1963-02-21 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTESPEALLi'�I'li CITY COUI'1C'IL hvEETIN G FEBRUARY 21. 1963 A regular m:etino of the Pearl and City C'ou:acil eras called to order at 7:30 P. hio in file C1 Ly hall by 1-.ayor Gib' ons Z"lith ti_e foIICain. g city officials ani guests in attendance: The r-linutes of of February 15, and a.p- -roved. i��ayor - E. T. Gibbons Aldermen - Gene E. Sanders, Tom Alexaaxler, John Begley David L. Sndth, Victor A. 1olen U_Uest - Orlin O'Day, J. E. Crenshaw, Lloyd i. Yost, Curtis Llorris, Vernon iiali.l; Policer_,en - r. Sanders, pi 11 Ronoser the regular n'r:etin7 of February 7, 191;3, the st,ecial reetin 1963 and 'I -he special _,.eeting of February* 19, 1963 r�rere read 14aycr Gibbons _next discussed old business and first discussed the issuing of a rernit to operate a rifle range iritUrl the city limits of Pearl&nd, Texas by I -r. Crensha:.r of C. & D. G -in Shop. heir. Yost comrcented that his revie-w of the ;-dans and his experience zvdth rifle range operations indicated the proposed range appears safe. hz. Crenshatar -was instructed to cpnsider the possibility of In permit bei -rig .granted and - for a given fee and report his decision back to the C -1-h council. 11:ayc;r Gibbons next as'_cmd t1he street and bridge departrlent to explain their desires regardinS e;tending the curbing of Highi,ray 518. Alderman V. A. Nolen reported Lr.St. John with the Ilightiway Depart::_ent is processing tine paper so that t�ey can proceed -with the state's part of the project. kr. Orlin O'Day, kr. Vernon Halik and 14r. Lloyd Yost expressed accord ,rc it the program and want the state to fur= ish the specifications on curbing requirements so that bads can be taken to estinate cost of the project. The Street and "ridge Depart ent reported that a redsurvey 1. be made of streets to designate to t le county co.rrr,;i ssioner for r epaI ?s.. Alderman David L. Smith also presented repair cost estimates for repairing streets on a maintenance basis from J. V . Doster. h ayor Gibbons next discussed -the schools request to glace.n.,ercury vapor lights in front of the I_i h School. This rroblen :+,rs re-r`erred to the Street and Bridge Coy ,mittee . Chief of T'olice D. C. Sa:aders questioned t!,e city -treasurer jtodeteria-i-ne if,vithholdin- tax has been tal+.en out of tulhe poli cen:en's sz._Zary fo ,. the past year. 1:;r. Smith wdvi sed he ir, 11 of-Leck on tae poliberens with holding and report the findings to 11,Cr. Sanders. A motion Vlas made by Ton: Alexander and seconded by Victor Ao 1,1 Z) au he city electi on Judge be raid ti 12.00 and the electieiz Clerk1(.CO to .hold the city election April 2, 1963 and that Ordinance' n- ' 7 be aa6pted providing f or the election of citN"r officials . All Aldermen voted "Ayes' with no "Kloes". Mayor Gibnons discussed the grantip of a perr.-:it. to Regency Park Subdivision developer to ;dace entrance signs to tiie subdivision on the city property. The squabble that developed over the placernent of the signs by the various people of^ming the adjoining property brings out the need for development of a city r;olicy for placing private signs on city right of -,.-.rays. N.'r. lorris discu'sv'pld _?possible road bonds to corer financing of new road projects. h. -r. loins stressed the reed for plaruii.ng and the urgency to get atarted on part of the phases of planning. The Treasurer reported a balance on hand as of February 21, 1963 of ;;16,258.05 with the fo.11mrsing bills being paid: M p ti i CI TY COUN CI L 1',• ET I NG I'EBIRURY 21, 1963 It Name Amou-nt Diebold P 6.50 Southwestern Belt Telephone 20.91 Haden 203.00 Houston Natural Gas 11.12 Cro1,.�r_ Printing 8.00 Pearle-.rd Variety 27.87 Bill Ror;_oser 174.00 D. Card e rs 173.10 P. J'J . I+!c Cormack- F 57.60 Jack Ha ---°rison 50.00 I°.arvin Ellis 10.00 Houston Li; hting Poser 170. CC r Sinclair ��efini r_ Oo. 1.00 ITliesin T otor Co. X8.19 Motorola 8.70 Ci t ,r liar drrare 12.00 Pearlar_d Hardware uupp1Y 12.98 Brazoria Co. ! C. ; I. D. 3 4.50 Pea.rlan d Texaco 16.10 Paty Go_zeral Tire Co. 7.75 0. V . Robins®n 1.50 Void Security Kational Life 24.97• E. E. Y;e rt in 175.61- V . D. Haden Co. 33.20 P. E. Ser;elquist 512.00 H. C. I.olman 180.00 enf�r 4:hitt 20.00 Bill Iiomos e 7 7,1. 0' D. C. Sanders 164.37 Security I'-abional Life 24.D7 Southive stern Bell Telephone 35.30 Pearland .Electronics 2.10 Cbunty Clerk 1.50 Ilouston Natural :s as 8.49 Coppinger Electric Co. 4.O C' Y2,4-20.33 (Page 2) Check NO - Deposits 745 746 74 7 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 To:al 2-21-63 2.5 Balanc e 1-17-63 X8,321.44 139.26* 5.C)O** 2,167.20*:k* 46®35**T* 7,028.83***** N1C,286.94 t 18.703.38 - 2,:120.33 7 58.05 Deposits Hous ton Natu m:-1 Gas P,:ovin` Permit Ci y Court **** United Gas Corp. Houston Li'--htin L Po Ter Co T:ie "ayor instructed the Secretary,- to prepare a.. letter to the, county Judi -e z,ith cony of county con.-jissioner, and copy of county tas assessor -collector enlDressing concern over 1'earland not having a duly disignated substation for car license collection and poll tax collection. The Meeting, adjo reed at 10;30 P. I'o 'r ff I PIT Gi ED T!=IIS TI -]E i DAY OF M1191U- 14 1963 " E, T. ibbnns, iViayor afT-E4 T i:: ptor' A.._.idole n, Pi, v Secret ary