NOVE-10M t 7, 1963
A regular meeting of the Pearlard Mj;y. Council was called do order by ilayor Gibbons
in the Pearl and Bank Building at 7:30 P. N. with the following city officials
and guests in attendance:
Mayor - E. T. Gibbons
Aldermen- Victor 1'4' Nolen, David L.Smith, Gene E.Sanders, John Kegley
Tom Alexander r
Guest - P-7ax Schuebel; V7 b drow Les ikar, Elton J. David
B. L. Turner, Clarence.ILora, Jack W. Allerton, •Douglas
I. Lloyd, h;rs . Gene Remy Sr. H. J. "Bud"' Herrin, C. 'L. Cra
ford, E. E. Bratton
Attorney- Jack Harrison
The minutes of t'he regular meeting of October 17, 1963, October 22, 1963 and
October 30, 1963 were read corrected and approved.
Mrs. Remy, representir_ Regency Park Civic Club presented a letter from the club
suggesting that the speed on Highway 518 be reduced to 35 miles per hour from
downtown Pearlard east to the. inter section of Walnut street with highway 518.
Mayor Gibbons explained that this problem will be discussed with. the Highway
Department and efforts will be made to resolve this matter.
T:":r. Jack Ellerton U,rith. Underwood Cooperation presented a regwst to the council
to set up a shot gun skeet range in the city of Fearland at Dixie -Farm Road arra
518 State Highway. Adayor Gibbons advised Mr. Ellerson that a committee would
be appointed to investigate this problem and advise when a decision has been reachec
1:r. Davis presented a preliminary plat of Elton J. Davis Subdivision for council
approval. He was instructed to furnish seven copies of the plat and contact the
drainage district for their approval.
hr. Woodrow Lesikar requested the cmncil to consider _granting a permit to move a
wood frame building located within t 1p fire zone to a new location within the fire
zone. A lengthy discussion evolved over the terms of the ordinance. It was
agreed that the matter would, be reviewed and an answer will be furnished Mr.
10r. John Kegley was instructed to contact Yr. Brodnaux regarding revising the
fire zone ordinance.
Herren was introduced to thec council as a propppctive warrent clearing officer
and he discussed his .company called Texas ylarrant• Clearing House. He was advised
that the council would review the warrent situation and discuss the city's warrent
problem with Fir. Holman.
Bids were opened by the secretary on the police car and radio.
Automobile. Bids:. Alvin Eq uipment. Co $2,445. less x'850.00 X1,595.00
Bud Brown 2,243.14 w$700.00 1,543.14
Eliesing Rotor 'Co. - 1,884.10
Radio Bids Motorola Radio 772:00 less 125.00 647.00
A motion was made by David Smith that the motorola 100.watt,. tiro 'f'requen6y., tran-
sistor radio be purchased as per terms of the bid for �772X6'hdb,ject"to the
;'125.00 trade in if the city desires. T:"oti cn. seconded by . Gene E. Sanders. A11
Aldermen voted "Aye" with no "Nobs".. - -
A motion was made by David L. Smith that ac; -ion on the bids ,oil- the'cars._be,tabled
for one week to armit.the committee investigating rolice car_re-nta1.-_td'cornplete
their work. Motion seconded by John Kegley* All Aldermen vot`ed,'!.'t}:ye" with no
Ci-bj Council meeting
Navember 7, 1963 Page 2
kayor Gibbons read a letter from hr. Walsh indicating approval of test on the
base material for ;'lest Linister Subdit-dsion.
i.atTor Gibbons stated that li;Tin Creek Koods Subdivision Streets have also been
The problems regarding right 'of way t;;ere discussed at length and it was agreed
that work should proceed viith acquiring; the rig!:t of xray aryl a meeting with the
drainage district vAll be arranged.
hr. Jack Harrison was instructed to proceed with work on having Sacramento Street
north of Pear Street opened to the public.
I,:r. 'J'�alsh suggested to the council that his firm should be placed or_ a monthly
retainer of x,,50.00 per month for general work._
11:r. Kegley made amotioii that TJalsh h -'c Claren be retained by the city of Pearland
as an engineering consultar_t on general matters for a fee of $50.00 monthly
effective November 1, 1963 . Sec onded by Gene Sanders. All Aldermen vo,.-ed monthly
with no "Noes".
Tom Alexander made a motion that a letter be prepared to the �jighti^ray departmert
drainage district and railroad company e±pressing satisfaction on the work dore
on 518. Seconded by V. A. Nolen. All Aldermen voted "Aye" with no -"Noes"'.
A motion was made by Gene Sanders that the council start meeting the first
four Thursdays of each month with meetings 7;30 to 10:00 P. hi.
Seconded by 1). L. Smith. All Aldermen voted "Aye" with no "Noes".
A ee ti r- adj ourned at 12: 00 P. M.
FR6JE7 THIS TIMI ( s/ DIY OF ��, 1963
V . M1,n
City Secy tart'
E. T . Gibbons,