JULY 16, 1963
special meeting of the Pea.rland City Council ,: as cal led to order by _,'ayor Gibbon,
in the Pearland Bank Building 766th the followin city officials and guest_ s in
Mayor - E. T. Gibbons
Alder -men- Victor A. Yolen, TomAlexander, -ene E. Sar_der•s,
David L. Smith, John Ke -ley
Ga est - �'dilli.a.Ir C. .ialsh, r. Eddlemian
R'wror Gibbons explained that the purpose of the �eet7_ng ,as to discuss long ran e
;l�-a.ter and sevface plans for the north end of Brazoria County. He exnlair_ed .
that the of property value 'viathin the city 1i71its of reariand has been
estimated at x;,13;600,000. not countin; the neo,, building no1-:! in i)ron;ress ar:d soI_•
80 homes are nol':r under const 3t1 on. Tr! i S Sui^ov ; as conduct -ed for the ci tv
,as a courtesy of uh_e lndepeYdeht School T6.71 office.
Eddlers.n dithe tax_ ^onion of the ,;a.ter district and elaborated
upon the extent of bonding tha.l could be voted by the people of Fearland for
;vater,gewa;e and oth,r iI7lprovements. 11820-1 is the Leal Statue covering
procedure for the city to a.ssu.ae operation of the :,rater district.
motion i`daS made by D. L. S,,ith and seconded byGene Sanders that 1,r. 'alsh
be retained to prepare a wrap shmi:dng the boundary of the city and bour'dary
of the }tater district for an ao roxir_ate cost of ti;50.00. x`-11 tll.derr,e_Z voted
"Lye" with no "Moes" .
It as a"reed by all concermed tr,,at lh. s ;problem r-erits our attenti on .and a
„_eetin; should be ar'ra.n.Fed tC d1SCUSS l 1,am-,c pla22S ars the steps
tt s hould be ta.l_en t o a.d.val:ce t he overall area..
i,:ayor Gi?-'.-ons agreed to arran-,e a meeting with the water board. for the purpose
of a. discussion..
I:4or Gibbons re>_>orted that Aldermen Ale --ander, Sanders am himself attended
a public meetinf, of the state polution control board at ,ebster, Texas July
11r, 1963. The overall area problem of polution control was diseussed.at
the meeting with Del -'-ebb Corporation fronting the desire f.or ate'°oYerall_.
polution control system.
P:`eetirL; adjourned at 10.15 P. M.
f PlELCVED Ti7S THE. D, r CF is 1903
E. T. Gibb ons
IM, ay or
-City. Secretary