The Regular P&Z meeting was called to order at 6:37 p.m. with the following present:
P&Z Chairman
H. Charles Viktorin
P&Z Vice -Chairman
Donald Glenn
P&Z Commissioner
Todd Iocco
P&Z Commissioner
Kevin McDonald
P&Z Commissioner
Robert Scherrer
P&Z Commissioner
Don Sederdahl
P&Z Commissioner
Russ Selemon
Plan and Plat Administrator
Richard Keller
Executive Director of Community Development
Tobin Maples
P&Z Secretary
Jennifer Gonzales
H. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: December 3, 2001
Commissioner Iocco made a motion to approve the December 3, 2001 minutes with a
second made by Commissioner McDonald.
Commissioner Selemon stated that on page 10 the word "Highway" needs to be spelled
out correctly, and on page 5, it needs to read "football field length" rather then "football
yard length".
Motion to approve passed 6 to 0 (1 abstention by Commissioner Don Sederdahl).
A. CONSIDERATION & POSSIBLE ACTION — Preliminary Plat of Silvertake
Wal-Mart, A subdivision of 20.56 acres of land in the H.T.&B. R.R. Co. Survey,
Section 85, A-304 City of Pearland, Texas.
Plat and Plans Administrator Richard Keller stated that this is the Walmart that is going
behind the RaceTrac Gas station that is on West Broadway, and staff recommends
approval with the following corrections:
1. They need to add a note regarding the Mutual Access Agreement with
Misdon Statement: To make informed recommendations regarding zoning change requests, capital improvemecds, and other tasks as mandated
by the City Charter.
Planning and Zoning Commission
2. They need to show existing utilities that are located on the other side of
FM 518.
Vice -Chairman Glenn made a motion to approve the Preliminary Plat of Silverlake Wal-
Mart with staff's corrections, and Commisioner Iocco seconded the motion.
Motion to approve passed 7 to 0.
B. CONSIDERATION & POSSIBLE ACTION — Preliminary Plat of Village
Grove, a subdivision of 90.04 acres of land out of the H.T&B. RR Co. Abstract
544, Brazoria County, Texas, being lots 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, and
the North %: of lots 34 & 35, in the Allison -Richey Gulf Coast Home Co.
Subdivision as recorded in Volume 136, Page 501 of the Brazoria County Deed
Plat and Plans Administrator Richard Keller stated that he originally had 68 comments
and there are 22 items that need to be corrected, and of the 22 new corrections 13 of them
were previously noted.
Commissioner Iocco made a motion to table the Preliminary Plat of Village Grove with a
second made by Commissioner Sederdahl.
Motion to table passed 7 to 0.
C. CONSIDERATION & POSSIBLE ACTION — Preliminary Plat of Shadow
Creek Ranch SF -10, 21.441 acres being out of the T.C.RR Co. Survey, Section
82, Abstract 565, Brazoria County, Texas.
Plat and Plans Administrator Richard Keller stated that staff recommends approval as
Vice -Chairman Glenn made a motion to approve the Preliminary Plat of Shadow Creek
Ranch SF -10 with a second made by Commissioner McDonald.
Motion to approve passed 7 to 0.
D. CONSIDERATION & POSSIBLE ACTION — Preliminary Plat of Shadow
Creek Ranch SF -14A, 12.317 acres being out of the T.C.&R. Co. Survey, Section
3, abstract 678, and the T.C.R.R. Co. Survey, Section 4, Abstract 675, Brazoria
County, Texas.
Plat and Plans Administrator Richard Keller stated that staff recommends approval as
Commissioner McDonald made a motion to approve the Preliminary Plat of Shadow
Creek Ranch SF -14A with a second made by Vice -Chairman Glenn.
Mission State nk To make informed recommendations regarding zoning change requests, capital improvements, and other tasks as mandated
by the City Charter.
Planning and Zoning Commission
Motion to approve passed 7 to 0.
E. CONSIDERATION & POSSIBLE ACTION — Final Plat of Centennial Village
Section One, being 13.6610 acres (595,075 s.f.) of land located in the H.T.&B.
R.R. Survey, A-240, Brazoria County, Texas.
Plat and Plans Administrator Richard Keller stated that City Engineer Hargrove reviewed
this earlier this year and there are numerous corrections that still need to be made,
therefore staff is recommending that this plat be tabled.
Commissioner Iocco made a motion to table the Final Plat of Centennial Village Section
One with a second made by Commissioner Selemon.
Motion to table passed 7 to 0.
F. CONSIDERATION & POSSIBLE ACTION — Request by owner, Sowell
Property Partners -Walnut Bend, L.P., for a variance from the Subdivision
Ordinance that requires a sidewalk to be built along the perimeter streets.
Plat and Plans Administrator Richard Keller stated that he met with City Engineer
Hargrove and Mr. Hargrove does recommend that this request be granted and Mr.
Hargrove stated that it is not practical to build sidewalks due to the ditches, which the
City has requested to be built. Mr. Keller stated that in leu of building the sidewalks they
would pay
$4.00 a square foot to the City.
Jamie Cornelius, of Sowell Properties, presented a set of photos to the Commission and
he explained that he walked the subdivision with Charlie Stubbs looking for a place to
put the sidewalks.
Mr. Keller stated that Charles Stubbs is the Chief Engineering Inspector.
Commissioner Scherrer showed concerns that the money that is put into the fund would
be gone and used for something else other then this area.
Commissioner Iocco asked if this variance is for the entire subdivision, and Mr.
Cornelius explained that this is only for the perimeter streets, which is on the outside of
the subdivision.
Commissioner Iocco was concerned that this variance would be applied to the future
sections of this subdivision and Mr. Cornelius clarified that the request is only for Section
The Commission agreed that if this request is approved, it would be noted into the
record that it is only for Parks at Walnut Bend Section 1.
Mission Statement. To make informed recommendations regarding zoning changerequests, capital improvements, and othertasks as mandated
by the City Charter.
Planning and Zoning Commission
Chairman Viktorin stated that he remembers another sidewalk variance that was brought
forward for some property along the west side of town on FM 518, and now a domino
effect has been created and there are no sidewalks along Broadway.
Commissioner Sederdahl asked what the other options are, and Mr. Cornelius explained
that from staff's perspective it would be a total loss.
Commissioner Iocco pointed out that the sidewalks would be lower then the road height.
Commissioner Scherrer suggested denying the request and putting the pressure on the
developer to build the sidewalks.
Commissioner McDonald asked about the need for both ditches and the Swale, and Mr.
Cornelius explained to the Commission that Mr. Hargrove has requested both, and Mr.
Hargrove requested this after the plat and plans were approved. Mr. Cornelius explained
that Mr. Hargrove requested this due to the summer events that occurred.
Chairman Viktorin asked for the record if staff is recommending approval, and Mr.
Keller stated that staff does recommend approval.
Commissioner McDonald stated that he is concerned about the kids playing on the street
and their safety.
Mr. Cornelius stated that there is no place to put the sidewalks, and Mr. Scherrer argued
that on an 86 -acre plat, he cannot imagine that it is impossible to develop sidewalks.
Commissioner Iocco pointed out that unlike the subdivision on John Lizer, when the
developer was just trying to get out of developing sidewalks, he feels that this developer
does have a legitimate reason for not developing the sidewalks. Mr. Iocco added that
with the growth of Veterans, he does not believe that Veterans is going to sit "still' for
very long.
Chairman Viktorin called for a motion
Commissioner Sederdahl made a motion to approve the variance request for Parks at
Walnut Bend Section 1 with a second made by Commissioner Iocco.
Motion to approve passed 4 to 3.
Voting Record:
Voting "Aye" — Vice -Chairman Glenn, Commissioners Iocco, Selemon, and Sederdahl.
Voting "No" — Chairman Viktorin, Commissioners McDonald and Scherrer.
G. DISCUSSION & POSSIBLE ACTION — Cullen Blvd. Land Use Plan.
Minion Statement: To make informed recommendations regarding zoning changerequests, capital improvements, and other tasks as mandated
by the City Charter.
Planning and Zoning Commission
Chairman Viktorin briefly went over the Commissions previous discussion items and he
stated that he has gathered that the Commission is recommending "General Business"
along Cullen Blvd with the exception of Commissioner Iocco, who would like to see
Residential along Cullen Blvd.
Commissioner Selemon pointed out that at the last meeting the Commission was also in
favorable of an architectural and color overlay for Cullen Blvd.
Commissioner McDonald briefly explained what color he thought would be ideal, and
Executive Director of Community Development Tobin Maples reminded the Commission
to focus on their vision for the land use for Cullen Blvd.
Discussion ensued among the Commission regarding what type of business they would
like to see on Cullen, and Mr. Iocco pointed out that the footage depth needs to be
symmetrical on both sides of Cullen and the Commission agreed.
The Commission agreed to leave out Industrial zoning.
Commissioner Iocco stated that he could agree to the General Business along Cullen, but
he could not agree to the big red section along the future McHard Road extension.
Commissioner Scherrer suggested having two different proposals of the different
scenarios and having the Commission vote on them. Both plans consisted of General
Business along Cullen Blvd, however Plan A would be for only having General Business
along Cullen Blvd, and Plan B would be for General Business along Cullen Blvd and the
future McHard Road.
The Commission voted 7 to 0 for Plan B.
Commissioner Scherrer made a recommendation for staff to have the new maps drawn
up, which will consist of plan B discussed previously, and have the maps forwarded to
City Council for approval and Commissioner Sederdahl seconded the motion.
Motion to approve passed 7 to 0.
Commissioner Iocco made a recommendation to have an architectural and color overlay
along Cullen Blvd, and Commissioner McDonald seconded the motion.
Motion to approve passed 7 to 0.
IV. NEXT MEETING DATES: January 7, 2002 (Regular Meeting)
January 14, 2002 (JPH & Regular Meeting)
January 21, 2002 (JPH & Regular Meeting)
Mission Statement To make informed recommendations regarding zoning change requests, capital improvements, and other tasks as mandated
by the City Charter.
Planning and Zoning Commission
The meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.
These minutes respect fil y submitted .:
J nifer Go les, Planning & oning Secretary
Minutes approved as
and/or corrected on this/ Yday of c �/� n% , 2002.
Charles Viktorin, Planning & Zoning Chairman
Mission Statement., To make informed recommendations regarding zoning diange requests, capital improvements, and other tasks as mandated
by the City Charter.