1963-07-25 CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MINUTESPE1t.RI A ND CITY COUNCIL NEE TI NG (SPECIAL) JULY 25, 1963 A spe ci al meeting of the Pear land City Council and the, Brazoria County Water Control District 3 met in the Water Office at 7:45 P. 179 July 25, 1963 with the following officials and guests in attendance: Mayer- E. T. Gibbons Aldermen- Victor A. N61en, Tom Alexander, David L.Smith, Gene E.Sarders, Guest M. 0. Knapp, Hamilton Haskins, J. E.. Coppinger, Orlin O'Day, J. C. Young, John D. Mark, J. H. 'Birdwell, . Atrorney gJack Harrison Nr. Knapp called the meeting to order and explained the purpose of the mee'. 1k was to discuss long range iiater and sewage plans for the north end of Brazoria County in the ,'later District and in the city. Mayor Gibbons explained it was the city's .desire to cooperate in every way with the water district to develop adequate water and sewage facilities for the area. Nor. Knapp stated that the past defeated bond issue was along the suggested line of reasoning to better serve more area. h1r. Knapp also stated he f®it the water district could provide supervision and maintainance for new facilities throughout the area. The question was ask what would be the advantage of the city assuming the water district. A lengthy discussion evolved over the benefits either controlling body could offer the people. It was agreed by the city council a, t1� Water Board members to talcs the Tatter urder study for further*in an attempt to reach a solution to the problem. . Meeting adjourned at 11:30 P. li. APPROVED THIS THE � .DAY OF_g(�P-1,1�,W L9t 1963 City Secretary M 1. gibbons Y,ayor