FEBRUARY 27, 1964
A regular meeting of the Pearland City Council was called to order at 7:30
P. 1. by Mayor Gibbons in the Pearland Bank Building; with the following
city officials andgAests in attendance:
Mayor - L.. To Gibbons
Alderren- John Begley, -tom. Ale_cander, Fere E. Sanders
David L.,S!rith, Victor .h. Nolen
Attorney- Jack Harrison
Engineer- Tilliam C. 1'als h
Guest - A. A. Lc Clellan, Fscue V. Rar.iis
I:i•. 0. Knapp, John Ohn 'i'i. i'' OS ter', John D. hark, i
Pr. c.: hrs. P. 1lushing,A Guy Crouch, 't'alter
J. Morrison, John Alexander, 01oyd Young
-Th(5--Iroanutes of the meeting of "ebrua.ry 20, 1964 were read and approved.
Na-yor" Gibbons expressed a:npreciati oI: for the ate endarice of all the citizens.
As. Rushing discussed the dog problem is Pearland and the need for an
"Ordinande to control vaccination and proper tagging of dogs and the handling
of stray.dogs. mayor Gibbons assured Irs. Rushing that this !rater will
receive.•due attention and a solution will be sought to resolve this problem.
hr. Crouch, representing the Alexandsr interest, discussed their plans for
developing part of their acerage which could. entail 3,000 pl•u•sahouses being
built in the near future in Pearland. He expressed a desire to work with Whe
city in every way and the definite need far the city to include in our water
and sewerage planning the Alexander Acreage which will be developed. in.
Crouch was instructed to have their engineer n_eet with Lr. ?`Ash to discuss
their needs and plans so our designs will be adequate for future needs.
hayor Gibbons next discus sed the subject Of the city rest?!_;ing the oblisations
of the Arazoria Count a.ter and Improvement `1
,y' �`.' d L- proverr.er..t �isti•ict ;,- 3.
After due discussion and explanation by the 7m.ter. district officials the
annexation ordinance leo 81 to abolish the water district eras read by the -
city attorney in its entiT' Q. A motion eras made by ha7or f boons that
Ordinance No 31 be adopted, that the city take over operation of the water
District No 3 as of 12:01 A. i . February 28, 19640 11,otion seconded by
John Ke,jey. Ail Aldermen voted "Aye" with no "Noes!"
A motion ass made by Tom Alexander that all checks be co-signed by, the
mayor and treasurer on all city funds in all accounts and that thebanks be
instructed to transfer such accounts to designated city a.cceurts or in the
absence of the mayor, signed by the mayor pro -tem. and absence of the treasurer
signed by the city% secretary. potion seconded by V. A. Nolen. All Aldermen
"Aye" "Noes".
voted ��ye with no•��t
A. motion was _rade by V. A. Nolen that all employees of the hater District
be retained in their same : capacity and salar;; in the e:-:.,ployee of the city
of Pearland and the will of the council. ilFotion seconded by Tom Alexander.
fill Aldermen voted "I:_ye" rut t:; no "1•oestt. -
A request was made by Tom Slexander that hr. ho Clellan prepare their existing
policies and requirements, and be prepared to brief the outstanding contracts
and aLree_~rents.
Alderman John Kegley gloved that
tion to the water board nenlers
water C is trice '7th h e city .
the city adopt a resoluti cn exprsseing apprecia
for their lire cooperation in :merging the
=11 city UffiCl�..1S votedA�'" withwithn.0 "Noes".
A motion was made by John Kegley, seconded by V, A, I'•.olen thet the regular. .'7aW
Ag place of the city council be noued frog; the Fearland State Bank L'Zi i ldin,,
to the City Hall, which was formally the U.C. I D To office building.
All Aldermen voted "ave" nith no "Noes."
A motion 'Vias Made by Gone Sanders that a resolution be adopted snpressin
a preci anion to the Pearland State Bank for the use of their fine bank board
room as a meeti_ n place for the Pearl and City Council. Ali Odermen voted
FEBRUARY 27, 1964' (Page 2 )
A motion was made by `J. 1, Nolen that Ordinance 82 be adopt' ed re5ulating
the speed on state highuay 35 and 518. otion seconded by Tom. Alexander.
All :/ildermen voted "Aye, a. -G , no "Noes".
145ayor Gibbons next discussed a. letter .received from L:'r. H. 0. Holman, warrant
officer. It was reported that some warrents have been serviced and funds
turned over to the city judge.
Yr. Foster was hTL-roduced by the Ii_`ayor as the representative of Hcuston.
Lighti n a.nd Por:.Ter Comna'ny Who expres=ed ap_::reciatioiz for, close cooperation
between the. council and the light co
in, pa'.ny.
Mayor Gibbons next discussed then t i mt e eler~.ent involved in handling sub-.
dl,ti'i510nS p1atS and SUF;jested that a coni::`tittee could best feSOli%e most Of
the proble--s before presentir. to the cou:rciI. Thee Mayor a .J ointed 1,1 . C.
Walsh, Jac!:_ Harrison, V. A. liol.en anal John Kegley to the committee.
i'.'•ayor Gibbons next read a. letter from the police departr:ent reporting liuhts
and signs that need repair.
t,L,.yor Gibbons next presented a. letter from police chief Hall explaining
city police department needs for the coming year and a change of police
Mayor Gibbons next presented a contract from T:r, ,','alsr to work for" the city
on the preparation of Hater and Sewarage plamning and specifications for
PearIand . This atter aras discussed and it ,,-as agreed to review the contract
j and act on it nart:_uTeek.
/ TEr. B. L. Smith presented a problem regarding the new Gulf Station to be
built at Plum and Highway 35. Both storm seivara e a.rd ,,,,rater and sei;rerage
are involved. The h ,ghti^Tay department will be contacted regarding this problem..
r r. ";loyd Young appeared before the council and expressed a desire for
property to be charged to zone 3 from zone 1 and 2. hir. Young lv%s instru-&; d
to present a written proposal to the council.
A motion was made by John Kegley and seconded by Tom Alexander that hr. Lloyd
Young subdivision be released to zone 3 from zone 1. " A; l Al.de•rn-,en voted
"No". The motion failed to carry.
A motion i as maCle by 'Tom-'lexal der a.nd seconded by L. 5.ith that all,
subdividers 1"Tho have filed preli_ir_ina.r;r n1ats be advised that the city plans to
provide water and sewerage facilities. All Alden~,en voted "Aye" with no
t`Noas't ,
hleeting adjourned. 100 PA
BE Dr`1 OF _1964
Victor x. 116 n" w'
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