or saturation of the retaining wall or embankment backfill shall be repaired at the Contractor's expense. . END OF SECTION 02755 - 6 CITY OF PEARLAND TRAFFIC PAINT (WATER BASED) Cimh\; SECTION 02763 TRAFFIC PAINT (WATER BASED) 1.0 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Traffic paint (water based) • 1.02 UNIT PRICES A. Measurement for traffic paint (water based) pavement markings is on a linear foot basis, measured in place. B: Refer to Section 01200 -Measurement and Payment for unit price procedures. 1.03 SUBMITTALS • A.. Submittals shall conform to requirements of Section 01350 - Submittals. (gib\ B. Coatings shall conform on a weight basis,to the composition requirements of the standard formula. The finished coatings shall conform with all requirements stipulated for each standard formula and in addition shall equal a Wet Standard in characteristics such as color,drying,flow,settling,brush ability,can stability, hiding, etc. C. Film characteristic shall conform with gloss, hardness, light permanency, adhesion,etc. When testing for such conformity,the coating shall be applied and tested under parallel conditions with the Wet Standard. D. The finished product shall be free of skins and foreign materials. All products required to meet these specifications shall be inspected and tested. Testing shall be done in accordance with the Texas State Department of Public Transportation, "Manual on Testing Procedures". 1.04 DELIVERY AND STORAGE A. Shipment shall be made in suitable, strong, well sealed containers that meet specifications and federal requirements. Shipment shall also sufficiently sturdy to withstand normal handling to which shipments are subjected in transit. Finished coating containers and cases shall be plainly marked and securely labeled with the name and designation of the coating,order number,requisition number, batch number, date of manufacture, gross weight and manufacturer's name. Labeling shall be on the sides of containers and cases. Labels must be 10/02 02763-1 CITY OF PEARLAND TRAFFIC PAINT (WATER BASED) sufficiently moisture resistant to withstand outdoor storage for a minimum of (1111-\ one year. When the finished product is palletized for shipment,the labels shall be on the outside for easy identification. B. Raw materials and finished coatings,when stored, shall be in an orderly fashion that will permit proper and correct inventory of these materials at all times. C. Containers shall be filled by weight based on the actual gallon weight of the paint at 77° F. 2.0 PRODUCTS • 2.01 RAW MATERIALS A. The exact brands and types of raw materials used in the Wet Standard are listed for the purpose of facilitating the selection. The selection of parallel material equal not only in quality and composition but also in physical and chemical behavior after being used in the finished product. • B. Materials shall conform with the latest edition of Federal &ASTM Specifications. • C. Pigments • : • (1111.\r 1. White a. Titanium Dioxide shall meet ASTM Specification D476, Type I or II. b. Lead Free Zinc Oxide shall meet ASTM Specification D79, either American process or French process. 2. Colored: Titanium Dioxide, Rutile, non-chalking: Specific Gravity 4.05 to 4.15 Oil Absorption 16 to 20% Moisture 0.5%Max. Pigment Retained 0.1%Max. On No. 325 Sieve Ti02 Content 95%Min. Fe203 Content 2.0 to 3.0% pH 6.5 to 7.0 Ignition Loss 0.35%Max. Y (luminosity) 42.5 to 45.5 D. Medium Chrome Yellow (1111.\ 1. Color and Characteristics.The luminance factor of the pigment shall be t 0/02 02763-2 CITY OF PEARLAND TRAFFIC PAINT (WATER BASED) within the limits listed below when tested before and after exposure. (.111.1' Min. Max. Initial 53 59 Final 45 -- In addition,the allowable change between the initial and final luminance factors shall be no more than 9 units. The initial and final CIE Chromaticity Color coordinates of the pigment shall be within the rectangle defined by the sets of coordinates (0.490, 0.455), (0.511, 0.433), (0.514, 0.480), and (0.535, 0.488). • 2. Method of Test. The pigment shall be tested in accordance with Test Method Tex-810-B,two coats. The formulation for the test enamel using the pigment to be tested is as follows: a.) Material Parts by Weight • • Medium Chrome Yellow 600 75%Traffic Alkyd Resin(1) 298 4% Calcium Drier 5 6% Cobalt Drier 2 6% Zirconium Drier 2 • • Anti-Skinning Agent 2 Mineral Spirits 172 (2) b.) Traffic Alkyd Resin Solution shall meet the requirements of the part of this section titled "Resins" below. c.) The amount of Mineral Spirits may be varied slightly to produce the desired grinding consistency. d.) Extenders 1. Calcium Carbonate CaCo3 97.0% Min. H2O 0.4%Max. Density 2.6302 to 2.7299 Weight Retained on No. 325 Sieve 0.75%Max. Color: Equal to material listed in Standard Formula. Substitution in a Standard Formula shall not result in a viscosity variation greater than 5 KV. 2. Talc -ASTM D605 10/02 02763-3 CITY OF PEARLAND TRAFFIC PAINT (WATER BASED) 3. Silica Si02 99.5% Min. H2O 0.05%Max. Density 2.5810 to 2.7011 Oil Absorption 25 lb/100 lb Max. ASTM D281 Weight Retained on No. 325 Sieve 1.0%Max. E. Resins 1. Acrylic Traffic Resin shall be similar and equal to the standard sample approved by the State Department of Transportation. Solid Contents, Percent 60.0 - 62.0 Viscosity,#3 Spindle 840 - 860 60 RPM, cps pH 8.8 - 9.0 • Density, 25°C - C 1.066 to 1.078 2. In addition to the above requirements, the infrared spectrum and . gel permeation chromatogram shall match the standard spectrum Climb\ and chromatogram on file with the State Department of Public Transportation. F. Miscellaneous Materials 1. Water, Potable 2. Methyl Alcohol, ASTM D1152 with Refractive Index 1, 3320 Max. 3. Diethylene Glycol Monobutyl Ether, Glycol Ether DB Boiling Range, C° 228 to 234 Flash Point, C°,COC 115 Min. Density, 25, C° 0:948 to 0.953 Refractive Index, 20°C 1.4314 to 1.418 Color Water, White Appearance Clear, Sediment Free Refractive Index 1.4290 Min. 4. Anti-Skinning Agent 5. Dispersant-Byk 156, Byk Chemie 6. Surfacant-Triton CF-10, Union Carbide 7. Defoamer 8. Hydroxy Ethyl Cellulose-Natrasol 250 LR, Aqualon 9. Attapulgate Clay-Attagel 50, Eulehard 10. Preservative 10/02 02763-4 CITY OF PEARLAND TRAFFIC PAINT (WATER BASED) G. FORMULA 1. WPT-10, WHITE WATER BASED TRAFFIC PAINT POUNDS Acrylic Emulsion, 60% Solids, Rhom & Haas, TP-257 460 Coalescent, Glycol Ether DB 20 Coalescent, Exxon, Exxate 800 10 Titanium Dioxide, Rutile Type II 150 Silica 125 Calcium Carbonate, JM Huber, Hubercarb M-4 400 Attapulgate Clay, Engelhard, Attagel 50 4 Hydroxy Ethyl Cellulose, Aqualon,Natrosol, 250 LR 2 Defoamer 4 Dispersant, Byk Chemie, Byk 156 6 Surfactant, Union Carbide, Triton CF-10 2 Methyl Alcohol 20 . Preservative 3-7 Water, Potable 90 TOTAL 1300 Density: ±0.05 Kg of theorectical density • Grind: 4 Min Particles: 8 Max (Test Method Tex-806-B) • Viscosity: 80-100 KV (11"\' • Skinning: No skinning within 48 hours (Test Method Tex-811-B) 2. YPT-10, YELLOW WATER BASED TRAFFIC PAINT POUNDS Acrylic Emulsion, 60% Solids, Rhom& Haas, TP-257 460 Coalescent, Glycol Ether DB 20 Coalescent,Exxon,Exxate 800 10 Medium Chrome Yellow, Cookson Y-969-L 125 Titanium Dioxide, Rutile Special 25 Silica 125 Calcium Carbonate, JM Huber, Hubercarb M-4 430 Attapulgate Clay, Eugelhard,Attagel 50 4 Hydroxy Ethyl Cellulose, Aqualon,Natrosol, 250 LR 2 Defoamer 4 Dispersant, Byk Chemie, Byk 156 6 Surfactant, Union Carbide, Triton CF-10 2 Methyl Alcohol 20 Preservative 5 Water, Potable 90 TOTAL 1328 Gallon Weight: ±0.10 lb. of theoretical gallon weight Grind: 4 Min Particles: 8 Max (Test Method Tex-806-B) 1 0/02 02763-5 CITY OF PEARLAND TRAFFIC PAINT (WATER BASED) Viscosity: 80-100 KV Skinning: No skinning within 48 hours (Test Method Tex-811-B) 3.0 EXECUTION 3.01 CONSTRUCTION METHOD All traffic paint applications shall meet the following requirements: A. Traffic paint shall be applied with a minimum thickness of 10 mils, measured in dry condition,prior to adding any glass reflective spheres. B. No thinning of the paint is allowed after paint is received from the manufacturer. Paint striping shall be applied when the air temperature is 45°F., and rising. C. Paint marking shall be applied and measured to ±1/4" of the specified widths. Paint thinner can only be used to flush the pumps. The flushing liquid is not to go through the spray nozzles.and onto the roadway. D. All traffic paint marking not meeting these requirement shall be "touched- up" and/or completely remarked to these standards and in accordance with the drawings at Contractor's cost. E. Where traffic buttons exist, the paint shall be applied to the pavement adjacent to,but not on the buttons or markers, unless another method is specified. 3.02 TESTING A. When required, the Contractor shall pay for and provide a testing report to the City performed by a local testing laboratory designated by the Engineer. The report shall verify that the raw and finished materials, to be supplied under this contract, meet the requirements of this specification. These tests shall be paid for by the Contractor. 3.03 REJECTION A. Materials and finished products which fail to meet any or all requirements of these specifications shall be subject to rejection. All materials and finished products rejected by the Engineer, whether in containers or applied to the roadway surface, shall be removed from the job site and replaced with materials meeting specifications and requirements and all costs of such removal and replacement shall be borne by the Contractor. END OF SECTION 10/02 02763-6 M2L Associate Inc. Yost Road SECTION 02810 (.11b\, IRRIGATION SYSTEM PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. The work required under this Section consists of furnishing all labor materials, equipment, services and related items necessary to complete all irrigation system work, and all related work, complete as indicated on the drawings or specified herein. B. The major items of work include, but are not limited to the following: 1. Coverage indicated on Drawings and specified herein. Layout portions of irrigation system not indicated on Drawings to meet specified coverage in compliance with local codes and regulations. 2. Complete irrigation system including trenching and backfilling for all pipes, valves and drain pits, providing mains, laterals, risers, fittings, sprinkler heads, valves, controllers, controller enclosures, backflow preventers, meters, electric wiring, and any and all necessary specialties and accessories. 3. Sleeves and/or bores beneath parking areas, walkways, roads, and driveways where required. 4. Regulate and adjust sprinkler heads, timed sequence control devices, sectional valves and rain over rider. 6. Each zone to comprised of approximately equal water demand. Flow rates through pressure and non-pressure pipe not to exceed 5 feet per second. 7. Sprinkler heads and/or bubblers in a zone shall have the same precipitation rate. 8. Provide 100 percent coverage by locating heads as recommended by the manufacturer. Proper overlap shall prevent "scalloping". No throw is permitted over walks, drives or buildings. 9. Turf and unlike plant materials shall be zoned separately based on water needs. 10. Locate heads discretely using risers only in shrub beds. 11. Heads adjacent to pavement shall be installed on swing joints. 12. Consider all plant heights and grade changes in design and installation of the irrigation system. B. Work items included in this section relate specifically to the installation of the drip irrigation portion of the irrigation system. Items include, but are not limited to the following: C. Other major work items included in the Contract and related to this section , that are found in Section 02810 Irrigation include, but are not limited to the following: 1. Dripper lines shall be located as recommended by manufacturer, or as specified herein, so as to provide an even and complete distribution of water throughout the planter bed. 2. Dripper lines shall be placed at the depth specified and shall not be visible on the surface. 3. Drippers in a zone shall have the same precipitation rate. 4. Regulate and adjust irrigation zones, timed sequence control devices, sectional valves and rain overrider. 5. Each zone to comprised of approximately equal water demand. Flow rates through pressure and non-pressure pipe shall not to exceed 5 feet per second. 6. Provide 100 percent coverage by locating dripper lines as recommended by the manufacturer and as indicated in the Drawings. 7. Turf and unlike plant materials shall be zoned separately based on water needs. Irrigation System 02810-1 March 2004 M2L Associate Inc. Yost Road 8. Consider all plant heights and grade changes in design and installation of the irrigation system. D. The Contractor shall coordinate all activities with the installation of related electrical equipment and primary power wiring by the electrical subcontractor. The Owner shall be responsible for submitting for electrical service from the appropriate local utility service E. The Contractor shall pay for any and all application, permit and installation costs for the proposed meter location(s), as shown on plans. F. Coordinate connection of main line to water meters. G. Irrigation system tests and inspections. H. Record "as built" drawings. I. Clean up and disposal. JI. Warranties. 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with specified requirements. Manufacturers. Firms regularly engaged in manufacturing irrigation systems materials and products, of types and sizes required, whose products have been in satisfactory use in similar service for not less than five (5)years. \slib B. Installer's Qualifications: Firms who have successfully completed execution of a minimum of five (5) contracts involving the installation of irrigation and piping work similar in size and scope to that required for this project. Such experience should be able to be demonstrated through references. Irrigation installation shall be performed under the direction of a State of Texas Licensed Irrigator with not less than five (5)years experience in this type of work. C. Approved Installers: The landscape architect reserves the right to reject a landscape irrigation subcontractor if they do not the basic qualifications, terms, and conditions as outlined in the specifications that specify minimum experience and certifications. or are deemed to not have enough experience with projects of a similar size and scope as is being bid. D. A current set of construction drawings, including addendums, shall be on the construction site at all times while the irrigation system is being installed. Contractor shall make a daily record of all work installed during each day. Actual location of valves and quick couplers and all irrigation and drainage piping shall be shown on the prints by dimensions from easily identified permanent features, such as buildings, curbs, fences, walks or property lines. ' E. Reference Standards Applicable to this Section: 1. ANSI: American National Standards Institute a. Z55.1: Gray Finishes for Industrial Apparatus and Equipment 2. ASTM: American Society for Testing and Materials a. B88: Specifications for Seamless Copper water tube. b. D 1785: Specifications for Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC) Plastic Pipe, Schedules 40,80, and 120. l c. D 2241: Specification for Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC) Pressure-Rated Pipe (SDR Series). Irrigation System 02810-2 March 2004 M2L Associate Inc. Yost Road Ce° ' d. D 2466: Specification for Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC) Plastic Pipe Fittings, Schedule 80. e. D 2564: Specification for Solvent Cements for Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC) Plastic Pipe and Fittings. f. F 690: Practice for Underground Installation of Thermoplastic Pressure Piping Irrigation Systems. g. ASTM B32—Solder Metal h. ASTM B42—Seamless Copper Pipe, standard sizes i. ASTM D2282—Acroylonitrile-Butadience-Styrene (ABS) plastic pipe j. ASTM D2235—Solvent Cement for ADS plastic pipe and fittings. k. NETA 250—Enclosures for electrical equipment (if applicable) 3. AWWA: American Water Works Association a. C 500: Gate Valves, 3 inches through 48 inches NPS, for Water and Sewage Systems. b. C 506: Backflow Prevention Devices, Reduced Pressure Principle and Double Check Valve Types. 4. IAMPO: International Association of Plumbing Mechanical Officials: UBC: Uniform Building Code 5. NEMA: National Electrical Manufacturer's Assoc.: 250: Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1000 Volts Maximum) 6. NFPA: National Fire Protection Association: NFPA 70 (NEC): National Electric Code 7. UPC: Uniform Plumbing Code 8. NSF: National Sanitation Foundation: No. 14: Plastic Piping System Components and Related Materials 9. Regulatory Requirements: a. Conform to applicable City of Pearland Plumbing codes and regulations as well as The Regulations of Safety Orders of the Division of Industrial Safety, The Uniform Plumbing code and any other laws, codes, or regulations that may have jurisdiction over this work. b. Contractor shall in no circumstances proceed with work that is knowingly in conflict with any of the aforementioned codes, laws, or regulations and shall notify the Landscape Architect or Owner's Representative of any such discrepancies or conflicts before proceeding with work that may be affected. c. Arrange inspections required by local agencies and ordinances during the course of construction (if applicable.) 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's technical product data, shop drawings, specifications, and installation instructions for irrigation system materials, including, but not limited to irrigation heads, pop-up bodies, risers, automatic and manual valves, controllers, backflow preventers, pipe and fittings, air relief valves, line flush valves, flow regulators, filters, irrigation boxes, details, and all other related items. and products. Contractor to submit three (3) copies of manufacturer's catalog cuts for review and approval by the Landscape Architect or Owner's Representative. B. Record Drawings: At project close-out, submit record drawings of installed irrigation system piping and products, in accordance with requirements of Division 1. C. Maintenance Data: Submit maintenance data and parts lists for irrigation system materials and products. Include these data, product data, shop drawings and record drawings in maintenance manual, in accordance with the specifications and drawings. Irrigation System 02810-3 March 2004 M2L Associate Inc. Yost Road Clab^\: D. Water: Contractor shall make provisions for all connections required including taps and meters. E. Proiect Closeout: 1. Section 01001 - Basic Requirements and Record Drawings procedures. 2. Record Drawings a). As Builts: Drawings of the completed irrigation system noting all approved field modifications. b). Landscape Architect or owner's representative will provide full- sized prints or reproducibles of the Contract Drawings for the contractor's use. c). The record set shall be turned over to the Landscape Architect or owner's representative at or before the Final Acceptance of the project. 1.04. REVIEWS AND TESTS A. The Contractor shall provide access at all times for inspection of trenches and backfilling by the Landscape Architect or Owner's Representative during all phases of construction. At the request of Landscape Architect, if necessary, contractor shall uncover portions of line and wire during hydrostatic testing and final inspection. B. C. The Contractor shall be responsible for making all repairs required to the irrigation system until the issuance of the Certificate of Substantial Completion. Upon the issuance of the Certificate, the Owner shall assume responsibility for the repair and maintenance of the irrigation system. D. E. All required testing shall be performed at the expense of the contractor. 1.05 UTILITIES AND PROTECTION A. Existing Utilities 1. Contractor shall acquaint himself/herself with all site conditions. Should utilities not shown on the plans be found during excavations, contractor shall promptly notify the Owner for instructions as to further action. Failure to do so will make Contractor liable for any and all damage there to arising from his/her operations subsequent to discovery of such utilities not shown on plan. 2. Contractor shall necessary adjustments in the Layout as may be required to connect the existing stub outs. Should such stubs not be located exactly as shown, Contractor may be required to work around existing conditions at no increase in cost to the Owner. 1.06 PRODUCT DELIVERY AND HANDLING A. Materials shall be delivered in manufacturer's unopened packaging labeled to indicate manufacturer's name and product identification. Insure that packaging and labeling remain intact until installation. Materials shall be stored protected from the elements, including direct sunlight. B. Pipes shall be handled so as to prevent being damaged and to maintain their straightness. Pipe ends shall be wrapped. Pipes shall be stored on beds the full length of the pipes. Damaged or dented pipes or fittings shall not be used. 1.07 DEFINITIONS A. Irrigation Main: Irrigation main is the piping from the water source to control valves. Irrigation main is that pipe which is on the pressure side of irrigation control valves. Irrigation System 02810-4 March 2004 M2L Associate Inc. Yost Road B. Irrigation Lateral Lines: Irrigation lateral line is the piping from the control valves to the irrigation heads. Lateral line is that pipe which is on the non-pressure side of irrigation control valves. 1.08 PERMITS AND FEES A. Contractor shall procure and obtain all permits and pay required fees to any governmental agency having jurisdiction over the work. Inspections required by local ordinances during the course of construction shall be arranged as required. These shall include, but are not limited to, required fees for water meter taps, sub-meters, backflow devices, electrical hookups or any other products or installations requiring agency approval fees. B. On completion of the work, satisfactory evidence shall be furnished to Owner to show that all work has been installed in accordance with the ordinances and code requirements. C. Contractor shall pay all required fees for water meter taps, sub-meters, backflow devices, electrical hookups or any other products or installations requiring agency approval fees. D. Contractor shall not be required to pay for capital recovery fees or other fees required by any governmental agency to provide the necessary utility. 1.09 DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATION AND DETAIL SHEETS A. Scale and Dimensions 1. Consider drawings and specifications as being compatible and therefore work called for by one and not the other shall be furnished and installed as though called for by both. When discrepancies exist between scale and dimension or between the work (lab to be accomplished by each trade, they shall be called to the Landscape Architect's attention immediately. The Landscape Architect's or Owner's Representative decision regarding such discrepancies shall be final and binding. 2. Where diagrams have been made to show piping connections, etc., Contractor is cautioned that these diagrams must not be used for obtaining liner runs or number and type of fittings. 3. All measurements shall be verified at the site. Drawings may not be exactly to scale. 4. Unless otherwise specified within sleeves an/or bores all irrigation equipment shall be placed in landscape areas. 1.10 SUBSTITUTIONS Contractor shall not substitute any irrigation equipment without approval of the Landscape Architect. 1.11 WARRANTY A. Warranty all work done for one year from date of acceptance against all defects in material, equipment and workmanship. Guarantee shall cover repair of damage to any part of the premises resulting from leaks, or other defects in material, equipment and workmanship to the satisfaction of the Owner. Repairs, if required, shall be done promptly, at no cost to the Owner. B. Warranty will include spring start-up and winterizing of system within the one (1) year time and development of approved water application schedule. Winter damage due to improper winterization is the responsibility of the Contractor. C. All repairs and servicing required under the guarantee period shall be made under the observation of the maintenance crew to help train them in the proper operation and repair of the system. Irrigation System 02810-5 March 2004 M2L Associate Inc. Yost Road Clik\' 1.12 PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING A. Section 01001 - Basic Requirements: Pre-construction meeting. B. Irrigation contractor shall attend the scheduled pre-construction meeting that will convene at least one week prior to starting work of this section 1.13 EXTRA MATERIALS A. Section 01001 - Contract Closeout B. Provide: 1. Two sprinkler heads of each type and size 2. Two remote control valve cover keys of each type and size 3. Two quick coupler keys 4. Two quick coupler valve cover keys 5. One extra manual valve key for backflow preventer. 6. Controller manuals and/or instructions. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 GENERAL A. All materials and equipment to be installed new and free from defects or damage. No previously used products shall be used. B. The Contractor shall submit a complete list of materials, including proposed substitutes, to (.114.• the Landscape Architect or Owner's Representative for approval, prior to the start of construction. C. Equipment shall include, but is not limited to 1. Irrigation heads, valves, controllers, backflow preventers, pressure mainlines and non- pressure lateral lines:, fittings, control wiring, decoders, surge protectors, grounding rods, controllers, meters, points of connection, and any and all miscellaneous equipment. 2. Provide piping materials and factory, fabricated piping products of sizes, types, pressure ratings and capacities as indicated. Where not indicated, provide proper selection as determine by Installer to comply with installation requirements. 3. Provide pipe continuously and permanently marked with manufacturer's name or trademark, size schedule and type of pipe, working pressure at 73 degrees F. and National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) approval. 2.02 IRRIGATION PIPING AND FITTING MATERIALS A. Piping: Provide pipes of one of the following materials of weight/class indicated. Provide pipe fittings and accessories of same material and weight/class as pipes, with joining method as indicated. 1. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC): Sized as shown on the drawings. All PVC pipe shall be continuously and permanently marked with manufacturer's name, material and schedule or type. Pipe shall conform to U.S. Department of Commerce Commercial Standard CS 256-63, or latest revision. PVC pipe schedules as indicated. Irrigation System 02810-6 March 2004 M2L Associate Inc. Yost Road 2. Fittings: PVC 1120, Schedule 80, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) weight as manufactured by Spears or approved equal. Solvent weld as described below. No saddle type clamping or fittings shall be used. Fittings to conform to ASTM D-2467. B. Piping, Fittings and Connections: 1. Solvent weld pipe - manufactured from virgin polyvinyl chloride (PVC) compound in accordance with the following grades and standards. a). Main all sizes: ASTM D 2231, PVC 1120, SCH-40, 200 PSI(class 200) b). Laterals 1/2" Diameter: ASTM D 2241 , PVC 1120, SDR 13.5, 315 PSI(class 315) c). Laterals 3/4" Diameter and larger: ASTM D 2231, PVC 1120, SDR 21, 200 PSI(class 200) d) Fittings - Standard weight, Schedule 80, injection molded PVC, complying with ASTM D1784 and D2466, cell classification 12454-B. 1) Threads - injection molded type (where required). 1) Tees and ells -side gated. e) Threaded nipples -ASTM D2464, Schedule 80 with molded threads. f) Joint Cement and Primer - Type as recommended by manufacturer of pipe and fittings. 2. Gasketed End Pipe - Manufactured from virgin polyvinyl chloride (PVC) compound in accordance with ASTM D2241 and ASTM 1784; cell classification 1254-B, Type 1, Grade 1, Size: 3" and larger. Mains and laterals: SDR-21, 200 psi(class 200) a). Fittings 3" and above - Series 200, injection molded PVC, complying with ASTM D1598, D1599, D3139, F610. b). Gaskets - Factory or Distributor installed in pipe and fittings, having a metal or plastic support within gasket or plastic retainer ring for gasket. c). Lubricant-As recommended by manufacturer of pipe fittings. 3. Fittings for Sprinkler and Quick Coupler Swing Joints: a). PVC Schedule 80 "Marlex" street elbows b) Threaded PVC Nipples shall be Schedule 80 PVC. c). Lengths of PVC nipples as shown on plans d). PVC Schedule 80 thread-to-thread elbows. 4. Copper Tubing: ASTM B 88, Type K. 5. Galvanized Fittings a). All fittings shall be of the same materials as the pipe and galvanized, as manufactured by"Grinnel", or approved equal. b). Use "Permatex" pipe compound for all threaded joints. 2.03 OUTLETS A. Manufacturers 1. As specified on the contract drawings 2. No product substitutions shall be permitted except those approved by the Landscape Architect. B. Quick-Coupling Valves 1. Valve and key shall be the manufacturer indicated on the Drawings or an approved equal. 2. Furnish two (2) valve keys fitted with three-quarter inch (3/4") swivel hose ells. C. Rotor Heads 1. Rotor heads shall be the manufacturer indicated on the Drawings or an approved equal. Irrigation System 02810-7 March 2004 M2L Associate Inc. Yost Road (114 2. See irrigation plan legend for model #. 3. Provide Seal-A-Matic option for heads on irrigation zones that have differential slope conditions. 4. All pop-up bodies shall have a pressure reducing device installed. D. Spray Heads 1. Spray heads shall be the manufacturer indicated on the Drawings or an approved equal. 2. See irrigation plan legend for model #. 3. Provide Seal-A-Matic option for heads on irrigation zones that have differential slope conditions. 4. All pop-up bodies shall have a pressure reducing device installed. 2.04 DRIPPER LINE AND MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT(If Applicable) A. See Section 02985— Drip Irrigation 2.05 VALVES A. Quick Coupling Valves: Rain Bird NS33, or approved equal - shall have heavy duty brass construction, durable thermoplastic rubber cover, stainless steel internal valve spring, one- piece body design. Provide four valve keys with 3/4 inch swivel hose ells. B. Gate Vales: 1). Gate Vales 3" and Under: Brass construction; solid wedge; IPS threads; and non- rising stem with cross handle; 200 PSI hydrostatic test pressure. 125 lb. bronze construction, non-rising, as manufactured by"Grinnel", Red and White, or approved equal. 2). Gate Valves 3-1/2" and Over: Iron body, brass or bronze mounted AWWA gate valves with a clean waterway equal to full nominal diameter valve; rubber gasket or mechanical joint only; 200 PSI hydrostatic test pressure. by "Grinnel", Red and White, or approved equal. C. Electric Remote Control Valves(Standard System Only) 1). Remote control valves shall be normally closed, 24 volt AC 60 Cycle, solenoid actuated globe pattern diaphragm. Valve pressure rating shall be 200 psi minimum. 2). Valve body and bonnet shall be constructed of heavy duty glass-filled nylon. Diaphragm shall be nylon reinforced rubber. Solenoid coil shall be encapsulated in molded epoxy. 3). Valve shall be actuated by a low power, 2.0 watt 24 volt AC Solenoid. 4). Valve shall have a flow control stem with wheel handle for regulating or shutting off flow of water and a bleed plug for manual operation. 5). All valve integral parts shall be removable from top of valve without disturbing the valve installation. 6). Irritrol Century Plus 100 series, pressure regulating, OMR-100, or approved equal, size as noted on plans. D. Electric Remote Control Valves(Drip System) t �' 1). See Specifications Section 0985— Drip Irrigation Irrigation System 02810-8 March 2004 M2L Associate Inc. Yost Road E. Electric Remote Control Valve Tags Remote control valve tags shall be manufactured from polyurethane Behr Desopan and shall be 2.25" x 2.75" hot stamped with 1 1/8" black letters on a yellow background. Christy Irrigation I.D. Tags", or approved equal. F. Backflow Prevention Device: 1. Install pressure-type backflow preventer at required grade per applicable plumbing code. All exposed main line and main line risers above PVC main elevation, shall be type "K" copper. Install one (1) brass union in riser downstream, or device. 2. Wrap all controllers with foam-type insulation. G Backflow Prevention Device Enclosure: 1. Stainless steel, expanded metal enclosure. 2. Concrete base enclosures shall be provided with galvanized or stainless steel mounting template and "hook" bolts for setting the template into the concrete base. Contractor to provide a minimum 4"thick concrete base that is large enough to adequately secure the cabinet in place and extends 4" beyond the extent of the enclosure 3. Extend water service pipes up through concrete base. 4. Provide six (6) sets of keys to Owner. 5. Manufacturers: Rainman, Tanco, or Strong Box, or other approved manufacturer. 2.05 VALVES BOXES A. Valve Boxes 1. Valve boxes shall be injection-molded of polyesters and fibrous inorganic, temperature-resistant components. Box shall provide adequate clearance to operate and service valve. Box and lid to be black, as manufactured by Carson Industries, Inc., LaVerne, California (or approved equal). 2. Remote Control Valve Boxes shall be rectangular, approximately ten inches by four- teen inches (10" x 14"), and shall be approximately fifteen inches (15") deep. Model #1419-12 with 1419-2 hinged cover. Extensions for rectangular boxes shall be Carson #1419E-12(or approved equal). 3. Gate Valve and Quick Coupler Valve boxes shall be round, approximately nine inches (9") inside diameter by ten inches (10") deep. Model #910-12. Extensions for round boxes shall be Carson #910E- 12(or approved equal). B. Valve Keys: "Champion"#30, thirty inches (30") long, or equal. Furnish two (2) keys. 2.06 CONTROLLERS A. Manufacturers 1. All controllers shall be positively grounded to a three-quarter inch (3/4") copper rod, driven a minimum of forty-two inches (42") into the ground. All units shall come equipped from the manufacturer with complete lighting and power surge protection. 2. Hunter PRO-C series controller with matching pedestal mounts B. Controller Enclosures 1. Controller enclosure shall be made of stainless steel and be weather proof with a NEMA-4/IP66 rating. Access door shall be fully gasketed. 2. Enclosure shall be vented, with flush mounted, stainless steel locks, and with accessible bottom. Irrigation System 02810-9 March 2004 M2L Associate Inc. Yost Road 3. Pedestal Mounted Cabinets: Pedestal cabinets shall be provided with a mounting template and stainless steel "hook" bolts for setting the template into the concrete base. Contractor to provide 4"thick concrete base that is large enough to adequately secure the cabinet in place. 4. Cabinet shall have large enough and have a universal mounting plate to accept all required irrigation controller equipment. 5. Cabinets shall have pre-drilled cable entry holes and/or pre-punched knockout holes. 6. Cabinets shall be supplied with an internal AC-duplex outlet 7. Provide six (6) sets of keys to Owner. 8. Manufacturers: Rainman, Tanco, or Strong Box, or other approved manufacturer. 2.07 CONTROL WIRES A. Wire: Solid copper wire, U.L. approved for direct burial in ground. Minimum gauge: #14 U.F. Common ground wire shall be white. B. Extra Wire: Supply a minimum of one (1) extra wire for each direction of run to last valve. Extra wire shall be of a fugitive color, loop at each valve for future use. C. Splicing Material: "Scotchlock Sealing Pack" or "Rainbird Snap-Tites" (use separate packs for each splice). 2.08 CONTROL WIRE SPLICE BOXES A. Control wire splice boxes shall be heavy duty concrete 10 inch diameter by 10-1/4 inch deep with cast iron cover, or approved equal. B. Gravel backfill for valve boxes and control wire splice boxes shall be 3/8 inch diameter pea gravel. 2.09 SLEEVES UNDER PAVING FOR CONTROL WIRE AND IRRIGATION LINES A. ASTM D 2466, PVC, Schedule 40, sized as shown on drawings. B. Main Lines: Shall be six inch (6") Schedule 40 PVC piping. C. Lateral Lines: Size per drawings D. Control Wiring: Use two inch (2") Schedule 40 PVC for remote control wiring if as installed separately. When irrigation control wire is to be run in the same sleeve as irrigation mainline, contractor shall utilize a one-inch (1") Schedule 40 PVC sleeve with one (1) continuous pull chord. For controller power feed, use 3/4" galvanized steel, unless otherwise specified on the drawings or existing in the field. 2.10 CONCRETE FOR THRUST BLOCKS A. Portland Cement: shall conform to current requirements of ASTM Designation C150, Type I or II cement. B. Coarse Aggregate: Coarse aggregate for regular-weight concrete shall be hard, durable, un- coated, washed, graded, cleaned and screened crushed rock or gravel, conforming to cur- rent requirements of ASTM Designation C33. ("b.\ C. Concrete shall be designated to surpass compressive strength of 3,000 PSI. Irrigation System 02810-10 March 2004 M2L Associate Inc. Yost Road 2.11 WATER METERS AND TAPS Irrigation system water meter and tap materials and construction shall be in accordance with the requirements of the City of Pearland and in accordance with all applicable specifications included in Volume 2 of these specifications. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 SYSTEM DESIGN A. Design Pressures: Pressure shall be as indicated on Drawings, and as measured at last head in circuit. B. Location of Irrigation Lines: Design location is represented as accurately as possible, but the Irrigation plan drawings are conceptual. All irrigation mains, laterals, and equipment shall be located within the planting areas unless where noted to be within designated irrigation sleeves and/or bores. The Contractor may make minor adjustments on site with approval of the Landscape Architect or Owner's Representative as necessary to ensure consistent and even spacing where applicable. C. Adjustments to System: Suggestions for changes in location of piping, etc., advisable in the opinion of Contractor, shall be submitted to the Landscape Architect or Owner's Representative for approval before proceeding with the work, with written assurance that such changes will not cause any extra cost on their part or alteration of design requirements. Contractor shall route piping to avoid existing and proposed trees, planting areas, or structures. B. Location of Irrigation heads: Irrigation heads shall be set back twelve (12") beyond back of curbs, pavement areas, buildings and any other hardscape obstruction. 3.02 INSPECTION A. General: Examine areas and conditions under which irrigation system's materials and products are to be installed. Do not proceed with work until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in a manner acceptable to Installer. B. The Contractor shall inspect the site and become familiar with the conditions upon which he will receive same. The Contractor shall not mobilize his work force until such time as the site is suitably prepared for completion of the work. If the contractor begins work without reporting unsuitable conditions to the Landscape Architect or Owner's Representative this constitutes acceptance of the work conditions by the contractor. Any further removal, repair or replacement of this work caused by unsuitable conditions shall be performed by the contractor at not additional cost to the Owner C. Verify the exact location of all existing surface and underground utilities and structures. The landscape architect does not assume responsibility for inaccurate, incomplete, or missing existing utility information depicted on the contract drawings. The contractor shall note any utility discrepancies, as they are encountered, on a set of drawings to be included in the project"as-built" drawings. D. Verify that required utilities are available, in their proper location, and ready for use. C°16\ E. The Contractor shall protect existing structures and utility services and be responsible for their replacement if damaged by him, or make necessary adjustments in their location, if required, in order to complete the work of this Contract. Irrigation System 02810-11 March 2004 M2L Associate Inc. Yost Road C.In\1 3.03 PREPARATION A. Layout and locations of all piping, sprinkler heads, and other irrigation components for approval by Landscape Architect prior to trenching. B. Review layout requirements with other affected work. coordinate locations of irrigation sleeves under pavement to accommodate the layout of the system C. Should any changes be deemed necessary after award of contract for proper installation and operation of the system, such changes shall be negotiated by the Landscape Architect or Owner's Representative, based upon the enclosed unit price. D. In no case shall spacing of sprinkler heads exceed the distances shown on the drawings and/or those specified in the irrigation legend. Pipe sizes shall conform to those shown on the drawings. No substitutions of smaller pipe sizes will be permitted, but substitutions of larger sizes may be approved. All pipe damaged or rejected because of defects shall be removed from the site at the time of rejection. E. Piping, sprinkler head, and other irrigation components layout is diagrammatic only. It is the intent that piping and irrigation components be located in turf or planting areas, except were the system crossing existing or proposed paving or hardscape areas. Contractor shall route piping to avoid existing and proposed trees, planting areas, or structures. 3.04 INSTALLATION OF SITE SAFEY SIGNAGE A. General: Maintain all warning signs, shoring, barricades, flares and red lanterns as required C.1.4\1 by safety orders of the Division of Industrial safety and local ordinances. 3.05 EXCAVATION AND BACKFILLING A. General: Excavate straight and true with bottom uniformly sloped to low points. Protect existing lawns and plantings. Remove and replant as necessary to complete installation. Replace damaged lawn areas and plants with new products to restore to existing installation's original condition. B. Excavating and Trenching 1. The Contractor shall perform all excavations as required for the installation of the work included under this section, including shoring of earth banks to prevent cave- ins. The contractor shall trench, each day, only as much as required for that day's work. 2. Installation of main and lateral lines by the vibratory flow method will not be allowed. 3. Minimum Cover: Trenches shall be made wide enough to allow minimum of two (2) inches between parallel pipe lines 2 inches and smaller and 6 inches for pipes 2—1/2 inches and larger. A minimum of 12" is required for other utility services . Pipes shall be laid out with horizontal clearance between lines and not stacked. The following minimum cover depths from finish grade as follows: a). 24" minimum cover over main lines. b). 12" minimum cover over control lines from controller to valves. c). 12" minimum cover over lateral lines. d). 4" maximum cover over drip tubing line. 4. Minimum Trench Width: Twelve inches(12) unless otherwise noted on the drawings. ("'\' C. Backfill Irrigation System 02810-12 March 2004 M2L Associate Inc. Yost Road i, 1. Backfill with clean material from excavation after obtaining Owner's approval. t Remove organic material, as well as rocks and debris larger than 1 inch in diameter. Place acceptable backfill in 6 inch lifts, compacting each lift. 2. Existing Lawns: Where trenching is required across existing lawns, (or in event of changes or repairs after new lawn has been established), uniformly cut strips of sod 6 inches wider than trench. Remove sod in rolls of suitable size for handling and keep moistened until replanted. a). Backfill trench to within 6 inches of finished grade and compact. Continue fill with acceptable topsoil and compact to bring sod even with existing lawn. b). Replant sod within 2 days after removal, roll and water generously. c). Resod and restore to original condition all sod areas not in healthy condition equal to adjoining lawns 30 days after replanting. 3. Backfill trench and compact to subgrade elevations to finish grade at a minimum of 95% density under pavement and 85% under planting areas. 4. After the system is operating and required tests and inspections have been made, backfill excavations and trenches with clean soil, free of debris. 5. After backfilling and water settling, soil, around pop-up heads shall be tamped and heads left level with grade and plumb. 6. Compact trenches in areas to be planted, by thoroughly flooding the backfill. 7. Gravel for backfilling quick-couplers, remote control valve boxes and rotor heads shall be three-eighths inch (3/8") diameter"pea gravel". 3.06 INSTALLATION A. General: Unless otherwise indicated, Contractor shall comply with requirements of the (1.6\ Uniform Plumbing Code, latest edition, City of Pearland Plumbing Code, and ASTM F 690. 1. Install pipes, valves, controls, outlets, and any other irrigation components in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. 2. Connect to existing utilities as required. 3. Set outlets and box covers at finish grade elevations. B. Line Installation 1. Piping Mains and Laterals: Lay out sprinkler mainlines and perform line adjustments and site modifications to laterals prior to excavation. Lay pipe on solid subbase, uniformly sloped without humps or depressions. All pipe, fittings, and valves, etc. shall be carefully placed in the trenches. Interiors of pipe shall be kept free from dirt and debris. When pipe laying is not in progress, open ends of pipe shall be tightly closed. • 2. All lateral connections to the mainline, as well as all other connections, shall be made to the side of the mainline pipe. No connections to the top of the line shall be allowed. Pipes shall be bedded in at least two inches (2") of finely divided material with no rocks or clods over one inch (1") diameter, to provide a uniform bearing. In common trenches, do not allow pipe to overlap. 3. Plastic pipe shall be installed in a manner so as to provide for expansion and contraction, as recommended by the manufacturer. 4. Plastic pipe shall be cut with PVC pipe cutters or hacksaw, or in a manner as to ensure a square cut. Burrs at cut ends shall be removed prior to installation, so that a smooth, unobstructed flow will be obtained. Use tinted primer to aid in visual inspection. 5. All plastic-to-plastic joints, except polyethylene, shall be solvent-weld joints or slip- seal joints. Irrigation System 02810-13 March 2004 M2L Associate Inc. Yost Road C. Piping 1. PVC Pipe Assembly: Apply a thin even flow coat of PVC solvent cement to inside of the fitting and pipe mating surface. Cure joints as recommended by the manufacturer and keep pipe and fitting out of service during curing period. Construct watertight joints equal or greater in strength than the pipe. Do not tap pipe at fittings. 2. Install plastic pipe in dry weather, when temperature is above 40 degrees F. and in accordance with manufacturer's written instructions. Allow joints to cure at least 24 hours at temperature above 40 degrees F. before testing. 3. Plastic pipe shall be snaked in the trenches in a manner to provide for expansion and contraction as recommended by pipe manufacturer. D. Solvent-Weld Joints for Plastic Pipes 1. Thoroughly clean all pipe and fitting edges with a clean, dry cloth. 2. Apply a uniform coat of primer to the outside of the pipe and the fitting. 3. Apply a uniform coat of solvent to the outside of the pipe first, and then inside the fitting. Apply a second coat of solvent to the outside of the pipe, and quickly insert it into the fitting. 4. Give the pipe or fitting a quarter turn to ensure even distribution of the solvent, and make sure the pipe is inserted to the full dept of fitting socket. 5. Hold in position for fifteen (15) seconds. 6. Wipe off excess solvent that appears at the outer shoulder of the fitting. Care should be taken so as not to use an excess amount of solvent, causing an obstruction to form on the inside of the pipe. The joints shall be allowed to set at least twelve (12) hours before pressure is applied to the system . E. Threaded Joints for Plastic Pipes 1. Use "Permatex" pipe compound on the threaded PVC fittings, except where Marlex fittings are used. 2. Use strap-type friction wrench only. Do not use a metal jawed wrench. F. Threaded Joints for Galvanized Steel Pipes 1. Factory-made nipples shall be used wherever possible. 2. Apply pipe joint compound to male threads only. G. Valves: 1. Quick Coupling Valves: a). Connect quick coupling valves to irrigation mains by installing a Schedule 40 galvanized swing joint and piping between the quick coupling and the gate valve. b). Swing joints at quick couplers shall have threaded fittings with liquid Teflon sealant. c). Install specified nine inch (9") round box and pea gravel. Top of quick coupler shall be four inch (4") below top of box. Fill box with pea gravel to six inches (6") below top of box. d). Use new and undamaged pre-assemble quick coupler swing joint, using brass nipples and fittings as shown on details. Use Teflon tape for all threaded joints. e). Test swing joint and quick coupler by pressuring to specified main line cdulb pressure. All joints should withstand pressure, while still being flexible. f). Stake quick coupler assembly with specified rebar and two (2) hose clamps. 2. Gate Valves: Irrigation System 02810-14 March 2004 M2L Associate Inc. Yost Road a). Install isolation and branch gate valves directly on main. b). Where gate valves isolate branch mains of a smaller size, size valve to largest main and add reducing fittings down stream of valves. c). Place gate valve on minimum of four inches (4") of pea gravel. Place to cover pipe fully, while leaving handle fully exposed. d). Install specified "Carson" box and "Carson" extension over valve. Box and extensions should extend from finished grade to top of pipe. 3. Remote Control Valves: a). Valve installation shall include setting of the specified valve box to proposed grade. All valves shall be tee'd off the main, to facilitate setting at six inches (6") below grade, measured at the top of the handle. b). Group together, where practical, valve boxes. Place no closer than eighteen inches (18") to walk edges, buildings and walls. c). Gravel Backfill: Set valves in a bed of four inches (6") of pea gravel, and fill to cover half of valve body. d). Adjust automatic control valves to provide flow rate at rated operating pressure required for each irrigation section. e). Install valves in valve boxes, arranged for easy adjustment and removal. Locate valves to ensure ease of access for maintenance such that no physical interference with other elements of the project exist. f). Remote Control Valve Taqs: One Remote Control Valve Tag shall be attached to stem of each electric remote control valve. Tags shall be numbered sequentially. Numbers shall correspond to station numbers in electric controller. Provide tags and corresponding numbers for wires pulled for future valves. g). Valve Boxes: Install valve boxes to cover electric remote control valves. Install two valves maximum in valve box where possible. Top of valve box shall be flush with finished grade. Bury minimum 2 bricks under base of each box as support. H. CONTROL WIRES 1. Install control wires with sprinkler mains and laterals in common trenches, wherever possible. Lay to the side of pipe line. Snake wires in trench, to allow for contraction of wires. Tie wires in bundles at ten foot (10') intervals with 3/4" black electrician's tape. 2. Control wire splices at remote control valves to be crimped and sealed with specified splicing materials. Line splices will be allowed only on runs of more than five hundred feet (500'). Splice each connection in a separate "Scotchlock Sealing Pack". Place all splices in nine inch (9") diameter boxes. 3. Coil control wire and extra wire at each remote control valve connection. Coil by neatly wrapping wire around a section of pipe, ten (10) wraps before splicing. Similarly coil all control wires at each end of all sleeves and where wire changes direction. 4. Install one (1) extra control wire to the control valve located the greatest distance from the controller in each direction, and label each blank end. 5. Install specified "Christy Irrigation Tag", or equal, to each valve wire before making final connection. 6. Separate color coding of control wires by controller is required, with a single fugitive color for all common ground wires. (16\.. I. CONTROL WIRE SPLICE BOXES: Irrigation System 02810-15 March 2004 M2L Associate Inc. Yost Road 1. Install control wire splice box to cover any splice in control wire. Top of valve box shall be flush with finished grade. 2. Bury minimum 2 bricks under base of each box as support. Install control wire splice box to cover wires pulled for future valves. J. BACKFLOW PREVENTERS 1. Make required connection to water supply according to local codes and manufacturer's written instructions. 2. Install pressure type backflow devices at required grade in accordance with the City of Pearland Plumbing Code. Exposed mainline and mainline risers above PVC pipe main elevation shall be copper. Install one brass union in riser downstream of device. K. SPRINKLER SWING JOINTS 1. Install swing joints, as shown on drawings. 2. All joints shall be hand-tightened to eliminate leakage, but loose enough to remain flexible. 3. Where possible, make all connections to the bottom of the sprinkler body. Avoid side connections, except for planter box applications. 4. All head height adjustment shall be made through the swing joint. When adjusted to grade, sufficient adjustment shall remain to facilitate raising or lowering at a later date. L. SPRINKLER INSTALLATION 1. All sprinkler heads and quick-coupling valves shall be set perpendicular to finished (111 grade. Sprinkler heads adjacent to existing walls, curbs and other paved areas, except street edges, shall be set to grade no closer than six inches (6") to such features. Sprinkler heads adjacent to driveways or roadways shall be set to grade no closer than twelve inches (12") to such features. 2. Flush system prior to the installation of sprinkler heads. M. RAIN DETECTOR 1. Rain Detector: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering specified items, which may be incorporated in the work, include the following. 2. "Mini-Clik II" by Glen-Hilton Products, Inc., Bethesda, MD, (301)441-8673. N. ELECTRICAL, AUTOMATED CONTROLLER 1. Install the specified controller units in specified enclosures. 2. Install per local code and manufacturer's latest instructions. 3. All controllers shall be fully grounded and shall include manufacturer-approved lightening protection. A licensed electrician shall connect the supply electricity for the required controllers. O. CONCRETE THRUST BLOCKS 1. Install where the rubber-gasketed irrigation main changes direction, as at ells and tees, and where the rubber-gasketed main terminates. 2. Pressure tests shall not be made for a period of thirty-six to forty-eight (36-48) hours following the completion of pouring the blocks. 3. Blocks for these mains shall be sized and placed in strict accordance with the pipe manufacturer's specifications. Blocks shall be placed to take all thrust created by the maximum internal water pressure. • Irrigation System 02810-16 March 2004 M2L Associate Inc. Yost Road P. WATER METER(S)-IF APPLICABLE 1. Secure the necessary permits from the local water authority 2. Make required connections to water meter per the requirements of the local water authority codes. Q. IRRIGATION BORES 1. All borings shall be performed with a water-lubricated rotary machine. 2. All bores shall be a minimum of eighteen inches (18") below any pavement, or at a depth required by applicable agency code. 3. For bores greater than two inches (2"), a maximum pilot diameter of two inches (2") shall be used, with reamers for larger bores at a maximum of two inch (2") increments 4. Sleeving shall be immediately installed, as part of the boring operation. 5. Provide shoring, if required, to eliminate subsidence from under pavement structures. 6. Report any irregularities and obstructions in the boring process to the Landscape Architect or Owner's Representative R. CONDUITS AND SLEEVES 1. Furnish and install conduit where control wires pass and irrigation lines pass under or through curbs and/or pavement. 2. Conduits for wiring to be of adequate size to accommodate retrieval for repair of wiring and shall extend twenty-four inches (24") beyond edge of walls. Minimum size shall be four inches (4"), unless otherwise noted. 3. Install sleeves for all pipes passing through or under walls, walks, and paving. Sleeving to be of adequate size to accommodate retrieval for repair and wiring, or piping, and shall extend twelve inches (12") beyond edge of paving or other construction, where possible, eighteen inches(18")for roadway paving. Minimum size shall be six inches (6"), unless otherwise noted. 4. Contractor shall provide temporary, vertical extensions with caps to extend 24" above finished grade. 5. Multiple sleeves shall be a minimum of four(4") inches apart horizontally. 3.09 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. General: Notify Landscape Architect, or Owner's Representative, a minimum of forty-eight (48) hours in advance when testing will be conducted. Conduct tests in presence of Landscape Architect, or Owner's Representative Tests to include, but are not limited to: 1. Trenching. 2. Pressure supply line installation and testing. 3. Lateral line and electrical valves. 4. Coverage tests. B Hydrostatic Mainline Test: 1. Test irrigation main line, before backfilling trenches, to a hydrostatic pressure of not less than 100 psi for one (1) hour. Cap risers as needed. Piping may be tested in sections to expedite work. 2. Remove and repair or replace piping and connections which do not pass hydrostatic testing. ___ 3. System shall not lose more than one and one-half (1-1/2) gallons of water in one (1) hour. Irrigation System 02810-17 March 2004 M2L Associate Inc. Yost Road 4. Testing and any subsequent repairs shall be accomplished at the expense of the Contractor C. Operational Testing: Perform operational testing after hydrostatic testing is completed, backfill is in place and dripper lines and/or irrigation heads are adjusted to final position. 1. Contractor shall demonstrate to Landscape Architect, or Owner's Representative that system meets coverage requirements, is as specified and indicated, and that automatic controls function properly. 2. Coverage requirements are based on operation of one circuit at a time. 3. Line Flushing: a). After all piping, risers, and valves are in place and connected, but prior to installation of sprinkler heads, yard hydrant assemblies, and hose valves, thoroughly flush piping system under a full head of water. b). Maintain flushing for 3 minutes though furthermost valve. c). After flushing, cap all risers. 3. Adiusting Irrigation Heads: a). Flush and adjust all sprinkler heads for optimum performance and to prevent over-spray onto walks, roadways, and buildings. b). If it is determined that adjustments in the irrigation equipment will provide proper and more adequate coverage, make such adjustments prior to planting. Adjustments may include changes in nozzle sizes and!degrees of arc as required. c). Lower raised sprinkler heads within 10 days after notification by Contracting Officer. d). Sprinkler head adjustments shall be at the cost of Contractor (g"b‘\ 4. Adiustinq Dripper Lines: a). Lower dripper line that are not a minimum of 4" below finish mulch surface. b). Reconnect loose fittings as necessary.. c). Realign dripper lines to specified spacing. 5. Testing: a). Prior to backfilling, test system for leakage at main pressure piping at 125PSI for four(4) hours. The system is acceptable if no pressure loss is observed during the test period. Contractor shall prove water tightness. b). Testing of pressure main lines shall occur prior to installation of electric control valves. Sustain pressure in lines for not less than 2 hours. If leaks develop, replace joints and repeat test until entire system has been accepted. c). Test piping on the non-pressure side of control valves after system is operational, by observing for leaks in pipe trenches and valve boxes. d). Inspect all valves, and irrigation components for leakage during the test. e) Test backflow as required by City of Pearland. f) Complete test before ground cover is planted for spray heads, and after planting is in place for dripper line installations. 6. When the irrigation system is completed, perform a coverage test in the presence of the Contracting Officer to determine if the water coverage for planting areas is complete and adequate. Correct inadequacies of coverage due to deviations from Drawings. Complete test before ground cover is planted. 3.10 CLEAN UP A. Keep all areas of work clean, neat and orderly at all times. (1116\ B. Paved areas shall be kept clean during installation. C. Clean up and remove all debris from the entire work area so that site is left neat and clean. Irrigation System 02810-18 March 2004 M2L Associate Inc. Yost Road 3.11 DEMONSTRATION AND INSTRUCTIONS A. After completion and testing of the system, the Contractor will instruct the Owner's personnel in the proper operation and maintenance of the system. B. Instruct Owner's personnel in operation and maintenance of system, including adjusting of sprinkler heads. Use operation and maintenance material as basis for demonstration. C. Develop an irrigation spray time schedule for each zone for both the immediate plant material establishment period(±90 days) and for the long-term operation of the system(1 year maintenance period) 3.12 PROTECTION A. Contractor shall be responsible for work until issuance of Notice of Final Acceptance. After delivery, and before and after installation, protect work against theft, injury or damage. Protect open ends of work with temporary covers or plugs during construction, to prevent entry of obstruction material. 3.13 MAINTENANCE A. Contractor shall correctly maintain the irrigation system during the installation process and throughout the landscaping maintenance service period. B. Contractor shall provide Record Drawings showing dimensioned location of valves, meters, vacuum breakers, controllers, and mainline. 3.14 SPARE PARTS Upon completion of the installation, turn over the following spare parts and specialty tools to the owner's authorized representative. Include with the following quantities of items a list of each part with appropriate part number (for ordering replacement products) and local supply store of where these parts can be purchased. 3.15 WARRANTY A. In addition to manufacturer's guarantees or warranties, all work shall be warranted for one (1) year from the date of Substantial Completion against defects in material, equipment and workmanship by the Contractor. Warranty shall also cover repair of damage to any part of the premises resulting from leaks or other defects in materials, equipment, and workmanship, to the satisfaction of the Owner. This shall not be interpreted to include damage caused by vandalism, accident or the result of activities by other parties. B. The irrigation Contractor shall submit a letter of warranty, through the prime Contractor, con- taining the following paragraph: C. "We hereby guarantee that the sprinkler irrigation system that we have furnished and in- stalled is free from defects in materials and workmanship. The work has been completed in accordance with the drawings and specifications, ordinary wear and tear, and/or unusual abuse or neglect, excepted. We agree to repair or replace any defects in material or work- manship which may develop during the period of one year from the date of acceptance, and also to repair or replace any damage resulting from the repairing or replacing of such de- fects at no additional cost to the Owner. We shall make such repairs or replacements r"', within a reasonable time, as determined by the Owner, after receipt of written notice. In the event of our failure to make such repairs or replacements within a reasonable time, after receipt of written notice by Certified Mail from the Owner, we authorize the Owner to Irrigation System 02810-19 March 2004 M2L Associate Inc. Yost Road C°14 proceed to have said repairs or replacements made at our expense and we will pay the costs and charges therefore upon demand." PART 3 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT A. Measurement and payment for Irrigation System shall be on the Lump Sum basis B. Refer to Section 01200— Measurement and Payment END OF SECTION 02810 Irrigation System 02810-20 March 2004 CITY OF PEARLAND LANDSACAPE IRIGATION SUPPLEMENTARY SPECIFICATION SECTION 02811 LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION Section 02811 Landscape Irrigation of the standard technical specifications shall be replaced with Section 02810 Irrigation System in its entirety. END OF SECTION 06/04 02811 - S 1 CITY OF PEARLAND TRAFFIC SIGNAL INSTALLATION SECTION 02890 TRAFFIC SIGNAL INSTALLATION 1.0 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES Traffic signal installation for the intersection of FM 518 at Yost Boulevard 1.02 UNIT PRICE Traffic signal installation. Measurement and payment shall be on a lump sum basis for traffic signal installation,as shown on plans. The amount paid shall be based on the schedule of values submitted for signal installation. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Traffic signal installation prepared in accordance with the Texas Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices(TMUTCD)and sealed by a registered Professional Engineer are included in plans. B. For traffic signal installation at FM 518 at Yost Boulevard,submit schedule of values within thirty(30) days following the Notice to Proceed. Refer to Section 01350—Submittals. C. Make submittals in accordance with the Section 01350—Submittals. 2.0 PRODUCTS 2.01 SIGNS, SIGNALS,AND DEVICES All reference Item numbers and Codes shall be in accordance with TxDOT's "Standard Specifications for Construction of Highways, Street and Bridges"latest revision. 3.0 EXECUTION 3.01 PUBLIC ROADS A. The Contractor shall abide by laws and regulations of governing authorities when using public roads. If the Contractor's work requires that public roads be temporarily impeded or closed, approvals shall be obtained from governing authorities and permits paid for before starting any work. Coordinate activities with the Engineer. B. Contractor shall maintain at all times a 10-foot-wide all-weather lane adjacent to work areas which shall be kept free of construction equipment and debris and shall be for the use of emergency vehicles, or as otherwise provided in the traffic control plan Section 01555 — Traffic Control and Regulation. 06/04 02890-1 CITY OF PEARLAND TRAFFIC SIGNAL INSTALLATION C. Contractor shall not obstruct the normal flow of traffic from 7:00 a.m.to 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. on FM 518 andYost Boulevard, or as directed by the Engineer. D. Contractor shall maintain local driveway access to commercial property adjacent to work areas at all times. E. Contractor shall keep the adjacent street within the work areas clean. The street used for entering or leaving the job area free of excavated material, debris, and any foreign material resulting from construction operations. F. Control vehicular parking to prevent interference with public traffic and parking,and access by emergency vehicles. G. Monitor parking of construction personnel's vehicles in existing facilities. Maintain vehicular access to and through parking areas. H. Prevent parking on or adjacent to access roads or in non-designated areas. 3.02 TRAFFIC SIGNS AND SIGNAL Traffic signal installation shall meet the following requirements, and shall be applied in accordance with the Item"Traffic Signal Installation on FM 518 at Yost Boulevard." r4\, 1. Contractor shall install new signs,traffic signal heads,mast arm system, signal poles, luminaries and luminaries' cable, power services, loop detectors, signal controller, and cabinet, as called out in the plans. 2. Contractor shall remove existing pavement markings as called out in plans. 3. Contractor shall install new conduit, aluminum signs, reflectorized pavement markings, traffic signal cables, and necessary pavement surface preparation, as called out in plans. 4. Contractor shall furnish signal numbers 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, and 12 with 12 inch lens. Furnish signal number 1 with 12 inch lens with"left turn signal"sign(48 in.x 12 in.)and fluorescent baselight. Furnish signal numbers 4 and 10 with 12 inch lens with "Left turn yield on green ball" sign (24in. x 30 in.) vertically mounted on the pole shaft. Furnish signal number 7 with 12 inch lens with"left turn signal" sign(24 in. x 30 in.)vertically mounted on the pole shaft. 5. Contractor to furnish vehicle and pedestrian signals with light emitting diode (led) signal lamp units. 6. Contractor to furnish symbol type pedestrian signals. Furnish necessary materials to install the "push button for walk signal" signs (symbol type) and pedestrian push buttons as shown in the plans. Cab"\I 7. Contractor to route cable for luminaries to the service enclosure. 06/04 02890-2 CITY OF PEARLAND TRAFFIC SIGNAL INSTALLATION 8. Contractor to install walkways as per plans. (7, 9. Contractor to furnish and install full-actuated controller with internal time base coordination unit in a base mounted cabinet. Locate controller,VIVDS cameras and detection zones, etc., as approved. 10. Contractor to furnish and install all other items and related items as per signal plans and notes for permanent traffic signals shown in the plans. 11. All proposed signals shall be LED. 12. Construction shall be in strict accordance to TxDOT specifications. Contractor shall notify OWNER and TxDOT prior to work on the signal. 13. Traffic signal shall be operated and maintained by Contractor during the duration of construction of this project and until OWNER accepts the signal installation. 14. Provide OWNER with all required "red marked" drawings, wiring diagrams, warrantees and guarantees, manuals, certificates, etc. END OF SECTION 06/04 02890-3 1993 Specifications SECTION 02891 SALVAGING TRAFFIC SIGNALS 1. Description.This Item shall consist of the removal of an existing traffic signal(s)and its storage at the location shown on the plans in accordance with this specification or as directed by the Engineer. 2. Construction Methods. The traffic signals shall remain in operation during construction until their removal is directed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall not be responsible for maintenance of the signal(s)during this period of operation. The existing service poles,service pole arms,mast arm pole assemblies,luminaires,signal heads,controllers, and other accessories shall be carefully removed. Removal of all materials shall be performed in such manner that they will not be marred or damaged. Any materials scarred,battered or broken by the Contractor shall be replaced by the Contractor at the Contractor's expense. Unless otherwise shown on the plans,existing concrete foundations that are to be abandoned shall be removed to two(2)feet below finish grade. The remaining hole shall be backfilled with material equal in composition and density to the surrounding area,and by replacing any surfacing,such as asphalt pavement or concrete riprap,with like material to equivalent condition. (111"1\, 09/93 02891 - 1 1993 Specifications (.1"`\ SECTION 02892 12-INCH LED TRAFFIC SIGNAL LAMP UNIT 1. Description. This specification describes the minimum acceptable design and performance requirements for a twelve(12) inch LED (light emitting diode) traffic signal lamp unit. 2. 12 Inch LED Traffic Signal Lamp Unit. (1) General. The LED traffic signal lamp unit shall be designed as a retrofit replacement for existing traffic signal lamps without the use of any special tools for installation. The LED unit shall fit into existing traffic signal housings without modifications. Installation of a retrofit replacement LED unit into an existing traffic signal housing shall only require removal of the existing lens,reflector, and incandescent lamp, fitting of the new LED unit securely in the housing door, and connecting to existing electrical wiring or terminal block by means of simple connectors. Prominent and permanent directional marking(s), an"UP arrow," for correct indexing and orientation shall exist on the LED unit, if proper orientation of the LED unit is required for optimum performance. The manufacturer's name, serial number,manufactured date (month and date) and other necessary identification shall be permanently marked on the backside of the LED unit. A label shall be placed on the LED unit certifying compliance to ITE VTSHS (Vehicle Traffic Control Signal Head Standard). Any deviation to product design after testing and approval from TxDOT shall consist of a new model and must be resubmitted for acceptance. Failure to adhere to this requirement shall be grounds for automatic removal from the TxDOT Qualified Product List(QPL) for an undetermined time. Random testing of average production LED units will be tested to ensure compliance with specification. (2) Physical and Mechanical Requirements. The LED traffic signal lamp unit shall be a single, self-contained device,not requiring on-site assembly for installation into existing traffic signal housings. The assembly and manufacturing process for the LED unit shall be such as to assure all internal LED and electronic components are adequately supported to withstand mechanical shock and vibration from high winds and other vibration sources. Each LED unit shall comprise a UV stabilized polymeric outer shell,multiple LED light sources, and a regulated power supply. LED's are to be mounted on a polycarbonate positioning plate or conformally coated PC board. (3) Optical and Light Output Requirements. The LED's shall be manufactured using AlInGaP (Aluminum-Indium-Gallium-Phosphorous)technology or other LED's with lower susceptibility to temperature degradation than AlGaAs(Aluminum-Gallium- Arsenic)LED's. A1GaAs LED's will not be allowed. 01/03 02892 - 1 The color of the LED traffic signal lamp unit shall be specified on the plans. Each LED unit shall meet minimum laboratory light intensity values, color(chromaticity), and C light output distribution as described in ITE VTCSH part 2 of the specifications,,,, 6.4.5 and 6.4.6 as a minimum. The table below replaces the values in Table 1 of Section 4.1.1 of the ITE VTCSH. The test shall include an expanded view for the Red and Green Ball indications with the following minimums for a period of 60 months, based on normal use in traffic signal operation over an operating temperature range of-40°C to+74°C. In addition, yellow LED unit shall meet or exceed the following minimum illumination values for a minimum period of 60 months, based on normal use in traffic signal operation at 25°C. Minimum Luminous Intensity Values (In Candelas) Expanded View Horizontal Angle RED YELLOW GREEN Vertical Angle (Left/Right) 2.5 339 678 678 +/-2.5° 7.5 251 501 501 12.5 141 283 283 17.5 77 154 154 2.5 226 452 452 7.5 202 404 404 +/-7.5° 12.5 145 291 291 17.5 89 178 178 22.5 38 77 77 27.5 16 32 32 Cila 2.5 50 101 101 7.5 48 97 97 +/-12.5° 12.5 44 89 89 17.5 34 69 69 22.5 22 44 44 27.5 16 32 32 2.5 22 44 44 7.5 22 44 44 +/-17.5° 12.5 22 44 44 17.5 22 44 44 22.5 20 41 41 27.5 16 32 32 +/-22.5° 2.5 20 40 40 17.5 20 40 40 -27 5° 2.5 20 40 40 17.5 20 40 40 -32.5° 2.5 20 40 40 17.5 20 40 40 riljli\ � 01/03 02892 -2 Arrow Indications (in candelas/m2) Red Yellow Green Arrow Indication 5 500 11 000 11 000 LED's for arrow indications shall be spread evenly across the illuminated portion of the arrow area. Arrow LED units shall be tested in conformance with California Test 3001. Measured chromaticity coordinates of LED units shall conform to the chromaticity requirements of the following table, for a minimum period of 60 months, over an operating temperature range of-40°C to +74°C. Each LED unit shall meet the minimum requirements for light output for the entire range from 80 to 135 volts. Chromaticity Standards Red Y: not greater than 0.308, or less than 0.998 -x Yellow Y: not less than 0.411, nor less than 0.995 -x, nor less than 0.452 Green Y: not less than 0.506 - 0.519x, nor less than 0.150+ 1.068x,nor more than 0.730 -x The LED unit tested or submitted for testing shall be representative of typical production LED units. Optical testing shall be performed with the LED unit mounted in standard traffic signal sections without visors or hoods attached to the signal sections. Cisb LED's for arrow indications shall be spread evenly across the illuminated portion of the arrow area. After burn-in,the LED unit shall be tested for rated initial luminous intensity in conformance with this section. Before measurement, the LED unit shall be energized at rated voltage,with 100 percent on-time duty cycle, for a time period of 30 minutes. Test results for this testing shall record the current, voltage,total harmonic distortion(THD) and power factor(PF) associated with each measurement. Photometrics, luminous intensity and color measurements for yellow LED units shall be taken immediately after the LED units are energized. The ambient temperature for these measurements shall be 25°C. Test results for this testing shall record the current, voltage,total harmonic distortion(THD) and power factor(PF) associated with each measurement. (4) Electrical. Each LED traffic signal lamp unit shall incorporate a regulated power supply engineered to electrically protect the LED's and maintain a safe and reliable operation. The power supply shall provide capacitor filtered DC regulated current to the LED's per the LED manufacturer's specification. Design of the power supply shall be such that the failure of an individual component or any combination of components cannot cause the signal to be illuminated after AC power is removed. Any deviation without prior testing and approval from TxDOT, shall be grounds for automatic removal from the QPL for an undetermined time. 01/03 02892- 3 The LED unit shall operate on a 60 Hz AC line voltage ranging from 80 volts RMS to (16"‘ 135 volts RMS. The circuitry shall prevent flickering over this voltage range. Nominal rated voltage for all measurements shall be 117 volts RMS. The LED unit shall be operationally compatible with TS1, TS2, 170 and 2070 controller units, conflict monitors plus features, and malfunction management units currently used by TxDOT and any other Texas government entities. In the case of conflicts between specifications, the latest TxDOT specifications will control. The LED unit shall be designed to sense a loss of light output due to catastrophic LED failures of between 25 and 40 percent. Loss of light output due to LED failure will not be detected for losses of less than 25 percent but will be detected for any loss of light greater than 40 percent. The LED unit, upon sensing a valid loss of light, shall present impedance of at least 500 Kohms to the AC line. Two, captive, color coded, 36 inches long, 600 V, 18 AWG minimum jacketed wires, conforming to the National Electric Code(NEC), rated for service at+105°C, are to be provided for an electrical connection. The LED's shall be arranged in no less than 5 equally loaded circuits. The LED unit shall operate with a minimum 0.90 power factor. Total harmonic distortion(current and voltage) induced into an AC power line by a signal module shall not exceed 20 percent. The LED unit and associated on-board circuitry shall conform to the requirements in Federal Communications Commission(FCC)Title 47, SubPart B, Section 15 regulations concerning the emission of electronic noise. (5) Environmental Requirements. The LED traffic signal lamp unit shall be rated for use in the ambient operating temperature range of-40°C to +74°C. The LED unit shall be dust and moisture tight to protect all internal LED and electrical components. The LED unit shall consist of a housing that is a sealed watertight enclosure that eliminates dirt contamination and allows for safe handling in all weather conditions. Moisture resistance testing shall be performed on the LED unit in conformance with the requirements in NEMA Standard 250-1991 for Type 4 enclosures. Evidence of internal moisture after testing shall be cause for rejection. (6) Production Testing Requirements.Each new LED traffic signal lamp unit shall be energized for a minimum of 24 hours at operating voltage and at a temperature of +60°C in order to cause any electronic infant mortality to occur, and to ensure electronic component reliability prior to shipment. After the burn-in procedure is completed, each LED unit shall be tested by the manufacturer for rated initial intensity at rated operating voltage. 01/03 02892 -4 Destructive testing will be conducted to determine that the LED units are in conformance with the catastrophic LED failure clause in Article 2(4). ria\ 3. Documentation Requirements. (1) Each LED traffic signal lamp unit shall be provided with the following documentation: (a) Complete and accurate installation wiring guide. (b) Contact name, address,telephone number for the representative, manufacturer, or distributor for warranty repair. (c) If requested by the purchaser, the bidders shall supply schematics for all electronics. (2) The Contractor shall be required to submit a copy of the manufacturer's test report certified by an independent laboratory that the LED unit model submitted meets ITE Standards for light distribution, chromaticity, and power(consumption,power factor and harmonic distortion). The table in Article 2(3) of this specification replaces the values in Table 1 of Section 4.1.1 of the ITE VTCSH. In addition,the independent lab report shall specify the drive current being supplied to individual LED's within the LED unit. Designs which require LED's to be operated at currents greater than the LED manufacturer's recommended drive current will not be allowed. (3) One schematic diagram shall be provided for each LED lamp unit, along with any necessary installation instructions. (4) For each LED unit submitted, the manufacturer name,brand and model number of LED's used shall be provided, along with the LED manufacturer's recommended drive current and degradation curves. 4. Warranty. The manufacturer shall warrant the LED traffic signal lamp unit against any failure due to workmanship,material defects, or intensity within the first 60 months of purchase by Contractor. The manufacturer shall provide a written warranty. The LED signal shall meet or exceed minimum luminous intensity values in Article 2(3) during the 60 months. Repaired and replacement LED units shall be warranted for the remainder of the original warranty period. Replacement LED units shall be provided within 5 days after receipt of the failed LED unit at no cost to the State, except the cost of shipping the failed LED units. The LED unit shall meet or exceed 85 percent of the standard light output values specified in the I.T.E. VTCSH, after 60 months of continuous use over the temperature range of— 40°C to+74°C in a traffic signal operation. The measured chromaticity coordinates of the LED unit shall conform to the requirements for chromaticity in Section 8.04 and Figure 1 of the I.T.E. VTCSH over the temperature range of—40°C to+74°C. 5. Measurement. This Item will be measured as each twelve(12)inch LED traffic signal lamp unit complete in place. 01/03 02892- 5 6. Payment. The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under"Measurement"will be paid for at the unit price bid for"12 (11.1.\ Inch LED Traffic Signal Lamp Unit", of the color and type specified. This price shall be full compensation for furnishing, installing and testing units and for furnishing all other materials, labor, tools, equipment and incidentals necessary to complete the work. New traffic signal housings will be paid for under Item 682, "Vehicle and Pedestrian Signal Heads." (.11.\' 01/03 02892- 6 1993 Specifications SECTION 02893 LED PEDESTRIAN SIGNAL LAMP UNIT (SYMBOLIC) 1. Description. This specification describes the minimum acceptable design and performance requirements for a light emitting diode(LED)pedestrian traffic signal lamp unit. 2. Functional Requirements. (1) General. (a) The lamp unit shall be designed to retrofit existing traffic signal housings built to the Institute of Transportation Engineers(ITE)Pedestrian Traffic Control Signal Indications standard without the use of any special tools. (b) Installation of a retrofit replacement lamp unit into an existing signal housing shall only require removal of the existing lens,reflector,and incandescent lamp,fitting of the new unit securely in the housing door,and connecting to existing electrical wiring terminal block. (c) If proper orientation of the lamp unit is required for optimum performance,prominent and permanent directional marking(s),that is an"UP"arrow,for correct indexing and orientation shall exist on the unit. (d) The manufacturer's name,serial number and other necessary identification shall be permanently marked on the backside of the lamp unit. A label shall be placed on the unit certifying compliance Clumb to ITE standards. (2) Physical and Mechanical Requirements. (a) The lamp unit shall be a single,self-contained device,not requiring on-site assembly for installation into an existing traffic signal housing. (b) The assembly and manufacturing process for the lamp unit assembly shall be such as to assure all internal LED and electronic components are adequately supported to withstand mechanical shock and vibration from high winds and other sources. (c) Each lamp unit shall comprise a UV stabilized polymeric outer shell,multiple LED light sources,a regulated power.supply and a polycarbonate back cover assembled in a silicon sealed unit. LEDs are to be mounted on a polycarbonate positioning plate or conformally coated PC board. 01/00 02893- 1 (3) Optical and Light Output Requirements. (a) The LEDs shall be manufactured using AlInGaP(Aluminum-Indium-Gallium-Phosporous) technology or other LEDs with low susceptibility to temperature degradation. AlGaAs(Aluminum- Gallium-Arsenic)LEDs will not be allowed. (b) The color of the lamp unit and whether it is a"Hand"(Don't Walk)or"Walking Person"(Walk) indication shall be as specified on the plans. (c) Each lamp shall meet minimum laboratory values for color(chromaticity)as described in the ITE Pedestrian Traffic Control Signal Indications standard. An independent lab report shall be supplied to TRF Signal Operations Lab for pre-approval. (4) Electrical. (a) Each lamp unit shall incorporate a regulated power supply engineered to electrically protect the LEDs and maintain a safe and reliable operation. The power supply shall provide capacitor filtered DC regulated current to the LEDs per the LED manufacturer's specification. (b) The lamp unit shall operate on a 60 Hz AC line voltage ranging from 80 volts RMS to 135 volts RMS. The lamp unit circuitry shall prevent flickering over this voltage range.Nominal rated voltage for all measurements shall be 117 volts RMS. (c) The lamp unit shall be operationally compatible with controllers and malfunction management units (mmu)currently used by the Texas Department of Transportation. (d) Current conductors to the lamp unit shall be copper, 12 inches long,221 degrees F insulation,and shall conform to the 1999 National Electric Code Article 402,"Fixture Wires". Cifin"\ (e) One(1)schematic diagram shall be provided for each lamp unit,along with any necessary installation instructions. (f) LEDs shall be arranged in no less than five(5)equally loaded circuits for each lamp unit. (g) The lamp unit shall operate with a minimum 0.90 power factor. (h) Total harmonic distortion(current and voltage)induced into an AC power line by the lamp unit shall not exceed 20 percent. (5) Environmental Requirements. (a) The lamp unit shall be rated for use in the ambient operating temperature range of-40 degrees F to +165 degrees F. (b) The lamp unit shall be dust and moisture tight to protect all internal LED and electrical components. (c) The lamp unit shall consist of a housing that is a sealed watertight enclosure that eliminates dirt contamination and allows for safe handling in all weather conditions. (6) Production Testing Requirements. (a) Each lamp unit shall be energized for a minimum of 24 hours at operating voltage and at a temperature of+140 degrees F in order to cause any electronic infant mortality to occur,and to ensure electronic component reliability prior to shipment. (b) After the bum-in procedure is completed,each lamp unit shall be tested by an independent lab for rated initial intensity at rated operating voltage. ` 3. Documentation Requirements. 01/00 02893 -2 (1) Each lamp unit shall be provided with the following documentation: (a) Complete and accurate installation wiring guide. (b) Contact name,address,telephone number for the representative,manufacturer,or distributor for warranty repair. (2) The Contractor shall submit a copy of a test report certified by an independent laboratory that the lamp model submitted meets ITE standards for light distribution,chromaticity,and power(consumption,power factor and harmonic distortion). 4. Warranty. (1) The lamp unit shall be warranted by the manufacturer against failure due to workmanship or material defects within the first 60 months of purchase by the Contractor. (2) If any one(1)LED circuit should fail,it should be easily identifiable by visual inspection and replaced or repaired per the warranty. 5. Measurement. This Item will be measured as each LED pedestrian signal lamp unit complete in place. 6. Payment. The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under"Measurement"will be paid for at the unit price bid for"LED Pedestrian Signal Lamp unit (Symbolic)",of the type specified. This price shall be full compensation for furnishing,installing and testing units and for furnishing all other materials,labor,tools,equipment and incidentals necessary to complete the work. (lib\ • 01/00 02893-3 1993 Specifications CitabN, SECTION 02894 VIDEO IMAGING VEHICLE DETECTION SYSTEM 1. Description.This special specification sets forth the minimum requirements for a Video Imaging Vehicle Detection System(VIVDS)that monitors vehicles on a roadway via processing of video images and provides detector outputs to a traffic controller or similar device. (1) A VIVDS configuration for a single intersection will consist of the following components:Four variable focal length cameras,two 2-channel VIVDS card rack processor system,and all associated equipment required to setup and operate in a field environment including a video monitor and/or laptop(if required), connectors and camera mounting hardware. (2) The system software shall be able to detect either approaching or departing vehicles in multiple traffic lanes. A minimum of 4 detector outputs per video processor module card and each output shall have a minimum of 48 detection zones.Each zone and output shall be user-definable through interactive graphics by placing lines and/or boxes in an image on a video or VGA monitor. The user shall be able to redefine previously defined detection zones. (3) The system shall be composed of these principal items,the camera(s),the field communications link between the camera and the VIVDS processor unit,and the VIVDS processor unit along with a PC,video monitor or associated equipment required to setup the VIVDS. Central control software to communicate to the VIVDS processor unit shall also be supplied. 1 (4) Definitions. (a) VIVDS Processor Unit. The electronic unit that converts the video image provided by the cameras, generates vehicle detections for defined zones and collects vehicular data as specified. (b) VIVDS Processor System. One or more VIVDS processor modular units required to handle the number of camera inputs. (c) Central Control. A remotely located control center,which communicates with the VIVDS. The VIVDS operator at the central control has the ability to monitor the operation and modify detector placement and configuration parameters. The equipment that constitutes central control is comprised of a workstation microcomputer along with the associated peripherals as described in this special specification. (d) Field Setup Computer. A portable microcomputer used to set up and monitor the operation of the VIVDS processor unit.If required to interface with the VIVDS processor unit,the field setup computer with the associated peripherals described in this special specification and a video monitor, also described in this special specification,shall be supplied as part of the VIVDS. (e) Field Communications Link. The communications connection between the camera and the VIVDS processor unit. The primary communications link media may be coaxial cable or fiber optic cable. (f) Remote Communications Link. The communications connection between the VIVDS processor unit and the central control. (g) Camera Assembly. The complete camera or optical device assembly used to collect the visual image. The camera assembly consists of a charged coupled device(CCD)camera,environmental enclosure,sun shield,temperature control mechanism,and all necessary mounting hardware. 12/02 02894- 1 (h) Occlusion. The phenomenon when a vehicle passes through the detection zone but the view from the sensor is obstructed by another vehicle. This type of occlusion results in the vehicle not being Culb\, detected by the sensor. Or When a vehicle in one lane passes through the detection zone of an adjacent lane.This type of occlusion can result in the same vehicle being counted in more than one lane. (i) Detection Zone. The detection zone is a line or area selected through the VIVDS processor unit that when occupied by a vehicle,sends a vehicle detection to the traffic controller or freeway management system. (j) Detection Accuracy. The measure of the basic operation of a detection system(shows detection when a vehicle is in the detection zone and shows no detection when there is not a vehicle in the detection zone). (k) Live Video. Video being viewed and/or processed at 30 frames per second. (l) Lux. The measure of light intensity at which a camera may operate. (m) Video Monitor. As a minimum shall be a 9-in.black and white monitor with BNC connectors for video in and out. 2. Functional Capabilities. The VIVDS shall provide real-time vehicle detection(within 112 milliseconds(ins)of vehicle arrival). The VIVDS processor unit shall be capable of simultaneously processing information from various video sources,including CCTV video image sensors and video tape players. The video sources may be,but are not required to be,synchronized or line-locked.The video shall be processed at a rate of 30 times per second by the VIVDS processor unit. The system shall be able to detect the presence of vehicles in a minimum of 12 detection zones within the combined field of view of all cameras(a minimum of 12 detection zones per camera input to the VIVDS processor unit). Detection zones shall be provided that are sensitive to the direction of vehicle travel. The direction to be detected by each detection zone shall be user programmable. The VIVDS processor unit shall compensate for minor camera movement(up to 2%of the field of view at 400 ft.)without falsely detecting vehicles. The camera movement shall be measured on the unprocessed video input to the VIVDS processor unit. The camera shall operate while directly connected to VIVDS Processor Unit. Once the detector configuration has been downloaded or saved into the VIVDS processor unit,the video detection system shall operate with the monitoring equipment(monitor and/or laptop)disconnected or on-line. When the monitoring equipment is directly connected to the VIVDS processor unit,it shall be possible to view vehicle detections in real-time as they occur on the field setup computer's color VGA display or the video monitor. 3. Vehicle Detection. (1) Detection Zone Placement. The video detection system shall provide flexible detection zone placement anywhere within the combined field of view of the image sensors. Preferred presence detector configurations shall be lines or boxes placed across lanes of traffic or lines placed in-line with lanes of (11.6\. traffic. A single detector shall be able to replace one or more conventional detector loops.Detection zones shall be able to be fully overlapped.In addition,detection zones shall have the capability of 12/02 02894-2 implementing"AND"and"OR"logical functions including presence,extension and delay timing. These logical functions may be excluded if provisions are made to bring each detector separately into the (11111111n\; controller and the controller can provide these functions. (2) Detection Zone Programming. Placement of detection zones shall be by means of a graphical interface using the video image of the roadway. The monitor shall show images of the detection zones superimposed on the video image of traffic while the VIVDS processor is running. The detection zones shall be created by using the mouse or keypad to draw detection zones on the monitor.The detection zones shall be capable of being sized,shaped and overlapped to provide optimal road coverage and detection.It shall be possible to save the detector configurations on disk to download detector configurations to the VIVDS processor unit and to retrieve the detector configuration that is currently running in the VIVDS processor unit. The mouse or keypad shall be used to edit previously defined detector configurations so as to fine-tune the detection zone placement size and shape. Once a detection configuration has been created,the system shall provide a graphic display of the new configuration on its monitor.While this fine-tuning is being done,the detection shall continue to operate from the detector configuration that is currently called for. When a vehicle occupies a detection zone,the detection zone on the live video shall indicate the presence of a vehicle,thereby verifying proper operation of the detection system.With the absence of video,the card shall have an LED that will indicate proper operation of the detection zones. Detection zones shall be provided that is sensitive to the direction of vehicle travel. The direction to be detected by each detection zone shall be user programmable. (3) Design Field of View. The video detection system shall reliably detect vehicle presence in the design field of view. The design field of view shall be defined as the sensor view when the image sensor is mounted 24 ft.or higher above the roadway,when the camera is adjacent(within 15 ft.)to the edge of the nearest vehicle travel lane,and when the length of the detection area is not greater than 10 times the mounting height of the image sensor. Within this design field of view,the VIVDS processor unit shall be capable of setting up a single detection zone for point detection(equivalent to the operation of a 6 ft.by 6 ft.inductive loop). A single camera,placed at the proper mounting height with the proper lens,shall be able to monitor up to and including 5 traffic lanes simultaneously. (4) Detection Performance. Detection accuracy of the video detection system shall be comparable to properly operating inductive loops. Detection accuracy shall include the presence of any vehicle in the defined detection zone regardless of the lane,which the vehicle is occupying. Occlusion produced by vehicles in the same or adjacent lanes shall not be considered a failure of the VIVDS processor unit,but a limitation of the camera placement. Detection accuracy(a minimum of 95%)shall be enforced for the entire design field of view on a lane by lane and on a time period basis. (5) Equipment failure,either camera or VIVDS processor unit,shall result in constant vehicle detection on affected detection zones. 4. VIVDS Hardware. (1) VIVDS Processor Unit—Cabinet Mounting. The VIVDS processor unit shall be rack mountable. Single and multi channel card rack processors shall be available as shown on the plans. (2) VIVDS Processor Unit-Environmental Requirements.The VIVDS processor unit shall be designed to operate reliably in the adverse environment found in the typical roadside traffic cabinet.It shall meet the environmental requirements set forth by the latest NEMA(National Electrical Manufacturers Association)TS1 and TS2 standards as well as the environmental requirements for Type 170,Type 179 and 2070 controllers.Operating temperature shall be from-30°F to+165°F at 0%to 95%relative humidity,non-condensing. (3) VIVDS Processor Unit—Electrical. The VIVDS shall have a modular electrical design. 12/02 02894-3 The VIVDS shall be powered by 89-135 VAC,60 Hz single phase. Power to the VIVDS shall be from the transient protected side of the AC power distribution system in the traffic control cabinet in which the VIVDS is installed. Serial communications to the field setup computer shall be through an RS-232 serial port. This port shall be able to download the real-time detection information needed to show detector actuations. A connector on the front of the VIVDS processor unit shall be used for serial communications. The equipment shall be provided with both TS 1 and TS2 interfaces. (a) TS1 interface.The 2-channel VIVDS processor cards shall be equipped with a NEMA TS1 detector interface for a minimum of 4 detector outputs. Logic output levels shall be compatible with the NEMA TS 1. (If required for additional detector outputs,a"D"subminiature connector on the front of the VIVDS processor card or extension modules can be used for interfacing to these outputs). (b) TS2 interface. The VIVDS processor unit shall be equipped with a NEMA TS2 Type 1 detector interface,where detector information is transmitted serially via an RS-485 data path.The two channel VIVDS processor card shall plug into existing TS2 detector racks for a minimum of 4 detector outputs.(If required for more detector outputs,a"D"subminiature connector on the front of the VIVDS processor card or extension modules can be used for interfacing to these outputs). The VIVDS processor unit shall be equipped with RS-170(monochrome)composite video inputs,so that signals from image sensors or other synchronous or asynchronous video sources can be processed in real-time.BNC connectors on the front of the VIVDS processor unit or video patch panel shall be used for all video inputs. The VIVDS processor unit shall be equipped with a single RS-170 composite video output. This output shall be capable of being switched to correspond to any one of the 2-video inputs,as selected remotely via the field setup computer or front panel switch. Multiple video outputs requiring external cable connections to create a combined single video output shall not be acceptable. A BNC or RCA connector shall be used for video output on the front of the processor unit. The VIVDS processor unit software and/or the supervisor software shall include diagnostic software to allow testing the VIVDS functions. This shall include the capability to set and clear individual detector outputs and display the status of inputs to enable setup and troubleshooting in the field. 5. Camera Assembly. (1) Camera. The video detection system shall use medium resolution,monochrome image sensors as the video source for real-time vehicle detection. The cameras shall be approved for use with the VIVDS processor unit by the supplier of the VIVDS. As a minimum,each camera shall provide the following capabilities: (a) Images shall be produced with a Charge Coupled Device(CCD)sensing element with horizontal resolution of at least 380 lines and vertical resolution of at least 350 lines. Images shall be output as a video signal conforming to RS170. (b) Useable video and resolvable features in the video image shall be produced when those features have luminance levels as low as 0.1 lux at night. (c) Useable video and resolvable features in the video image shall be produced when those features have luminance levels as high as 10,000 lux during the day. (d) The camera shall include an electronic shutter or auto-iris control based upon average scene luminance and shall be equipped with an electronic shutter or auto-iris lens with variable focal length and variable focus that can be adjusted without opening up the camera housing to suit the site geometry. The variable focal length shall be adjustable from 6 mm to 34 mm. 12/02 02894-4 (2) Camera and Lens. The camera and lens assembly shall be housed in an environmental enclosure that provides the following capabilities: `. (a) The enclosure shall be waterproof and dust-tight to the latest NEMA-4 specifications. (b) The enclosure shall allow the camera to operate satisfactorily over an ambient temperature range from-30°F to+165°F while exposed to precipitation as well as direct sunlight. (c) The enclosure shall allow the camera horizon to be rotated in the field during installation. (d) The enclosure shall include a provision at the rear of the enclosure for connection of power and video signal cables fabricated at the factory. Input power to the environmental enclosure shall be nominally 115 VAC 60 Hz. (e) A thermostatically controlled heater shall be at the front of the enclosure to prevent the formation of ice and condensation,as well as to assure proper operation of the lens's iris mechanism. The heater shall not interfere with the operation of the camera electronics,and it shall not cause interference with the video signal. (f) The enclosure shall be light-colored or unfinished and shall include a sun shield to minimize solar heating. The front edge of the sunshield shall protrude beyond the front edge of the environmental enclosure and shall include provision to divert water flow to the sides of the sunshield. The amount of overhang of the sun shield shall be adjustable to block the view of the horizon to prevent direct sunlight from entering the lens. Any plastics used in the enclosure shall include ultra violet inhibitors. (g) The total weight of the image sensor in the environmental enclosure with sunshield shall be less than 10 lb. (h) When operating in the environmental enclosure with power and video signal cables connected,the (�`' image sensor shall meet FCC class B requirements for electromagnetic interference emissions. The video output of the cameras shall be isolated from earth ground.All video connections for the cameras to the video interface panel shall also be isolated from earth ground. Connections for both video and power shall be made to the image sensor using waterproof,quick disconnect connectors. A camera interface panel capable of being mounted to sidewalls of a controller cabinet shall be provided for protection of the VIVDS processor unit,camera video and power inputs/outputs. The panel shall consist of,as a minimum,4 Edco CX06 coax protectors,a Edco ACP-340 for the cameras and VIVDS processor unit power, a 10 amp breaker,a convenience outlet protected the ACP-340 and a terminal strip with a minimum of sixteen 8-32 binder head screws. The terminal strip shall be protected by a piece of 1/8 in.Plexiglas. When the connection between the image sensor and the VIVDS processor unit is coaxial cable,the coaxial cable used shall be a low loss,75 ohm,precision video cable suited for outdoor installation,such as Belden 8281 or TxDOT approved equal. Camera mounting hardware shall allow for vertical or horizontal mounting to the camera enclosure. Pelco AS- 0166-4-62 or equivalent is acceptable. 6. Field Communication Link. The field communications link shall be a one-way communications connection from the camera to the equipment cabinet. The primary communications link media may be coaxial cable or fiber optic cable accompanied by a 3 conductor minimum 18 AWG,24 VDC or 115 VAC camera power cable, or appropriate cable as approved by the Engineer. The following requirements shall govern for the various types of field communications link media described on (liga`\ the plans: 12/02 02894-5 (1) Coaxial Cable. In locations where the plans indicate coaxial cable is required as the primary communications link,this cable shall be of the RG-59 type with a nominal impedance of 75 ohms. All CI"\* cable shall have a polyethylene dielectric with copper braid shield having a minimum of 98 percent shield coverage and not greater than 0.78 dB attenuation per 100 ft.at 10 MHz with a minimum 18 AWG external 3 conductor power cable or approved equivalent as directed by the Engineer. (2) Fiber Optic Cable. If specified by the plans,shall be in accordance with the special specification for fiber optic cable. (3) Twisted Wire Pairs. Shall be Belden 9556 or equivalent 18 AWG TWP control cable. All connection cables shall be continuous from the equipment cabinet to the camera. No splices of any type will be permitted. Lightning and transient surge suppression devices shall be installed on the processor side of the field communications link to protect the peripheral devices. The suppression devices shall be all solid state. In the event a fiber optics communications,then no lightning protection is required for that communication line. The devices shall present a high impedance to,and shall not interfere with,the communications lines during normal operation. The suppression devices shall not allow the peak voltage on any line to exceed 300%of the normal operating peak voltage at any time. The response time of the devices shall not exceed 5 nanoseconds. 7. VIVDS Set-Up System. The minimum VIVDS set-up system,as needed for detector setup and viewing of vehicle detections,shall consist of a field setup computer and Windows-based interface software(if required) and/or a video monitor with interface software built-in to the VIVDS processor unit. Live video(30 frames per second)shall be available on the field setup computer to determine proper operation of detectors.The field set- up computer as a minimum,shall have an NTSC video input port or equivalent. If a field setup computer is required for system set-up,it shall be supplied by the supplier of the VIVDS. The field setup computer shall include all necessary cabling and a Windows-based program to interface with Cli"\ the VIVDS processor unit.This software shall provide an easy to use graphical user interface and support all models/versions of the supplied VIVDS. Live video with the detection overlaid is required for field verification of the system. 8. Temporary Use and Retesting. (1) Temporary Use. When shown on the plans,the VIVDS equipment shall be used to provide vehicle detection on a temporary basis. When the permanent vehicle detection system and related equipment are installed and made operational,the VIVDS equipment shall be carefully removed and delivered,by the Contractor,to the location shown on the plans. (2) State Retesting and Acceptance. Prior to State acceptance,all VIVDS equipment may be retested by the State,even if the system was operating properly before removal. The Contractor shall repair or replace any equipment damaged during removal or transport and any equipment that does not meet the various test requirements,as approved by the Engineer. 9. Operation from Central Control. The central control shall transmit and receive all information needed for detector setup,monitor the vehicle detection,view the vehicle traffic flow at a rate of 2 frames per second or greater for telephone,or 5 frames a second or greater for ISDN lines(as specified by the plans),and interrogate all required stored data. The remote communications link between the VIVDS processor unit and central control may be dial-up(telephone or ISDN lines)or dedicated twisted wire pair communications cable which may be accompanied with coaxial cable or fiber-optic cable,as shown on the plans. Communications with the central control shall not interfere with the on-street detection of the VIVDS processor. 10. Installation and Training. The supplier of the video detection system shall supervise the installation and testing of the video and computer equipment. A factory certified representative from the supplier shall be (161% on-site during installation. 12/02 02894-6 In the event that the field setup computer is furnished by TxDOT,such installation and testing shall be done at the time that training is conducted. Cigh` Up to 2 days of training shall be provided to personnel of TxDOT in the operation,setup and maintenance of the video detection system.Instruction and materials shall be provided for a maximum of 20 persons and shall be conducted at a location selected by TxDOT.TxDOT shall be responsible for any travel and room and board expenses for its own personnel. Instruction personnel are required to be certified by the equipment manufacturer. The User's Guide is not an adequate substitute for practical,classroom training and formal certification by an approved agency. Formal levels of factory authorized training are required for installers,contractors and system operators. All training must be certified by the manufacturer. 11. Warranty,Maintenance and Support. The video detection system shall be warranted to be free of defects in material and workmanship for a period of 5 years from date of shipment from the supplier's facility.During the warranty period,the supplier shall repair with new or refurbished materials, or replace at no charge,any product containing a warranty defect provided the product is returned FOB to the supplier's factory or authorized repair site.Product repair or replaced under warranty by the supplier will be returned with transportation prepaid.This warranty does not apply to products damaged by accident,improper operation, abused,serviced by unauthorized personnel or unauthorized modification. During the warranty period,technical support shall be available from the supplier via telephone within 4 hours of the time a call is made by a user,and this support shall be available from factory certified personnel or factory certified installers. Ongoing software support by the supplier shall include updates of the VIVDS processor unit and supervisor software(if a field setup computer is required for set up). These updates shall be provided free of charge during the warranty period. The update of the VIVDS software to be NTCIP compliant shall be included. The supplier shall maintain a program for technical support and software updates following expiration of the warranty period. This program shall be made available to TxDOT in the form of a separate agreement for continuing support. The supplier shall maintain an ongoing program of technical support for the wireless camera system. This technical support shall be available via telephone or personnel sent to the installation site. The supplier shall maintain an adequate inventory of parts to support maintenance and repair of the wireless camera system. 12. Measurement. The VIVDS shall be measured as each major system component furnished,installed,made fully operational,and tested in accordance with this special specification or as directed by the Engineer. The VIVDS communication cable will be measured by the linear foot of the appropriate media type furnished, installed,made fully operational,and tested in accordance with this specification,other referenced Special Specifications or as directed by the Engineer. When the VIVDS is used on a temporary basis,the VIVDS shall be measured as each system furnished, installed,made fully operational,including reconfiguration and removal if required by the plans,and tested in accordance with this special specification or as directed by the Engineer. These are plans quantity measurement Items and the quantities to be paid for will be those quantities shown in the proposal and in the"Estimate and Quantity"sheet of the contract plans,except as may be modified by Article 9.8. If no adjustment of quantities is required,additional measurements or calculations will not be required. 13. Payment.The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under"Measurement"will be paid for at the unit price bid for"VIVDS Processor System", "VIVDS Camera �' Assembly","VIVDS Central Control","VIVDS Set-up System","VIVDS Temporary", "VIVDS 12/02 02894-7 Communication Cable(Coaxial),"and"VIVDS Communication Cable(Fiber Optic)". These prices shall be full compensation for furnishing,placing,and testing all materials and equipment,and for all tools,labor, (011".\ equipment,hardware,operational software package(s),supplies,support,personnel training,shop drawings, ` documentation,and incidentals necessary to complete the work. A 3 conductor power cable shall be included with the communication cable. These prices also include any and all interfaces required for the field and remote communications links along with any associated peripheral equipment,including cables;all associated mounting hardware and associated field equipment;required for a complete and fully functional visual image vehicle detection system component. • 12/02 02894-8 1993 Specifications SECTION 02895 TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONTROLLER ASSEMBLY (TS-2) 1. Scope. This specification sets forth the minimum requirements for a shelf-mounted 16 phase full-actuated solid state controller unit with internal Time-Based Coordination(TBC),railroad/fire(emergency vehicle) preemption,diamond intersection operation,and closed loop secondary operation in a traffic signal controller assembly and cabinet assembly. 2. Controller Unit. The controller unit shall meet the requirements of NEMA Standards Publication TS 2-1998 (TS 2),latest edition. Where a difference occurs,these requirements shall govern. Unless otherwise specified on the plans a TS 2 Type 1 interface shall be provided. The cabinets for TS 2 Type 1 controllers are specified in this document. If a TS 2 Type 2 interface is specified,the controller cabinet shall be in accordance with the applicable sections of Special Specification, "Traffic Signal Controller Assembly." Each controller unit shall have a unique serial number that is permanently and neatly displayed on the face of the unit. If this serial number is not on the face of the unit,then an additional temporary label that is neatly printed or typed shall be affixed to the controller unit face. (1) Hardware Design Requirements-NEMA Controller. (a) The controller unit shall be completely solid state and digitally timed. All timing shall be referenced to the 60 Hz power line. The dimensions of the controller unit shall not exceed 12 inches high, 17.3 inches wide; 12 inches deep. Both TS 2 Type 1 and TS 2 Type 2 controllers shall be supplied with Port 1 SDLC and Port 2 RS 232.Connectors are defined by the TS 2 specification.Port 3 shall be capable of FSK communications with a 9 pin FSK connector,unless radio communications are specified in the plans,then a 9 pin RS 232 or 25 pin RS 232 connector shall be provided as appropriate. (b) The controller unit shall be built using one(1)or more circuit boards. All printed circuit boards shall be designed to plug into or out of a mother board or harness within the unit. Power supply, transformers,capacitors,and heat dissipating components are excepted from the above requirements. The design shall allow for removal or replacement of a circuit board without unplugging or removing other circuit boards. The unit shall be designed so that one(1)side of each board can be completely accessible for troubleshooting and testing the unit while it is still operating. This may be accomplished with extender boards or cables. This need apply to only one(1)circuit board at a time. No more than two(2)circuit boards shall be attached to each other to constitute a circuit sub- assembly. Attaching hardware shall use captive nuts or other purchaser acceptable method to secure the boards together. The boards shall be designed so that the purchaser can test and operate the controller unit with the boards separated. No circuit cuts shall be allowed on circuit boards in any of the equipment supplied. Any wire jumpers included on circuit boards shall be placed in plated through holes that are specifically designed to contain them. Jumpers that are tack soldered to circuit traces or are added to correct (111.1n\, board layout errors are not acceptable. 10/02 02895- 1 All Integrated Circuits(IC)with 16 or more pins shall be mounted in machine tooled sockets. All sockets shall have two(2)piece,machined contacts and closed end construction to eliminate solder wicking. The outer sleeve shall be brass with tin or gold plating and tapered to allow easy IC insertion. Surface mount devices will be allowed. The inner contact shall be beryllium copper sub- plated with nickel and plated with gold. All sockets shall have thermoplastic bodies meeting UL Specification 94V-0. Other high quality sockets may be acceptable but must have prior approval of the Traffic Operations Division Signal Operations Engineer. Sockets meeting alternate specifications shall be subject to approval(in writing)by the Engineer. Zero(0)insertion force sockets will not be allowed. (c) Each of the following shall be simultaneously displayed during standard NEMA dual ring operation on the face of the unit: 1. Phase(s)in service(one(1)per ring) 2. Phase(s)next to be serviced(one(1)per ring) 3. Presence of vehicle call(one(1)per phase) 4. Presence of pedestrian call(one(1)per phase) 5. Reason for Green termination(one(1)per ring) (1) Gap-out (2) Maximum time-out (3) Force-off 6. Pedestrian service(one(1)per ring) 7. Max II in effect(one(1)per ring) (0111 . (d) User programmed entries shall be stored and maintained in non-volatile memory. Battery power will not be allowed for this application. The controller unit shall be designed to operate properly with the logic ground isolated from the AC neutral(common). A high quality keyboard with a rated lifetime of 1 X 10 EXP 6 operations/key shall be provided on the front panel of the controller unit. The keyboard shall be used for programming all user entered timings and settings. An operator entry shall be provided that will enable/disable the audible sound output(default shall be enabled). (e) A direct reading alphanumeric liquid crystal display with back lighting shall be provided on the front panel of the controller unit. The display shall be clearly readable in ambient light including the cabinet light,in full sunlight,or in absence of light from a distance of three(3)feet,three(3) inches at a 45 degree angle. The display shall have an automatic time-out feature unless the display has an expected continuous life of 10 years or more,and shall have an operating temperature range of-34°C to+74°C. The display shall blank out approximately 10 minutes after the last keystroke is made. The display shall be a minimum 40 character X 4 line display. The bidder may be required to supply literature which demonstrates that all display requirements of this specification are met prior to the awarding of the bid. (If an LCD contrast adjustment is required for visibility at temperature extremes,then the control shall be on the face of the controller unit,adjustable without the use of tools.) (2) Time Clock. The clock shall use the 60 Hz power line frequency as time base when power is present. ®rr►, The clock operating voltage range shall be 89 to 135 VAC over the temperature range of-34°C to+74°C. 10/02 02895-2 A 10-year lithium battery shall maintain the time-of-day clock and digital data during a power outage lasting up to 30 days. Lead-acid,nickel-cadmium,or alkaline batteries are not acceptable. The Time Base clock shall be maintained to within+/-0.005 percent at 20°C and to within a+/-0.02 percent over the specified operating temperature range as compared to Coordinated Universal Time (WWV)standard for a period of 30 days during periods when AC power is not applied. (3) Clock/Calendar Programming Requirements. (a) The clock shall be easily set to the year,month,day of month,day of week,hour,minute,and second. Automatic Daylight Savings Time shall be available by keyboard entry. The dates for fixed and floating holidays and special events shall be keyboard programmable by the user. Calendar Adjustments for leap years shall be automatic. The clock shall store sequences of operations in the form of 255 entries and 15 day plans,as shown in Table 1. (b) The structure and interrelationships of each type of program shall be in accordance with the following paragraphs. (i) A day plan shall consist of the following: Hour:Minute Action 1 (time to implement:action to implement) Hour:Minute Action 10 (time to implement:action to implement) Calk\ where each action is unique. There shall be a minimum of 10 actions per day plan. There shall be a minimum of 15 day plans. (ii) Each action in a day plan shall consist of a group of the following objects: *pattern(consisting of): cycle length offset split MUTCD flash(on/off) free operation *sequence *special functions 1-8(on/off) *auxiliary functions 1-3 (on/off) *mode of operation(a means of changing operating modes by T.O.D.) *max II *gap/ext II *phase omits �'` Any or all of these may be selected within a single action. 1 10/02 02895-3 Transfer into and out of Flash shall be in accordance with the Texas MUTCD. It shall be possible to program each phase and overlap to flash either yellow or red via the front panel of (1111.1) the controller unit. This shall be accomplished by flashing the loadswitch driver outputs simultaneously. (iii) An Entry shall consist of time period implemented: day plan,month(s),date(s)of month,and day(s)of week. A minimum of 255 Entries shall be programmable. There shall be a copy feature that allows the transfer of entries between day plans. Other programming schemes that meet the functional intent are acceptable but require approval by the Traffic Operations Division Signal Operations Engineer. CI") 10/02 02895-4 (4) Program Requirements. (a) Programming. (i) Programming of the controller unit shall be by the use of a keyboard and display on the front of the controller unit. Programming shall require only simple keystrokes aided by full menu displays. Ease of programming through a well organized menu structure and ease in interpreting the display shall be required for acceptance. The menu structure shall contain a main menu which contains options for all sections of the controller on one(1)screen. Each option shall be selectable by a numeric entry. Each subsequent menu shall be a detailed breakdown of one(1) of the previous menu options. Each menu option shall be a descriptive name to prompt the user to the desired section for programming. All entries shall be displayed and entered in plain English. Toggle type entries shall be set by entering Yes/No or On/Off responses. Non- alphanumeric symbols and abbreviations used to display information shall be clear and unambiguous in their meaning. Numeric entries shall be in the Base 10(decimal)number system. Entries in other number bases such as hexadecimal or binary are not acceptable. (ii) A user selectable four(4)digit(minimum)code shall be available to secure access to timing and configuration of the unit. Display features shall be available without the need to access the unit. The controller units shall be supplied with the code preset to be all zeros(0000). Internal DIP switches may be used to establish codes. Instructions for use of the access code shall not be provided on the face of the unit. (iii) A keyboard entered coded command(a series of commands or entries,not a single entry)shall be provided which will set all controller and TBC timings and entries to a default or inactive value. This coded command shall allow new values to be entered without first deleting prior (1111.1*. entries. With the intersection display active,a keyboard command shall enable the keyboard for the user to place a call to each phase individually. (b) Phase Operation. In NEMA operating mode,the controller unit shall provide as a minimum 16 possible phases and eight(8)possible overlaps. The overlaps shall be designated as A,B,C,D,E,F,G, and H. All overlaps shall be programmable through the keyboard and shall function as specified by TS 2. Each of the NEMA timing intervals shall be programmable for a minimum of eight(8)phases at a time from the same display screen in a spreadsheet format. The display may be rolled or paged down to display additional intervals or information. The controller unit shall have a copying mode whereby the user,after having programmed all intervals of one(1)phase may copy this information into all or selected remaining phases. Other versions of the copying process that meet the functional intent are acceptable. In addition to the modes defined by TS 2,the following modes shall be available on a per phase basis: 1. Soft Recall 2. Phase Omit The following configurations,as a minimum,shall be programmed within the controller unit and be user selectable: `, 1. 8 Phase NEMA 10/02 02895-5 2. 8 Phase Sequential C.116\i 3. NEMA phasing to the left of the barrier,sequential phasing to the right of the barrier(Quad Sequential). 4. 4 Phase Diamond 5. 3 Phase Diamond 6. Separate Intersection(see Section 2.(5)(a)) The controller shall have a configuration which allows user programmable rings(compatibility lines,reference points to assure there shall be no concurrent selection and timing of conflicting phases). A minimum of four(4)rings will be available in this configuration. The controller shall have programmable conflicting phase settings where simultaneous operation of compatible phases is not allowed. A Dynamic Maximum operation which increments the current maximum in programmable steps (Dynamic Max Step)in seconds to a maximum limit(Dynamic Max Limit)in seconds shall be provided. The operation shall function as defined by NEMA Standard Publication NTCIP 1202:1996(TS 3.5)-National Transportation Communications for ITS Protocol(NTCIP)Object Definitions for Actuated Traffic Signal Controller Units. The TBC shall select and coordinate reversible left turn sequence operations(dual leading,leading and lagging,or lagging and leading left turns). It shall be possible to transfer operation from one(1) sequence to another at a preprogrammed time. Transfer shall take place at T-0 during coordination (see Section 2.(4)(d)(ii)). (c) Pedestrian Timing. Actuated pedestrian movements shall operate as follows: 1. When No pedestrian calls are present,the normal phase timings shall be effective for service of the intersection. 2. When a pedestrian call is present,the call will be serviced by extended phase timings that account for pedestrian crossing times and override the normal phase timings. If the intersection is coordinated,it may drop out of coordination when servicing the pedestrian call if the pedestrian times exceed the vehicle splits. The controller shall return to coordination in the manner described in this specification after the call is serviced. The controller shall rest in main street Green and Don't Walk when no actuated pedestrian calls are present. (d) Coordination. (i) A minimum of 16 timing plans,each with a unique cycle length and split combination,shall be required as per TS 2. Each of the 16 timing plans shall have three(3)unique offsets available. Cycle length selections are to be each changeable from 30 to 255 seconds in one(1) second increments. Split and offset selections adjustable from zero(0)to 254 in one(1)second increments. (ii) The coordinator shall reference a system-wide reference cycle timer(system cycle timer). The term T-0 shall refer to the point in the local cycle timer when the first coordinated phase(or leading coordinated phase if a pair of coordinated phases was selected by the user)is scheduled on for the first time. Note,this may not be the beginning of Green in the case of early return. The offset shall be the amount the local cycle timer is behind the system cycle timer. Example: If the offset is+10 seconds,T-0(the point at which the local cycle timer is at zero(0))will occur when the system cycle timer is at 10 seconds. 10/02 02895-6 There shall be two(2)modes of automatic coordination programming,fixed and floating force off modes. The following information shall be all that is required from the user to establish a pattern. 1. Basic NEMA controller timing. 2. Cycle length in seconds. 3. Phase sequence desired for the particular pattern. 4. Total seconds of the cycle that a phase is to be active including Green,Amber,and Red Clearance times when there is constant demand on all input detectors. 5. The coordinated phase or phases(from Section 2.(4)(d)(v)below). 6. The offset of the first coordinated phase serviced in the sequence from the reference clock's T-0 in seconds. (iii) Using the above information in fixed force-off mode,the coordinator must perform the following functions for each pattern. 1. Guarantee the coordinated phase(s)programmed time will be serviced in its entirety to achieve coordination between intersections(when not correcting). The programmed time of the first coordinated phase in the phase sequence shall start at T-0. 2. Calculate each phases'force off point(the point at which a phase's Green must terminate in order to not violate the following phase's programmed times). 3. Calculate the beginning of each phase's permissive window(the point in the cycle when the coordinated phase is allowed to yield to each corresponding phase). 4. Calculate the end of each phase's vehicle permissive window(the point preceding a phase's force off point by its minimum time and the prior phase's clearance time). Any phase receiving a vehicle call before the end of vehicle permissive window will be serviced during the current cycle. 5. Calculate the end of each phase's pedestrian permissive window(the point preceding a phase's force off point by pedestrian Walk and pedestrian clearance times and the prior phase's clearance time). Any pedestrian call received by a phase before the end of pedestrian permissive window will be serviced during the current cycle up to the beginning of the phase vehicle green. 6. Guarantee that each phase's programmed time be serviced in full if a call was received before the beginning of permissive window and the phase does not terminate due to Gap out. Using the same information in floating force-off mode,the coordinator must operate in the same manner as fixed force-off mode except that if a non-coordinated phase is entered early,it will remain active only for the time programmed in the split time. Automatically setting the max timer in each split to accomplish this function is acceptable. (iv) No percentage inputs are allowed. Once the information for phase service is dated via the keyboard,the controller unit shall test the plan to insure that the plan does not violate any minimum times based on the specified numbers and cycle length. If a faulty plan is detected, the controller unit shall show an error code indicating the problem. If the error is not corrected, the controller unit shall run in free operation mode whenever the erroneous plan is selected. If actuated pedestrian movements are programmed,the coordinator shall ignore errors detected rah.' due to pedestrian Walk and clearance times violating the phase split time for any actuated ped. 10/02 02895-7 The coordinator shall be programmable to seek offsets by short-way(lengthening or shortening the cycle length up to 20 percent)and by dwell in the coordination phase awaiting the proper offset. The user shall determine which method and may program the longest permissible dwell times. The controller unit coordination program shall be designed to be programmed from the front panel to emulate the operation of a pre-timed controller by recall for applications where no vehicle detection is provided. (v) For each configuration a coordinated phase must be selected from Ring 1. A coordinated phase must also be selected from other rings if a compatible phase with the Ring 1 coordinated phase exists. The coordinated phase or phase pair shall be selectable from one(1)of the individual phases or phase pairs,as shown in Table 2. Compatible phase pairs shall not be forced to begin simultaneously. When establishing its offset from the reference point the coordinator shall reference only the leading edge of the sync pulse,regardless of its width. The internal coordination and upload/download programs shall not interfere with normal intersection operation except when changing ring structure in the controller or active phases. These operations(changing ring structure and active phases)shall require a confirmation and put the controller in a flash condition and a restart sequence. The implementation of revised timing parameters loaded into the timer shall be programmed to occur only at points in the controller coordination cycles which do not alter the controller phase sequence. The controller unit may temporarily drop out of synchronization during the upload/download,but must continue to operate. (e) Time-Based Coordinator(TBC). The internal reference sync pulse,from which the local offset is calculated,shall resync at midnight, (111164`, or the resync shall be user programmable with a default to midnight. A pulse shall be generated • whenever the Time-of-Day Clock shows a time which is an exact multiple of the current cycle length after this resynchronization. In case of a power failure,resync shall be calculated from the programmed resync time. The power failure recovery routine shall accommodate the case of a power failure at midnight. (5) Diamond Operation. (a) Program Requirements For Diamond Operation. Phase numbers shall be assigned to traffic movements as shown on the diamond intersection layout of Figure 1. Overlap A(OL A)is defined as phases 1+2. Overlap B(OL B)is defined as phases 5+6. There shall be six(6)additional user programmable overlaps. All additional overlaps shall be programmable through the keyboard and shall function as specified by TS 2. The controller unit shall be programmable for four(4)phase and three(3)phase diamond operation as well as two(2)independent four(4)phase rings(separate intersection operation)as defined in Figure 2. The following modes shall be available for each phase and for the intervals identified as special intervals in three(3)phase and four(4)phase operation: 1. Maximum Recall 2. Minimum Recall ,/'� 3. Pedestrian Recall t 4. Detector locking and non-locking memory 10/02 02895-8 5. Phase Omit The controller unit shall be designed to provide pedestrian phasing with phases 2,4,6,and 8. All timing entries and displays shall be available for phases three(3)and seven(7). The operation of the controller unit as a four(4)phase,three(3)phase,or separate intersection operation diamond shall be keyboard selectable. This shall be overridden while under Closed Loop System control or by TBC control. (b) Four Phase Operation. The controller unit shall perform the sequences for four(4)phase and/or six(6)phase diamond operation defined in Figures 3a to 3f. The normal four(4)phase operation sequence shall be 25->45->16->18. The six(6)phase operation sequence shall be 25->35->45->16->17->18. The point at which operation may be switched from four(4)phase to three(3)phase operation shall be at the clearance interval 2516B or 2518B to the three(3)phase clearance interval 2648. (c) Concurrent Timing Requirements. Refer to Figures 3a-3f for the following descriptions: (i) Intervals 4516B and 4516C shall time concurrently with interval 16,however interval 16 may not terminate green until interval 4516C has timed out. (ii) Intervals 3516B and 3516C shall time concurrently with interval 16,however interval 16 may not terminate green until interval 3516C has timed out. (iii) Intervals 1825B and 1825C shall time concurrently with interval 25,however interval 25 may not terminate green until interval 1825C has timed out. Cu".\ (iv) Intervals 1725B and 1725C shall time concurrently with interval 25,however interval 25 may not terminate green until interval 1725C has timed out. (v) All left to right internal clearance times(intervals 4518B,4517B,3518B,3517B,2518B, 2517B,2516B)shall use the same timing settings for minimum green,extension,maximum green,yellow clearance,and red clearance. (vi) All right to left internal clearance times(intervals 1845B, 1835B, 1745B, 1735B, 1645B, 1635B, 1625B)shall use the same timing settings for minimum green,extension,maximum green,yellow clearance,and red clearance. (vii) Separate timing settings for minimum green,extension,maximum green,yellow clearance,and red clearance shall be provided for each of the four(4)external clearance intervals(1825B, 1725B,4516B,3516B). (d) Diamond Detector Operation. The loop detector layout for three(3)phase,four(4)phase,six(6) phase,or separate intersection diamond operation shall be as defined in Figure 4. The detector operation defined shall be automatically loaded when any diamond sequences are selected. The controller unit software shall provide the logic for detector operation described below: (i) Detector 1. In four(4)phase operation: 1. Shall call phase six(6)if Overlap A is not green and phase seven(7)is not called. 2. Shall call phase six(6)if Overlap A is not green and phase eight(8)is not called. 3. Extend intervals 2516B,2517B,2518B,4517B,4518B,3517B,and 3518B. rib\ In three(3)phase operation: call and extend phase one(1)(left turn) 10/02 02895-9 (ii) Detector 5. In four(4)phase operation: 1. Shall call phase two(2)if Overlap B is not green and phase three(3)is not called. 2. Shall call phase two(2)if Overlap B is not green and phase four(4)is not called. 3. Extend intervals 1625B, 1635B, 1645B, 1735B, 1745B, 1835B,and 1845B. In three(3)phase operation: call and extend phase five(5)(left turn) (iii) Detectors 2,3,4,6,7,and 8. These setback detectors(or detector sets)belong to the parent phases with the same number(e.g. detector two(2)belongs to phase two(2))as shown in Figure 4. These detectors shall have a two(2)second delay set during red conditions of their parent phase. The detector(s)are used to extend during green. (iv) Detectors 11,12,15,16,17,and 18. These detectors are stopbar detectors and are used to call the associated parent phases shown in Figure 4. The parent phase green plus a call for that phase plus a 0.2 second gap on the detector shall disable the detector until the end of green. (v) Detectors 9 and 10. In four(4)phase operation: 1. Shall extend phase two(2)if phase three(3)is called. 2. Shall extend phase two(2)if phase four(4)is called. 3. Shall call phase six(6)if Overlap A is not green and phase seven(7)is not called. 4. Shall call phase six(6)if Overlap A is not green and phase eight(8)is not called. 5. Extend intervals 2516B,2517B,2518B,4517B,4518B,3517B,and 3518B. In three(3)phase operation: shall function as a phase one(1)calling detector during phase three(3)or four(4)and as a phase one(1)extending detector when a phase three(3)or four (4)call exists. (vi) Detectors 13 and 14. In four(4)phase operation: 1. Shall extend phase six(6)if phase seven(7)is called. 2. Shall extend phase six(6)if phase eight(8)is called. 3. Shall call phase two(2)if Overlap B is not green and phase three(3)is not called. 4. Shall call phase two(2)if Overlap B is not green and phase four(4)is not called. 5. Extend Intervals 1625B, 1635B, 1645B, 1735B, 1745B, 1835B,and 1845B. In three(3)phase operation: shall function as a phase five(5)calling detector during phase seven(7)or eight(8)and as a phase five(5)extending detector when a phase seven(7)or eight(8)call exists. (e) Three Phase Operation. The controller unit shall be keyboard selectable for three(3)phase diamond operation. The controller unit shall perform the sequences for three(3)phase diamond operation defined in Figures 5a to 5b. The normal sequence of operation shall be 4+8->2+6->1+5. The point at which operation may be switched from three(3)phase to four(4)phase operation shall be through the transition phase sequence to four(4)phase interval 2516 as indicated in Figure 5a. 10/02 02895- 10 The controller shall be programmable for simultaneous gap operation for phases four(4)and eight (8)in Three Phase Operation to allow a phase to extend out of a green rest state. When the phase(s) (111)- to be serviced next conflicts with both phases being serviced,both concurrent phases must reach a green rest state together before they terminate. Termination of the maximum timer or application of a force off shall override this feature. The phases shall not be allowed to advance to a green interval beyond the rest state which might override defeat the simultaneous gap operation. (6) Coordination Control Hierarchy. When the system switch is in the System position,the controller unit shall be under the control of the master controller or TBC. In the absence of any on-line Closed Loop System control by a master controller,the internal TBC shall control the coordinated,free,and flash operation of the intersection when the system switch is in the System position. When a master controller brings the intersection on-line,its control shall supersede that of the internal time base coordination. When the system switch is in the Free position,the controller unit shall operate in a non-coordinated (free)mode. (7) Preemption(PE). The internal preemptor supplied shall be easily programmable from the front panel for either railroad or emergency vehicle preemption sequences. Phases shall be selectable such that a limited signal sequence maybe operational during preempt(PE). It shall be possible to add phases to this special limited sequence which are not in the intersection sequence. This shall be accomplished without adding external logic. The following intervals shall be provided as a minimum. Terminology may vary but the meaning must be clear. Additional unspecified intervals which may lead to confusion shall be programmable to zero (0). If abbreviations are used on the display,they shall be defined on the front panel. While in (11117 preemption,the display will clearly identify the intervals being timed as preempt intervals. Yellow and red clearances from the phase timings maybe utilized in place of the clearance intervals shown. (a) Preemption Timing Interval Definition. All intervals are sequential. 1. PE Delay-This time shall start immediately when the preempt command is received. It shall not affect the normal operation of the controller unit until the delay time out occurs. This interval may be used for emergency vehicle(fire lane)preemption delay. If zero(0)time is set,the interval shall be omitted. 2. PE Minimum Duration-The preempt sequence shall not terminate until the preempt input signal is removed and the Minimum Duration time has expired. 3. PE Minimum Green-Any vehicle signal that is Green at the time this interval becomes active shall not terminate unless it has been displayed for at least the time programmed in this interval. If zero time is set the interval shall be omitted. 4. PE Minimum Walk-Preempt Minimum Walk Time in seconds. A preempt initiated transition shall not cause the termination of a Walk prior to its display for this period. 5. PE Ped Clearance-At the time of preempt call,Walk indications shall immediately change to Pedestrian Clearance interval. The Pedestrian Clearance interval shall not terminate unless it has been displayed for at least the time programmed in this interval. If zero(0)time is set,the interval shall be omitted. 6. PE Track Green-Signals programmed as track(or fire lane)signals shall remain Green or be changed to Green. All other signals shall be red. This interval shall be optionally (11.6". programmable to zero(0)during emergency vehicle PE. 10/02 02895- 11 7. PE Dwell Green-Minimum Dwell Time in seconds. This parameter controls the minimum timing for the dwell movement. The phase(s)allowed during the Dwell interval shall be selectable to include all phases that do not cross the track. The Dwell interval shall not terminate prior to the completion of Preempt Duration Time,Preempt Dwell Time,&the call is no longer present. Each signal shall be keyboard programmable for red,red flash,yellow flash or Green. As an alternative,a limited cycle shall be programmable for use with railroad preempts. 8. PE Exit Ped Clear-Preemption Exit Pedestrian Clear Time in seconds. This parameter controls the pedestrian clear timing for a Walk signal transition to the Exit Phase(s). 9. PE Exit Yellow-This interval shall provide a solid yellow clearance for indications that were Green or flashing yellow. Red and flashing red displays shall display solid red. 10. PE Exit Red Clearance-This interval shall be an all red clearance in preparation for return to the normal cycle. Return phases shall be programmable from the keyboard. 11. PE Max Call-This interval is the amount of time that a preempt call may remain active and be considered valid. When the preempt call has been active for this amount of time,the controller shall return to normal operation. The preempt call shall be considered invalid until the call is no longer active. Preempt Timing Interval Ranges. See Table 3. (b) The phases to be serviced following the preempt sequence shall be front panel keyboard programmable. Preempt sequences shall be selectable using external inputs. Preempt priority shall be assigned with No. 1 being the highest. If a higher priority preempt input is received during a preempt sequence, the controller unit shall immediately transition to the new sequence subject to the constraints of PE Minimum Green and PE Minimum Walk. The transition shall take place in a safe manner from any point in the sequence meeting all Texas MUTCD requirements. Provisions shall be made to clear two(2)conflicting track phases from a single preempt input. This may be provided by two(2)track clearance phases for a single preempt or by combining two(2)preempts. Preempt one(1)shall be reserved for a priority railroad preempt. If more than two(2)preempts are provided it shall be possible to delete the priority override for all but the railroad preempt. If a non- priority preempt is activated during another preempt cycle,the one(1)in progress shall continue through its entire cycle. If the second preempt input is still active when the first preempt is completed,the controller unit shall immediately go to all red flash or initiate the non-priority preempt. When all preempt inputs are removed,the controller unit shall proceed through the normal sequence to Return Red Clearance(Interval 9). Once the controller unit has entered the first timed interval following Preempt Delay(Interval 1),the sequence shall continue to the end even if the preempt call is dropped. If the call returns,the Minimum Preempt Duration(Interval 1)the controller unit should reinitiate track green and complete the preempt sequence. The controller unit shall be programmable to be in flash or in limited sequence during Interval 6. If flash is specified,the phases shall flash yellow or red as programmed from the front panel. Flash shall be implemented by simultaneously flashing the appropriate loadswitch driver outputs. If limited sequence is selected,all phases shall be programmable even if not normally used in the intersection sequence. (c) In the event of a power interrupt as defined by TS 2,if the preempt command is present when power is restored,the controller unit shall power up in cabinet flash operation and remain there until the PE command is removed. 10/02 02895- 12 (d) Overlap phases shall begin and terminate with the parent phases as described in TS 2. If the PE call occurs during yellow or red displays between parent phases,the overlap phase shall display a (rli" minimum of three(3)seconds of yellow and a minimum of one(1)second of red clearance. Don't Walk shall be displayed throughout the preempt sequence unless a limited cycle is run. During a limited cycle(Interval 6)the pedestrian heads may be programmed to be dark. Preempt routines shall have priority over all controller functions. The controller shall be programmable to allow multiple track clearance phases either within a single preemption sequence or by mapping multiple preempts together in all modes of operation including three(3)phase and four(4)phase diamond modes. (8) Closed Loop Operation and Monitoring Software(CLS). (a) The controller software must either be capable of implementing the National Transportation Controller ITS Protocol(NTCIP)or be downward compatible with CLS masters supplied by the same manufacturer since January 1992 and provide all necessary components to upgrade to NTCIP, as specified by the plans. Short haul FSK modems,necessary to operate the controller as a Closed Loop System secondary,shall be provided internal to the timer. All necessary cables and communication ports needed for operation in a Closed Loop System cabinet shall be provided. The modems shall meet TS 2 environmental requirements for traffic signal equipment. (b) Window-based CLS software shall be provided(with a minimum of 5 licensed user per copy)that will allow the monitoring,setup,and programming of all controller unit timing entries,functions, and features. These functions and features shall include but not be limited to the following: 1. monitoring signal indications,detectors,alarms,and time based functions, 2. controller database error checking, C1111.6\! 3. coordination parameters, 4. remote resetting of coordination errors, 5. toggle special function outputs from the controller, 6. receive reports and alarms generated from the controller, 7. setting up the dial-up modem for the traffic signal controller needed to accomplish the remote operation through the controller or the PC software. The setup strings for Hayes compatible modems(including Hayes,US Robotics,and Computer Peripherals modems as a minimum) shall be provided. (c) All capabilities from the controller keyboard shall be capable remotely through the computer interface through a telephone modem connection. The software shall not require that the controller unit be connected while making entries until the actual download/upload process. A cable shall be supplied to direct connect the controller to a PC in order to upload and download data as well as monitor the controller operation. Personal Data Assistants(i.e.Palm Pilot®m,IPAC's®T"or approved equal)shall be provided with all necessary cables and hardware to upload and download intersection-timing programs. The controller shall have a minimum of eight(8)detector inputs per intersection for use with Closed Loop System operation. The system shall report volume and occupancy counts based on a user- selectable time period for each detector. Storage of this data may take place at either the local controller or on-street master. Allowances in the software shall be made for a minimum of eight(8) system detectors at any local controller,in addition to any local detectors. 10/02 02895- 13 (9) NTCIP Compliance. (a) The controller software shall comply with the referenced National Transportation Communications for ITS Protocol(NTCIP)Standards when installed. The software shall comply with.the version of the relevant NTCIP standards that are current at the date of this document,or a later version. The software shall comply with NEMA Standard Publication TS 3.2-1996(TS 3.2),the Simple Transportation Management Framework,and shall meet the requirements for Conformance Level 2. The software shall comply with NEMA Standard Publication TS 3.3-1996(TS 3.3),the Class B Profile,and shall include both an EIA/TIA 232-E and an FSK modem interface for NTCIP based communications. (b) The software shall implement all mandatory objects of all mandatory conformance groups as defined in Global Object Defmitions,NEMA Standard Publication NTCIP 1201:1996(TS 3.4). *Configuration Conformance Group and Actuated Signal Controller Object Definitions,NEMA Standard Publication NTCIP 1202:1996(TS 3.5). *Phase Conformance Group *Detector Conformance Group (c) The software shall implement all mandatory objects of all optional conformance groups as defined in Global Object Definitions,NTCIP 1201:1996: *Database Management Conformance Group *Time Management Conformance Group *Time Base Event Schedule Conformance Group *Report Conformance Group *STMF Conformance Group *PMPP conformance Group and Actuated Signal Controller Object Definitions,NTCIP 1202:1996. *Volume Occupancy Report Conformance Group *Unit Conformance Group *Special Function Conformance Group *Coordination Conformance Group *Time Base Conformance Group *Preempt Conformance Group *Ring Conformance Group *Channel Conformance Group *Overlap Conformance Group *TS 2 Port 1 Conformance Group (d) The software shall also implement the following optional objects as defined in the Global Object Definitions,NTCIP 1201:1996: *globalSetlDParameter 10/02 02895- 14 *dbMakelD *eventLogOID *eventConfigAction *eventClassDescription (e) The software shall also implement the following optional objects as defmed in the Actuated Signal Controller Object Defmitions,NTCIP 1202:1996: *unitRedRevert *phaseDynamicMaxlimit *phaseDynamicMaxStep *phaseControlGroupTable *ringControlGroupForceOff *vehicleDetectorQueueLimit *vehicleDetectorFailTime *vehicleDetectorReportedAlarms *alarmGroupTable *specialFunctionOutputTable *preemptMinimumGreen *preemptMinimumWalk *preemptEnterPedClear *preemptState *preemptControlTable *ringControlGroupMax2 *ringControlGroupMaxlnhibit (f) All objects required by these procurement specifications shall support all values within its standardized range,unless otherwise approved by the project Engineer. The standardized range is defmed by a size,range,or enumerated listing indicated in the object's SYNTAX field and/or through descriptive text in the object's Description field of the relevant standard. Table 4 provides the current listing of known variances for this project. The controller shall be able to implement all NTCIP messages called for in the specification without any additional vendor specific/proprietary statements. (g) The software shall be supplied with full documentation,including a 3.5 inch floppy disk(s)and/or CD-ROM containing ASCII versions of the following MI6 files in ASN.1 format: *the relevant version of each official NEMA Standard MIB Module referenced by the device functionality;and 10/02 02895- 15 *if the device does not support the full range of any given object within a NEMA Standard MIB Module,a manufacturer specific version of the official NEMA Standard MIB Module with the (1111"1/4, supported range indicated in ASN.1 format in the SYNTAX field of the Object-Type macro. The filename of this file shall be the same as the standard MIB filename with the extension".man". The software shall be supplied with full documentation,including 3.5 inch floppy disk(s)and/or CD- ROM containing ASCII versions of any and all manufacturer-specific objects supported by the device in ASN.1 format in a manufacturer-specific MIB with accurate and meaningful Description fields and supported ranges indicated in the SYNTAX field of the Object-Type macros. (h) The Manufacturer shall not place any restrictions as to the passage of any and all of this documentation to any of TxDOT. The Manufacturer shall provide a copy of Table 5 that has been completed to describe the operation of their controller including which objects are used and the procedures that are done with these objects to implement the functions listed using NTCIP. 3. Malfunction Management Unit(MMU). (1) This specification sets forth the minimum requirements for a shelf-mountable, 16 channel,solid-state Malfunction Management Unit(MMU). The MMU shall meet,as a minimum, Section 4 of the NEMA Standards Publication TS 2-1998. Where differences occur,this specification shall govern. (2) No circuit cuts shall be allowed on circuit boards in any of the equipment supplied. Any wire jumpers included on circuit boards shall be placed in plated through holes that are specifically designed to contain them. Jumpers that are tack soldered to circuit traces or are added to correct board layout errors are not acceptable. All Integrated Circuits(IC)with 16 or more pins shall be mounted in machine tooled sockets. All sockets shall have two(2)piece,machined contacts and closed end construction to eliminate solder wicking. The outer sleeve shall be brass with tin or gold plating and tapered to allow easy IC insertion. The inner contact shall be beryllium copper subplated with nickel and plated with gold. All sockets shall have thermoplastic bodies meeting UL Specification 94V-0. Other high quality sockets may be acceptable but must have prior approval of the Traffic Operations Division Signal Operations Engineer. Surface mount devices will be allowed. Sockets meeting alternate specifications shall be submitted in writing with the bids. Zero(0)insertion force sockets will not be allowed. The design shall allow for removal or replacement of a circuit board without unplugging or removing other circuit boards. (a) The unit shall be designed so that one(1)side of each board can be completely accessible for troubleshooting and testing the unit while it is still operating. This may be accomplished with extender boards or cables. This need apply to only one(1)circuit board at a time. One(1)set of extender boards(if required to meet Section 3.(2)(a)above)for every 10 MMU's ordered or portion thereof shall be provided with the order. No more than two(2)circuit boards shall be attached to each other to constitute a circuit assembly. Attaching hardware shall use captive nuts or other acceptable method to secure the boards together. Alternate methods shall be submitted in writing with the bids. The boards shall be designed so that the purchaser can test and operate the controller unit with the boards separated. (b) If this specification is used to support the purchase of a complete controller assembly,the unused red circuits shall be connected to the AC Line in the controller cabinet. (3) The MMU shall be pre-programmed according to Table 6. 10/02 02895- 16 (4) Each MMU shall have a unique serial number that is permanently and neatly displayed on the face of the unit. If this serial number is located elsewhere on the unit,then an additional temporary label that is neatly printed or typed shall be affixed to the MMU face. 4. TS 2 Cabinet Assembly. This specification describes the minimum acceptable requirements for a TS 2 cabinet assembly to house a NEMA TS 2 Type 1 solid state full-actuated controller unit. The assembly shall include the cabinet,flasher,load switches,card racks,an MMU,an external power supply,and six flash transfer relays. For cabinet assemblies of configuration 4(16 position),the assembly shall include 16 load switches and for cabinet assemblies of configuration 3(12 position),the assembly shall include 12 load switches. All cabinets shall include appropriate mounting hardware. (1) Cabinet Design Requirements. (a) The cabinet shall be constructed using unpainted sheet aluminum with a minimum thickness of 0.13 inch. No wood,wood fiber products,or other flammable material shall be used in the cabinet. All welds shall be neat and of uniform consistency. (b) The size of the cabinet shall be size five(5)or size six(6)as defined by TS 2 Clause 7.3 of the NEMA Standard Publication TS 2-1998,as specified by the plans. The load bay shall be configuration 3(12 position)or configuration 4(16 position)as defined by TS 2 Clause 5.3,as specified by the plans. See Table 7 of Attachment. Two(2)aluminum lifting eyes or ears shall be attached to the cabinet with a single carriage bolt each to permit lifting the cabinet with a sling. The corners of each eye or ear shall be rounded. (c) Vertical shelf support channels shall be provided to permit adjustment of shelf location in the field. The channels shall have a single continuous slot to allow shelves to be placed at any height within the cabinet. Channels fixed notches or holes are not acceptable. Each cabinet shall be equipped with an extra set of unistrut channels or a keyhole panel on either side of the front section of the cabinet to permit the purchaser to mount additional equipment as necessary. Shelves shall be at least 13 inches deep and be located in the cabinet to provide a 0.5 inch clearance between the back of the shelf and the back of the cabinet. A 1.5 inch drawer shall be provided in the cabinet,mounted directly beneath the controller support shelf. The drawer shall have a hinged top cover and shall be capable of storing documents and miscellaneous equipment. This drawer shall support up to 50 pounds in mass when fully extended. The drawer shall open and close smoothly. Drawer dimensions shall make the maximum use of available depth offered by the controller shelf and be a minimum of 23.5 inches. Two shelves shall be provided in the cabinet and shall be at minimum 12 inches apart in height. There shall be sufficient shelf space to accommodate a controller unit 13 inches high,a MMU,up to two(2)eight(8)position card racks and external power supply. An additional space 12 inches high x 12.8 inches wide x 12 inches deep shall be provided. The controller unit,MMU,card racks,and power supply shall be placed on the shelves in such a manner that sufficient ventilation is provided to all components. Labels showing the proper placement of each component shall be provided along the shelves to ensure proper placement. The cabinet shall be vented and cooled by two(2)thermostatically controlled fans. The fans shall be a commercially available model with a capacity of at least 95.3 cubic feet per minute. The thermostats shall have an adjustable range of 20°C to 43°C. A press-to-test switch shall be provided to test operation of the fans. (d) The cabinet shall be provided with a unique five(5)digit serial number which shall be stamped directly on the cabinet or engraved on a metal or metalized mylar plate,epoxied or riveted with aluminum rivets to the cabinet. The digits shall be at least 0.2 inches in height and located on the upper right sidewall of the cabinet near the front. 10/02 02895- 17 (2) Cabinet Door. The cabinet shall be provided with one(1)door in front that will provide access to the cabinet. The door shall be provided with three(3)hinges with non-removable stainless steel pins, or a (1.4 full length piano hinge with stainless steel pins spot welded at the top of the hinge. The hinges shall be mounted so that it is not possible to remove them from the door or cabinet without first opening the door. The bottom of the door opening shall extend at least to the bottom level of the back panel. The door and hinges shall be braced to withstand a load of 50 pounds per vertical foot of door height load applied to the outer edge of the door standing open. There shall be no permanent deformation or impairment of any of the door or cabinet body when the load is removed. The cabinet door shall be fitted with a Number 2 Corbin lock and a cast aluminum or chrome plated steel handle with a 0.63 inch(minimum)diameter shaft(or equivalent cross-sectional area for a square shaft) and a three(3)point latch. The lock and latch design shall be such that the handle cannot be released until the lock is released. One(1)key shall be provided for each cabinet. A gasket shall be provided to act as a permanent dust and weather resistant seal at the controller cabinet door facing. The gasket material shall be of a nonabsorbent material and shall maintain its resiliency after long term exposure to the outdoor environment. The gasket shall have a minimum thickness of 0.4 inch. The gasket shall be located in a channel provided on the cabinet or on the door(s). An"L"bracket is acceptable in lieu of this channel if the gasket is fitted snugly against the bracket to insure a uniform dust and weather resistant seal around the entire door facing. Any other method is subject to Engineer approval during inspection. _ A locking auxiliary police door shall be provided in the door of the cabinet to provide access to a panel that shall contain a signal shutdown switch,a signal flash switch,a manual-automatic switch,and a manual advance push-button switch on a six(6)foot retractable cord. Manual control of the controller unit from the police door shall override any external control(external logic,etc.)In effect when the Manual-Automatic switch is in the manual position. Each actuation of the manual advance push-button switch shall advance the controller to the next interval. Manual control shall not override any calls for preemption. The police door shall be gasketed to prevent entry of moisture or dust and the lock shall be provided with one(1)brass key. (111116": The intake for the vent system shall be filtered with a permanent air filter. The minimum filter dimensions shall be 16 inches wide x 12 inches high x one(1)inch deep. The filter shall be securely mounted so that any air entering the cabinet must pass through the filter. The cabinet opening for intake of air shall be large enough to use the entire filter. The air intake and exhaust vent shall be screened to prevent entry of insects. The screen shall have openings no larger than 0.01 squared inches. The total free air opening of the exhaust vent shall be large enough to prevent excessive back pressure on the fan. (3) Wiring. All wiring within the cabinet shall be neat and routed such that opening and closing the door or raising or lowering the back panel will not twist or crimp the wiring. All wiring harnesses shall be either braided,sheathed in nylon mesh sleeving,or made of PVC or polyethylene insulated jacketed cable. Wiring leading to the cabinet door shall be sheathed in nylon mesh sleeving or be PVC jacketed cable only. All SDLC cabling shall be Belden#7203A or approved equivalent. 10/02 , 02895- 18 (a) Size. (11.‘`': (i) All conductors between the main power circuit breakers and the signal power bus shall be a minimum size 10 AWG stranded copper. All conductors carrying individual signal lamp current shall be a minimum size 16 AWG stranded copper. All AC service lines shall be of sufficient size to carry the maximum current of the circuit or circuits they are provided for. Minimum cabinet conductor wire size shall be 22 AWG stranded copper. All wiring and insulation shall be rated for 600 V or greater. (ii) Conductors for AC common shall be white. Conductors for equipment grounding shall be green. All other conductors shall be a color different than the foregoing. (b) A barrier terminal block with a minimum of three(3)compression fitting terminals designed to accept up to a No.4 AWG stranded wire shall be provided for connection of the AC power lines. The block shall be rated at 50 amperes. All terminals shall be permanently identified in accordance with the cabinet wiring diagram. Where through-panel solder lugs or other suitable connectors are used,both sides of the panel shall have the terminals properly identified. Identification shall be permanently attached and as close to the terminal strip as possible and shall not be affixed to any part which is easily removable from the terminal block panel. (i) Each controller input and output function shall be distinctly identified with no obstructions,at each terminal point in the cabinet,with both a number and the function designation. The same identification must be used consistently on the cabinet wiring diagrams. (ii) Each load switch socket shall be identified by phase number,overlap number,and pedestrian phase number as applicable. No cabinet equipment,including the load switches themselves, may obstruct these identifications. (iii) Each flash transfer base and power relay base shall be properly identified with no possible obstructions. (iv) Each harness within the cabinet shall be distinctly identified by function on the connector end. (v) The flasher socket shall be distinctly identified with no possible obstruction. (vi) All other sockets needed within the cabinet to fulfill the minimum requirements as indicated on the plans,or attachments thereof,shall be distinctly identified. The controller unit harness(A plug)shall be long enough to reach any point 15.75 inches above the timer shelf. The MMU harness and any required auxiliary harness shall reach 24 inches from the MMU shelf. An unused,spare terminal block providing 10 terminals shall be provided. This block shall be double 8-32 X 5/16 inch binder head screw design with shorting bars. These terminal strips shall be located on the lower third of either side of the cabinet. Copper ground buses shall be provided for both the power supply neutral(common)and chassis ground. Each bus bar must provide a minimum of 10 unused terminals with 8-32 X 5/16 inch or larger screws. The AC neutral and chassis ground buses shall be jumpered together with a minimum No. 10 AWG wire. (c) Two 20 ampere and one 50 ampere thermal type circuit breaker shall be mounted and wired in the cabinet. The 20 ampere breaker shall protect the base light,trouble light,GFCI(Ground Fault Circuit Interruption)receptacle,modem duplex receptacle,and fans. The other 20 ampere breaker ("N, shall be for the two-circuit flasher. The 50 ampere breaker shall protect the signal load circuits, 10/02 02895 - 19 controller circuits,MMU,and card rack detector power supply. The breakers shall be Square"D" QUO 150 Series,or equivalent. The circuit breakers shall be equipped with solderless connectors and installed on the right side wall (facing the cabinet)or lower right hand side of the back panel inside the cabinet. The breakers shall be easily accessible. The breakers shall be positioned so that the rating markings are visible. A Ground Fault Circuit Interruption(GFCI)type duplex receptacle shall be mounted and wired in the lower right side wall of the cabinet. An additional duplex receptacle(for use with communications modems)shall be mounted and wired in the upper left side of the cabinet behind the preempt/interconnect panel. These receptacles shall be wired on the load side of the 20 ampere circuit breaker. The above breakers are in addition to any auxiliary fuses which may be furnished with the controller to protect component parts,such as transformers,etc. The cabinet shall include a pluggable surge protection unit on the AC service input that meets of exceeds the following requirement: (EDCO SHA-1250 or equivalent utilizing 12 pin and 2 guide pins Beau connectors).The surge arrestor shall be multi stage series hybrid type power line surge device. The sure arrestor shall be installed between the applied line voltage and earth ground. The unit shall have 2 LED indicators for operational display status. The surge arrestor shall be capable of reducing the effect of lighting transient voltages applied to the AC line and provide filtering that conforms to 50 kHz with a minimum insertion loss of 50db. The arrestor shall conform to the following: Peak surge current for an 8 X 20 microsecond waveform;20,000 A for 20 occurrences. Clamp voltage at 20,000 A;280 V max. Maximum continuous operating current at 120 V/60 Hz: 15 A CA" Series Inductance:AC line/AC Neutral—greater than 20 microhenry typical. Response time:(<a nanosecond)Voltage never exceeds 280 V during surge. Temperature range: -40°C to+85°C Spike suppression for+/-700 V spike:+/-40 V deviation from sine wave all phase angles between 0 and 180 degrees. The arrestor shall have the following terminals: 1) Main Line(AC line first stage terminal) 2) Main Neutral(AC neutral input terminal) 3) Equipment Line In(AC line second stage input terminal, 10A) 4) Equipment Line Out(AC Line second stage output terminal, 10A) 5) Equipment neutral out(neutral terminal to protected equipment) 6) Ground(GND)(earth connection). The arrestor shall be encapsulated in a flame-retardant material. The equipment line out shall provide power to the controller. (118111.\' The suppresser ground connection shall be connected to the cabinet by means of a short,heavy copper ground strap. The strap shall be bounded to the cabinet. 10/02 02895-20 (d) The suppresser shall be connected to the line filter as recommended by the manufacturer. Number 10 AWG or larger wire shall be used for connections to the suppresser,line filter and load switch bus. A fluorescent light,with switch and a rapid start ballast,shall be installed in the cabinet. This light shall be turned on when the cabinet door is opened,and turned off when the cabinet door is closed. An MOV(Metallic Oxide Varister)or other such transient suppression device shall be placed across the AC power input to the light. A radio frequency interference(RFI)suppresser shall be provided and installed on the load side of the signal circuit breaker and shall be protected by the surge protector. This filter shall be rated at 50 amperes and shall provide a minimum attenuation of 50 decibels over the frequency range of 200 Kilohertz to 75 Megahertz. Transient suppression devices shall be placed on the coil side of all relays in the cabinet. DC relay coils shall have,as a minimum,a reversed biased diode across the coil. AC relays shall have MOV's or equivalent suppression across their coils. RC networks are acceptable. One(1)suppression device shall be supplied for each relay. (e) Except where soldered,all wires shall be provided with lugs or other approved terminal fittings for attachment to binding posts. Insulation parts and wire insulation shall be insulated for a minimum of 600 volts. The outgoing traffic control signal circuits shall be of the same polarity as the line side of the power source. A switch shall be provided on the inside face of the cabinet door that shall be labeled Test-Normal. When the switch is in the Normal position,call for flashing operation shall remove the power from the controller unit. When the switch is in the Test position,the call for flashing operation shall (.1"' permit the controller unit to continue to run so that its operation can be observed. (f) A switch shall be provided near the Test-Normal switch to cause the controller unit,and any auxiliary equipment,to stop timing. It shall be labeled"Stop Timing". The cabinet shall be wired so that activation of the MMU will cause the controller unit,and any auxiliary equipment,to stop timing. Conflict and manual flash shall be wired for all red. The cabinet shall be designed and equipped with enough transfer relays for the purchaser to change any mainstreet indications(movements two(2),six(6),and/or one(1),five(5))to amber for the conflict and/or manual flash operation on the face of the back panel or a side panel,using only simple tools. (g) Transfer relays shall be the plug-in type manufactured by Midtex(Part No.136-62T3A1)or AEMCO(Part No.136-4992),or equivalent. The relays shall have contacts a minimum of 3/8 inch diameter in size and shall be rated at a minimum of 30 Amps 102/240 VAC,20 Amps 28 VDC. The red enable and remote reset from the MMU shall be terminated on the face of the back panel. A 75 amp,solid state relay shall be wired between the RFI filter output and the load switch power bus. The relay shall be controlled by the signal shutdown switch and the flash switch. The relay shall be mounted to a heat sink designed to allow maximum current flow at 74°C without damaging the relay. All exposed AC wiring points,including the RFI filter,surge suppresser,and solid state relay shall be covered with a clear non-conductive plastic cover to prevent accidental contact. Unless otherwise noted in this specification,wiring at terminal strips is exempt from this requirement. 10/02 02895-21 The load switch outputs shall be brought out through posted 10-32 X 5/16"binder head screw terminals. Field wiring for the signal heads shall be connected at this terminal strip. 5. Detector Panel and Card Rack. The cabinet shall have a loop detector panel mounted on the left side of the cabinet. This panel shall provide for all connections between loops at the street and the detector amplifiers as described in the following sections. rik\ 10/02 02895-22 (1) Detector Card Rack. (1/1"\, (a) The card rack for cabinet configurations one,two,and three(12 position backpanel)shall be TS 2 detector rack configuration 2 and shall accommodate up to eight(8)two(2)channel TS 2 detector units. Two card racks,one TS 2 detector rack configuration 1 and one TS 2 detector rack configuration 2,shall be provided for cabinet configuration four(16 position backpanel)and shall accommodate up to twelve(12)two(2)channel TS 2 detector units. The detector card rack shall have a rigid frame and shall be fabricated from aluminum and shall have slots set in a modular fashion such that the PCB edge connectors shall plug into the rear while sliding between top and bottom card guides for each module. Mounting flanges shall be provided and be turned outward for ease of access. The detector card rack shall be bolted to a cabinet shelf. It shall be possible to unbolt the rack using simple tools. All wiring to the rack shall be labeled and neatly run to other parts of the cabinet and detector termination panel. All loop inputs shall be wired with shielded twisted pair leads(Belden 9451,2 conductor,22 AWG w/24 AWG drain wire,shielded cable or approved equivalent)to improve signal isolation. All grounds within the twisted pair leads shall be connected at the detector terminal panel. The slots shall be numbered one(1)to eight(8)left to right when viewed from the front of the rack. A flange shall be provided on the top and the bottom of the rack to label each individual channel. (b) The Detector DC Supply shall be bussed to a common point and wired to the Intersection Detector Panel. The Chassis Ground shall be bussed to a common point and wired to the Detector Panel. The Logic Ground shall be bussed to a common point and wired to the Detector Panel. ' The Data Address for the detector channels shall be according to TS 2. (2) Detector Panel. (a) The Detector Panel shall provide all connections between the detector loops and the detector amplifiers. The panel shall be constructed of 0.13 inch aluminum. The panel shall contain a three(3)inch horizontal slot in each corner to accommodate 0.25 inch mounting bolts. (b) All inputs from the loops shall be brought through posted 10-32 X 5/16 inch binder screw terminals. Each loop pair shall be protected by lightning surge suppressers prequalified for use on loop detector inputs by the Departments'Traffic Operations Division Signal Operations Section. The suppressers may be mounted either on the front or behind the panel. The detector panel for cabinet configurations one,two,and three(12 Position)shall provide the following connection points as a minimum for sixteen(16)detectors: Connection Point No.of Connection Points External 24 V Power Supply 1 Loop Inputs 32,Two(2)for Each Detector Logic Ground 1 Spares 6 Chassis Ground Bus 1 Bus 10/02 02895-23 The detector panel for cabinet configuration four(16 Position)shall provide the following connection points as a minimum for twenty-four(24)detectors: Connection Point No.of Connection Points External 24 V Power Supply 1 Loop Inputs 48,Two(2)for Each Detector Logic Ground 1 Spares 0 Chassis Ground Bus 1 Bus (c) A chassis ground bus bar shall be provided on the panel and connected to the cabinet by an insulated braided copper ground strap and shall be tied to the loop lead-in grounds. The strap shall be bonded to the cabinet. An additional neutral bus bar shall be provided on the panel and tied to the pedestrian commons. Toggle switches shall be provided to permit the user to input a vehicle or pedestrian call to the control unit. Switches will be provided as follows: - 16 vehicle and 8 pedestrian switches shall be provided on 12 position cabinets; - 24 vehicle and 8 pedestrian switches shall be provided on 16 position cabinets. 6. Preempt/Communication Panel. (1) A preempt/communication panel shall be provided that contains all interface circuits and wiring for preemption and communication functions. The panel shall be located on the left side of the cabinet interior. (2) Three(3)input relay circuits,with 120 VAC coil and contacts rated for the application,shall be provided on the preempt panel. These circuits shall be used to isolate the incoming preempt commands from the controller unit logic circuitry. The circuits shall be programmable to operate with either a normally open or normally closed relay contact by jumpers on a terminal strip. A barrier strip protected from accidental contact by service personnel shall be supplied to connect the external input. It shall be possible to use either a neutral or hot 120 VAC input. Relays used shall be plug-in Potter Brumfield K1OP series/Magnecraft W-78 series or interchangeable equivalent. The relays shall be mounted in relay sockets. Adequate protection of the input relay circuits as well as the preemptor circuitry shall be provided to eliminate damage or false preemption commands caused by line transients or lightning surges. The devices shall have a minimum rating of 20 Joules. Three(3)momentary test switches,one(1)for each preempt circuit,shall be provided on the preempt panel. The operator shall not be exposed to hazardous voltages during operation of the test switches. All necessary interconnection cables and mounting hardware shall be provided. (3) There shall be a switch on the preempt/communication panel which shall release the local controller to operate in an isolated,full-actuated manner,when necessary for maintenance purposes. The switch positions shall be labeled"System"and"Free". Terminal connections for two(2)twisted pair communication lines shall also be provided with a coordinated four(4)stage electrical protection;including primary overvoltage protection,resettable overcurrent protection,secondary clamping voltage protection,and fast transient filtering. The secondary overvoltage stage shall allow peak voltages of no more than 250 volts. The fast transient filtering stage shall provide no less than 40 dB/decade of attenuation to transients above the required pass band. The four(4)stage protection shall be provided in an integrated closure with input/output terminations and (6%, ground connection. 10/02 02895-24 7. Power Supply. The power supply shall be a shelf mounted,enclosed,24 VDC power supply in accordance with Clause 5.3.5 of the NEMA Standards Publication TS 2-1998. One(1)power supply cable per power supply shall be furnished and installed in each cabinet. The wires shall be terminated to bus bars,terminals on the front of the backpanel,detector panels,or connector as appropriate. The connections shall be with forked spade lugs or otherwise as needed. Each individual wire shall be cut to the length required to reach the point at which it is to be connected. 8. Two Circuit Solid State Flasher. The solid state,two(2)circuit flasher shall meet the electrical and physical characteristics described in Clause 6.3 of the NEMA Standards Publication TS 2-1998. The flasher shall be Type III(dual circuit rated at 15 Amps per circuit)unit and so constructed that each component may be readily replaced if needed. The two(2)circuit flasher shall be of solid state design and contain no electro-mechanical devices. 9. Load Switch. The solid state load switches shall meet the requirements set forth in Clause 6.2 of the NEMA Standards Publication TS 2-1998,and shall be"Triple-Signal Load Switch"type. An indicator light for each circuit shall be provided in each load switch. The indicator light shall be on when a "Low Voltage Active"input to the load switch is present. 10. Documentation. (1) Each cabinet shall be provided with the following documentation: (a) Three(3)complete,accurate,and fully legible diagrams and one(1)schematic for every electronic device. This shall include but not be limited to cabinet wiring,back panel,detector panel,power panel,preempt panel,flasher circuit,load switch,and card rack power supply diagrams. (b) Complete parts list including names of vendors for parts not identified by universal part numbers (am\ such as JEDEC,RETMA,or EIA. (c) Manufacturer's specifications for cooling fans which includes the CFM rating of fans. (2) Each controller unit shall be provided with the following documentation: (a) One(1)service manual per unit which includes description of controller unit,description of its operation,and basic maintenance and troubleshooting information. (b) Two(2)complete,accurate,and readable schematic diagrams for all circuitry in the controller unit. One(1)set of these diagrams may be included in the service manual. (c) Complete parts list including names of vendors for parts not identified by universal part numbers such as JEDEC,RETMA,or EIA. This may be included in the service manual. (d) Pictorial of components layout for each circuit board or individual component identification permanently printed on each circuit board. Regardless of which of the above is provided,each electronic component on the board will need to be clearly identified or labeled. This may be included in the service manual. (3) Each MMU shall be provided with each of the following documentation: (a) Complete and accurate diagram. (b) Complete parts list including names of vendors for parts not identified by universal part numbers such as JEDEC,RETME,or EIA. (c) Pictorial of component's layout on circuit board(s). 10/02 02895-25 (d) One service manual per unit which includes description of MMU unit,description of its operation, and basic maintenance and troubleshooting information. (1181.\! (4) Contractors shall be prepared to furnish NEMA certification for the complete cabinet assembly from an independent laboratory. 11. Other Requirements. The Contractor's facilities shall be of sufficient size and staffmg that any and all warranty repairs to the cabinet assembly provided can be made on a timely basis. Timely return of equipment is interpreted as a period of time no longer than 18 calendar days from the date of receipt by the Contractor to the return receipt of the equipment at the specified location. This requirement may be met by field service. Failure to meet these requirements may result in rejection of future bids. The controller cabinet shall be delivered on four(4)inch x four(4)inch runners covered with 0.5 inch plywood to facilitate handling. Runners consisting of stacked two(2)inch x two(2)inch boards are not acceptable. 12. Test and Acceptance of Controller Cabinet Assembly. (1) The Contractor shall supply controller cabinet assemblies that have been burned in for a period of 48 hours at a temperature of 60°C or for a period of 96 hours at a temperature of 23°C. A certification shall be included with or attached to each controller cabinet indicating the dates of the bum in period,number of hours,and the bum in temperature. The controller cabinet assembly may be run under load in a shop environment for a period of at least 120 hours. During this time the entire controller cabinet assembly will be inspected for compliance with the specifications. (2) Any or all tests described in NEMA Standard Publication TS 2-1998 may be performed on the complete controller cabinet assemblies on a random sample basis. Environmental sampling and testing shall be in accordance with the Construction Division,Manual of Testing Procedures,Test Method Tex-1170-T. If any of the assemblies fail any of the tests,the Contractor will be permitted to make one(1)complete \ repair of the order on a timely basis which will be determined by the Engineer and the testing will be redone. The Contractor shall reimburse the state for any retesting required during acceptance. The cost of each retest will be based on time and charges and is estimated at$1,500.00 per test. Minor discrepancies noted in sampling and test of this item received shall be corrected within a maximum of 30 days of written notice of the discrepancies or as stated in the notice. Major discrepancies that in the opinion of the Engineer,will substantially delay receipt and acceptance of the item will be cause for cancellation of the contract. Discrepancies found in partial shipments shall be corrected prior to the delivery of subsequent shipments. The traffic signal controllers and cabinets shall be identical to the approved pre-shipment sample. Any deviations from the approved sample shall be submitted for evaluation and approval before any shipment is accepted for payment. Deviations from the approved sample after shipment of any parts of the order shall be cause for rejection and non-payment of the remainder of the order. Excessive delays or noncompliance by the Contractor at any point in the approval process may be cause for rejection of equipment furnished for this project. (3) Date of acceptance will be the date that the controller cabinet assembly is approved by Materials and Pavements Section of Construction Division. 13. Warranty. The cabinet assembly including all contents shall be fully warranted for parts and labor for a minimum of two(2)years from the date of acceptance. 14. Measurement and Payment. Work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and attachments will not be measured or paid for directly,but will be considered subsidiary to Item 680, 4116 "Installation of Highway Traffic Signals". 10/02 02895-26 TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONTROLLER ASSEMBLY(TS 2) ATTACHMENTS Cakc TABLE 1 Global Time Base Schedule Actuated Traffic Signal Schedule entry Months dates of month days of week day plan Time Base Actions 1 1-12 1-31 1-7 1-15 entry 1 actions • 255 It If entry 255 actions TABLE 2 CONFIGURATION Coordinated 8 Phase NEMA Quad Sequential 8 Phase Sequential 44 Diamond Phase(s) dual ring and 34 Diamond Individual — 4 or 8 2,4,6,or 8 Pairs 2&6or4&8 2&6 -- 2&5,4&5, 1&6,orl &8 (11111 TABLE 3 TIMING INTERVAL TIME INCREMENTS (Seconds) (Seconds) 1.PE Delay (Emergency vehicle preempt) 0-999 1 2.PE Minimum Duration 0-999 1 3.PE Minimum Green 0-255 1 4.PE Minimum Walk 0-255 1 5.PE Ped Clearance 0-255 1 6.PE Track Green 0-255 1 7.PE Dwell Green 1-255 1 8.PE Exit Ped Clear 0-255 1 9.PE Exit Yellow 3.0-25.5 0.1 10.PE Exit Red Clearance 0-25.5 0.1 11.PE Max Call 0-999 1 10/02 02895-27 TABLE 4 OBJECT RANGE VALUES FOR ACTUATED SIGNAL CONTROLLERS Object MINIMUM PROJECT REQUIREMENTS NTCIP 1201:1996 moduleType Value 3 dbCreateTransaction All Values dbErrorType All Values globalDaylightSaving Values 2&3 maxTimeBaseScheduleEntries 255 maxDayPlans 15 maxDayPlanEvents 10 maxEventLogConfigs 255 eventConfigMode Values 2 thru 5 eventConfigAction Values 2&3 maxEventLogSize 255 maxEventClasses 7 maxGroupAddress 2 NTCIP 1202:1996 maxPhases 16 phaseStartup Values 2 thru 6 phaseOptions All Values maxPhaseGroups 2 maxVehicleDetectors 32 vehicleDetectorOptions All Values maxPedestrianDetectors 8 unitAutoPedestrianClear All Values unitControlStatus All Values _ unitFlashStatus All Values unitControl All Values ri\t maxAlarmGroups 1 maxSpecialFunctionOutputs 8 coordCorrectionMode Values 2 thru 4 coordMaximumMode Values 2 thru 4 coordForceMode Values 2&3 maxPattems 48 patternTableType Either 2 or 3 maxSplits 16 splitMode Values 2 thru 7 localFreeStatus Values 2 thru 11 maxTimebaseASCActions 255 maxPreempts 6 preemptControl All Values preemptState Values 2 thru 9 maxRings 4 maxSequences 16 maxChannels 16 channelControlType Values 2 thru 4 channelFlash All Values channelDim All Values maxChannelStatusGroups 16 maxOverlaps 8 overlapType Values 2&3 maxOverlapStatusGroups 8 maxPortl Addresses 255 portl Status Values 2&3 10/02 02895-28 Table 5 CiPh\' Function Objects Procedures to Implementation Example:Function X Object T Get object T then send objects Y and Z if Object Y T>0' Object Z Change split time in an active coordination plan Change ring structure Change Min Green in an active coordination plan Change alternate sequence in an active coordination plan TABLE 6 Channel Load Switch Phase _ Channel 1 Load Switch 1 Phase 1 Vehicle Channel 2 Load Switch 2 Phase 2 Vehicle Channel 3 Load Switch 3 Phase 3 Vehicle Channel 4 Load Switch 4 Phase 4 Vehicle Channel 5 Load Switch 5 Phase 5 Vehicle Channel 6 Load Switch 6 Phase 6 Vehicle Channel 7 Load Switch 7 Phase 7 Vehicle Channel 8 Load Switch 8 Phase 8 Vehicle TABLE 7 Cabinet Options Size of Cabinet Backpanel Config Size of Load Bay Option 1 Pole Mount TS 2 Size 5 Configuration 3 12 position load bay Option 2 Base Mount TS 2 Size 5 Configuration 3 12 position load bay Option 3 Base Mount TS 2 Size 6 Configuration 3 12 position load bay Option 4 Base Mount TS 2 Size 6 Configuration 4 16 position load bay 10/02 02895-29 (1111".\ i43 $4 Ni 1 41----OL A 1-$6 7r--.4)1 2 -� OLB� I R �8 Figure 1 Ring 1 —• 1 2 3 4 Ring 2 —• 5 6 7 8 Figure 2 (.11'6\ 10/02 02895-30 /�y From 25 Clearance Interval Clearance Interval Clearance Interval ( to3, 5or45 \� to 16 _\� I t17or 18 I non�� n=nN I1n � n=jnr 2535A or 2545A 2516A 2517A or 2518A -\\I u u n�\-- 2516B* 2517B*or 2518B* uu -nn1\\-- nnN\- *Special Interval 2517C or 25I8C Figure 3a From 45 Clearance Interval Clearance Interval Clearance Interval to 25 or 35 to 16 to 17 or 18 ku I u_u u�l ;lu u --� 4 - I1-7\'\ � nn1\7 -nnM\-- 4525A or 4535A 4516A 4517A or 4518A 4516B* 4517B*or 4518B* \\uI Special Interval + n rkV --I n �� 4516C 4517C or 4518C Figure 3b raks, 10/02 02895-31 Clearance Interval Clearance Interval Clearance Interval \\ II From 16 \\ II t017 or 18 to ZS II \\ II t0 35 or 4II5 \ I 1617A or 1618A 1625A 1635A or 1645A ��l u u 1625B* 1635B*or 1645B* _\\J _I I n n I `� 1625C 1635C or 1645C *Special Interval Figure 3c From 18 Clearance Interval Clearance Interval Clearance Interval to 16 or 17 to 25 to 35 or 45 L J I u J uu I ,t I I ��l uu 1 I_ n11\\-- n nl'I\\ -n n N\- 1816A or1817A 1825A 1835A or1845A JI II \JI_H - j7n_'I<~ I I 11\7 1825B* 1835B*or 1845B* uJu �I uJI IL- *Special Interval -1 71 11\7 n 1\7 1825C 1835C or 1845C Figure 3d 10/02 02895-32 From 35 Clearance Interval Clearance Interval Clearance Interval (11111.11) u �`\1 to 2. 5 or 45_ _'`V to 16 � to 17 or 18 � n77n nr�� nn�� 3525A or 3545A 3516A 3517A or 3518A u�uuu�uu 3516B* 3517B*or3518B* ._\\,t n \-. ---- 3516C 3517C or 3518C *Special Interval Figure 3e From 17 Clearance Interval Clearance Interval Clearance Interval to 16 or 18 35 or 45 -4l u u u, — \emu ,I — I — I to 25 to 1-1. 1\7 —I I—I n --- 1716A or 1718A 1725A 1735A or 1745A 1725B* 1735B*or 1745B* ni ir\\-- I n 1725C 1735C or 1745C *Special Interval Figure 3f 10/02 02895-33 34) 4 \\\(1) O 12 10 ❑ 15 ❑ 6 114 I 4) 5 WEI 2 11 11 13 21 16 q O Figure 4 —I i 48 L rah' Jl 45 L J lid L_ J Lzd H � � nn� 25 L J 16 � H Tnn I 15 ► Ir H . � n n Transition Phase to * 4 Phase Operation Figure 5a 10/02 02895-34 Figure 5b 3 Phase Diamond Sequence (111 \' From IF AND GO TO Interval Call On No Call On Interval 48 2 and 6 ---- 2+6 2 or 6 1 or 5 2+6 1 and 6 2 1+6 2 and 5 6 2+5 5 1 or 2 or 6 4+5 4 and 5 8 4+5 if min time of 5 can be serviced before max time of 4 1 2 or 5 or 6 1+8 1 and 8 4 1+8 if min time of 1 can be serviced before max time of 8 1 and 5 2 or 6 1+5 45 8 ---- 4+8 if 4+8 was not serviced immediately prior to 4+5 8 l or 2 or 6 4+8 2 and 6 8 2+6 6 8 or 1 2+6 2 8 or 6 2+5 l and 6 8 or 2 1+6 1 8 or 2 or 6 1+5 18 4 ---- 4+8 if 4+8 was not serviced immediately prior to 1+8 4 5 or 2 or 6 4+8 2 and 6 4 2+6 2 4 or 5 2+6 6 4 or 2 1+6 2 and 5 4 or 6 2+5 rill\t 5 4 or 2 or 6 1+5 26 (1 and 5)or 4 or 8 2 or 6 1+5 5 6or4or8 2+5 2 and 5 6 2+5 1 2 or 4 or 8 1+6 1 and 6 2 1+6 25 1 or 8 ---- 1+5 4 1 or 8 4+5 6 l or 4 or 8 2+6 16 4 or 5 ---- 1+5 8 4 or 5 1+8 2 4 or 5 or 8 2+6 15 4 and 8 ---- 4+8 4 8 4+5 8 4 1+8 2 and 6 4 or 8 2+6 2 4 or 6 or 8 2+5 6 2 or 4 or 8 1+6 10/02 02895-35 PC:F 1eG2(9-04) SPECIFICATION FOR INSTALLATION OF CONDUIT SYSTEM FOR THROUGH:FARE STREET LIGHT AND DESIGNATED HIGH DENSITY AREAS HOUSTON LIGHTING &POWER COMPANY ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT P. O. BOX 1700 HOUSTON,TEXAS 77251 REFERENCE DRAWINGS: • C11111\' REFERENCE.SPECIFICATIONS: • . HOUSTON LIGHTING&POWER COMANY HOUSTON,TEXAS 4 •4_25:lei Added conduit run for high density area. 41 WRITTEN 0943-90 N.T.Khanh • 3 05-25-95 Added coordiination procedure. KTN RKM LSN CHECKED 09-13-90 JCD/RKM 2 05-11-93 Added article S. KTN RKM LSN APPROVED 09-14-90 Robert. Boucher rill's\ " 08.01-91 Revised pull-1m- • KTN RKM RED SHEET 1 OF 16 SHEETS O. DATE ITEMS REVISED BY CH APP I 007 371 413 • 16130 - 1 • PCP, Els'9' • rib\ CONTENTS • ITEM NO. TITLE PAGE NO. 1.0 Scope 3 2.0 General 3 3.0 Material furnished by HL&P 4 4.0 Pull-box. 5 5.0 Warning tape • 5 6.0 Material furnished by the Customer 5 • 7.0 Conduits 6 rib\ 8.0 Conduit install in bridge or elevated roadway 7 + l 9.0 Conduit plugs 7 10.0 Liability 8 Small pull-box 9 Large pull-box 10 Typical street light conduit layout 11 Multiple conduit run street light foundation 12 Street light conduit from manhole 13 . Typical terminal pole layout 14 Conduits installed in bridge or elevation roadway 15 Block-out for street light in concrete areas 16 • .REVISION NO. 4 SPECIFICATION NO. i 007 371 08 SHEET 2 OF 16 SHEETS 1613.0 -- 2 PCF tOmE f9-941 1.0 SCOPE This Specification covers Houston Lighting&Power Company requirements concerning the installation of pull-boxes and conduits for underground electrical service to street lights. Number, size and direction of conduits.to be specified on layout at HL&P's • discretion. Where there is a conflict between this specification and the HL&P project drawing, the drawing will take precedence. • 2.0 GENERAL The following sub-articles state the general procedures to be followed for coordination of conduit system installation: 2.1 For City Of Houston(COH) Contractor installed conduit: COH Street Light Division shall approve proposed street light locations. COH shall forward proposed locations to HL&P. HL&P shall design the conduit system and return design to COH for contracting. 2.2 For.Metro Contractor installed conduit: Metro shall forward construction drawings to COH Street Light Division for proposed street light Iocations. COH shall submit their approved locations to HL&P. HL&P shall design the conduit system and return design to COH. (For conduit to be located in utility or side lot (11116'Neasements,HL&P will perform the work in conjunction with street light installation,with reimbursement from Metro). 2.3 HL&P shall require,and note on drawings,when pull-boxes are required at the beginning and ending of each continuous conduit run,in addition to those areas where pull-boxes are currently required for crossings or distance. 2.A HL&P Street Light Engineering shall attend COH/Metro utility coordinating meeting prior to the start of construction. The proposed conduit installation(as well as potential conflicts with existing HL&P facilities)will be reviewed at that time. • 2.5 In conjunction with the utility coordinating meeting, Contractor, HL&P representative, Metro(if applicable)and COH or other municipal representative shall review proposed light locations in the field. 2.6 Contractor will notify HL&P Street Light Engineering,at least 2 (two) working • days in advance,of Contractor's schedule for conduit installation. HL&P Street Light Engineering will perform inspections throughout Contractor's installation. 1, I 1 371 ag I- SHEET 3 OF 16 SHEETS .l .• REVISION NO. 4 SPECIFICATION NO. # • 16130 — 3 veF taws is-a.0 2.7 Contractor shall attempt to determine if existing underground utilities or any other obstructions would prohibit HL&P's installation of proposed new street lights. If such obstructions exist,Contractor may revise the proposed location of the light -up to 5 feet in any direction within street right-of-way in order to avoid obstructions. For revised street light locations greater than 5 feet in any direction, Contractor must obtain prior approval as follows: For projects being performed for COH,Contractor shall notify the City Inspector, who will notify the COH's Public Works Department. Public Works will review the problem with the City's Street Light Division and HL&P for approval of any changes. (In the case of municipalities other than COH, Contractor shall notify City Inspector who shall notify appropriate Department of City. City shall consult with HL&P for approval of any changes) For projects being performed for Metro, Contractor must notify the Metro Inspector,who will in turn contact Metro's Utility Coordination Section. The Utility Coordination Section will review the problem with the COH's Street Light Division(or other municipality if applicable) and HL&P for approval of any changes. 2.8 For any contractor-proposed changes to HL&P's conduit system design, Contractor must obtain prior approval from HL&P. Contractor shall first notify rib% City or Metro Inspector of requested changes,who will in turn notify COH Public Works,other municipality or Metro's Utility Coordination Section. COH Public Works,other municipality or Metro Utility Coordination will review the requested changes with HL&P for approval. 2.9 For proposed street lights on bridges or elevated roads,Contractor shall design and install foundations that meet the loading requirements of HL&P Specification for Galvanized Street•Light Standards 00.7-371-04. For information on pull-boxes and conduit,see Article 8.0. 3.0 MATERIAL FURNISHED BY PI.L&P • HL&P shall only furnish the pull-boxes(see Article 4.0)and the warning tape(see Article 5.0). Pull-boxes will not be famished for installation on bridges or elevated roads. • 3.1 The Customer's Contractor shall notify HL&P Street Light Engineering when pull-boxes and warning tape are required, three working days in advance of • planned pickup. Pull-boxes and tape can be obtained Tuesday through Friday, excluding holidays, from the Street Light office at Magnolia Park Service Center located at 104 North Greenwood, Houston,Texas. .j REVISION NO. .4 SPECIFICATION NO. Col 371 03 SHEET 4 OF 16 SHEETS 16130 — 4 per lame ) C114' 4 . 3.2 After Contractor's notification,:HL&P•will provide Contractor with a work order number for reference when picking up materials at Magnolia Park Service Center. 4.0 PULL-BOX The following sub-articles state the general requirements for pull-boxes: 4.1 The pull-boxes shall be furnished by HL&P and shall be installed by the • Customer's Contractor as a part of the conduit system. 4.2 Pull-boxes shall be installed in accordance with sheet 9& 10 of this specification. The conduit layout will specify the type of pull-box to be installed. 4.3 At the point of entrance to the pull-box, the conduits shall always have a minimum ground cover as noted on pull-box drawing. Conduit shall run up a maximum of 5 inches into the pull-box. The bends to be used with the pull-box shall have a minimum radius as shown on pull-box drawing. 5.0 WARNING TAPE • 5.1 Warning tape shall be furnished by HL&P and installed by the Customer's Contractor(see sheet 11). 5.2 Warning tape shall be installed approximately 12 inches above the street light• conduit. . 6.0 MATERIAL FURNISHED BY THE CUSTOMER The Customer or Customer's Contractor shall furnish the conduits(see Article 7.0),the conduits and pull-boxes installed in bridges or elevated roadways (see Artical 8.0), the conduit plugs(see Article 9.0),and all other materials not furnished by.HL&P. 7.0 CONDUIT . . • The following sub-articles state the general requirements,unless specifically stated otherwise on the layout,for the number, size and installation of the conduit system from the pull-box to the street light or terminal pole. 7.1 Conduit shall be PVC Nema Tc2 Schedule 40 or Schedule 80, U.L. label,US trade size, and meet the standards of the National Electrical Code(NEC). Size to be determined by layout. • REVISION NO. 4 , SPECIFICATION NO. 007 371 oS SHEET S OF 16 SHEETS • 16130 —. 5 pCF tetnE tt'941 1.1‘91.1 1-Aia v 7.2 A No. 14 Aluminium or Copperiwire and a fiber pull line of at least I200 pounds breaking strength shall be installed in the conduit. Pull line shall be installed in such a manner as to provide adequate access and be free to pull without hindrance. Pull line shall not be glued or permanently attached to conduit in any manner. 7.3 The conduit runs shall be made "continuous" with all sections connected from beginning to end, including the conduit crossing the street. 7.4 The conduit shall be placed 3 feet behind curb unless sidewalk is to be installed. Where sidewalks exist,conduit shall be placed up to 6 inches behind the sidewalk (or in grassy area between the curb and the start of sidewalk, where 12 inches or more of grassy area exists). Even though sidewalks exist,HL&P will install street light approximately 3 feet back of curb. Contractor shall therefore provide a block-out area for the street light installation in sidewalk or other concrete area (see sheet 16). 7.5 The conduit shall have a minimum cover of 36 inches from final grade except as noted on pull-box and manhole drawing, or where city,county or state regulators require a greater depth, and shall consist of PVC conduit. 7.6 For the burial of street light conduits crossing under driveways or sidewalks, schedule 40 PVC or better is required. When crossing under streets, the (.1`_ conduit shall be PVC conduit schedule 80. 7.7 For terminal pole source locations specified on the layout,the bend of the conduits at the terminal pole shall be 90 degrees,24 inch radius bend,schedule 40 PVC conduit. This bend,shall'be brought to the face of the pole and stubbed out approximately 12 inches above the final grade(see sheet 14). 7.8 For pad mounted transformer source locations specified on the layout,conduit shall be brought to within 1 foot of transformer pad,opposite the small notch "V" on the pad, stubbed out approximately 12 inches above the final grade. 7.9 For secondary pedestal source locations specified on the layout, conduit shall be brought to within 1 foot of pedestal and stubbed out approximately 12 inches above the final grade. 7.10 For manhole source location,the conduit shall enter the manhole a minimum of 12 inches from the inside ceiling or as specified on the layout. A ductbell terminator will be installed in the manhole wall for conduit termination. HL&P shall be notified 48 hours prior to the actual coring of the manhole wail so.that HL&P can verify the location in each manhole to be penetrated. HL&P will stand-by only during the actual coring. The contractor shall do the coring and • (11 .. REVISION NO. 4 SPECIFICATION NO. 007 371 Q3 I SHEET 6 OF 16 SHEETS 16130 — 6 Peg Te E(9.54) ra) installation of the ductbell terminator. The contractor shall seal around the ductbell terminator with packaged, dry, rapid hardening cementitious material • conforming to ASThi C928-80 specifications,to ensure a water tight seal. • 3.0 CONDUIT INSTALLED IN BRIDGE OR ELEVATED ROADWAY Customer or Customer's Contractor shall be responsible for designing, furnishing and installing the conduits and pull-boxes. The pull-boxes should be located to provide HL&P personnel safe and reasonable access,without using ladders or other special equipment, for cable installation, inspection and maintenance. Where there are junction- boxes in addition to the pull-boxes, reasonable access shall also be provided. 8.1 The conduit shall be at least 2 inches, in diameter and meet all requirements of the latest National Electrical Code(NEC)and National Electrical Safety Code (NESC). 8.2 The conduits shall run to each street light location. The conduits shall be arranged to allow the source conductor to be pulled in and out of each street light location 1 or Contractor shall provide junction-boxes on main conduit run at each street light location and.run tap conduit to the street light location (see sheet 15 for examples of conduit runs). ( 8.3 A 414 Aluminium or Copper wire and a fiber pull line of at least 1200 pound breaking strength shall be installed in the conduit. Pull line shall be installed in such a manner as to provide adequate access and be free to pull without hindrance. Pull line shall not be glued or permanently attached to conduit in any manner. 8.4 The pull-boxes used to pull the main circuit cable through the conduit system shall have a minimum opening of 15"x 15" x 12". • 8.5 Junction boxes used as tap location shall.meet all requirements of the latest NEC. 9.0 CONDUIT PLUGS • Plugs shall be installed on the conduit terminator points at the time the.conduits are installed. rimmi I SPECIFICATION REVISION NO. 4 N NO. I007 I 371 03 I SHEET 7 OF 16 SHEETS• I f 16130 — 7 PCF meg rr-54 • 10.0 LIABILITY 10.1 Upon completion of the conduit installation, the Customer(or Customer's .Contractor) shall forward to HL&P.Street Light Engineering notification in writing from a City or County Inspector that the installation meets HL&P Specifications. In addition, Customer shall provide HL&P with as-built drawings (showing conduits, pull-boxes, blockout, etc.). 10.2 The Customer shall be responsible for either: (1) correcting any violations of said Specifications and clearing any blockage or repairing any breaks within the street light conduits prior to street lights and circuit installation by HL&P, or(2) reimbursing HL&P for correcting violation. 10.3 Upon installation of street lights, with the exception ofstreet lights on bridges or elevated roadways, HL&P shall furnish,install, own,and at all times have complete control over said street light service conduit system and shall be responsible for the location and maintenance thereof. Maintenance of conduit systems on bridges or elevated roadways will be the Customer's responsibility. Cab\ • • rib\ REVISION NO. 4 SPECIFICATION NO. 077 371 •08 f SHEET -8 OF 16 SHEETS 16130 — 8 r 1 (111111 I STREET LIGHT CONDUIT STREET LIGHT (SEE NOTE 3 ) CONDUIT \ —__ �_�— —— )4: r ` • J • 1 '-2" MAX. PULLBOX zZ COVER • (BY HLLP CO. ) FINAL GRADE (SEE NOTE 1 I: I C 1t i to • \. 9 1/2" RADIUS >.'s—CH- 90° BEND . SMALL PULL BOX . (D GRAOE AT TIME OF INSTALLATION SHALL BE CONSIDERED DEVELOPER 'S FINAL GRADE. THIS PULL-BOX CAN BE INSTALLED IN DRIVEWAYS AND PARKING LOTS BUT NOT IN STREET. • THE NUMBER, SIZE ANO DIRECTION OF CONDUITS TO BE SPECIFIED ON HUP. CONDUIT LAYOUT. • MISIQN N0. 4 ISPECIFICIITLON h10. 1007 1 371 i 08 1 svEET 9 OF IS. SHUTS .. .. _�.-.--..t_1......,a1....._4..., . ._ 16130 - 9 • • • PULLBOX I COVER (7) r DEVELOPER'S (FURNISHED' BY HLIP AND FINAL GRADE INSTALLED BY CONTRACTOR ) 3 '-2 1/8" • • , _ v/ /�/ , MIN. n21-0" r ��\,; o \2\/ - • * ,// c\i ....z. .:• ,, ,,,,,,„,, .• \//, .,... ,..,,,,.,,,, . . \>:„./t,/, y,,,, ,, z \- cr STREET LIGHT / / V CONDUITS 24" RAO_ / � SO° BEND q ra 3'-2 1/8" 3.-1 (1.1.\' O STREET LIGHT CONDUITS N . j� N ` o\ �l / i LARGE PULL BOX . - • ® GRADE AT TIME OF INSTALLATION SHALL BE CONSIDERED DEVELOPER'S FINAL GRADE. • ® WHEN INSTALLING PULL BOXES IN INCIDENTAL . TRAFFIC LOADING AREA, DEVELOPER 'S FINAL GRADE REFERS TO THE SURFACE OF THE PAVEMENT. . �}3 THE NUMBER, SIZE AND. DIRECTION OF CONDUITS TO BE SPECIFIED ON HLW CONDUIT LAYOUT. ® THIS PULL-BOX CAN 'BE INSTALLED IN DRIVEWAYS . . AND PARKING LOTS BUT NOT .IN STREET. REV1s10N NO. 4 SPECIF1CATION NO. 007 371' 08 SHEET 10 cfr. 16 SHEETS _ ...%.4....s.1_11...rfi.nv..A.,n............ .::_. .._._.. ..._...-. _..._. .._._ ... . - ...._ . 16130 - 10 • �t y' , \ \' \ \/\\ \ \ \ /\"/ / /\ \ \ \\.\' \ r %\,\\,\\ WARNING TAPE cow N (44) Y Y • TYPICAL STREET LIGHT. CONDUIT LAYOUT r.- ... - " - . . . . - . . . . . REVISIO NO. • 4 SPECIFICATION NO. 1007 371 I . 08 s€ET 11 OF 16 SHEETS ...1dc,nl.Z.el.nttri d:tn . ... _.._._. ... ._ ... .. .. ,_... _._ ........ . 16130 — 11 1 '-6" TO 2 '-0" 4 1/4" TO 6 1/2" riti • I • • • a) GRADE LINE co. l 1 f !• � ^c cr1 1:uIH11 CONDUITS -( 11 • MULTIPLE CONDUIT RUN IN STREET LIGHT FOUNDATION • • GRADE AT TIME OF INSTALLATION SHALL BE CONSIDERED DEVELOPER'S FINAL GRADE. Q THE OUANTITY, SIZE AND DIRECTION OF CONDUITS • TO BE SPECIFIED BY ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT. • Q SEE ACCOMPANING HLUP. STANDRRDS FOUNDATION FOR ACTUAL SIZE AND ANCHOR BOLT POSITION. 1 • REVISION N0. 4 SPECIFICATION no.. ( • 1 007 371 ( 08 I Sl€ET 12 OF 16 SETS J .:...�.3n�fr..LZr_7�trx.r�an_...._.... .... . ._ . . _ - - - . • 16130 — 12 Cilim PAVEMENT d J in , f ' :..Li ` 4" DUCTBELL TERMINATOR m !.. 1 ;t STREET LIGHTS ' 4" PVC CONDUIT Y 12" MIN. HL8P HLLP DUCT DUCT (. ,. _••. •,: • .I l r1/4: I . 0 0 \) 1 TYPICAL TYPICAL 2—WAY 3—WAY TYPICAL 4—WAY INTERSECTION • MANHOLE • STREET LIGHT CONDUIT RUN FROM MANHOLE • 0 CONDUITS SHALL TYPICALLY ENTER THE MANHOLE THROUGH THE SHORT HALLS. HLSP MUST APPROVE ENTRY THROUGH OTHER SMALLS. • 0 THE NUMBER, SIZE AND DIRECTION OF CONDUITS TO BE SPECIFIED BY ENGINEERING OEPARTMENT. 0 HL8P TO BE NOTIFIED 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THE ACTUAL • CORING TO THE MANHOLE HALL. REVISION N0. I 4 S?ECIPICATION UO. d07 1371 I 08 s Er 13 OF16 suers • • 16130 — 13 • " - 1 • in! TERMINAL POLE RISER TO BE • INSTALLED BY HL.tP CO. 14, TERMINAL POLE • APPROX. 12" STUB-OUT • OF CUSTOMER'S CONDUIT ` 1, 3" SCHED. 80 CONDUIT ■ OR BETTER co GROUND ROD ■ INSTALLED BY HL4P PVC, SCHED. 40 CONDUIT OR BETTER, SIZE TO BE • SPECIFIED BY HL AP CO. DEVELOPER INSTALLED PVC, SCHbb. 40 OR BETTER, BEND WITH PULL HIRE OR CORD INSTALLED. BEND SIZE AND RADIUS AS SPECIFIED BY. THIS SPECIFICATION. • TYPICAL TERMINAL POLE LAYOUT REVISION NO. 4 SPECIFICATION l40. 007 371 08 5E7 14 OF 26 SYEErs . _. _ • .._ - - 16130 - 14 ISTREET LIGHT z ,u�/gCt4 f FOUNORT ION • r , :; ,-rim `. \STREET LIGHT MAIN CONDUIT f r FOUNDATION v/MAIN CONDUIT /--- • _...%/*1 V IiAIN. CONDUIT INSTALLED TO EACH STREET LIGHT (SOURCE WIRE PULLED TO EACH LOCATION ) t aL t JUNCTION BOX . STREET LIGHT FOUNDATION )I 11 STREET LIGHT JUNCTION BOX , : iI FOUNDATION MAIN CONDUIT • MAIN CONDUIT ________L_q , • / 1 MAIN CONDUIT WITH TAPS - FEEDING EACH LOCATION NOTE: ALL MATERIAL INSTALLED IN BRIDGE OR ELEVATED ROADWAY CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE FURNISHED BY CUSTOMER. CONDUIT INSTALLED IN BRIDGE OR ELEVATED ROADWAY IISION HO. 4 ; SF'EcIFICArtatd 1K0. 007 371 08 St Er 15 eF y 16 * EIS �..- -•-..t.24;...n..'/...-1t.o ..._...__.._._....._. ._ ...:_ ........, .. ...... ._. .__.... - .. 16130 — 15 f r f 6'-6" X 6'-6" CONCRETE BLOCK—OUT REQUIRED FOR STREET LIGHT INSTALLATION • (BLOCK•'OUT TO BE CENTERED ON PROPOSED rib\ . • STREET LIGHT LOCATION (BY CUSTOMER ). i 2 '-6" 1 '-6" f_s" Ir"----N 1 -i �— �( ) c ______ 2 '-6" DIA. HOLE 2" SCH. 40 OR 80 FOR STEEL STREET PVC CONDUIT LIGHT STANDARD (BY CUSTOMER ) (BY HLLP CO. ) STREET LIGHT @ END OF CIRCUIT 6'-6" X 6 '-6" CONCRETE BLOCK—OUT I REQUIRED FOR STREET LIGHT INSTALLATION (BLOCK—OUT TO BE CENTERED ON PROPOSED STREET LIGHT LOCATION (BY CUSTOMER ). (16. . . 2'-P"i , 2 '—(?," 2" SCH. 40 OR 80 PVC CONDUIT .--�� � (BY CUSTOMER ) I \ - \ / 2 '-6" DIA. HOLE FOR STEEL STREET LIGHT STANDARD (BY HL&P CO. • STREET LIGHT @ CONTINUOUS CIRCUIT BLOCK-OUT DETAIL FOR STREET LIGHTS LOCATED IN CONCRETE AREAS �' f V!SiON to, 4 SPECIFI CAT IONt NO. 007 371 • 08 SET 16 of 16 SEEETS_ I n sl• . ..gn • . 16130 — 16