1963-10-09 CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES250 PEIdIAAD CITY COUI,; CIL 1�iEET NG (SPECI.,IL ) OCTOBER 9, 1963 A special meeting ,.'as cslled to order at 7:30 P. Ii. by h',_-yor Gibbons in the Pearland Banli Building witz the following city officials and glaests in attendance: l ayo r , - E. T . Gibb ons Aldermen- Victor A. I11olen, Gene E. Sander, John barley, Tom r Alexander, David L. S=:ith G -lest - P. L. Marquess _Kavor Gibbons . explair_ed that t! -_e purpose of the r..eeting was to discuss _Kay or city Tax problem,ri th � r.-a.rgvess. A motion ,ms made by E.T. Gibbons seconded by V Nolen that Lr. I`arque ss be retained as talc consultant to -prepare . and. aid in the installat_on of a complete tax roll for the city of Pearland under .-the terms prescribed z,rith the maximum fee not to e..ceed Q ,500 and pay for services to be rade upon commencement of collection of taxes of the 1964 tax. roll. All Aldermen_ voted "Aye" vrith no "Noes". tsayor Cibbons explained that the tax firm of Industrial Appraisal Engir_een has been consulted and they inspected the area. The rough cost estimate of 5-6 thousand dollars for the area outside the ,;pater district „las approximately equal to h1r. h,arquess estimate for the vJhole area and considering the controversy generated already by the 0,ater District using Industrial Appraisal Engineers, it v.Tgs agreed that I:`r. Iiiareuess services should be retained. A motion was made by John Kegley and seconded by Gene Sanders that the city council draft a rep_ ly stating the councils. position to the letter received from the water district dated October 4, 1963. All Aldermen voted "Aye" irith no "Noes". APPLOVED THIS TEE 11 AY OF �9��� 1963. c -414 �_ E ibbons , Mayor ATTEST Vic -tor I olen� / City Secretary !/