1964-01-16 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTESf 28 - PEARLAND CITY COUNCIL -HEFTING JAII-MI&Y 16, 1964 A regular meeting of the Pearland City Councilwas cd.led to order at 7:30 P. 1. by 1!Iayor Gibbons in the Pearland Bane Buildiiig with the follovring city officials and guests in attendance: D4ayor - E. T.- Gibbons Aldermen - Victor 4. 11olen, Gene E. Sanders, Tom Ale;:a_nder, David L_.. Srr_ith, John Kegley Engine er, - I'Ii lliani C. I" als h Guest - J. C. You_rg, Grover f'. Cobb, Newt Alexarder The minutes of the meeting of January 9, 1964 were read corrected and approved. Mr. IFalsh reported that he has inspected lo. -;r. 3ramletts fence and it is his engineering opinion_ that the right of way of Sacremento Stteet has been included i�nit hi n Tv'r. Brameletts flonce. IGr. Young with Houston Natural GRs discussed the rate increase proposal- for natur6.,l gas sole tivrithin.-the city of Pearland, Texas. tie explained that their request for -increase had been presented to the railroad. commission.and the rate incre<:_se aas approved by the railroad commission. A motion was made by John Kegley that the gas rate schedule for Houston 1Tatural Gas for Alvin and Pearland set forth by the railroad commission as fair and equitable be accepted by the city of Pearland. Notion seconded by Gene Sanders. Alderman V. A. Nolen, John Kegley, and Gene Sanders, and Toni Alexander voted "Aye". David L. Smith ZToted "I -To". The " Ayes" being.in the majority the -motion carried. kr.lia.lsh presented his revised preliminary plat of it?r. Loessine's subdivision with--t.he'':correct ions 'prescribed by the city council. IVir.. James Young presented his preliminary plat -of Sleepy Hollow Subdivisi on for council consideration. IVr. Young expressed a desire for the city to furnish the supply of-v;ater and sewerage plant, with him -to pipe his tuh- divisi on. In the event the city cannot comply, he plans to put in. a private water system and septic tanks. Mayor Gibbons indicated 1,r. Young would be advised when the. cuncil is, r•e'ady to consider his preliminary plat `formally. A motion vaas rade by Gene Sanders that the subdivision ordinance be amended to extend zone 1, 2, and 3 on -the west side -of the cit;, of Pearlard as per plat dated January 15, 1964 and included herewiith as a ;part ---of the subdivision,ordin,01M( liotion.SeCDnded by V. =. Nolen. All Aldermen voted i' aye" with no "Hoes". Mayor Gibbons next discussed splitting the work .load of_ the Street and Bridge Committee. A new committee v,-11111be appointed to serve on street signs and lights. l:ayor Gi ' ons appointed John Kegley and V. A. Nolen t o serve on this new c ommi tt e e . Mayor Gibbons next discussed the need to obtain information on the water systems in Tviin Creek- 0 oods and Clear Creek Estate Subdivis ions. 1Fr. Vals h was instructed to c w.;tac't the o,,wners and find out what systems are in. existence. Aldermen Tom Alexander suggested that the City prepare a letter to `U -B State Polution Board regarding the long range city v,ater and seywera;e development, particularly e:.phasizing .':r. Cloyd Young's district the Ue conflict with the cit,,,,- planning. itJplanning. Meetirg a djourned at 10:P. I. e AC0 APPROVED Tr_IS THE,OF1fj �%11AfLy 1964 a E. 'E. GiI L)ons T.layor 'I` C O:r', h..--:ITb: 11; : ty Secretary