1970-06-11 PEARLAND LIBRARY BOARD MEETING MINUTESTh(- fourth meeting of the Pearland Library Board was h-ld Thursday, June 11, 1970, in the Pearland State Bank F,uildinf-. Th,e Chairman, 7�tt,-! Alexander, called the meeting* to order at 7:__�0 p.m. with thr following members rres�,nt: Betty Alexand-r, :. rb ,arlston, Pat 7--I fore, Nina S=?ndArs And Jim Tucker. Witty Al-xanl�-r 7'iva the sit- and buildin ; rorort in Jack Idoux' a' " ?Zc T1-ir ty t> considir-inC whr-thr_r it is to their b+-. t advantag=e to 1-ca.ce or purchase the "mead property", but. arr, favorable to thr location for a temporary site. Furniture and Shelving - Special Ldmmittee report by Herb Carlston. Prig wr.r, quoted on furniture similar that used in thr- School Li_brrirl will ni-c di arrroximately 60 sections of :-helving. It aas that furniture, shelving and getting the buil,3incr reddv for occupancy would cost approximately 15,000. Foundation; 01mittr- r -sort. Jim Tucker reported that 11+O lnttcrf' wc-r^ f�-,oinr7 to foundation-: that ar- intere�-ted in contributing; to I;-brori s. H r•ory of the latter was shown to the riendr- of the Libra.ry 'T'). sial rF i -,ort by Pat Crawford. ,i r: Pd11 �r of r ricnd9 -xoo,1 ...tA with int-r:?sted ;roup, and will help with constitution and by-laws. He al, -;o outlined procedure for F.xtablis:hing a Char ter. F riond�, should work with the .Board but be serarate with s,­rarate leadership_:. Local ''ontr-tbutions ",ommittee . Prior to the of fic3 al call to ord,-�r, Pearland-Friendsvrood Jaycecs presented the Board with contribution of 8100.00. On July 12 a City-wide appeal for contributions will be made, with Churches and Civic Clubs cooperating. ';esp.:ctfully submitted,