1970-10-21 PEARLAND LIBRARY BOARD MEETING MINUTESThe eighth meeting of the Pearland Library Board was
held October 21, 1970 at 7:30 P.M. in the Pearland State Bank
Building with the following members present: Betty Alexander,
Pat Crawford, Norma Flory, Herb Carlston, Nina Sanders and new
member, Nita Berger.
Nita Berger was introuduced to the Board. She is Mrs.
E. J. Berger, 1126 Robert, Phone 485-3859•
Minutes of the last meeting were read and amended to
include the motion that we pay two months lease on the Building.
The motion had carried.
Jack Idoux had left a Treasurer's report showing:
Balance, July 21, 1970 $29278.61
Library Day and Donations 732.53
Rotary -Lions Basketball Game 50.00
Mrs. Helen F. Alexander Memorial 8 0
June and July Lease Payments to
Myrtlee Meade 584.62
Balance as of October 20, 1970 $3030.52
Betty Alexander presented the following reports:
Dan Keller has offered to get a committee of men to build
shelving and refurbish the front of the building. They will
build and finish the shelves to our specifications. A committee
of 12 to 15 men can work on October 31.
The Mayor also recommended to Betty that the Board obtain
three sealed bids on any purchase.
Herb Carlston moved to give Mr. Keller the authority to
purchase supplies for shelving and refurbish the outside of the
building. Pat Crawford seconded, and the motion carried. Herb
was asked by the Chairman to help with the purchasing of supplies
should Mr. Keller request assistance.
November 21, Saturday, 1:00 to 4:00 p.m., has been set
by the Friends of the Library as Open House for the building
and Book Deposit Day.
Pearland Library Board Meeting
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October 21, 1970
Mrs. Cockrell reported to Betty that the 4-H Club would
like to have a turkey raffle. The 4-H Club members will sell
tickets. The Board agreed that any 4-H Member selling $10.00
in tickets would get his name in a book in the Library.
Drawing for the turkey will probably be on November 21 at the
Open House.
The Library Board has been donated a steer by the Pear -
land State Bank. Mr. Cockrell is tending the calf for us. It
will be autioned at the Lions Club Turkey shoot November 8.
Jack Idoux is taking care of details.
The Lioness' are presenting a ''Meller Drammer" for
the benefit of the Library on November 16 and 17. November 12
has been reserved on "Dialing for Dollars" for Pearland residents
to appear to advertise the plays and the Library in general.
Senior Girl Scouts will arrange to take the donated books
to Angleton over the weekend of October 30 - November 2.
Norma and Nita were appointed to serve as a Committee to
approve the color of the shelving.
Boy Scouts will clean grounds around the Library building.
Under old business, it was discussed as to whether we
needed to ask someone to serve as Chairman of Local Contributions
Committee. Herb Carlston has someone in mind and may make a
recommendation at the next meeting.
New Buisness: It was decided to invite Mrs. Van Horn to
a meeting in Pearland at her convenience, with on of the Board
Members offering to drive her both ways.
The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Nina Sanders, Secretary