1963-12-26 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTESPHAtT,1:I? CITY COL JCIL ME=? G .UL C.FI:- BEIR 26, 1963 A regplar meeting of t!B Fearland City Council vras called to order at 7:30 P. h. by Mayor 'Gibbons in the Pearland Pank Bu-ldiizg on December 26, 1963 with the follovrin_ ' city officials and guests in a ttendancec mo 1dayor - E. T . Gibb ons 2:-lderr inn- vr. A. Plolen, Da -,A -d L. Smith, Torn Alexander, Gene E. Sanders, John Kegley The iiinutes of the regular eting of December 19, 1963 1rere read, corrected and approved. The Trt,asurer reported a balance on hand as of December 19,, 1963 of ti;12,204.i The h1layor reported that -the police car has been shipped and the radio is on hand and ready to be installed. a F' notion %Tas rr;ade by Torn Alexander that N100,00 be authorized to renovate -mattress aril blankets and install a heater in the cell block. Seconded by Gene Sarders . A=1.1 Alder ien voted "Aye" orith' no "Floes". L4ayor Gibbons reported that a. prisoner frons Frien.dswood ,,ras placed in the P arla.nd City jail and fell and injured himself. Mayor Gibbons sug-vested that both Brookside and Friends odd should pass resolution exemting the city of Pearland of all Liability in the event cne of their prisoners is injured in the Pearland jail.. Mayor Gi'?bons reported that t!:E lalvyer'S i Orli=� oil tI, City aSSLltning. the water district require t7fo cer'tif'ied copies of t -he annexation ordinances to be filed lr;,ith the state attCr"r1E�7 r�eralS of'i cE. J ,) 1'':r. Loessi ne's subdivision arras discussed at length and it -:,as agreed that discrep-a.r-,cies e;ist in conflict ,ndth the subdivision ordinance. 1i - 1:r. Gibbons made a. motion that the subdivider be advised -Lffi Ft his plat should conform frith r eCuir er.'lents of the subdil7i s ion ordinance; specifically page 17, topic 2, section A ( minirr_um lot -width at building line). Page 17 -topic 5 (dou)�1e frontage lots), ea.ser,.ent for utilities on lots 23, 24, and. 25. notion seconded by Gene Sanders. All Alderuen voted "Aye" i^Ilt�l no Std;oes". A notion vias made by V. A. Hol.en au:d seconded by Daxid L. Si -pith that the foflovrigig bills be a :tho -i zed for payment: have Amount Check i" Deposits Bal_ as of 11-21-63 Jack Hall 179.50 1033 12,925.70 - John J. Jenkins 171.50 1034 P. F. Segelo,uist 544.00 1035 2,578.65 H. C. Holman 100.00 1036 12.50 1'. J. Theriot 1.97 1037 3.00 0. V . Robinson 33.00 103.8 Sinclair R'efininw 'Co. 2.60 1039 Lesi` a.r Ins `''_Sency 3.33 1040 Ci tv Hardti-.Ta.re 2.70 1041 E. L. 111a.-Tt1n 195.C10 1042 Bra.z oria. Co . -..-. C T D ;'=3 4.50 10413 irli esing 1'okor Co. 17.81 1044 ?est Tailors Inc 01.10 1045 .11arvin Ellis 10:00 104-6 Jack Harrison 50.00 1047 Houston Lighting c Po!,%ger Cc. 197.72 1048..:.. Motorola 8.70 1.049 alsh Lo Laren. 20.00 1050 'alsh <°: 1,c Laren 95.00 1051 12.50 ::'assn =',.c Laren 1'500.00 1052 200.00 Jack Hall 171.51 1053 Continued neIt pale CVQ Pearland Cite Council h,'6eting iJecer:�ber 26, 1963 Treasurer's Report Conti ni,ed from page 277 1\ame _ Amount Ck Hoe Dep os i is Bal . Jack Hall u 100.00 1054 400.00 John J. Jenkins 171.50 1055 John J. Jenkins 100.00 1056 Earl Nugent 149.71 1057 Sout:•-o.restern Bell Telephone 45 054 1058 s?3 ,937.49 W'-'3, 216.65 x,12'925. 70 3,216.65 .. X16,142.35 - 3„937.49 Balance as of 12-19-63- 7, —11 _ 1. 6 0 3eeting adjourned at 9:20 P. T. APP"iLOVED THIS `iIEZ DAY OF JAAAMAY 196¢ actor A. NO -An City* Secretary E. T. gibbons, !..ayor