1974-10-10 PEARLAND LIBRARY BOARD MEETING MINUTESPEiRLAED LIBRARY 30ARD - October 10, 1974 The Pearland Community Library 3oard met at the library on October 10, 1974. Members present were: Betty Alexander, Joe Ideber, Nina Sanders,and Nina Heflin. Also present were Billy 1olfe; Dee Dee Williams, Librarian; and Doris Wood, president of the Friend of the Library. The minutes were read.and aperoved. Billy 1dolfe discussed Revenue Sharing in general as it applies to the library. We are presently in the 2nd year of a 5 year program and during period a check-up may be made to see if good use is being made of the money allocated. If practical use can be shown so much the better. He suggested we use the money for visible improvements instead of a service. July 74-75 money should be used in this period if possible. In regard to our lighting needs, Billy suggested we have Mr. Schroeder come in from Houston Lighting and Power Company for a lighting survey. Billy volunteered to call him. The cleaning crew has been ch-3nged; better work is being done by couple now doing job. There is a need for a exterminator. The outside painting should be done within a matter of 6 or so weeks using city employees. The upkeep of the grounds will be reported to the city also. Librarian's Report - A very successful Pre-school story hour on Tuesdays was reported. The reference section of the library is being enlarged with money from Angleton. There has been an addi- tion of large print books. Dee Dee reported special events for Children's book week, November 11-15. She also can now furnish copies of information for students on their school projects. Pearland Library 3oard - October 10, 1974 Treasurer's Report - The balance is '1,540.91. Motion made by Nina Heflin and seconded by Joe Weber to obtain 2 reference books for the library: Public Library Oatalo g, and Books In Print, using funds from the treasury. Motion carried. Regarding services which could be offered, Dee Dee and Nina Sanders agreed to check on the feasibility of having a copy machine in the library. Friend of the Library Report —Doris Wood reported that the summner program was very successful; a total profit of 10118 will be kept in a special fund for films next summer. Karen Shaw will again be director. She reported that they received 1670 in memberships, and have a balance of ,:'?1,0?6.00. Four hundred and fifty dollars has already been allocated to the children's corner for the library. The Friends have spent .1500 for reference material, childrens books, and non-fiction. They plan to bind more National Geographies. Their annual Country 3uffet is under way, and she asked out support. The Buffet will feature live entertainment with local talent. They also plan a 'book sale in November at the Methodist Bazaar. Our next meeting will be held in January; and since it was decided that the 2nd Thursday is not s good meeting night, the meeting has been changed to the 2nd Monday of each month. Out next meeting will be January 13, 1975. New-3usiness - Betty :Alexander brought to our attention the funding hearings in Austin. It was decided that the board write a letter to Neil Caldwell, concering state allocations for library systems. Meeting �djourred. espectfuily submitted Nina Heflin S,cretary