1963-07-18 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTESW. PEARUND CITY COUNCIL MEETING REMMAR 11—FETING JULY 18, 1963 A regular meetinf oil the Pearland City Council was called to order at 7:30 P. M. by payor Gibbons in the Pearland Bank Building with the following city officials and guests in attendances Hayor E. T. Gibb ons Aldermen David L. Smith, Tom Alexander, Gene E. Sarders Victor A. Nolen Guests John Rainey, Steve A. Shlkaness, Attorney Jack Harrison Fire Ylarshal ® Buddy Ellis hiayor .Gibbons explained that the regular rre eti ng scheduled for July 4, 1963 was called off because of the holiday and part of the officials would be oiit of the city. The minutes of the regular meeting of June 20, 1963, Jure 25, 1963 and July 16, 1963 were read and approved. !tayor Gibbons discussed progress being made on the curb and guttering of 518, and work is now in progress. Payor Gibbons explained that he. and part of the council attended a meeting of the State Polution Control Board in Webster, Texas July 16, 1963. A meeting has been requested br the mayor with the Water Board to discuss water and sewage problems. A1lderman V. A. Nolen discussed work that has been done thus far on collecting data to purchase a new car for the city police departm< nt. It was agreed that the equipment will be discussed with the police department and presented back to the council for consideration. Mr. Adams discussed the problem in his area of a prefabricating shop building in a residential area. Be was advised by the city attorney that restrictions can be adopted for an area if the residents in that particular area so desire. The Street and Bridge Departnet was instructed to contact the County Engineer regarding patching Mykawa Road that was just recently rebuilt by the county. R'ayor Gibbons next discussed the complaint of raw sewage heing:dum`6d in the city streets. A list of people has been compiled uh-6 are- adjacent to sewer facilities but not connected. Nayor Gibbons instructed the city attorney to prepare a letter to the property owners.that is offending by dumping the sewage in the street ditches. — Me subdivision ordinance was discussed and the need for -a-.penalty- for failur( to comply was presented. A penalty revisi on will be prepared _by the attorney for adoption. The Treasurer reported a balance on hand as of July 13, 1963 of $r12,931y63 4 motion wasmade by Gene Sanders and seconded by Tom Alexander on the recommer dation of the mayor that the 90 day probation pe ri od for uniforms be waivered on patrolmen Jenkins and he be placed in uniform immediately. All AY, ermen voted "Aye" with no "Noes". A motion was rade by Tom Alexander that patrolman Jenkins be granted a )425.00 per month raise effective August 1, 1963. 11btion seconded by Gene Sanders All Aldermen voted "Aye" with no "Noes." A resolution was presented by Tom Alexander that Shirley Lynch be permitted to set up a project with Home Yaking students to clean the old cemetary grounds. The resolution was endorsed by all the city officials. Buddy Ellis presented the council with a proposal to regulate nursing homes. He was instructed to collect the necessary state requirements and present necessary material back to the council. A motion was made by V. -'. Nolen and seconded by Tom Alexander that the following bills be paid: 242 City Counci 1 .Meeting July 18, 1963 Continued All Aldermen voted "Aye" math no "Noes" Dep os its Charles T. Gray P. E. Segelquist Ann Tutle .APPROVED THIS TBE DAY OF � � � 1963 No*L enClity Secretary Pyor LO,°,o vseav) TREASURER'S REPORT Name Amt. C , Deposits Bal as of 6-20-63 Charles Eason v 126.32 887 4'P13,535.44 Poastmaster, Pear. 3.60 888 Bill Romoser 35.50 889 1.2.50 Jack Hall 173.10 � 890 Jack Harrison 50.00 891 k'arvin Ellis 10.00 892 Houston L & P 197.55 893 Brazoria WCID 4:50 894 Kliesing D4otor Co. 33.40 895 Harris Uniform Co 81.30 896 Pearland Box Lo. 6.50 897 O."T .Robinson 30.00 898 Njotorola 8.70 899 P. E. Segelquist 268.00 900 1,290.00 H.C. Holman 10.00 901 Internal Revenue 211.00 902 "ostraster Pearland 5.00 903 E. E. -Mart-in 150.27 904 Jack Hall 164.35 905 Bill Romoser 174.00 906 John J Jenkins 173.70 907 x'1,918.81 41,315.00 013,535.44 1,315.00 14,850.44 - 1,918.81 Balance. 7718-63 P12,931.63 Dep os its Charles T. Gray P. E. Segelquist Ann Tutle .APPROVED THIS TBE DAY OF � � � 1963 No*L enClity Secretary Pyor LO,°,o vseav)