1963-02-19 CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MINUTESCI TY COTJ-TJCI L i,, EE TI I'i G P&L'ORLA-T D, =, YS rE1RU!1 fl 19 191-C-3 9 2PL011�_L r.SLET11,1 G A special rreetir_g o:_' t'"a cit;• council pias called to o_c•dcr at 7:15 P. L?. in "the City Hall by i,"avor Gi.b'_ ons .,i_ t Ie f 1?.cti;i.r. cit4 ofT �cia.ls an a- guests in at erdance: V I,Ia•yor - E. T. uibbons Alder;ren- Jol-_r, Kerley, C'ene S-ai--tiers, .]Da_vid. .L.SM-5th li ctor A. Io1en ?est - Jce Dan Ca -1 -,in., C.C. L::c Lillian LI-iley, Henry Jordan E.A. Kelly Ibiayor Gibbons tura.-ed the -.eetim,. over to David Smith e_,nlaiixd that the i:)urpose of the ; eetii,.- 'jas to d1sci.sa`.he stree.ts in T.riin Creels roods Sub - d2 --T, s i on. It ''c:S 'OrOugITt Otlt that the subdivision i:Fas flied ,,rith com issioner 's court June 3, 1960. it .,,as also brought oiit that -this area was aivaexed into the city of ie::rland Ji,_re 21, 1960. Pdir. Jordan pointed, out t.at he has searched the county records cold can find I% - no evidence of a 10 beiiir' filed led 'with cormidssioners court. He also e_ -,:pressed 'the opinion that the roads in the `'h-,rin Creels t'.00ds Subdivision- trrere of poor quality and -v.rould not pass county inspection. 1,,r. John Kegley e..plained 'hat a. consulting engineer has been hired to core anc analyse the m_a_teri a_l. in "the r. oa ds . Judge Kelly assured the council that they desire to resolve L:he pfobleb; a.nd 'GI -,rt -they had „did for a food lroC.d in -ood fc^,.ich. It --'aS agreed that tl`_e counsultlnP' erigi ;eers report i"ai 17- be P.iade available ,o judge Xel ly and -.-.a j- eti nv i,,.', 1l be SCI'ieC i led t0 co_:itlnue. i':1tI"1 discussion on -1 ciiis problem. 1�F1'' C IL'D THIS, `fI1 `i OF,qjfCL � �1°63 ti ay or SELL, 11, I' ES T -i cIt, or 1=. <o1en, _City Secretai�T