1963-09-11 CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MINUTESPEARLIdIM CITY C OUid CI L I IEE'T I NG . SEPTEIBER 11, 1963 A special meeting of the PearlandCity Council was called to order at 7.-30 P. 1". by the Mayor in the Pearland Bank Building with the follovung city officials and guests in attendance: Iday or - E. T . Cn bb ons Aldermen- Victor A. Nolen, John.Kegley, David L. Smith Gene E. Sanders, Tom Alexander `Ginest - Thomas D. Heaney, Lynn E. Pearson Pete Bonario,-William Louden, Tom Abcock, VT. B. Bradley, Aug.st Iuepers, Nayor Gibbons explained that the purpose of the meeting was to discuss long range road plans and consider subdivisionplans being presented by Iur.' Bradley and hr. Louden. Payor .Gibbons requested that l,'r. Bradley present his tentative plan -for VITillowcrest Subdivision. The plan tivas discussed at length to revise the proposal to suit city specifications. hr. Bradley was instructed to proceed with his preliminary plan for submittal. Mr. Louden represented his subdivision plan for Colonial Estates vrith the corrections as requested by. the council _and a motion was":made by John Kegley that the final plat of Colonial -Estates Subdivision be accepted by the City of Pe Orland, subject to collection of filing fee and subject to approval of title by cibj attorney. P.:otion seconded by V. A. 'Nolen. All Aldermen voted I'Aye" vrith no"Noes". A motion was made by V. A. Nolen and seconded by John Kegley that the fiFM„ plat of Sharon Plaza Subdivision be accepted by the city of Pearland subject UO approval of title by the city attorney and subject: to collection of filing fee. All Aldermen voted "Aye" with no "Noes. The road plan for developing Pearland Area was worked and discussed at length. The reworked map will be furnished the city engineer after an on the ground inspection this week end. Alderman David L. Smith explained the signs -'have been'ordered for the school zone . Meeting adjourned at 10"-30 P. It_. APPf101ED THIS THE DAY OF 'd� _ 1963 ATT- - / D, - . E`'T n,11.._,�L Vinor A. Nolen City Secretary E. T. ibbons Mayor 253