T,:r u C 11 28, 1963
A Special l..eeting of the Pearl. :;nd. City Council- rr_s called to order at 7: 30 P. i:_0
by i::a-;Tor Gib' ons in the City all with the folloz^rinr, city officials and guests
in attendance:
111avo r - E. T .Gibbons
Aldermen- Gene E. Sanders, Tom -Alexander, D. L. Smith,
Victor A. 11olen
Guest - 1,ri11iam. C. 7ialsh,Lloyd Yost, J."D. .`:'atts
Att orney Jacl; Harrison
Ya;%or Gibbons explained that the purpose of the special nieetin - ,^,-,r,s to discuss
a subdivisin ordinance an:i other sr_eciall en�,ineerinr- pr•oble_ s confronting the
city of Pearland.
l;ir. ':'alsh presented 'a pror.osed subdivision ordinance fg council consideration.
1•'_r ® 'salsh read the proposed ordinance and discussed various points at_length that y
deserved council attention.
1= ?- otion T-rL s made by D. L. Smiish` that Tvr. !Valsh be retained to proceed with the
preliminary road i:rprovement ;clan ,,:^it . cost not to exceed 2500.00 and said
fee to be re-ibursed to the city if project is approved by a bond issue and
1.r. 1alsh is appvoved to en;;ir_eer the project by the County Co:r:.issioner's Court.
Tom Alexander seconded the :notion. 1:11 -lderrnen voted "Ayb" with no "Noes".
i notion ,^ras made bv Toni Alexarder and secconded by Gene Sanders that the
Chairman of the Street and `ridge Connittee be authcrifted to cantact the ;rater
district regarding repairing streets damaged by ,^ater district activity. All
Aldermen vowed "Aye" ,rith no ''Noes".
fleeting adjourned at 10:30 P. 11'.
1+F-P,LOV EIS THIS T hE y' �i DAY O (L r � 1963
;, ,j -ES
V . 1® on,,-
City Secretary
. T. "ibbons
T. -Ta �,o r