1963-04-22 CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MINUTESI FE_'!' LT\TD CITY CGUECIL MEEPTIidG APPEL 22, 1963 (SPE'CIAL ) 227 A special meeting of the corimmittees appointed by the mayors of Fearland, i.-anvel and Brookside Village i%a.s called to order by Layor Gibbons in the Fearland Ban1. Building with the foll6 ing officials and guests in attendance: "rank Levoy J. D. A1eely Eenry Boff favid L. Sr,-,i'h. D. IT. Ed.dlemar_ Vi ctor %i.. Kolen E. T. 'i bio ons -David `ir,elli Layor Gibbons explained t .t tine of the 1•-eeti 1-, 111ra.s to discuss road or ,. T ; ^ t r :,als h .., ^.s introduced by i~p•rover:,ent for the r.�_th e.�d o_. � razor_:. County. r. 1'•`.a�or Gi bbons as the consultin.� on _ineer tht:.t has been retained by the city of FeExland to do Special en;i neering assignr:_ents . '..r. t+alsh ' ri efly discussed his work and suggested that -r. Eddlema.n be all.o,red to ,)-resent ideas and sus; ;esti ons on ho:. the area in ouesti on can de-velol-) the roads desired and how tl cy can be financed. Procedures to follo-w to set un a nelrr road district were discussed at len -th a "i�S -r. Eddleman turned the rleetll g back to I . Walsh to rDroceed r:ith the basic en`,ineering 7.rork. After a long discussion on merits of formting a never road district to t�.ke in all of district 3 and -part of t1he north end of the Io fa Colony District, it. was Lgreed that the conn tittee ".embers '.'Mould report back- to their comrunities to discuss -where the new roo'.d. district lir}its -ghould,be placed and be prepared to meet 9.�,ain later in the vreek. ' eeting 1 - adjourned at ^1x0:30 subject to call. P CY ED T1-,--ISTFE �.A� DAY G 1963 E. uiobor,.s, 1-avor