A regular meeting of the Pearland City Council v:,s called to order by Payor
Gibbons at 7:30 P. hl. in the Pearland Bank Building with -the following
city officials, and guests inattendance:
Mayor - E. T. Gibbons
Aldermen- David L. Smith, Tom, Alexander, John Kegley, Victor A.
Nolen, Gene E. Sanders
Engineer- 1'ri'liam C. Irrais h
Attorney- Jack Harrison
Guest - Hilry I7--`ilson
The minutes of the !:!cl}r 16, 1963 and _fay 23, 1963 were read corrected and
1"ayor Gibbons discussed the curbing program for highway 518 aryl requested the
city attorney to contact the attorney for the drainage district to discuss
proper procedure for proceedir_�-' with the joint curbing and paving project
with.the state.
layor Gi,�'hons next requested L"r. 1-Vaish 'to present his advanced work in the
long range road plan for the north endodf Brazoria County.
elaborated on the .rap proposed work aril cost estimate. It was
stated that the state highway departr,ent has indicated tentative approval of
the lona range plan and i,,ri 11 advise the city of any major projects planned
by the State H1ghway Department.. A lengthy discussioii evolved and it was
agreed that each heavily populated .area should decide by appointed co_m_'nittee
which minor roads should be improved.
1!ayor Gi000ns asked forl�stra�elvote of the council to get their feel, i s,,-" procaedh
ir_g vrith rrorli in the .north end of Brazoria County. Aldermen Dav2c1--LbUmit[;%
John Kegley, Tom Alexander and, Victor Nolen expressed approval: of�tiie ;.
Ion,, range plan. Gene Sanders -reserved his cosi tion until vrork progress_ es _
further. _
10.yor Gib' -ons requ-ested the council and long range planning co r; .ittez,to meet
Thursday June 13, 1963 to continue work on the road program.
1!'.a -or Gibl-ons next presented the question to the council of �1rhat action42 any
the' city should take rani arding long range water- and se,rvage plans .
It ', as agreed that an accurate appraisal should be, made of real value vrithin the
ci_t;r limits of Pearland.. A motion Lvs.s made bar Torr, t?lenander t!at Iir. h", A. Hunt
with the Independent School District be contacted to make a study of values
within the city of Pearland with cost not to exceed �300.00. In the 'event
Mr. Hunt is not available other parties will contacted to perform this work.
:lotion seconded by John Kegley. All A1der:-nen voted "aye" with no "Noes" .
The 1•._a,y-or neNt discussed the need for city building, codes. hfayo r Gibbons
explained that a n"teeting would be scheduled in the near future to study the proble2;
l:ayor Gib':;ons presented a bf.11 for repairing the Houston Police Band 'Hadi o.
Victor A. Tolen moved that the bill be paid. Motion seconded by Tom Alexander.
h11 Alr_ ermen voted "Aye" with no "Noes".
On the reco;_n-lendation of the I;-ayor a. motion veers made by Victor Nolen and seconded
by John Begley that Patrolman Hall be made actino Chief of Police effective
June 1, 1963 for a salary of 5400.00 per iionth. All Aldermen voted "Afire"
with no "Noes".
I C- Pa; e 2
A motion as _."ade by Davi d SO t! t! t the = oad r1�i� of '; aT sement s for
a road in thel"Lhil;1mod L?'JdiV1510n be accented Ov ',e C itv of —ear1and
l T pY ri '1 i t-� 1
su. j ct c� ^osc_ _� anpro:�r_ate bond fol, construction a road as ner
City specificati -_i1S at the e- ense of le—rartor 1:.oticil seconded. by
John hea'le'r. A cabling _ Jo__ :as Iilad.e byTiicto' '". Lolen ne'_''_dii` filiTl^: of
w t '11t of Lin;ood Subdivision _ ;Gi•;jon 'eerla1
e Seconded by
To:'. Ale -,ander. ole7, ',I -e ander, e`ley and Sanders voted "Aye".
David L. Snith voted 'FToF. T11he toblino ;.potion carr _rda
'-otion ';'ras _:_aae by Join ,e2;ley and seconded by TOl?t 1:lc-_a31d8r that the
1963-64 bud„et :e discussed a ld action ta.' en or, t le s'Cecial eet111` schedul-ed
for June 13, 1963. 1_11 1-1den-_en voted ”^yetQ '.r_t1i no " Oes".
11.0tion ?-has _.ad.e by John he'ley that 'C"le reliTilinaY'y plat of Bro0_ls.nd Acres
Subdi-vison be accepted by the city. P..otion seconded bpi Gene Slanders.
>lderrren Nolen, Sanders, S,_ith c_ -d -`'e ley voted ye ® Ton-' lexa-rider obstaiiled
because of conflict o_? Interest.
.2 mbtlon 'Pias -ade by Victor 1?Olen t, ._t the city En:;ineer be instructed
I- f i 1C- St ''717.CcL' ion "Or a "c:I"i� f O:{' t ,C' Ol?Y'pose of co-nduct i 'v call
eii^i_reeriil', study of lour ran 2 7la-r-i_Anr,, for i:_C C1tT Ji
J:'• O'biCn seconded by Gere �'ai`'del'S o i�.l ,-ldern_n voted 'Ltrei9 i, _'I-!,. 17p o1a.Oes19
i. eetiYl a.dj ourned at 11,20 F. i .
APP- 0"T ED �,T ) T IT �QD.'_Y C 5� � � �' 1063
S E1`:? . - to a or
3 �T CES T
Victor -. i. olen ®•`
C-ity Secretary