1964-03-06 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES294 PEARL11-ND 'CITY C OU1,2I L N;EE 11 iT G iCUT, 'Ti 6, 1964 A regular meeting of the Pearland City Oour_cil -v-:as called to order at 7:30 P. h. in the Pearland City hall by the I':a.,yor with the follovring city officials and guests in attendance: May or - E. T. Gibbons Aldermen- Victor Ilolen, Tom Aleza.nder, John iCe;•ley David L. Smith, Gene Sanders Attorney- Jack _iarrison E''ncineer- '°'. c. T.),alsh Guest - Frank Da.rringer, 11agdalene Khribeelin, John A Lohmann, Orlin O'Day, iv_. O. Knapp, J. Ii. Store James 0. Your.Lg, S. A. Shukone s I,ayor Gibbons introduced bsr. Lohman who discussed the drainer e end. road problem in Tvrin Creel. Estates. fie .ras advised that the subdivider should be contacted regarding shelling the undedicated reads in the subdivision and ri CD of way for drainaJe to drain the subdivision. The. minutes of the meeting of February 28, 1964 were read and approved. The subdivision plat committee presented two plats of Pessurection Cemetery. It was reported that one of the plats is believed to be in conflict vrith the drainage road plan. The cormittee iwas instructed `to contact the cerretary owner and .'roar out road ri-ht of way details to comply vzth city requirements prior to city acceptance of t:e plats. I',`ay^or Oji'^bons newt read a ccntre.ct betweei the -,rater Control and Ir:_provement �istri ct No 3 and Pay Concrete Products Inc. A ar,oti on Y,, -as ::ad.e by V . A . Plolen and seconded 1ZT Gene Sanders that the 6ontract with -;ay, Concrete Products Incorporated be designated as acceptable -to the city of Pearland and the contractor be i nstru cted to proceed with ,%rork under terms of the contract. Al)- Aldermen voted "Ayell wit!. no "does''. ir. Barringer presented his problem concerning connecting of lines in "i ll6worest 8ubdiv ision." te-r due disou ssi on ii " oti on :'ras rad e bNT Gene SarAcrs that the city furnish water end seirre.rage facilities to the property line of I''illow Crest Subdivision v,rith cost to be paid by developer and reimbursed from 100 °, tap fees with bid cost .of lines to be reviewed and accepted by city engineer, this being the,rolicy as reflected in the February 13, .1964 minutes of the Drazori a 'Water Control and improvel:?ent District ;= 3. Alderman D. L. Smith secondej the r:otior_. All Alderr:en voted Aye with no !goes .. = A motion vas made by GeneSanders that two linen copies of the amended plat of Nillo.vrcrest Subdivision be furnished by the developer for refiling by i' 1, sr =� I i� �:1i Aldereileri Voted i+1}retl �,tit1h, Une city. Lotion seconded. b, ami h. . 5 Hoes it no �:oes . - , 1: motion was made by Tom Yle..ander and- seconded by `�. A. T.'olen t�..at the city j"ril3s 'arid res-ponsible for r:.storin` .fence on JoliRMas sey propertL;, and su'.divider a7rees to withstand the expense of the fence rebuilding,. All Alderr:�.en voted "1=.ye" no'I�Toes" hdayor Gibbons next discussed the possibility of ace_L:irir_g•a vra-ter fa.cilite site on highway 518, being part of lot 24, tract C arsz located south of Yary's Creek. A motion vitas made by V_. -_A. 2!olen that I'`e.yor ;:i'.' -)ons be u?thorized to ::a.ke an offer for purchase for the c7 tJ, of Pearland .for this tract of lard v;itis the .: e.himum pace not to exceed ��4,000.00 and includi n`- an easement on adjacent property for use by the cit,,- of Pearland. 1.oti-on- seco.r:ded by John Kegley. All Aldermen voted "Aye" with no 'Toes"l. The mayor next presented the proposition of poss-1 'ole lots being exaiIab1e ?nor �nurchase and located ijimedi a'tely adia.cen-t to t'^,c. city haI1.q The City attorney, instructed to deterr:ine -vi-ho the actual o.,rner is_-nf these , lots, and report back to the mayor. F -a M M, PE4RL:1L;TD UT TY WUNCI I. I�EETIiT h-j-dZCi1 6, 1964 (Pa Se 2 ) A motion tiaras made by Tom Alexander that the city attorney•p--eDare a contract \ proposal for t he city to purchase tract 10 and 20 abstract 540 and the mayor be authorized to execute same on behalf of the city and place �200.0,0 in escrolir as, a binder for the centrµct. :.otion seconded by -7. A. -`:oleo. All Aldermen voted "Aye" with.r_o "Noes". 1 i~ of-i-olz was made by Tom AI1D gander that the city accept contract; Vjith '.'alsh- T...c Claren to perform engineerin work for the city of Pearland. i•-otlon seconded by John Vegley., All Aldermen voted "Aye" v th no "Moes". Ir.r. r'alsh next d.iscu-sed the Dla.ns for the water and sewerage for the east Peez1and area. A motion was made by Tom Llexander and seennded by D. L. Smith that police chief Ball be auto; prized to to;cite a 4th police officer and increase _1Ir.- Nugent's salary to ;,400.00 Der month effective 1.arch 15, 1964, and the minimum pay of per' -,anent oi'ficer.s to be increased to X375.00. 111 A ldermen voted "Aye" with no "IToes". 1'- motion ?--gas made by V. A. Ilolen and seconded by Gene Sanders that the following bills be authorized for pa.yorrent. All A1.derren voted "-{aye" with no "Noes". Check l:uriber Iiame A"' ount 1 Ladt:•er Njeter 1.'If Co. 192.30 2 Ercroks Products Co. -56.70 3 Coastal l.aChli^.e C': ..el_dl n.g 10 a��,O 4 jE4j6ene,'Cortner, Auditor 162.00 5 Cross roads 'Service Station 40.77 6 The Oro -n1 Printin Co. -2404_5 7 .pixie Chemical Co. 1x,.50 8 Guys Grocery 4-.94 9 Houston Lighting c� Power Co 6.10.10 10 i;.ustor_ Natural Gas Co. 8.83 11. Iilicsi ng I.-otor Co. 1.40 12 Yabr�r Foundry •: T:achine 13 Pearland Ecardware 9.46 14 Pearland Lumber Co. 68.90 15 Dorothy L. Cook(salary) 3-7.69 16 Kathy Hudson (Ss Lary) --25-.40 �qU, 234.59 i;ieeting adj ourned. % �' �a �J AFF- OVER ffiI S, ThT, DAY OF � C 1964 LID * Victor j' Plolen City Secretary r a1171:;n�,s, T.Ta,ror