1963-05-23 CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES232 PEARLAND C!1'Y COUITCIL 1;,EETING ( SPECIAL) hjAY 23, 1.963 A special meeting of the Pearland City Council 1,ras called to order l,aNr 23, 1963 at 7:30 P. Ie. by 1,ia'or Gibbons in the Pearland Bank Bldg. with the folluji,in; city officials and guests in attendance: Mayor - E. T. Gibbons Aldermen- Victor,A. 1.lolen, Gene Eo Sanders, John G. Kegley David L. Smith, -Tom AleXander Guest - Jack Hall, Charles M Eason, Hirly C. Filson Engineer- !'�illiam 6. 'Aalsh' The 'l;ayor explained that the po#?pose of the speb-La.1L. meetin_r -wa.s .to discuss hiring a patrolman and 1'rorkin on 't -he long range ci -6y road plans . The i:ayor-- next introduced i12:r. Eason_ as a prospective city natrolrcna:n. Alderman. Victor A. I<olen made a motion and ,,•ra.s seconded by D. L. Smith that I``r. Eason be placed on duty- as a city police officer effective lay 23, 1963 at the starting salary'of X325.00 per month. 1"r. Eason vra-s told that he would -work under the supervision- of lFr' .'Hall until such time as a Chief of Police has been arpointed. lir. Iffa1sh presented maps that have been prepared -to shove existing roads. He ti^ras instructed to meet again with council to present completed maps. Bids on the curling for 518 vlere read and discussed. Buckner, Kennedy and Central Gulf Construction companies submitted bids. Central Gulf was the low bidder and it .--ias agfeed to consult z,:Tith Central Gulf further on the bid and state specifications required to pceirform the job. heeling adjourned.at 10:00 P. R. ,F.PFEROVED THIS. THE,6;wBAY Or !1963 E. Gibbons, itI ay or