1963-09-19 CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES2- PEi RLAND CITY COUNCIL 1V EETII\G SEPTEI BER '19, 1J63 A regular meeting of the Pearland City Council was called to order at 7:30 P. Y. September 19, 1963 by il'�ayor Gibbons in. the Pearland Bank Building with the follotaing city officials .and guests in attendance: Mayor E.T. Gibbons Aldermen- Victor A. Nolen., John Kegley, Tom "Alexander, Gene E. Sanders, David L.Smith At�-orney-Jack Harrison Guests - William C. Walsh, Ed Williams, Katharine Eggers A motion was made by John Kegley and seconded by Tom Alexander that the minutes of September -5, 1963 be amended that the side walk' on the north side of 518 be extended from Park Street to Galveston Ave. All Aldermen voted "Aye" with no "Noe s . The side walk project ti-,ras discussed at length and fir. Ed. v',i lliams presented his problem regarding the side walk conflicting with his parking area in front of is business establishment. After due discussion. it -j-as agreed that the highway department would be consulted regarding tfhbir policy for. placing sidewalks along the streets in their right -of -,,,,ray* A motion was made by Tom Alexander and seconded by David L. Smith that the lQity of Pe ar l and willl agree to grade the'60 feet of-- rl -ght of way. and shell 22 feet of road for extending bre*dway approximately 600 feet west of Austin Street- providing concerned property oymers will deed the road right of way to the citer . . All ,Aldermen voted 'Aye"mitrh no "Noes". A #otion was made by Tora Alexander an the recomme.nda.tiorn..of the automobile comr_iti that bids be solicited by advertising in the Alvin paper path. equipment as specified by the committee. Motion seconded by Sanders. All Aldermen voted "Aye" with no "Noes". The long range road program was discussed at length and.. it was agreed that citizens committees will be required to front the road_ proposal to the people. Mr.- Walsh, will proceed with preparing maps as soon as !-Aan el Brookside and Pearland agree on -he -roads-they definitely plan to improve. Mayor Gibbons next discussed the water district problem and,the need to discuss valuation within the city of Pearlard outside the water district. A lengthy discussion progressed on steps to be taken to resolve the water and sewerage problem. A. moti-on was made by V . A. Nolen that Ordinance leo be adopted to designate speed of 20 miles per hour during hours of 7-.30 to 3:30 P. I:_. I11onday through Friday during school days in the streets_ ,as provided in the .ordinancebloti on sec cnded by -Gene Sanders. -All Alder nen voted "Aye " with --no "Noes The treasurer reported a balance on hand as of September 19, 1963 of 13,737.81. A motion r;as made by V- A. Nolen and seconded by John Kegley -.'-that the following list of bills lls be paid;" All Aldermen voted "Aye" with no "Noes". 0'. PE,NTM2-;D Milf O.iLr,'CIL-11YG SEF E'I,'BER 19, 1963 ( Pase 2 Continued; Dare L oiznt Cl= Deposits Balance as of 8-15-63 . Jack Hall sr 21.40 941x13,218.91 V:`als h & %, cLaren 410.00 942 3.00 Elliott L- V,'aldron 127.10 943 Lav,ren.ce Lim- 5.00 944 John J. Jenkins 184.00 945 Jack hall 182.00 946 Bill Romoser 174.00 947 P. E. Segelquist 776.00 948 3,92&,30 P. E. Segelquist 33.00 949 H. C. holmar_ 310.00 950 Jack Harrison 50.00 951 11arvin Ellis 10.00 952 Texas City Tire Shop 103.20 953 Vialsh c: I:'c Laren 18.75 954 I'. J. Theriot Sery Stn. 187.32' 955 Motorola 8.70 956 Crovrn Printinx Co. 18.50 957 Pearland Texaco 12.35 958 Halston Light G Power "'o 208.59 959 Security Yational Life 43..40- 960 Brazoria Co. Z'rC&ID,3 4.50 961 3.00 iartin Service Stn. 12.68 962 Kliesing I..rotor Co 85.21 963 0. V. Robinson 117.00 964 Jack Hall 199.01 965 3.00 John J. Jenkins 184.00 966 Bill Romoser 159.38 967 Pasadena Business 1. achines 39.00 968 12.50 P earlar_d Variety 32.30 969 Southwestern Bell Telephone 82.51 970 ti>3,428.90 Deposits Sale of Subdivision Ordinances - 3 Ci ty Court Airport Lour:ga PemrLit 3,947.80 Balance 9-19-63 $13-218.91 3,947.80 17,166.71 - 3,428.90 ?;13,737 81 motion vns made by John Eegley tl-r,-t the city pay for a 1'�6.00 flue shot series f; each police officer if they desire to receive the shots. ILotion seconded b;r Gene Sanders. All Aldermen voted 'Aye" -with no "Woes1°. IT I?:OVED TIIIti Ti E� _DU:t OF Q�� 1963 t E. b ons P,4a yo r ,T 178 T: Victor A.IN(51en City Secretary