1963-10-22 CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES264 PE.€MA1ND CITY COUT;CIL FIEETIPG(SPECIAL October 22, 1963 A special meeting of the Pearland City Council Control and Improvement district tivas called to the �1'later-District Office by lvlr. Knapp with the and water district officials and guests: Victor A. Nolen John D hark David L. Smith L.C. Hawl_ins Tom Alexander John Keg ley Gene E. Sanders Ham Haskins rrq. E.Stapp Jack Harrison L. FI• La Vaster iTayne E. Etter Jerry, Birdwell Curtis l;:orris Harold Bass Jr. K. 0. Knapp 7-:"r. Knapp explained that the purpose common problems Bf the city and water and tae Brat oria Water order at 7:45 P. Y-. in following city officials of the meetingvva-'O" u -o diabuss the district regardirg''vrater and sewerage. ti`r. Birdwell and 1i`r. Ilarrison both expressed the urgent need for water and sewerage planning for the entire area and cooperative efforts on the part of both governmental bodies. Flr. F•'ark questi -ned if it was the intent of the city to proceed with improvement of the existing district as well as new territory. He was assured by various council members that it ryas the cour_ci is intents to do just that as well as plan and improve the outlying area as the needs arise. After a?.lenghty discussion the water board members agreed that if a joint prolgram can be --presented to the people by the water board and city to fix the existing district_ and improve the new area when necessary they would petition the ivater district into the city of Peaxla.nd. Everyone was essentially in accord on this approach. It was agreed that the city engineer and water district engineer should coordinate their efforts to develop a workable program aryl the cost involved. 1:r. Birdwell explained4the feasibility of a possible bonding program. B.L= ��re-p�thea-r- pr -e ery_Qr&P- a ; ^; -t I ee - � Lt o n—eoxt�„u err k to xa. Fleeting adjourned at 10v-5 P. I>. hPPPOV M TFIS T E DAY OF tq 6C 1963 {:lel c or City Secretary E. ' -T. Gibbons i;sayor