1963-03-07 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTESZa PEAMWND C I TY CO UN CI L. MEETI N G I-A.RCH 7, 1963 A regular meeting of the Pearland City Council was called to order at 7:30 P. ". by I,=ayor Gibbons in the City Hall with the foll-oZ^ring city officials and uests in attendance: Mayor - E. T.Gibbons Aldermen - Gene E. Sanders, Tom Alexander, John G. Kegley David L.Smith,Victor Nolen Attorney - Jack t'arrison Poli ce - D. C .Sanders Guest V-- . L® Hali k, T. L. ffhoten. Jr. The minutes of the regularemeeting of February 21, 1963, special ineeting of Idarch 1, 1963 and IV�arch 4, 1963 were read and ap,r cved. Mr. T. L. Whoten of the Houston Post was introduced to the Council. He indicated the Houston Post planned to give the Pearland Area coverage in the Houston Post and pictures were taken of council members, the city attorney and the chief of police. A motion eras made by V.A. Nolen ard seconded by ihlr. Tom Alexander that the street ard bridge department be authorized to proceed with repairing the city streets with expenditures not to exceed tir5C`O.GO, on any one project. All Aldermen voted "Aye' with no "Noes". A motion was n.ade by Tom Alexar_der� ar_d secol-ded by V. A. Nolen that an agreement bet1%reen the city of Fearland the Brazoria County on street improvement program be authorized. All -Aldermen voted "Aye" with no "4e s ." The Street and Bride Committee were instructed to prepare a list of street: needing repair. Ylayor Gibbons read a ..letter to Rr. Clark Thompson from regarding the Pearland Lulac Club and the Border Patrol raid'on�the of January 12, 1963 o A. moti on was made by h` -r. John Kegls.y�-aryl: sea0,21CL L by. ii',r . 'Tene 5arAers that a. letter of regrets for theo -.L1.A ng= at the Tulac Club Pearland, texas on the ni --ht of January 121963` be. prepared, addressed to Ir. Clark Thompson with copies goa-,Xg 'io ,the Pearland Lu -lac Club and I`r. Joe A.- Garza. Mr. John Keg.14gy .tab l'd,,the, motion temporary pending a hearing with I`�r. Q. C. Dawso.,i,;;_r$oD�vson,:; county deputy discussed the Lulac Club complaint on the Januar�� > 1963 incident. After due discussion 1''r. Kegley withdrew his tab'�lxng motion and re -stated his motion to prepare a letter of regrets to the Pearland Lulacs Club for the incident on January 12, 1963. MIr. Gene Sanders seconded the motion. All Aldermen voted "Aye" with no "Noes". The City Attorney was instructed to prepare the above letter. Tv_r. Jack Harrison vras instructed to prepare a subdivis-lon ordinance for council 'consid.erati on. A moti on was rade by John Ke1. gley that the firm of ' alsh and 11'c Claren ne retained as city engineers to preform such services and fuch consideration as mn.y b -e, agreed upon between the cou:,cil and the firm ":alsh and IVo Claren. The motion was seconded by V. �'. 1olen. David L. Smith, V. 1. Nolen and Tom Alexander and John Kegley voted "Aye". Gene Sanders voted IIo. Tie "Aye'4h being in the majority the motion-ce,r —d. Sh, ayor Gibbons asked the City Attorney to brief what action the city can take're-arding division of property by meets arilbounds and building private roads without consulting the city of Pearland. Mir. Harrison advise he vnuld check the statutes in this regard. I!ayor Gibbons text discussed the need for exercising an 'o,ption contract with American Canal Cor.:pany for industrial .-rater in the future up to 10,000,000 gallons per day. A root -ion was made by V. A., Nolen and seconded by Gene Sanders that an option contract with the enerican. Canal. 'Company its successors or Iassi-nes be exercised ,vith the site of the deaivery gate to be selected at the purchase of water f.or:_: the maximum ariount available but not less than 10,000,000 gallons per day. 219) PEAIRL,ND aTY COU -I-, , CIT 1:ACTI 7, 1963 Page 2) All Adermen voted "Aye" with no "Noes.i% The Cit Attorney Apj�) u City -S i-i-Istruc'ed to contact the Am"i can Canal Co.-pany regarding the terms of thse onion agreement as outlined abo-,,-e and to prepare the necessary co -,,,tract. hreetilng adjourned at 10:30 P. 1.,'. A-TIPRO-:ED T1 -?1C T'T. 21f�'Dlff OF -44 1963 ;IV DI T bloons .:ayo r —SEAL J,_TTEST A -A VI IA ic _011 I c t. o r A 1 C en City nCity Secretary