1963-03-01 CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES216 PEARLANID GE 1Y COUNCIL MEETING (SPECIAL ) MARCH 1, 1963 A special meeting of the Pearland City Council was called to order March 1, 1963 at 7:30 P. M. -by Yayor Gibbons in the City IIall with the following officials and guests in attendance: Mayor - E. T. Gibb ori Aldermen- Gene E. Sanders, John Kegley, Tom Alexander David L.Smith and Victor A. Nolen Guest - Lloyd J. Yost, William C. 'i'+alsh -Mayor. Gibbons explained that the prupose of the meeting was to discuss planning for the City of Yearlar-d with l,ir. li alsh'. Mr. :,';alsh discussed his firms qualifications and the work that will be necessary in Pearland z: Financing was discussed and bond is sues vs government loans was c briefly considered. Mr. Walsh estimated a maximum --of X2500.00 will be required to prepare an engineering map designating adjacent area road planning right of ways needed- aiid- raajo-r road plan:n n" .for the Pearland ,area. He also stated an ordinance can be developed .for sub- division control for a d�100.00 fee. a P':r. VkTalsh expressed a desire to serve .the city ,of Pearland on all engineering matters in the future. J Mleeting adjourned at '9:00 P. M. A(� /��� 1963 1=PROVE7 TRIS TIS s ]����' OF SEAL ATT EST Victor K. I o—i-e �, •City Secretary P.&tons Mayo r J i'