1963-08-15 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES0 I PEARLA ND CITY COUNCIL RME TI ti G AUGUST 15, 1963 A regular' meeting of the Pearland City Council was called to order at 6::30 P. Tei. in the Pearlard' Bank Building by Klayor Gibbons with t,,e follovair_g -.city-of ficials and guests in attendance: Mayor - Aldermen - Attorney - Police - Guest - 1;.. T. Gibbons Victor A. Nolen, John Kegley, Gene E. Sanders, David L. Smith , Jack Harri s on Jack Hall J. C. Young, J. E+. f�aines, John N. Lipscomp . \ -1 hayor Gibbons called the meeting to order and hr. Walsh was requested to present his preliminary .plan f or the first phase -of long range_ . sewerage and water develop- ment for Pearland. The sewerage plan developed would serve appvoxim ately 5,000 people with each unit of sewerage plant and unit I would eventially handle 20,000 houses. The minutes of the re;*u lar meetirg' of August 1, 1963 were read and approved. Mayor Gibbons presented a request by Mr. W. E. Parker for the city attorney to prepare right of way easements for widening old Alvin road between Plum Street amd Orange Street. Ivr. ZIT. E. Parker acid Yr. J. Little have agreed to give the right to widen the street. The Treasurer reported a balance on hand as of. August 15, 1963 of $1,218.91. A motion. was made by V.,A..Nolen and seconded by ,John Kerley that the following 1A 1is be paid:' Name IV:,arvin Ellis Southwestern Bell'Telephone Houston Natural Gas Crown Printing Co A. ".'- Keilers Jack Hall John J. Jenkirs Bill,_Romoser Jack Harrison Charles Eason Pearland Texaco Kliesing Motor Co. 0. V. Robinson Void kartin Service Station Pee, r 1 and Plumbi nr• Nelson Silvia Lo. City hardware Houston Lighting & Power 1`�otoro1a Crown. Printing Co. P. E. Segelquist P. E. Segelquist H. C. Holman Brazoria Co. 'Pir. D. &, I D'ILl- 3 Security Nat1onal Life Stevens Grocery Houston Natural Gas Security National Life Jack Hall Amount 125.00 34.71 ..... 2.03' 32.80 104.50 173.10 173.70 174.00 50.00 8.73 174.23 8.88.- 69000 2.96 17.11 10.50 4.00 202.08 8.70 10.75 572.00 4.03 40.00 4.50 28.04 5.56 1.60 16.12 165.11 John J Jenkins�/ 184.00 Bill Romoser 174.00 Steck Go. D Jj 190.00 �7 X2,771.74 Deposits Grr.ffir_ Bros Sale of Subdivision Ordinance 'Refund Security National Life C # 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 Deposits Bal as of 7-18-63 $ 12,931.63 25.00 3.00 -.: . 16.02: . v 3,015.00 3,059.02 Balance 8-15-63 1 t 12,931.63 4- 3,059.02 - 2,771.74 3,2 1 8.9 "It Pearland City Council Meeting.August 15, 1963 Page 2 All Aldermen voted Aye with no "Ii " y oe s V. '". Nolen reported that the new. police car project is awaiting a'brochure from a Plymouth dealer so that bids can be prepared. t r. John Kegley reported on behalf of the people of Dixie Farm road that they/ \, appreciate the city having the grass mowed along this road. lv,r. James Young presented his plans for installing 'water lines in Westminster Sub- division. It was agreed that the proposed water plan of �Tdstminister Subdivision be accepted by .the city of Pearland with the right and priviledge of the city taking over.and assuming control and, ownership of all water lines vrlthout cost to the city and paying not more than X40.00 per water tap and meter and th.e right to purchase the water well at it's fair market value at such time as the city established and operates a municipal crater and sewerage system. A motion irras rnade by V. h. Nolen and seconded by David L. Smith that the above proposal be accepted subject to certificate by hir. _'Rai ne s that: the lines are installed as ,per the water piping plan of the subdivision. All Aldermen voted "Aye" with no "PToes." A motion -was made by John Kegley and seconded by V. A. Nolen that the piping plan for Westmir_ister subdivion be .accepted subject to the city reserving the -right to in- cre'ase the size of pipe along old Alvin xoad by paying t Is 'difference in pri ce of 'Pipe larger than 6 inch pipe. All Aldermen voted Aye" with no "Noes".. -A motion was made by V. A. Nolen and seconded by John Kegley that the final plat of Brookland Acres Subdivision be approved by the city of Pearland subject to the subdividers posting a $15,004bo.nd v-;ith the city. Alderman John Kegley, Gene Sanders and V . A. Nolen voted "Aye" and David L. Smith obstained because of conflict of interest. The "Ayes" being in.the majority motion carried. I.:r. Nalsh requested that the city consider his proceeding with the lon�`-range'ivater and sewerage plan at an approxirate cost of 5,000. It was agreed.to,di,s-duns_ this rratter'further'.and advise 11x. Walsh whenEoa decision has been reached _On this; problem. Yr. Jack Harrison discussed the legal aspects of the city and vraterA`aistrict=and how work should proceed on the city taking over the water distri ct. -Nmr--or M-bbons explained that the water distri ct has appointed a two man committee.to-wJork-;-idt h' C i-ry lir. dl-&�t committee men to resolve the many problems.. A motion was made bar David L. Smith, on the recomr:�endat ion of i:'ayor Gibbons, that John Kegley-tnd V. A. Nolen be appointed to serve as city council representatives. Aldermen D. L. Smith, Tom Alexander and Gene Sanders voted "Aye". V. A. Nolen anal' John Kegley obstained. The "Ayes being the majority the motion carried. A copy of the subdivistom ordinance -,vas sold to Mlr. Raines. A motion ,vas made by'Gene Sailers that on all subdivision p1Ats the city attorney be furnished evidence of properbj ownership and compliance with the le, a1 aspects of the ordinance, and the city engineer set the amount of bond required and. the _ . city attorney -inspect the bond. Motion seconded by David L. Smith. All Aldermen with no "Ames". voted "Aye" Mr. Lipsco:,,-b of the Hi hvray Department was introduced by the P"ayor who explained that he desired to discuss a speed study of highway 35 -and 518. After due discussion it was agreed that the study would be taken under consideration. Chief of Police. Jack Hall presented a prgp.osal -that'- the_. city adopt a policy of requiring ,,all city policemen to. obtain a' first aid card. ,,���}}on -5as made by V. A. Nolen that ,',,;a: first aid card be required by all future cit mf lbf e e. . iL otion seconded by Tom ''Alexander . All Aldermen voted "Aye" with no "Noes". The Chief of Police was instructdd to prepare a list of official uniform requirements and designate the official uniform. The Chief advised that Hugh Raney was appointed Captain of the Reserve Police O'fice'rs 250 PEARL/. 3J7i GI TY CO Uh CI LEF ET IidG AU-: UST 15, 1963 Page 3 -Payor Gibbons next presented a report b;;- the Telephone Company to install buried cable along old 1vin Road to fun ish Y�estminister Subdivision. A r,.otion was rade by V. A. Nolen and seconded by John Kelley that the Tele-honecompany'be granted a permit to install the cable. All Alder^en voted "dye" with no "Noes". Mayor Gibbons next requested th at the Ie=ethodist Church be granted permission to installa no park-ing sign in front of the church during church services . A -notion w•as roads by John Kegley and seconded by Toru Alexander that this request be granted. All Aldermen voted "Aye" with no "Noes". The Street and Bridge Committee was instructed* to review sign requirements for clear ere( area. subdivisions. Niahor Gibbons next stated that he was reLinovi.ng John Kegley from the street and bridge committee to leave a two man commi.ttee for the purpose of placing authority back z--rith the council. kayor ribbons reported that the county health officer rias instructed by the state to inspect the city garbage dur.•p for health ha �ard. The garbage problem was discussed and it was agreed th&.t work should be done to improve our garbage facilities. kayor Gibbons requested that the council consider reducing the mayors salary to 45.00. The proposal dies for lack of official .rotion. Yeeting adjourned at 12.00 P. Ie;. APPROVED TRIS TE �� DAY OF 1963 S E. T. tibbons., 11!ayor Li City Secretary r.