1963-01-17 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTESPEA L1dbD CITY COUIICI L P;:EE TI I� G JAN ARl 17, 1963 The meeting zeas called to order by Illlayor Gibbons at 7:30 P. 1;1. with the follov,ing officials and guests in attendance: lliayor - E. T. Gib cons Aldermen - Tom Alexander, John Kegley, Da id L. Smith, Gene Sanders Police - D. C. Sanders Guest - John Kegley, Lester ley,Richard Lopez, E.Crenshay..*, rlugh Raney 4.1dermen Torn Alexander and Gene Sanders reported on findi ngs of investigation of dump charges. 1,;:ost cities tax or collect garbage charge and also collect dump fees at dump. 1:Tay or suggested further study and further action. The Treasurer report given by David L. Smith showing balance of v�8,321.44 as shovm on the follo•.vinv copy. hiotion made by Tom Alexander and seconded by John Kegley to accept report. All voted " ,;-e". INLotion carried. A motion vvas ' made by John Kegley to authorize Street and Bridge Cor,f_ittee to spend !i1500®00 to repair, furnish ~:aterial and haul sa_re as required. 1,otion seconded by Torn 2_1e..ander. 1111 Aldermen -rioted "A_,�e"Aye";;;r,th no I' foes". J This leaves balance of , 356. C? after paying I_U.ull iE costs on shell recently used. 1,1Ia.yor Gibbons read a. letter dated Janiary 7, 196.3 froic County Engineer Hershey advising that 1;89000.00 to be available from coui_ty for roadwork in 1963 and requesting city action. -Deferred for Street and Bridge Committee action aizd :nap riarking. Subject of drilling restri:-tions brought up by mayor 1,,d-th decision to consult city attorizey. 1;Sayor opened subject and Chief Sanders reported Hughey Rainey only acceptable auxi liary r)_ lling and able to rel i eve policemen on off duty* days, and recommended �.A00.00 monthly salary. Iiu`;hey Raney was pre sent and said that he would relieve on Friday night and Sunday until someone else could be found to split it with him. Motion made by Tom Alexander and seconded by David L. Srith to accept Chief of Folice„D. C. Sarders recomrendat_i.on retroactive to January 15, 1963. All Aldermen voted "11 -ye” wilt no 1Noes". Al'r. Ed. Crenshaw, pre rented a letter from Bayou Rifles Inc. affili aced vtith N,ationa.l Rifle Association concerning proposed rifle range. TIAs mat _er to be tal,mn up vrith city attorney at next meeting for an opinion co.u.cerni_lig time limit of perrmst aril etc. applying to this ratter. Alderman_ John Kegley gave a report of committee on i -m esti`;ation of pos_s_ible- future city hall site and requested permission for committee _ -to be granted = authority to investigate the possibility anal price of approximately 5 acre = tracts as recor::Lended fox, this purpose. 1'.oticn bar Toni Alexa.rd"er- corLr,.ittee be authorized -to ascertain ;^rice of tracts. 1,.otion s.ec.,r_zde_d-by David L. Smith. 1.11 Aldermen voted "Aye". The build.igT. code conriittee reported by David L.Smith wri 11 be ready for adontion he hones in a-. "ro._imately 2 n,orths A,letter from cour.Cly clerk ,!as reed by Mayor Gibbons concerning Texas 'i',rater Commission vs counter. He also' read a letter from Amer! can Canal Corr_pany re ardin7 their revised ap"liaati. on to Texas Tater Conr:ission and advisii g date of hearing before same. After cons_i.dera.ble discussion it rias decided to take no official action pro or con on this :natter. 210 The fo l louji ng bills were submitted for pe went . Name Lmount Checi Deposits Balance 12-20-62 Bill Pomoser 174.00 716 $8,675.07 D.C. Sanders 173.10 717 Jack -Harrison 50.00 718 10e00* n Ellis 10.C'0 719 0. V. Robinson Co Treas. 1_8.00 720 Kliesi � -rotor Co 26.85 721 Cross Poads Service Station 3.2C 722 A Sr:fith Sinclair Stn.. 235.x:5 723 Pearland Texaco Stn. 25.3:0 724 Brazoria Co.G'. I. D. ;= 3 4.50 725 Cro-mn Printing Co. 77.50 726 Clayton Tire Co. 71.72 727 FIoustonatural. Gas 3.G4 728 void 729 fio_ston Li,� htinr, Po-:.er 169.26 730 Void 731 Southvresterj, Bell Teleohore 23.83 732 Internal -Revenue Service 2�--2.40 733 Smith I'.urv.cipal Su plies 199.85 734 Pear land ? land 5.24 735 P. E. Ser, ,eIauist 472.00 736 2,185.90** H.C. iio Lean 30.00 737 Ilv:elvin J. Theriot 14.60 738 Beard. c:; Stone Electric i,o . 13.40 739 Cosco Inc 14.12 740 'Hill Eomoser 174.00 741 Dan C. Sanders 164.37 742 -'. J. ik:c Cormack 144.00 743 h..otorola 8.70 744 2,549.53 2,195.90 x,10,870.97 2,549.53 Balance 1-17-63 y; 8,321.44 *Carl C`-,erry -`ovi n.M -� P. E. Se`;elqui st - City Court Meeting adjourned at -10:20 P. 1". f PPiu! FAD TrilS THEE OI 1963 E. T. "i bbom r or hT 'ES T Gene EE. Sanders, Secretary pro -tern ,J.