1963-11-21 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTESPEIMJOD CITY COUNCIL Ni ETIM NOVEiBER 21, 1963 A regular meeting of the Pearland City Council was called to order in the Pearland Bank Building by I''iayor Gibbons at 7:30 P. Ic. with the following city officials and guests in attendar_ce: hayor - E. T. (Gibbons Aldermen David L. S;nith, Tom Alexander, Gene E. Sanders, 'Victor A. 11olen Attorney - Jack Harrison_ Guest - H. A. V,ilson, C. E. Newmann, V. J. Rourk, R. L. Bahler, Engineer - 'William C. UVa:lsh The minutes of the regular meeting of November 14, 1963 were read and approved. The 'Treasurer presented his reportar•Feceipts and disbursements and reported a balance on hand as of November 213 1963 of tiP1�925.70 IV.,r. Newmann .representing- Pe arland Sportsman Club requested a permit to operate a shooting range (pistol, big bore and skeet shooting) within the city of Pearland, Texas This would be a supervised range with controlled firing and proper sponsore and IST. R.A. approval. A .lengthy discussion evolved by i::re Newmann and the .merits of thi s project. l:ayor Gibbons advised Nr. Newmann that a committee will be appointed to in- vestigate this proposed shooting range and will advise their findings. Ivx. Sargent of the N. -R. A. di scus:sed the . program and the needs for a range in the area. Mr. ISegley and- 11 r. Alexander were appointed to investigate this problem. !,r"ayor Gibbons reported that a sign for the city hall has been discussed with Nonny Walker. A motion,,-ras made by Tor: Alexander that funds be authorized in the amount of tv16.50 to purchase the corporate court sign. Ir:otion seconded by David L. Smith. 4.11 Aldermen ;Toted "411Te" vJith no"Eloes". Alderman Smith reported that Pat O'Day had patched 1st, 2nd, and 3rd streets with stabilized shell. Alderman Smith also reported that t fie Bart age dump was inspected aril Iuaorgan Company should be advised to dump in the txrenches provided for garbage. Alderman Tor: Alexander ,•ras instructed to discuss this .ratter with the lorgan Company XJ'an agement . I6'a�or Gibbons reported. that a complaint has been prepared by I r. Harrison to Open Sacramento Street north of Pear Street. A motion was made by Tore Alexander tl"n.t I7_ayor Gibbons be instructed to sign and file the complaint on behalf of the City of Pearland against Elrmett Bramlett for fencing the -public street vri_thout easement; and after notification remove the obstruction. Notion seconded by V. A. A:olen@, All Aldermen voted "Aye" with no "Noes". kayor- Gibbons- next_ discussed the warrant problem and requested th,e coun.a_l,to consider changin,, vrarrarit officers . A moti on was made by Tom �hlex6n 'er and de66?.ded by Iavjid L. Smith that Texas. Traffic V -.'arrant Clearing House be retained by the city with a 51,000.00 Fidelity Bond- being' mandatory. And recall of :^ra.rrants from Holman Traffic Warrant Clearing Houst. Jill Aldermen voted "Aye" with no "Noes". The Mayor next discussed the drainage problem and a resolution Lvas 'pre-sented for council consideration for .obtaining railroad and higizway permits for the sewerage project. A notion was made by David L. Srei.th and seconded by Tom Alexander that the resolution be adopted requesting the permit from the rai 1- road and state highway. All Aldermen voted "Aye" with " no Noes.41 27 PERRLA -11 CITY CCUIICIL T4;EETITIG hTOvember 21, 1963 Mayor Gibbons discussed the city contributing; ;,5,000.00 to support the storm sewerage and draina`e problem along Orange Street. It was the opinion of the council that the Subdivider, should present evidence of intent to proceed with their subdivision before funds are voted by the city for the emer3ency storm sevycrae project. Payor Gibbons read a. letter from Mr. !:c Clellan requestii city support to attend tax collector session school at Austin,Texas. A motion was made by Torr, Alexander and seconded by David L. Smith to table motion. All Aldermen voted "Aye" with no "Noes". Tvayor. Gibbons read a petition by Y -r. Cloyd Your-; for the City of Pearland, Texas to annex approxi- ately tyro (2) acres into the city located in section 13 abstract 24:0 as described in tl:!e petitt-.ion filed with city council November 21, 1963. _iayor Gil.bons read a petit'_oh fro. --r- Yr-l`en "-nthony reouestirg the city oP Pearland , Te.,cas to annex, a- tract of is -rid 20C feet by 3 CO feetout of section 5 H. T. & B. 'Rif Co. Survey Abs-'ract 1?0 237 Brazoria County, Texas as descril::ed in the petition filed v,.ith the City Council November 21, 1963. T:.a;yor Gibbons next discussion m,s on -the subject of police patrolman arB the need to hire a new officer. -it was tentatively agreed to consider a Chiristmas Bonus rathorrthan extra pay for ?resent officers working the extra hours. Lr. Walsh next discussed the desire of lv'lash T<<.c Cloren to receive disbursement for the road planning vrork in the aimourt of 2,500.00. It was a`reed that this matter should be tabled for council considera.tion. Ir. Saunders discussed the city's position_ on the operation of funeral homes. No controls or ordinances are now in effect to govern these operations. i:r. Sander; presented a written moti on f o r counci 1 consider ati on on trB method of electing city councilmen.. It was requested that the city attorney review Tu:r. Sanders, proposal and report his findings to the council. A motion was made by David L. Sr_:v-tP and seconded by 'Tom Alexander t1 --at 1:-_r. TidGlathery be advised that a 20 foot building line is not Ji, violation of the subdivision_ ordinance -ani to rroceed with his planning on Abbots Grill vd.th a. tvrenty foot set back from the farm road 518 south of right-of-vray.. All Aldermen voted "Aye" With no "T'oes". T..r. Walsh sug_;ested that -the piping of Brook.lan.d _,kcres should be reviewed immediate] by the council ad a- decisions :_ resolved on how for them to rroceed. T:"eetins adjourned at 10:30 P. �j APP EOVrD T'__;IS TIE Dial" rl' 1963 U_ -.i . gibbons N;ay or ictor =. Tlole City Se cretary PE.ULIAi,ID CI TY_" COUI<CILTING IvOVEI:IBER 21, 1963 T .�ZURERIS REPORT Name l-2r_ount Ck it ' als h L IZcLaren „ 30.00 1001 iaike Salyer 13.13 1002 Continental Cast:Yalty 102,00 1003 Jack Hall 194.50 1004 Bill Romoser 174.00 1005 John J. Jenkins 184.00 1006 Jack Harrison 50.00 1007 1.'.arvin Ellis 10.00 1008 Cross Roads Service 185.33 1009 Pearland Hdw & Supply 10.20 1010 Brazoria Co 1"iC&:ID. _,!#,L' 3 4.50 1011 0. V. Robinson 21.00 1012 Burke i%'fg. Co. 99.55 1013 Security Nat'l 'Life 28.63 .10141: ISotorola 8.70 1015 Sinclair Refining. Co. 109.56 1016 The Alvin Sun 57.29 1017 Houston Lighting P%,Tr 198.71 1018 Stevens Grocery .87, 1019 P. E. Segelquist 708.00 1020 Pearland Texaco 10.98 1021 Kliesing "otor Co. 63.57 1022 Brown & Root, Inc 1,291. 05 1023 ".71 mis Office Supply 18.50 1024 'ivalsh &:. i':.c Laren 1,000.0G- 1025 Jack Hall 171.51 1026 John J. Jenkins 171.50 1027 Bill Rornoser 161.50 1028 Bill Romoser 25.00 1029 Southnrestern Bell 35.71 1030 Void 1031 Houston ITaturral Gas 1.60 1032 7,143.89 Deposits Sale of subdivision ordinance Quik Totem P. E. Segelquist J. R ..I `ay Transfer frorn Savings Acct. Elton J. Davis Peddlers Permit Deposits Bal as of 10=17-63 613,691.09 3.00 12.50 3,185.00 45.00 1,100.00 23.00 10.00 4,378.50 Bal ante as of 11-21--63 APPROVED TI -IIS 'THE / DAY OF 1963 r Gibbons , Mayor City Secretary ;13,691.09 4,378.50 18,069.59 5,143.89 %?12,925.70 271