1963-06-20 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES: 236 PEI LAND CITY C,OUI"CIL 17EETING JURE 20, 1963 A re Pular meeting of the Pearland City Council was called .to order June 20, 1963 in the Pearland Banj1 Building by Pv'ayor B. T. G;._•1_or_s vaith the follozrnng city officials and guests in attendance: Mayor - E. T. Gibbons Aldermen- Victor A. Nolen, Gene E. Sanders, Tom Alexander John I:egley,- David L. Smith Guest Ray G. S 6ively, Houston Lighting &. Povuer The Yinutes of the regular .reeting of June 6, 1963 and special meeting of June 13, 1963 were read, corrected and approved. Payor Gibontext i�Ii �c,ed I:'r. Si#vley with the Houston Lighting; and Po Company. hir. told the council that effective July 18, 1963 the charge for the first 20 M17,.H will be reduced from. $LZ5.0tta ��1.20 per customer. The treasurer reported a balance on hand as of June 20, 1963 of 1r13,535.44. �= motion was made by iu-; id L. Smith seconded by V. n. Nolen t hat an o i`f ici al audit be conducted on the cite books. 111 Aldermen voted "Aye" with no "r"oes". Alderman `j. A. Nolen reported that the building code committee met Friday June 14, 1963 and stated vrork on various phases of the code. A,second meeting 1,-v!11 be called in approximately two weeks to coiitinue joint work on�ne project. - Aldermen Tom Alexander reported that a stop sign is needed or_ the south side of Street at the ir_tersec pion of old Alvin `-oad. The Se.�rage problem at `_-he l:ayrncr residence was discus sed and it was agreed that tbh city should .-Trite the l�aynors to encourage their tie on to the a, er se. -rage. A Lnotion .,,as made by Tom Alexander and seconded by V. Vii. Xo1�eP-rthat r:o0dy'`�0ad be shelled ap-roximately one hundred feet north of 518 and. -`the. -`county i5, contacted to place this material on the road. All Aldermei3�n_otbd'i liye. ` vii th no "iJoe s" A motion i,:ras riade by Tom Alexarzler ark. seconded by John Ke, Tey':tkiat the J salary of City Aldermen be increased to ; 5.00 per year.and llay�or;'s°'salary._" be increased to X10.00 per year effective fiscal year 1963: e'rren V._'A. Bolen, D. L. Smith, John Begley and Tom Aldxander vot ed "Aye" . Gene Sanders obstained. The Ayes being in the ma' -ori ty the motion carried. The budget for 1963-64 was re��-ielved and. ch anged. A motion was made by John , re ley seconded by D. L. Smith that the budget be adopted. X111 Aldermen voted "Aye" with no "ioes". Y,ayor Gibl_. ons discussed the problem of hiring a third patrolman and indicated he preferred i-ehiring bj,r. Romoser. A motion .':rasmIide by Ton Alexander and seconded by V. A. hio'le.n that a ,:an be hired as a city patrolman effective July 1, 1963. Ald.el- r,en 17olen, ' anders,Alexander ad Kegley voted "Aye". Aldermen D. L. Smit1h o`istained. Treasurer's The follorri n` treasurer'sLeport was submitted aixl approved by the council. Pearland City Courcil meeting June 20, 1963 Paye 2 TR YSURER' S REPORT June 20, 1963 Mame Amount Check 7; Deposits 237 Balance as of 5-16-63 5r 13, 895.25 'n'Jilliam C. ''�",'alsh ti 175.00 858 N 95.00 Jack Hall 153.70 859 12.50 Charles Eason 43.36 860 Jack Harrison 50.00 861 Larvin Ellis 10.00 862 Southwestern Be) -1 Telephone 35.09 863 Lesikar Ins . A-ency 126.00 864 Illi es i ng rotor Co. 22.30 865 Houston Lighting & Povrer 1°2.34 866 ''ororola 8.70 867 Bra. zori a Co -:rC & ID ;-„`- 4.50 868 Pearland Texaco 10.32 869 Sinclair Ftefininr; Co. 64.45 870 Pearland Variety 8.12 871 P,':. J. Theirot 14.06 872 City t=arcbrare 2.10 873 Corss 21oads Service Station 82.56 874 P. E. Syelquist 30(:.00 875 1.572.00 P. E. Segelquist 19.35 876. H. C. Holman 130.00 877 Security N a i i onal Life 32.04 878 'earland Electronics 17.05 879 Jack Harrison 192.05 880 Sout1tivestern Bell Telephone 16.91 881 Void 882 Charles Eason 144.57 883 Jack Hall 164.37 884 rhe Stec: Co-® 13.75 885 1Forthwestern University Traffic6.56 886 yv25039.31 y 1,679.50 Balance 6-20-63 De-cosits P. E. 3ere1quist 1,572.OU Airs. David Ada -,-.is 12.50 Pearland Investment 95.00 1,leetiny adjourned. 11� APPRCTkTED THIS TEE � -� DI'f OF, JI) 1963 E. '1' Gibb ons ,I1ayor 1 n, (City Secretary rr13y895.25 1,679.50 X15,574.75 2,039.31 13,535 a44