1964-01-02 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTESPEAR,I-AND CITY C OU IRICI L P EE W NG JAT,TUAYY 2. 1964 A regular sleeting of the Pearland City Council .eras called to order at 7:30 P. 11. by Mayor Gibbons in the Pearland Bank Building -L%ith the following city officials and guests in attendance: Mayor - E. T. Gibbons Aldermen-- Victor A. Nolen, Gene E. Sanders, John Kegley David L.S,:ith 774 #9&-a AA10C1Z- Attorney- Jack Harri son Guest - Lloyd -Yost, D. E. Shannon, V. I'V'. Halik, k TY Orlin O'Day, E. E. Bratton Engineer - H. C. 1Valsh Police Jac!= Hall The minutes of the meeting of Decerr.ber 26, 1963 t°.,ere read and approved. Layor 'Tibbons next requested that representatives of the drainage district present -their ideas on the store seb-ier project for Orange Street. TTr. Shannon stated it 1r`ras thei r thinkdn.the storm sewer could be tiled in using 56" and 60" tiles from 1,`ykx•,Ta Road to Austin and from h�., stin to file east side of San Antonio Street. Th_,s would solve the ?)roblerrl Tor a. few years ard additional storm setiver can be added when the need arises. Aldernan John Kegley made a -notion to amirend 'che minutes of December 19, 1963 regarding t:e stow, sevier }project along Orange Street to provide for the city of Pearland participating in the ria:terials for the porject in the amount of y�5,0.00.00 ad thi.t all other parts of the motion here -to -fore passed be rescinded. 1,oti on seconded by Gene Sanders. Alder ,an V . A. 1•;olen, Gene Sanders and John Kegley voted "Aye". • Aldermen Tom Alexander and David Smith voted "Ido". The Ayes being in the riajority the motion carried. The council will procedd with the right of 15ray across the Alexander property and the subdivider be required to post their bond before work is started on the project. A motion was made by To_r: Alexander that the old radio be converted fron, A. C. poia%er and used as a second unit.. notion seconded by- Gene Sanders. All 41dern:en voted "Aye" with no "Noes". Mayor Gibbons next discussed the Civil Defense arranze:ent where the ciIcy of Pearland can purchase equips;ent at 72 percent of cost. The need for a sciall tractor and other ealiipmrnt i'.ias discussed by `U.:1e councl 1. 1,auor Gibbons dis6ussed the need for an active Civil Defense Director for Pear! a'nd. John -Kegley n'..ao.e a .otlo:i! and ?':B.S seconded by Tom Alexander that Chief of Police Jack 1`1all be a!,-,`-•ointed Civil Defense Coordinator. All A1.•-iermen voted no Ioc s . 1 ' ^ ',� r t � r. tatives of :r`yatt C. l:°r. L sh re ported tn�t he , �s r..et ri �.. the re edr� C and l.ror!• is r�rogresSin_ Ori Engl.neeri_ng the entire area. F, reported thatOr should .7e 1'• udj 10 or _ I`St revlGiF 'v. it i.ltl 'i`f0 to e use e lc s . 1V:ayor Gi' bons re orted that the Shady Crest Civic flub desires to meet .,ath ,the council reoresen:tati ves . l,eeting adjourned a•t 9-30 P. t I� h PP t�j%I;J THIS Tr2 D1X` Y OF ��j Ale) - L Ci �•-Secre��,ry E. �'. �Lbbons Mayo r