JULY 23, 1963
A special meeting of the Pe arland, Manvel and Brookside Village Councils
were called to order by Payor Graves in the Brookside Village City Hail
at 7:45 P. M. with the following officials and guests in attendance:
Mayors ® H. B. Graves, E. T. Gibbons
Aldermen- Victor A. Nolen, Pers. Roy Martinez, Mrs. Louis F. V'+eber
T. R. Northrup, Jessie Hernandez, R. N.Eddleman,
Guest David L. Smith, Gene Goltz, Tom Alexander, Henry Jordan
Gene E. Sanders, VT. A.- Strader, Milton Farmer, C. L.
Guidry, J.D. Neely Juan. G. Rodriguez, Joe D. Bain,
L. V. 61illis, Ray IGartinez, Russell Heim
T1jayor Graves explained the purpose of the meeting was to discuss long range
road problems and plans for the north end. of Brazoria County. After
introducing h -r. 'L'ddleman, Yr. Jordan, Mr. Kalsh and the City of Houston
planning commissioner representatives Mayor Graves turned the meeting
over to ivir. Walsh. Mr. uyalsh requested that the Houston Planning Comnissionei
present their long range program for the south and southeast sides of
Harris County and the road patterns that extend into Brazoria and Galveston
bounties. This planning program was discussed including plans for constructic
of the south belt of the superhighway interchange. Mr. Northrup stated
that the intent of the Houston Planning Comnissionwas to work with
adjoining communities to develop better plans for the future.
h1r. Walsh next presented plans that have been developed by the Engineering
firm of Walsh end Yc Claren for the north end of Brazoria County.
Cost -estimates for preparing various types of roads and the condition of
the existing roads was elaborated upon. Mr. Walsh next recommended
the maor thorough fares for immediate development. The secondary roads
-were considered as a lump sum of money for each respective area of road
district 7F 3.
rv=r. Eddleman discussed how financing could be handled arra the extent of
taxation per individual for 5$3,000,000.00 improvement program.
It was explained that a road district born for precienb -F 3 has not been in
existence for many years. He suggested a 20 year bonding program.
Mr. Henry Jordan explained the position of the county regarding _the
rapidly expanding road system of the north end of Brazoria,County" He
stated flatly that funds would not be available from county -;taxes_ to build
the roads that will be needed to meet demands from this -area.
r. Various members of the group expounded on the problem- and how it srioulA
be handled. After a lengthy discussion the meeting adjourned at 10:00 P. Y.
E. T. Ulbbons ,
V_ i ctor . olen
City Secretary