1963-04-18 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES225 APRIL CI TY COU1 OIL 1u�EE'TII:IG PFAIFJLAT'*7D CITY COUECIL I',EETII,'G ' ELD APtIL 18, 1963 A regular r-_eeting of the Pearland City Council was called to order April 18, 1963 by mayor Gibbons in the City Hall at 7:30 P. A". uith the follovring city officials and guests in attendance: Mayor - E. 1. 'b4ibbons Aldermen -- V. A. Pdolen, Tom. Alexander, Gene E. Sanders, David L. Smith, Attorney - Jack Harris.an Police - D.C.Sanders Guest - A. C. Richards, D. N. Eddleman, Allen K. Pingel.ly Jack Hall 1'illiam C. i',-alsh Fire Chief- Buddy Ellis The Iayor first stated that the newly elected Aldermen should be sworn iA for the forth coming two year terms. The City Attorney proceeded Vdith the ceremony of swearing in Aldermen John Kegley, Torg Alexander and Victor ti. 1111-olen. The minutes of the regular r:ee ti ng of Ani 1 4, 1963 were read and ap;,: roved. Mayor Gibbons reported that Tor. '�lexander, Gene Sanders, Joe I'--artin and Bill �:alsh met ti:'ith the Com--lissioner's {court to discuss en?ineer- n,- planning for the north end of Brazoria County. Co---missi-oner's Court e:x_nresced agreement i,ith Yr. 1".alsh's En ineerinS firm to do t' -;e wort'_. I'. -r. David Smith e.;nlained that a ; eeti r_g was held with Judge Helly and i,:r. CAlvin re,-arding Tnin Creek ''goods Subdivisi on. I'ViGer a lengthy discussion. Ir. 1'�alsh stated that the roads in his opionin w.-Li1d not; have :net county specifi,.a'tions when the road was lard darn. A mot'i on vras made by favid L. Smith and seconded by Tom Ale._ander that the City Engineer prepare a Iran designating the streets in Tl•„rin (,reek ','rods Subdivision that are in conflict ,�d ch existing cit-%, -dewicated road right-of-ways so that the city attorney can contact -r n r "'•; Judge i�ellv. . �-11Aldermen voted "Aye” with no ,>:oestt . I',-ayor Gib':,ons ne.tit presented .-r. Eddle.man v,ho discussed broad aspects of road bonding procedure. 1rr. `� alsh requested the..I.-ayor to ap••oi;-t a cor:urittee to work with him to revievr roads needinc, repairs and roads that need to be built in the fitare. 147ayor Gibbons agreed to contact 1ranvel and 1'rooksi.de and apr.oint a committee to work -with I''r. Calsh early the next week. On the recor, endation of the City Engineer and the committe a_ppoin.ted by the 1'..ayor, David L. Smith moved that the revised sub -division -ordinance be ad.optedg -the subdivision ordinance being the same ordinance trat rras advertises., reE°.d on 1e,.arch 28, 1963, and discussed at Public hearing. , 11..oti on v:,as seconded by V. 4. I,Iolen. David L. Smi:th., V. l- 1.Iolen, Torn Alexander and John Ke,:ley voted "Aye", Gene Sanders voted "No". The Aye''s being the majority the :-iotior_ carried. Gene Sanders explained his position -ivas based on h6t being able to ret'.d the -revised copy Of the ordinance prior to this I eeting . I I;-ayor Gi1- ;ons stated thc.t 1.r. I.'orrison, President of 1'earland State Bank has o' ered the 'Dark col -Terence roo:7: to t�;e city tour cil for meetings. 1;_ayor Gibbons Drill discuss this matter further, with the bang offihials. Layor Eibbons introduced Jack Hall to the council as a patrolman. Tpm Alexander made a roti on seconded by Cene Sanders -that Yr. HdIa •.be_ h'ire.d for the city _police depart_-�eait as a patrolman for a n.onthly salary of _; 226 PE Ll` ID CITY COUNCIL T.•TETING APRIL Continued Name D.C.Sanders Houston Natural Gas Central Gulf Const.Co. Central Gulf Const 'moo. Central Gulf Const Co. Central Gulf Const Co. Houston Lighting &. Power i!`otorola Cosco Bra ,, o r i o. Co. Vl . C& ID L.` 3 Pearland Texaco Void Security National Life 17.58 :,�arvin , iIis 10.00 Jack Harrison 50.00 E. 1. Gibbons• 1.00 Tom Alexander 1.00 John Yeg?ey 1.00 Victor Nolen 1.00 Gene Sar-ders 1.00 David L. Smith Jr. 1.00 John Young Co. Inc. 336.00 John Young Co. Inc 224.('0 Internal Revenue Service 228.90 ..-rs. John 4`Torrall 12.00 Yrs. Dorothy Cook 10.00 P.�rs . Nary Lee Miller 10.00 v iiliesing icotor o. 29.09 P. E. Segelquist 200.00 D.C. Sanders 164.37 � 3,537.77 TREE'SUREP,'S T_tEPORT 1unount tis 173.10 4.61 462.20 357663 4.58.35 486.50 175.53 S .70 3.00. 44.50 105.71 Ch 806 807 BOB 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 8 2, 2 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 Deposits 5.00 .1 885.00 1020 1,085.11 1,985.31 Balance as of 4-1.8-63 Deposits Joe Sanches 55000 P. E. Segelcuist 885.00 Joe A h,`-artin tir10.20 Southm,estern Bell Telephone ,pl,085.11 Page 2 Bal as of 3-21-63 ,"31-5,526.16 k�15,526.16 1, 985.31 3;537.77 ';13,973070 Alderman V. A. Nolen stated that the council_ should reviei,r the deatq presented by the city municipal building com,nittee and instruct the coamirittee on further action. A-motionias made by Gene Sanders seconded by Tom Alexander that the meeting adjourn. All Aldern,,er voted "Aye" i%ith no "',"Toes." C A:j_=tcOtTED TEIS TFE D'.`' OF 1963 E-zk;LlL.' `ibbons 1,1 -yo,. ;,l'1T T r dtor h. Nol n amity Secretary