1963-02-15 CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES212 SPECIAL Tv"BETTEG FEBRU, J. InYr 15, 1963 A special meetinx: of the Pearle•.nd Ci t� Council r, as called to order at 7:36, F. I`-, i_r the 'City L.all by !s.ayO1' ibW'0:7.S T.ii.th �Fl12 follOjr,-ing city officials and. . ue sts in attendance: i,''ay or - E . T. GJ bb oris Aldermen- Gene E. Sanders, John Begley, David L. S.rith Victbr A. Nolen Guests - Lloyd Y Yos:L, Robert Hunter, Curtis Dorris I,ayor Gibbons explained that the purpose of the i-.eeting vrls to discuss future plans for the city of Pearlard. Lloyd Yost discussed activity of the plar.ring com!rattee and work that has r,ro,ressed so far. He e_�plained that drainage requirements Bare being- given einggiven close scrutiny for i -ie -vv areas of development . Zaire Curtis Morris ef:nres ed a. desire to hear from all tib council re�atding their posi't:i.on on pla.ni�ing. Each of the council !-,en ex ressed. recogniti.o_-i of the proble-s and the reed for planning Mir . i': orris r_ext dis cus sed rla t_ -;;_no, en-, Leers functions o (1) 1"eed subdivision specif icati0^s 1'?e ed Or ain tii.0I _u 7-'"_f d.re. ;:l -_,q ino, �3 ) LOCil "OE.d 1i1!:',12 _l. r_ and :..'.jpr66Tetilent ands are available frog' the federal Go-vernnent for planning for a coiiClete study vn.th Rinds to be repaid as the need for developme?tt arises ai-u U! -.e plans are used. Iieeting adjourned subject to call at 9:30 P'. I.F. APPRWE➢ THIS TEE Pr',LT 0 / 1963 SBAL A :CES T V .11. .Yolea W t.itjrr Secretary 1. Gibbons , Yayor