P .iiddL.P D 'CITY COIJi C?1 `E:h;'TENG
FE=A fY 6, 12364
A regular _neeting of the Pearlar_d ;City Council s called to order at 7:5.5 P. 1.
by hla or Gibbons in the Pearland Bank Llai ldi ng Zrith the folloirin; city officials
and guests in attendance:
L�;ayor - E. T. Gibbons
Aldermen- Victor A. 11olen, Gene E. Sanders,David L. Smd th, Tor:
Guest - A Carroll Broduax, H. B. Thornton, Jack Fite, Gene R. Reed
D. C. 1.dasns
Attorney- Jack Harrison
En;i neer- 'V`!illiam P. F'kalsh
The minutes of the special rleeting of January 23, 1964 iv. -ere read ar:d approved.
1. -ay or Gibbons welcomed the guest present and briefly outlined the schedule
for the council to consider at this m-;eting.
Mayor Gibbons next stated that he 'has talked tf"1e officials of Fri endswood
and arranged for an informal meeting for Ionday Febr.iary 10, 1964 tivith th= councils
of both cities meeting at Pea.rla rd in the bank bt:ilding.
:'x. Sanders reported a corr_plaint on dead animals : i tt:i_n the city of P'earla.nd'r
:ayor Gibbons indic:.ted this matter will be investigated and a rep ort x:211 be
-rade of the findings.
kr. roduax appeared before the council to request the ci L�F to consider
sizing the lines in i'%illowcrest Subdivision to accor.nodate "orseshoe Bend Subdivisio.
for Zvater and setreraJe.
PLr. Y.Ialsh was instructed to investigate this pro1_+lem and. irake a recd e=dation bad,
to the counsil on 1-1m,,r to haldle t' is matter.
motion -xias rude by Tor;. Ale_ a_id er, seconded by D. L. S ;7 th that hr. Courtney be
retained to audit the. city of Pearland Is books. 1,11 Alderr._envoted "Ave ""Vi th
no "Noes".
A motion was rude by Tota 1ilexander end seconded by Gene Sanders iubat the city
adopt the existing 4,ater district poli cy on water and sewerage lines and laterals
unti 1 su.c11 'tl _e as the cit}% caTl adopt an overall policy for '.iatel" and. se�'reraJe
vaithin the city of Pearland, -Texas. All Alderlaen voted "Aye" rrith no "Toes"®
1-xildirlg codes t^rere discussed at length at it v:,Ya.s a, reed that iiork on ;_;en.eral
electrical and plurrbirig codes should be expedited. T' e building code committee
indicated that work is - prop a.rd the electrical acid plur:bin.g plans should
be completed in the near future.
T. Thornton sugg-ested that the tile code should be adopted and included in the
city building codes.
j�.r. `e"'al.sh reported that Brookside Village com,riittee on the road in::prove-,lent
program has completed their study and ap;;e ars to be in favor of a road bored
r. 'r'+a.lsh also expressed urgency on Jroceedir[2, Ylilt'. the i:Dater and sevrerage bond
Issue in vie"i•l of tl-i,- new subdl.'lsions beln ; plat,ted.
Isayor Gi'T_ions next presented a.n ordij� -_ce to close ore blocl of Jasr_ine Street
betvreen Gr< i_d and Park '!venue for the , school's use . A iT:ot ion vvas made by Tom
Ale_ ander a.O. seconded bNr D. L. `5;"t!3.4-:1"1 t'iat 0rdina.noe 79 be adon'ed closing tie
one block of the Jasmine Street. All Aldermen voted iA}Teil ,li th. no "7Toes4i.
A moti on was made by Toi; Alexar-de-r, seconded by Gene Sanders that Ordi r_ance 80
be adopted prescribing the procudure for candidates to file for ci to of"ice.
All Aldern_en voted "Aye" 'viit h nO "Noes".
i_a,Tpr Gibbons next discussed the city retaining a. fiscal a_,ent tOp.lan and advise
on the finances for city bond issues. A motion vias 1aa:::e by Tor: Ale- a.i-ider, seconded
by D. Ls Sr.ith that the firm of Eddleman, Pollock c- Fosdi-ck be reta.ir,d..a.s fiscal
agent for the city, of Pearland, i ev as under terns of letters ao;ree.me'r t'..d:p, ted
January 30, 1964
PE_fdL 15U -M ._CITY COUI; CI L T,2]ETI1fG ( Page 2 )
FEBRUARY 6, 1964
�, tabeling moti ori vias made by Gene Sanders to permit the firm of Merrill, Lynch
Pierce, Pinner &. Smith to present their proposal. 1,'1. Shukane suggested this
proposal to the city council.. (no second to motion).
F:lderman Gene Sanders voted .dye" . Aldermen V . 1i . 1,!o1 en,. -D. L. Smith and Tom
lexar..der voted '11,1o". The Labeling motion failed to carry.
On the original motion V. 1i. iTolen, To rlle,,:and.er and D. L. Smith voted 'Ayer' r
Gene Sanders voted "No" a The rr'otion carried. Aldc rrr,an � ene Sanders requested
that the minutes reflect that ':is tableiiz` effort and ne"ative vote were made
b=cause a citizen of rcarlarrl, %,:r. Shukane had requested thet h:s company
h'errill, Lynch, Finner and Smith be heard- in this re;-ard by'the council and
this priviledge was not extehded. He hae). no objection to the contract but
to the action'to the majority to not hearing the abo--.e company.
A motion was macre by Tom Alexander, seconded by..7. A. IiFolen that ',.'r. 1, als h be
requested to prepare field notes and maps to prepare petitions for the right of
-way for extending Broadway between Austin and the south extenti.oof 1!y!: wa, %Dad.
All Alderman voted "ACTe" iirith no "noes".
A motion-ras node b,,, Torr. Alexander that the subdivision ordinance be revised to
prescribe a minimum lot size. of 70 X 120 feet or equivalent square '-foota: e where
-,rater and sewerage facilities are available, effective as of tt:is date. 1.,oti on
seconde=d by Gene Sanders. All Aldermen voted "Aye" -with no "I1oes".
A motion .has made by To: n. Alexander and seconded by V. A. Nolen that a contract
for employment be executed with L'Ir. Jack Harrison for city attorney for w
period of one year and at a :dee of$,,'2U.0.00 per mont4, and other terns as prescribed
in the contract dated' February 6, 1964. A substitute motion :rJas med. e by Gene
Sanders that the mayor and two councilmen -review ot':_er attorney. The substitute
motion died for lack of a. second. Nolen, Alexander and Smith voted "Aye"
'Sanders voted "No".
After due discussion it iwas agreed that inspectors should be solicited to work
nor the city of Pearland, Texas .
leeting adjourned at 10:30 P. D,-.
1 ;1pROVED THIS-TI-1E_� D1,Y Oi E,,�f/jl� 1964
E. T. Uiboons
Ray o r
or` 1?oIe
City �ecretarZ,