1964-02-13 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTESWE REI 7.L,A IND Ll 1.L COUIv Cl L MEETT NG FEERUTARY 13, 196,1- A 964 A regular meeting of the Pearlard City Council eras cdled to order at 7:30 P. hl. by payor Gibbons in the PearL.nd Bank 3uildinr- smith the follouinU city officials and guests in attendance-. l: ay or - E. T. Gibbons Aldermen- Yi.btor A. Nolen, Toro, Ale -.ander, Gene F. Sanders -Da.vid L. 6rith guest — Henry A, -hitt The minutes of Pebruar'-, 6, 11,164 mere read and a. --;proved. The buil lding code co-ittee resorted thc.t the i,L,lurnbin code will be ready for _ council consideration at tr)e ne.,t racetinp; of the council. Ii. ork 1`d].11 proceed or, the electriccal code and general code. Tl.e raa�ror reported thc.t the gross receipts fro„;:, tl,.e Houston Li -,!-It cc 1'0 ,-er Company have been received in the 'amount of x!7,897.52 for the year 1963. yor Gibbons discussed the reetin with rY'ie11dS.':OOd aril a,pointed To Alexander nd. Da, -id L. ' iith to meet with Friends::,-�cd "omi7:ittee. ik,a,yor,'uibbon.s expr,-s ed the need for a permanent right of ,-ray committee and appointed Gene -Sanders and Victor Yolen to work on this project. The next topic of discussion v a:s shelling; the alley in back. of the post office. k� ,n-otion eras made by V. A. 11o1-_,-1ths.-t thealley be respelled in back of the host o Tice and 240 feet of alley betvreen Park_ and Grand and con:r_;ecting, to ''i•'alnut Street. MTTotion seconded by DEnrid L. Smith. A11, ”, ldermen voted "",Ayer` ti•rith no "noes 9 i kfter due discussion L. L. Smith made a motion that 1=r. 1`hz�ent be retained as a permanent Pearland City Patrolman vdth an increase in salary of %;25.00 per month effective February 1, 1964. TMotion seconded by � . A. iOlen. All ! l.der,en voted fl•lilr P n tt � st Z%J1 t 11 o O e S e � lderii;an Gene Sanders disoussed the need for an Ordinance cowering trailer park, -s. It iva.s a ---re=d that this :Natter should be irrvresti�ated to detcrniine huL%r other cities are controllin` mobile ho_Tes. The Fir& =one Ordinance vras discussed and revision .r r considered. The Ordinance Frill be revised and adoi)te.d at the next re C.,la.2' council meetin�,,. reCkin.- yarO.s i,,Tere discussed and the need for an Ordinance, i--`iaS e=cpressed by the council. -ee_ting mourned at 9:45 P. 11:. :,-, UI :� TIIIS 'i'1~ DAY OF' �.�-` _ 1964 r _ctor x. idol City Secretary= i 1xibbonS I'iay.or