1970-09-10 PEARLAND LIBRARY BOARD MEETING MINUTES The seventh regular meeting of the Pearland' Library Board was held September 10, 1970 in the Pearland State Bank building. The Chairman, Betty Alexander, called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the following members present: Jack Idoux, Betty Alexander, Herb Carleton, Nina Ss.ndrrs, and special guests Truby Keller and "Boots" Guillott. Minutes of the August meeting were read and approved. Betty Alexander read a letter from Miss Ard of the Texas State Library Board to Brazoria County Librarian, Mrs. Virginia Van Horn, stating that reference books would not be available to us on a loan basis as Brazoria County was financially able to provide us with them. Copies of the letter were sent to Judge Arnold and each Pearland Board Member. Jack Idoux reported a bank balance of $2,911.14 with $150.00 more turned over to him that night for deposit. Betty Alexander introduced "Boots" Guillott, who explained an idea he had for raising funds for the Library. After he had answered questions on his idea, Mr. Guillott excused himself from the rest of the meeting. Nina Sanders moved his idea for fund raising be accepted. The motion died from lack of a second. Herb Carleton moved we ask Jack McGuff to fix up the outside front of the building, the cost not to exceed $' 50.00. Jack Idoux seconded and the motion carried. Betty Alexander told the Board of Jim Tucker' s impending resignation from the Board. It was suggested that we have a name to submit to City Council should they ask for our recom- mendation. Jack McGuff was suggested and unanimously agreed on, pending his acceptance. Respectfully submit ed,