1963-09-23 CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES256 PEl�PI11Q CITY GO Ui CIL T:L'ETIIi-Ox SPECIAL SEI'fEf_'BEP. 23, 1963 A special meeting of the Pea rla nd City Cour;c i 1 arras called to order at 7:30 P. Isf. Sentember 23, 1963 by Mayor Gibbory in the Pearlard Bank Building xith the f ollovring cit; officials ar_d guests in attendance: Mayor - E. T. Gibbors Alderrn✓n- Victor A. Nolen, John Kegley, 'Tom Alexander Gene E. Sanders David L. Sr;ith Guest - P..L. T:arquess Y-ayor Gibbons explained that. ?Ar. Darquess was requested to ap ear before the council to discuss taxation a:d hovr best to apply taxation to Pearland. After a lengthy discussion by hr. i'•,'arquess on t he problems and possible solutions, it tiaras agreed that 1,6r.I-arquess should pursue our specific problems further and work v-dth hr. Eddleman or resolving Pearland's tax problern and its relation to the -water improvement districts ?',`eetino- adjourned at 10:00 P. h. A.P _='1-07 ED Ti;I3 TIS 0 DjIY OF1963 f -o ATTEST Victor len City Secretary E. Ui, bons L%ayor