FEB11U.11ZY 20, 1964
A regular meeting of the Pearland City Cou1cil -ua.s called to order by Mayor
Gibbons at 7:45z:P, M. in the Pearland Bank Building tivnth the follcuing city
officials and guests in attendant°e:
I,4ayor - E. ' T. Gibbons
Aldermen- John Ke -ley- Tom Alexander, Gene E. Sailers
David L. Smith, Victor A. Nolen
Attorney- Jack Harris -on
Guest - FI. VTi lson,. Jack Bullard
Engineer- 1"Tilliam C. .'alsh
The minutes of the special meeting of February 10, 1964 and regular meeting
of February 13, 1964 were road and approved.
16r. Bullard discussed the plans of Allen Fields Enterprises to vedelop
57 acres of land on the Brazoria County -Galveston County line aril located
partially in Pearland, Texas. Mr Bullard was ins- �:ructed to have h1s
engineer meet -with Ir. ii alsh and discuss the requirements for development.
Mr. Smith reported that -the old Agin Road has been damaged. by trucks hauling
dirt to the ne�ir school football field. The street and bridge committee
will discuss this problem ;.ith the school and county and drainage
dist~ict officials.
li'ayor Gibbons next read a revised ordinance No 44 to. alter t .e .req-.,.irements
for btild:UZ, iwthin the fire zore. A motion Was rade by Vie and
ae•conded by D. L.Smith that ordinance f"c 44 be adopted. All Alderman voted
"eye" truth no "hoes". _.
A motion was made by John Kegley and seconded by Gene Sanders that
��100.00 be placed in escrow-, acc-oi nt with county clerk for city of
Pearland filing aril recording. . C.
United 'Gas paid their gross receipts tax in the amount of „i 76.36.
Mayor Gibbons next read a letter From 1-r. Harrison on the bond provided by
14r. ''jaling for Langwo od Subdivision.
A motion was made by Toro Alexemder that the city require that the 10" sewerage
pipe between V illow Blvd. -and Cedar Street be extended to Orange Street
\ and replace the cleanout with a -manhole in IPTillolmcrest subdivision at the
expe-nse of the City of Pearland; And the 6" crater line be- replaced by 8"
pipe as recor miended under item one for the -water system as recommended
under items one under ,,rater syrstem. i.n report prepared by "Talsh, Nc Claren
dated February 10, 1964 with; oost :re goti able beth een the city anal sub-
divider for the change. in .piping. I.Soti on .segonded by ��T.� 1?olen. All
Aldermen voted "nye" mith holNoesltf
1Kayor Gibbons next read a letter concerning hr. Rumaldo -request for,-,
sev:Terae tap in Kli.esing addition because 'of Co_, of loc«tion of the -
sewerage ine, It a, -as suggested that Mr. ''.a1sh check the survey of the
R4r. 7Talsh expressed the urgency for the city proceedi . with the plan and
specifications for the -�'iater and se;•rerag'e-'CrograP..o
motion i?ms made by 'T. A. Nolen and Seco ded-•by- -To. Al -lander that the
Firm of TITalsh aitl. Ic Claren be ret<_ined't-o..-complete'--f_ n .1 plans for the
zriater and se;,,rerage on.t he east section_ or -%earland. -kr_1_-Aldermen voted
,,"Ave" -with no "ioes''t. _.
FEBRUAR� 20, 1964 (Page 2)
Tviayor Gibbons next, stated that the city needs an official city map.
Also discussed by the Player was the need for ordering forms and perrnits for
the wilding codes rshich i-vil_l be adopted.
-e -ting adjourned at. 10:30 P.
. Tfi
APPx-UVED This TFT D :Y OF 1064
E. T. Uibboizsa
la vor
J ctor 1. TTo 'en
City Secretary _-