1963-05-16 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES230 ,' ,,_ y. , CITY % 'N T NG I!'LY 16, 1963 A re�u lar meeti ng of the Pearland City Councilffa.s called to order by ld!ayor Gibbons in ;the Pearland Dank Building at 7:30 P. 1. on Imy 16, 1963 vd_th the fo1_lorvino city officials and guests in attendance: r,iayor - E. T. Gib': ons Alder,-.,ien- John Ke --ley, Gene F. Sanders, David L. Simith j Tom l��l�xa.nder icto_ r A 1\! O 1 c it Police - D. C. Sanders Guest -- V�._Iillial:1 C. 7,,'alsh, James C. Young J;.mes E. Raines, Carlos Centeno, Orlin O'Day Allen K Pingel ly, Paul F. Ferguson The minutes of the meetirU of i'ay 2, 1963 were read, corrected and ap,:roved. 1ayor Gib, -ons oiesented cost estimiates for a map Pilin-- calonet. 1%!ro estimates were provided indicating a new cost of approximately ; 250.00 for a cabinet. 1d.r. David L. Smith discussed the road plans in Pe-1,.rland for the county budget, Also street light plaits for the coining year. h"aymr Gi'�bons I:entioned that T ayor =raves of it )oi;:side Village was interested in pla iia.g_; stre;;t li;:;i!t �t at tide i ntersect`�_on of Droo .side Road alp Yyka:?*.a Road, It A,,. -..s a�2:r:>ed to to -e t;^e _._,.iter under consideration. !'a.yor Gibbons next L.sLed for a report fro }l the sanitaticn depart, -.=t. Alder;nan;Tom Alexander reported thpt Griffin rothers ,°Dere extending their tiro pick up a -week service in an eff ort to ple ase the cus toi: e rs . Alderman John Kegley made �_moti on t hat 1' es tmi nister Subdivision plat be accepted by the city of Pearland subject to revisions to be _-:a,:ie under the direction_ of the city engineer Frith final approval to be made by the City Engineer of Fixing his signature t0 tie plat and subdivision fidelity bond being -osted in the arount prescribed by the city engin-er. i:'?Otl 011 seconded - )yDavid L. i::llth . All i�ld�rJ:en voted "Aye" j`Zth leo "Noest�, i:ayor Gibbons next read a letter from Mr. '`Ienry Jordan, County done issioner addressed to Clark Realty Service re arding a pro'i, csed negro subdivision to be located crest of Pearland ape-roximately 4 miles. This project will be taken under' c or_s ide rat on of the council. rn '•"- -sh presented ::is report df vrork done on -the long re_n;;e road a.m. street plall and a.+special meeting- .eras schedt,led b,T the hr':ayor for Thursday TVay 23rd, 1963 to vrork do the proble_ns involved. The Treasurer reported a balance on hand of "r13,895.25 .`s__ef,4=L:„,r 1 ,; 1963. A nlotionwas -riade by l'olen c-xd Seconded b - J_ohn Ke --1637 tL:^t the follov,�in.­ bilis be- r^id . All 1'lder ;en voted �iAve"-,ri.tr_i. no-- Cs"'. 0) P s! itT_,�'0D %:I i`1 CGU 1' CI 1. L TII';G i ..`T 6 1963 N, a r, -.e Southn,'restern Dell elephone Houston I`aL11ra1 .Gas Jack 11a.11 D.C.Sanders I101.1.S t011 Li `;lits x -^. Pot'!er Sinclairefinine Co Security E ti oral life -razoria Co `''C-. ID; 3 Ci ty 11ardwa-re Jack Harrison I,..arvin Ellis Alvin Sun 0. T. _Robinson J. Theriot Service Sty. Clayton Tire Co -otorola P. L. Se elquist z I,olr_:an V h;o1en Jack Hall D.C. n �allders D.C. Sanders Deposits P. E.-eg,elouist :IA.650.00 .TrTa 11 .=lali?i 12.50 Richard Fora 12.50 J.C. Cook_ 12.50 Flores Cafe 1'?.50 Lula..c Club 12.50 �� •, OU 11t �i'�L �� 1 33.34 336 1.60 837 153.70 838 173.10 839 182.51-- 84-0 28.23 841 33.70 842 4.50 843 1.00 845 50.00 84.5 10.00 846 8.05 847 57.00 848 4.50 849 62.28 850 8.70 1051 244®00 852 250.00 853 1 .50 854 14-4.97 855 164.37 856 113.10 157 _ .,1,790.95 Fage 2 'Denoslts 1,650.00 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.'50 12.50 'rc 1,712.50 Balance as of 1 , 1963 Balance as of 4m18-•63 ��13,973.70 .,513,973.70 1,712.50 15,686..20 1,790.95 13,895.25 li _,otion va.s m.ade by `Toa„ Alexan-der that the City Engineer be raid ; 100.00 for preparing the subdivision ordinance and '.x75.00 for ma.p-and consul'4::Gi.cn ora dear Creek ','roods Subdivision® I:_oti on seconded by Z%. *. Nolen."11-1 _- Lder.n&-n voted "Aye" Frith no "I,; ,s" oe . i'. ay or Gibbons next presented a letter of resignati on of Chien -of Police Sanders effective as of 7:00 P. I:'.. Eay 31, 1963. - V Nolen liioved that Chief 'C'a afters resi,�na"F'ion be accepted. ZQtlOn SeC.6xldeu by Tom Alexander. All Aldemen voted "Alle" no "-''.oes`T A I'01ci on i'va.s _i ad.e byr One Sanders that City- i1ttor ney Jack Harrison resi mati011 esentf '. e council some time ago be accepted b - the ci of Peek 1:'_Oti0Y1 )fir mm 1exander for the purpose of discuss! _oil. Gene ailciers voted Ave". Alderll':en V. 1 Yolen, L. L.a;:-=-tip, Torr 1.1e;:a.rder :nd Jot -in Begley voted Igo . The IU.- fai l.ed to carry. .Leetin adjourned at 10:15 P. _ . I E;J r}_ IS '1 I�� Dl_Y 11063 E. 1. b; ons 9 111av or SCAT v-. - i%qo 1 en City Secretary